• Published 1st Oct 2013
  • 931 Views, 1 Comments

The Rainbow Connection - Fawfuls Rainbow

After being attacked by a bear, Rainbow Dash just can't take her mind off of Fluttershy! What's bothering her?

  • ...

When Bears Attack

"Help!" Rainbow screamed, "I'm being attacked!"

After stealing a stash of berries from a bear in the Everfree Forest, Rainbow Dash was attacked by the towering creature. Her constant cries for help were brought to a halt when the bear started clawing at her face, as blood dripped slowly from her face. When the bear paused, Rainbow would attempt to escape, but she couldn't feel her legs, rendering her unable to move, and leaving her open for another wave of attacks. She felt every last bit of pain caused by the claws tearing through her flesh. As she felt herself slip away, Rainbow attempted to speak.

"Help. . ."

It was no use. Nopony would've heard her. She was miles away from Ponyville and was pretty sure no one was around. There was no hope for the blue pony, as her life was about to come to a close. She prepared herself for the final blow.

"Get away from her!"

A quiet voice sounded off. It was familiar, but Rainbow Dash was so out of it she couldn't fully recognize it. However she knew that she heard it somewhere before. Whoever it was made the bear go away without much trouble. But before she could see who it was, or even give her thanks, she passed out, right in her own blood


Rainbow Dash awoke from her slumber. Adjusting her sight, she noticed she was in the hospital. She was surprised to see she wasn't hooked up to any machines. When she was abut to call for "assistance," a doctor walked into the room, and noticed her sitting up in her bed.

"Ah, Miss Dash, I see you've recovered."

"Yeah, I guess I have."

"Well thank Celestia. Your friends were worried sick about you."

She sat there and thought for a moment. "I know my friends are worried, but who was that who saved me?" she wondered.

"Do you remember who brought me here?"

"Indeed I do. Miss Fluttershy arrived here, crying a river."

Fluttershy! She should've known. Nopony is that good with animals. To get a brown bear to leave without using physical violence was something only she could accomplish. Not even Twilight with her powerful magic could stop a bear with that much anger.

"Well, I'll give you your peace."

"Wait! Do you think you could call my friends? I would really like to see them."

The doctor paused for a moment. "I'll see what I can do, Miss Dash. Until then, you should get some more rest. It would help the pain wear off."

He was right. Rainbow did feel pain that she hadn't felt when she was being attacked. "'Kay, Doc. I'll get some rest."

"Alright then. I'll check in with you later."

With that, Rainbow fell into a deep sleep, as she tried to get her mind off of the pain.


"Miss Dash? Rise and shine Miss Dash."

Rainbow woke up once again, feeling fully rested. Most of the pain she felt was gone, and she was definately in a better condition than before. The cuts and bruises that were there previously were missing, and there was no dried blood to be seen. She let out a yawn, and she spoke.

"Hey there Doc! What's happenin'?"

"You're friends are here to see you."

Rainbow cracked a large smile. Her friends would be a sight for sore eyes.

"Well, then bring em' in!"

The doctor walked over to the door and opened it, and in walked her friends. Pinkie was the first to speak.

"Rainbow Dash! Omigosh, I heard you were attacked by a bear! Are you okay."

Rainbow chuckled. "Yeah, I'm okay now. I'd be dead if it wasn't for Fluttershy, though. Speaking of which. . ."

She looked at her friends. Everypony was there and accounted for. All except for Fluttershy.

". . .where is she?"

Twilight spoke up. "She decided to stay home. She didn't want to see you all battered up like you were."

"But I'm fine now!"

"Yes I can see that, but-"

"Then why isn't she here?!" she sounded pretty angry.

Applejack stepped in. "Now calm down sugar cube, I'm pretty sure as soon as you get out you can see 'er."

"But. . .but. . .!" she sighed, "Oh alright. I'll wait. But only because you told me too, AJ!"

"Okay, good."

Twilight spoke again. "Well, the doctor told us you'd be out by tonight, so we'll let him get you ready so you can get out sooner."

"Okay. Sorry for the random outburst."

"It's fine, Rainbow. Just don't freak out on the doctor."

Rainbow laughed "I promise I won't. Now go on home and I'll see you ponies tomorrow!"


As they walked out of the room, the doctor walked in behind them.

"Okay, Miss Dash. It's time to get you out of here."

"Alrighty, doc. Let's get out of here!"

The doctor smiled, helped her out of bed, and gave her some medical advice to keep her from injuring herself again. However, Rainbow wasn't really listening to him. Her mind was set to Fluttershy. She wanted to thank her, yes, but she felt something else too. She didn't know what it was, but there was a feeling that she didn't understand. She didn't know if it was a good thing or bad thing. She flew home as fast as possible, and stayed there. She didn't even answer the door.

That night, all she could think of was Fluttershy. In fact, she didn't even fall asleep.