• Published 3rd Mar 2012
  • 9,996 Views, 224 Comments

Fate/Twilight - moguera

Twilight Sparkle reluctantly fights for the Holy Grail

  • ...

Changing Fate

Chapter 9: Changing Fate

Prana roared. Prana surged. Prana raced through him. It was uncertain if this force, if this energy could even be called prana anymore. The Noble Phantasm had taken the elemental energy of the world and transformed it, elevated it into something beyond description, beyond understanding. To have witnessed magecraft at its peak, it was humbling to see that power wrought into something more, something that transcended the boundaries of the impossible, something that could be called Magic.

It flowed through him. It saturated his very being. It unmade him and it remade him all at once. And yet, in the end, it was still very much him. For in doing so, it showed him the Truth of his Self. It sought out what he lacked. It made him whole.

It is truly shameful that I have descended to such a state.

Then why did you do so?

The agony of my treachery, the denial of my atonement, the rejection of my absolution; to even think about it caused me pain beyond measure. The bite of the sword, the point of the spear, the burn of the noose, none of these came even close to what I endured for merely upon entering into thought of what I had become. I could no longer stand it, but it haunted me until I could no longer think of anything but that. In the end, if I could no longer stand my own coherent thoughts, then it was better not to think at all.

You embraced madness?

Because she would not punish or decry me, I could not stand that there was no path to redeem myself for my actions. She deserved better than what I gave her in the end, but refused to take the only things I had left to offer.

You loved her?

Beyond the bonds of king and retainer, beyond that of man and woman, I loved her in the entirety of her Self, she who gave up all for the sake of our land.

Yet you raise your sword against her?

I embraced madness. Yet, even in madness, my heart still knew her. But always, the first feeling that stirred was pain. I could not think, could not quell my instincts, and so acted as all act unthinkingly to end their pain, I lashed out at its source.

Why does it hurt?

I was denied the chance to make right my wrongs, to atone in however insignificant and unworthy a manner I could. She refused to condemn my actions.

Is that not because she perceived you as having done no wrong?

I raised my sword against her! The very sword I pledged to her service, I used to slay my friends, my brothers in arms! I took her glorious reign and turned it into a mire of bloodshed and destruction, all for the sake of a paltry desire!

Did you not act out of love?


She who stood alone atop the martyr's pedestal saw hope in your happiness with her.

She never desired happiness for her own sake, but always wished it upon those she stood above.

You raised your sword to protect that happiness that you had found, that she had fostered. Could it not be said that, in raising your sword against her, you were following her wishes? Even in your treachery, did you not obey her will?

But her kingdom! It fell into ruin. Even now, she fights beyond the bounds of time and space to make right the consequences of my actions.

Were your actions alone truly responsible for her kingdom's fall?

No. Even my treachery was spurred by those who revealed the affair in order to undermine her rule.

In the end, you cannot rule the hearts of others. The only domain over which you hold true command is your own heart. What does your heart tell you to do?

It tells me to follow her will, to fight for my happiness as I did then.

Will you do so?


Madness is nothing more than white noise, a thoughtless drone. It numbed your pain, but the sight of her still inflicted it. Your agony never ended with madness. Will you return to that false promise of mindlessness? Will you embrace the truth within your own heart? Which will lead you to peace?

I...What are you that you know me so well?

I am you. I am the Truth that lies within you that has been muffled by your pain and your despair. I am your answer. What am I?


The blazing surge of prana was the signal. Lancer and Rider both realized its appearance. Both knew its significance. The situation with Caster and Berserker, with Waver and Kariya had changed irrevocably. Delay meant disaster. Action was demanded.

Rider's left hand cracked the reins. With angry bellows, the bulls pulled it into motion. Even with the Gordius Wheel's awesome power and speed, Rider knew that it alone was not enough. Lancer was a foe beyond the reach of an ordinary charge. Victory demanded no less than the strongest blow that Rider could muster.


Thunder roared louder than ever. The distance between Rider and Lancer vanished in an instant. With speed that only the Servant of the swiftest of the seven classes could muster, the bulls and the chariot they drew bore down on Lancer, his meager spears mere kindling before the might of the children of Zeus.

But Rider's attack was not infallible and he knew this well. The wound Lancer had made upon the bull on the right still took its toll. Thus, Rider's ability to change the direction of his attack was hampered. Pulling to the right would cause a delay in reaction. It was a mere fraction of an instant's delay, but before the superior senses and reflection of a Servant, that would be more than enough. It was an opening that Lancer would be all too capable of exploiting. Rider knew he couldn't afford to underestimate Lancer's skill. He pulled the reins to the right, intending to catch Lancer in his dodge and bring about his end.

Rider learned the true skill of Diarmuid Ua Duibhne that day. Rider had already altered his chariot's course to intercept Lancer's attempt to slip to his right.

But Lancer had no such intention from the very beginning.

Impossibly, Lancer leapt to Rider's left. It should have been something that Rider should have been able to compensate for immediately. But the unexpected maneuver caught him by surprise. Rider's own reaction stalled for a fraction of an instant.

That was more than enough.

Lancer cleared the path of the chariot's charge and turned, his crimson spear seeking Rider's flesh. Recovering from his surprise, Rider turned to defend himself. Gáe Dearg pierced through the veil of lightning. The position was awkward for Rider, whose sword was in his right hand. Yet, he managed to move his blade to deflect the attack. However, Lancer was not finished, for he had not truly meant to strike Rider with the red spear.

Following the path that Gáe Dearg cut through the Gordius Wheel's lightning, Gáe Buidhe struck home. Caught off balance, Rider could only watch as the golden spear sank into his shoulder. Pain flared through his body and his left arm lost its strength. He barely had time to return his sword its scabbard before grasping the reins with his right hand. It was all Rider could do not to lose his grip and balance and be tossed out of the chariot altogether.

Lancer did not escape unscathed either. The path that Gáe Dearg cut through the lightning was only wide enough for a single spear. Gae Buidhe was shorter than its brother. Thus, to reach Rider, Lancerhad to plunge his hand and arm into the lightning itself and press his entire side up against the chariot's protective energy. Lightning scorched his arm and body, burning and searing. Once he was certain his spear had struck true, Lancer allowed the recoil of the attack to knock him away.

Under normal circumstances, it was a foolish move. But Lancer's Master could easily heal his wounds in time. The injury inflicted by Gáe Buidhe, however, would not be erased so easily. An eager smile crossed Lancer's face. Let his sword cut your flesh, that you might cut his bone.

"Hyah!" Rider cracked the reins with his one good hand, driving the bulls forward. Rather than turn to try and face Lancer again, he opted to ignore the other Servant in favor of his true objective. Finding his Master was a higher priority in this circumstance, especially since Waver seemed to be in danger as well. The best move would be to consolidate their forces and deal with their enemies as a single unit rather than continue to allow their strength to be divided.

Even though the danger was great, Aaron couldn't stand the thought of missing the moment Caster put his Command Seal to use. Abandoning any pretense of interest in his own situation, he closed his eyes and called upon his Shared Perception with Caster, allowing him to see the battle from her eyes as she unleashed what he presumed to be her Noble Phantasm on Berserker. It had been unbelievable to see her summon others of her kind into this world, but even more so to witness the power that she and her companions had unleashed agains Berserker.

Aaron wished desperately to see what the ultimate result of Caster's efforts, but his thoughts were returned to his own situation as the building rumbled ominously, the vibrations transmitting themselves through the floor and into his body as he continued to remain concealed in a girls restroom. Breaking his connection with Caster, Aaron checked the map he had laid back out now that his spell had confused Kayneth's Volumen Hydragyrum's detection capability.

Kayneth had made his way to one end of the building and was now making his way back. Then, the lines that made up the diagram of the building itself began to blur and run in the area behind Kayneth as he made his way through the hallway. Aaron's eyes widened. That means he's...

Thick silvery tentacles lashed out from the central hub of the Volumen's mass, plunging through mortar and concrete, ripping out structural supports and crushing through walls. As Kayneth continued to walk slowly along, the entire building behind him collapsed in on itself. The eruption of foreign prana from the battlefield where Berserker and Caster fought had made him realize that he couldn't afford to waste anymore time on playing cat-and-mouse with a third-rate magus like Aaron Styx.

"Do you understand you half-baked insect of a magus?" he hissed angrily, "I gave you every opportunity to compete honorably, to stake your pride as a magus on the line for the sake of the Holy Grail, only to find that you have neither honor or pride. If you insist on acting like vermin, then I shall treat you as one."

With another series of devastating strikes, the Volumen Hydragyrum tore down another section of the building, its collapse sending dust hurtling through the air even as Kayneth continued his implacable walk down the hallway.

"Do you understand what that means? If you insist on continuing to hide, I shall crush every bolt-hole, smash every crawlspace, until you either break your cover and step out to accept your fate, or die as I bring your hiding space down on top of you. Even if you run, this place has been enclosed by my bounded field. You shall simply be cornered.

"Do you understand? Die sooner. Die later. It no longer matters to me which you choose Witness. But, one way or another, your death is inescapable. Your fate was decided the instant you made Kayneth Archibald El-Melloi your opponent. You will regret making light of me with every fiber of your being."

...Decided to bring down the entire building if he can't figure out where I am, thought Aaron, That's rather ungraceful. But then again, subtlety doesn't seem to be his thing.

In any case, it was obvious that he couldn't remain in his hiding spot for much longer. Now that Kayneth had opted for such extreme measures, Aaron's only option was to make his escape. However, the barrier was still in place, which mean that even his means of escape were limited. He supposed that he could try calling Caster. If anything, her teleportation magecraft would be able to circumvent Kayneth's barrier. But right now, it was important not to distract her from her own battle. He could call her to his side with a Command Seal, but that meant leaving Rider's Master unprotected.

I should try Kayneth's barrier myself. If I can get out on my own, then I won't need to waste a second Command Seal.

In any case, action was required, so Aaron put his tools away and made for the door. After checking the hallway, he noted that Kayneth was not yet in sight of him. The spell to thwart the Volumen's detection capability was still active in the areas of the building that were still intact, so there was no danger of Kayneth suddenly realizing that he had begun moving out.

Aaron made his way through the empty hallways of the school, down the stairs and towards the door leading to the courtyard. As he passed amongst the student lockers, he noticed something sticking out of one. Normally, Aaron wouldn't have paid it any mind, given the particular urgency of his own situation. However, what drew his attention was the tiny trace of unknown prana emanating from the item. Carefully, Aaron moved in for a closer look, analyzing it for any signs of hostile magecraft.

The prana most certainly was not Kayneth's. This item wasn't a product of his work then. Carefully, Aaron removed the item and examined it. It was an envelope. There was no name on it, no markings of any kind that would betray its point of origin. However, as Aaron examined it, a symbol, made with crimson ink, suddenly seemed to bleed onto the front of the envelope. No...this is blood. Checking the back of the envelope, Aaron noticed a single strand of red hair running across the flap in such a way that it would be broken if he opened it. Turning it back to the front, he saw that letters were now coming into view.

This is your key. Escape.

Frowning, Aaron paused to consider the situation. The prana leaking from the symbol did not belong to Kayneth, nor could he recognize its signature as belonging to any of the other Masters he had met so far. He recognized the blood symbols as an implanted magecraft that would activate once before burning out. It was a fairly basic method of application. Does that mean that this is the key to the barrier? Is whoever planted this trying to give me a means of escape? Or is it a trap?

The building rumbled again. Dust rained down from the ceiling above and Aaron realized that another section of the structure had collapsed. In any case, I'm running out of options right now. So I suppose I should at least give this a try.

Rushing out the front door, Aaron rushed towards the outer wall. He could sense the edge of the bounded field. If this failed, he would be alerting Kayneth to his exact location. Clambering up onto the wall, Aaron raised the envelope. He felt prana flair out from the symbol on its front. More importantly, he sensed the bounded field before him opening up, a door to allow his escape. Not hesitating another second, Aaron jumped down from the wall, slipping through the newly created gap in Kayneth's barrier and ran as fast as his feet could carry him. Behind him, he could sense the barrier seal itself once again, as though it had never opened to begin with.

Aaron didn't stop running until he was several blocks away from the school. Finally, he collapsed against the side of a building, gasping for breath as he surveyed the silent street around him for any signs of pursuit. Seeing that he was alone for the time being, Aaron took the envelope back out and examined it. The crimson ink of the symbol had been burned black. Turning it over, he saw that new lettering had appeared on the back, just over the flap itself. It was a single word, a single instruction.

Pulling on the flap broke the strand of hair. Wordlessly, Aaron lifted out the small sheet of paper that had been folded over and planted within the envelope. As he unfolded the paper, he saw more writing scroll across its surface. Aaron's eyes flicked back and forth as he scanned the document quickly, taking in what it had to say. When he finished, a smirk spread across his face. What an unexpected opportunity.

A flick of his wrist sent envelope and letter spinning away as the final contingency spell within them activated. Both burst into brilliant flames before vanishing without a trace, not even leaving ashes behind.

As Kayneth strolled casually out the ground-floor doors of the school, the final section of the building collapsed into rubble behind him. Turning to look over his shoulder, he cast a disappointed look at the pile. Though it irked him to spend so much effort against such a low-class adversary, it would be best to confirm Aaron Styx's demise.

The destruction of the building had also snuffed out the spell the Witness had been using to confuse the Volumen Hydragyrum's detection function, which mean there would be no more false positives to lead it astray.

"Ire: Sanctio!" With a dismissive wave of his hand, Kayneth bid the Volumen to send its seeking tendrils snaking into the rubble.

Crossing his arms behind his back, Kayneth smiled and waited. "Even if he is already dead, his body heat won't have faded yet. If I am lucky, he is still alive, although grievously injured. Then I will be able to dispose of him at my leisure."

And so he waited...and waited...and continued to wait. But as the minutes crawled past, Kayneth was aware that there was no response from the Volumen. A frustrated growl built in the back of his throat. Just how deep was his concealment that it's taking so long to find him in this mound of rubble?

The searcher tendrils from the Volumen drew back with no reaction, indicating that it had found nothing living or recently deceased within the ruined remains of the school. Kayneth's lips pulled back in a snarl. "It can't be."

At his bidding, a heavy and thick tentacle lashed out from the Volumen Hydragyrum, scattering debris with each blow as Kayneth waded into the ruins. "I will find you!" he howled, "I don't care how well you've concealed yourself! I will find you and I will teach you pain like you've never known before! Do you hear me Witness? I WILL FIND YOU!!!"

The swirling, prismatic storm of prana faded, leaving behind a cloud of smoke and steam in its wake, momentarily obscuring the figures of the two individuals that had been caught within it. Arrayed in a semicircle in front of the impact zone, Twilight Sparkle and her friends waited anxiously, wondering about the outcome of using the Elements of Harmony against Berserker and his Master.

Waver Velvet slowly clambered back to his feet, eyes wide as he tried to see the results of the Magic he'd just witnessed. It had been a spectacular feat to see with his own eyes. But that alone had not been enough to divine its purpose or understand the outcome. "What did you do?" he asked.

"Um...well..." Twilight hedged nervously, "I'm not exactly sure. I don't fully understand the Elements of Harmony myself."

"Huh?" Waver blinked and stared down at the blushing unicorn. The idea that someone could command the power of True Magic without fully understanding it was strange and alien to his mindset. Though he was not a magician, he was fairly certain that the Magic of the human world did not work that way.

Twilight looked like she was about to launch into one of her explanations when the creak of armor distracted them. All eyes turned to the cloud of smoke, which was beginning to fade to reveal the armored figure of Berserker.

The towering Servant stood tall and unbowed, his silhouette looming out of the obscuring fog like a menacing demon. Twilight gulped nervously, but stood firm, confident that the strength of her bond with her friends had changed the course of the battle. Even so, her legs shook a little as the black knight began to step forward, his march bringing him out of the shroud of smoke.

Except...he wasn't black anymore. Neither the mist that swirled around him nor the armor beneath it retained its ebony color. The red of madness that shined through the joints of his armor and out the visor had vanished as well. Berserker looked completely different, almost diminished somehow. And yet, he paradoxically seemed much more than he had been before.

The swirling black mist that had once writhed and twisted about him like a storm in miniature had been replaced with a gently rippling silvery mist that glimmered with occasional faerie-lights, making Berserker's entire form seem to ripple and swim, firmly reminding Twilight of watching the early morning mist dance across the surface of a tranquil lake. Beneath the mist lay armor of gray steel with a dull matte finish. It was simple, unassuming, completely unlike the gleaming plates of armor that Twilight associated with the Royal Guard of her home world and also unlike the silvery gleam of Saber's armor as well.

No sound issued forth from within the confines of Berserker's helmet as he continued to stride forward, each step carrying him inexorably closer to Twilight and her friends. The sign was still gripped firmly in his right hand by the post, but held easily by his side. Unlike before, there were no signs of the invading black lines that indicated Berserker's prana was streaming into the sign, turning it into a deadly weapon. Instead, it looked much as it did before he had wrenched it out of the ground, albeit a little more twisted and battered, thanks to the heavy use it had seen.

As Berserker drew nearer, Twilight dropped into a crouch, leveling her horn at him, the glimmer of magic forming at the tip as she prepared for the fight to resume. Rainbow Dash spread her wings, ready to take to the sky. Applejack also tensed, preparing to charge in and unleash one of her devastating bucks. Rarity cast her eyes about and sighed before lighting her horn as well, seeking an object that she could manipulate in order to attack with. Fluttershy let out a frightened squeak and ducked behind Waver's legs. And Pinkie Pie...Pinkie Pie bounced in place, her trademark happy grin pasted across her face as though she was completely unaware of the severity of their situation.

The steps halted as Berserker came to a stop, standing with them just outside the reach of his weapon. A nervous sweat broke out across Twilight's brow. Any closer and she would have to attack. With the speed that a Servant was capable of, Berserker could lash out and strike her head from her shoulders before she could blink if she allowed him to begin his strike first. She had only been able to evade and defend against his attacks during their fight before by carefully planning ahead and just generally working to keep out of his reach as much as possible. If she was honest, blind luck had played as much of a part in her survival as her skill in planning ahead.

Berserker's armor shuddered once and he leaned forward. Twilight flinched and prepared to fire....Only to stop as Berserker sank to one knee in front of her, his head bowed in supplication. Twilight stared, to stunned by what she was seeing to continue to ready her magic, the glow fading from her horn.


From within the helmet, Berserker spoke for the first time since anyone had seen him appear on the battlefield. "Caster. I am in your debt for aiding me in finding my salvation." His voice was soft, yet deep and resonant, but lacked any kind of harsh edge.

"What do you mean?" asked Twilight, still unable to tear her eyes away from the odd spectacle before her. Her friends were just as confused as she was, with the exception of Pinkie Pie, who looked fit to burst.

Before Berserker could answer, there was a clap of thunder and a bellow of charging bulls, accompanied by the cacophony of crunching wood as Rider's chariot broke through the tree line. With a sharp cry, Rider pulled on the reins of his vehicle, bringing the chariot to a skidding halt as it swung sideways and came to a rest right next to where Twilight and her friends were standing.

"Rider!" exclaimed Waver with a relieved smile, which faltered when he saw his Servant's left arm hanging limply, a stream of blood trickling from the wound on his shoulder.

With a grimace, Rider examined his wound before grinning cheekily at Waver. "It would seem that I lost my bout with Lancer this time. I'm afraid he pierced me with his golden lance, so this will not be going away soon."

Twilight felt weak as she remembered the secret of Lancer's golden spear, which struck cursed wounds that were impossible to heal. As she watched, Waver extended his arm and used his prana to staunch the bleeding, which was the most he could do. There was no way for him to repair the damage to the muscles and tendons until either Lancer's spear or Lancer himself was destroyed.

Turning away from his wound, Rider surveyed the truly odd scene before him. "It seems that quite the battle has occurred here," he remarked casually.

The breeze stirred up by his arrival swept away the last remnants of smoke obscuring the location where the Elements of Harmony had blasted Berserker and his Master. When it cleared, Twilight was granted a clear view of Mato Kariya as the magus slowly sat up on the ground.

Like Berserker, Kariya had been transfigured by the Elements. His unnaturally white hair had been altered to a more natural gray shade. Furthermore, the lines of blood streaming from ruptured vessels and writhing worms wriggling forth from within his body had vanished. His sightless eye had been fixed, the gray glaze over it having been burned away. His skin was flushed and healthy. He looked perfectly healthy and normal, all traces of the unnatural magecraft that had lurked beneath his sallow skin before were gone.

"What...?" he gasped, looking around in confusion, "What happened?"

Berserker tilted his head back towards his shoulder, his attention going back to Kariya. "Caster has saved us, my Master."

"Berserker?" For a moment, Kariya stared at his Servant in much the same way that Twilight had before. "You spoke?"

"Forgive me for not doing so sooner Master," replied Berserker, standing and turning. He strode back and knelt before Kariya, mirroring the posture he had taken before Twilight. "I fled into the embrace of madness constantly in order to flee the pain brought upon myself by my own hubris. I thought not of the difficulty you had in controlling me as we set out on your quest, nor the burden I placed on you by striking out when you did not wish it. I beg your forgiveness, my Master."

"Uh Twi?" whispered Applejack, leaning over to speak into the lavender unicorn's ear, "What in the hay is going on?"

"I'm...not sure," Twilight whispered back, her eyebrow twitching as she desperately wish what was going on and wondering what the transformation that Berserker and his Master had undergone even meant.

"Aw it's not that hard," Pinkie chimed in as she continued to bounce, "He's all happy that he's not a dark and gloomy meanie-pants anymore!"

"Um...are you sure?" asked Fluttershy as she peeked out from behind Waver's legs.

"Yeah, pretty much," answered Pinkie.

Frowning, Twilight trotted towards Berserker and Kariya.

"Caster, wait?" exclaimed Waver as he watched her go.

"Don't'cha worry none," said Applejack, grinning as she gently patted Waver on the hip, it being the highest she could reach at the moment, "Twi knows what she's doin'." The orange mare turned her gaze back to the pony in question, a concerned expression of her own in place. "At least, Ah hope she does."

Berserker stood again as Twilight approached, turning to face her. She came to stop outside of his reach again. For a moment, they simply stared silently at each other. The silence was less tense than it was awkward as Twilight tried to figure out where on Earth she wanted to begin. Finally, she settled on her first question. "Why are you fighting?" she asked softly.

Berserker's head bowed. "It pains me to admit that I sought the Holy Grail for purely selfish reasons. In my life, I committed an act of great dishonor and treachery. However, my king believed that what I had done no wrong and could not fault me for my actions. In the end, she refused to pass judgment on me. In my hubris, I was unable to accept it, believing that I had been denied atonement and salvation. In the end I turned to madness and answered the call of the Holy Grail, believing that it could grant me the salvation I sought if my king would not.

"However, when your Magic struck me, I was forced to confront the Truth within my Self and realize that, in the end, the only one who could truly grant my salvation was me. I selfishly placed the burden of my own actions upon my king and fled into madness. I have behaved dishonorably, but now know that the power of salvation lay within my own hands."

Berserker's words stirred a sliver of recognition from within Waver's mind as he heard them. A knight who betrayed his king...could it be?

"What will you do now?" asked Twilight, her eyes glimmering with unshed tears as she listened to Berserker's speech. She was moved by his earnestness, his words as soft and gentle.

"I...I no longer have any reason to seek the Grail for myself," Berserker admitted. Behind him, Kariya's eyes widened and a horrified look passed over his face. It was an expression of pure terror, as though his very life and existence hinged upon Berserker's decision. The knight continued to speak. "However, my Master's cause is a worthy one, one which I would be happy to devote my sword to. Because of that, I cannot withdraw from the field, though I hold no desire to point my blade at you Caster."

Twilight stared past Berserker and at Kariya. "What is it that you're fighting for?"

No words issued forth from the armored helm. Kariya averted his eyes and seemed to refuse to speak a word. With a sigh, Twilight trotted forward, walking past Berserker and towards Kariya.

"Caster! Wait!" Berserker reached out with his free hand to stay her advance, but Twilight stopped him with a look over her shoulder. She didn't smile, but her expression could not be called stern or angry. If anything, she looked worried.

"What are you going to do?" asked Kariya, as he scooted back away from Twilight.

"I'm just going to use a spell to see your memories," she replied softly, "I won't hurt you. I just want to know why you're fighting."

"Wait! Berserker! Stop her!"

Berserker turned to face his Master. "It may be for the best," he said, "To allow her to see. Once she knows, I doubt Caster will be able to oppose your quest."

"But...!" Kariya was unable to finish as the tip of Twilight's horn came to a rest against his skull. He felt a tiny flicker of prana and his mind, as well as hers, were whisked away into the depths of memory.

"Welcome back Kariya-ojiisan!"

"Where's Sakura-chan?"

"...Sakura...isn't here anymore."


"Sakura is no longer my daughter or Rin's sister. She has been adopted by the Matos."


"Why would the Matos want a child with a magus's bloodline? You should know why Mato Kariya."

"But that's..."

"From the moment I married into a magus family, it became impossible to wish for a happy, normal life."

"That's not true! Isn't that the reason you married Tokiomi?"

"Kariya! This cannot be changed. If you see Sakura again, please be kind to her. She was always fond of you."

"What are you doing back here you disgrace?"

"I heard that you brought in a girl from the Tohsaka family."

"That is true. But it's not the concern of one who ran away from his responsibilities."

"You simply want the Holy Grail so you can wish for immortality."

"The Mato family has no soldiers to field for this Holy Grail War. However, I have a plan for the next, sixty years from now. The Tohsaka girl will bear powerful mages, to say nothing of her own potential."

"In other words, so long as you claim the Holy Grail, the fate of Tohsaka Sakura is irrelevant."

"What are you getting at?"

"I will win the Holy Grail for you and then you will have no need for the girl."

"Ha! You may have once had the potential, but there's no way a quitter like you could become capable enough as a magus to command a Servant in a single year."

"But you have a way around that don't you? Your creepy little creatures..."


"Implant your Crest Worms within me."

"Do you have a death wish?"

"The Matos should do their own dirty work. There's no need to involve and innocent outsider. Don't tell me you're worried about me...father."

"Heh. If you wanted to keep the girl from becoming involved...you're too late I'm afraid."

"She screamed and cried for the first three days. The Tohsakas have a lot of vitality. First thing this morning, I threw her down here and here she is, still breathing half a day later."


"So what will it be Kariya? Will you offer up your life for a girl who has been violated from head to toe by those insects?"


"Hmph. Then lie down there for the remainder of the day and allow them to use your body as their breeding ground. If you are still alive and sane after that, I will accept that you are serious about this."

"Kariya-ojiisan. Are you alright?"

"It's okay. The worms just got the better of me for a little while. I'm not as tough as you are Sakura-chan."

"Are you going away again?"

"Yeah, for a little while. But when I go back, let's go out with your mother and sister again."

"I don't have a mother or sister anymore. That's what I was told."

"...Well then, why don't we go out with Rin-chan and Aoi-san from the Tohsaka house and go somewhere fun, somewhere far away from here, just like we used to."

"Can I really see them again?"

"Yes, I promise. I have to go now Sakura."

"Bye bye Kariya-Ojiisan."

With a snap of sparking prana, the connection broke and Twilight threw herself away from Mato Kariya. For a moment, she stared dumbly off into space as her mind struggled to process what she had seen and heard. Her stomach lurched sickeningly at the memory of the small, innocent girl, lying amidst the squirming hordes of hideous insects that could not have been produced through any natural means, her face a vacant mask of horror as her eyes stared unseeingly upwards.

It was to save her from that fate, to save her from a lifetime of that horror that drove Kariya to continue fighting. He endured unimaginable agony as those worms first used him as their breeding ground, then fed off his flesh to produce the prana he needed to command a Servant.

"Do you understand now Caster?" asked Berserker softly, "Why we fight?"

"I do." replied Twilight, "But what do we do about it."

"Hmm." Rider scratched his head, eying the way he had come from. "While there is a great deal to discuss, I think we should adjourn to elsewhere. Lancer took quite a bit of damage to reach me, but it shouldn't be long before his Master heals him and he gives chase."

Berserker's head snapped to look in the direction of the forest. "He is already approaching." Turning to Twilight, he bowed politely. "Please take my Master with you for now. We were originally allied with Lancer's Master, but I do not believe that state of affairs can continue. I shall hold Lancer back until you are safely away."

"Berserker?" Kariya was clearly reluctant to leave his Servant behind, though why was unclear to Twilight.

"I shall return to your side my Master," replied Berserker simply, "This I swear, not as a Servant to Master, but as a knight to his lord. I shall return to you and we shall save that child from her fate." He knelt before Kariya once again. "I pledge my sword to your service."

"Are you proposing an alliance then?" asked Rider.

"For now, yes," said Berserker.

"I suppose we can accept," mused Rider, "But perhaps we should do something about the size of our party." He turned to survey the assembled group of Waver, Kariya...and six ponies. "My chariot is certainly a roomy vehicle...but this is perhaps too much."

Twilight looked over at her friends and let out a sigh. "I'm sorry everyone. I think I may have to send you back for now."

"Are you absolutely certain darling?" asked Rarity.

Twilight nodded. "Yes. I'm not certain how long my prana can hold out, so it might be best to return you home."

"I don't think they're here in the sense you are," mused Waver, "They appear to be phantasms themselves, like Rider's army."

"Don't worry," said Twilight, "I've figured it out now. I know how to call you if I need your help again."

"Alright," said Rainbow Dash reluctantly before throwing her arms around Twilight, "We'll be waiting for when you call us again."

"Ya stay safe sugarcube," added Applejack, joining the hug.

Fluttershy had nothing to add, but joined the embrace as well, as did Rarity. A few seconds later, the entire group rocked as Pinkie practically jumped on top of them. "You better come back," she said, her tone stern, though she was grinning from ear to ear, "I've got the biggest bestest Welcome Back Twilight party for when you get back from this."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world Pinkie," said Twilight with a smile. Her friends remained gathered around her until their forms evaporated into the night. The tiara decorating her head also began to fade until it was gone.

"Well, now that that's taken care of, come aboard Caster," said Rider as Waver and Kariya had already entered the chariot, "We should be away."

Twilight nodded and lit her horn again, trying to assume human form. However, her horn sparked with a loud snapped and nothing happened. "Ow!" Twilight rubbed her head at the base of he horn gingerly.

"Is something wrong?" asked Waver.

"I think I may have used all my prana," replied Twilight. Suddenly, her vision blurred and she swayed on her feet.

Waver and Kariya shared a glance before the two of them climbed out of the chariot and carefully pulled the woozy unicorn in. They held onto her tightly as Rider cracked the reigns. The bulls bellowed and the vehicle began to soar into the skies. Berserker followed their progress, but turned to face the forest just as Lancer materialized at its edge.



For a short moment, neither said anything more. Lancer seemed slightly surprised to hear Berserker speak. "It would seem that you are no longer in the grip of madness."

"Caster's Noble Phantasm has saved me from my own foolishness," replied Berserker, turning to face Lancer fully, "Which is why I will repay them by stopping you here.'

Lancer smiled wistfully. "I have no qualms against fighting you if you have chosen to abandon our alliance. However, I should remind you that you are at a severe disadvantage." He leveled his red spear in Berserker's direction. "Have you forgotten that my Gáe Dearg is the natural enemy of your own skill?"

The armored helm of Berserker turned town to look at the signpost still clutched in his hand. "Perhaps, when I was still in the grip of my madness, your weapon might have given you the edge. However, I shall be happy to show you the full extent of my ability."

"A challenge then!" exclaimed Lancer, "I shall gladly accept." He released his grip on Gáe Buidhe, allowing the golden spear to clatter to the ground. Taking the crimson spear in both hands, Lancer charged forward. The blade became a streak of red light as it lanced towards Berserker's heart. With its capability to cut through prana, it could easily slice through Berserker's improvised weapon. Furthermore, just as it was with Saber, Berserker's armor was likely a magical barrier as well, which meant that it would offer no more resistance than the sign he wielded. Gáe Dearg seemed forged to be Berserker's natural enemy.

The clang of steel echoed through the night. Lancer's eyes widened as Berserker spun his weapon and swiftly deflected the thrust. His weapon had collided with Berserker's and yet...the signpost remained intact. Lancer could scarcely comprehend what had happened. However, hesitation would be fatal. Even if Berserker had somehow miraculously escaped Gae Dearg's thrust, a miracle would not occur twice.

Rallying, Lancer thrust forward again...and again...and again. The ring of metal against metal called out through the night as Berserker flawlessly parried every strike, spinning the signpost like a staff and bringing it across the path of the crimson spear's thrust with speed matching Lancer's perfectly. Focusing all his attention on the point of his own spear, Lancer struck again. Before his eyes, he realized the secret behind Berserker's defense.

Berserker countered Gae Dearg by delaying his parry to catch the spear, not on its blade, but on the shaft just behind it. It was true that Gáe Dearg had the ability to cut effortlessly through prana. But, as the term cutting would warrant, that ability was limited specifically to the spear's blade. The shaft of the weapon itself carried no such quality. It was the ideal way to counter a weapon like Gáe Dearg. But, at the same time, it was still an inconceivable technique. Delaying the parry meant allowing the lethal point of the spear that much nearer to Berserker's body. And, if Lancer was correct in his assessment, Berserker's armor would afford him no more protection than Saber's had. Thus, in order to counter Gáe Dearg, Berserker had opted to stand on the razor-thin margin between life and death, allowing the tip of the spear to within a hair's width of his body before deflecting it away. Even for a Heroic Spirit, such a feat of martial prowess was exceptional.

And yet, Berserker wielded his improvised halberd with flawless precision, not allowing a single thrust to even touch the outer surface of his armor. Even though Lancer was only increasing the speed of his attacks with each thrust, Berserker kept pace, the ringing of steel ceasing to mark individual blows and instead singing out a single constant tone throughout the night.

Then...a slip! Berserker's footing seemed to give and, for a brief instant, the armored knight seemed to be off balance. Seeing his opportunity, Lancer lunged forward, striking straight for Berserker's head. The spear's blade sliced through the dancing silvery mist and seemed to split Berserker's skull...

...Only for Lancer to realize that his aim had been off. The mist dancing around Berserker's form did more than simply shield his parameters from being viewed by Masters and obscure his identity. It also caused his form to shift and blur so that, at any given time, telling precisely where any single part of his body was exactly was a near-impossible feat. Lancer's aim had been thrown off by the mist, causing him to aim for the blurred outline and miss completely. Even as he did so, Lancer realized that this had not been a fluke. Berserker had deliberately shifted his balance in order to invite the attack. Even as Gáe Dearg nearly sliced through his head, Berserker had taken advantage of the moment to step inside the reach of Lancer's spear. The sign came swinging down like the blade of an axe.

However, Diarmuid Ua Duibhne was not first among the Knights of Fianna for nothing. Angling his shaft, he caught the "blade" of Berserker's weapon. Rather than try and match his strength with Berserker's own, he angled the shaft and shifted his body around, using it as as an axis, deflecting Berserker's attack away. The counter sent Berserker stepping into the space where Lancer had been while the more agile Servant danced back. Even as he did so, Lancer thrust out with Gáe Dearg, sliding his hand along the shaft nearly all the way to the butt of the spear, a single speeding thrust for the center of Berserker's body, minimizing the chance that his aim would be thrown off by the mist and striking with speed that the off-balance knight could not hope to counter in time.

It happened in an instant so swift that Lancer's superb vision could barely follow it. Berserker's body was suddenly dyed in jet black that flowed outward into the mist around his body. Red light, matching the color of Gae Dearg itself, shined from the joints in his armor. An angry howl echoed through the night as Berserker's body suddenly moved even faster than it had been before, spinning to swiftly intercept Lancer's thrust with force that nearly tore Gae Dearg from his grip.

And then it was over. As Lancer fell back all the way, his eyes wide with disbelief, the black color vanished from Berserker and his armor assumed its steely gray tone once again, shrouded in that silvery mist. It had been a fragment of a fraction of a second, the change occurring with such shocking speed that Lancer was afraid that he had actually hallucinated it.

The shock was strong enough that the mighty Diarmuid actually dropped his guard, Gáe Dearg coming to hang lax at his side as his mind struggled to process what he had seen. Fortunately for him, Berserker did not seem to be in any mood to taken advantage of his surprise, instead choosing to remain where he was, assuming a more relaxed stance as he faced Lancer once again.

Finally, Lancer spoke. "Who are you?" he demanded, "I know that the Holy Grail War would have us conceal our identities from one another at the behest of our Masters. But never before have I seen such peerless skill and dauntless courage in a foe. I must know your name."

For a moment, Lancer was worried that Berserker would simply ignore him. However, the other Servant finally spoke. "There is no need for you to know my name. As it was in my life, I have no need to give my name for my own sake, but rather let my deeds speak for me."

Lancer sighed. "So be it." He took up a ready stance. However, Berserker noted that Lancer now stood where he had dropped his other spear, where he was ready to kick it up into his hand at a moment's notice. It could be said that Lancer's fighting capacity was not diminished by wielding a single spear. Rather, when faced with an opponent whose armor Gáe Buidhe could not pierce, the golden spear would have been more of a hinderance against Berserker. Thus, he had dropped Gáe Buidhe to fully utilize the advantage Gáe Dearg had given him. However, Berserker's had countered Gáe Dearg's ability with sheer skill, leaving Lancer as the one at a disadvantage.

"Will you take up your other spear?" asked Berserker.

Lancer frowned. "There is no point in wasting effort on a weapon that cannot help in this situation."

"In that case..." With a dull hissing noise, Berserker's armor seemed to dissolve into the mist swirling about him, which thickened to further obscure his features as they were revealed by the armor.

Lancer's eyes widened and he gaped in shock at Berserker's action. "I knew that your Servant class's primary attribute was madness, but not in this sense."

"This is not madness," replied Berserker simply, "This is honoring my debt to Caster."

"What do you mean?"

"Caster saved my soul from meaningless torment and has allowed me to embrace the path of chivalry and valor once more. To that end, merely buying time to ensure her escape is not enough. Nothing less than a victory for her sake will repay her. However, I cannot be satisfied with a victory against an opponent who keeps one of his weapons sheathed. I will face you at your fullest capacity."

Lancer frowned pensively. In other words, Berserker had deliberately chosen a course of action that would drive him to wield Gáe Buidhe along with Gáe Dearg. Was his stated reason correct? Or was there another motive behind Berserker drawing Lancer into wielding both his weapons?

Still, there was nothing to be lost by taking up Gáe Buidhe now. Berserker had cast aside his armor, thus rendering his body vulnerable to the golden spear. It would be foolish to not take advantage of the opportunity. His eyes narrowed as he saw the stance Berserker had taken, the now armorless knight readying himself for a charge directly at his adversary.

"An all or nothing strike," Lancer observed, "You mean to put everything on the line in order to strike a decisive blow? You realize that Saber tried the same thing do you not?"

"Saber's effort failed because you capitalized on her incomplete knowledge of your identity and your Noble Phantasms," replied Berserker, "However, I know the capability of both your spears. Had she known the truth about your spears, she would not have fallen victim to your trap."

He spoke with the assuredness of familiarity, something that made Lancer pause. Did she know Saber during her life? Perhaps this was a clue to the mysterious Servant's true identity.

Berserker continued. "But now your position is reversed. You are the one who has incomplete knowledge of my capacity."

At that, Lancer's eyes narrowed as he realized that it was all too likely that Berserker did indeed have a card hidden. Both his skill to wield ordinary objects on a level equal to Noble Phantasms and the mysterious mist that veiled him seemed to be tools meant to keep his identity obscure. If that was the case, then Berserker likely possessed another weapon or ability behind the ones he already wielded. It would not do to go into such an unknown situation without both his weapons. With a flick of his leg, Lancer kicked Gae Buidhe into his left hand.

"I do not know what you are planning," he declared as he took his favored stance, spreading both spears like a pair of wings, "But I shall not allow you to succeed. I will ask you one final time. Who are you?"

"No one of consequence," replied Berserker simply.

"I must know."

"Get used to disappointment." Lancer could practically hear the smirk in the other Servant's voice.

Berserker rushed forward, the signpost held up and ready to strike down at Lancer's head. However, rather than wait for him to come, Lancer charged forward as well, trying to use his own movement to throw off Berserker's timing. As he did so, he thrust forward with the crimson spear. Rather than aim for Berserker's body, which would allow him to simply deflect the blow as he had before, Lancer aimed directly for the sign itself as Berserker brought it around to counter.

Gáe Dearg's blade sliced through the steel like butter. The sign that had served as the weapon's blade came off the top, leaving Berserker holding nothing but the post. In that same instant, Lancer stepped in further and thrust forward with Gáe Buidhe, his spear heading straight for Berserker's heart. At this range, even if he missed a lethal blow, he would still strike a debilitating one that Berserker could not heal.

The golden spear pierced through the ebony mist and struck nothing but air. The post of the sign hung in the air briefly, but Berserker's hands were no longer gripping it. Lancer realized that he had been fooled. Berserker had deliberately offered up his improvised weapon to draw Lancer's attention to the space in front of him. By focusing on the sign, Lancer had missed the moment that Berserker had sidestepped his attack.

His ear picked up the crunch as a foot came down with enough force to shatter the asphalt upon which they stood. It came from Lancer's left. His gaze shifted to follow and his eyes widened as Berserker charged in from his flank. The black mist had vanished and Lancer saw his adversary clearly for the very first time. He also saw what his opponent now brought down with his right hand, a gleaming blade that shined under the moonlight, its quality not inferior to the one that Saber herself had wielded. There was no mistaking this mighty sword, one lauded as equal to Arthur's fabled Sword of Promised Victory. In that instant, Lancer finally knew his opponent's identity. But that knowledge did him no good now.

Desperately, he retraced his left arm and raised to Gáe Buidhe to intercept the strike. Too late, Lancer realized that this was exactly what Berserker had wanted him to do. This had been his intent when he discarded his armor. He had said that he wanted to face Lancer at his full capacity. But what he had really wanted was for Lancer to take up Gáe Buidhe and bring it into a position where it could be targeted in the same way Lancer had targeted Berserker's own weapon.

A splatter of blood traced a red arc through the night air.

An oppressive gloom hung over the Einzbern castle. Even though the banquet had ended, the other Servants had departed (or been killed in Assassin's case), a subtle sense of melancholy pervaded the structure as Irisviel made her way down the hall. Her heart was troubled. In spite of the words she had spoken to Caster at the church, she was not certain she could truly find it in herself to face that innocent child as an enemy. In many ways, she embodied the very things that Irisviel and Kiritsugu were fighting for, the things that they wanted to save from the darkness that lurked in the hearts of humanity. However much conviction she had for her and Kiritsugu's dream, Irisviel couldn't help but wonder if they were doing the right thing if they had to kill Caster in order to bring it to fruition.

She was not the only one troubled that evening. Saber also remained distant after the banquet's conclusion as she wrestled with Rider's anger, Archer's contempt, and Caster's sympathy. The King of Knights gazed pensively out of a nearby window, staring out at the night sky. This far from the lights of Fuyuki, the stars were not obscure and shined down with all their glory. It was an inspiring sight, but one that seemed lost upon Saber, whose eyes were blocked by her own thoughts.

Abruptly, something changed. Saber's body went rigid with shock. Before she could react, Irisviel felt prana flow from her and into Saber, almost automatically. She hasn't been injured tonight. So the only reason that my healing spell activated is...! Irisviel could not pry her eyes away from Saber as she turned from the window and stared, dumbfounded, down at her left hand. Slowly, Saber clenched that hand shut with a renewed strength.

Saber turned and looked out at the window again, gazing at the moon, her mind going to her fellow Servant and knight who, somewhere, was standing under that same moon...or perhaps not any longer.



Noble Phantasm: Element of Magic
Owner: Twilight Sparkle
Rank: C
Type: Support

The Element of Magic is the Noble Phantasm belonging solely to Twilight Sparkle. It is a component of the powerful Elements of Harmony, which are capable of accessing True Magic and has almost never been used as an individual Noble Phantasm in its own right. The Fourth Holy Grail War actually marks the first time Twilight has wielded the Element of Magic in its individual capacity.

On its own, the Element of Magic is a C-Rank support Noble Phantasm designed to aid in the application and utilization of magecraft. It can be used to streamline spells for more efficient prana usage and lower the overall prana cost of powerful spells, such as the magecraft necessary to summon the other Elements of Harmony (and their bearers) to the human world as phantasms, as well as maintain their presence in the World. That said, even this attribute is unable to truly offset the massive cost of such a powerful and advanced application of magecraft. It is this fact that allows the Element of Magic to showcase its true potential.

The Element of Magic allows the wielder to borrow prana against their future expenditures, allowing them to utilize more prana than their normal Od would be able to provide. Because there is no upward limit to how much or how far ahead the magus can borrow prana from, the amount of prana available to user of the Element of Magic is theoretically unlimited. However, upon ceasing usage and deactivating the Noble Phantasm, the user experiences a drain of Od for a period equivalent to the amount expended while wielding the Element of Magic. Because of this, if Twilight Sparkle's prana usage exceeds the amount of prana she could theoretically expend over the course of her life, removing the Element of Magic would immediately result in her death.

While the Element of Magic has substantial potential as a support-type Noble Phantasm, its true purpose is to serve as the keystone and control for the Elements of Harmony. Thus, its greatest individual ability is the ability to call the other elements (which Twilight's magecraft allows this ability to be extended to their bearers) to its location and enable them to access the True Magic available only when all the Elements are assembled.

Author's Note:

The fun thing about inserting Twilight in the middle of Fate/Zero is the fact that her presence throws off the way things occur, so I get the chance to try Servant battles that never occurred in the actual series, such as Lancer versus Rider or Berserker versus Lancer. We'll go into a bit more detail on just what happened to Berserker in the next chapter, as well as exploring how Twilight's Noble Phantasm works.

This was also my first time using color in the story text, as I wanted to use Twilight's memory spell and have the flashback in a more abbreviated form. I guess you could call it an experiment in impressions as I was looking for a different way of presenting how her memory spell shows its results.

Comments ( 48 )

Ha, I knew it! I knew that's the power of Harmony!

Yep, this is definitely getting more interesting.

Another awesome chapter. You ever thought of making a carnival phantasma spin off of this story? I'm kind of surprised this story isn't also on fanfiction.

amazing chapter, cant wait to see what twilight will do with the Zoken situation. great job, keep goin and stay golden^^

I spy with my little eye, a WELL timed Princess Bride shoutout. Win on so many levels...

Being Lancer is suffering...

2980660 FINALLY :flutterrage:
Yeesh, I've been dropping references to a bunch of stuff throughout this story and finally somebody catches one. :facehoof:
Perhaps I'm too clever for my own good. :ajsleepy:
Or maybe my choices are a little too obscure. :unsuresweetie:

2981790 I wouldn't ay that, it's just that most of the plot is too enthralling to leave people diseffected enough to hunt down shout outs.

...Lancelot is back...and he's taking names. Dear lord, I can only imagine Twilight's reaction to Kariya's story.:flutterrage:

Which begs the question: Kariya is 'healed', does that mean his prana reserves are still bolstered by the worms?:trixieshiftright:

That's a good question. On the one hand without the worms, Kariya would likely have sub-par reserves unsuited for sustaining a Berserker. On the other hand Lancelot has regained control of his faculties so he's not actively running the tap at full blast right now and as we've seen with Shirou and Saber it is possible for a Servant to be at least somewhat effective even with just a trickle of mana (it's quickly healing them and using big attacks that's the problem), combined with the fact that Lancelot can be a boss with sheer skill and an ability that more or less amounts to Reinforcement (utilizing existing "weapons" rather than calling forth True Phantasms, plus they're only considered to be D-rank in terms of power if that means anything), Lancelot might just be one of the best Servants to have in terms of mana conservation (provided he's not under the effects of Mad Enhancement, which was only C-rank to begin with).

Then again Kariya was hit by a full on blast from the Elements of Harmony (which in theory have been further enhanced by their legend) so who knows, maybe the worms are still there just completely pacified and rendered harmless; "sealed away in a manner that they can no longer cause harm" in other words.

Lancelot is frigin awesome.

That is all.

There is simply no way to quantify just how much win this chapter contains.

First of all.

Moguera, I've said this before but let me start by saying that i love your story. I love the way you write this. I love your twists. I love your dialog and interactions and i love you OCs. That's why want to extensively apologize for what I've gonna say after this.

I just want you to know that your story is not the issue. I'm gonna keep reading it even after this rant and love every second of it, which is a testament to its sheer quality and entertainment value, but i HAVE to get this off my chest.

Specifically this:

I simply cannot abide to this image that some blessed and privileged, researcher and scholar from magical candy land that has never been put into the spot, never sacrificed and who idea of heroic acts and combat is a lecture on morality and friendship has even the right, not the power the right, to go against and lay low pure manifestations of heroic virtues and self-less sacrifice and timeless heroic icons that by sheer mention alone inspire the hearts and minds of men and fortify them in their darkest hours. Note, being a pony has NOTHING to do with it visually or physically but in regards of pony mentality and what that includes.

On that issue I'd like to use the following comment and apologies to its writer but the content got under my skin.


I'm sorry but (and *Spoiler* warning)

A) Saber's in a similar position and servants just don't work that way. They do get a boost from how renowned they are but their power is largely depended on their legend and history. Aka Hercules, legend (/history cause in the fate verse those two are interchangeable. The Heroes in fate DID in fact do all that peculiar magical wonders they were famed about, at the very least the very vital ones.): child of a god, strength of a thousand men, lo and behold, Heroic spirit Hercules, child of a god strength of a thousand men plus 500 because he's known that well.

B) Even if Twilight had stats up the wazoo there is such a thing as experience, skill and strength of heart and will. Twilight might have strength of heart (not in upholding her conviction but in its purity) but do you really want to compare her with guys like Saber who would get torn apart and riddled with arrows, at the edge of their lives and STILL keep on fighting with the knowledge that if they die the people they loved/ their principles would die along with them? Or guys like Gilgamesh that had the literal manifestation of the ENTIRE SUM of the world's evil shoved down his soul that by all means should have crushed his very being but he survived by sheer virtue of not accepting his pride and principles being corrupted like that? Or maybe Cuchulain that fought against entire armies hand to hand by virtue of sheer skill and strength alone? Or Lancelot who brought down a dragon with a spear? Or Odysseus who lost everything to his twenty something year journey to his home but never gave up? Or Miyamoto Musashi who spend his entire life trying to perfect himself in both the act of the sword (which is very painful actually) and excellence of his very self? Or Archer who devoted his ENTIRE-LIFE in throwing himself at the jaws of certain death whilst going against his own beliefs in order to do what was right and still by some miracle of his power of will and skill coming out on top?

I'll make this clear. I don't think Twilight is a hero. I wouldn't even come close to classifying her as such. Oh she is a hero in her world but she's not a HERO. She is renowned and accomplished but she is not a HERO. She is not a man or woman that stared down certain death and despair and somehow managed to turn it into light through struggle, pain and hard work. She in not a woman who stared the worse her in the eyes and resolved to devote her entire life into correcting it. She is not a woman that had to brave through pain and suffering just to take a step forward in her life. She was not a hero that earned his or her power and ability by fighting for it inch by exhausting inch. Or even a woman who threw herself at danger whilst fully understanding and comprehending the dangers and consequences she could possibly face. (She may have faced danger but i swear, judging by her character she would crying her eyes out in a corner if someone like Discord made it clear that he would rip her head off next time he saw her. Heck i'm not even sure she understands that concept when she faces against stray animals which i should note never exhibit any sort of actual viciousness.) She goes through her so called 'legend' only by riding on the coattails of that convenient Deux ex Machina she has and the very fact that she never faced against REAL monsters. Nightmare-moon, deux-ex machinad right of the bat. Discord, not really a threat or nearly as powerful OR bad as the fandom make him out to be. Chrysalis, she didn't do anything but play Sherlock Holmes. Sombra, she was locked in a crystal and his actual defeat was AGAIN by a series of unlikely circumstances. When had she ever had to face the harshness of reality and overcome it by the sheer strength of her heart and will? When did she look square into the eyes of an personification of evil holding a sword at her throat and screamed and gnashed against it even as it drew a bloody line against her throat? Heroic spirits,...no the people in their legends are pure manifestations of heroic virtues and ideals, readily giving up everything they ever had even if it hurt because they had The right thing to do.

I don't care how strong heroic spirits are meant to be against unicorns of pegassy. I don't care about noble phantasms and their abilities. I don't care if she's a unicorn or not. I don't care if it its plot convince or fact.

But someone like Twilight sparkle has NO right to disrespect personified ideas and LEGENDS by thinking she is somehow on their level or has some sort of moral high-ground over them.


One of thing i like in this story if how Twilight is forced to rise up to the challenge when faced against the world's evils. I liked this particular chapter for this reason as well as before my eyes Twilight is slowly coming to close to becoming what i would classify as a hero.

aww, man this story rocks. all the characters are in character, and it takes many interesting turns. this story Is full of win

You know I have some theories as to what the Elements did to Berserker and Kariya.

First is Berserker. Besides giving him a well needed therapy lesson, I think it also offered up the chance for him to rearrange his skill point allocation, allowing him to drop down the rank of Mad Enhancement from C to either E or E-. He's still a Berserker, but now he's a lot more sane. I'm basing it off of how during his fight with Lancer, there are parts when his aura goes back to being black. I'm interpreting this as moments when he's overcome with rage, but he's harnessing it to add a little more oomph to his attacks.

Kariya's exposure to the light of harmony hasn't removed his crest worms or caused them to go dormant, rather them feasting on the harmonious prana of the Elements has caused them to mutate. His crest worms now exist in a much more balanced/harmonious state of Mutualism with him and are no longer eating him alive. There is actually precedence of something similar to this happening in the original story, when Zouken hybridized some of his crest worms with the black ichor from a certain artifact and implanted them into... well someone.

So Berserker isn't berserk, and Kariya is able to use both limbs again (among other things), makes sence given how the elements purpose was never to destroy, but rather to heal, redeme and save those they are use on, atleast, that's what I believe.

Any progress on the next chapter?

I'm rather enjoying this, and am looking forwards to future chapters.

This is the best Fate/MLP crossover I have ever read. Please tell me you will be continuing this when you finish Shadow of the Sun.

Twilight and Waver make such a cute couple. I'm hoping that when the war is over and Twilight returns to Equestria. Waver is able is accompany her. It would definitely be fun to see what he would have to do in order for Shining Armor and Spike to approve of him dating Twilight.

Also, have you seen the PV for the new Fate/Stay Night anime? If you haven't yet here's the link.

Comment posted by The Serpent Mage deleted Jan 13th, 2014

Top fic five out of five. An amazing read so far, awaiting the rest.

I am writing this to let you know that I really enjoyed this. I do think it is a little out of character for so many of the masters and servants to ally with one another, but everyone knows that unicorns are the master race, and being able to teleport, mind read, and be adorable all at the same time is totally cheating.

Your take on how Twilight interacts with the rest of the players in the 4th holy grail war is interesting and plausible. I do find Aaron Styx to be boring since his motivation kinda sucks, and he's super serious ALL the time. He is a magus though, and he probably has more personality than Kiritsugu did at the beginning of Fate/Zero.

Kinda rambled on a bit, but I do want you to know this fic kinda hit the right spot for me after I marathon'ed fate/zero this weekend. Your fic probably doesn't have enough tears though. Things need to get WORSE for it to really channel Fate/Zero, and I look forwards to more once Twilight realizes the grail is corrupted, and all the violence and murder is for nothing. She'll probably use her noble phantasm on the grail. Cuz rainbows fix everything.

I started this two days ago, and I couldn't stop. Please, don't let this story die here! You must bring closure to this work of art! Don't make ponies cry! :applecry::pinkiesad2::fluttershysad::fluttercry::raritydespair::raritycry:

Law the twenty second of the Nasuverse: A Berserker class servant, no matter who they are or how terrifying they were with Mad Enhancement active, is actually at their most powerful when they have control over themselves.

This chapter was just so much win. From Lancelot's redemption, to the Princess Bride, and that fight scene- sweet Faust, that fight scene- this was just all kinds of awesome. My one note is that I'm personally kind of surprised that Twi didn't puke after seeing Kariya's memories, but I guess she has matured a fair deal the past few days.

that's a very narrow view on who can be considered a HERO...


But someone like Twilight sparkle has NO right to disrespect personified ideas and LEGENDS by thinking she is somehow on their level or has some sort of moral high-ground over them.

Heroic Spirits are not amazing, flawless god-like super humans that are so magnificent and perfect that mere mortals cannot even begin naysay anything about them or understand them in any way. They are amazing, yes. But they're still people despite everything they've done and are capable of doing. And people are flawed.

Just take a look at Gilgamesh. He's a HERO, but he's also an asshole with absolutely no respect for your average human being and he won't think twice about murdering you if you annoy him enough; in fact, he won't even think of it as murder or killing. To him, it'd just be removing an irritating pest like you'd smack a fly.

I could go on, but basically, your claim that Twilight Sparkle has no right "disrespect" a Heroic Spirit is ridiculous. And hell yes she does have the moral high ground over at least one Heroic Spirit, namely Gilgamesh... Not that it's much of a feat given that just about every decent human being in existence has the moral high ground over that man by virtue of not being a colossal dick.

Well who'd have thought that Twilight's greatest strength in the Holy Grail War would be both Masters and Servants to join her willingly just by being a friend. Here's hoping Saber and company joins Twilight's motley band of rascals...you know, if they were legendary heros and powerful mages.:twilightsmile:

Except Gilgamesh, he's an asshole.:twilightangry2:

this story is so amazingly well written that i can't freaking put it into words! why does this only have 133 likes!?!

It is sad that this fic is kind dead. It really got a lot of potential. It is good. :yay:

One thing that slightly annoys me, in the second chapter, is somehow Twilight cannot grasp the concept of God especially his son's sacrifice for mankind's salvation. But seeing that it is coming from a Magus it is already expected. I though she will be at least impressed by it.

Also, the way Berserker transformed in the current/last chapter seems to be wrong.

Yeah no, his only transformation should have been only in his personality (without the violent impulse and the incomprehensible screaming). Lancelot should still look the same. His appearance is in accordance to his legend and noble phantasm.

But I understand if the reason for it is for us to see the change in a more direct manner.... :raritywink:

Kariya's change is alright. Seeing that his crest worms are now in a harmonious state without him worrying about dying and all. I wonder how Zouken will react to this....? :derpytongue2:

Okay, considering how UBW is nearing its end, just how much do I have to pay you for writing one more chapter of this chef d'oeuvre? :twilightsmile:

I love the Savage Skies stories, and would not want to do anything to distract from them, but if you can, please someday, I would love to see the end of this story. It's awesome! :rainbowdetermined2:

This story is amazing.

Thank you for writing it, and I really hope you come back to it one day. :twilightsmile:

Even after years of no update I still come back to read this story.

Amazing story! One of the best Fate crossovers on Fimfiction!



Is a really, really good story. Its depictions of Twilight as caster are really compelling and spot on, and she has served to further develop characters in ways that make perfect sense in light of canon but compellingly, serve as a springboard for Iskandar to better explain his argument against Arturia than in the actual show, as well as serving as a center point of innocence in the compellingly tragic and yet beautiful tale of the Fourth Grail War.

Having read her thoughts on Irisviel's memories as well as Arturia's beautiful yet tragic dream, my mind can't help but drifting to the battle between Shirou and Archer in Unlimited Blade Works as Arturia looked on with an expression of despair, in a battle that challenges the ideals of Arturia and Kiritsugu Emiya in addition to exacting and demanding ideal of saving everyone and having everyone else being happy.

I just would love to know what would go through Twi/Caster's mind if she were to see that fight.

Solid work all around here.

This story serves as an excellent example of why, even though I have never been able to get into the MLP show (and i tried, believe me), why i still can often enjoy the stories created by the MLP community greatly. bravo and encore. I hope this story will one day get completed.

Waiting warmly for more chapters.

This is a great story to read

*sniff!* :fluttercry:
Rip you wonderful story.

I love this story.:heart: I hope you make another chapter someday.:twilightsmile:

I LOVED this. one of the est stories ive read on this site in a long long time. I know it's abandoned i wont pester you for more, but i wanted to tell you how much i liked it.

Is this going to continue?

This fic being dead fills me with despair.

like the fanfiction can't wait to read more

Just wanted to say this is an incredibly good story and that I'm sad it seems ded for a good while

this deadfic sure ended on a high dramatic note.

I love this so much; please come back to it!

"Huh?" Waver blinked and stared down at the blushing unicorn. The idea that someone could command the power of True Magic without fully understanding it was strange and alien to his mindset. Though he was not a magician, he was fairly certain that the Magic of the human world did not work that way.

that's basically what holy grail is, a divine construct of true magic that its creators don't truly understand.

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