• Published 30th Sep 2013
  • 11,348 Views, 590 Comments

Bad Future Crusaders - TonicPlotter

One fateful night in Equestria everything changed. The princesses were gone, and a new ruler had taken their place. Years have passed since that event. Ponies have grown up, aged, and changed with the times. Tonight their story begins.

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Chapter 39

“So…” said Pound quietly, being the first of the three hiding beneath the tarp that covered the rear box of the vehicle to break the silence. He carefully peeked up at the circling sentry through an eyelet on their covering and continued, “It’s uh, Spoon, right? What sort of things are you into?”

Silver Spoon looked away from the eyehole she had cut and stared at the young pegasus with absolutely no expression on her face. She shifted her body lower against the heavy metal tank she reclined against and put her hind legs up on a toolbox.

“I mean like, when this is all over, I don’t suppose you wanna, you know, just go someplace quiet and talk?”

She drew her knife and dug at a particularly stubborn chunk of gravel that had embedded into a crevice on her hoof. “I’m a little old for you, don’t you think kid?”

“No!” he said matter-of-factly, “Not at all. I think true love conquers all.”

With a humorless laugh of disbelief, Silver Spoon turned to the kid’s sister. “Tell me he’s not serious.”

Pumpkin sighed. “He is.”

“For crying out loud… Have you ever talked to a mare before, Pound? Besides, the only raise I’m interested in right now is raising hell, got it?”

“So that’s a maybe, then?” said Pound hopefully, “As in, like, maybe later?”

Silver Spoon pointed her newly acquired service knife at his snout and spoke seductively, waving the blade up and down as she did, “No, stud, it’s maybe as in, like, maybe I’ll give you a nip and tuck down there if you don’t keep it in your trousers.”

“Uh…” said Pound with a quick peek at his hindquarters, “I’m not wearing trousers.”

“Did he fall on his head or something as a foal?” whispered Silver Spoon to Pumpkin.


The gray mare struggled for some manner of insult to shoot the little punk down with but came up dry. Instead she tapped the wall of the cab, “What are you doing in there? Reading the owner’s manual? C’mon what is the hold up?! Cabrão,” she whispered in quiet anger as she put a hoof to her face.

The trio fell dead silent as an alarm blared from the prison behind them. As if on cue the vehicle rumbled to life and Silver Spoon clung to the sides on impulse, smirking as her two allies were thrown to the rear of the box by the momentum. They bounced roughly over the narrow cobblestone streets that clearly were not intended to accommodate such a monstrosity and the three ponies cringed beneath their tarp as they felt the vehicle swerve and drag against something.

“What are you doing?! Hey, HEY! HALT!!!” screamed a masculine voice followed by a cowardly yelp as the vehicle swerved again no doubt to miss him.

“Just run ‘em over, Blank Flank! They’ve got life insurance and full medical coverage!” yelled Silver Spoon, already aware her voice was lost to the noise of the shocks bouncing over debris in the streets and the roaring engine. Something thudded against the rear of the vehicle and onto the tarp, scrabbling for the cab which brought a cruel smirk to Silver Spoon’s face. She drew her knife and stabbed up through the tarp, enjoying the cowardly yelps of surprise as she missed. She stabbed over and over again, laughing as their unwanted stowaway leaped and bounced trying to stay away from the blade. He finally fell on top of Pound, who kicked upward and sent him clear off of the tarp.

“Teamwork!” said Pound jovially as a loud thud and a grunt of pain came from the street behind them.

“They’re fast,” remarked Pumpkin Cake as another guard managed to charge the vehicle from the side and ram them with little effect.

“No,” yelled Silver Spoon, “This crate’s too slow; my mom could outrun it. Too late now though; there’s no way we’re changing plans at this point. That’s why we’re here, to keep them off of it. The cab is priority one; protect it at all costs!” Silver Spoon and Pumpkin went to work cutting the ties that held down the tarp while Pound readied himself. Their covering flew airborne and into the distance behind them giving the trio a clear look at their pursuers: three guards on hoof and two in the air were charging from behind and slowly closing the gap.

“We’re screwed, aren’t we?” said Pumpkin.

“Hardly,” said Silver Spoon. “We had a harder time escaping Fort Lodestone in an Eastland truck.” She frowned and stomped the wooden cab, “And those things were built for this kind of thing.”

“What planet are you from, anyways?” said Pound Cake.

“Maybe give the flirting a rest and read a newspaper sometime, huh kid?” said Silver Spoon passively as she readied for the one guard that was close enough to jump. He leaped onto the back of the vehicle and she snatched his service knife, struck him in the forehead with the handle and knocked him clean out and off of the back, and twirled to throw it at one of their airborne pursuers. It struck him handle-first right on the muzzle, sending him careening into the side of a building with a loud crash. “Wow,” she said flatly, “I’m a bit out of practice I think.”

“Corner!!!” screamed Dor’s voice from the cab.

On instinct Silver Spoon dove to the floor and braced as they turned hard to the left and skidded, slamming into the side of a building. Pumpkin tumbled and fell, rolling and hitting the side of the vehicle’s box put Pound stumbled and fell over the side. “Gotcha!” yelled Silver Spoon as she sprung forward and caught him by the hooves. Silently grateful for how much lighter pegasi were than other ponies she managed to heave the stallion back into the vehicle with a grunt of effort as the tires squealed and it sped down the hill. She passively returned the hoof-bump to the young pegasus and peered over the side to get her bearings. She recognized this area of town; they were near the heart of Canterlot and headed east. “Hey! Turn this thing around! Head for the main gate!” she screamed as she banged on the rear window of the cab, “Head south!!!”

“The gate?!” snapped Pumpkin, “It’ll be locked and crawling with guards!”

“So we smash right through.”

“Are you insane?!”

Silver Spoon just grinned as a response. They turned another corner and it appeared their driver took her advice: with a hard left they headed south across the bridge. Abruptly the vehicle screeched to a halt at the dead center of the crossing, nearly throwing the trio in the back overboard. “What in— oh crap.”

They had ridden right into a trap. Two large carts weighed down with spare armor had been pulled across the bridge behind a line of guards, each waiting with a spear aimed directly at the cab. Silver Spoon swallowed nervously as the huge pegasus in the center stared into the group with sheer murderous intent in his eyes. “End of the road,” growled Captain Rumble, “Surrender.”

Silver Spoon leaped onto the roof of the cab and threw her knife right for his head and, without even wincing, the massive stallion nonchalantly turned his head to let it ricochet from his helmet. His eyes never even left the vehicle; he didn’t even care about her little attack. The engine revved twice and Silver Spoon dove into the back to take cover, screaming for the twins to do the same just as the carriage exploded forward straight for the barricade.

With an ear-splitting crash of buckling metal their ride lurched as it slammed into the captain and dragged to a stop. The wheels screamed in agony as rubber spun against concrete and filled the air with smoke and a horrible burning stench, almost drowning out the feral roar of the thing that was somehow overpowering them. Just as the group thought it was over and just as the guards moved into position to jump aboard and finish them off, machine won over monster and he buckled. He went down and the entire vehicle lurched and bounced on its shocks as it ran over him and crashed through the carts. The engine sputtered, the entire thing wobbled slightly on a damaged front wheel, but they were moving once more.

“He ain’t so tough,” said Silver Spoon as she patted the empty knife holster on her leg.


“No,” she said in complete disbelief as an armored hoof reached up from behind and gripped the tailgate with enough power to bend the metal. Though she would never admit it to anypony Silver Spoon felt true fear surge through her veins as that thing glared over the back of the vehicle. His armor was scuffed and scraped, but the most the heavy cloud carriage had done as it drove over his prone body was make him mad.

Pound lunged forward and punched him in the face, but might as well have been hitting stone. Rumble reached back and clubbed him with the side of his hoof, hurling the poor kid into the metal tank in the back hard enough to make it wobble.

“Perfect,” said Silver Spoon to the stunned pegasus. She threw herself behind it and with every ounce of strength in her scarred body she pushed the heavy tank over. Caught by the momentum of the speeding vehicle the tank rolled and struck the captain just as he was hurling himself into the back, knocking him off and into the streets with a grunt of pain. Silver Spoon savored the sight of the heap as it vanished into the distance behind them and took a deep breath. “Couldn’t have done it without you, kid,” she said mockingly as she kicked Pound in the sole of his rear hoof to jolt him conscious.

“What, did we make it?” said Pound, still too dazed to realize her comment was sarcasm.

An arrow shot between them and embedded into the wood bottom of the vehicle’s box. “I’m going to go ahead and say… no,” said Silver Spoon.

“Auntie!!!” hollered the raspberry colored pegasus that swooped down and quickly gained on them. Silver Spoon instantly recognized her as the little punk that claimed to be the Blank Flank’s niece and drew her knife, hoping to carve that smug grin off that face once and for all. She shot right past the rear of the vehicle, dodged a lamppost, and flew beside the driver’s seat. “You’re mine now,” she growled as she readied an arrow and aimed it through the window. The vehicle lurched slower as the arrow fired and missed, and sped up once more. The pegasus wasn’t even fazed and she was quick; she soared right in front of the windshield and, between dropping three, managed to fire two more arrows through the windshield as the vehicle swerved desperately to the left and right.

“Can’t believe I’m doing this,” muttered Silver Spoon. She sheathed her knife, not wanting to waste her last one, and grabbed a heavy spanner wrench from the toolbox. Silver Spoon wound up and threw the heavy tool, striking the pegasus dead-center in the forehead and making her shoot her arrow harmlessly into the air. Stunned from the impact she swooped and bounced on the roof of the vehicle with a cry of pain, and in an attempt to recover she swerved sideways and careened right through the window of an apartment building.

“Ten points!” chirped Pound.

Silver Spoon couldn’t help but laugh and patted the pegasus on the back as they turned another corner. Silver Spoon once again got her bearings; they would be close to the front gate if they were on hoof. By vehicle they would have to loop around 14th street and through who knows how many more ambushes and roadblocks. Worse yet, the vehicle was in a sad state: dinted and beaten up, with smoke rising from the now chugging engine and dripping fluids. At this point it likely wouldn’t survive smashing through the front gate. The vehicle spun around another corner, nearly running over another guard, and an idea came to Silver Spoon’s head. “Hey Blank Flank!” she screamed as she pounded on the rear window, “I got me an idea! Do two laps of the block and take 14th to the gate! Trust me!”

“Ah don’t trust you!”

“Well today’s a day for new milestones, sweetheart! JUST DO IT!!!”


“Well,” she said to the twins, “If you guys don’t make it there or if I don’t survive the trip, it’s been swell. Lots of luck finding your mom.” Before they could answer she jumped over the side and caught a clothesline, riding it downward like a zip line with the momentum of the vehicle behind her and all the way to the end. She was thrown through a window and crashed across a coffee table, scrabbling quickly to her hooves and snatching what she could from the little pile of jewelry on the kitchen counter before kicking down the door and sprinting into the hall. Dodging a surprised mare in the hallway she ran out the fire escape and jumped to the neighboring rooftop below, letting out a crude “Oof” as she rolled messily and kept moving.

That’ll hurt in the morning…

She pushed herself to run faster, jumping the narrow alleyways from rooftop to rooftop knowing the guards would be too busy chasing the vehicle to worry about one earth pony on the rooftops. She slid down a water spout and was immediately spotted by the two sentries still manning their posts at the gate.

“Freeze!” said one of them as the other approached.

“I surrender,” she said softly as she sat back on her haunches and put her forelegs on her head. The sentry pulled out a set of hoofcuffs and as soon as he wrenched her foreleg behind her back she spun, kicking him in the stomach and using the hoofcuff as a blackjack to knock him out. The other guard charged and she threw her knife, once again hitting her target handle-first and knocking him unconscious. “My aim is crap without my glasses,” she mused as she snatched a ring of keys, unlocked the gate, and helped herself to the two sentries’ service knives. With her job done she just had to hope her ride could make it and climbed to the lookout platform to wait. At the top she briefly gave in to her exhaustion and slumped against the guardrail as she lit one of the cigarettes she had stolen from Apple Bloom as the redhead slept. “Big bro was right,” she said passively as she took a good long drag and listened to the roaring of the vehicle and scattered yelling of guards in the distance, “I should’ve become a teacher.” As she spoke the vehicle lurched around the corner and sped for the main gate. Silver Spoon calmly finished her cigarette, blew a smoke ring, and jumped for the cab. Her landing was less than graceful but she made it; she landed dead center in the back of the vehicle’s box just as it slammed through the gate. “Miss me?” she said, trying to salvage the dignity.

“I did!” said Pound.

“Shut up,” snapped Silver Spoon. She looked around at the trees that whizzed past as they sped into the darkness of the forest and saw no guards or other immediate threats. “So. What did I miss?”

“Few more guards,” said Pumpkin passively, “and the pegasus with the bow came back. We handled it.”

“Apparently,” laughed Silver Spoon. “And I thought I hated the Blank Flank.”

“I think we’re in the clear, guys!” cheered Pound as he draped over the damaged back of the vehicle and watched the cobblestone pathway race by and vanish, becoming a dirt trail. “So what now, Spoon?”

“Keep moving until this crate dies,” said Silver Spoon, “They’ll be hot on our trail so we can’t stop yet. Then—” She was cut off as the vehicle clipped a tree and skidded, nearly going off the road. “Hey Blank Flank! Go easy on the gas, huh?!”

“The brakes are out!” yelled Apple Bloom from inside the cab.

“Aw hell,” muttered Silver Spoon. She ran to the side and looked toward the engine; several arrows were embedded into the side of the vehicle and one was bleeding what must have been brake fluid. “I am going to kill that little brat.” Going far too fast for this narrow dirt trail the vehicle veered erratically back and forth as the group in the back struggled to hang on. “You know what?” said Silver Spoon as she climbed onto the side, “It’s been fun, I’m out.” She gritted her teeth and jumped from the box, rolling as she hit the dirt and crying out in pain. She slumped on her side and watched the vehicle speed away into the darkness before mustering the strength to stand. “Here’s to you, Blank Flank,” she said as she mockingly waved in the direction of their escape, “That was some fine driving. Lots of luck.” Silver Spoon stole quietly into the bushes, confident that the inevitable pursuers would be too busy trying to track her ‘friends’ to ever find her. She made it almost ten steps into the bushes and, once she was certain she was out of sight, let her aching body collapse and pass out.

Author's Note:

I don't care how out of place it might have been, I love car chases and I'd be damned before I'd not have a car chase in this story. I just hope I wrote it okay; I kind of suck at writing action scenes.

So that's it for me for updates until after Christmas, as I'm going home to Portugal over the holidays. Next one'll be early January at some point. Have a Merry Christmas and/or happy [pretend there's a list of every holiday here].