• Published 26th Sep 2013
  • 1,109 Views, 32 Comments

The War for the Ring...Enters Equestria - mint20

Twilight Sparkle decides to try a new spell she found in Star-Swirl the Bearded lost diary. When she opens an inter-dimensional portal to Middle Earth, things get out of hoof. This is my first MLP FanFiction, so constructive criticism is encouraged.

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Chapter One: "First Contact"

Chapter 1: “First Contact”

The War for the Ring...Enters Equestria

Twilight Sparkle's Point of View
Time After Arrival: -20 minutes
Location: Twilight Sparkle's Library, Ponyville, Equestria

“You ready, sugarcube?” Applejack asked.

“I think I should go over the plan one more time, just to be safe,” I responded.

Group moan.

I looked around at my five friends. They each had their Elements and were ready for action. “Okay, so this is the plan,” I began. “I will cast the spell I discovered. Most likely outcome: nothing happens. However, if the spell works, then a portal will appear, probably a bright violet color. Be ready, I have not the faintest idea what, if anything, will come out.” With that, my thoughts, unbidden, started wandering to the previous night...

Shock had filled my body as I started at that title. I had discovered Star-Swirl the Bearded's lost journal, the last one that had not been discovered! Suddenly I was overcome by a mad fever; when I came back to my senses, I found that I had quickly translated about half of the diary. I continued with the notion that my life depended on the journal, and the secrets it held within. I don't know, maybe it did. The thing that calmed this...insanity...was a spell I found. The spell was extremely long and did not look easy by any means. I translated the spell and the first few lines underneath it. For Ancient Equestrian, the passage literally translated into this:

“Thou who caste aboveforth spell,
Shalt disc'ver a new land
Land of w'nder and mystery.”

This suggested a portal to a new land. I instantly became curious, wanting to learn more about this land. However, I slowly became worried as I considered it.

“Spike? Could you come here?” I asked, not yelling.

He entered the room. “Yeah?”

“Look at this,” I commanded, and I showed him the translation.

After reading for a few minutes, he let out a low whistle that almost turned into dragon-fire. “That, is something I haven't seen before. Even around you, this is seriously complicated magic. Do you plan to cast it?”

“Well, I don't know. On one hoof, this is a major discovery, and this 'new land'...well...it could forever change Ponykind! On the other, however, this could have seriously damaging ramifications, and–”

“Ramifications?” Spike asked.

“Effects.” I answered. “Like I was saying, this spell most likely creates a portal. The thing about portals, though, is that they go both ways. Yes, Ponies could travel through the portal, but so can things on the other side. Besides, just look at the spell! This is the most insanely complex spell I have ever seen. The spell takes up a whole three pages, for Celestia's sake!”

“Yes, but like you said, can you really afford to ignore it? This could greatly benefit Equestria as a nation,” Spike responded.

“I don't know!” I responded. I stamped my hoof in frustration. “I don't know if I can do it. Maybe I should just inform the Princess and not take any action.”

“Well, I won't argue with you if that's what you decide. Just remember, the Princess will most likely support whatever choice you make. Wait! Here's an idea! Why don't you sleep on it and, at a reasonable hour, not 5:30 in the morning, make your decision then? And if you decide to go ahead, we can get your friends to support you,” Spike suggested.

I looked at him gratefully, “Thank you, Spike. I never thought of that.” I warmly embraced him. Spike is my oldest friend, from all the way back when I first got my cutie mark. He often times is irritating, but just as often he suggests a plan or something I overlooked. I don't know, but I think he looks up to me as a big sister, maybe even a mother.

So I went to bed, but of course I didn't sleep a wink; I was too excited about this new spell!

Okay, that wasn't all truth. I did sleep, but not much. I think I got about five minutes worth of shut-eye before my alarm clock rudely woke me up. I got up, strangely energized, despite my lack of sleep. I knew what I wanted to do.

“Spike? I need your help to assemble all of my friends! Also, I need to dig up the Elements of Harmony that the Princess gave us at the end of the Battle of Canterlot. I intend on doing this, and we need to be ready!”

“Yes ma’am!” Spike responded, snapping a firm salute. “I will right get on it!”

That was about two hours ago. Ever since then, my friends and I have been running all around Ponyville, getting this thing and the other, trying to gather everything necessary. There was so much to get: the Elements, a new box of parchment , some more quills and ink (I was running out after the translation frenzy the night before), and, after a moment of hesitation, I informed the Royal Guards stationed in Ponyville of what we were going to do. Despite an odd want to keep this a discovery private (I had never wanted to hoard information before), this plan was flaunt with risk, and I felt that I should inform the Guard, just in case things got out of hoof and required their assistance.

“...and if it is a problem, we will just buck it back through the portal so hard, it will never even think about coming back to Equestria ever again! Got it! Let's do this!” Rainbow Dash concluded, snapping me back to the moment and out of the past.

“This is serious, Dash,” I said, muffling a flash of annoyance. Despite her constant arrogance, she is fiercely loyal and persistent (Element of Loyalty, duh) and is always a good friend to talk to, no matter the circumstance. Then again, so are all of my other friends, but Dash...well, I don't quite know.

“Are you all right, darling?” Rarity asked me, making it the second time in as many minutes that somepony had abruptly brought me back to the matters at hoof.

“Yes, I'm fine,” I said, quickly focusing on the spell. “Just trying to focus. This is very complicated magic, you know, and I will need all the focus I can get.”

“Just remember, we are here in case you need us,” Fluttershy timidly said.

“Yeperdoodles! We are here for you!” Pinkie Pie said, with all of her trademark goofiness.

“Alright everypony! Stand back! I don't know what will happen,” I said, more for dramatic effect than anything else.

My friends backed up, but stood, ready for action. Even Fluttershy was standing tall and proud, not diving for cover, like she normally does.

I took one last look over the spell, and gathered my thoughts. Well, here goes nothing, I thought to myself and started the spell.

I won't go into details, but know this: If my friends were not there and silently cheering me on, I would have failed in casting that spell. Like I said, it was three pages long, and it took me at least ten minutes to cast. But finally, I had placed the final detail into place, just before I lost my focus. No matter. The spell was structured in such a way that the portal would remain open for as long as a source kept feeding it magic.

“It is done,” I proclaimed.

There was a pause in the room. Finally Rainbow Dash stepped forward slightly and said, “Hate to break this to you Twily, but I don't see anything.” The others nodded in agreement.

“First, don't call me Twily, and second, something did happen. It is just invisible to Pony eyes.”

“Not...not meaning any offense, b-but are you sure?” Fluttershy asked, regaining some of her normal timidness.

“Certain. This portal is draining my magic at an astonishing rate. And the energy isn't just vanishing into nowhere.”

We wait for what seemed like eternity, but probably only last two or three minutes. Then...

“There! I see something!” Rainbow Dash said, pointing to it with her hoof.

“What? I don't see...” Then I saw it. “Is that a sparkle?”

“Why, it is,” Rarity said, with slight awe.

“Well, let's see it!” Rainbow Dash said with excitement, dashing forward. I used my magic to pull her back. I was not a moment to early. With a bright purple flash, the sparkle exploded. I briefly saw what looked like nine...creatures...standing there before darkness came over me.

Legolas's Point of View
Time Since Arrival: -4 minutes
Location: The Mines of Moria, Middle-Earth

It was no use. None of us could stand up to the Balrog, and it was gaining. I felt cold, true fear in my heart for the first time in...I do not remember how long. There is a reason that the Elves fear the Balrog more than anything. If you don't know...then be glad. It is awful, and don't speak to any Elf about it.

“To the Bridge of Khazad-Dûm! Go!” yelled Gandalf.

We fled, carrying the Hobbits when they couldn't keep up. As we ran for our lives, I heard arrows bouncing off the stones behind us and silently laughed at the terrible Orchish archers. To me, a shot like this would have been too easy.

Finally, after what seemed like eternity, I saw it. A thin bridge over a deep, looming fall. I do not know what was at the bottom, and I do not want to, either. If something lives down there, could not be friendly to the Free Peoples of Middle-Earth.

Gandalf tapped my shoulder and said in a hurried whisper “Go! And do not look back, no matter what happens!” he urged me. I nodded and began shepherding the Hobbits across the Bridge. I wasn't looking at what was going on, but when I heard what I presumed to be Gandalf yelling, I turned around. What I saw shocked me.

I saw Gandalf standing defiantly against the Balrog. Suddenly, he yelled “YOU...SHALL NOT...PASS!”, brought his staff up, and smashed it down. Even as a non-magic user, I felt his spell stroke the very strands of reality. But that was not all. I also felt something else. It is hard to describe. It was like another person also stroked reality at the same time, but at a slightly different...pitch, if you will. It was all very strange, and to a non-magic user like me; it felt even stranger. Suddenly, a bright flash of violet light engulfed us, and I felt like I had just been thrown thousands of leagues. I saw a brief flash of five, possibly six figures that looked a lot horses before I collapsed, and soothing darkness overtook me.

Author's Note:

Hey everypony! The first official chapter is here!
Love it? Hate it? About to give me a death threat because of it? LET ME KNOW!
Thank you all for reading. I <3 you all!