• Published 23rd Sep 2013
  • 12,234 Views, 216 Comments

Our Girl Scootaloo 3 of 3 - Cozy Mark IV

Twenty years after her arrival on earth, the Mane Six have come to 'rescue' Scootaloo as they did Dashie... Her husband and two children might have something to say about this however... This 'rescue' is about to get complicated.

  • ...

Ch 3.23 Cake and Cutie Marks

Our Girl Scootaloo

Part 3 of 3

by Cozy Mark IV & Jan. McNeville

Disclaimer: This is a non-profit fan-made work of prose. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is the property of Hasbro. Please support the official release

Chapter Three point Twenty Three: Cake and Cutie Marks

The train pulled into the station with a squeal of steel on steel and burst of steam as it slid to a stop and the passengers began to hop off. The group pulled together as ponies scurried around them in every direction, the differences between them unnoticed in the rush of the moment.
After a few minutes most of them seemed to have disembarked, and the conductor began shouting 'all aboard' in what David couldn't help but think of as an adorably Victorian way. They all presented their tickets to the startled conductor and then Scoot and Ms. Scott boarded without trouble and David, following right behind, ran his head into the top of the door frame hard enough to knock him off his feet.

“Son of a-!” He managed as he sat on the floor holding his head.

“Oh, gosh, are you okay?”

He gritted his teeth, but managed. “Yeah... I'm fine. Just watch that low ceiling.”

Fortunately, Faith was short enough that she didn't need to worry, and the three Agents made it a point to watch their heads after seeing David's fine example. As they all settled in to the bench seats that were perhaps a little too short and deep for a biped, Agent Tyler spoke up.

“Pardon me, Scootaloo? Do they have restroom facilities on this train?”

“Of course! Here, it's this way.”

The two wandered off and the rest of them watched as the train began to move and the scenery scrolled by outside the windows. Ms. Scott put an arm around David, snuggling close as they watched the landscape outside. Faith had her face pressed against the glass with a rapt expression of adoration and in the back, the two agents seemed to have relaxed enough to enjoy the ride. The door to their car slid shut with a clank and Scootaloo quickly took her seat once more, followed by a somewhat red-faced Agent Tyler.

“Uh... Is everything okay?” David asked.

This seemed to intensify the slight color in her cheeks. “I'm fine. Let's just say the bathrooms here are... different.”

Ms. Scott raised an eyebrow and gestured for her husband to follow her.
The conversation soon drifted to what they planned to do when they arrived, how good it would be to see her friends again, and what the town was really like. In the middle of a description of Sugar Cube Corner, Ms. Scott and David opened the door and made their way back to their seats, one wearing an expression of amusement, the other looking mortified and trying to conceal a small damp patch on his pants. They conversation ground to a halt as they all stared.

“What? That wasn't as easy as it looked.” David shrugged as he tried not to blush.

Ms. Scott was grinning broadly and trying not to laugh at him as she teased. “Well, I told you it wasn't exactly easy for me, but I have years or practice, and some gymnastic training.”

This only made him blush more, and he shrank back in his seat. “All right, I promise I won't give you a hard time about leaving the seat up anymore.”

As the train began slowing down, the town came into view over a small ridge, and the rest of the group joined Faith as they stared out the window at the kids' cartoon show suddenly come to life. Soon the squealing of steel on steel announced their arrival, but before they could even stand up, little Scootaloo had already bolted out the door and off the train, driving right for the two little fillies who were watching the train hopefully.


“Applebloom, Sweetie Belle!”

The three collided and rolled a few feet as they hugged their friend and refused to let go.

“I missed you girls soo much!”

“We missed you too, Scootaloo!”

“We were so worried about ya!”

The rest of the group shouldered what few bags they had and disembarked in a more sedate fashion, pausing on the platform to watch the reunion. As the three gradually let go of each other, Applebloom got her first good look at her friend who appeared several years younger than she remembered.

“Say, what the hay happened to you anyway? You look like a little kid!”

“Um... its a long story.” She turned sheepishly and looked from the group of humans to her friends. “Girls? I'd like you to meet Scootaloo.”

Ms. Scott stepped up and held out a hand. “Nice to meet you.” Sweetie Belle hesitantly stepped forward and shook her prosthetic hand. “I know this may be hard to follow, but I'm the Scootaloo whose body you knew. I lost all my memory of you during the accident, and grew up on Earth were I work as a doctor. This little foal is a different body, but she is the mind of Scootaloo you know and remember.”

The two crusaders looked back and forth between the two of them, still eying the humans nervously. “Uh... Okay?”

“But how come our Scootaloo is so small? She looks too young.”

Both Scootaloos blushed, and Ms. Scott answered. “I'm sorry about that, but this was the only body we had on hand for the transfer. She'll grow up normally from now on, but she's always going to be a couple years behind you two in physical development.”

Applebloom's eyes suddenly lit up with glee. “Ah get to have a baby sister!”

Sweetie Belle shared her look of glee as Scootaloo looked a little worried, and Ms. Scott facepalmed.

“Why don't you two help little Scootaloo with her luggage.” Ms. Scott sighed. “I don't know what she brought, but the bags are bulky enough.”

That seemed to be enough, and the three of them charged onto the train to retrieve the forgotten baggage brought from the foreign world.

Faith watched them go with an expression of longing, looking as though she wanted desperately to follow, but couldn't quite summon up the courage to ask. Ms. Scott noticed this and sighed. “Come on Faith, why don't we see if we can buy some baked goods from Sugar Cube Corner?”

Faith perked up noticeably at this. “Really??”

David couldn't help but smile. “Yes, really. Come on, Pinkie is probably waiting!”


There were a few slammed doors and shutters as the group made their way through town, but these were outnumbered by curious stares as the residents of Ponyville got their first look at the strange 'humans' the papers had been going on about for weeks now. As they rounded a corner the gingerbread themed building came into view and little Faith's eyes lit up with joy as she ran up the steps towards the door which burst open just as she reached it.

“Welcome to Ponyville!”

The rest of the group caught sight of Pinkie Pie for a split second as she burst through the door and snatched the little girl up in her hooves and pulled her inside in an explosion of streamers.

Ms. Scott and Agent Tyler shared a look. “Well, who didn't see that coming.”

As they followed her in, the entire shop was decked out for a party, the likes of which had not been seen since Tuesday. This apparently had done nothing to diminish their host's enthusiasm however, and Pinkie was already introducing her to the Cakes and the other members of the town in attendance with their children.

Faith looked like she was in danger of imploding from pure joy at any moment.

As Lyra stepped forward to introduce herself Faith leapt in and hugged the startled pony who looked to Bon Bon for support.

“I'm so happy to meet you!” Faith beamed at the startled green pony. “Now you don't have to hide anymore! You can live in both worlds and have hands and everything!”

Bon Bon was giving her partner a raised eyebrow as poor Lyra looked back and forth between them in confusion.

“Here, I even brought you the the story!” Faith finished, fishing a printed-out copy of 'Anthropology' out of her pack and handing it over before moving on, apparently satisfied she had resolved all the story's conflicts on her own.

While David and Ms Scott tried to contain their laughter, Pinkie Pie swept in and started her on a game of 'Pin the tail on the pony' that had Faith smiling and wobbling a bit as she tried to score a hit on the poster board.

While the children played the others began sampling some of the myriad treats on display, all of which turned out to be delicious. On his third bite of cake David noticed a special small cake done up in bright colors on an elevated platform a bit out of reach of children and foals, and with deft cut he put a large slice on his plate and took a bite.

Two slices later, Pinkie wandered by and gave him a concerned look.

“Uh... did you eat all three of these slices yourself?”

David was grinning from ear to ear as he nodded and took another bite.

Ms Scott, watching the exchange heard her tone of voice.

“Yes he did. Is something wrong?”

Pinkie looked a bit embarrassed.

“Uh, no... he'll be fine in a couple of hours, but he... what was it your doctors say? He shouldn't operate heavy machinery until then.”

David turned and offered a forkful of the cake to his wife, his silly blissful grin showing as he asked; “Would you like some Scoot? It's so...” he had to think for a moment to describe the flavor, “it tastes so happy!”

Against her better judgment, Ms Scott took the offered bite, savoring the sweet lemony flavor as a warm carefree feeling seemed to wash through her.

“Wow, that is good...”

David was already reaching for another slice but she gently reached out to stop him. “No, no dear, lets leave some for everyone else, okay?”

His silly grin remained in place as he nodded absently and wandered over to the toys and games area.

“What did you put in that cake?” Ms Scott asked the suddenly sheepish pink pony.

“Oh just some local herbs and plants. Most of our treats have a little in them, but the ones on the high shelves are the really strong ones.”

Ms Scott's eyebrow only lifted higher. “And you feed these to children?”

“Well, yes.” Pinkie answered. “I kind of forgot to explain that to you guys though didn't I?”

The other Agents had gathered around by this time, and Mrs. Cake joined in the conversation; “The herbs tend to make a pony feel happy, contented and a little sleepy. How did you think we kept the little ones from tearing the place apart?”

Right in the middle of the following explanation, there was a loud crash outside, and Pinkie, Scootaloo and Faith ran to the window to see what had happened. For a moment they all thought they saw the Apple family's apple cart being attacked by a huge bat, but as the shouting and flapping continued they realized they were looking at some kind of smashed flying machine.

Two little fillies were trying to pull Scootaloo out of the twisted wreckage, and as they watched through the window, the commotion on the street became even greater as everypony turned to look in their direction. Faith had come running out the door, and joined Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, giving them the strength to yank the little orange filly loose.

Little Scootaloo sat down, looking dejected. “I'm sorry girls, I really thought that would work.”

“Oh, don't feel bad, Scoot. I think we just need to work on the control part.” Sweetie Belle answered.

“That was sooo awesome! Did you build this all by yourselves?” Faith asked.

“Well mostly, we-” Sweetie Belle finally turned and saw the scrawny biped sitting inches from her face. “Gah!”

Apple Bloom had also done a double take, but both fillies were now looking at Faith with interest.
“Sorry... We saw you at the station didn't we? Are you one of the humans who helped Scootaloo?” Apple Bloom asked, wide eyed.

“Yeah. She's cool.” Scootaloo replied in her best 'cool' tone. “Girls, this is Faith, she came with us from earth.” behind them, Applejack heaved a broken wing off the cart.

“You do know she's supposed to be the same age as us, right?” Sweetie Belle asked, in a tone that implied Faith should have been paying more attention when she 'helped' her friend.

“Hey! Just what in tarnation do you think you're doin'?” Applejack fumed at the four of them. “That zip line was bad enough, but you ain't even been back a day and now you're building another flying machine?”

“I'm sorry Sis, but I really thought it would work this time!” Apple Bloom apologized.

“Yeah! I'm littler and lighter now, and I brought this cool engine back with me and-”

The weed whacker to which the three had attached their propeller chose that moment to cough and catch fire.

“Aw, horseapples!”

After the four of them had helped Applejack clear away the wreckage, with a little help from Pinkie and Ms. Scott, Faith had asked if she could spend the afternoon with them, and Ms. Scott had agreed, giving each of them a small device and told them to call her if anything happened. None of them seemed to notice the strained looks that the grownups all exchanged.

As they walked away from the center of town, it was Applebloom who spoke up first.
“Wow. It's still kind of weird having two o' you running around, Scoot.”

“Yeah, Rarity tried to explain some of it to me.” Sweetie Belle added. “Is it true she's your mom?”

“Uh... Not quite.” Scootaloo replied, scratching the back of her head. “It's.. complicated.”

“And she already has her cutie mark! Does that mean that you're going to get a doctoring cutie mark too?”

“I... don't think that's how it works...” Scootaloo trailed off.

“How do you get a doctoring cutie mark anyway?” Faith asked. “I mean, if we asked, would they just let us into the hospital to try helping other kids?”

“Nah, we already tried that and the doc threw us out.” Applebloom answered sadly. Suddenly an idea occurred to her and she brightened noticeably. “Hey, what's your cutie mark? I can't see it under that fancy getup you're wearin'.”

Faith's face fell, and she pulled down her jeans to show them her bare hip. “I don't have a cutie mark. I really, really want one, but...

Three sets of eyes were now beaming back at her.

“You don't have your cutie mark either?”

“Well... no. We don't have them were I come from, but I've always wanted to get one.” She added sadly. “I was... I was kind of hoping you might let me come with you today?” She asked, looking at them with longing.

“Ya really mean it?” Applebloom asked eagerly.

“You want to be a cutie mark crusader?” Sweetie Belle practical squeaked with joy.

“Yes.. Please?” Faith asked as tears welled up in her eyes.

All three of them tackled her in a group hug as she smiled and laughed with the three ponies as she hadn't been able to do for a very long time.


A few miles away, an elderly pony reclined in her rocking chair on the front porch, looking out across the orchard with sleepy eyes. Her hip ached, along with most of her joints, but the warm afternoon was soaking into her old bones, dulling the pain and making her sleepy. She must have nodded of, because she had become vaguely aware of someone in the rocking chair next to her.

“Afternoon, Granny Smith.”

She turned her head lazily to the right and found herself looking at one of those 'human' ponies the papers had been going on about.

“Afternoon to you too.” Granny replied sleepily as she felt her chair rock gently of its own accord.

“It's been a long time now. “ The human said in a soft voice. “How many years since your mother came here to found the town?”

The breeze blew gently through the trees creating a soft rustling in the vast ocean of leaves.

“Too long...” Granny sighed. “Too long now... More long years than I can remember.” She had rather expected a pony in long black robe, not a 'human' in a white robe. 'Figures' she thought sleepily 'the papers didn't say anything about their hair...'

“Would you like to have a little longer?” She asked, looking down on Granny with a soft, youthful smile. Her hair seemed to float and flow slowly of its own accord, as though she were suspended in deep water.

Granny smiled at her. “That would be kind of you, child.” She sighed and closed her eyes. “It's such a nice day today.”

After the disaster and cleanup of their flight, the Crusaders found themselves wandering the streets of Ponyville when Applebloom brought it up.

“Anyway, yah still haven' told us about it yet Scoot.”

“Told you about what?” Little Scootaloo asked, somewhat annoyed at the distraction from planing their next crusade.

“The human world, silly! You were gone for, like, a month and a half! What was it like there?”

“What? Nobody told you anything about it?” Scootaloo asked in surprise.

“Rarity told me nopony walks anywhere, they all ride in these things called cars,” Sweetie Belle replied, before adding in a confused tone “and then she started talking about a nineteen fifty something something, and then she started drooling and staring off into space, so I kind of got up and left...”

The others looked confused as Applebloom added. “You think that's weird. Applejack told me that all the oats and wheat are black there, and instead of harvesting them the normal way, they have these big buildings that run around the fields, scarfing them up.” She thought for a moment and added conspiratorially. “And I snuck back downstairs that first night AJ got home and listened at the foot of the stairs while they thought I was sleepin'.” She shivered a little and glanced at Faith. “Is it really true you eat animals?”

Sweetie Belle turned around to look at her critically “That's what the papers said, but you don't have claws and a beak like a griffin...”

“No silly,” Scootaloo corrected her. “The humans raise animals like we raise crops. They house and feed them, and then,” She swallowed hard. “when they're big enough they... kill them and cut them up.”

Applebloom looked uneasy. “Isn't that wrong? I mean I never asked where the griffins find their food, but...”

Her parents had warned her to expect this question, so Faith gave the only answer she could. “A lot of us only eat plants like you girls, but some of us do eat meat. We don't mean any harm, we just go to the grocery store and buy it.”

Scootaloo added. “Yeah, Agent Tyler took me to a grocery store once. Its like the farmers market, except neater and cleaner. They have every kind of food and plant and cheese right there, and the meat is mixed right in. It's just cut into slices and parts that don't look anything like an animal.” She looked concerned as she continued. “She asked me to point out the meat to her, and I couldn't always tell meat from cheese and other stuff.”

“You mean you could end up eating meat by accident?” Sweetie Belle asked in amazement.

“Yeah.” Scootaloo replied. “Apparently that happens there sometimes.”

Applebloom looked horrified as she thought back to what she had overheard. “So AJ wasn't kiddin! She ate meat and didn't even know it...”

“Eeww...” Sweetie Belle said as she made a face. “No wonder she's never gone back.”

The four walked on in silence for a while, each lost in thought.

“Well, there were some cool things there too.” Scootaloo spoke up at length, “but it just isn't fair that after traveling all the way to another dimension, I still didn't get my cutie mark!”

The other two crusaders looked up, thought about it, then nodded in solemn agreement. If traveling to another dimension wasn't enough, they might have to re-think their entire crusading strategy.

“Um... I might be able to help.” Faith spoke up quietly behind the group. They all turned to look at her and she blushed. “I mean, if you want me to that is...”

“Really?” Scoot asked.

“I... I think so... You see, ever since I found out about you, I've really, really wanted to find my cutie mark... But even if I haven't found mine yet, I think I can help you. I've watched every single show, and-”

“Show? You mean that weird show Rainbow talked about?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Did you see any of that when you were over there Scoot?” Applebloom asked.

“Oh come on! I was on an alien planet! Why would I want to sit around watching stories about myself?”

“You didn't see none of it at all?” Applebloom asked, disappointed.

“They showed me a little bit of it, but I just looked silly, and... and it just made me miss you girls even more...” Scootaloo added as she hung her head. “I was all scrawny and weak... I could barely even walk at first, and-”
Her explanation was cut short as all three of them hugged her together, and this time she offered no complaints about 'mushy stuff'.

“I missed you girls.”

The held the hug long enough to set a personal record for longest quiet time together. After a moment Scootaloo snapped back to the question at hand though, turning to look at Faith. “But you said you might be able to help us get our cutie marks?”

“I think so.” Faith replied seriously. “On the show you guys did a talent competition, but you got it all wrong... I think I can tell you how to get it right.”

“Yeah... we don't like to talk about that...” Sweetie Belle replied, scratching the back of her head in embarrassment.

“But what did we do wrong?” Applebloom asked.

“Well, according to the show, you mixed up your parts. Sweetie Belle could have gotten her singing cutie mark by singing in front of a crowd, but you had Scoot sing. Scootaloo could have gotten some kind of dancing or acrobatics cutie mark, but you left the dancing to Applebloom. And she could have gotten a construction, or building cutie mark, but you girls had Sweetie Belle do all the set construction.”

“So ya mean...” Applebloom began.

“All we have to do to get our cutie marks...” Sweetie Belle's eyes were lighting up with glee.

“Is Sing?!”
“Is build something?!”
“Is do awesome tricks?!”

Faith looked into the three enraptured faces of her heroes before her with some trepidation.

“Uh.. yes?”