• Published 18th Sep 2013
  • 2,196 Views, 170 Comments

My Little Investigations: The Silent Dirge - Metool Bard

Some maniac is aiming to silence every musician in Equestria. I, for one, will not stand for it.

  • ...

Orchestra Sting

April 10, 6:13 PM
Lincolt Center
The Bent Trumpet

I hate to come off as a pessimist, especially at a time when I should be strong. But, it appears my doubts were well-founded. After Vinyl and I had left Mike Check, we didn't find anything new, let alone the killer. As such, well, there really is nothing we can do now but sit and wait. You can imagine how upset that makes me.

"Hey, kitten. Why the long face?"

As soon as I entered the Bent Trumpet, I was approached by Slick Licks and Sapphire Shores. Both of them appeared concerned. I sighed.

"It's, nothing," I said.

"Nothing my flank," said Sapphire. "You really are a terrible liar, Tavi-doll."

Yes, I gathered that already. You don't need to keep pointing it out.

"She's worried about the performance tonight," said Vinyl. "Her sister's playing, y'know."

"Oh," said Sapphire, biting her lip. "Yeah, I see where you're coming from, Tavi-doll. How about you join Slick and me for dinner? My treat."

"Oh, thank you, but I don't wish to impose," I said.

"It's fine, kitten," said Slick Licks. "We've all been on-edge lately. I'm starting to lose my patience with Point Dexter."

"The security guard?" I asked as I sat down at their table. "Why?"

"Why do you think? The slacker's not doing his job," said Slick Licks with a snort. "Did you see what happened this morning?"

"You have to be a tad more specific," I said.

"Silenus chased some shadow all over the building," said Sapphire with a sigh. "Poor Pan was absolutely livid."

"Oh, that," I said, resisting the urge to groan. That was something I didn't wish to be reminded of. However, now that I think about it, that's actually a good point. While Fiddlesticks and I were chasing Silenus, security didn't do anything to stop him. I know Point Dexter was just hired for this position, but there's a significant difference between being green and being incompetent.

"Well, he can't be the only security guard in the building," said Vinyl with a shrug.

"He's not, but with all of these disasters, the rest of the team has been spread thin," said Slick Licks. "It was Management's decision, not mine. But that still doesn't excuse Point Dexter for doing such a lousy job. I'm beginning to think that he padded his résumé big time."

"How so?" I asked.

Slick Licks raised an eyebrow. "Why do you wanna know, kitten?"

"I'm simply curious," I said with a shrug.

"Something tells me it's not that simple, Tavi-doll," said Sapphire, knitting her brow. "I think you're poking your nose where it doesn't belong."

Eep! I, uh, nngh... Oh, who am I kidding? Practically everypony else here already knows; I might as well tell Sapphire.

"Truth be told, I've been, investigating," I said with a sigh. "I think something quite nefarious is going on here, and I've been trying to figure out what. Vinyl and Fiddlesticks have been helping me, too."

"See? That wasn't so hard," said Vinyl.

I shot her a dirty look. She really didn't need to rub salt into my wounds like that.

"Well, this is a surprise," said Sapphire with a chuckle. "Never took you for the detective type, Tavi-doll."

"Well, that's mainly because I'm horrible at it," I said, flattening my ears and casting my gaze downward.

Slick Licks let out a chuckle of his own. "You're sellin' yourself short, kitten. You've found out a lot of interesting things that Mike couldn't find on his own, and for that we're very grateful."

"Well, thank you," I said, blushing a little. "Still, I would've preferred to keep my cover."

"You're talking about the schmuck trying to kill us, right?" said Sapphire somberly.

My jaw dropped. "Okay, how did you know about that?!"

Sapphire shrugged. "I'm not stupid, Tavi-doll. Anypony with half a brain can see that these aren't simply accidents. I've had Mike Check as a roadie before; he's too good to let this stuff fly. If this dock-hole doesn't strike tonight, I'll be very surprised."

Well, it's official. Everypony here now knows that the death threats are real. I don't know whether the killer's job has become easier or harder. I'm hoping for the latter.

"Anyway, let's get back on track here," said Vinyl. "Slick, you mentioned something about Point Dexter padding his résumé. What's that all about?"

"You think he's suspicious?" asked Slick Licks.

"Not per se, but it's better than nothing," I said.

Slick Licks cleared his throat. "Well, alright. But keep this on the down-low, got it?"

"Of course," I said.

Slick Licks leaned in and dipped his voice. "According to Management, Point Dexter actually served in the military of his home country. I don't know much more than that; it's all pretty hush-hush."

Well, no wonder Slick Licks was so disappointed in Point Dexter's performance. I would believe that anyone with military experience would at least have some competence as a security guard, and Point Dexter hasn't really demonstrated that. Heck, I think Mike Check's a better security guard than Point Dexter. At least he has a sense of responsibility.

"Actually, I have some information that might help you out, too," said Sapphire.

"You do?" I inquired.

"Yeah," said Sapphire, lowering her voice. "Don't tell Pan I told you this, but he actually taught me a spell from his Music Code today."

"His what now?" asked Vinyl, tilting her head.

"Pan developed a way to perform magic through music," I explained. "That being said, why would he teach you one of his spells, Sapphire?"

"No idea," said Sapphire with a shake of her head. "I don't even know if it would work. I've never used any kind of magic before; I don't know how humming a few bars is gonna change that."

I furrowed my brow. I'll be the first to admit that I don't understand how Pan's Music Code works. But considering that he knew what was going on long before anypony else, he must've taught that spell to Sapphire for a reason. Of course, there was no way to figure out that reason without knowing what the spell did.

"Could you give us a bit of a demonstration?" asked Vinyl.

"Sorry," said Sapphire with a shrug. "I promised Pan that I'd only use it with his permission."

Figures. I guess the only way to figure this out is to talk to the satyr himself.

"Well, sorry to cut out early, ladies, but I gotta prepare for tonight's performance," said Slick Licks. "Seeya there."

With a point and a wink, he walked off.

"Well, I don't know about you two, but I could really go for some grub," said Vinyl.

"Ditto," said Sapphire. "You two don't mind if I foot the bill on this one, do you?"

"Thank you, Sapphire. That's very nice," I said. "But again, I..."

"You've been driving yourself crazy with all this investigating and doing who-knows-what," interrupted Sapphire. "You deserve a break."

I sighed. It seems that Sapphire is not going to budge on this.

"Alright, fine," I relented. "Thank you again, Sapphire."

"My pleasure, Tavi-doll," said Sapphire with a smirk.

April 10, 6:55 PM
Lincolt Center
The Whinnyton Maresalis Theater

After dinner, we once again headed to the theater. While the atmosphere was thick with tension, the turnout was actually better than I expected. I'm not sure why, nor do I wish to hazard a guess. I found myself a seat next to Lyra and Bon-Bon.

"Hey, Octavia," said Lyra. "How are you holding up?"

"Oh, you know," I said, not willing to go into detail. In actuality, I was on pins and needles. Fiddlesticks, my sister, was going to be attacked by the killer. Just the thought of that caused me to shiver. Oh, I hope they turn out alright.

My thoughts were interrupted by Slick Licks appearing onstage. The audience applauded for a while, and he raised his hoof to indicate that he wanted silence.

"Welcome, fillies and gentlecolts, to our third performance at this year's Manehattan Music Festival," said he. "This next band is a group that I'm betting not a lot of you heard of. Straight from Ponyville, these musicians have a unique sound that'll leave you dancing in the aisles. This is their first performance away from home, so give a warm welcome to these fine country folk: The Ponyville Bluegrass Band!"

After Slick Licks's introduction, Kazooie and his band took the stage. It was hard to tell from where I was sitting, but I'm sure they all felt nervous. Not about their performance, mind you, but about the villain lurking in the shadows. Once the applause had died down, the three ponies got ready to play.

Pitch took a deep breath and was about to begin when her ear twitched. I swallowed. That could only mean one thing.

A split second later, Pitch let out a scream as she fell to the ground and clasped her hooves over her ears. Kazooie and Fiddlesticks recoiled from this.

"Pitch?! What's wrong?!" Fiddlesticks asked.

Pitch's only response was another scream. And all the while, I didn't hear anything. Could it be only something she could hear?

As Fiddlesticks and Kazooie ran over to their fallen comrade, I heard a familiar sound. It was a series of beeps; faint at first, but gradually getting louder and more frequent. I gasped in horror. The killer has managed to sneak in another bloody transmitter; just like the one that was meant for Vinyl! How the bucking hay did he do that?!

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud noise echoing from backstage. It was just like the last time the transmitter went off, only it was longer, louder, and a lot more painful. Seriously, I feel like my head is going to split in two at any moment! I can only imagine how much pain Fiddlesticks and her friends are in!

When the sound died down, I tentatively opened one eye in order to survey the damage. Oddly enough, the stage was deserted. In a panic, I ran up to the stage to see where Fiddlesticks and her band ended up.

I found them all backstage, lying in a heap. Upon closer inspection, I saw that they were all still breathing. Oh, thank Celestia.

"Hey, are you all okay?" I said, lowering my voice.

"A-am Ah dead?" Fiddlesticks mumbled. She then winced and rubbed her temples. "Nnngh! Nope, Ah ain't dead. Sweet Celestia, what the hay was that?"

"I'm not sure," I said. "I don't even know how the killer managed to sneak in another trans..."


I was interrupted by a booming shriek. Even with my ears ringing, I knew right away who it was. And I had a sinking feeling that it couldn't mean anything good.

"S-stay right there, Fiddlesticks," I said. "I-I'll go have somepony call you a doctor. Right now, I have to check this out. Don't move!"

Before Fiddlesticks could respond, I started heading back into the audience. As soon as I left the backstage area, I stopped dead in my tracks. I couldn't believe my eyes.

Sapphire Shores was laying in the aisle, writhing in agony. Standing over her was a very pale-looking Beauty Brass. She was hyperventilating, and seemed to be backing away from Sapphire. Frederick and Parish were trying to calm her down, but their efforts appeared to be in vain.

"Calm down, Beauty Brass," said Frederick sternly. "I know this is frightening, but we can't lose our heads."

Beauty Brass didn't respond. She didn't even look up. Her eyes were glued on Sapphire.

"Did you hear me, Beauty Brass?" Frederick said. "I'm asking you to..."


With that proclamation, she turned tail and bolted right out of the theater at full gallop. I'll be honest here: I have no idea what just happened. I quickly ran up to Frederick and Parish.

"Wh-what's going on?" I asked breathlessly.

"I don't think we're the right ponies to ask, Octavia," said Parish. "All I know is that something's gotten into Beauty Brass, and Sapphire Shores has been hurt."

I looked over Sapphire and checked her pulse. I let out a small sigh of relief when I found that she was still alive. Good. That meant I could focus on more pressing matters.

"She's still breathing," I said. "Fiddlesticks and her band are still alive, too. I just checked up on them backstage."

"Then we have no time to lose," said Frederick. "We should go after Beauty Brass and catch her before she gets into trouble."

"Are you sure it's alright for us to leave Ms. Shores and Kazooie's band here like this?" asked Parish.

"Don't worry, I gotcha covered."

From the shadows, Mike Check walked in.

"My crew and I will look after these ponies," he said. "You go after your friend."

"Thank you, my good man," said Frederick with a bow. "Octavia, Harpo. Let's go."

"Right," I said. With that, we all ran off. Several questions ran through my mind as we left the theater, but I couldn't focus on even one of them. Not until Beauty Brass was safe. I-I just hope we can catch her before she gets too far. If something bad happens to her, I-I don't know what I'm going to do...