• Published 9th Oct 2013
  • 823 Views, 18 Comments

Spark - ThunderChaserCreate

Twilight Sparkle solves crimes with the help of her assistant, Octavia. A parody of the crime comedy 'Monk.'

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Miss Sparkle Plays Concerto Number 4- Part One

I don't really know what I'm doing here. I mean, I do, but I don't know what to say. It's kind of frightening, really. No, it's very frightening.

When I came to Ponyville, I never imagined that I'd be arrested. I'd only ever seen the interrogation rooms in photographs. It was all so unreal and nerve-wracking that I felt a little woozy. Though, to be honest, I could attribute that to the stench. The chair across the table was vinyl, with a disgusting stain on it. I didn't want to know what had made it.

I slid around in the cold metal chair, knowing that behind the mirror were several strangers, just watching what I did and trying to find enough evidence to get me in a huge amount of trouble. I tapped my hooves on the table, unconsciously creating the rhythm to the song he was playing. The last one he'd ever played.

I let my hooves slide off the table and into my lap, rubbing my thighs just to keep busy.

After what felt like an eternity of that small, cold room, the door swung open.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," the stallion muttered in a deep voice as he slammed the door shut.

"U-um, that's... that's fine," I stuttered.

The stallion sighed deeply, opening a case file onto the table. He fell into the other chair, and it hissed as air escaped from a small tear. "Alright... I'm Context Clues, but you should refer to me as 'Sir' while we're here. Okay?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good. Your name is Octavia Melody, and you're from Upper Trottingham, is that correct?"

"Yes, sir."

He cleared his throat, taking a moment to re-read the evidence. His eyebrows knit together, and he looked back up at me. "Why exactly are you here?"

"I suppose it's because I was at the scene of the crime. Doesn't that make me a suspect?" I guessed.

Context rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, unless you wanted to put yourself in the line of danger, which isn't a normal standpoint. I was told you were next to him the whole time. How could you have fired the shot?"

I shrugged. "I don't think I could have."

Context continued to scan the file, but the look on his face seemed to convey boredom. He knew I wasn't the pony he was looking for. He sniffed, his mustache twitching. "Were you involved at all with each other? Romantic, platonic..."

"No. To tell you the truth, I didn't know him very well. He had only joined the orchestra a week ago. In fact, he hadn't bought a cello yet. He was borrowing one from the music store."

"Well, we'll still have to go through the motions, but--" Context winced at a squeaking sound behind the glass.

"Um... what was that?" I asked, confused by the anger on his face.

"It's nothing. Look, I need you to tell me what--" He winced again, this time turning around to face the mirror.

"Is everything alright? If it isn't, we can just do this another time," I suggested, trying not to agitate the officer.

He sighed again, but it came out as more of a growl this time. "If you'll excuse me?"

"O-of course."

Context stood, trotting briskly out of the room. Within a minute, I heard muffled voices behind the glass. The only words I caught were, "Miss Sparkle, you need to control yourself!" from Context. A second female voice murmured an apology, and a third seemed to give an explanation.

Context sighed once more, and said, "Fine, but don't let it happen again!"

I heard more quick steps heading back towards the door, and Context poked his head in. "Miss Melody, you're free to go."

"Thank you," I said, standing on shaky legs and walking to the door.

Context held the door wide open, allowing me back into the open halls of the police station. I followed him, not sure where to go. He stopped at the next door, the one for the room where the ponies could watch me. He opened that one, too, and I peeked over his shoulder to see who was in the room.

There were two ponies inside. The first was attempting to make some kind a comment, his jaw opening and closing, but no words forming. The second was pressed close against the window, scrubbing it with a white piece of cloth. It squeaked loudly as it slid across the surface, trying to remove some kind of smudge.

Context sighed again. You could tell he was a rather stressed stallion. "Miss Melody, this is Lieutenant Cold Case." He gestured to the stallion.

"Hello." I waved. "Um... who's that, then?"

"That's Spark. Hey, Spark!" Context yelled. "Leave it be. We have a cleaning mare to do that."

"Hm? Oh, it's not a problem. It's nearly gone..."

He cleared his throat authoritatively.

Spark turned to look at me. I recognized her immediately.

"Oh, my god... you're the Princess! You're Twilight Sparkle!"

'Spark' waved off the comment, continuing to scrub the glass.

"Spark is a consultant for us. She's brilliant," Context said. He leaned down, his mustache brushing against my ear. "She's looking for an assistant. As you can see, she's a little off her rocker."

"Oh! Is that why you're here?" Spark dropped the cloth, turning to me.

"N-no..." I looked about the room, dearly confused. "I'm here-- well, I was here for an interrogation. I'm a suspect in The Noteworthy Case," I explained, remembering the title on the file.

"Oh..." Twilight nodded slowly. "I see." She turned away, lifting the wipe again and continuing to scour the window.

"Spark, I swear- hoof to Celestia- if you don't stop, I'll--" Context's voice was edging on a growl. He cut himself off, looking at the other pony. "Wait-- Gumshoe?"

"Hey..." the pony murmured, trying to smile but only managing a pathetic grimace.

"I'm sorry, I think I've missed something." I turned to leave.

Context caught me by the shoulder. "No, no. Sorry. This is lieutenant Gumshoe. As you can see, he's bit... odd." Context stalked into the room, grabbing the lieutenant by the back of his collar.

"Hey!" Gumshoe struggled against the grip.

"You're here to keep her under control!" He nodded towards Twilight, who was absorbed in trying to remove a single hair from her wipe.

"Uh... apparently I've missed something... I'll just be going, then..." I squeaked, backing out of the room. Unfortunately, my awkward streak wasn't over yet. I backed right into another pony, knocking them to the floor. "Oh, my god! I-I'm so sorry, I--"

"It's fine... I'm used to it..." murmured an exhausted voice.

I turned, standing up to give the pony space. A grey unicorn lay on the ground, his red mane looking as frazzled as he must have felt. There was a shadow of a mustache on his upper lip, but it was so thin and faint that I couldn't be sure it was there. He had an interesting cutie mark: a black knight chess piece.

"H-hello..." I whispered. Something about him struck a chord with me.

He groaned, nursing a bruise on his back leg, but stood. "Hi."

"Hi..." I answered. Then realized how idiotic I must have sounded. "Did I just say 'hello' twice?"

"I think so. I'm sorry, who are you?" He was brushing himself down.

"I'm Octavia. I-I was brought in for questioning. The Noteworthy case?" I suggested, wondering if he knew anything about it.

"Oh, that." He cleared his throat. "You a witness?"

"Mm-hm." I nodded.

"I'm Nightwhisper. I'm on the same case. Plainclothes," he explained.

"I see."

"I may have to speak with you later. Right now, I have an appointment with the Captain. If you'll excuse me?" He moved around me, toward the interrogation room.

"Um, sure..." I watched for a moment as the strange stallion left. I could feel my cheeks growing hot as I watched him flashing his badge and trotting authoritatively.

Then came a face I wasn't sure I wanted to see. Twilight Sparkle, or rather 'Spark' as everypony seemed to be calling her, was led out of the observation half of the interrogation space by the Lieutenant.

"You!" she called, her face lighting up.

I pointed to myself. "M-me?"

"Yes! Come with me, I want to show you something." She trotted past me, heading out.

I followed her, very confused. "Um... you do know I'm just a witness, right?"

"Oh, of course. You just struck me as the right kind of pony."

"F-for what?"

"To be my assistant, of course!" she said, as though this was obvious.

"I don't understand. Where are we going?"

She scoffed. "Where else? The scene of the crime: Fillydelphia Concert Hall."