• Published 7th Oct 2013
  • 603 Views, 11 Comments

Belegrim Dipstick - Praeco Nigrum

A man is given a second chance after saving his brothers life, but he isn't the only one who gets to go, meet Shade, Emerald, and Goff as they join Harbinger in his journey into Equestria.

  • ...

Fading lights

Shade and Harbinger ran after the Pegasus as it flew towards the keep, they were both curious as to what would have spooked a soldier after the battle they just had. Many of the guards that saw them paid them no mind, but a few decided it was a good idea to follow them and see what the commotion was about.

"What’s going on?" One of the earth stallions had asked. After the battle all the humans were given a crash course on the names and what not of all the species and what their gender names were.

"Apparently the captain has been killed, or at least that's what the Pegasus had told us." Harbinger sighed as all of the ponies around him stopped and gasped, while Shade and he kept walking.

"But sir! How is that possible! We have secured the compound and there haven't been any sightings of any creatures roaming the place..." the earth guard came up short when he realized what that implied.

"The reason for that is that they have also been killed," Harb looked over at Shade and they nodded to each other and picked up the pace, just about mowing over anyone, or pony, in their way.


As the group of two humans and six ponies made it to the front door they beheld a gruesome sight, the Pegasus from earlier was on the ground... torn limb from limb and still alive, but barely.

"Oh Buck..." Copper Sheen, muttered under his breath. They had found out his name after another round of questions.

"All of you keep a good distance from each other, but don't stray too far from the group; we don't need any more casualties." Shade said as he and Harbinger took out their swords and slowly made their way into the keep, the smell of death was getting stronger the farther in they went.

"This doesn't smell right..." Harbinger muttered to Shade as they rounded a corner, the room in front of them was one of the few hallways that littered the building.

"I know, and it feels like something is watching us... but from where?" He muttered back, both of them keeping their swords at a ready position.
As they walked down the hall, they would notice large splatters of blood with absences where a body or something should have been.

"OK, this looks really bad... I mean really fuckin bad man..."Harbinger knelt down next to one of the blood spatters, it had a large voids in the pool and it was roughly pony shaped. “...wonder what happened to the bodies..." he quietly mussed as he got up and went farther down the hall, Shade following a few steps behind.

"That feeling is getting stronger Harb... be ready for anything..." Shade murmured to his friend, harbinger nodded and stopped at the only other door in the hall.

"And what is behind door number two..." He said, looking to Shade. They stacked up on either side of it. Harbinger motioned to shade that they would go on three.

'One' 'two' 'three' Harbinger counted down with his fingers, on three he kicked the door in, Shade and Harbinger rushed in with their swords at the ready.

Shade looked left while Harb looked right, there were pools of blood everywhere, but no bodies to be seen.

"Where did they all go to... This is just too weird..." Harbinger murmured to shade as he walked over to check on another of the blood pools, there were bits of armor laying about the room, and a few pieces were next to the blood pool.

"Are those what I think those are?" Shade said as he slowly made his way over to Harb, he was keeping his eyes on every corner of the room, there was something in there, and it was watching them. He could tell, just by harbingers tenseness, that he felt it also... A malicious intent to harm all those in its path.

"Yes, there're bits of guard armor... Some of which are from our men outside... Which. Explains why we never heard of anything getting in...." Harbinger picked up a piece and flipped it over in his hand, it had obviously belonged to a Pegasus guards-pony, it had the Pegasus air force insignia on it, pointing out what division it belonged to.

"There I-" Shade began to say until harbinger cut him off.

"Something in here... I know...I felt it..." He whispered as he got up off his knees, sword kept at an un-guard position.

Both Harbinger and Shade were wary of the far corner of the dinning hall, it was darker then what it should have been, even in total darkness. They slowly made their way around the left side of the table, keeping it between them and the dark corner, they both felt that there was something over there. And neither of them wanted anything of do with it yet.

The sound of breathing made both of them freeze in anticipation, they 'knew' what was coming and they were going to put it down Harb, permanently if need be.

"Get ready... It's here." Shade whispered as he brought his sword up in a chest guard, crossing his sword slightly over his chest diagonally.

"Yeah..." Harb brought his sword up to a low guard, making it to where his sword was slightly pointed towards the floor.

A loud hissing noise came from behind them, surprising them at its closeness, as a creature with a snakes head and human upper body and snake lower body came flying out of nowhere, tackling Harbinger to the ground with the force of a semi going 50 mph.

"Gah!" Was his only response as he started to fight for his life, the snake man creature was pinning him to the ground, choking to life out of him. He took his sword and used it to bash the creature over the back of the head as she got his arm out from underneath it.

A loud 'crack' was heard as the hilt of his weapon came down on the backside of its skull, quickly ending the struggle.

"That ended about as fast as it began..." Shade commented as he got up off the floor, he had been knocked over when the creature had tackled Harb. The whole confrontation had taken less then thirty seconds.

"That wasn't our foe... I still feel it... And it's smiling..." Harbinger said this as he got up off the floor, he was staring at the far corner of the room where the feeling was still coming from. Shades eyes widened at the prospect of still have something malevolent to fight in this wretched darkness.

"Oh crap.... Not good..." Shade was getting really irritated by the fact that so much was going wrong in such a short amount of time, they had lost about the element of surprise with the appearance of the snake thing and the fact that it wasn't the creature that was now stocking them. "It's moved... Shit!"shade exclaimed as a silver platter went flying towards his head from a different spot in the room.

"Hit the deck!" Harbinger yelled as he grappled Shade to the ground. After the first platter soared by hundreds of them started to fly about the room, each one coming from different spots.

"This is ridiculous, how many of these things are there!" Shade growled as even more of them started to change direction mid flight and fly right for them.

In response Harbinger sighed in annoyance and grabbed a platter lid and began to bash the platter away as he made his way to the shadow to try to end the assault on their lives. Shade, seeing what his friend was doing, also picked up a platter and used it as a shield and made his way towards Harbinger! he was really pissed off that this thing has the gall to try and even harm him and his companion.

They were bashing the platter left and right, standing and moving back to back, they were able to make a 360' defensive barrier, effectively making them untouchable.

"Ok, this is getting annoying... How in the world do we get our selves in these things so damn often!" Shade was getting close to the end of his patience, the damn flying platters were getting old, and fast.

"Ok, on my mark we break and go for the fucking shadows... Mark!" Harbinger broke left and Shade broke right, their sudden movement made the attention of their attacker split, which really pissed it off, causing it to howl and scream in rage.

Shade was less then ten feet away form the line of deep shadows when a creature from the darkest of nightmares came rushing out, it was a blur of speed and agility, it was a midnight blue color, making easy for it to hide in the shadows and stalk its prey, it was covered in scales and patches of fur. It had finger like claws that were sharp as razors, and dragon like eyes that were a sickly yellow.

It used its agile body to slip around shades first strike, going over the chest high swing like it was nothing. As. It spun one of its claws whipped out and drug across shades chest, creating deep furrows as the cut.

Shades cry of pain made harbinger look to him, what he saw enraged him beyond reason, he charged over and right as the creature landed he bashed it in the face with his 'shield', it stunned the creature long enough for shade to get away before it struck again. Harbinger then swung his sword in a downward strike, but when it hit its intended target the blade bounced off, in that instance all time stood still.

The creature looked up and right into Harb's eyes, it smiled as it shot its hand out and barrier it wrist deep into his chest, it slid through the armor he had on like it was a hot knife through warm butter. The sound of bones shattering and flesh rending froze shade on the spot.

He looked behind him self and saw his friend standing there right in front of the monster, statue still and just as quiet. Then he saw the hand jut out of his back, it was holding onto something, it was tubular and it was long... It took him a second to realize what it was. It was his friends spinal cord in the monsters grip. The next scene would be stuck in his head for many nights to come, the hand gripped hard onto the section of spin... And twisted it, snapping the cord in hand and ripping out several vertebrae.

The fountain of blood that followed could only come from a humans body, Harbingers now limp body fell to its knees, right at the feet of the hellish creature before them. Shade looked on in disbelief, the one being that had unconditionally tried to befriend him was now good as dead at the feet of this hell-spawn of a creature.

It was then and there that he lost control, Shade dropped to his knees as he looked on at his fallen comrade, it had been close to a millennium that anyone had chosen to befriend him, without running in fear. The creature made its way over to him, Sade not paying attention to his imminent doom, just continued to stare at the body of Harbinger, a clawed hand then made its appearance atop Shades shoulder as it braced his body for its imminent demise. It cocked its arm back, its hand primed for the impact, and struck.

But the blow never landed... the creature was shaking, not from fear, but from exertion... Shade's own hand had shot up and grabbed it, right as it was less than a tenth of an inch from his chest. There was now a black aura surrounding Shade's hand, it was lined with white, as if it had an outline. He then raised his head and stared right into the hell-spawns eyes, and it wept, it wept tears of complete dread at what it saw before it, it wept... tears of black ichor-ish like blood... and it screamed.

Shade smiled at the creature, he slowly got up off his knees and he smiled at the fucked up monster thing from the twilight zone, and he laughed, oh how he laughed at its feeble attempts to get away from him. And oh it screamed at him, it screamed like a willed banshee on its period after it got fucking crotch shotted with a damned mace!

"You dare whine in the presence of your Better? For shame creature, you have no confidence when facing your demise... how typical....." Shade looked at it with a manic plastered to his face. The black aura then started to glow on Shades hand, his grin growing as time passed, ten the creatures screams turned to howls.

It howled in unbelievable pain, causing even Shade to wince at its high pitched shirekes. The cause of all of this was the arm that shade had grabbed onto, it was melting away, being eaten alive by the magic that Shade was pouring into it, the 'flames' then started to spread to the rest of its body. The howls and shrieks gained in volume until shade had enough. He reached up, legs spread shoulder width, his right arm now straight up in the air, his left down by his side. A black ethereal sword formed in his right hand, and he brought it down, bisecting the monster before him... silencing it forever.

Author's Note:

OK, this is not my image, I am only posting this here to give you all a better reference as to what exactly Shade and Harbinger are fighting when Harbinger gets his spinal cord crushed...

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, it was a hoot to write and it was an even bigger challenge to do so when i had only an ipad at my disposal! Whoo-hoo gotta love road trips XD