• Published 29th Feb 2012
  • 1,549 Views, 24 Comments

Constantine and the Eternal Night - Jaysteeny

The summer solstice. One of the most celebrated days of the year in Equestria. On Earth, not so much

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Part 7: More than a Cameo

Chapter 7: More Than a Cameo

Rainbow Dash snoozed on her cloud, dreaming pleasantly. But anypony who knew her well knew she was dreaming about the Shadow Bolts. The best Pegasus athletes that Equestria had ever seen. But the ones watching her knew her only by reputation, and that went to show exactly how great her reputation was, as they were all very high ranking Pegasi in the Equestrian royal guard. Two officers that the budget couldn’t afford names for, and the remarkably still general Featherback. The general cleared his throat.

“YES! PICK ME FOR THE SHADOW BOLTS! I’M THE ONE YOU WANT!” She yelled, waking from her dream and sitting bolt upright. Grinning sheepishly and blushing she said “Oh, um… That was out loud wasn’t it… If this is about that storm in Canterlot last week, I was told to put it there. But if you’re recruiting for the Shadow Bolts, your search can stop here,”

“No, actually we’re here because we’re searching for a pony to represent all of Pegasus kind, in the first great interspecies golf tournament. But maybe I might be able to mention something to Queen Nightmare Moon,” He replied casually, laughing on the inside at her earlier outburst.

“And let me guess, you heard about me, and I’m gonna represent all of Pegasus kind. And I thought I’d just get a cameo in this fic. What is golf, anyway?” She asked perplexedly.

“Golf is a sport played a by a weird species in another universe. But that’s not what we want you for. We thought because you cleared clouds all around the place, you might be able to direct us to a Filly named ‘Fluttershy’. She’s going to be our representative,” Rainbow’s face fell. “Sorry if we’ve upset you,”

“Upset? Why would I be upset,” said Rainbow, doing badly at disguising her emotion. “I’ll lead you to her cottage, she lives on the ground. Follow me, if you can keep up,”

“I’m sure we will be able to. But the trouble is getting her to Cloudsdale so she can practice, if she’s an Earthbound pony,” He replied “Oh well, no knowing for sure until we ask her! Lead on, Rainbow dash,” The group took off, a rainbow streak followed by a trio of white blurs. Featherback was glad the Author had stopped trying to mess with his name.
* * * * * * * * * * * *

Fluttershy was in her garden, tending to her animals, when suddenly she saw a rainbow streak coming straight for her. She screamed, knowing full well it was Rainbow Dash, but the last time she was paid a visit it wasn’t to be given good news. She picked herself up on her tiny yellow wings, and flew inside her cottage as fast as she could. The streak landed and trotted to the bridge. She turned and spoke to the guards.

“Uh, she’s a little shy, so which of you ranks lowest? I don’t think she’d be able to take a general showing up on her doorstep, and well,” She paused, thinking of how to tell them a rainbow maned cyan pony showing up on her doorstep would be just as bad. Finally she said “Let’s just say I might have put some illegal goods in her cottage at one stage,”

“Anonymous Pegasus #3, that’s you. Be gentle,” Said Featherhead, before going and hiding behind a tree and gesturing to the others to follow suit. The Pegasus trotted forwards and knocked on the door.

“GO AWAY RAINBOW DASH! I DON’T WANT ANY PART OF WHATEVER TROUBLE YOU’RE GETTING YOURSELF INTO THIS TIME,” A timid yet forceful voice came from beyond the locked door, ruffling the guard’s mane.

“Uhhh…Rainbow dash isn’t here…” He tried, and it seemed to work. The door opened a crack. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you, and I’m only delivering good news,” the eye Fluttershy was looking through the door with had widened in terror when she spotted that it was a royal guard, and quite a high ranking one at that, but she seemed to calm down after this statement.

“W-why are y-you here,” She stammered out. No matter what this guard said, she was still scared. “W-why would s-someone as high up as y-you come h-here? D-did R-r-Rainbow Dash tell you s-something? Or d-did you find out s-some other w-way,” She was practically signing her own arrest warrant, but the guard ignored it.

“Well, we decided your quiet nature and the fact that you’re a Pegasus would make you perfectly qualified to play golf representing all of Pegasus kind,” Suddenly, without warning, Fluttershy fainted. And with just as little warning, his superior’s hoof struck him in the side of the head, knocking him out cold.

“Well, that went swimmingly. Anonymous Pegasus #2, check if they’re still alive, Rainbow Dash, I need you to deliver a couple of messages,” Said Featherback, turning to the blue pony. Rainbow’s face suddenly lit up, knowing she’d get the chance to show how fast she was to these guards. “First, go to Canterlot and tell them I sent you about operation ‘G01f p3ga5u5’, they’ll know what you mean. Tell them we aren’t too sure what her answer is, but we’re working on it, and if it’s no, that you are going to be forced into it. Next, go to Cloudsdale and see if you can find Fluttershy’s mother, I’m sure she’ll know how to convince this Earthbound Pegasus to play. But please, don’t tell her we made her faint,”

“You can count on me! I’ll be done in 10 seconds flat,” She replied, not thinking that she’d have to stop in order to deliver the messages and taking off.

“They’re both alive, general,” said the anonymous Pegasus as a sonic boom sounded off in the distance. “But I think Anonymous Pegasus #3 might have a haemorrhage, and probably won’t be able to fly for a while. Looks like we’re carrying him,”

“OR we could just make him walk to the golf course to wait until he’s recovered. It’s not that far. And as for this filly, we’ll carry her somewhere where she can recover to the sight of a familiar face,” suggested Featherback. He wasn’t awarded the rank of General for poor tactics.

“What if she recovers before him? Then we’ve wasted our time waiting. Why don’t we carry them both to the nearest place we can find, and hope nothing goes horribly wrong like it always does right after the Fourth Wall is broken,”

“Name one time that’s happened,” Featherback received no answer. Unfortunately, his subordinate was right, and they would have to carry them both. “Fine, but you’re carrying Anonymous Pegasus #3,”

They hoisted the unconscious ponies onto their backs, and trotted off into the moonset. After they had left however, a grey mass flew erratically in, did something at the mailbox, and flew off, once again erratically.

(Authors notes) TENSION! As of the time I write this, the formatting will be standardised from now on. Unfortunately of course, they're going to sugar cube corner, and I do not have godly control over what happens there. And Pinkie showed up a couple of days ago, for three reasons. 1, to destroy my portal to equestria. 2, to get a part in my fic, which I had previously refused. and 3, to help me out with the storyline. I will be taking a break over the Easter Holidays, as I will have no internet or even computer access for quite a while. I was only recently told, however, that the height I made Constantine was short, so I have to go back and fix it. *Goes and finds conversion from centimeters to hooves* Well, now I just need to care enough to go back and edit, or take my editor's suggestions into account...Course, he can't quite edit right now, becuase we both have exam block and he was studying this morning when I asked if he had time to edit this. But anyway, GOODBYE, PEOPLEZ!