• Published 30th Sep 2013
  • 626 Views, 18 Comments

Dream Whisper - Dream Whisper

A special talent can lead to incredible possibilites. What would you do, if you were able to enter the dreams of somepony else?

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Chapter 10: Evening the scales

I laughed, even though the situation had gotten much worse. Sometimes you need to laugh so you don't frown. It was time to visit old friends to win this battle. After destroying several cities all around in Equestria, there had been an unfortunate turn of events. Princess Twilight had assembled with five other ponies to crush me and I underestimated them.
Mistake number 1: Underestimation.
They are the new, assembled Elements of Harmony. Luckily their strike was only hard enough to save the city I attacked. In their moment of dealing with the situation in the city, I was able to get away. They have had the power to stop me, but no pony said, that I would have to fight alone. Old friends always have great ideas and that is why I was heading off early.

I had already made out a meeting with him, even though it had been hard to find him in the first place. We would meet in the ruins of Frozenfalls. Why Frozenfalls? Well, the city is the place, where we first met. I had always been a pony of the north. The cold weather was calming and not so blinding.

Where was he? I had already been waiting for long hours, but he was still not here.
„Did you miss me? You know, I can't just appear here or there in time. It's my duty to always be late or early or both.‟
Yes, he still had the same kind of humor.
„Ohhh, don't make that look on your face.‟
He created a seat for sunbathing and a cocktail on a table next to it.
„Relax. The plan is working just fine. You and me will rule the world. You will be the chaos in their dreams, and I will be the chaos in their lives.‟
Sounds good to me, even though I am more interested in the vengeance than in reign.
„Good old Discord. You know, that I don't quite enjoy the pleasure of ruling. You will have the throne all for your own enjoyment. As long as you continue to spread your chaos all around.‟
I smiled at him.
„Haha. You always know, what I want. So, how are we going to spread chaos today? Do you want to turn the sun into a moon? Do you want to make every bit of water in Equestria become a stream of fire? We could make the trees run around and eat the birds, which had been living on them and eating their fruits.‟
He was still the same draconequus, who is not able to win on his own, but under my leadership, he will have his victory:
„No. The time for your chaos will come, but first we have to dispatch of the Elements of Harmony...‟
He made a frown when he heard that phrase. The Elements of Harmony seemed to get him every single time.
„... and I have just the plan for it. I will take the focus of the Elements of Harmony, then you will have the power to surpass them for a short moment. You will have your reign and I will have my vengeance.”

Discord laughed, turned a tree to his bed. Then he created two glasses of whine and gave me half a glass. It was strange to see the fluid resisting it's urge to flow down at the open side of the half glass. Discord then drank his own half and threw the extra glass into a puddle of water, which turned into a bubble bath in the next moment. I wasn't quite sure anymore, if I should drink the whine, but in the end I decided to at least try it. It tasted like orange. Good old discord, always good for a surprise.
“One week, then we shall meet again, right here.”
With these words Discord made a hole under his feet, just to fall upwards onto a cloud, in which he slowly sank until he was gone. I could still hear his laughing echoing through the landscape. One week. It was about time to spread distrust among the ponies and make myself the bigger target.

It was number 1483. The last pony in this week. Sometimes I had only spent a minute or so in their dreams, but that had still been enough time to convey my message. For this last pony, I would take some more time. The female earth pony had a grey coat, black hair and a purple treble clef as a cutie mark. Obviously a fan of classical music, she even had an instrument in her dreams, but I was about to get this dirty. I put her on a stage, a big audience, listening for her every note and then I made her instrument occasionally make terrible sounds. Like hoof on chalkboard or the scream of a deafbird – known for their deafening screams – or iron scratching over chinaware.
She was surprised and confused. The instrument made these sounds on random occasions, which she tried to evade, but you can't evade randomness. She tried everything to get her music to play normal again, but I couldn't let her. If every tone would have been terrible, she would have probably just stopped playing, but this was much more brilliant: She knew, that her instrument was working, because most notes were right. Only sometimes they were wrong and she was searching for the reason. It would drive her insane in the end, but I didn't want to spread insanity, I wanted to spread distrust and make myself a target. I created the illusion of Celestia's magic aura, well known to me, on the instrument, then placed an illusion of Celestia in the audience. For this dreamer, it had to seem like Celestia was causing her troubles.
“Why are you doing this? Please, stop! Princess? But why? I don't understand!”
Torture sometimes is a necessity for the greater good. As the dreamer went beserk, I knew, my work was done.

“Dream Cry, I have been waiting for you. Are you ready to strike? I'd love to spread some chaos again.”
Discord had just appeared on the tree bed, he had created one week ago. This time he sat on it, upside down of course.
“I was born ready. The better question is, are you ready?”
Discord laughed, a deep, long laugh:
“I am the spirit of disharmony about to spread disharmony. It isn't even possible for me to not be ready.”
Almost to prove his statement, his tree bed spontaneously turned into fireworks, which flew up in the air and exploded:
“I will see you in Canterlot, Dream Cry.”

He snapped with his finger and was already gone. I laid down again, as so often in the last week and closed my eyes once again. Not that it got hard, it was even getting easier. It was just a little bit repetetive after this time, which would change in these very next heartbeats. I pulled the dream closer to reality, not even caring for what was inside. I didn't need to enter it, just harness the power of the world of the irrational and unreal. My face appeared over Canterlot, where Discord was already shuffling on top of one of the towers.

Without losing a single heartbeat to hesitation, I crushed the first tower, breaking it into thousand bits, falling down into the lithified lava. Celestia was standing on another tower, protecting it with a shield. The six Elements of Harmony were assembled behind her.
“Today is not the day of thou victory. Today neither you nor Discord will reign over Equestria. The Elements of Harmony have beaten you once, they will beat you again. You will not win.”
I laughed. It was quite funny to see her expectations on my motives:
“I have not come to win today. I have not come to reign either. Today is not the day of my victory or Discord's victory, ...”
Discord was looking at me with a surprised face.
“...today is the day, when the scales are finally evened. Today is the day, when disharmony is not surpressed by harmony anymore. The 'good' side had always been stronger. What 'good' side does imprision their sisters and murder other ponies? You know, there is no 'good' side in Equestria. Today, I will finally even the scales between the Elements of Harmony and Discord. I don't need victory, I just need vengeance.”

Another tower started to rumble, crumble and resisted, but in the end it had to bow to my power.
“The bad side can never win.”
It was one of the Elements of Harmony speaking: The Element of Magic.
“Yeah, show him Twili!” answered the Element of Loyalty.
“I am sorry to disappoint all of you, but your dear Princess Celestia is not as good as you believe her to be. She would not be the ruler of Equestria if it had not been for ... terrific measurements. Did she tell you, that she banished her sister for 1000 years? Did she tell you, that she killed other ponies, my parents just to get her throne? Oh, Celestia. What a name for such a cruel pony.”

Other towers bowed to my will. Only 3 more towers were standing. The Elements of Harmony were creating a formation. They wanted to crush me, of course. They believed in the lies of their beloved Celestia and they believed in mine. As long as I was the target, Discord would have free reign. They fired at me, and Discord finally had all the time in the world to take his place. I was, if you want to call it that way, crushed. I had to leave the dream, seriously in danger of losing the power to sustain my own life. The dreamer died, when I took the last bits of power, necessary to survive somehow. My work was done, I would not die and in some days, I would be recovered. Until then, it would all be in the hands of Discord. The elements have used their power against me, now they were weak and vulnerable.

When the sun rose over the horizon, while the moon was rising on the other side, I knew, that he had won and I had my vengeance. The wind only flew upwards, while the leaves of the trees were hanging down still. They were colored in every possible color but green. Some trees just stood up and ate the birds, that had been pooping on them for their entire lives. This was Discord's world now.

I got up and created a small field of grass under my hooves, which I then lifted up in the air. I flew towards Canterlot to see the throne of success and that description is not an understatement: Discord had built a giant throne, where he sat and drank some water, while giant pigs flew threw the air and a windmill was turning so fast, that it was creating a twister. Meanwhile, some bees began to grow in size until they were as big as a tree, then they exploded into millions of new bees, which all started to grow again. There were a couple of grasshoppers, which, every time they jumped up, caused a small earthquake around them. A snake, which was eating it's own tail in an infinite loop, while still growing bigger and bigger. A couple of ponies tried to run through the grass land, but every couple of hooves, a bird unearthed from the ground, just to explode in hundrets of feathers. You could say, it was the complete and utter chaos.

“Discord, old pal. As I can see, you have done it. The world is your playing ground. Tell me, where are the Elements of Harmony?”
Discord laughed:
“Oh, don't worry. I am just going to have some fun with them. They cannot win against me anymore. I have won.”
He laughed again. What a maniac.
“Discord, listen closely: Do not underestimate them. Seriously, do not do it. I don't care what you do with them, but don't underestimate them. I will go back into my world, the world of dreams. Reality is a bit too chaotic for me.”
I smiled at him: He knew, that I meant it as a joke.
“Maybe the frozen north is a bit more comfortable for both of us.”
Discord agreed: “Let us keep the destroyed Canterlot. Just as a statement of our victory.”

Discord jumped down from his throne and just before he hit the earth, he disappeared and with him his throne of success. I followed him willingly. The frozen north was such a nice place. When I arrived there, I laid down again. This was what I had lived for more than thousand years. Yet, it was not the victory I had wanted. I had my freedom and every possibility, but something was missing. There was just this barely fought victory and nothing else. I was empty. Not even the vengeance could fill the hole of thousand years in banishment.