• Published 26th Sep 2013
  • 6,800 Views, 58 Comments

The Stolen Date - Titanium Dragon

Fluttershy has a blind date. Rainbow Dash does not approve, so takes it on herself to take the date for herself, showing up posing as her date to prevent her from going out with "some creep". But there was more to the date than she thought.

  • ...

The Steal

The Stolen Date

"Uh, can you say that again? I think I misheard you."

Fluttershy beamed at her friend, her wings spreading slightly from her back. "A date! Can you believe it?" She stamped her hooves excitedly against the grass outside Carousel Boutique, her ears perked up. "Rarity set it up for me."

"With who?"

"I don't know!"

"You don't know? How can you not know?"

"It's a blind date."

"Rarity set you up on a blind date with a pony you don't even know? That's dangerous!" Rainbow Dash was growing increasingly agitated as she spoke, her voice rising in argument.

"I'm sure that Rarity would never set me up on a date with somepony like that." Fluttershy's ears fell back against her head, her enthusiasm waning slightly as her friend paced aggressively back and forth in front of her.

"Really? How do you know that? You don't even know this pony! They could be anyone!" Rainbow Dash waved her hoof for emphasis. "It could be some weirdo, like Jars! Or worse, somepony who seems normal, but is only after one thing!" She lifted the hoof she had been gesturing with for emphasis.

Fluttershy frowned. "She said the pony was a good friend. I don't think it would be someone like Prince Blueblood."

Rainbow Dash spread her wings. "But you don't know who it is! It could be some creep! What if they come onto you, what then?"

"Rarity wouldn't pick somepony like that," Fluttershy said quietly, looking away. "Besides, I can stand up for myself."

"Can you, if you're all by yourself? What if they grab you and you can't fly away?"

"Rainbow Dash!" Fluttershy straightened, her chin rising as she met her friend's gaze. "That's a terrible thing to say. Do you think any pony in Ponyville would do something like that?"

"Well, no, but..."

Fluttershy advanced on her friend, fanning her wings, the steel in her eyes making Rainbow Dash stumble backwards in surprise. "She said she was a very good pony who would treat me to a very nice evening, and I would think that you of all ponies would be happy to see me out and about."

"Well, yeah, but..."

"No buts! I am going on this date and that's that, and I am not going to let you ruin my evening." Fluttershy huffed before turning away from her friend, walking back to the front door to grab a bag in her mouth. She hesitated when she turned around, then stepped over to help nose the fallen pony back to her hooves guiltily. "I'm sorry."

"It's alright," Rainbow Dash replied automatically. She opened her mouth to start arguing again, but a stern look from Fluttershy silenced her. "I guess I'll see you later, then."

Fluttershy nodded her head happily at that, her smile returning as she trotted off down the street with her bag.

"Sheesh," Rainbow Dash said, lifting a hoof to dust herself off. "When did she grow a backbone?" She sighed as she looked back towards the front door of the boutique, her ears falling back. Why did Rarity set her up on a date anyway? She's not ready to go on a date with some random pony! And what if it is some weirdo? I gotta find out. Squaring her shoulders, the mare strode confidently to the front door of the boutique before pushing it open. "Rarity, where are you?"

"Ah, Rainbow Dash, just in time!" came a voice from the back. A few moments later the elegant unicorn trotted out of the back, her sewing glasses perched on her snout. "Are you ready to try on the new outfits for me?"

"Yeah, yeah, just a minute. Did you set Fluttershy up on a blind date?"

Rarity smiled slyly. "Why, yes I did. She just left a few minutes ago."

"I know, I ran into her on the street."

"I hope not literally."

"Hey, unplanned landings only happen when I'm practicing a new stunt." Rainbow Dash shook her head dismissively. "But that's beside the point. The point is, you set her up on a blind date? What if the guy's some creep?"

Rarity blinked, then laughed musically. "Oh, darling, you don't need to worry about that. I had assumed you knew."

"Knew what?"

Rarity trotted past Rainbow Dash towards one of her clotheshorses, her horn glowing with azure magic as the clothing began to lift itself away from the wooden model. "That Fluttershy likes mares, of course."

"Fluttershy likes mares?"

"Rainbow Dash! You've been her friend for years, how did you not know?"

"We don't really talk about mushy stuff like that much."

Rarity rolled her eyes. "Romance is hardly all 'mushy stuff'. Besides, Fluttershy is hardly the only pony who needs a little romance in her life. Have you been on a single date the entire time you've lived in Ponyville?"

"No, but I don't want to. And quit trying to change the subject! Who did you set Fluttershy up on a date with? Was it Raindrops? Cloudkicker? Who was it?"

"Now why would you want to know a thing like that?" Rarity paused for a moment before smiling slyly. "It sounds almost as though someone is jealous."

"Jealous? I'm not jealous!" Rainbow Dash sprung into the air, waving her hooves in negation. "I just want to make sure she doesn't go out on a date with some creep!"

Rarity shook her head. "Mmm, well, in that case, I am not going to tell you." She lifted her snout primly as she spoke. "But I promise, it is not 'some creep.' She is a good friend of mine."

"Does Fluttershy know her?"

"Of course. I wouldn't set her up on a date with somepony she didn't know, at least not without telling her first."

"She didn't seem to have any idea of who it was going to be."

"That's the point of a blind date, darling. Now come on, I need to make sure these outfits look good on you."

"Why do you need me to do this, anyway?"

"Because you're about the same size as Spitfire."

"Wait, these clothes are for Spitfire?" Rainbow Dash blinked, looking at them for the first time. "Huh. I guess I can see that. But why do you need me? I'm not the same color as she is."

"It isn't about the color, I need to ensure they sit right on your flanks. You are slender, strong; for ponies like you, I need to be certain the fabric does not accentuate your barrel inappropriately."

Rainbow Dash took several seconds to make sense of her friend's words. "Wait. Are you saying dresses make me look fat?"

"Only if they are not designed by moi," Rarity replied proudly. "I also need to make sure that you can still move and fly around in them without fouling your wings."

"Yeah, yeah, I get it." The pegasus spread her wings and lifted off, only to land on the fitting platform that Rarity was standing by, clothing already hovering at the ready.

"Thank you. Could you spread your wings for a moment?" The unicorn deftly slid the dress onto the pegasus, sliding the fabric in around her blue wings before tucking it in against her sides. A blue glow seized the necklace built into the front of the outfit, slipping the cool metal around Rainbow Dash's neck before tightening it snugly against her coat.

"So do you know what they're doing on their date?"

"Of course I do. I set it up for them, after all."

"What is it, then?"

Rarity gave her friend a look. "You aren't going to spy on them, are you?" Rainbow Dash shifted uncomfortably under the unicorn's gaze.

"No! I'm just curious, that's all."

"Well, if you must know, it is all going to be very romantic. She is going to bring acacias! I had Rose cut a bouquet just for her. I am certain Fluttershy will be impressed."

"Flowers? That's your big romantic plan?"

"Acacias are a flower of love, darling."

"I thought roses meant love."

"That depends on the rose, dear."

"Wait, different flowers mean different things? I thought they were just supposed to look good!"

"Oh no! If everyone only needed roses, then Rose would hardly need all those different flowers, now would she?"

"I guess that makes sense."

"Even different colors of flowers can mean different things!" The unicorn circled the pegasus, tugging on the garment here and there. "Can you spread your wings again and fly across the store?"

"Sure, I guess." Rainbow Dash wiggled her body, letting the dress settle in around her before launching herself from the platform. The pegasus flapped her wings powerfully to zip across the room to the front door of the boutique before landing with all four of her legs pressed up against the wall, only to propel herself back to where she had been standing, twisting in midair to land with all four hooves back where they started.

"How did it feel?"

"Good! I can fly in it just fine."

"Perfect. Next one!" Rarity's voice lilted as she pulled the previous outfit off of Rainbow Dash, her magic swiftly folding them up and setting them aside before pulling another outfit off a clotheshorse and settling it in around the live one.

"So wait, different colored roses mean different things?"

"Mmhmm. Why do you think so many ponies give their mothers pink roses in thanks? And sometimes yellow ones, to apologize."

"Huh. I guess that makes sense." Rainbow Dash shifted as Rarity tucked the second dress in over her tail, a mantle sliding around the pegasus's shoulders. "So what are they actually doing on their date?"

"I asked Applejack to prepare a little something for them so they could have a little picnic together, alone somewhere romantic."


"That's the idea."

"But that's dangerous! What if the other pony tries something?"

"She won't."

"But what if she does?"

"Rainbow Dash," Rarity said sternly. "When you were alone with Fluttershy during the butterfly migration, did you 'try something'?"

"Well, no, but..."

"Then I am quite certain that her date will not either."

Rainbow Dash huffed. "Fine. So that's it? Flowers and a picnic? I thought you'd come up with something more... fancy." The pegasus gestured vaguely.

Rarity laughed. "Oh ho. Well, at first I was thinking of something more romantic. An elegant, formal candlelit dinner, dancing, lovely music..."

"So why didn't you set that up?"

"Because, darling, her date would be too worried about other ponies watching her to do anything."


Rarity sighed. "I don't mean that. I simply mean showing Fluttershy the attention and affection she deserves. Now, can you fly across the room again?"

Rainbow Dash nodded her head, launching herself across the room once more, managing a double spin despite the confined space as she propelled herself to the door and back again.

"Perfect," she said. "Does it feel too tight anywhere?"

The pegasus shifted, rolling her shoulders, then flapping her wings. "Nope."

"Then we're done. Thank you for your help."

"Wait, that's it?"

Rarity nodded her head. "Just the two dresses. The others are just variations; they should hold just as well." The unicorn's blue magic surrounded the pegasus once more, swiftly removing the clothing from the mare's body and depositing the folded outfit on top of the first one. "If you'd like to stay, I can make some tea."

Rainbow Dash shook her head. "Nope, I gotta run. I've got plans."

"Oh? Well I hope you have a good evening then."

Rainbow Dash hopped down off the platform she had been standing on. "Oh, I will." The pegasus smirked to herself as she trotted to the door, letting herself out of the boutique. Once outside, she kicked the door shut behind her and spread her wings, cocking her head to look up into the sky.

Heh, she told me everything I needed to know.

Step one: get the flowers from Rose. If acacias are the perfect flower for Fluttershy, I just gotta make sure she doesn't have any left for her date.

Step two: get the food from Applejack. No food, no picnic.

Step three: show up at Fluttershy's, laugh about Rarity setting us up on a date, and get her out of there before her real date can show up.

The perfect plan. Am I good or what?


"Hey, Rose!"

"Hello, Rainbow Dash!" the earth pony florist replied, a smile on her face. "What brings you here today?"

"Rarity said you had flowers?"

"Flowers? Well, we certainly have those." Rose beamed at Rainbow Dash. "What kind of flowers did you need?"

The pegasus lifted a hoof to awkwardly rub at her mane. "Some acacias, I think?”

"For Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash shifted uncomfortably under the red-maned pony's stare, before Rose broke the tension with some laughter. "I never thought it would be you!"

"Uh, what?" Rainbow Dash shifted awkwardly.

"I just didn't think she was your type. I always assumed you had a thing for more athletic ponies, what with the pictures of Spitfire you hung up all over town so you could look at them while practicing."

The blue pegasus's cheeks reddened. "She's just on all the posters of the Wonderbolts, that's all!" Her denial sounded too loud even to her own ears.

"Of course!" Rose smiled brightly at Rainbow Dash before trotting away from the counter, returning with a bouquet of yellow flowers in her mouth which she set down on the counter in front of the pegasus, Rainbow Dash bending her neck to retrieve her bits.

"Rarity already paid for these. Didn't she tell you?"

Rainbow Dash shook her head. "Nope. Thanks!" She bent her head down to grab the flowers by their stems before pausing and straightening back up, staring at Rose for several seconds. The florist stared right back, her smile fixed on her face.

"...is there something else you need?"

"Yeah, actually." Rainbow Dash averted her gaze before looking back to Rose. "I was wondering if you might have any yellow roses."

"I do!" The florist turned away, then paused, looking back at Rainbow Dash. "You do know what they mean, right?"

"Uh... they mean you're sorry, right?"

Rose blinked. "They do! That's funny, I never thought you knew much about flowers."

"I don't. Rarity told me."

"What do you need them for?" The florist inclined her head slightly in curiosity.

"Nothing! She just asked me to pick some up."

"Don't tell me you got in a fight with Fluttershy before your first date." Rose smiled slyly, her eyes gleaming with mischief.

"What? No way! They're for... somepony else. I don't even know who."

Rose bent down to grab a half-dozen yellow roses out of a jar. "You know, most ponies try to be nice to their marefriends." The florist walked back to the counter, starting to carefully thread the roses in with the acacias.

Rainbow Dash shifted uncomfortably. "She's not my marefriend. Like I said, Rarity just asked me to pick up these flowers."

Rose giggled. "Well, I'm sure she will forgive you. But if she doesn't, remember, we don't give refunds."

"Right," Rainbow Dash said before passing several bits over the counter, pausing mid-transfer. "Uh... do you have any more bouquets like this?"

The florist tilted her head. "Of what?"

"Acacias. Rarity said she really likes flowers..."

Rose smiled knowingly. "We have more. Why? How many do you want?"

"Uhm... how about all of them?"

Rose stared. "All of them?" The pegasus nodded her head. "Well, alright." The florist took a few uncertain steps back, before turning and trotting over to one of the racks, retrieving three more matching bouquets as the pegasus pulled out a bag of bits and deposited them on the counter next to the bouquet she had already purchased.

"And one more thing - please don't tell Rarity."

Rose winked. "All flower sales are strictly confidential."

Heh, gotcha. One down, one to go.


Rainbow Dash rapped on the farmhouse door. "Applejack, you home?"

"Just a minute!" came the farmer's response, the clop of hoof-falls against the wooden floor announcing Applejack's approach long before the door opened. "Well howdy, Rainbow. What brings you out here today?"

"Rarity said you had food for me?"

Applejack stared at Rainbow Dash blankly.

"For Fluttershy?"


"For the date?"

"Wait, what do you need it for? I was told her date was goin' to be pickin' it up for her."

Rainbow Dash lifted a hoof to rub her mane uncomfortably. "Er, change of plans I guess?" The lie sounded unconvincing even to herself.

"Uh huh. And I guess she asked you to pick up the flowers as well?"

Rainbow Dash sheepishly looked over at the huge bundle of yellow flowers she had set down by the front door. "Uh, yeah."

"And buy up every flower in the shop by the looks of that bouquet."

"Hey, there were still plenty left!" The pegasus's ears fell back, making Applejack laugh at her friend's vehement denial.

"I think you're a mite bit embarrassed."

"Look, do you have the food or not?"

"Well that depends. Rarity told me that Fluttershy's date was comin' to pick it up, and I'd hate to give away all that food and leave some poor pony hangin'." Rainbow Dash fidgeted at Applejack's growing grin.

It's not like I ever really had much of a choice; what if her real date showed up anyway? It's not like Fluttershy would say no just because they didn't have the right flowers. "Okay, okay, I'm taking her out, alright?"

"Well shucks, why didn't you say so in the first place?" Applejack laughed as she leaped forward to give her feathery friend a hug around the shoulders, squeezing Rainbow Dash to her chest as she laughed, making the pegasus squeak. "Congrats pardner."

"Thanks," Rainbow Dash replied, shifting uncomfortably.

Applejack sat back on her haunches, releasing her friend from the hug. "You don't sound too happy about it."

"Well, yeah. It's awkward."

Applejack smirked. "Not worried about the Wonderbolts, but scared of little old Fluttershy?" She gave Rainbow Dash a nudge in the shoulder with her hoof.

"You laugh, you're not the one going on a date with one of your best friends."

"Sugar cube, you worry too much. She's not gonna bite."

"Nah, that's not what I'm worried about. We've had picnics all the time, I just don't want there to be, you know..."

The farmer arched an eyebrow silently.


Applejack reached up to adjust her hat. "Don't ya like her?"

"Well, yeah, as a friend."

"A friend huh? That's a mighty big bouquet for someone bein' friendly."

Rainbow Dash looked over at the bouquet she had set down next to the front door. "Well, Rarity didn't say how many to buy, so I kinda bought all of them." Applejack started laughing. "What?"

"Nothin'," Applejack said, smirking.

"Hey, don't get the wrong idea! I don't have a crush on Fluttershy!"

"Sure don't. Bet you never kissed her neither."

"Kissed her?" The pegasus flared her wings challengingly. "I've never kissed her!"

"Then what was that I saw after that fight with the changelings, hm?"

Rainbow Dash yelped. "That wasn't what it looked like! We just bumped noses when I was helping her up!"

"Uh huh. And now you're on a date with her with every flower in Rose's shop. As a friend."

"Look, is the food ready or not?"

"Well, you're a mite bit early. The pie's still bakin', so we have some time to chit-chat."

"Great," groaned Rainbow Dash.

"I thought you'd be excited, the way Rarity has been talkin' this up."

"Wait, Rarity has been talking to you about this?"

"I prepared the food, didn't I?"

Rainbow Dash looked over her shoulder nervously, scanning for any sign of another pony coming up the road. "I guess that makes sense." Silence drew her attention back to the earth pony, who was now looking at her curiously.

"Did you ask Rarity to set this up?"

"Why would I ask Rarity to set me up on a date?"

Applejack chuckled. "Guess it musta been Rarity's idea then. Took us a while to convince Fluttershy it was a good idea."

"How long have you been planning this for?"

"Depends on what you mean. Rarity has been pesterin' Fluttershy about this off and on for a couple weeks now. Took a while to get her to say yes."

"You made her go on a date with somepony she didn't know?" Rainbow Dash spread her wings aggressively, taking a step towards her friend.

"Whoa, settle down there. We didn't make her do nothin'. I thought it'd be good for her."

"To go on a date with some stranger," Rainbow Dash said flatly.

"Hey, Rarity told me the pony was one of her friends, and not one of them fancy Canterlot types neither. I figured she couldn't be all bad." Applejack gave her friend another friendly nudge.

Rainbow Dash frowned. "I guess. Still, I wouldn't have helped set her up on a date with somepony I didn't even know the name of."

Applejack laughed. "Bet you wouldn't a set her up with anypony at all if you had your way."

"Yeah!" Rainbow Dash didn't catch her friend's grin until it was too late. "Wait, I didn't mean it like that!"

"Sure ya didn't, sugar cube."

"Ugh! Look, I don't have a crush on Fluttershy!"

"So you're just leadin' her on then? Bringin' a girl a heap of flowers is a mighty strange way of showin' that you just want to be friends."

Rainbow Dash's ears fell back against her head as she pawed at the ground with her hoof. "I didn't really think about it like that. I just thought it would be bad to leave her hanging, you know?"

Applejack sighed. "If you ain't serious about this, you'd better be up front about it. I'm pretty sure that Fluttershy is expectin' a date, and if you're plannin' on bein' just friends from the get-go, she's gonna feel pretty bad. 'Specially if you agreed to the date knowin' you weren't serious about it."

"I didn't! I just found out about it this afternoon! What was I supposed to do! Just let her go out with some creep?" The pegasus began pacing outside the front door, her wings rising from her sides.

Applejack blinked. "What do you mean by that?"

"Uh, nothing."

Applejack eyed Rainbow Dash skeptically.

"Look, if I didn't go on the date with her, somepony else would, alright?"

"I'm not sure that's how it works, sugar cube. Pretty sure Rarity had her heart set on you."

"How do you know that?"

"Uh... the way she talked about it? Pretty sure Rarity was tryin' to set y'all up together. Wouldn't work with another pony."

Rainbow Dash scowled. "Look, I have to go on this date."

"Why? If you don't want to, don't."

"It's not like that!"

"Then what is it like?" Applejack stared at her friend, making the pegasus shift uncomfortably.

"It's just something I have to do, that's all!"

"Did you lose a bet or somethin'? Cause leadin' on poor Fluttershy is awful mean of ya. I didn't think y'all would do somethin' like that."

"I'm not leading her on, okay? I just... don't want her to get hurt."

Applejack shook her head before lifting a hoof and putting it on Rainbow Dash's shoulder. "Just be honest with the girl. If you don't like her, don't make her think she's got a chance with you." She put her hoof down. "But if you're are so eager to buy out every flower in the shop for her, maybe there's somethin' more to it?"

Rainbow Dash looked down at the big bouquet, sighing. It's not like that, but I can't tell you why.

"Just think about it before you go breakin' her heart, alright?"

"Alright," Rainbow Dash said automatically, drawing a look from the farmer. "I mean it! I'll think about it."

Applejack seemed appeased by that. "Well alright then. Let's get y'all's food packed up." Applejack backed into the house, turning around and heading to the kitchen, her friend close following close behind.

Sorry for lying, Applejack. I'll make it up to you later.