• Published 2nd Oct 2013
  • 1,930 Views, 17 Comments

Fallout Equestria: Black Sky - headhunter

One ponies curiosity gets her into more trouble than she bargained for as she's swept up in an evil plot revolving around a pre-war space station

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Chapter 1: Longing

Fallout Equestria: Black Sky

Chapter 1: Longing

My alarm clock struck 8:00 AM and proceeded to emit the loud buzzing tone i was used to hearing every morning. The sound startled me having already been awake lying in my bed. Damn insomnia...it was just one of those nights again. I rolled over and landed my hoof over the top of the alarm clock silencing the confounded thing. I rubbed my eye with my leg as I lazily sat up in my bed. The lights were all off. The only source of light came from round the curtain over the window to the hall outside my room.

I turned on my Pip-buck light since I didn't feel like opening the curtain today so I used it to find the light switch. Upon switching it on the room became illuminated and everything became visible. Well...almost visible. It took my eyes a few seconds to adjust to the light. When they did I stood by the light switch and yawned loudly.

"Another day" I told myself.

My room which consisted of my bed, a dresser, and a desk was a mess as usual.

Trotting over to the dresser I pulled out one of my cleaner Stable 13 bardings. I slipped the blue piece of clothing over my head and poked my head through the top then pushed the left sleeve under my Pip-buck so it wouldn't cover it up. After combing my mane I slung my satchel over my back and trotted out the door.

The usual chatter could be heard through the hallways of the stable. Ponies heading off to do their jobs, fillies and colts rushing off to their classrooms, just basically the Tuesday morning commute I was used to. Nothing was special about any of it, but I didn't think anything of it until today.

Stable 13 was said to be the pinnacle of Stable-Tec shelters. Complete with science labs for researching Celestia knows what, a greenhouse built using ultraviolet lights, a selection of shops, and even a swimming pool. It had the capacity to hold about 1000 ponies and still sustain itself for well over several centuries. It was my home for the 21 years I’d been alive.

I trotted into the cafeteria. It was a wide open room with ten long metal tables laid out in rows of two with a large gap between the rows. Four columns were evenly spaced out in a square pattern holding up the ceiling. The room was crowded with ponies sitting down conversing and eating breakfast.

The line wasn't too bad. I got my usual bowl of cereal, a piece of toast, and a carton of milk. I carried the tray in my mouth over to the far corner of the cafeteria. Half the table was empty with everypony sitting to one side. I sat away from them. I wasn't very popular around the stable so most of the time I sat alone. The cereal was bland as usual. I never poured milk in my cereal which probably made it that way.

I sighed and stared down at the bowl.

"Now there's something I never like to see." Said a stallions voice. I looked up to my left to see Sprocket, a gray unicorn with a short, clean cut yellow mane. Sprocket stood as he levitated his tray down next to me and sat down. "What’s got you upset?" He asked me with a sympathetic smile on his face.

I pushed my food tray away and folded my forelegs on the table. "I don't know…," I said as I set my head atop my forelegs, "I didn't sleep last night...but I don't think that's it." I sighed again as i took a bite of my toast.

Sprocket was one of the stable teachers and also my lifelong friend. Growing up as an orphan, he was the closest thing to a father i had. He also had a reputation with the overmare which I didn’t question.

He gave my mane a little stroke. "Well something must be bothering you," He said to me as he lifted my head up with his hoof, "So what’s gotten into you? You haven't been yourself lately." He told me as i set my head down again.

"Well…," I scratched the back of my head, "I guess...its all just...boring." I said as he raised a brow at me wondering what I meant. I picked my head back up and continued, "You remember those Daring Do books you got me for my birthday?” He nodded. "Well...I guess they got me thinking...what if there's more to life? I mean...is this all I was ever meant to do?”

He was silent for a moment. Finally he responded. "Huh...guess they had quite an impact on you." He said. I nodded and nibbled on my toast as he continued. "Well...my advice would be stick to what you know...but really it's your decision on what to do in life." He explained to me. He went on for a while about it, but I sort of spaced out for most of it as I slowly ate breakfast. Eventually I pushed it to the center of the table with my milk half empty and the cereal with about two thirds still left in the bowl. I chimed back in to what he was telling me. "...of course...if all else fails...you could always just leave."

I perked an ear at that. It had never really occurred to me. I looked at him. There was a hint of worry in his eyes as he noticed my reaction. "Do you really think the overmare would just...let somepony leave?"

He rubbed his hooves together at my question. "Well...it's frowned upon by the rest of the stable...and those that do leave are never allowed back in...but she can’t really object." He told me as he continued looking at me in concern. I didn't look back at him as I stared down at my food tray. This could be considered an opportunity...or a new form of suicide. I sighed and got up from my seat. "Dragonlily wait you are you actually considering that?”

I picked up my tray and dumped the contents in the nearby trash bin. Placing the tray atop the bin to be reused later I turned to face him. "I...I don't know...I just need to think." I started out of the cafeteria "I'll see you later." I shouted back to him. His face was of clear concern as he gave me a tiny wave. This was something I needed to think long and hard about. I still had a full day ahead of me. I rushed over to the bathroom, washed my hooves, and headed downstairs to the stable greenhouse.

The greenhouse was a glass room with fogged windows surrounded by lights. The room was more humid than the rest of the stable. A sprinkler system hung from the ceiling which activated every three hours for about fifteen minutes. The floorspace was about the size of the stable atrium. rows of wheat, carrots, tomatoes, and berries were grown here in patches of dirt. Other ponies could be seen tending to the crops.

I was the stable florist. I grew flowers under ultraviolet lighting and either took them to be sold or handed them off for the overmare to use for any sort of occasion or stable-wide event that would come up. I had two patches to myself in the corner to the right of the door. Sometimes I was granted three or even four if the need for them was high enough which was almost never the case.

I was planting some hibiscus for somepony who placed an order for them. Unlike everypony else I preferred to use a watering can rather than wait for the sprinklers to water what i was growing. I'd rather take comfort in knowing that I did it myself then learn that the sprinklers failed again.

I set the watering can down. It was now that I was seriously thinking about what Sprocket had said. Would leaving actually be a better option for me? On the upside it would get me out of this place. Who knew what was just waiting for me out there? The possibilities were mind boggling. I could see the world, meet new ponies, or maybe go on adventures like Daring Do! I had to admit it sounded like a pretty good idea.

But then looking at the downsides it certainly had its major risks and disadvantages. Not only would I be leaving this life behind but I would be putting myself in huge danger. The air outside could be poisonous or I could get out there and immediately drop dead from a sniper rifle or something. And not to mention I would be leaving everypony I've ever known behind. Sprocket was the only pony I actually considered a friend but still. I doubt anypony would want to go with me.

The more I thought about it, the more it made me angry. It was a big decision that would either change my life or keep it the same. And chances are if I did leave the odds of them letting me back in were slim to none. There was no way I could predict what would happen if i did leave the stable but if I stayed i would be living the same routine for the rest of my life.
I kicked the watering can at my hooves in frustration. It landed on its side in front of the door and water started pouring out the top. All eyes were on me. I just stood there for a moment. Finally i couldn't take it anymore. "I...I need to go..." was all I could blurt out as I quickly trotted out of the greenhouse.

It was much later in the day and I was no closer to figuring this conundrum out. I was lying on my bed staring at the blank ceiling. Everything was making me more frustrated. I knew part of it was because I was tired but that just made me more angry because I still couldn't fall asleep.

I was getting way too upset about this but it wasn't something I could just forget about. One thing was for certain...whether I leave or I stay I would drive myself mad if I didn't do something with my life. Leaving would certainly make this easier but what if it didn't work out? I could always stay but what could I possibly do with my life to make it more exciting? "Ugh!" I growled as I threw my pillow at the desk.

The impact knocked a stack of books off the desk and onto the floor. I groaned as I turned to see how much damage had been done. Three books were splayed on the floor by the pillow. One had landed open while the other two were closed. I rolled my eyes as I got up from the bed. I threw the pillow back atop my blanket and started placing the books back on the desk. The last one made me stop. The third book that lay open to a random page was one i recognized because i had read it recently.

Daring Do And the Quest for the Sapphire Stone.

I had already read it twice but this time it was different. I picked it up and read the paragraph.

-As Daring Do trekked through the tropical jungle, the wet heat sapped her energy and slowed her every step. If only she could escape this oppressive atmosphere and fly up into the cool blue sky. But her crash landing in the jungle had injured her wing and she was grounded for a few days. A few days---it might as well be a few months, or a few years!-

What it said on the page really got me thinking and thinking hard. And that's when it all made sense. I was in the exact same situation. Just replace the jungle with Stable 13 and the broken wing with my inability to make a decision. I could stay...part of me wanted to...but it was pretty obvious that if I were to stay here I would probably be miserable.

I had made up my mind.

I closed the book and set it atop the others. I checked the clock. It was a quarter after three so that meant she would still be working. I gave a deep sigh and headed out the door and trotted off to the overmare’s office.

"Are you out of your mind?!?" The overmare asked me as we sat in her office. She was a gray mained cyan coated unicorn who sat behind a horseshoe shaped desk with monitors on a large wall console. To my left was a circular window that overlooked the atrium. "Why would you ever consider leaving?" She asked me with a look on her face that thought I was insane.

I set my hooves on her desk. "Well...lately I've been thinking," I said to her as she rolled her eyes, “I've decided that I want some adventure in my life so...I figure leaving the stable would help me do that." I had to admit I didn't have much of an argument to go at her with. All I did was run up to her office and tell her that I wanted to leave. I really didn't think this through.

She raised her hoof. "First off...that's completely ridiculous," She said to me as he set her hoof on the desk ",Second...what gave you the slightest idea that I would ever even consider this?" I'll admit she was right. Like I said I really didn't think this through. I don't know what I expected to happen.

I got up from my chair. "Sorry for wasting your time" I said as I headed for the door. That should have been the end of it. I should have gone back to my room after that and continued living my life. one day I would forget this entirely and then I would die alone. That's what should have happened. But when I reached for the automatic door switch it sung open on its own. I hadn't been the one to open the door. There standing in the doorway was Sprocket.

He looked down at me. "Carrot said you left work early," He explained to me as he entered the room "When you weren't in your room I went to the Pip-buck technician and asked them to find your tag. They said you were here." The overmare looked at the two of us. "What's going on Dragonlily?" I had a nervous look on my face and it looked like the situation wasn't going to simply go away.

"I...I uhh," Finally I sighed and came out with it "Look Sprocket...I get that you want to look out for me and that you care about me. But back in the cafeteria when you gave me the idea of leaving, and, well…," I scratched my head, "It actually sounded like a good idea," I could see the look on his face changing from worried to that of shock "Sprocket...I'm sorry...but I don't think I can be happy here anymore," At this point I was on the brink of crying "So...I came here to ask the overmare if I could leave. Don't hate me for this, please."

I expected him to take this...not well to say the least. Instead he put his hoof on my shoulder. I looked up at him and found he was smiling. "Dragonlily... I've known you better than anypony," He sighed deeply, "And the last thing I want is to see you unhappy. I may not like it, and I may end up regretting it down the road. But if you want to leave....I'll support your decision," He looked me in the eye, "Do you still want to go through with it?"

I wiped my eyes. I had been crying a little at what he said. Nonetheless I met his gaze. "Yes" I said as firmly as I could.

The overmare had trotted up beside me. We both faced her. She glanced at me and then turned to Sprocket. "It's not something that I will get a lot of appreciation for...nor will it make me feel any comfort...but your judgement’s never steered us wrong before. if you believe that Dragonlily is up to the task...I will trust your judgement. Are you certain that you’re okay with this?" She asked Sprocket who gave an approving nod before she turned to face me "Dragonlily...we have no idea what the conditions are like out there." She met my gaze "Know that if you do this you will not be allowed to re-enter the stable. Nor will I allow anypony else to accommodate you on this venture. I’m playing with fire offering just one pony as it is. Are you absolutely certain you wish to do this?"

I thought on it for a moment. Part of me wanted to say no but deep down I had a gut feeling about this. I nodded my head in affirmation.

The overmare rolled her eyes and sighed. "Well then...pack your things. You'll leave tonight...be at the stable entrance at 8:00.” My spirits immediately lifted. I was so excited at that moment that I ran straight to my room to pack without saying a word to either of them.

The stable entryway had less lighting than the rest of the stable. I stood in the center of the room facing a large cog shaped door. Behind me was a small passage between two higher platforms where the few ponies who came to see me were standing behind the thick metal of some guardrails. Further behind me was the door leading back into the stable. Standing beside me to my right was Sprocket who looked down at me with a look of clear concern.

He gently stroked my mane. "Are you sure you don't want to stay? It's not too late to reconsider." He said to me. I'll admit part of me still wanted to stay. I was giving everything up to do this and I had no idea what was waiting for me on the other side of this door.

I looked up at him. "Sprocket...I get it. You’re worried about me. If I were in your position I'd be worried too," He met my gaze, "But you of all ponies should understand that I need to do this." He had tears rolling down his cheek. Finally he nodded and levitated my saddlebags onto my back. I hadn't packed much. I had the only three Daring Do books I still hadn't read, My stable 13 canteen which was filled with water, a few sandwiches I had made and wrapped up, a notebook with a few pens, a bag of seeds, and a spyglass I was given when I was a little filly.

"Dragonlily..." The Overmare called me from near the back of the room "It's time." I nodded and a pony next to her with security barding flipped the lever on the door control panel. A whaling alarm sound filled the room joined by spinning yellow lights overhead. A moment later a mechanical arm swung down and locked itself in the center of the door through a sort of lock mechanism. It pulled the big heavy door inward with a loud ear shattering screech of metal scraping across metal. Once it was clear off the doorframe the heavy metal door rolled over to the left revealing a dark empty cave.

I nervously stepped forward stopping just short of the doorframe. Sprocket stood in the same spot behind me. I turned my head and looked back at him. He still had a look of worry on his face. No...not worry...sadness. He was like a father to me, and I was like a daughter to him. I knew him my whole life. And I was about to give him up. I knew my mind wouldn't let me back out at this point so I did all I could think of.

I turned around, ran back, and wrapped my hooves around him. It took him a moment but he eventually did the same. We stood there for what seemed like forever in each others embrace. We were both shedding tears now. Finally I summoned the will to speak. "Goodbye Sprocket." I said simply trying to fight back the tears.

It took him a while but eventually he spoke. "Goodbye Dragonlily" He said in a quivering voice as we held each other tighter. We finally let go of each other. The moment we did it seemed as if it lasted too short. As much as it pained me to do so I turned and walked to the open doorway.

Stepping out the other side I turned and gazed back at him as the sound of the alarm filled the room once again. I managed to smile at him. "Thank you...for everything." I said as we gazed at each other for the last time. The moment ended as the stable door rolled back into place. The arm pushed the door back into its frame with another loud screech of metal.

And then silence.

Part of me still wanted to go back but I knew that was no longer possible. I was at the point of no return. So rather than sulk about what was behind me, I turned to face what was ahead of me. I stepped off the metal platform that could be considered a welcome mat for the stable and onto the cold hard stone floor of the cave. I was familiar with rocks but on a much smaller scale. It wasn't exactly mind-blowing but it was a pleasing experience nonetheless for something everypony else probably took for granted.

I switched on my Pip-buck light. The cave continued forward for several meters before taking a right. Turning the corner I was met with an incline leading up to rays of pale light silhouetted by what looked like planks of wood. I approached it and discovered an old worn out door. It was in desperate need of repair but looked like it would still open.

I gently pushed it forward and stepped through into the outside world.

Footnote: Level up!

New perk added: Lone Wolf -- You have left the Stable on your own to start a new adventure.Unique dialogue options are available.

Author's Note:

Thanks goes out to Kkat for Fallout Equestria of course and thanks to Headhunter Productions new editing team! There's a long road ahead with this story and this time we're gonna do it right.