• Published 1st Mar 2012
  • 1,401 Views, 29 Comments

On Light Hooves I Tread 2: Homeward Bound - AdamThePony

Following the end of "On Light Hooves I Tread, the Narrator returns to Equestria, in search of home.

  • ...

Chapter 2: The Reunion

On Light Hooves I Tread 2: Homeward Bound
A Fanfiction by Adam Nelon

Chapter Two: The Reunion

As I trotted onto the platform of Ponyville Central Train Station, nostalgia filled me to the brim. I was home again. I took in the air of the mid-morning metropolis before stepping onto that freshly-cut grass. Springtime was well into full bloom. Sweet bliss...

Of course, the silence was broken by a sudden dragging away by another over-eager pony. This one, I recognized right away!

"Vinyl?!" I blurted in surprise.

"How'd ya know, kid?" She chuckled as she kept me drug across the ground.

"What are you doing?" I asked, more nonchalant this time.

"Word from Appleoosa talked about some guy in Canterlot Armor who left the town drunk off his flank. I'm guessing that drunk stiff was you?"

I blushed, nodding my head.

"Perfect! Then just come with me, and I'll get you over the airwaves in 10 seconds flat!"

Well, here we go again. Out of one frying pan, and into...well, I guess a whole other one entirely. Not but five seconds off the train, and here I was, being swept off my hooves by a celebrity. Could this day get any more sidetracked?

"I don't see why this is necessary!"

"Oh, don't be such a doormat! You're famous! I thought you knew that!"

"I knew, but I didn't exactly expect to get dragged here for an interview! I thought you all got your fill of this five years ago!"

"Well, I never heard about any of this! Come on! Just enjoy it!"

"Fine...where the heck's the microphone..."

I sat in a black suede chair, boosting my self up to mouth-level to meet a boom mic. I scanned the room for the company I'd been strong-armed into cooperating with.

I don't think I need to remind you what Vinyl Scratch looked like, but I guess a simple refresher couldn't hurt. Essentially, Vinyl Scratch, better known as DJ-Pon3, was a white Unicorn with two-toned, spiky, blue hair, clad in a pair of violet shades, with a cutie mark of a double clef.

Just flanking her (no pun intended) was a more refined grey Earth Pony. She bore a poofy, jet black mane, a pink choker, and an Octave Clef Cutie Mark. From what I heard in some circles, she was called Octaviam and she was famous for one talent in particular: She was a savant at the cello. Some rumors persist that she is related to Pinkie Pie, but I don't think it's even remotely true.

Being in the same room as two famous musicians, combined with the fact that the two of them were about to put me over the airwaves, thereby broadcasting my return to most likely the whole of Equestria, it was only natural that I felt a bit nervous. Sweat began to wet my coat as a grey hoof touched my shoulder.

"Don't worry. This shouldn't take too long. Although, I do hope that you have a good sense of humor. Vinyl just loves to engage in humor at the expense of anypony we interview. She practically tore apart the Princess!" Octavia assured, in a low voice, which had an accent of British origin. However, though I supposed that those were to be words of encouragement, they did nothing to stifle the audible gulp as a red "ON AIR" sign flickered to life.

"Good Morning, Equestria! It's me again, the Freedom Filly herself, DJ-Pon3, and this is "The Vinyl Scratch"!" The white unicorn shouted into the mic, unable to hold back her enthusiasm.

"And today, we've brought in a very special guest to the show! Five years back, this kid came in from a place outta this world, and before he was done, he took out a humongous dragon! If you don't know who is by now, than I'm surprised you found out how a radio works!"

Octavia looked unamused. "Must you taunt everypony on this show?"

"Well, it's not as funny when it's only you!" Vinyl chuckled. "Now then, let's welcome Adam!"

For a moment, a canned applause sounded, and I blushed a deep red.


Octavia smiled. "Don't be shy, dear. Please, tell us a little about yourself."

"Yeah! It's not too often we get a weirdo like you around here!" Vinyl blurted, making Octavia snap back a glance of anger.


I chuckled, raising a hoof. "Don't worry. I know I'm a bit of a fish out of water," I assured the more prudish Earth Pony, to which she replied with a smile.

"Now then...I guess if you wanted to know my personal life, I'm a human who went through some tough stuff as a kid, and when I discovered Equestria, it gave me a great sense of pleasure and comfort. Then, one night, I go to bed, and I have this weird dream where I was talking to the Princess herself, then lo and behold, here I am as a Pegasus."

"Which you aren't right now." Vinyl was quick to point out, where I then blushed.

"Well, yeah...I guess so."

"Care to explain?" Octavia asked, with an actual sympathetic face.

"Well, after I had a lot of adventures, I returned to my home on Earth, then when I came back, I was a Unicorn."

"And how exactly did that happen?" Vinyl asked.

"I'm guessing some glitch in the return portal. I honestly don't know."

"Uh-huh. Now, confirm or deny this: Supposedly, you knocked out a dragon by yourself. Is that true?"

I thought about it for a moment. While it's been five years since I did such a thing, I did in fact take down a fully-grown dragon. But, I didn't do it alone; I had friends, and those friends worked alongside me in one seven-way gambit to incapacitate the beast.

"I didn't do it as a lone effort." I began, a stoic, honest face on my person. "I had the help of Ponyville's Top Six to take the thing down." I smiled a moment. "It was a glorious spectacle."

"I heard you turned yourself into a bullet!" Vinyl spouted, an eager grin on her face. I was worried that if she smiled any wider, that face of hers would be ripped asunder.

"A...bullet?" Octavia squeaked, looking to me with a face of confusion.

I sighed a moment. Guess it's time for a refresher.

"Well, my plan went something like this: Rarity and Pinkie Pie distracted the Dragon, keeping it steady whilst Applejack bucked me into the air. From there, Fluttershy tossed me up near the Dragon's head, and in the few moments I hung in the air, Twilight cast a Stoneskin spell on me, thereby encasing me in stone just mere moments before Rainbow Dash collided with me at Mach 10, thus turning me into a pony-shaped projectile."

"YOU TURNED YOURSELF TO STONE?!" Both mares asked, Octavia in particular bearing a wide-eyed look of shock, with Equestria's best known disk jockey having her jaw drooped onto the desk where all of her equipment lay.

I blushed and rolled my eyes away. "Yeah...?"

Octavia then prompty heaved a sigh, collapsing into unconsciousness, breaking Vinyl from her stupor. Within a moment, she looked to her unconscious friend, a face of surprise.

"Octy? You okay?" She asked, clopping her hooves together in a vain attempt to rouse the cellist to wake.

She turned to me. "Dude...I think you knocked her out!"

She paused a moment before smiling in glee.

"That was awesome! I've never seen someone knock out Octy! That deserves some cheers!"

Within moments, the white unicorn mare clicked a button on her console to release a canned laughter, then proceeding to reach over to me to give me a high hoof.

Truly, that was a memorable moment.

Within the span of maybe another thirty minutes, Vinyl and I enjoyed a nice exchange of personalities, history, and small talk, catching up with one another before (and even after) Octavia regained consciousness. After such a well-worthy side-tracking, I was allowed out from the radio station, whereupon I returned to Ponyville. The closest landmark I found myself near was that one farm known simply as Sweet Apple Acres. Since I had killed enough time, I decided to trot along the path into the fields of the apple orchard, a smile on my face.

Applejack and her brood were hard at work tending to the many apple trees and crops, and it wasn't until a now-older Apple Bloom, bearing an almost brand-new cutie mark of an apple blossom, noticed me.

"Oh mah stars...AJ! Lookit over there!"

Applejack's eyes turned upward, her stetson hat sitting flush as her head rose.

"Well, butter mah backside and call me a Biscuit! Adam! It's been five years!" The farm mare shouted, galloping over to me and trapping me in a vice-like grip of a hug. "How ya been, Sugarcube! We all missed ya! Thanks for sendin' all the letters!"

I blushed, bringing a smile to my face as I returned the hug. "Good to see you two, AJ."

Within a moment, the embrace was broken. "So what brought you back to the good 'ol soil of Equestria?" She asked, her head titled.

I smiled. "For the same reason you hugged me," I said. "I missed you..."

Applejack blushed. "Ah, shucks. I didn't know ya were comin! If I did, I'd have went and told Pinkie! She could get you welcomed back!"

That did pose an interesting thought: I should have have gone straight to Pinkie Pie, but I think she could have been more focused on my lack of wings and a brand new horn than anything else.

But, I felt that Applejack, being noble and honest as she was, would understand what happened.

"So, I take it you've noticed-"

"Yer horn? Yeah. Saw it from a mile away. Somethin' happen on the way back?" She asked, in a manner quite deadpan in comparison to her normally energetic speaking voice.

I blushed, but nodded as I said, "The whole magical business the Princess made for me kinda had a few kinks left to iron out..."

"Huh. Ah guess Magic can be pretty darn unpredictable." The orange farm mare chuckled, before her eyes listed to Apple Bloom. "Hey! That reminds me! Speakin' of changes, have ya seen Apple Bloom?"

I shook my head, but as I looked closely to Apple Bloom, I noticed she was about the same dimensions as her elder sister, a slightly more mature demeanor, and an almost brand-new cutie mark on her flank.

"Well, I'll be! I never thought I'd see the day! When'd she get it?"

"Not too long after ya left, actually," Applejack began with a chuckle. "Her fellow Crusaders were sick, so she felt like heading to Fluttershy's cottage. When she was there, she helped Fluttershy tend to the gardens, and what do you know, she had a knack for it! She didn't know it, but she got a cutie mark somewhere along the way!"

Apple Bloom smiled as she wiggled her flank. "Ah didn't think I'd ever get one! I feel great!"

This brought up a question that I felt needed to come out.

"What about the Crusaders? Have the others gotten their Cutie Marks? What happened to them?"

"Oh, we still hang out together! The Cutie Mark Crusaders officially made a new mission! Now that we've got our cutie marks, we're gonna help other ponies get theirs, too! After all, nopony should have to suffer being a blank flank!"

I smiled. Truly, that was somepony who truly deserved to call herself a Crusader. She was going to dedicate her time into uniting ponies with the talent that made them unique. To help their unique talents blossom forth, as hers did. Part of me felt pride in this maturing filly. Five years did her masterfully.

Applejack chuckled as she tipped her hat up. "Ah see you got my hat on! I knew it would fit ya!"

I chuckled as I tipped my own stetson upward. "Well, you gave it to me. It'd be rude to let this old thing go to dust!"

"Ah, shucks. That's mighty sweet of ya. So, where ya headed?"

"Me? Well, since you mentioned it, I'm headed to Pinkie Pie! Get a party set up and everything!"

Applejack gave me a reassuring smile. "That sounds like a good plan if ah've ever heard one. I'll let ya get to that. Right now, I got apple bucking to do, anyhow. Take care!"

"You too!"

With this, I quit the famous orchard, heading into the market district of Ponyville...

Ponyville was crowded today, but it seemed that each step I took, I was met with a gasp, and a bow. Maybe it was the armor, or my fame, but for whatever reason, something of my stature was compelling them to the action. While I certainly felt flattered by being recognized in such a prestigious manner, I was equally a mite disturbed. Surely, I thought, I was that long-gone? I mean, is five years really that big a time gap?

Personally, while I liked attention, I was never one to bathe in glory and limelight. I was more reserved than that. The way I saw it, being popular just wasn't something I felt comfortable with. Sure, I had accomplished a heck of a feat five years ago, but I would've thought that it would've regressed to a fond memory. However, what should have remained a memory of a hero had instead been etched into the minds of those ponies whom I had solemnly protected. I wasn't sure whether to call that an honor or and irony.

I guess this is what the Princesses have to put up with.

Anyhow, as I made my walk about, I soon came near the sugar-coated, candy-crusted, confection-constructed house that was known as Sugar Cube Corner. If there was any other pony I was ready to see again, it was Pinkie Pie. She was always one to make quick with the introductions, and she was bar-none in the case of parties. Her cheerful indifference would mean a lot to me, and getting familiar again would be a dream come true. So, making haste, I trotted into the bakery.

As my form passed through the doors, a bell tingled behind me.

"Hi!" chirped the pink party pony herself, as she cheerfully waved. "Welcome to Sugar Cube Corn-OMIGOSH! Is that you?!"

Suddenly, in the frame of half a second, the pony who was manning the counter now was within nanometers of my face.

"Oh.my.gosh! That IS you! Adam!"

For the second time today, I was snatched into a vice-like hug.

"I haven't seen you in forever! How ya doin'! Hey, where'd you get the cool horn? And your wings? Where'd they go?!"

For a good minute or so, Pinkie Pie prattled on profusely, until I put a hoof to her mouth.

"Pinkie," I grunted, being firm with my hoof, "please settle down. If you'll let me get a word in edgewise, I'll be happy to explain. Is that okay?"

A muffled "Mm-hmm" came from the pony, after which I released her and took a few shallow intakes of air.

"Now then," I began, clearing my throat. "I'm doing pretty good. I didn't have too much trouble getting here, considering I most likely burned a scorpion to ashes, then hitched a ride with a Buffalo convoy. From there, I spent a nice time in Appleoosa, and the next thing I know, here I am in Ponyville, fresh off the train. Now that I think about it...I had a friend with me, so where'd he go?"

"I'm right here." Added a familiar voice bringing up my rear, forcing me to rear up from the shock of being so suddenly spooked.

It was Jade, and following my brief moment of shock, I had grown stiff, my legs all erect as the rest of me gave way to gravity. My two friends collapsed as well, at that point, only in their case, it was to laugh at my shock.

"You forgot I went with you to the studio, right?" Jade chuckled.

"Oh, yeah! I heard you on "The Vinyl Scratch", but I was like "Oh my gosh, it can't be! He's back?!" Then I looked at you and I'm like "Oh my gosh, that is-"

"Pinkie." I said, a stern face.

"Oh...Right. So what can I do for my best friend?"

I smiled. Finally, I could get to the meat of this matter."

"I'll make it short and sweet; I need a party thrown together. Think you can get a welcome back party made?"

Pinkie Pie beamed a humungous grin then, then going into a comically serious look and saluted me.

"I'm on it! Never fear, Pinkamena Diane Pie is here! I'll have your party ready by tonight!" She chirped.

I smiled, turning my flank as I heard the squeals of young foals. "You coming, Jade? I've still got some catching up to do."

Jade was enjoying a cupcake courtesy of Pinkie Pie, but as soon as I mentioned his name, his head swung to meet my face.

"O-Oh! Right! Coming!"

On that note, I and my green comrade made our way from the bakery, heading out into the less populated parts of Ponyville...

The sun was cresting the sky as we made our way to the tree-house home of Fluttershy. Animals were frolicking freely among the gardens, and beautiful flowers were boasting their beauty were place outside the door. Springtime was certainly at a full gallop here. It was almost like we were trotting into Eden, and the Eve to this garden was the lovely Pegasus herself, who was working towards feeding the animals. As she saw us coming, her ears twitched as her teal eyes met my brown spheres.

"Oh. Hi, Adam." said the meek Pegasus in a calm tone, before her eyes shot wide as she realized who she was talking to, causing her to do almost the exact thing I had done not long ago: stiffen and slump.

Ignoring her natural shyness, I picked her up from her rigor mortified state and brushed her off.

"I take it you were startled that I was back again." I said, nonchalant.

Fluttershy simply nodded before she spoke.

"Nopony told me you were back! I got your letters, and I heard news of some armor-wearing Pony and a Unicorn coming through, and then...you're here..."

She took to the sky then, flapping her wings as a

"I'm so happy to see you....I don't know what to say!"

I smiled at the yellow Pegasus as she descended, hugging her. "So, I'd like you to meet my friend, Jade. Turns out, he's from the Human World, too. He also happens to be my friend..."

Fluttersh smiled warmly, extending a hoof with a mild tremor. "H-Hi..I'm Fluttershy..."

Jade smiled and returned the hoofshake. "Hey..."

I smiled at the two quickly friendly ponies and intervened a moment. "Hey, Fluttershy? Do you think you're in the mood for a a party with Pinkie Pie?"

Fluttershy blushed. "Oh! Why, of course! What's the occaison?!"

I smiled. "To welcome me back, of course."

Fluttershy squealed as she grinned ear to ear. "Of course I'll come! I just need to get some things done here."

I nodded as the Pegasus rather kindly accepted my offer to partake in a Pinkie Pie Party, and I in turn smiled at her gesture. With this done, I went to pick up Jade. Apparently, he was now in a stupor, unconscious. I guess he couldn't endure the critical intensity of Fluttershy's cuteness, like I could. So, knowing little better, I scooped up my friend in a field of magic and made my way down to the Carousel Boutique.


"Just a moment, please!"

I smiled. Busy as a bee, as Rarity often was. With a moment to rest, I laid the still unconscious Jade to rest. With nopony else to disturb us, I took a moment's rest, lying upon the grass, letting Jade slide off my back. I let myself rest then, the glory of the midday sun glistening on my near-white coat, letting myself grow warm as Princess Celestia's grandest object shined upon my form...Nothing like a bask in the warmth of the sun to ease the mind.

Within a few moments, I was able to stretch my legs as my ears twitched at the sound of the door opening behind me.

"Yes? Who is it? How can I help you-WHAHAHAHA!" The marshmallow white pony reeled back as she saw me, her shocked shouting having stirred me from my stupor.

"We meet again, Rarity." I chuckled, rising with a stretch as I looked toward the marshmallow white unicorn before me, whose whiteness was disturbed by a flash of red in her face.

"W-Why, Adam, darling! You're back after so long?" Rarity stammered, taking a brush to her mane.

I smiled as I lifted my still yet to come to friend to my back. "Yeah. I am...how've you been?"

She gasped when she noticed my friend upon my back...or so I supposed.

"Why, I've been just smashing! But, from the looks of it, you and your friends look a tad worse for wear. Although, it's nice to see my cloak has served you well. Would you two like to come in?"

I smiled as walked to the door alongside her. "Yes; We'd like that very much."

Rarity smiled as she entered first, I and Jade following suit.

The Carousel Botique hadn't aged or changed a day, aside from the new clothing lines Rarity had devised in the five years I had been away. Sweetie Belle was nowhere to be found as I tilted my back a bit to allow my friend to rest in the bed.

"Would you like some tea, darling?" Rarity asked, as I sat onto the sofa.

"That would be lovely." I chirped back, lounging in a slightly non-equine manner. Within a few moments, a saucer and cup were produced, a lovely-smelling tea steaming from it.

"I couldn't help but notice something, dear...you don't happen to have your wings, and you now sport a magnificent horn! Tell me...that being the case...have you...practiced any form of magic?"

I blushed, looking side to side with shifty eyes. "Um...no?"

"Well, then, it's time for a little crash course on the most basic of techniques: Telekinesis! But first..." She mused, leaning in to partake the scent of my armor, before recoiling from what I guessed was a rather pungent odor to her sensitive nose.

"Oh!" She scoffed, holding a hoof to her snout. "Before we even begin to teach you, we simply must do something with your clothes! They smell awful."

I looked the the naturally apperance conscious Rarity with a look of disbelief. We had only reunited but mere moments ago, yet already, she was concerned over the state of my clothing. So, I decided to give an earnest reply.

"Well, when I got back here, I was in the middle of a desert, had to incinerate a giant scorpion, spent a night amongst buffalo, got dragged about Appleloosa, then the last thing I remember before making it here is apple cider. Given my circumstances, I had no real option!"

Rarity looked at me with a pouty look before raising her head with a "Hmph!" before begining to remove my armor piece by piece, until leaving me bare as a tree in the dead of winter.

"Well, surely the sand must have gotten all over you! You simply must allow me to tidy you up while you are here! Besides, you know most ponies here don't wear even a strip of clothing on their back!"

With that notion, I muttered an incomprehensible phrase beneath my breath as she left.

I was nude all over again. The last day or so being confined in armor and cloth had made me forget the feeling of being in the pony equivalent of casualwear - that being, wearing nothing at all - again. To an extent, it was a liberating feeling. While protective, the armor was quite heavy, and I was well aware it was not the type that Unicorns would wear to protect themselves whilst casting magic. However, the difference between calling my status nude and calling it naked is a strange predicament. However, in some circles, the connotations are slightly different: Nude refers to being unclothed, yet unabashed, and perhaps even jubilient, whereas naked doesn't have to refer to being unclothed specifically, but rather, the insecurity that can come from any situation, regardless of dress status. (Thereby bringing proper meaning to the phrase "I feel naked".)

While, indeed, my regained status of being clothesfree was a polarizing endeavor, it allowed me to once again see my glorious cutie mark shine once more. The sun shined its light between the clouds of doubt, spreading the light of inspiration upon me. Plus, finally being able to lounge without the cumbersome plate-mail felt all the more relaxing. The feeling of being free to roam again felt exhilirating to me. The jaybird in me was chirping away.

"Right. I'll get those properly washed, but now, for a teensy lesson on telekinesis. Now, do you have something we could lift without consequence?"

"I have some books..." I said, pointing to my saddlebags, which Rarity set near the laundry room, which she meticulously sifted through with her magic to get the book of stories Twilight gave to me.

"Perfect! Now then, take a good look at this book...take in its details firmly in your mind..." She instructed, pointing to the book.

"Okay..." I replied quizzically as my eyes were drawn to the compilation before me.

"Have you the image in your head! Good. Now imagine, if you will, a gentle wind lifting the book aloft..."

"Right..." I said, putting my gaze to the book before shutting my eyes, imagining the windows opening to let a breeze gently sweep the book from its binds. I thought of the wind like a pair of hands grasping the book, lifting it from the wooden table, and as I did, that satisfying hum of successfully cast magic came. I smiled as I opened my eyes to see the book wrapped in a field of my magic, floating to me.

"Wonderful! Now then, the tea is getting cold, so we'd best drink..." Rarity chirped, a smile creeping to her face as well, as she lifted her own cup of tea. So, I lifted the porcelain glass to my nose, taking in the wonderful aroma of green tea before taking a sip. Delicious, minty, frothy, hot tea drizzled down my throat in a wondrous gulp.

"So, what brings you back to lovely old Ponyville, anyhow?" Rarity asked, legs crossed as she drank.

I fell silent for a moment before looking at the marshmallow white unicorn with a face of true concern.

"Personally..." I shuddered, a blush forming on my grey cheeks. "I missed you all..."

Rarity gasped, almost letting the cup fall from her magic, dripping bits of tea on the carpet. Thankfully, not a drop hit her impeccable coat.

"My word! That's..." Rarity shuddered back, abashed, "Why, that's absolutely heartwarming!"

I smiled, setting the cup down. "So, with that out of the way, what do you say to a welcome back party hosted by Pinkie Pie?"

"Why, I'm flattered! Although, I simply must beautify you! That trek in the desert must have done nightmares to your coat!"


Before I knew it, I was scooped in a field of magic and brought to the washroom, not a moment given to me to protest.

"There's no time! This crime against natural beauty shalt not be tarnished!"

I was given not a moment more of time.

"Rarity, while I appreciate you're looking out for...well, my looks...but I really really don't see the necessity of you doing this!" I protested as a wiry comb went through my coat, scissors snipping their way across my mane and tail.

"Because, darling! You and your friend look so unkempt!" Rarity quipped, snipping away quite a bit of the back of my mane. "At least your friend...Jade, was it? At least he isn't struggling about it!"

"That's because Jade's pretty much unconscious since he met Fluttershy."

"Well, who can blame him? She's adorable!"

I nodded. "So...what style are you trimming me for this time?"

"Well, it's actually quite simple, really." Rarity chirped. "With spring only having recently come to be, and your hair being far too long for this season, I decided to trim it down in a fashion more befitting the intelligent types that you are...After all, you are Adam The Astute!"

I smiled. That most royal of names came to my ears like spoonfuls of honey to a baby's mouth. Sweet and juicy...

"Once you're all trimmed, I'll do something about your attire. Armor is such a hassle to clean, but I've done it before!"

I smiled. Truly, Rarity's charity shined like the diamonds upon her flank. I could feel my mane and tail being but into a rather more introverted shape. In a sense, it was a slightly more masculine version of Twilight's look. For some reason, I found this look familiar.

"Hey, Rarity?"

"Yes, dear?" She chirped, pausing her touch-up for a moment as I stared into the mirror.

"This mane and tail style...it looks kinda like a male version of Twilight?"

Rarity smiled as she eyed my reflection. "Why, indeed, it does! As a matter of fact, I took cues from a story I read once. I supposed seeing as you are now a unicorn, I may as well give you a fitting style...As for Jade...well, he just needs a little trim..."

With this, I smiled as the cuts came fast and loose throughout my mane and tail before forming themselves into a more masculine equivalent to the style of that most adept of unicorns. In hindsight, it actually did rather fit me. She and I were both intelligent types at heart, but we enjoyed social altercations, as well. The only thing that really differed between us were appearance, homes, and pets. That, and the obvious subject of gender. Jade's appearance was more clean cut than when he came, but nothing particularly unique.

"Voila! And now, to get your clothes sorted out...back in a pinch!" Rarity chirped, leaving the washroom. "In the meantime, perhaps you could get a shower!"

"Right. I've needed one." I admitted, climbing into the bathtub nearby and preparing the tap. Surprisingly enough, now that I had a basic understanding of unicorn telekinesis, I could apply the same techniques and mechanics of thought-based manipulation to my advantage. My minor efforts in concentration were quickly rewarded with a relaxing, warm spritz of water, which I then put to use. To be honest, I almost forgot the feeling of water upon my coat, and in this circumstance, I felt quite relaxed. It was enough of a relaxer that I could breathe a sigh of relief before stepping out and drying off.

Jade was still essentially limp on the floor, so I did the noble thing and led him back to the sofa to relax while I sat down, musing to myself on the good feeling it was to be back. However, something struck me: While the first four have been rather nonchalant about my lack of wings and my newly gained horn, what would Twilight, and more importantly Rainbow Dash, think of my new form? After all, I was essentially a rival to Rainbow Dash before I left...as for Twilight...she'd probably strap me to some huge spectrograph to make sure I wasn't joking around...I had a feeling that compared to Pinkie Pie, perhaps an analysis of me would actually warrant legitimate results.

However, the more logical part of me dismissed such silly notions and simply enjoyed the moment. Within a few moments of reapplication, tea-brewing, and idle chatter, Jade finally regained consciousness...and then almost fainted again. I couldn't help but chuckle like the giddy git I was.

"Twice in a single day, Jade? Wow. you get star-struck real easy."

With this, Jade's green coat turned a delightful shade of ruby-like red, as he crossed his hooves with a huff. That bit of hilarity over, as we finished another delightful cup of tea, I set the spent cup onto the table before clearing my throat.

"Well, Rarity, thank you for having us. If you'd be a dear and excuse us, we'll be off to invite Twilight to Pinkie Pie's little soiree. Would you pardon us?"

"Of course, dear."

It was on this note that we left the Carousel Boutique to make our way to Ponyville Town Library, the well known home of Twilight Sparkle, Spike, and Owloysius.

The tree that housed the famous library was in the greenness springtime brightness as the both of us took a proud stride in the heat of the warming sun amidst the clouds. Truly, spring must be the one time of the year in which Equestria was most aglow with its brightest of colors. For once, the goggles upon my eyes did not exist solely to further my factor of style. Now I can see why most Pegasi who are in more physically intensive means of employment wear these! I guess either it was my infectiously good mood, or perhaps the charm this world had on others, but Jade seemed equally happy at this point.

But, in the midst of this feeling of giddiness, I also felt nervous. I was more concerned over how Twilight would react to my new body. After all, dimensional travel, as I was well aware, was a risky venture, as one less magically-abled pony could well attest to. In fact, I thought I saw a strange-looking phone booth as we made our way to the famous library. Shelving that odd sight from my memory, I held Jade back for a moment as we neared the door. After all, I was the more familiar of the two of us. So, after letting cold sweat run across my face, I rapped at the door with my hoof.

"Coming!" called the slightly deepened, but still recognizable voice of the one most amiable dragon currently in Equestria. Part of me smiled in knowing that Twilight was not the one coming to the door, but as the slimmer and slenderer violet dragon answered the door, he gave me a stare with his shrunken irises before turning his head to a five-o'-clock direction.

"Uh...Twilight?" He shuddered, one eye kept to me. "You...might wanna come see this...."

"See what, Spike?" Twilight asked as she walked into room. She seemed to be clad in a pair of what looked to be reading glasses, holding a book in her fields of magic, only to have it promptly fall to the floor as soon as her spectacle-clad eyes met my own. Her glasses almost fell off from the shock, as well. "Oh...my...goodness..." She shuddered, her mouth held agate for a long time.

I lifted a quizzical brow. "Surprised?"

Silence took the main room of the library, leaving the air dreadfully stagnant before finally beginning to speak.

"S-Surprised...I....I'm....I'm more than surprised...I...I...."

Moments later, I found myself in a tight embrace by Twilight, who broke out into joyous tears. "I'm overjoyed!"

I smiled back, returning the hug briefly before straining to say "Twilight...as much as I appreciate your affection, you're kinda crushing my lungs..."

Twilight promptly blushed as I mentioned this, releasing her firm grip on me and dusting me off.

"Sorry. It's just that it's been so long! I'm just so happy to see you again and-" She began, before her eyes became fixated on my features. It wasn't the clothing that I was wearing that was striking her attention, but rather, the massive bulge upon my forehead.

"Oh...oh, dear...how do I put this politely...um..." Twilight stuttered, before tapping her own horn. "Do you know you have a..."

"Yeah. I do. I noticed when I first got here."

"Oh...hey, could you come with me for just a second...?"

"O...kay..." I responded, following Twilight downstairs, leaving Jade in the company of Spike.

I admit, that was a stupid decision, on my part. Thanks to my lack of thought, I now ended up being strapped into a large mechanical apparatus connected to...a tape-reel computer? Really?

"Fascinating...a full metamorphosis in five years? But how?" Twilight asked, reading over a look coiling of paper printed from the machine.

"Transportation complications..." I said bluntly, as the machines did their work in scanning me.

Twilight giggled at that. "Well, while I've perfected the art of multi-pony teleportation, it seems that transdimensional travel isn't exactly a perfected venture. At least you're still a pony, I guess..." She chuckled, releasing me from the shackles of the scanning device, allowing me to rub my wrists...or, whatever counted as wrists...wait...why do people always do that in cop shows?

"I think we ought to tell the Princess about you. After all, the first thing any unicorn learns, it's how to train their magic!"

My heart fell into my stomach then. She was awfully frigging blunt, wasn't she? Then again, all things considered, I was still a newbie, and if I was gonna try to get back into a decent education. Much to my own chagrin, it was what what made the most sense. And thus, I nodded, smiling.

"Makes sense...oh, and could you possibly have Jade come along?"

Twilight cocked her head a moment. "Jade? You mean that pony you came in with?"

"Yeah...that's the one..."

"Why would you want him to come along?"

I blushed. "Well...He's kinda my friend..."

For a moment, Twilight stood dumbfounded, before her eyes widened in realization.

"Oooh...I understand...After all, what's fun doing something without a friend?"

"Exactly...which reminds me....do you think we could use your balloon? I'm having a nice little welcome back party soon, and I'd like to get Rainbow Dash to come."

Twilight smiled. "Well, that's wonderful. If you could get Jade down here for a moment, then?"

I nodded. "Jade? Could you come here, please?" I called from below, to be greeted with Jade's emerald-green head poking through the doorway.


"Come down a moment. Twilight has something for us."

It was then that Jade nodded and joined me downstairs.

"Okay. Now hold still..." Twilight instructed, before focusing on our hooves and casting a whimsical light on them. Part of me felt a bit lighter on them, but nothing too drastically different.

"There! All done!" Twilight said, smiling as she began to head for the hot air balloon.

"So..what'd you do?" asked Jade.

"A Walking on Clouds Spell. Really simple enchantment magic. You should learn something about it at the Magic School."

"Uh...huh..." Murmured the both of us as we boarded.

"And away we go!" Twilight said, as we shot into the air.

Within a few minutes, I saw once again the glistening spires and pillars of Cloudsdale. To be up in the sky again, where I felt most connected, felt like a liberating feeling as I took steps on the soft cloud bed.

"I'll wait here while you guys get Rainbow; I've got a letter to write!" Twilight said, unfurling a scroll and quill as we nodded and trotted away.

And not but a few moments after, I took the brunt of Rainbow Dash's dive bombing. Is it just me, or do half the ponies Rainbow meet her from being tackled?

"Whoa! Dude! What're you wearing?! It seriously hurt!"

I turned myself to meet Rainbow, and as her agitated eyes met me, she gasped.

"Dude...what's up!"

What followed was an elaborate brohoof, before she gasped even further from noticing my lack of wings.

"What the...aw, man! Don't tell me!" She said, in total disbelief. "You're not a Pegasus anymore?! What happened?! I had so much I wanted to teach you about flying!"

"I had a transportation problem At least Twilight got me up here...and I have a good reason for that."

"Oh yeah?" Rainbow snarked. "What?"

"You wanna come to my welcome back party?"

"Would I?!" Rainbow asked, before glomping me. "I'll be there at sunset!"

I smiled before turning one-eighty, flicking my tail. "Oh, by the way, this is my friend, Jade."

Jade blushed and waved his hoof at Rainbow, droning "Hiiiii..."

"Uh...yeah...hi..." Rainbow said, rolling her eyes.

"C'mon, Fanboy..." I said, dragging Jade with my magic. "See ya at sunset, Rainbow!"

At this note, the both of us left for the Balloon, where Twilight ended her note, rolling it up neatly as she packed it in. "Ready to go?"

I nodded, smiling as we left for Sugar Cube Corner. My party awaited, and I was very happy.

The party was an amazing endeavor. It felt great to meet all my favorite ponies again. Even Derpy was in attendance, and I smiled as she entered the fray. Turns out, she actually was able to talk coherently, if not simply. The music flowed through me like rainwater, the sweets Pinkie baked brought a puckered smile to my face, the time that I got for hanging out with my old friends again gave me a heartwarming feeling in my stomach, and the great feeling of being beloved and befriended made me feel all warm and fuzzy again. A feeling I had nay seen since I last visited.

Then, a hush fell across the partygoers, and as I turned to see the cause, it was abundantly clear who had arrived.

Princess Luna, flanked by two Night Guards, walked into Sugar Cube Corner, ponies bowing before her as they made a path clear to me.

The lunar mare was beneath a cowl, which she flung off as her teal eyes stared daggers into my own brown spheres.

"Adam the Astute," she said, a stern, yet warm tone, "be that you?"

I smiled. nodding. "Yes...it is I..."

"I see," Luna said, as her cowl dissolved into bats. "It seems that Twilight was being most true in her letter of recommendation...are you and your friend ready to make for the academy?"

I looked to Jade, who nodded to me, to where I nodded back. "We are ready."

"Splendid. Then come with us. We shall be there before daybreak..." Luna advised, turning as we walked to meet Luna in the carriage. As we left, the two of us exchanged words of encouragement, wishing me luck as their images faded away into nothing, the two of us joining the mare of darkness and night as we stole away into the moonlight....

(Author's Note: There were two references to other fan fictions in this chapter, those being The Vinyl Scratch Tapes by Corey W. Williams, and On a Cross and Arrow by Conner Cogwork, respectively.)