• Published 26th Sep 2013
  • 3,781 Views, 23 Comments

Regenerator - Darth Atrox

The ponies come into contact with an immortal being who only has one goal in his eternal life: to Die.

  • ...

Getting To Know Her *EDIT*

This is a work of total fiction, made entirely for entertainment purposes. No money is gained from the production of this prose.

It had been a few days since Xeno's regeneration.

The ponies had no idea what to think about it. Despite being told of his impending transformation, it was difficult to process the fact that this was no longer the Xeno they knew. They knew for a fact that it was Xeno as she had information only known to him...her? Plus, they did see the transformation with their own eyes.

But this new Xeno was totally different from the man they had come to know and love.

For one, she hated physical activities.

"Hey Xeno!" Called out Rainbow Dash. Turning around from her book, Xeno saw Rainbow and Applejack approaching her with a hoofball. "You wanna join us for some hoofball?" She asked.

"No thanks." Replied Xeno in a sweet voice.

"What!?" Cried Applejack. "You love hoofball!"

"We used to play for hours!"

"Maybe the other Xeno did, but I don't like the idea of rough housing and getting all sweaty and dirty."

"You never cared about that sort of thing before!" Rainbow challenged.

"The other Xeno didn't care about getting dirty. He did whatever he wanted without a care in the world." Supplied Applejack.

"Now he's dead." Responded Xeno.

Her words effectively shut them up. Unable to reply, the two sportsmares walked away and Xeno returned to her book.

This new Xeno seemed to be far more domestic. She hated doing anything that could get her dirty, and preferred things like cooking or reading to drinking and playing sports.

It didn't take long for the ponies to learn that Xeno didn't like being reminded of who she used to be. She hated being compared to her previous incarnation, and she was hurt at any implication that they preferred the old her as to who she was now.

According to Luna, she frequently had nightmares about the ponies running the new Xeno out of Equestria. She felt inadequate and feared rejection.

She even ried to sneak off several times.

Luckily they always caught her. She felt that the ponies would be better off with her gone, that way they would be able to properly mourn their dead friend.

"Please, just let me go." Xeno pleaded. She was in the Throne Room with Celestia, Luna and the Element Bearers.

"We won't let you run off like this." Chastised Celestia. "The old Xeno would confront every challenge head on!" She challenged.

"The Xeno you knew is dead and gone!" Yelled Xeno. "He's not coming back! Even if I regenerate a billion times, that particular persona will never resurface. I will never be the Xeno you knew ever again!" Xeno was openly crying.

Xeno never cried.

"All I ever hear is 'Xeno did this' or 'Xeno would', I will never be the person you once knew. That's the point of this curse. I remember everything, but all that is dead now. I've said it before, I don't have eternal life, I have eternal death." She covered her face with her hands and cried.

She fell to her knees on the polished stone floor, covering her face as the sound of her sobs reverberated off the walls.

"This isn't fair. You deserve to properly mourn your friend. You can't do that while i'm here. This isn't fair to me either. I don't deserve this. I don't deserve to be compared to a dead man!"

It wasn't long before she felt warmth surround her. She felt hooves and forelegs envelop her in a protective embrace. Lowering her hands she saw she was held in a group hug by the ponies. Even Celestia and Luna wrapped them up in their wings.

"W-we're sorry, Xeno." Whimpered Fluttershy.

"Yeah, we didn't want to make you feel unwelcome." Added Pinkie Pie. For some reason her mane and tail had lost their curls and were now straight.

"We're sorry." They all said simultaneously. They all meant it. Xeno could tell.

It was difficult, but she reached out with her arms and hugged those closest to her. She could never hope to hold them all.

"It is...difficult." Said Luna. "When we speak, we can hear remnants of the Xeno we knew. Perhaps you will say a particular phrase, or some obscure hand gesture that reminds us of him. But then we look at the bigger picture. You are nothing like the Xeno we knew. And that is okay. Our friendship can withstand this." Luna hesitated.

"That is, if you still would like to be friends?" She asked.

Xeno laughed. It was different from the other Xeno's laugh, not to mention far more feminine. But it was a good, happy laugh.

"Yes, of course. I would love to be friends with you all." She said with a teary eyed smile.

Rarity stepped forward and addressed Xeno with her cultured accent.

"Then, let me be the first to say: It is a pleasure to meet you Miss Xeno. Welcome to Equestria."

Author's Note:

I hope that you all were able to have some insight into Xeno's new character. Someone commented that they liked my character, well I hope that replacing Him so early in the story doesn't scare you off.

I hope you all won't be too harsh on Xeno...

Comments ( 7 )

Wait... has this chapter been written already? I mean I read this awhile ago word for word pretty much.
I'm excited for this story as its definitely different and very sad at the beginning, but yeah I thought this was a new chapter. *Sorry if I sound rude.*

As for Xeno I find it disheartening that this girl refers to the past Xeno as simply a dead man.

I can't help but compare her to the Doctor.

The doctor has lived for over a millennium, yet he remember who he once was, sure he's a completely new person with new personality likes and dislikes but this person always refers to himself as being 'The Doctor.' The timelord who would prefer to help the universe even if the universe doesn't care.

Sure there were incarnations of this timelord who prefered not to remember past friends and loved ones. But he always carried on and didn't forget who he initially was.

Where as this Xeno effectively makes herself her own person, treating the moments of her past as nothing more then fleeting moments of a life she never had.

What happens when she dies? Would she want her future self to remember anything she ever done? Or would the future self treat the current incarnation as nothing but 'the fleeting moments of a now dead woman?'

The scariest thing I would have to think for anyone who reincarnates in this way would be the fact that one day you wont be you anymore. Like breathe on a mirror Everything that makes you, you. Will be gone. Replaced by another person with new likes, personality ect ect. But they have your memories the life you currently hold sometimes even your friends.

What was the male Xeno's last thoughts to himself?

What did he tell his future self in his mind, his last wish to that person?

"We all change when you think about it, we're all different people all through our lives and thats ok, thats good you gotta keep moving forward, so long as you remember all the people that you used to be, I will not forget one line of this, not one day, I swear... I will always remember when the Doctor was me."

The Eleventh Doctor

I know for fact already that both these individuals Xeno and the Doctor are very different people.

The fact Xeno wishes to die is pretty much the opposite of the Doctor I think and sets this Xeno as a different character without it feeling like a copy character.

Just sad that this Xeno wishes nothing more then to forget the person they used to be.

Wow I rambled quite a bit I'm not hating this story or anything like that, the fact that this story has me thinking so much on it is a good thing as it makes me invested on this potentially great story.

I really hope you continue writing this as I'm excited for whats next.

Comment posted by thisistheusernameichose deleted Jan 13th, 2015

Still alive?

I am liking the way a story with this curse can go. It is a refreshing take on things. However the definition if immortal is the inability to die. Eternal life.
Xeno is not immortal

That being said keep up the great work. Though you will need a name for this random oc generator with memory transfer power xeno has. I still think it is like a Phoenix. So why not call it Phoenix power or something similar. Since a Phoenix is a mythical creature that is not known to be able to speak whose to say that this isn't the same. Xeno dies and a new creature with xenos memories is born from the ashes.

Stop this On Hiatus Madness and continue this story! It's been Four Years!

Now five unfortunately

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