• Published 22nd Sep 2013
  • 3,919 Views, 44 Comments

Love, Loss and Apples - Real_SilentPony

Two star-crossed ponies and their love for each other

  • ...

Chapter 8

The once friendly halls of the Evergreen Orphanage were strangely silent. There was no pitter-patter of little hooves as colts and fillies played and kept themselves busy. There was no laughter, nor shouts of warning followed by the inevitable crash of broken pottery. For lack of a better term, it was an off day for the little orphans. Nopony wanted to do much; sleeping on the couch seemed to be the preferred activity of many.

The sky outside was grey with swollen rain-clouds, and if a pony squinted they could just make out the distant black dots of weather pegasi moving clouds around. A storm was being crafted over Canterlot and the Evergreen forest surrounding it. The mood in the orphanage was never terribly bright, but today it seemed just as cloudy and grey as the sky.

Oliver Spring looked down at the letter in his hooves and made a face. It was for AppleBloom and he had hoped to have it written before the mailponies came by, but with the storm inching closer he would have to wait until tomorrow to send it. Ever since meeting the filly, the two had been pen-pals. Every week or so he would get a new letter from her; it was the highlight of the week. AppleBloom had even sent him a blue teddy bear last month; she had one just like it, but it was a girly pink to his definitely not baby-blue.

The first few letters had been so funny and cute, and she had even marked them with a kiss. But then she had told him about the break-up; Soarin and Applejack's horrible emotional breakup. Now the letters were mournful pleas for a friend, for somepony to listen to her. Each letter was stained with ink-smears and blotted with drops of dried tears. AppleBloom cried when she poured her heart out to him. Each letter back had to be perfect. The Apple filly had to know someponies still cared about her. Oliver read over the few lines he had already written, somewhat satisfied. Then a drop of cool water dripped form the leaking ceiling and smeared the ink. Oliver grimaced and crumbled the letter and tossed it onto a growing pile of previous rejects. The roof always leaked during the rain. Already he could see the drip drip drip of raindrops hitting a pan in the kitchen.

"Oliver?" A sweet, tired voice called out. The colt looked up as Susan Evergreen stepped into the room. The ceiling lights were off to save bits so the only illumination came from the darkened sky outside.

"Hello Ms. Susan." Oliver looked out the window. The older mare looked down at the crumbled letters and sighed sadly. She noticed the roof dripping and made a mental note; one more thing to fix.

"Still writing to your little fillyfriend?" She asked as she sat next to him. Despite himself Oliver blushed and grinned a toothy grin.

"Maybe." He said and Susan laughed. After a moment he added, "She's really sad."


"'cause she says her sister Applejack is really sad." Oliver looked at Susan, "She says Applejack misses Soarin' every day and wants him back." At this Susan was silent. "Does Soarin' miss Applejack?"

"I don't know." She responded, "I hope so. They were very cute together."

"Then why don't they get back together, Ms. Susan?" Oliver asked. The old pony smiled sadly.

"It's not that simple, Oliver." She said carefully. The colt blinked and looked at the pile of crumbled paper on the floor.

"Well…why not?" He asked, eyes wide with childhood wonder and confusion. Susan smiled sadly at him and kissed his forehead. He was too young to understand adult relationships. It was all so simple to him; two ponies go together. Applejack and Soarin' go together. Nothing more and certainly nothing less. Susan envied him that.

"Ask me again when you're older." Susan said. Oliver groaned at the all too familiar answer. It was like Ms. Susan treated him like a foal or something! The colt looked down at the remains of the letters he had written and an idea popped into his head.

"Ms. Susan, when is Soarin' gonna' visit again?" Oliver tried to hide the eagerness from his voice, but the older pony saw straight through it.

"Don't go planning something, Oliver Spring." Susan said kindly but firmly, "Soarin' and Applejack need to work this out themselves." When she saw the downcast look in his eyes, she put a hoof to his shoulder, "Your heart is in the right place, but this is a grown pony matter. Understand?"

"Do I have to?" He asked almost defiantly. Susan chuckled.

"No, not really." She looked out the window as the rain began to fall, "I'm not even sure I do."


A cool breeze. The warm sun kissing her skin. She can smell salt water, and hear the swoosh-crash of ocean waves. In the clear blue sky, seagulls caw and swoop in a graceless, endless dance. The sand is fine under her hooves, and gives way just enough to leave a shallow hoofprint. When the tide comes, she knows they'll be washed away; she doesn't care. Right now, her life is perfect.

She has never been to a beach before. She has never felt a tropical breeze or smelled the ocean. It is everything she imagined. It is a paradise in every sense of the word. She's outside, the sun is warm and it's not Sweet Apple Acres. She loves Ponyville with all her heart, but some days she needs something new. Some fresh, like the ocean.

"Hey." The voice carries over the wind and she turns her head, already knowing who she will see.

He is beautiful in every way. His body is fit, lean and athletic. His fur is soft and the color of an autumn sky. His eyes are greener than any plant she has ever seen. He smiles at her and it takes her breath away.

"Howdy." It's the only response she can manage. It's too perfect. What did she ever do to deserve all her dreams coming true? Her stallion sits down next to her, and she is drawn to him like a magnet. She leans against him and this time he leans back. His lips gently brush the side of her head.

The wind picks up and a new smell enters the air. It's watery and thick. The smell of rain. The sky begins to darken. Thunder strikes.

"Storms coming." He whispers to her. She follows his gaze. Dark clouds are rolling inland from the far sea. It's her first tropical storm. She's excited.

"I sees it." She breathes "It's pretty."

"We should head inside soon."

"Just a few more minutes." She wants to hear the rain when it starts to fall on the water. He puts a hand on her shoulder and she turns.

"Applejack?" He whispers.


"I love you." He tells her and holds his lips over hers. His breath is hot, and it muddles with her mind.

"I lov-"

Applejack's hissed in the cold air and her eyes opened. Her head rested against a window and she could feel the soft impacts of raindrops. Applejack rubbed her eyes and flexed her neck. Something pulled back and she grimaced. She must have slept on it wrong; just one more problem to add to her ever growing list. The pony looked down at the book in her lap and wondered when she had fallen asleep. Applejack turned her attention back to the storm and sighed. It had felt so real; she almost had him.

"Watching the rain?" A voice called from the door way. Applejack didn't look over her shoulder.

"Ya' could say that." Applejack whispered to her. She heard Rarity sigh and ignored it.

"Applejack, we need to talk." Rarity sat down across earth pony. The farmer shook her head clear of the memories she was reliving and gave Rarity as level stare. Applejack held a book in her hooves. The binding read Danger Doo and the Flowers of Tomorrow. It was the seventh and most recent in the popular series. It was one of the shared passions of nearly every pony in Ponyville, maybe even all of Equestria. Rarity had ordered a collector's edition months ago, much to the envy of Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash. Having contacts in all the cities on Equestria had its advantages.

Applejack was still on the first page. Rarity doubted the earth pony had even so much as read the prologue.

"…ain't really much for talkin'" Applejack said dismissively and looked away. Rarity took a deep breath. This was her last chance to back down. If she continued, she was committed to this and to whatever fate awaited Applejack. Knowing that, could she go through with this? To Rarity, the answer was instantaneous.

"It's about Soarin'." Rarity said plainly. Applejack's head twisted so fast it should have made her dizzy. The earth pony's body had gone almost completely stiff and her eyes brimmed with tears. There was a desperate look in her greens eyes, as if she expected to wake up any moment safe in the Wonderbolt's arms; the last month being nothing but a dream.

"Did somethin' happen? Is his okay?" For the first time in a month, the old Applejack was speaking through the despair. Applejack was on her feet in an instant, "Do we need to go see 'im? Come on Rarity! Times'a wastin'!"

"Applejack." Rarity stood quickly to intercept her, "Sit back down. I have heard nothing that leads me to believe his is hurt…physically at least."

"What in the hay is that suppos'd to mean?" Applejack snapped back.

"I…I wish to get you two back together." Rarity said and walked over to the window. It was night in Ponyville and Luna's stars would be shining behind the storm clouds.

"xcuse me?" Applejack deadpanned. Rarity snorted.

"Exactly as I said it, Applejack." Rarity said with a grin, "We…well the others thought time would heal you…that maybe you would forget and move on."

"But ya'll didn't?"

"I was there Applejack. I saw you two together." Rarity winked at the earth pony, "And I saw when you two tried to sneak into the bushes at the Evergreen Orphanage for a quick make-out session." At this Applejack blushed but the tears came on all the same.

"Ya'll saw that huh?" She smiled sadly.

"You're many things Applejack, but sneaky is not one of them." Rarity sighed, "The others may think letting you suffer through this will help you eventually. Like you are going through Soarin' de-toxation. The parties, the dresses and game nights…even Pinkie spiking her punch last week…they were stopgaps, nothing more. But I know better." She laughed, "Oh yes, I know better."

"Then why did ya' play along?" Applejack asked. Rarity looked at her best friend and shook her head.

"I am afraid, Applejack. Fearful for you and for me." Rarity's voice was shaking as she fought to keep her own tears from smearing her make-up, "If…I have a plan. It's a long shot…but the rewards…"

"Soarin'?" Applejack breathed the name. A single ember of hope began to glow in her heart; a light in the darkness.

"If all goes according to plan…yes." Rarity nodded, "But if it doesn't work…or Celestia forbid, if he has another pony…"

Anger surged through Applejack and she stomped her hoof on the floor hard. A snarl died in her throat as her eyes of fire met Rarity's. "Ain't no pony but me gets to be with Soarin'!" She said between her teeth, "Any mare that lays a hoof on him will answer to me!"

"Applejack I need you to concentrate. If my plan fails, I doubt you and Soarin' will ever get back together. Ever. Truly this is a last-ditch effort." Rarity sighed, "But I cannot…will not make this choice for you. The choice is yours and yours alone."

"I loves Soarin' more than I ever will any other pony." Applejack said firmly as more tears rolled down her gaunt face, "I can't live another day without 'im."


Applejack grinned. It was the most Applejack-like thing she had done all month.

"Celestia favors the bold."


Spitfire sighed; her body was exhausted and her mind was close to a full system collapse. She was always ragged in the days before flight shows, and the one coming up was the biggest of the year. The Royal Academy Flight show; every pony who could go went. There would be thousands of fans, politicians, royals and entertainers on hoof to watch. It would be the first Royal Academy show in a thousand years in which Princess Luna would be in attendance. It would be a night to remember, if only she could get her damn Wonderbolts to do the routine!

Normally she could rely on Soarin' to handle the squad-to-squad interactions. He could sympathize with almost any problem a recruit or even a veteran flyer could have. But more importantly, Pegasi wanted to be his friend. They wanted to listen to Soarin', wanted him to be proud of them. That was something Spitfire lacked. She could organize the muster reports and create flight-plans that would have put the legendary Commander Hurricane to shame, but she couldn't mingle with her Wonderbolts. Not the way her lieutenant could.

Spitfire switched off the light of her office and closed the door behind her. The Wonderbolt's camp was mostly empty this time of night. Most of the official Wonderbolts were off pursuing their own goals or spending time with their families. Only the lights from the recruits barracks were still on and Spitfire could hear echoing laughter and cheers from longhouse. The Wonderbolts ran their recruits ragged, so Spitfire had eased up on the 'lights out and no talking' restrictions. The kids needed to relax at night and to bond with one another. It was part of what made the Wonderbolts so effective; they truly cared for one another.

Spitfire couldn't help but think to her long time, and if she was honest, best friend in the world, Soarin'. His break up with Applejack had been nothing short of devastating, and in the first few days Spitfire wanted nothing more than to break Applejack's nose. But now she just pitied her; she pitied them both. She had seen the love in her friend's eyes, and knew it had been mirrored by the apple farmer. If Soarin' felt this bad, she could only imagine the hell Applejack must feel. Part of Spitfire didn't care; part of her said let Applejack be miserable. She had hurt Soarin'!

But another part knew that it wasn't that simple. Soarin' still loved her despite how much he denied it. If only he could get over his damn martyrdom personality, he could try again with her. Spitfire was so lost in her thoughts she almost missed a few hushed whispers from around the corner.

Spitfire pressed herself against the building she was passing and peered around the corner. Two figures were in the shadows, carefully placed just out of light from the lamp-posts. Spitfire kept to the shadows and crept closer, both curious and ever hungry for gossip or even a potential prank.

"We shouldn't be out here." The first pony whispered. Spitfire knew the stallion; Sanguine Flight, the rookie. Which meant the other pony could only be his rival and partner in crime.

"Scared of having a little fun, Goldie?" Yup. Cloud-Kicker. Spitfire sighed; what were these two up to now?

"Scared of getting caught." Sanguine countered, "There are regs about this. No two active Wonderbolts can-"

"Don't quote regulations to me, Sanguine!" Cloud-Kicker snapped, "I've read the book too. Besides…" Cloud-Kicker stepped closer to the stallion and draped an arm over his shoulder. Their lips hovered inches from each other, "It's a stupid rule."

Spitfire snickered as the two kissed. I'll be damned, the rumors were true. Sanguine was the first to pull away.

"Cloud, wait I-"

"Shut up, Goldie." Cloud-Kicker returned her lips to his. Spitfire let them have a few seconds of each other before deciding to end this before they went too far.

"Ahem." She coughed loudly from the shadows. The two recruits broke apart, gasping in shock as their captain stepped into the light of the lamppost. "Good evening."

"Captain Spitfire!" Sanguine looked around, "Ma'am we were just ummm…"

"Shit…" Cloud-Kicker swore and buried her head in Sanguine's chest to hide her blush and shame.

"Here's how this is going to go." Spitfire began calmly. She smiled inwardly at the two recruits went stiff as a board. "It's late, I am very tired, my pet falcon has probably chewed my bed up again, and I really want to take a bath." The recruits didn't so much as breathe, "So I'm going to go do that. And you two are going to keep your tongues in your individual mouths until at least after Saturday's performance." The two shared a confused look.


"I'm not finished." Spitfire snapped. She couldn't let them off that easy; she was the company captain, rules were rules, "You are never to engage in these activities while on base or duty ever again. No seconds chances here, so keep it under control. And I expect flawless performances from both of you. If you have enough energy for a late night make-out session, you damn well better be prepared to fly." Her feature softened up, "Now if you two happen to meet at the same restaurant or movie theater during leave, well I can't do anything about that, can I? Just never again on duty."

"You're…you're not going to suspend us or wash us out of the program?" Cloud-Kicker's normally arrogant voice was hushed with disbelief.

"Normally I would." The two flinched, "But we have a show on Saturday and your trainer just took a month of vacation. I can't afford to lose three flyers in one day. I guess today is your lucky day, eh Cloud?"

"Y-yes Ma'am."

"Besides" Spitfire smirked, "It's not like you're the first two to break regs."

"Got something you wanna' tell us, cap?" Cloud asked, her swagger and tone back to full strength. Spitfire was inwardly impressed but kept a stony exterior.

"Yes in fact." She said, "Go. To. Bed."

"Yes Ma'am!" the two snapped a salute and sprinted off into the darkness. Spitfire heard a smack and Cloud grunt in pain, then more furious whispers. Spitfire groaned; she really didn't want to transfer one of them to another unit. They worked really well together. It was a shame they were attracted to one another.

Spitfire put the thought from her mind. That was another issue for a long distant day. She was about to take to the sky and head home when she heard more whispering from the shadows. She sighed; either this was the horniest group of candidates yet, or the most forgetful. She wasn't sure which idea she liked worse.

"I swear by Celestia, if that's you Cloud-Kicker and Sanguine, I'm kicking you out tonight." Spitfire said to the shadows. The darkness moved slight and she saw the tell-tale silhouettes of two Pegasi landing gracefully on the grass. The first one stepped into the light.

"Sorry to disappoint, Spitfire." Rainbow Dash said behind a tight grin. The Wonderbolt blinked a few times in surprise. The other Pegasus stepped forward; this one was a soft yellow with pink hair. Spitfire remembered her from the Gala. What was her name? Flutterguy? Something like that.

Spitfire turned her attention back to the cyan Pegasus and the painfully serious look on her face. This wasn't the carefree, playful Rainbow Dash she remembered from the Gala. It may have only been a few months, but she looked like she had aged years. Maybe Rainbow's time was sooner rather than later…

"What are you two doing here this late?" Spitfire asked, "A little late for autographs, isn't it Dash?" This caused Rainbow Dash to blush slightly and she looked away, but Spitfire was sure she had seen a deep sadness in her eyes.

"We want to talk." Fluttershy began meekly, "About Soarin…and Applejack…if…if this is a good time. We can come back later…if you want…"

"If it's about them, then I have the time." Spitfire said seriously, "How's the-" Spitfire almost let slip the word 'bitch' but stopped herself, "farmer?"

"She ain't good." Rainbow said simply.


"Oh it's just awful, Spitfire!" Fluttershy began fluttering in the air, ticking off points on her hoof, "Applejack doesn't work anymore, she barely eats, barely sleeps. She's always so sad. We've tried everything we can think of to help her, but she just sits there."

"It's like she wants to be sad." Rainbow put in. Spitfire felt her breath catch in her throat. She had used those exact words on Soarin'. It seemed that Applejack was just a willing to give up with Soarin' as he was without her.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Spitfire said evenly. Rainbow glared at her.

"How's Soarin' dealing?" She asked. Spitfire could tell Rainbow was one wrong word away from an outburst. The past month must have been hard on them.

"Much the same." Spitfire said sadly, "Only more drinking and bar fights. Also he eats more than he should, rather than nothing at all."

"Oh my…" Fluttershy whispered, "They really are lost without each other…"

"Looks that way." Spitfire said softly.

"Yeah yeah, enough with the pity talk!" Rainbow suddenly said, "The question is what we are going to do about it? They can't stay this way!"

"I already tried setting Soarin' up with my cousin, but it didn't go over to well." Spitfire said and winced at the memory. Soarin' had slipped up and called her Applejack by mistake. He had gotten a face full of wine for his troubles.

"You what?" Rainbow almost snarled, "You tried to replace Applejack?"

"Back off, Dash!" Spitfire snapped back, "Applejack called Soarin' an orphan! An unwanted orphan! You think I'm just going to suggest he get back together with her after that?"

"Then why are you considering doing it now?" Fluttershy asked meekly. She could see Spitfire and Rainbow Dash were seconds away from an all-out brawl over their friends. Spitfire relented first.

"Because I'm out of ideas." Spitfire said and sighed, "Soarin' and I have been friends for a long time. He's helped me keep my company in order and train recruits. He's seen me at my best…" She hesitated, remembering a very dark chapter in her life, "And at my worst. I owe it to him to trying anything. And if getting him back together with Applejack is the only way…I'll have to have a very long, very serious and very unpleasant conversation with Applejack when this is all over…but if you gals have any ideas, I'm all ears."

"Well…Rarity did have an idea." Fluttershy began.

"Why am I not surprised?" Spitfire laughed a bit, "What do you need me to do?"

"Well…where is Soarin' now?" Fluttershy asked, looking around as if expecting him to emerge from the shadows. She hated nighttime. Who knows what spooky things were watching her from the dark.

"I gave Soarin' a month of leave." Spitfire smirked. "'Gave'. I forced it down his throat more like it."

"So, he's not here?" Rainbow asked.

"Doubt it. He packed his bag and left hours ago. He'll probably spend a few nights at his house, then most of the time at the Evergreen Orphanage. It's where he goes to unwind."

"Oh…" Fluttershy looked at the ground.


"We…we were going to have Ms. Evergreen from the orphanage help us." Rainbow hesitated, "Rarity though if Applejack could help the orphanage, somehow make life easier for the colts and fillies, then…then maybe Soarin' would give her a second chance."

"…That's a damn bold plan." Spitfire turned away and thought, "That place means the world to Soarin'."

"Would it work?" Fluttershy asked, hopeful.

"Maybe." Spitfre admitted, "Maybe he'll love her all the more, or maybe he'll hate her for trying to use the colts and fillies to get to him."

"It's the best we can do." Rainbow shrugged, "And if it fails we can still help the little ones. In my book, that's as good of a reason as any to try." Spitfire eyed the cyan Pegasus and smiled.

"You sound like a Wonderbolt." She whispered and turned back to the two, "Okay I'm in. What can I do?"

"We need you to keep Soarin' away from the orphanage." Rainbow said, "Anything you can do. Send him on patrol or…is there a dragon rampaging through some town? Maybe he could help!"

"Nothing like that, no." Spitfire chuckled, "But we do have an airshow this weekend."

"Oh yeah, the Royal Academy show." Rainbow blushed a bit, "I had box seats." Spitfire raised an eyebrow.

"Those aren't cheap, Dash."

"Tell me about it." Rainbow sighed, "But that's perfect. Get Soarin' to fly in the show and we can handle the rest."

"I can do that." Spitfire said confidently. The sky above lit up briefly in a display of white-blue lightning. Fluttershy yelped as thunder rumbled through the camp.

"Right on time." Rainbow snickered. If there was one thing she knew, it was weather. The air had grown heavy and damp. The storm over Ponyville and Canterlot was spreading. It was good storm and she was impressed at the weather ponies from Cloudsdale who built it.

"C…can we go home now?" Fluttershy asked. She really wanted to be in her cabin. For safety.

"Yeah sure." Rainbow said, and looked around. She had been ignoring the niggling itch at the base of her skull for too long. She was in the Wonderbolts camp! The Wonderbolts! It was the coolest thing ever! Rainbow took a few steps closer to one of the buildings. She heard laughter and saw the lights of a steel-grey longhouse were still on. It must have been this season's recruits. She wanted to be one so bad.

"You okay?" Spitfire asked carefully.

"Yeah…" Rainbow said, "It's kinda' surreal. I mean here I am in the Wonderbolts training camp, and all I can think of is helping Applejack."

"You don't want to go talk to the recruits? See what they did to earn a shot at the Wonderbolts?" Spitfire smirked. Maybe…

"A month ago, I would have given anything just to stand here, let alone talk to you." Rainbow said solemnly, "Now that I'm here…all I want to do is help Applejack. I'm willing to ignore what I want for my friends."

"Sounds like this last month has been hard on you."

"Nothing compared to what AJ has been through." Rainbow admitted, "I wasn't there for her when she needed me, so I gotta' set this right. AJ trumps everything right now."

"Sounds like you've learned a lot." Spitfire turned to her, "Think you might be ready." Rainbow's eyes widened.

"What?" She managed.

"Come back when this is all over." Spitfire grinned, "Our roster of recruits is one shy of our yearly quota. If you're ready, we'll put you through your paces and see how you stack up with the best flyers in Equestria.

"I…you…you're serious, aren't you?" Rainbow tried to catch her breath. A chance to try out for the Wonderbolts!

"Only if you are." Spitfire told her. Rainbow took a deep breath and held out her hoof.

"You won't regret this." Rainbow said firmly. Inwardly she was squealing her heart out.

"Which part?" Spitfire teased, "Giving you a shot at the Wonderbolts or helping you with AJ and Soarin'?"

"Both." Rainbow said and reeled in her emotions. She needed to concentrate; Applejack came first. She had to put all thoughts of the Wonderbolts from her mind. Spitfire noticed the determined look in the cyan Pegasus's eyes and inwardly smirked. Definitely ready.

"Good." Spitfire looked back at Fluttershy who was hiding behind the lamppost, keeping it between her and the approaching storm. "Looks like your friend is ready to bolt. If you want to leave before the storm hits, leave now."

"I will." Rainbow flapped her wings and was airborne, "and thanks. For everything."

"Just help Soarin' and Applejack and we'll call it even."


Cutie Mark Crusader headquarters. The most secret and important place in all of Ponyville; maybe even all of Equestria. At least that's what Scootaloo always told herself. She didn't have a cutie-mark so to her it truly was the most important place in Ponyville. The 'secret' part she added later, for show.

Scootaloo pushed open the door and tried to keep the box of sweets balanced on her back. Her wings were still too weak to fly, but they served well enough as supports. The inside of the treehouse was littered with failed cutie-mark schemes, tools of their mischievous trade and maybe a few kitten drawings. Again, for show.

"Applebloom?" She called out, knowing the little Apple had stayed to organize for a sleep over while Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle had gone into town for supplies.

"Over here." The reply came from the old couch Rarity had given the Crusaders; after they had spilled vibrant blue paint all over it, but still. Scootaloo made her way over quickly and shook out her mane. The rain was really coming down hard outside and it had soaked through her scooter helmet.

"I brought cupcakes!" Scootaloo chirped happily, "Oh and ginger snaps. And I think a few cinnamon rolls…though they may have been bearclaws."

"Ya', sounds good." Applebloom replied, not really listening. She held a letter in her hooves and was carefully reading and memorizing every crayon written line. Scootaloo looked over her shoulder.

"You got a new letter from Oliver? Didn't you just send one off?" She asked. Applebloom shook her head sadly.

"Na'. This is the first one I gots from 'im." Applebloom smiled a bit, "I just wanna' talk to 'im, face-to-face ya' know?"

"I still think its gross you want to spend time with a colt!" Scootaloo stuck out her tongue and made a face, "I mean Snips and Snails are colts! Gross!"

"He's really sweet." Applebloom said softy and felt a few tears welled up in her eyes, "I…I've been tellin' 'im about…ya' know…Applejack." Oliver had been the only pony she had poured her heart out to. Sure Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were her best friends, but they loved Applejack like a big sister. They were just as upset as she was most days. Not that Oliver was completely removed from their problems; from what he wrote in the letters, he looked up to Soarin' as a hero. And right now he was a fallen hero.

Applebloom had even sent Oliver one of the teddy bears Applejack and Soarin' had won. Applejack had cried when she confessed it had been Soarin' not Pinkie Pie she had gone to the Pomegranate Promenade with. Applebloom had always blushed around Oliver and at first she thought it was just a 'childhood crush' as Rarity called it. But he had been her friend and life-line to a world outside of Ponyville. Outside the cold emptiness the Apple family had become. Applejack wasn't the same pony she was. Applebloom didn't know where her big sis was, but the pony wearing her hat wasn't Applejack. And Big Macintosh had become even more stoic and silent. It was like he was always at a loss for words, always shocked silent.

Oliver listened and wrote back. He offered a shoulder to cry on, even if he was a hundred miles away. She had only met the befuddled cute orphan once but already Applebloom knew she would never forget him. Not that she would ever want to, but if anypony wrote the story of Applebloom's life, there would have to be at least an entire chapter for Oliver Spring. And she was only ten! Celestia only knew what the future would be like. Would Oliver be her first real kiss? Would he take her to her first dance?

The thought sent a thrill through Applebloom and she blushed. Scootaloo looked at her for a moment and gagged, as if reading her mind. Needing a distraction, Applebloom motioned to the box of sweets.

"Got any vanilla cupcakes in there?" She asked, "I'm powerful hungry."

"Sure do." Scootaloo opened the box and they both sighed happily at the warm steam rising from them. Pinkie Pie had just finished baking them when Scootaloo dropped by.

"Tarnation, Scoots!" Applebloom said and took one of the delicious treats, "Ya'll must be as fast as all get out on ya' scooter."

"Fastest Pegasus on the ground" Scootaloo said proudly, "Rainbow Dash says when my wings are stronger I'll be as fast as her!" Scootaloo squealed at the idea and gave her little wings a test flap. She got a few inches off the ground before she had to stop. Not there yet, but better than before.

"Ya'll ever think…" Applebloom took a bite of the cupcake and sighed. Delicious. Moist, soft and sugary; perfect.

"What?" Scootaloo asked her mouth full of a chocolate…something. It was hard to tell.

"Well, what if scooting is ya' special talent?" Applebloom asked, "What if ya' is suppos'd to be a racer?"

"Hmmmm…" Scootaloo thought for a moment and shook her head with a laugh, "Nah! I'm gonna' be a flyer like Rainbow Dash. I can just feel it." She tried to take off again and fell back to the floor with a thump, "Just not today. Hey, does Oliver have his cutie-mark yet? Maybe we could ask him how he got his?"

"Nah, he's a blank flank too." Applebloom said softly, "Most of the ponies there are blank flanks. It ain't the best place to try to find ya' special talent."

"Oh yeah…" Scootaloo said, "Forgot about that part." She paused for a moment and ate an entire cupcake in one bite, " You offer him a spot in the Crusaders yet?"

"I…wha? The Cutie Mark Crusaders are a fillies only club, ain't we?" Applebloom asked, "I mean it's only ya', me and Sweetie Belle."

"Blank flank is a blank flank." Scootaloo said casually and shrugged, "I was gonna' ask Pipsqueak when he's older. Wouldn't it be cool if like the Cutie Mark Crusaders were an Equetria wide group? We could get fillies and colts from all over Equestria to help us!"

"That does sound fun…" Applebloom said and smiled at the idea. Really any chance to see Oliver again would be great. Why not grow two plants with one seed?

Before the thought could truly take root, the door to the clubhouse was kicked open. Both of the eating Crusaders gasped and turned to see a shadowed figure in the doorway. They screamed in terror; the imagination running wild. Lightning struck and Sweetie Belle was illuminated with a confused look on her face.

"What's wrong with you two?" She asked and stepped inside.

"Oh um, nothing!" Scootaloo said and coughed, "I wasn't scared."

"You looked like you were." Sweetie Belle said and took a ginger snap from the box.

"You kidding? Rainbow Dash's number one fan scared?" Scootaloo laughed, 'I was just practicing a new dance move. Yeah that's it!"

"Ever think dancing is your special talent?" Sweetie asked with a mouth full of cookie.

"Nope, I'm a flyer! Just like Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo said with stars in her eyes. Applebloom shook her head and turned her attention to her unicorn friend.

"Hey Sweetie Belle, weren't ya' suppos'd to bring sleepin' bags from Rarity's?" She asked, noticing a distinct lack of well…sleeping bags.

"I was?" Sweetie Belle asked then turned to a saddlebag over her shoulder, "I got something better." She pulled out a sealed scroll.

"Is that a treasure map?" Scootaloo suddenly asked. She had just finished her first Daring Doo novel.

"No. It's instructions." Sweetie hesitated and looked at Applebloom, "From Rarity. She…she wants to help Applejack." This caused Applebloom to take a deep breath.


"By getting her back together with Soarin'." Sweetie Belle said, "I think. I haven't opened it."

"Well what is ya' waitin' fer?" Applebloom asked impatiently, "If it's gonna help AJ then we is wastin' day light."

"It's nighttime Applebloom." Scootaloo said matter-of-factly.

"Ya'll knows what I mean!" She was getting testy, "Now opens it!"

The three Crusaders huddles over the scroll and Sweetie used her horn to cut the wax seal. Slowly she open the scroll and together the three Crusaders read it in silence.

They gasped, eyes wide.

Applebloom dropped her cupcake.


"A what now?" Applejack asked in disbelief.

"A fund raiser." Rarity said with a nod, "At the Evergreen Orphanage."

"And ya'll thinks this is gonna' get Soarin' to come back?" Applejack asked, frowning.

"The event itself, no." Rarity said and sighed, "I'll be honest; when we went to visit those little fillies and colts, I was moved to tears. We both saw how much Soarin' cared for them, and you know how much Applebloom misses her little crush. I want to help them; all of them."

"That's mighty swell of ya', Rarity." Applejack said, "And I don't mean to sound…ungrateful but how does this help me gettin' my stallion back."

"If all goes according to plan, you and he will both be there." Rarity said, "I assume you've spent ample time thinking of what you'd say to him if you ever saw him again?" At this Applejack gasped and had to steady herself on a nearby table. She had spent countless nights trying to find the words to express her grief. How she would beg for forgiveness and one more chance. If only she could just talk to Soarin' for five minutes she could make him see she loved him more than anything.

"I…I…" Applejack tried. Rarity put a hoof to her shoulder.

"I know Applejack, I know." Rarity said, "An event like this…Soarin' will have to show up."

"Ya'll really think this could work?" Applejack asked, her spark of hope wavering, "I means…it ain't exactly romantic."

"Since when did you know anything about romance, Applejack?" Rarity teased and Applejack grinned.

"The night I made love with Soarin'." She retorted. The pushed the memories of that night aside though. She knew from experience if she relived them she wouldn't stop crying.

"Touché." Rarity said, impressed, "But if you have a more romantic idea, I am all ears. I suppose we could get you kidnapped by a monster and Soarin' can come to you rescue, but I am afraid I am all out of Chimeras and Hydras at the moment."

"Ya never know." Applejack managed, "Pinkie Pie might have one in her basement as a surprise."

"I have never been in her basement and I intend to keep it that way." Rarity said firmly and they both shared a smile.

"This ain't…an auction, is it?" Applejack asked carefully. Rarity gasped, truly shocked.

"Applejack!" She said, "I would never use those poor colts and fillies as…tools. The thought alone makes me sick. I must agree with what Susan Evergreen told us; only the most loving parents can adopt. I will make it clear to all guests than there will be absolutely no adoptions that night, or for at least a month after. I care about those ponies. I…I want to make sure they have a good home. Seeing how I cannot adopt them all, I will settle with making sure they at least have a house that does not leak."

"Element of Generosity to the bone…" Applejack said with a grin. Rarity nodded

"We've all learned something about ourselves this last month." Rarity said kindly.

"What did I learn?" Applejack asked bitterly, "That I can cry ever' night and not run outta' tears?"

"Well if you want to be a bitch about this, then I would say you learned not to keep secrets." Rarity snapped back but instantly softened, "But if you want to take more meaning, I would say you're learning the value of honesty and being true to yourself. You love Soarin', right?"

"More than my own right hoof." Applejack said confidently.

"Well then," Rarity smiled, "I would say it's time to get to work." Outside the rain picked up and thunder echoed, "Oooh, not tonight. But first thing in the morning."

"I ain't gonna be able to sleep, Rarity." Applejack said and sat down, "I'm so nervous my stomach feels like it's got a beehive in it."

"Might I suggest a bath?"Rarity asked and ignored the look she got in return, "You look dreadful dear. And please, eat more food. I doubt Soarin' wants to see you all pale skin and bones."

"Then ya'll don't know Soarin'." Applejack said. This caused Rarity to stop in the doorway and give the apple farmer a puzzled look. "He loved me no matter what I looked like. I could tell." She blushed slightly, "That I made his jaw drop so much…well…that was just icing on the cake if ya' gets my meanin'."

"Oh Applejack, we have got to get you back together with this stallion." Rarity sighed, hearts in her eyes. She had forgotten what it was like to see true love take a pony's heart. It had to work out form them; Rarity wouldn't allow for any other alternatives.

"Don't I knows it."