• Published 1st Oct 2013
  • 9,826 Views, 454 Comments

A Legendary Issue - Solecism

My name's James, and I'm a Metagross. After being woken up from my oh-so comfortable hibernation by one of Princess Celestia's messengers, I'm put in charge of rounding up dangerous and terrifying Legendaries.

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(6) - Questions and Answers

A Legendary Issue

(6) - Questions and Answers

Keeping their questions under lock and key for the moment, the ponies took their seats at the oaken table, with half of me sticking off to the side to make room. Rainbow Dash and Twilight looked the most disconcerted, as they were the ones unlucky enough to be forced to sit beside me. Across the table, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applejack fidgeted uncomfortably while Pinkie Pie vibrated in barely held excitement.

While Celestia and Luna began the lengthy process of explaining everything that she had already told me, I tried to listen in to the newcomer's thoughts (don't judge me; you'd do the same if you had my ability). Strangely, all I could hear was an eerie static reminiscent of an old television set that was switched to an unbroadcasted channel. I thought that was strange, considering when I tried the same with the princesses, there was a complete absence of noise.

Must be yet another side-effect of bearing the Elements of Harmony. How many freakin' powers did those things provide?

When all was said and explained, Celestia finished by asking, "Are there any questions regarding what your quest is?"

No pony moved.

"Are there any questions for James?"

Every pony's hoof immediately shot up. I groaned inwardly. When Celestia nodded to me, I took that to mean that I had power over picking who's question to answer first. Deciding to get the insanity out of the way first, I chose Pinkie.

"Pinkie Pie. What's your question?" Please don't let me regret this...

The pink party pony sprung like a spring up and onto the table. She leaned close enough to warrant a warning nip from Philomena, who was still perched on top of me. After taking a massive breath like she was diving underwater, she asked simply, "Do you like cake?"

What was with Pinkie and cake? Actually, scratch that: I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't understand even if she told me.

"I... uh... haven't actually eaten any cake—"

Pinkie gasped as if I had turned into a velociraptor. "You've never had cake?!"

"Not that I can remember—"

"Then as soon as all these scary-sounding Pokemon are put back where they belong, I'm going to bake you the best cake that I possibly can! That's a Pinkie Pie Promise!" Pinkie exclaimed, striking a pose and raising a foreleg into the air to make her point. "Nopony should have to go three-hundred years without tasting the scrumptious fluffiness of cake!"

What the hell was I getting myself in to?

"Alright then. That's an... admirable goal to set." An idea came to me. Were my face capable of showing any emotions other than grumpy, I would've grinned cheekily. "Be sure to include lots of tungsten: it's my favourite."

Pinkie Pie nodded, saluted, and back flipped into her corresponding spot. She didn't seem fazed in the slightest by my odd ingredient request. Shaking off whatever it was that I had just borne witness to, I picked the next questioner randomly.

"Rarity. Question?"

"Oh, yes, well... I'm positive I'm not the only one wondering this, and I don't mean to be rude—" she shot a glance to Rainbow Dash, who stuck her tongue out in response, "—but how are you cognisant?"

I raised an eyebrow. "I'm afraid I don't quite follow."

Rarity coughed and cleared her throat. "Essentially, being cognisant means that you're aware of—"

"I know what it means," I interrupted. "I'm just wondering exactly what you meant by it, because if it was along the lines of how I'm perceptive of the world around me, then I could ask you the same question and I doubt that I'd receive a confident answer."

Rarity appeared to be flabbergasted; she opened and closed her mouth several times before finally finding her voice. "I—I apologise for not being clear enough. By asking how you're cognisant, I meant how you're... well, alive."

Ah. That made a lot more sense.

"What, never spoken with a floating hunk of metal before?" I asked sarcastically. "In all serious though, even I'm not sure how my body works. For all intents and purposes, I shouldn't be alive, but the fact that I'm here discussing it shows that I am very much animate. Even though I communicate with my mind and don't breathe, I do have a mouth and I do eat.

"Does that answer your question?"

Rarity swallowed and nodded.


I noticed that Applejack and Fluttershy had put their hooves down; evidently, I had answered their questions at some point. Between the two hooves still held in the air, Twilight seemed the most desperate to have her question answered. She was stretching her right foreleg as high as it could go into air while supporting it with her left foreleg, like an elementary school student trying to get called on by the teacher.

I sighed. "Yes, Twilight?" Rainbow Dash harrumphed and put her hoof down.

"If both you and the creatures causing havoc are Pokemon, and you know—roughly—who they are, then can't you just ask them to leave?" she asked. "Or is there something I'm missing?"

I snorted. "I don't know if it works the same the way in Equestria, Twilight, but going up to someone that has the ability to literally turn you and everything you love into a pancake and asking them to politely stop what they're doing won't do your life-span any good."

Twilight coughed in surprise. "'Literally turn you into a pancake?' Just what in Tartarus are we dealing with here?!"

"From Princess Luna's descriptions, it seems to me like we're dealing with Legendary Pokemon, which happen to be the best of the best—or rather, the worst of the worst, considering we have to either sweet talk them into leaving or pummel them into submission," I said wryly. "They're called 'Legendaries' for good reason."

"Then how are we going to win?" Twilight asked in a quiet voice.

"The odds aren't all against us," I began, trying to instil some confidence. "I have some old friends that can help us turn the tide of battle, as well as a few wild cards that could either help or hinder, depending on their mood. That's not even taking into account that not all the Legendaries mean harm; I'm certain that some of them are just as, if not more so, eager as us to have them sent home. I can think of a few that might even help us."

"How can you know?"

"I just do."

"That doesn't make any sense!"

I laughed. "I'm a telepathic, levitating hunk of metal with the processing power of a supercomputer from another world. I've lived in the past, altered the present, and seen the future. Your argument is invalid."

Author's Note:

Poll time!

1. Should I update daily with 1k word chapters, tri-weekly with around 2k word chapters, or bi-weekly with 3k word chapters?

2. What should be the first Legendary encountered by our merry band of adventurers?

Comments ( 237 )

Well kyurem will be final ledgenedary to fight against

first legendary Melowetta

1. Tri-weekly
2. Why not in the order they appeared originally? Let's get some Ho-oh up in this bitch.


And Tri-weekly is fine. You gotta have some time for yourself.

Let's start off with something small like...The Lake Trio?

I vote for 1k, and Shaymin, Jirachi, or Celebi.

Darkrai would be fun first encounter, or you can go with the original legendary of legendary's: Mewtwo. Or you could go with the only legendary trio (plus sidekick) that could possibly go incognito in the Pony world: Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, and Keldeo.

I say update either tri-weekly or bi-weekly.

I laughed. "I'm a telepathic, levitating hunk of metal with the processing power of a supercomputer from another world. I've lived in the past, altered the present, and seen the future. Your argument is invalid


I'd personally rather see tri-weekly 2k chapters myself. Also, start with something James has a type advantage against, like Virizion/Terrakion (I almost suggested Kyurem, but that thing could eat his face even with a type disadvantage). Also, I think those 2, along with Cobalion, would be more likely to listen to James, but that may just be my headcanon about them talking.

Or something slow like…Regigigas?

1. In all honesty it's great to see a chapter each day, but they're pretty short and quick (not to say that's bad) maybe three times a week? (I guess it depends on how much you want to put in each chapter too. I don't know. Whichever works for you is the best) :pinkiehappy:

2. So many legendaries to choose, but probably not the strongest ones (Mewtwo or Arceus). Maybe one of the sword ones? (since they're like ponies themselves) Once again, whatever fits the storyline best will be best :twilightsheepish:

Anyway, loving this story so far. Great sequel to the first one. Hope you keep up the good work!

Oh man I hope they take that literally when he mentions that he's seen the future.
That last statement was epic.
Have a good night, sir, and I hope to read more of this in the future.

bi-weekly with 3k word chapters

Mew and Mewtwo

First off, I'm fine with the daily updates. Making them 1k longer won't do much for me since I blaze through most of my reading (>.>). Secondly, you've got to send Mew into this mess first. I mean, come on. It's Mew. Who doesn't love that small, adorable little prankster?

Edit: Now that I think about it, Celebi would be nice to see early on as well. I kinda like the mischevious ones, if you hadn't noticed yet.

Tri-weekly, and I vote Entei.

I don't know personally I would love to see victini first but I am fine with any of them :twilightsmile:

1. i like tri week
2. i want to see mew and some how get it to help cuz mew is one of the good ones
also i think you should have some of the oposits fight like the ones from emerald and get the good guys from each season to help fight the bad ones:twilightblush:

Personally, I think the first should be... eh... well, Mewtwo. It's tradition.

By the way, whar are the chances of getting Luna and Darkrai in the same room at some point?

I vote alphabet soup (aka, unknown)

Daily works for me, I'm a speed reader and adding another thousand or two words wouldn't make a difference. I'd like to see Regigigas first mainly because without a threat to his being or a purpose set to him, he's likley to just stay in one place, even if that place happens to be a different world, and it would be funny to see the group try to convince him to move.:twilightangry2:

I vote for daily. It gives me something to look forward to after school :rainbowwild:
As for which legendary, I say Regigigas, because there needs to be a boxing match between the two. Think about it: wouldn't that be one of the most badass things ever? Metagross vs. Regigigas, punching away.

the first legendary they should meet...DEOXYS!


Agree for Regigigas, except they should totally be chill with each other.

Or the 'nadus bros.

I think that something misunderstood and unclear would be the best choice.
Darkrai. Also, you can have Luna and Darkrai relate to each other.

Luna became a nightmare, Darkrai is a nightmare. Luna was feared, misunderstood, and unloved.
Darkrai is feared, misunderstood and unloved.

Both of them are socially awkward.

They both control dreams, although Darkrai unwillingly causes nightmares regardless of whether he controls the nightmare directly.
(He did control a nightmare once to try to warn Ash about Palkia. But it was still a nightmare, as is his nature.)

Both strongly wish for companionship.

Both are shadowy creatures of the night.

Do I need to list more reasons Darkrai should be in this fic?

Daily 1k has my vote

i vote daily as for a legendary victini it would pose a threat seeing as both have psychic and metal is weaker against fire

The Creation Trio. Have Palkia trying to stop a Primal Dialga and an Origin Form Giritina. The team pitches in and with their help They restore Dialga to it's regular form. I'd have the Griesious Orb like stuck in one of Giritina's plates or whatever and that's what's making t go insane.

daily 1k, or maybe weekly? depends on your schedule

i think mew would be a nice fit, pinkie and mew would play together and stuff

1. Tri-weekly, gives you more time for quality control and whatnot.
2. Although my absolute favorite legendaries are Mewtwo and Darkrai (and he has almost every reason to meet Luna), I'm going to have to go with Ho-oh. Ho-oh was the first legendary in the anime, and I think it would be fitting. I also think Dashie might like it.:rainbowdetermined2:

daily and mew because it is the first legendary from the original Pokemon and some of you want to argue that it should be mewtwo, well why not have both mew and mewtwo battle like in the first Pokemon movie.

I prefer dailies thank you.:twilightsmile:

First Legendary? Bidoof!

But I guess if he's not available, I vote Lugia.

Okay, I think once a day updates, with 1k chapters. Next, I think you should just screw the legendaries, and go with breaking out the Rapidash. Screw them all, this story needs a Rapidash. But if you absolutely, positively, must have a Legendary, then I suppose bringing out Jirachi would be fun. Especially when they try to just wish all the legendaries away. Also, if you could bring in a Legendary Mudkip, that would be much appreciated.

Perhaps for the first Legendary it should be either Darkrai with no fight, or Giratina with a major fight. Also, I wouldn't mind a daily update.

Well honestly if you pump out chapters I am happy.
I think you should start with the first's legendaries, suicune was always my favorite (cause I am old like that).


1k daily
celibi or 1 of the three elemantal dogs?

I vote tri-weekly, but it looks like it will be daily, and as such, a disappointment.:ajsleepy:

as for legendaries, pick something big that he has a type advantage against, and it also be a good example for the others to see his power.

I think a battle with Deoxsys or Heatran. Both are very frightening, but in different ways. Deoxsys might actually help if it gets sweet talked, and Heatran would be a very valid immediate crisis as it can be as destructive as a volcano.

I would like daily or tri-weekly.
As for first legendary, I vote Ho-Oh. Just to see Rainbows reaction. :rainbowderp:

1. Either is fine with me.

2. Go with... The Regis.

Just in case my previous comment didn't count, I'd vote for bi-weekly to weekly updates.

As far as legendaries go, how about the Swords of Justice, Cobalion, Terrakion, and/or Virizion?

This story needs
1: 1k daily updates
2: non-hostile Mew ledgendary followed by super hostile Groudon & Kyogre (Groudon and Kyogre are more focused on fighting each other too notice a silly tiny Metagross and 6 silly tiny ponies)

MEW!!!!!!!!!! THEY NEED TO MEET MEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. Second or third option.
2. Either the Keldeo, or Shaymin

I would like bi-weekly so it can be quality done. When it is put out everyday some errors might slip through, oh and daily updates only last me about 3-6 minutes... Not very satisfying, like bite sized snacks with no hope of the main course.

1. daily!
2. um... Latios and/or Latias! put RD in her place as the fastest :pinkiecrazy:

why don't the Eon Duo get any love? :fluttercry::applecry:

I'm fine with either bi or tri-weekly.

As for a legendary... how about something not suggested yet, like Shaymin or perhaps one of the Kami trio, just to shake things up a bit.
I do like the suggestions for a Regi or Darkrai though.

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