• Published 2nd Oct 2013
  • 827 Views, 14 Comments

Clubhouse of Horror II - Grenazers

After a night of candy gather candies the girls are back in the cubhouse. This time accompany by their older sister/role model, while there the girls decided it was a perfect time to tell scary stories.

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Ch 2: The Murder Hotel

The Hoof Bridge Hotel was a place created in a middle of nowhere, it serves as a place to rest as travelers come and go. Stopping by this place and leave the next day. Unfortunately, over the years the hotel deteriorates and the Hoof Bridge Hotel becomes a place for numerous acts of murder.

Room 11, a a mare was pommeled to death by her husband.

Room 19, a stallion was brought into that room and was hanged.

Room 07, a father smothered his son with a pillow.

To put simply each room of the hotel had one act of murder committed in them, this eventually earned the name Murder Hotel, for its infamous reputation. Then one day the owner just vanished without a trace, leaving this place abandoned.

Ever since then nopony ever laid a hoof onto this hotel, it was forever left to rot in time. Fading into obscurity, with only its infamous reputation surviving as stories to be told around campfires. However tonight this old, abandoned place shall be visited once again by four unlucky ponies.

On a very stormy night, the clouds were pounding the earth below heavily with showers of rain. The strong winds blowing so hard it can lift a small creature, and have them soar through the air. In this terrible storm four ponies were trudging through the heavy downpour.

The four ponies are named Ditzy Doo, Carrot Top, Lyra, and Bonbon. The reason why these four are in this predicament is because of their gray pegasus friend Ditzy, got them kicked out of their taxi due to her antics. Now they are forced to trot in this rain getting incredibly soaked.

The mood among the four was incredibly sour, Carrot Top was angry at her friend Ditzy. In the past she used to just shrug off her friends wacky antics. But as time goes by, her antics really start to anger the yellow earth mare so much, it took so much restraint to not snap at her klutzy friend.

The other two ponies in group, Lyra and Bonbon were also in a bad mood. A couple of years ago the two confessed their love for each other and lived happily ever after. Except recently this couple have been facing relationship problems. They fight and argue over everything, from big and small issues these two have been going at months. They went on this with their friends, in hopes it will quell the tension between the two, sadly this rain is not helping out in their relationship.

The two trotted and trotted in the pouring rain, their hooves getting dirty every step they took on the muddy roads. They are trotting for hours, each of the ponies are tired. They all just want to rest , but the rain is preventing them from doing so.

After more trotting Lyra spotted something at a distance, a big black structure can seen over the horizon. The green unicorn informed the rest of the group of what she saw and they all galloped to unknown structure. As the four got closer, they were able to identify the structure as abandoned hotel.

As they step into the hotel the group looked around, most of the rooms were not intact. Beds are missing, the roof is leaking water from the heavy rain and some were just locked up. They eventually found two rooms they can stay in, Room 09 and Room 15. Carrot Top and Ditzy Doo will stay in Room 15, while Bon Bon and Lyra stay in Room 09.

They said goodnight to each other left to go to respective rooms, Carrot and Ditzy trotted in silence neither pony saying anything to one another. They got to their room and went straight to bed, wanting to get this night over with. Ditzy said goodnight, while Carrot just ignored her and tried to sleep.

Later that night Carrot Top was moving a lot in her bed, she was having a terrible dream, a nightmare some would describe. In her nightmare she saw one stallion slicing up another stallion, then he started taking his entrails out of him

The dream was getting too intense for her and she is abruptly woken up. She sighs, glad the nightmare was over. But, then she noticed she was not on her bed and she stands on all fours. Looking down she jumped at the horrifying display in front of her. On the bed is her gray friend Ditzy Doo, her stomach sliced up and her guts pulled out.

Sicken by the scene before her, she covered her mouth with her hoof, to prevent puking. But, when her hoof touched her mouth, she felt a wet sensation. On closer inspection both her hooves were covered in blood, looking down on her body was stained with blood and there was a bloody knife near her left hoof.

Putting two and two together, Carrot came to a realization that she might have killed her friend. Scared she left the room going to her Lyra and Bonbon room, seeking help. As she got to Room 09, she didn't bother to knock and just barged in.

What she saw left her frozen is utter shock, Lyra was repeatedly stabbing the dead Bonbon under her blanket. Carrot Top yelled at her to stop, which she did and look around in confusion.When her eyes met the bloody corpse of her lover, she back up in shock. Looking down in her hooves which were bloodied, she started to freak out.

Seeing her friend in distress, Carrot comforts her unicorn friend and told her what happened. Apparently both Carrot and Lyra had a dream about some pony murdering another pony in a similar fashion as they did. Both mares decide to head to the reception desk to find some answers for this place.

They trotted in the heavy rain and head straight to receptionist room, much of the blood on them were washed off in the rain. They got in and found the place in complete mess like everything else in this place. They looked around and found some old files. Reading it both mares were shocked to find out that they were in the infamous Murder Hotel.

However, what's even more disturbing was the rooms where the murder took place. In Room 15, a stallion named Crankshaft sliced open a pony name Bed Head for hurting harming his daughter. Room 09, Flower Dance stabbed her husband after years of his abuse. So not only did they both slept in a room where a murder occur but, they are replicating the same murder years ago.

Fearing for their lives both ponies left the abandoned hotel and didn't stop until they came to a nearby town. Upon reaching Ponyville both Carrot Top and Lyra told the authorities of what happened at the hotel, they were then placed under arrest and await trial, while the police go fetch the bodies at the hotel.

"...to this day, nopony knows what cause the two to kill. But, somepony say that the Hoof Bridge Hotel is curse. Dooming anypony that sleep in their room to replicate the exact murder." Sweetie finished, trying to sound spooky.

Once she was down both of her friend stared, mouth agape at what they just heard. "Man Sweetie Belle, that some cray imagination you got there." Scootaloo remarked.

"Yeah seriously what goes around inside that head of yours?"

"Ah jeez thanks guys," Sweetie said, smiling at her friends praise.

Down below Rainbow Dash and Applejack were shocked to hear Sweetie telling such a gruesome story. Rarity took it the hardest, aghast that her sweet little sister came up with such a terrifying story.

Back above the three crusaders were deciding who the next pony should be, it was either Applebloom or Scootaloo. Then Applebloom thought of something. "Hey I got any idea, why do we do rock, paper, and scissor?"

Both Sweetie and Scootaloo gave their yellow friend a questionable look. "Applebloom we don't have fingers," Scootaloo pointed out.

Applebloom rolled her eyes. "We don't need fingers, we can just shout them out." She explained, getting two oh from her friends. Then Applebloom and Scootaloo faced each, on a count of three they both shout their choice.



"Applebloom wins!" announced Sweetie Belle.

The orange filly pouted as her yellow friend was preparing to read out her story. Taking the flashlight from Sweetie, she places the light right below her face and read her paper.

"Now y'all know about how dangerous the Everfree is right? The dark and mysterious forest is massive that it basically has its own ecosystem. Now the question I'm asking is why such a vast forest with a lot of trees, how come we don't see any lumber mills cutting down them trees here?"

"Well my dear listeners, the reason was because the last lumber mill that started to cut down their trees were faced with..."