• Published 22nd Sep 2013
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Bloom's New Life - Rakoon1

When Bloom, in order to save the magical dimension, sacrifice herself by unleashing an immense amount of light energy which cause her banishment to another reality, where she will live a new life.

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A Vow of Loyalty

Cherry Blossom's life in Ponyville started to advance and she was already integrating seamlessly. It had been about a couple of months and the friendships she had already formed when she arrived to the village began to get deeper, especially with Applejack and Twilight, with whom she got along more and better. She began working as a nurse in the hospital and she had to admit it was difficult, but it was quite satisfactory. As she was still gaining experience, she became Dr. Stable's assistant, assisting him in consults and sometimes using her own healing magic to treat small injuries, since her magic could not really treat serious ones. But if she could, that would require too much energy and that was also why Cherry Blossom didn't do that. After all, if a simple broken bone gave her a lot of headaches only by healing it, and not completely, she did not even want to imagine how it would be with something bigger.

She quickly learned various customs in Ponyville. One of the things that she quickly learned was using her mouth to catch or handle objects. Of course he could use his magic to do that, but magic required expending energy, energy that she should save for when she needed it really. For that reason, she soon learned to write using the mouth, besides the magic, among other things. Another thing she has become accustomed, and even got to enjoy, was the food. That vegetarian diet puzzled Cherry Blossom initially because there were hay, flowers and herbs that she, as a fairy, didn't eat.

Big McIntosh, by his turn, tried with a huge effort to spend as much time as possible with Cherry Blossom. Despite knowing what happened to himself when he came near from her, he didn't care. He sincerely loved the feeling in his belly or hear the irregular and accelerated heartbeat of his heart when he saw the beautiful image of Cherry. She gave him a such energy that he didn't stop working on the farm, and always with a high yield. His family was truly impressed with everything. Big Mac was already a worker and so, but with Cherry Blossom's arrival, either to the village or to the farm, Big Mac had become even more worker than he was before... and more stubborn. Nopony could convince him to stop bucking the apple trees or walk from one side to the other to get haystacks or to get the picked apples to the apple cellar. Not even his older sister or even Granny Smith. Even Cherry Blossom tried to convince him to slow down, but not even so he relented.

Of course the young stallion didn't stopped trying to get close to Cherry Blossom, trying to make her fall in love for him. Since he had decided he had to do something about his feelings for her, that Big Mac has made several attempts for that purpose, only to fail due his shyness and fear. He even decided to ask for help to Apple Bloom and her friends. They accepted all happy, saying they had some plans for him to approach Cherry Blossom and make her fall in love for him. Although apprehensive, he eventually accepted it. The fact is they had good plans, if it wasn't Big Mac ruining everything with his hesitation.

There was one time when he, having rehearsed what Cutie Mark Crusaders told him to tell her, he found Cherry Blossom walking in the north field and was soon to meet her.

"Okay, Big Mac, stay calm" he said to himself, approaching at a trot. "Don't do poppycock. Don't say anythin' stupid. Ya can do it, ya know ya can do it."

When Big Mac was a few hooves away, Cherry Blossom turned and saw him approaching, what made the red stallion slow down and blushing slightly, seeing her eyes looking at him.

"Hello, Big Mac" she greeted. "How are you?"

"Cherry, there's somethin' Ah want tah pay... Ah mean tah say tah ya.

"And what is it?" she asked.

"Ah..." Big Mac began.

He was trying to articulate what he had rehearsed before, but he couldn't. The nervousness was so much that he eventually forgot that. He desperately tried to remember, but he couldn't do it.

"Big Mac, huh, are you okay?" Cherry Blossom asked, noticing that something was wrong with him.

"Eeyup, Ah... ah, ya know... Ah was... trying tah tell ya..." Big Mac said, starting to retreat, without seeing where he was going. "Ah jest want'd to, uh... know yer opinion 'bout a poem Ah read, but... Ah'll ask later, okay?"

"Okay..." she said, finding strange all that. "Well, I see you later, right?"

"Eeyup, of course... later" he replied. " Well, so Ah guess Ah'll... walkin'."

He then turned to start running .

"Big Mac, watch out!" Cherry Blossom warned.

But it was too late. When Big Mac turned and took a step forward, he stepped on a rake's teeth that made the cable up and hit him square in the muzzle, causing him to fall on the ground with a bloody nose. Cherry Blossom ran up to him and asked, very concerned:

"Big Mac, are you okay?"

"Eeyup" he said, standing up with the hoof holding the nose.

"Come on, let me heal you" Cherry said, starting to tilt her horn to heal.

Seeing her approaching, he felt his heart accelerate even further. It now was beating so much that it became a kind of hammer, beating him inside. He had to get out of there quickly, before he ended having a heart attack.

"Ya know what, Cherry, let it be" he said, turning away. "Ah'll be fine."

"But you've hit too hard" Cherry said. "Let me at least stak the blood."

"Nah, this can be solv'd with a li'l water an' ice an' I'm fine" he replied nervously. "Ya need to keep some energy tah yer healing magic tah those who really need it."

"I think so..." she replied, still a little apprehensive. "But, you know, I could help you..."

But before she could end, Big Mac went away, galloping back to the farmhouse.

"... on it" she finished.

Cherry didn't understand what had happened there.

"Okay..." she sighed.

When he was in the midway, Big Mac slowed his pace and looked back. He couldn't believed he had fled again. And moreover, he had been rude to Cherry Blossom. He had to remember to ask lots of excuses for that when he see her later. He returned to the farmhouse scowling. There, at the edge of the entrance, were Applejack, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. They saw him coming and noticed his heavy look and his muzzle bloodied.

"Big Mac, but what happen'd?" Apple Bloom asked, very concerned, reaching to the edge of her older brother and running her hoof by his muzzle.

"Wow, bro, ya got here pretty sore" Applejack note.

"Tell me something Ah don't know" joked Big Mac, advancing to the door.

"But what happened?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Yes, it looks like you took a good itches" Scootaloo said middle to laugh. "Don't tell us Cherry Blossom, besides being beautiful and friendly, also has a good hook."

"It was her the one who did this, Big Mac?" Applejack asked.

"Nnope" he said, continuing to walk and entering followed by the others.

"But then what happen'd?" Apple Bloom asked again.

Knowing they wouldn't leave him alone, he stopped, sighed and then said:

"I bumped into the cable of a rake when I was with the Cherry Blossom."

After he told that, he noticed the three little fillies laughed softly. He made them a stern look that made ​​them stop laugh with derision to laugh nervously.

"Sorry, bro, but it's jest... ya know, it's funny."

"Girls, ya should be asham'd" Applejack scolded. "Ya should think 'bout Big Mac's feelings."

But then she stifled a laugh, which made Big Mac looked also to her gruffly.

"Sorry, Big Mac, but that has some fun."

Angry, Big Mac simply turned his back to them and went to the fridge, which pulled out a bag of ice and went upstairs without another word.

"Wow, what sensitive" Scootaloo said.

Later, Cherry Blossom went to the edge of the Everfree Forest with her saddlebags to get some herbs which were missing in the hospital. In the way, he saw Rainbow Dash chasing clouds that were in flight.

"Ah, come back here now!" She commanded the clouds. "It must only rain in a week."

"Hello, Rainbow" Cherry Blossom greeted in a way the blue pegasus could hear her.

She looked down and saw her.

"Hi, Cherry, what are you doing here?"

"I came to get some herbs for the hospital" she said. "I see you're having some problems."

"These damn cumulonimbus clouds are making me crazy" Rainbow said, while a cloud passed her. "Oh no, don't even think about it. Sorry, Cherry, but I have to go take care of them."

And flew out quickly. Cherry laughed and walked into the forest. She began looking for herbs, collecting them with her magic and storing them in the saddlebags. Finally, she just had to find some herbs that were a little harder to find, what forced her to delve a little more into the forest. She finally managed to find all the herbs. However, as he prepared to leave the forest, a voice said:

"I see that you've adapted very well to your new life."

Cherry Blossom turned and saw none other than the Lord of Order. He was smaller than the last time she had seen him face to face and brighter, floating in the air a few inches from the ground. Seemed to be just a projection of him to talk to her.

"Hello, my dear, how are you?" he asked cordially, making a slight bow.

Cherry Blossom simply turned her back and began to walk away.

"Oh, come on, what is this?" he asked, following her. "The silent treatment? You are so rude for not even greet me."

"And should I greet the one who made ​​me give up from my whole life?" she asked cynically, continuing to walk.

"Wow, how sensitive you are. Do you remember I just gave to you my price and you accepted it willingly? It's not my fault that you have opted for the easier and more correct way."

"What are you doing here?" Cherry Blossom asked coldly, turning to him. "A figure so powerful and important like you must have much more to do than come here to provoke a pony of so little importance like me."

"You know, my dear, you should be more friendly" Lord of Order replied. "Not only because I'm who I am, but also because your beautiful unicorn muzzle should have such cynical and ironic tongue like that one."

But receiving Cherry Blossom's cold look, he rolled his eyes and said:

"Okay! The truth is I need your help."

Cherry Blossom gave a smirk and said, in a tone somewhat amusing:

"The Lord of Order needing my help? This is very good, seriously!"

"I'm serious, my dear ex-fairy" the Lord of Order replied in a more serious tone. "There is an annoying mini prince trying to upset my delicate balance in search of his beloved one. He must think he have a chance just because he's cute, blond and can use a sword."

Cherry Blossom didn't react, making a smile appear on her face little by little.

"Sky?" she asked.

"Can you believe it? " the Lord of Order asked. "I mean, of course he saved Domino and did other amazing things, often risking his life... But please, he thinks he can challenge me? Fool!"

Cherry Blossom was rapt with what she had just heard. Her beloved one, the man of her life, was trying to find her, challenging the Order himself and the balance of the universe. The Lord of Order noted her state of wonder and said:

"Don't hold your breath, my dear. If it depends on me, this sample of knight will not even get close of this reality. Well, he can try, but he will not get it. But as I know he can be a big headache, I need to convince him to stop. As he will not listen to me, I thought he would listen to you."

"What do you mean?"

"I want you to ask me to tell him to stop trying to find you."

"What?!" Cherry Blossom asked, sounding offended. "You just must be... Don't think about it!"

"You're not understanding" the Lord of Order said.

"No, you're the one who is not understanding" Cherry said. "No way I'm going to ask you to say that to Sky. First, he will not accept it, and second, I don't want to."

"But I can't do anything without you" the Lord of Order said. "I can't lie. I can't tell to Sky that you want him to stop trying to find you if you have not actually said it."

"Well, so you'll have to settle, no? " Cherry replied with a mischievous smile.

There was a silence, and then the Lord of Order said:

"I don't want to resort to this. It goes against everything I believe or against who I am but you leave me no choice."

"What are you talking about?"

"If your dear little boyfriend dares to open a portal between realities by force and put one foot... I mean, a hoof within this reality... anywhere, I will personally get there and then drag him out and arrange a way for him not repeat the feat ever again."

For the way he was talking, he seemed to speak really seriously.

"Don't you dare" Cherry Blossom said.

"I dare" he replied. "My dear, perhaps you have not noticed, that kid will destabilize everything for you. He will create such an imbalance that will affect all magical dimension that you adore so much and for which you have sacrificed so much to save. Now, I ask, are you sure you want to let that happen? Would you like Sky just undo everything just because he wants to see you?

Despite her immense desire to see Sky, she didn't want her home to suffer the consequences of Sky's attempt to invade the reality where she was or to try to bring her back. She realized she had no choice.

"Tell him I want to see him a lot, but not if it means destroying everything I've sacrificed for. If there were reprisals because of it, then it's better we don't see ourselves anymore."

"Bravo, my dear" the Lord of Order cheered. "You see, when you want to, you know how to be reasonable and not let the heart overshadow the reason. Well, I won't bother you anymore... for now. See you later, Cherry Blossom."

And he made a farewell bow and burst into light.

Still stunned by what she had to say to the Lord of Order to tell Sky, she backed away and then turned and left the Everfree Forest as quickly as she could. What she didn't know was that a certain pegasus pony had heard her conversation with the Lord of Order. Rainbow Dash was in a cloud above and saw Cherry moving away from where she had met the strange figure that Rainbow had never seen. She frowned, wondering about what she had just heard.

During the rest of the day, Cherry Blossom couldn't concentrate properly on her work, with the conversation with the Lord of Order echoing in her head. She was so abstracted in her own thought that Dr. Stable had to give her the rest of the day to rest. Fortunately for her, he was suspicious that it was all the result of overwork and stress.

When she was coming to the farm, she heard something rip the air and then something crashed into her, throwing her to the ground and trapping her. She looked and saw it was Rainbow Dash, who had not a good looking.

"Rainbow?" she asked. "But what is this? Why are you holding me?"

"It's time you tell the truth" Rainbow said. "It's good you tell it to me. "

"What are you talking about? I'm not understanding?"

"I saw you in the Everfree Forest just talking to that weird guy with two legs and red eyes in a golden armor."

Cherry Blossom caught her breath. She had heard her conversation with the Lord of Order. But did she heard the whole conversation?

"Who is he, Cherry Blossom? What did he want? Who are you?"

Those Rainbow's successive questions were leaving her even more nervous than she already was. But she had to continue to keep his secret secret, she had it.

"I... I don't know... I don't..."

"Stop stammering and start talking or I'll tell to everyone what I heard" Rainbow Dash threatened.

"No, wait, Rainbow!" Cherry begged.

She had no choice. She had really to tell everything to Rainbow Dash, she had no other choice. She took a deep breath to calm herself and said:

"I'll tell you everything. Please release me and I'll tell you everything."

"With that you don't fool me" Rainbow Dash replied. "I know perfectly well that, if I release you, you'll run away."

"I'll not, really. I Pinkie promise."

Cherry had learned since she began living in Ponyville that a Pinkie promisse was sacred, especially for Pinkie Pie. Rainbow's frown eased up a bit and then she dropped Cherry who stood up. She then, as promised, and because she knew that Rainbow would not give up so easily, took a deep breath and began to tell her all her story, from the fact of being a fairy and not be from that reality to the sacrifice she made. When she finished, Rainbow Dash said:

"So, let me see if I understand correctly. You mean you're not a pony, but a fairy, which is a magical two-legged and hairless creature which don't have a tail and have some things called hands instead of hooves and have wings like butterflies', and, in order to save your home dimension from a threat, you sacrificed yourself, being banished to this reality, becoming in the process a unicorn, and the Lord of Order, the guy who was with you, used his great power to eliminate that threat?"

From the way Rainbow Dash had put the things made Cherry Blossom see how the story she had told was ridiculous and now hoped she would not believe.

"Ah yes..." she said uncertainly.

"That... is... awesome! " Said Rainbow Dash, giving to Cherry a small hug, much to her surprise. "Well, I knew you were brave, but I never thought you were that much."

"Wait, so you believe me?" Cherry asked incredulously.

"Of course I believe" Rainbow replied. "You don't seem to be lying. Beyond that... you're my friend and my duty is to believe in you."

Cherry Blossom was touched by what Rainbow had said.

"Thank you, Rainbow" she said . "You cannot imagine how the fact that you believe is very important to me. But please, you have to promise me you will not tell anypony. I don't feel very comfortable with this."

"You're doing the wrong thing" Rainbow Dash adviced. "There are lots of ponies here who are your friends and will accept you, even coming from where you come. But, it's okay, you can trust me. To me, loyalty to a friend is everything and mine is at your disposal."

Cherry laughed and waved. She knew she could trust in Rainbow Dash. She didn't need to force her to make a Pinkie promisse.

"Answer me only this, Cherry" Rainbow Dash asked. "The Lord of Order there said that Sky was trying to invade our reality to see you. He's your coltfriend or so, isn't he?"

Cherry laughed again and said:

"We say boyfriend, but, yes, it is. Our relationship was stronger than anyone could have. I love him with all my strength."

"But if you still love him, why you said the Lord of Order to say all that to Sky?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"You don't understand, Rainbow" Cherry said. "The Lord of Order may have a benign behavior, but he won't hesitate to attack if it means protecting his precious balance. Also, I don't want anyone to get hurt because of it."

"But are you sure you can trust him?" Rainbow asked. "He could be lying."

"No, he is not lying. He is pure energy, he cannot lie. But, you know, I still have hope. Hope that one day I will return to see Sky and be able to hug him."

"And I'll be here to help you in everything I can" Rainbow said.

"Thank you, Rainbow" Cherry thanked.

The two gave a hug to each other and then Rainbow looked over Cherry's shoulder and make ​a slight smile, saying then:

"Look who's here."

Cherry turned and saw Big Mac approaching. He had his nose red and slightly swollen. She was delighted to see that he was fine after having suffered an accident like the one he had before.

"Hello, Big Mac" Cherry greeted.

"Oh, howdy..." he greeted.

"Wow, Big Mac, but what happened to you?" Rainbow asked, looking at the swollen muzzle of Applejack's older brother. "Were you in a fight and I didn't know that?"

"No, Rainbow, Big Mac had an accident..." replied Cherry Blossom. "A third degree meeting with a rake."

Upon hearing that, Rainbow burst into laughter, falling back to the ground with her hooves in the belly. That made Big Mac and Cherry scowl, and the last said to him:

"Oh, Big Mac, ignore her. Lots of ponies have accidents like this."

"Yes... but it's so funny" Rainbow said between laughs. "It's always funny. It's a classic."

"Come on, let me see this muzzle" Cherry said to Big Mac.

She lifted her hoof and began to pass it by Big Mac's muzzle. Feeling her touch, Big Mac blushed slightly, trying to ignore the most fast heartbeat he had and the tickles in his the belly.

"To me, this seems well" she said, lowering the hoof. "I hope you used a lot of ice."

"Eeyup" he answered, nodding.

"Great, now it's only with time that it disappears" said Cherry. " Although I could use my magic to accelerate the process."

"No, let it be... Ah like that mah wounds heal with time" Big Mac said.

There was a silence and then Big Mac said hastily:

"Well, Ah think Ah go... tah town, yes. Ah have... well... tah pick one thing... tah... Applejack."

Having said that he hurried away.

Rainbow, now calmer with her laughter, stood up and said to Cherry, poking her:

"So, huh, Big Mac..."

"What has Big Mac?" she asked.

"Oh, come on, don't tell me you didn't notice he is in love for you."

"Don't say that, Rainbow!" Cherry said, somewhat outraged. "He's just shy and restrained. Everypony says that."

"My friend, I know Big Mac for some time now and I have never seen him so shy towards a pony like you" Rainbow Dash said."He even shakes when he is around you."

Cherry Blossom, after all, had already noticed that, but she was too busy thinking about her own problems to pay attention and ended up simply ignore such evidence.

"Cherry, watch out" Rainbow said. "If it's almost impossible for you to come back to see Sky, it's better you start thinking about opening your heart to another love. Look there is at least one candidate for the place."

Having said that, she took off and walked away.

While she was seeing her departing, Cherry Blossom pondered about that. The truth is that a stallion like Big Mac didn't pass unnoticed to her. He was handsome, strong, hardworking, determined and he had many other qualities she admired. He always treated her very well and showed himself always willing to cooperate with her. But when Rainbow told what Big Mac could feel for her, it seemed that something inside of her was lit like a candle. She remembered the feeling she felt at the morning after his first night at Sweet Apple Acres. At first, she thought it might have been about her for Sky. But now, she was not so sure. She wondered if she would not be unconsciously aware that she would never see Sky and she should start over with someone else... or with somepony else.