• Published 3rd Oct 2013
  • 2,179 Views, 30 Comments

Oblivions Mark - Dj Star Flight

A human enters equestria story. Yeh i know there are a lot like these but i want to throw my own ideas into the mix. With a lot of magic involved surrounding said human. Enjoy :3

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Chapter 2 Discovery

Time passed quickly for Michael as he lay there. He heard the door open as another pony came in wearing what he believed was a nurse's outfit and had a red heart tattoo on her...flank? He shook his head as he leaned up. "Ready to go?" she said as he nodded. He climbed out of bed as she led him through the door out into the main lobby of the hostpital. There he saw the purple unicorn from before waiting for him.

"There you are. Glad to see you better." she said as he nodded. "I never got your name."

"Ah....Um...My name is Michael...Pleasure." He said although he was still getting over the fact he was talking to a purple colored Pony. Either he was crazy and this was a dream or things just happen.

"Well then Michael Princess Celstia has already told me the details. So you ready." She said. He nodded in return as she led him out the door. As he came out the scent of fresh air waved over him as he adjusted his eyes to the light. He saw houses and building all around along with an arrangement of other colored ponies. Ok now his mind was completely nuked. He shook his head to avoid getting a major headache as he followed Twilight. He noticed a lot of staring eyes upon him as he followed Twilight down the street and heard a few whispers.

"What is that?
"I don't know."
"Its tall."
"Maybe he's friendly."
"What is he's a monster."

Michael just shook his head to ignore the whispers. But then all of a sudden his adrenaline spiked as he noticed a pink blur at the corner of his eye coming at him as he quickly ducked as the pink blur flew over him. There was a loud crash to his right as he looked at him. "What the hell!" He yelled as he saw what looked like a pink bubblegum colowed pony with a very fluffy main and tail splayed out against the wall.

"Pinkie?" Twilight said as the pink pony peeled herself from the wall and shook her head.

"Uh you ok?" Michael said as he walked over and kneeled over to the pink pony who turned to face him as a gasp escaped her and before he could react this time she basically football tackled him onto his back and looked into his face.

"Oh Your a new pony/thing. I've never seen you before in ponyville and i know everypony in ponyville but I've never seen somepony like you around. Whats your name?" she was speaking so fast he had to take a minute to figure what what she said. He was about to say something when Twilight spoke up.

"Pinkie This is Michael. A human and yes he is new. Michael this is..." Twilight explained before being cut off.
"i'm Pinkie Pie. I've never heard of a Human before but eh your new so you know what that means?" Pinkie asked.
"um...that yours gonna get off of me?" He said.
"Nope silly nilly it means a Welcome to Ponyville party for you. I'll go set up." she said before disappearing from on top of him as he lay there in disbelief.
"OK what just happened?" He asked as Twilight just shook her head.
"Don't worry she does that to Every new pony that appears in ponyville." Twilight said.
"So i take it i can't get out of this party." He said as he placed his hands behind his head and flipped up onto his feet nimbly.
"Afraid not. That's Pinkie for you. Party Extraordinaire and the most random pony in ponyville. I'd try not to question the things she does. It helps." She said as she continued on with him in tow.

As Twilight and Michael made there way along Michael kept having some strange gut feeling he was being watched and kept looking around. That was till he ran face first into a tree. Well technically a tree home, Twilight's home. He looked up at it and was amazed. "Whow!" He exclaimed and Twilight giggled at his reaction.

"Yeh i know. Kinda stands out. Come on in." She said as she opened the front door and walked in as he followed having to duck under the door to get in. "Spike you home? Our guest is here." She called out. No other sound came and she sighed. "Great he's probably over at Rarities again."
"Rarity?" Michael asked in wonder. Seemed like a nice name.
"Rarity is one of my friends here in ponyville. She's the best fashion designer here in ponyville and one of the elements of harmony alongside me. Her Element is Generosity. You'll know when you see her." Twilight explained as he nodded and looked around. "Make yourself at home."

He walked around the library getting used to his surroundings and then noticed a door labeled basement/laboratory. His curiosity hit him as he opened the door and walked down the stairs. He looked around the basement and saw all of the science equipment littered around the place. He walked through the stuff making sure not to break anything. The room kinda reminded him of a movie he saw once. 'What was it again....treasure planet...that room th....' then everything went black.

He heard the sound of stuff moving at high speed then everything came back and he was laying on his back in the room. He put a hand on his head just as Twilight opened the door to the basement and looked down. "Oh Celestia Michael! Are you ok?" she asked as she came down to his side just as he leaned up.
"Yeh...kinda have a head....ache." And that's when he saw it. A little box like thing floating on the now cleaned table. "What the?" Twilight saw it to and tilted her head.
"I don't remember that being there." she said as she looked it over and Michael knew exactly what it was but he had no idea how it got here or why he blacked out. Did he make it in that moment of darkness or did something hit him and leave it there for him. So many questions filled his head as he got up and reached to pick it up. He held it in his hand looking it over.

"It can't be." He said seeing a button on top of it.
"Do you know what that is?" Twilight asked with a bit of concern and wonder in her voice. Michael just nodded as he pressed the button. The device left his hand and started unfolding it self making itself flat into what looked like a floating surfboard with 2 pads and a small engine like thing in the back and bottom for thrusters. The 2 pads were for feet placement with a side lever for the foot to press for acceleration and one on the other pad for sails that have yet to be seen. It floated there before him as Michael stared with a look of astonishment, fear, and excitement.
"I can't believe it....Its an Air glider...but...i've only seen this in a movie i saw once before. Why...did i do this?" He said to himself. Twilight heard him and tilted her head at him.

"Did you?" She asked.
"I don't know....maybe if i did i don't remember. I came down here and looked at all this stuff. Next thing i know everything went black and...there it was." He said as he kicked it lightly and it returned to being the cube it was before and he picked it up. His explanation astonished Twilight as so many questions filled her head.
Michael saw this and placed a finger on her lips to shut her up before she could even say the first question. "No i don't know how it happened and please don't bombard me with questions i can tell you i don't know for all of them."
"But i think i already know how you did it Michael." She said once he removed his finger.
"How?" He asked now curious.She just smiled as her horn glowed lifted to cube from his hand before her.
"Magic. You used magic." This statement caught him off guard.
"What? But...I...Humans can't use magic. That's...Impossible." He said.
"Come on. I'll tell you upstairs." Twilight said with a giggle as she walked back upstairs carrying the cube with her in her magic grasp as Michael followed her up.

As Michael came up he saw that Twilight was already sitting on the nearby couch gesturing for him to sit down across from her on the chair there. He did so and the device was floated into his hand. "Can you do something for me Michael?"
"Sure." He said a bit confused.
"I want you to focus your mind on that cube and imagine it floating up from your hand." She said.
"So...you want me to try to levitate it?" He asked.
"Yes is a sense. i want to know if my theory is correct." She said watching as she pulled out a notepad and a floating quill. He sighed and looked at the device and focused on it. He stared for over a minute until he felt a tingly sensation flow through him and into his hand as the device shifted a bit then he stopped as it took most of his energy to do that.

"I see. You have magic in you but its underdeveloped. Meaning it'll take some time to develop. I was told by the princess this might happen cause of how you came here through that magic field but i had no idea you would be able to use that magic in you. I mean as you said humans can't use magic but here you are using it." Twilight said a bit excited.
"So...i just used magic....AWESOME!" He said a bit excited himself. The words 'Your a Wizard Harry' came to mind.
"I know. Well anyways its getting dark outside and its time for bed. You can use the guest room for the night. Its right next to my room upstairs." She said as she got up after writing some notes down on the notepad and led him to his room. Michael looked in the room and saw a dresser set up next to the bed with a window next to it with the bottom of the bed facing the door. He thanked twilight as she walked back to her own room and he plopped down on his bed due to exhaustion and was quickly asleep.

Author's Note:

Pinkie? Hmm must be preparing that party. Well anyways Star here. I didn't get any comments on the last chapter but i did get a lot of views. Thank you all for viewing my story. Sorry this chapter came in a bit late. Was helping mother hand out pamplets for a masquerade party happening here on the 26 in Fredericksburg. If you live in the area i'll put a link below so yall can see it. Make sure to leave me a question and a like for the chapter. :3 enjoy and seeyah.
