• Published 5th Oct 2013
  • 814 Views, 4 Comments

The Case of Christian's Cutie Mark - Chris-Cross13

Christian thinks it's high time to find his special talent. It's harder than he thinks

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I Got Lazy And Didn't Give This Chapter A Name Because This Chapter Has Taken Me Four Months

Christian keeps his narrowed eyes and frown locked onto Trixie, who is boasting about her most current success. After all, capturing Rainbow Dash was no easy feat; and lucky her that Christian just so happened to chase Dash into the forest. Eyeing her bonus prisoner, she trots up to Christian triumphantly.

“Ahhh, looks like The Great and Powerful Trixie can finally get back at the stallion who ruined my plans before!” She hisses to Christian’s face as he struggles to break free of his two captors’ grip; yet H oops and Score keep his body at bay. He replies to Trixie with a growl, which amuses her. “Cute, you still think you’re a threat.” She says while tapping his head like a dog. “Now then, Trixie does not want to delay her revenge any further!” She walks back to the tree which Rainbow Dash is now firmly bound to by pitch black chains, thanks to Trixie’s magic. Trixie glances up to Dash, who is too irate at her detainment and concerned about Scootaloo’s wellbeing to mouth off to the unicorn. It does not matter though, as Trixie reads her face like a spell book. “Don’t worry Dashie, you little friend won’t be harmed as long as you submit to your fate...”

“Alright I’m barging in your little speech here; you’re not making any sense!” Christian shouts from behind. Trixie whips around, angry that he, her prisoner, would interrupt her.

“What do you mean Christian?” She says as her muzzle meets his.

“Well for starters; when did you learn black magic?” He asks. Trixie cocks a brow.

“Trixie knows you’re kidding right?” She says flatly. Christian’s eyes roll, of course he knew THAT part of the answer.

“How did he teach you?” He growls into her face. Trixie gives a malicious smile and steps back.

“Spirits are capable of many things.” She responds. “Paradox knows a great deal of black magic from the past, he has been reciting spells and chants to Trixie to increase her potential.” Christian still barely understands the concept of magic, but all he wanted to hear was about her new relationship with Paradork. He smiles, hoping to coax her further.

“Alright, next question: What are you want with Dash? Why her? What plan do you have for her?” Trixie laughs a bit at his question before responding.

“Trixie may be boastful, but not stupid. She will never tell! Just know that Paradox is in need of one of the Elements of Harmony for a certain project he is looking into. Dash was an easy target, and these three dunces were easy to hire to grab her little friend so she can lure Dash here for Trixie’s trap.” Christian grins, once again getting most of the information from Trixie’s big mouth.

“Exactly what I needed to hear, although that "stupid" thing is debatable.” Christian snaps at her. Without missing a beat, Trixie whips around and fires off a single shot of black magic toward the smart alike. Christian reacts with a quick gasp before his face is engulfed in darkness, leaving only his ears and nose exposed to the outside world. Instantly he starts panicking, but his voice becomes a mere muffle to the surrounding ponies.

“That’ll teach you to talk back to The Great and Powerful Trixie!” She shouts victoriously.

“Why did you also blind him?” Dash yells from behind her. Trixie looks back at the detained pony, flummoxed at her question.

“He gets the benefit of not seeing what Trixie will do if you don’t comply, Dashie.” Trixie says sternly.

“Oh, I’m shaking Trixie!” Dash says sarcastically. “No, really. I’m shaking in fear right now!” Her eyes are rolling right at the unicorn.

“Oh poor Dash, you think Trixie is going to hurt YOU! Predictable.” She says mockingly. Dash’s grin quickly vanishes. “No, no; Trixie will be using your little flightless friend as an example if you don’t give in. Which being the Element of Loyalty and all should take A LOT of convincing!” Trixie cackles out loud at Dash, who’s body tenses up at the very thought of Scootaloo getting hurt in any way, shape, or form. Christian, who hears the rest of Trixie’s plan through his dark mask; starts trying to yell at the crazed lunatic; but only a few muffled yells make it through his magic gag.

“Mu somb om a mare!” Is all that that is heard from him. Trixie turns toward her other captive.

“Oh Christian, Trixie bets that was some sort of smart alike remark yes?”

“Go buc irself!” He tries to yell again. Trixie laughs once again.

“Well, since Trixie knows you will not be interfering; Let’s get started.” She taps a hoof a few times. “Dumb Bell! Trixie needs you!”

“Alright! Alright! Quit yelling in the third person! Driving me nuts over here!” Dumb Bell yells as he hovers down with Scootaloo in tow. Scootaloo looks over at Dash, worry and tears in her eyes.

“Dash! Help me!”

“Scootaloo!” Dash screams. “You better not hurt her! Or I swear on Celestia…”

“Well, that’s up to you Dash. Either comply with Trixie or well...” Trixie says maliciously. Dash stares at her little filly friend helplessly as she is carried to Trixie.

“What do we do with her?” Dumb Bell asks.

“Well, let’s just see what Dash has to say for herself, hmm?” Trixie replies.

“Dash, don’t do it. Don’t go with them!” Scootaloo yells at her. Dash looks up with tears in her eyes. What choice did she have? It was either surrender and go with Trixie, or say no and end up hurting Scootaloo. She quickly decides to not answer to avoid any repercussions. Trixie, knowing exactly what she was up to; decides to change the deal

“Well, it seems that without an answer we appear to be at an impasse.” Trixie states, “Lucky for you, Trixie knows exactly how to fix this little problem.” She turns toward her cohort. “Dumb Bell; please show our captive here what happens when you don’t give a definitive answer.” Dumb Bell grins widely as he brings Scootaloo in front of Dash and starts laughing in front of her.

“Gladly. I’ve been dying to do this all day!” Dumb Bell goes to raise a hoof to Scootaloo. Dash, thinking over her decisions, comes to a answer but only to object to Trixie’s decision.

“Wait, stop! Alright! Alright! I’ll go with Trixie!” Dash musters out of her mouth. Dumb Bell laughs at the retort.

“Sorry Dashie, but you were a bit too late to respond. Besides, I DESERVE this for a long day of toiling for Trixie all day.” He laughs as he goes to raise his hoof again; but this time Trixie stops him.

“That’s not necessary anymore Dumb Bell. You can drop the act now.” She says seriously while nudging him with a hoof. Dumb Bell throws her hoof aside.

“Act? You kidding? I’ve been waiting to do this ALL DAY!” He shouts happily. Trixie’s expression changes from seriousness to shock. Dumb Bell is supposed to use hurting Scootaloo as a threat, not actually injure her! Trixie screams in her head.

“Dumb Bell, you and Trixie both know that the agreement we had was…”

“Forget your ‘agreement’!” Dumb Bell yells as he cuts Trixie off. “You can keep the bits, I’ve wanted to see Rainbow squirm ever since she made me look like a joke in front of everypony; and now that I have that chance; I’m not going to let it get taken from me!” He laughs triumphantly at his double cross of the pegasus, who is now gritting her teeth in rage.

“Paradox will be most unpleased with your betrayal, Dumb Bell.” Trixie says angrily, “But he shall be pleased once he hears how The Great and Powerful Trixie has disposed of y…”


Trixie suddenly finds herself suddenly entangled in a lavender magic wrap and is promptly tossed to the ground as a result. Reeling at trying to discover what caused the event, a stomp of a mulberry hoof next to her gives her a clue.

“Well surprise, surprise; it was Trixie after all Christian!” Twilight yells behind her, not knowing that Christian is blind and speechless from Trixie’s magic. Through the dark gag, Christian smiles with relief that Twilight, Sweetie, and Applebloom have finally caught up. While not being able to see what is going on, Christian is sixty percent confident that Twilight can handle everything.

“Uhh Twilight, I think Christian knew about that.” Sweetie says while pointing to a faceless tan pony being held captive. Twilight eyes the lightless magic enveloping Christian’s face and quickly glares down at Trixie.

“Alright Trixie, you have five seconds to get that stuff off of Christian’s face and to release him!” She yells.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie can perform none of those tasks as you have ensnared my horn; and Dumb Bell is the one who is in control of those ponies!” Trixie states, irked; Twilight makes a puzzled face at her.

“Dumb Bell? Who’s Dumb…”




“Moh com omn!” Christian yells as he knowingly hears Dumb Bell knocking Twilight unconscious and the yells of the other two Cutie Mark Crusaders as it occurs. How did Twilight not see him before?! Christian screams inside his head.

“Well, that was easy. Hoops! Get the purple one and her little blank flanks here!” Hoops complies as some pressure is taken off of Christian’s fore hooves and, a few seconds later, he hears the sound of a few fillies growling next to him.

“Hey Christian, how y’all doing?” An annoyed Applebloom asks. Christian cocks his head and attempts to give an expression of raising a brow toward the filly. Applebloom does not need to understand the facial expression to understand him. “Oh right, sorry.” Christian nods at the apology before facing forward to where Dumb Bell is.

“Now that every interruption is out of the way, I can now do with what I please with Dash’s little friend!”

“I swear, if you hurt even a hair on her, I’m going to…”

“Awwww, what will you do Crash? Did you forget that you’re STUCK TO A TREE?! HAHAHAHA!” Dumb Bell booms with gusto. “I think one strong, swift punch to this blank flank; then I can crush you, Crash! What do you think?”

“Suck an egg!” Dash replies gravely.

“Yea, was not looking for that answer. The correct answers were…”

As Dumb Bell spews out a list of viable answers to his half-witted question, Sweetie looks toward Christian and sighs.

“C’mon Christian, do you have any plan here?” Christian lightly tilts his head toward her and gives a powerful and visible sigh from his chest.

A plan to get out of this? He thinks to himself; Yea, call me back in about twenty years. I got nothing! A plethora of thoughts wrack at his mind, trying to come up with something to work with; but only one thing stays with him securely: If only Dash and I weren’t so impatient; Dash wouldn’t have raced off into a trap, and I wouldn’t have yelled at the girls, resulting in Scootaloo’s capture. That word hangs in Christian’s mind: Patience…Patience… He remembers when he first shot his bow today, it was quick and not well thought out. He didn’t account for the difference of height in his pony body compared to his human body; making his dart susceptible to different sets of stimuli that would affect the dart’s trajectory. He also didn’t wait, his anger once again made him rush his actions and not aim down his sights after his first shot. If he just was a bit more patient instead of trying to show off, he would have hit Dumb Bell and his cronies in the first three darts and this entire thing could have been avoided. Bingo. Christian knows this entire mess is his fault, and now he knows how to fix it.

“…And I also would have taken ‘Punch me in the face, Dumb Bell!’!” Dumb Bell finally finishes his annoying rant of answers and pull’s his muzzle out of Dash’s face. He returns to the center of the clearing to continue his fun. “Now, to get back on track on what I was doing; Time for makeover for this blank flank!” Dumb Bell goes to raise a hoof toward the sky to gear up for a sucker punch. Sweetie and Applebloom gasp and shut their eyes, with Sweetie peeking out anyway. Dash struggles against her magic binds to try and free herself but it’s no use.

“Scootaloo! NO!” She yells defiantly at Dumb Bell’s actions.

“Ha ha! This is because of you Rainbow Crash! Remember it well!” Dumb Bell laughs again and starts winding his hoof for maximum power. Sweetie glances back at Christian, who was deathly silent.

“C…Christian?” She asks concerned.

Christian does not respond, as he is in an immense focused state. Realizing that now without Hoops also holding down his fore hooves; he could potentially break free and fire a dart at Dumb Bell. What he needs to do is focus on where Dumb Bell is. Through his blinded vision, he focuses on Dumb Bell’s voice which, thanks to his loud mouth and constant boasting; he easily pinpoints Dumb Bell’s location as floating five feet above the dead center of the clearing; which is perfect for Christian; as that’s a few feet in front of his blinded face. The only thing that concerns Christian is where Scootaloo is being held; as Christian knows he can just as easily hit her instead of his intended target. All he needs is just a bit of noise from Scootaloo…

“Now little blank flank, just know that this is all because of your big sister!” Dumb Bell yells, now fired up and ready to launch his fist. Scootaloo’s eye starts twitching wildly. Seriously, this was like the third time today! Scootaloo thinks to herself. She was about ready to lose it at this point. Christian smiles under his magical muzzle. This is just what he was waiting for.

“Dash is NOT MY SISTER!” She shrieks at the top of her tiny lungs. “Although I wish it were true!” She adds in at the end. Christian hears the filly loud and clear; she was being held in Dumb Bell’s right forehoof. The rest of him was a clear target. Christian slowly inhales as he finalizes his dart and gets ready to move. Dumb Bell meanwhile, shrugs off Scootaloo’s comment and goes to bring down his hoof. Christian exhales as he quickly twists his left forehoof and pulls it away from Score; who is shocked at his captive’s sudden movement. Christian throws his hoof forward and flicks his hoof to fire off the dart that is already loaded in from earlier today. Sweetie, Dash, and Applebloom all hold their breath at Christian’s literal shot in the dark. Scootaloo braces for a sucker punch straight for her eye and shuts her eyes tight, waiting for it. After a few seconds, she grows a bit confused as to why she didn’t get hit yet. She slowly opens her eyes to see Dumb Bell’s hoof frozen mere inches in front of her left eye. Quizzical, she notices something sticking out of his fur, just above the hoof. It is a glass dart with some enigmatic green liquid in it.

Dumb Bell could not believe his eyes.

He glances at the blinded pony before him, then at the dart, then back at Christian. Slowly, the liquid inside slowly started taking effect, but Dumb Bell is stronger than most ponies; the serum would take a bit longer. Staggering, Dumb Bell spoke:

“What the? How did you hit me? You can’t hit the side…of…a…barn…”Christian, upon hearing Dumb Bell’s words, smiles and marches toward the slowed pegesi; Dumb Bell however, expected this. With his last bit of strength before the dart can really kick in, he shouts: “Hoops!...Score!...Get him!” He says weakly. Christian hears hoof steps shuffle and wings flapping behind him. Quickly, he ducks out of the way of the two pegasus flying above him. They soar into Dumb Bell, with all three of them crashing into a tree. Christian quickly gets up and fires off three more darts just to make sure the three stooges do not get up anytime soon.

“Oof, how did he manage to do that?!” Yells Hoops to the other two. Score replies with a soft growl, implying that Hoops should shut up; then ends it with a small roar, implying that he too, has been hit.

“OW!” Yells a mare to Christian’s side. Christian smiles again, that last dart is meant for the periwinkle unicorn that blinded him in the first place. “Christian! You just shot The…Great…and Powerful…Trix…” She says as she succumbs to the dart’s effects. Suddenly, Christian’s vision becomes intensely bright and he can breathe out of his mouth again. The black magic over his face has dissipated.

“Geez, didn’t realize how bright it was here.” He says as he rubs his eyes with a hoof. He takes a look around to see just what the heck happened. “Okay let’s see, Three pegesi mashed into a pile, Trixie sleeping soundly in…what is that? Nylon rope? Whatever. And then there’s…”

“Mmhmh Wha?” Twilight says as she comes to from unconsciousness. Christian quickly turns and rushes to her.

“You alright, Twitty?” He asks, concerned. Twilight gets up and starts rubbing the side of her head.

“Besides the bruise on my head, I’m fine. What happened while I was out?” She asks.

“Apparently Christian learned how to use his crossbow.” Dash says, floating toward them swiftly. Twilight looks at the tan stallion curiously. Christian just smiles.

“Well, that explains the pile of pegesi over there.”

“Yea, you were right about the whole patience thing, I guess.” Christian points out while adjusting his crossbow. Twilight laughs a bit. The sheer thought of Christian actually listening to her just made her laugh.

“Oh c’mon Christian, there had to be another reason for you to actually do this…”

“HEY!” Christian quickly intervenes by shouting above Twilight’s voice. “I had plenty of reasons! For one, I protect you girls as it is my bloody job! You know that, Dash knows that; buck, the town knows that! If those stupid pegesi…”

“And Trixie.” Adds Sweetie Belle.

“And Trixie,” Christian continues. “Think they can kidnap young foals AND make fun of them for not having a mark on their butts AND kidnap Dash for Celestia-knows-what evil reason; then you know what? BUCK’EM!” He shouts disgruntled. The girls begin nodding in agreement. “And secondly,” He says as he walks over to Scootaloo, who was just getting to her hooves. “I did it to apologize.” He says flatly. “Scoots, I didn’t mean a thing I said back there; not a thing.” He says sorrowfully.

“I know you didn’t Christian.” Scoots says.

“Actually, we should be the ones apologizing for uh… almost making you kick the bucket so to speak.” Sweetie says behind him.

“Yea, three times.” Applebloom adds in.

“Meh, water under the bridge; plus, if I can take the elements, I can take a crocodile, a corset, and a cloud!”

“He is pretty a good with alliteration!” Twilight whispers to Dash.

“And another thing!” Christian shouts to the fillies. “You know what? Who cares if I do or don’t have a cutie mark! I don’t! Heck, we humans don’t need a mark on our butts to tell us what we’re good at! We just do what we love darn it!” He smiles determined. So he didn’t have a cutie mark. Big deal! Christian could honestly care less about the whole ordeal. He looks over to the small ponies, even if he didn’t want his cutie mark, he didn’t want to put the girls down. “If you girls want to get your cutie marks, if it means a lot to you ponies; then I know you girls will get it. And it will be AWESOME!” He finishes his little speech and the little girls smiled at him. Christian smiled back, but it seems that the girls’ smiles were beaming and focused on something. Christian starts to back up a bit, a little creped out at this point. Twilight puts a hoof to stop him and sighs, also smiling, but more like laughing a bit really.
“That was really nice Christian, but you shouldn’t count yourself out of that cutie mark hunt.” She says. Christian starts laughing nervously.

“What are you talking about?” He asks, confused. Twilight points a hoof toward his tail. Christian, still confused turns his head a bit and…“Are you bucking kidding me?” He says teed off. He could not believe what he is staring at. His bloody cutie mark: A crossbow. “Like seriously? How come this didn’t show up when I hit Rarity in the air on a bloody hang glider?!”

“Probably cause you were human at the time.” Dash adds in. Christian looks at her disgruntled and sighs. He just went through all of this stupidity, kidnappings, and Trixie just so his cutie mark could be something obvious?

“Your entire cutie mark situation is flawed.” Christian says to Dash and Twilight. They both shrug.

“I guess for humans it is. We really didn’t account on a human becoming a pony!” Twilight shouts. Christian shrugs her off.

“Whatever, let’s just bring Trixie to the castle and…Ok, where did she go?” Christian says while staring at the rope that was holding the unicorn captive. Now, the rope was empty; and a trail off a few hoof prints left into the depths of the forest. Christian lets out another angry sigh. “You know what? Forget it. I’m gonna go home and eat a…sandwich or something. Just get those three morons to the castle, I’m done for today. Just done.” And with that, he stomps out of Everfree Forest, leaving the five ponies to sit there, puzzled and confused on how bizarre the whole day has been for them.

Author's Note:

THANK GOD AND CELESTIA AND JESUS! I CAN FINALLY MOVE ON TO MAKE NEXT STORY! One that will get back on track, using the new story system I've developed and hopefully bring some action back into my stories! I don't think I'll be throwing a curve ball story like this one for a while after this mess.

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