• Published 20th Sep 2013
  • 2,294 Views, 44 Comments

Confessions of an Elder God - TheTobacconist

  • ...

Head in the Clouds

Rainbow Dash spotted a cotton candy cloud nestled among the normal clouds in the sky.

"Discord," She muttered, "That guy can never be trusted."

She swooped in and landed next to the cloud and bent over to grab it in her teeth. It twitched and went deeper into the cloud it was resting on. She dug her face into the cloud and pulled it up.

"Hi, Rainbow Dash," Pinkie Pie hung upside down and waved, "I really don't think this iteration is supposed to involve this kind of thing though. Not that I think you're unattractive. I just think we should just remain friends, but I'm sure you'll find your special somepony someday."

Rainbow Dash sat her down on the cloud and spat out a few strands of hair, "Pinkie? How did you get up here?"

"I climbed," Pinkie answered.

Rainbow Dash looked down at the ground thousands of feet below them, "That sounds... plausible?"

"I have a ladder," Pinkie Pie shifted around.

"And how are you walking around up here?" Rainbow Dash tapped on the cloud, "Did Twilight cast a cloud walking spell on you?"

"That is definitely a thing that could have legitimately happened," Pinkie Pie nodded, "Unlike things that could never legitimately happen. Like me baking you into a cupcake. Wait, that's a bad example. That could plausibly happen in another iteration, but not in this iteration, so I guess I could say it's still-"

"Pinkie, what was that about a cupcake?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I don't think I said anything about a cupcake," Pinkie Pie denied, "Maybe you're just really hungry and you heard me wrong. Like when Rarity was lecturing me that one time all I heard was stuff about cakes or cookies, but when I asked her about that she asked me if I was actually listening to her, and I was like 'Of course I am, you're just saying stuff that doesn't make any sense to me so I just fill in the gaps with stuff I understand'. So I asked her if maybe she could explain it with a diagram, because diagrams are great and bad stuff never happens because of them, but then she asked me if I was serious. So I was like 'Nope, I'm Pinkie Pie'."

"Uh-huh," Rainbow dash muttered, "How are you planning on getting down, Pinkie?"

"With this," Pinkie Pie rummaged through her main and pulled out a three foot wooden ladder.

"And that's really going to work?" Rainbow Dash shook her head.

"It's how I got up here," Pinkie Pie stated defiantly, "And I can do it again."

"Really?" Rainbow Dash crossed her forelegs, "Show me."

"I can't do it right now," Pinkie Pie objected, "I can only do it when it's funny, and in order for something to be funny there has to be either limited foreshadowing, randomness, or any number of things really. But doing something just because a friend doesn't believe you is rarely ever funny. So I just have to wait until it's funny for me to get down with a hilarious perfectly time visual gag."

Rainbow Dash scratched her head, "Nope, not buying it. How would you even explain an ability like that anyway?"

"Oh, oh, pick me I know this one," Pinkie Pie raised her hoof, "I'm a deity whose powers revolve around visual and verbal humor."

"What?" Rainbow Dash stared.

"Damn it," Pinkie Pie muttered and tapped Rainbow on the head, "Nap Time!"

Rainbow Dash fell right to sleep and began snoring. Pinkie Pie took her tail and tied it to the middle rung of the ladder and began twisting it in a clockwise motion until it was tight. She released it and began gliding down to the ground as the spinning ladder gave her sufficient thrust. She made whooshing noises with her mouth as she landed.

"Too bad no one got to see that," She untangled her tail and placed the ladder back in her mane.

"Yes I suppose visual humor is lost if there's no one to see it," Doctor Whooves took a necklace with a key off of his neck, "But if you keep it up there won't be anypony to see anything again."

"No, no, no," Pinkie Pie shushed him, "I can't destroy reality, it wouldn't be funny, and my powers don't do anything that isn't funny."

"I think I'm something of expert in these matters," The Doctor glared at her, "I like you, but this has to stop."

Pinkie Pie thought for a moment and yelled, "Time out!"

She tapped him on the head and ran off, he stood frozen for several minutes. He shook his head at the end of the time out and looked down at his foreleg. It was covered with black marks in sets of five.

"Twenty-seven now," He muttered, "Perhaps direct confrontation is not the best course of action."

Author's Note:

I thought it would be funny if Rainbow Dash confuses the meaning of some words. As in she can't tell the difference between 'plausible' and 'implausible'.