• Published 29th Sep 2013
  • 691 Views, 7 Comments

Sweet Child Of Mine - Vetnern

A young girl wakes up in Equestria, but she can't seem to remember anything about how she arrived.

  • ...

Prologue - Fields of Dreams and Shattered Memories

She sat up from the velvet grass on which she lay, rubbing her eyes as she looked around at her surroundings. She spotted her chartreuse colored backpack laying in the grass, just a few short steps from her. The sun was shining, the birds were singing songs of pure bliss — to her this seemed like paradise.

As she crawled to her backpack, she was startled by a group of butterflies. She watched in awe as they fluttered around elegantly, smiling and giggling as she watched them fly off towards the horizon.

“I wish I could be like a pretty little butterfly,” she said. “That way I could fly up so high and touch the clouds.”

“Maybe I can help you,” came a voice from behind her.

Curious as to who was making the noise, she turned around and saw a magnificent rainbow haired creature standing before her. Its fur was blue and it had such spectacular eyes. The young girl paused for a moment, just admiring what was standing in front of her.

“Have you seen the person who just spoke to me?” she asked, puzzled.

“It’s just me and you out here,” the creature replied, looking around for whomever the young girl was speaking of. She stood there, simply gobsmacked at the fact that this strange creature could speak. She opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. The creature snorted. “What, kid, do you want a picture or something?” it snapped.

“Uh… uhm,” she tried to speak, but tripped over her words.

“Hey, kid, don’t worry,” the creature grinned. “My name is Rainbow Dash.” She stood up on her hind legs and made a heroic pose for the young girl.

“I- I am…. My name is Amber,” she finally managed to get words out of her mouth before she giggled at Rainbow’s silliness.

Rainbow smiled back at Amber and nodded. “Well I’m off to Sugarcube Corner if you wanna come.”

Amber gave Rainbow a confused look. “What is Sugarcube Corner?” she asked.

“Sugarcube Corner is one of the best sweet shops and bakeries in all of Equestria,” Rainbow beamed as she licked her lips.

“That sounds like an amazing place,” Amber smiled as the two set off into the distance, when all of a sudden she stopped dead in her tracks and stared into oblivion. She closed her eyes for a moment and something peculiar happened: all the surroundings shifted as everything faded and became pink and colorful. Walls of cakes, muffins, and treats decorated the shelves, and multi-colored ponies were queuing. “Uh, what just happened?” she asked of Rainbow, who seemed oblivious to what Amber was talking about.

“What’s that?” Rainbow turned to face a very confused Amber.

“Uhm... nothing,” Amber replied as she searched her surroundings, looking over her shoulder every couple of seconds.

From out of nowhere a bubblegum pink pony shot out from nowhere, knocking Rainbow Dash off her hooves and sending her flying into a group of ponies who were minding their own business, taking in a gulp of air which seemed physically impossible.

“Oh my gosh!” she squealed. “I have never seen you in Ponyville before, or in Equestria for that matter! Are you new here? We have never met before because if we had I would have known who you were and I don’t know you which means I have to throw my super-duper-awesomely-special Pinkie Pie Welcome to Ponyville Party and—” Before she could finish, Rainbow Dash came in and put a hoof to her mouth.

“Hey, Amber, this is Pinkie Pie,” Pinkie Pie nodded along with Rainbow Dash.

“Hello, Pinkie Pie, it is nice to meet you,” Amber began to laugh. “She’s funny, Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow Dash just rolled her eyes. “Yeeeeeeeeah… It gets old real quick. Trust me,” she sighed softly as she put on a pair of ear protectors. Amber found the sight all too amusing and broke down into fits of childish laughter, rolling on the floor clutching her stomach as she tried to control herself.


A couple of hours had passed and Amber had become the center of attention at Sugarcube Corner. Everypony seemed keen to talk to her, and she appreciated the attention. After waving goodbye to another group, Rainbow Dash approached her with a friendly, “Hey, Amber.” Amber looked over to her and smiled.

“Yes, Rainbow?” she asked.

“There is somepony I want you to meet,” Rainbow Dash replied with a smile. “She will really love to see you.”

Amber gasped. “Is she a pretty princess?” Rainbow laughed at the Ambers’ childish antics as she shook her head.

“No... well, actually, yes. She is a princess,” Rainbow chuckled to herself, remembering that she still wasn’t used to calling her friend by her new title.

“EEEP!” Amber squealed in excitement as she jumped up and down, “Oh, I bet she lives in the most beautiful palace and—” Rainbow shook her head as she chuckled slightly, rubbing the back of her head.

“Actually she lives in a library, in a treehouse,” Amber looked shocked at the response.

“But… she’s a princess!” Amber protested. “She should be living in a palace, not a tree house… library!”

“No she actually loves it there,” Rainbow said. “Her books are her palace... well they are in her mind at least-.” She chuckled as she beckoned Amber over. “C’mon, kid, let’s go.”


Twilight was fumbling around inside as she was clamoring around trying to find a certain book that she had misplaced, when a series of knocks resonated through the library. “Where in Equestria is that book… Spike!” she shouted as she searched high and low.

“Yes, Twilight?” a voice called out as he crawled out from under a pile of books that Twilight had inadvertently buried him under.

“When was the last time I had that book—”

She was cut off by Rainbow Dash getting impatient and knocking on the door harder. “TWILIGHT!!!” she called as she went in for a second assault on the wooden door, only for her hoof to come to an abrupt halt as it opened to reveal a scowling Twilight. “Heh heh… sorry about that, Twi…”

“Uh huh. How can I help yo—” Twilight looked up at the young girl stood before her. “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! A-a-a human... I never thought I’d ever see one in Equestria. This is amazing, Rainbow Dash, wherever did you find her?” She clopped her forehooves together excitedly.

“She was over in the meadow near the forest clearing,” Dash replied. “Her name is Amber.”

“Please, please do come in,” Twilight simpered. “Welcome to my humble abode, Amber, it is both an honor and a privilege to have you here.” She bowed graciously to Amber.

Rainbow Dash snorted as she muttered under her breath, “Feel privileged, she never does it to—” she was quickly cut off by Twilight coughing and giving her a look of disapproval.

“Ahem,” she grumbled. “Thank you, Rainbow Dash.”

As Amber and Rainbow entered the Library, Twilight's horn emitted a purple glow, two cushions appearing from nowhere.

As Twilight plopped herself down facing the two as she grinned eagerly looking up at Amber, “So how long have you been in Equestria for?”

“Uhm…” Amber paused think momentarily, “Since I can remember,” she answered as she looked around the library taking in the scenery. She was amazed at the amount of books that were in the library; some of them she never even heard of. Then her attention came to the mountain of books piled up on the floor. “I have to say for someone who lives in a library you sure don’t look after your books,” she chuckled inwardly as she looked back at Twilight.

“Oh yeah, that. Long story short I was looking for a book and I seemed to have misplaced it somewhere,” she sighed before continuing her questioning.

Minutes soon passed to hours as Twilight did not seem to be letting up on her questioning. Amber on the other hand did not mind as she was speaking with a Princess. Every childs dream to speak to royalty. Rainbow on the other hand was growing impatient as she stirred and fidgeted in her place, huffing and puffing. Rainbow is definitely not one to hide her pent up frustration and her lack of patience.

Twilight soon became aware of the time as she decided to wrap up her questions. As she looked at Amber, she asked, “So Amber, where are you staying at the moment?”

Amber looked up. She did not have a clue where she was staying. “I am…” She paused slightly as she held her backpack closer to her, “I do not know, I don’t remember.”

Twilight immediately grew concerned. “You must have a home, or family we can contact?” Twilight asked, looking at Rainbow Dash then back to Amber.

Amber just shook her head. “I am sorry I really can’t remember,” She said as she had her backpack clutched up against her chest, as Twilight noticed her with her bag she became curious as to why Amber was becoming more protective over the backpack.

“If you don’t mind me asking, and not to seem rude but what is in the backpack.” Twilight asked as she pointed her hoof at the bag in Ambers’ arms.

Her vision started to grow unclear as she became aware of what she was holding. The question rang through her mind, over and over.

“I-I... don’t know,” she stuttered, dropping the backpack.

Amber felt close to passing out. She stumbled forward, Twilight catching her before she hit the floor.

“Amber, are you alright?” cried Twilight.

She lay Amber down on the bed and sat by her side to watch over her.

Look at this stuff

Isn't it neat?

Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?

Wouldn't you think I'm the filly

The filly who has everything?

Look at this trove

Treasures untold

How many wonders can one cavern hold?

Looking around here you think

Sure, she's got everything

I've got gadgets and gizmos a-plenty.