• Published 5th Oct 2013
  • 1,201 Views, 49 Comments

Well this day just got weirder. - Sutter_Speed777

you know you are gonna have a bad day when you get sucked into a sink hole

  • ...

First impressions

To say the train ride was awkward would be a massive understatement. The whole time I could feel the pairs of eyes staring at me as passengers got on and off the train at each stop. I did my best not to stare at anypony since I didn’t want to be rude or scare them like I had a few others. To many ponies surprise the firs one to actually talk to me was a young unicorn colt who slowly walked up to me while his parents seemed to be busy arguing or something.

“U-um excuse me mister alien….b-but are you here for world domination.” The question was so random but coming from a foal it seemed to make sense that he would ask that. Though my rationalization did absolutely nothing to stop me from laughing.

“HAHAHAHA oh oh boy that’s a good one” I said as I still snickered a bit but the colt just stood there staring at me. I simply smiled as warmly as I could “No kid I’m not here for world domination I’m actually here on vacation since my world is soooooo boring.” I fibbed so he wouldn’t ask questions. For some reason he smiled and lit up his horn and pulled out a piece of paper and a box of crayons from the bag he had slung over his back.

“C-Could I please have your autograph mister alien?” How could I say no when he asks like that, he even said please.

“Sure thing kid, what’s your name?”

“My name is Show Time.” He said proudly puffing out his chest a bit. I lifted a crayon out of the box and began to write
To Show Time, Never stop believing and always aim high. Your alien friend, Conner Nickerson.
I finished it by tracing my hand on the papers open space before handing it back to him. He thanked me and went back to his parents holding the paper in his magical grip.

Everypony was looking at me, some in surprise and others in relief that I didn’t hurt the foal. Nopony said anything for awhile so I pulled my bag into my lap and unzipped it and sifted around for my Ipod. Twilight leaned over my shoulder with a raised eyebrow as I pulled it out and the always thoroughly tangled apple headphones. After about a minute I had the buds in my ears and was cycling through my library before deciding on playing ‘young’ by Hollywood undead. As the music began I sighed and let myself relax, closing my eyes and sitting back in my seat. Halfway through the song I felt a hoof against my shoulder and cracked an eye to see twilight nudging me. I took out one of my earbuds and turned to her “What’s up?”

“Um what exactly are those things in your ears?”

“Oh these are ear buds. I use them so I can listen to my music without bothering anyone”

“So that box is one of those uh oh what did they call it….oh yes mp3 players.”

“Well this specific type of mp3 player is called an ipod….hey how did you know this thing was a music player anyway?”

“Well uh i-it’s a long story.”

I raised an eyebrow at her statement and paused the song. It was obvious there was something she wasn’t telling me and I wanted to know what “Well I’ve got time, so care to elaborate?” said in a rather dark and irritated tone. Flash was eyeing me with a “don’t try anything” stare and heard the rustling of armor as the other guards were shifting in their seats to probably position their weapons for attack. I looked back at flash “I’m just asking her a question. No need to get so worked up.” I said looking back at twilight who held a nervous look on her face before speaking.

“W-wel you see……you actually aren’t the first human to come to equestria. There have been others and that’s how I learned what an mp3 player is.”

I thought about it for a minute. It would make sense that that was how she knew about an mp3 player plus if they had used other spells like the one that brought him here it is possible other humans have been here. I shrugged and sat back in my seat closing my eyes again “I guess that makes sense. Sorry for being so abrasive?”

“I-It’s fine” twilight said sighing as I put my earbuds back in and continued to listen. The rest of the train ride was mostly spent with me listening to my music and answering pinkie pies questions about parties in my world along with rainbow
dash’s questions on extreme sports. After elaborating on raves, sky diving and other aspects to my world the train finally pulled into the ponyville station. The guards were the first to file out of the car and formed a half circle around the train car’s entrance. The six mares and myself were next and we quickly began to make our way through town. Twilight wasn’t kidding about the ponies in ponyville. The moment one saw me she began screaming and that caused others to scream. They ran around like madmen and scrambled towards the nearest doorway until the entire town seemed deserted in under ten seconds.

“wow,” was all I said as I walked with the others. I could see several ponies peering through windows and at one point saw two ponies in radiation suits. “Just wow.”

“Told you.” Twilight said as the group continued.

“Is it always like this whenever somepony new comes to town?” I asked her.

“Only when they aren’t a pony” She replied.

“Racist much?” I asked rhetorically.

“And I repeat. Told you.”

Finally we made it to the address written on the deed. It was an average sized house at least by my standards and shared the same architecture as the rest of the town.
Applejack gave a whistle “Wheewy, the princesses sure are generous givin yall a place like this. I reckon the place is barely a year old”

“I’ll say. The symmetry and sleek design is very befitting of a royal citizen to say the least. Oh what I wouldn’t give to live in a place like this.” Rarity said in a dreamy voice as I walked up to the door.

“Don’t get me wrong I’m grateful for the house but to me it doesn’t seem that much different from the others in town.” The others gasped and I simply shrugged. “What my dad always told me to never worry about how something looks but to worry about how well it works so for me, a house is just a house.” There were two keys tied to the knob and I pulled them off before inserting one into the deadbolt in the door and unlocking it. Before pushing open the door I sighed. “Home sweet home I guess.” I took my backpack off of my shoulders and held it in my left hand as I opened the door with my right.
I heard the clattering of armor and turned to see my entourage of guards heading back towards the train save for Flash Sentry. “Why are they leaving?” I asked him.

“They were more of a PR stunt so nopony would over react to seeing you. Besides I’m confident I could at least hold you back until re-enforcements arrived if you got out of hand.”

“That wasn’t over reacting?”

“Not even close” he said rolling his eyes as if recalling a past event.

Walking in with the others I realized something “Hey what happened with…..uh I think she said her name was Pinkie Pie? I haven’t seen her since she zoomed out of the infirmary” after a second of moving my hand over the wall I found that the light switch was much lower than normal. “Let there be light” I said flipping on the lights.

“SURPRISE” a practical choir of ponies screamed making me jump back

“SON OF A.” I was cut off as my feet caught the door frame and made me fall back out the door onto my back with a thud but thankfully I didn’t land on anypony. Before I could get my barrings I felt something slam onto my chest knocking the wind from me. Turns out the something was Pinkie Pie.

“hahahaha your so silly you should be happy when we say SURPRISE not act all scared. But I guess we did surprise you so HURRAY the plan was a success. Now without further delay LET’S GET THIS PARTY STARTED.” she yelled in excitement and bounced off of me and darted back into the house as loud dubstep began to play….wait they have dubstep!!?!??. Once again my mind tried to process this new information but I settled on this world having specific era pools of technology. I was on the floor for another 30 seconds with a few ponies asking if I was alright before my lungs finally re inflated with air making me give a loud gasp. Once I stopped panting I stood back up and walked into the house, being careful not to trip again. Once inside I noticed the entire place was set up like a birthday party with a punch bowel and several cakes as well as other snacks placed across various tables.

The music was coming from a set of tall and very very loud speakers with a white unicorn with a bright neon blue mane that looked like it had electricity running through it ( I can never do a good description of vinyl’s mane). She was wearing large purple shades and darting her hooves back and forth over the records she was mixing with. “Hm impressive.” I said to myself but didn’t really feel like dancing at the moment. However once I took a look at the cakes my stomach began to growel and I realized I hadn’t eaten anything all day. Slowly I made my way over to the cakes and cut myself a decent slice before sitting at one of the tables and began to eat. From the first bite I could honestly say that it was the best cake I had ever had. It was so moist and the flavor was just right. Not to strong not to faint but just right.

After I finished what I have now dubbed euphoria cake, a few ponies walked up to me and introduced themselves. I chatted with several ponies for the next few hours over small topics like hobbies, occupations, and local hotspots along with a few job opportunities. Nothing major, mostly blue collar work like construction and things like that. I did need a job if only not to feel like I am mooching off of the princesses generosity. That reminds me I will need to stop at the bank tomorrow to unlock the account I was given. To be honest I was surprised at the complete 180 everypony’s attitude took at the party compared to how they acted in town. A few of the ponies actually came up to apologies and I told them it was fine. People always tell me I’m to forgiving but I never like to dwell on negative thingsso I figure it’s easier to forgive and forget.
A few hours later and ponies began to depart but I made sure to pass out as much leftover cake as I could since I knew I would end up eating it if I kept it. I had even signed a few more autographs for some foals After the last group of ponies had left I noticed the unicorn DJ was still packing up her equipment so I figured I’d give her a hand. “looks heavy want some help”

“Sure just don’t break anything.”

“No promises.” I joked to which she smirked.

“Oh a wise guy huh. I like that. The name is Vinyl Scratch but most ponies call me by my stage name DJ Pon-3” she said extending a hoof which I gladly shook.

“Well Vinyl it is a pleasure to meet you. The name is Conner Nickerson I have to admit I’m impressed that this world has dubstep like in mine.” I said unhooking a few cables from one of the speakers and hefted it over my shoulder as she levitated one in her magic.

“You mean hoofstep? Yeah me and my friend neon lights started making it awhile ago for fun and it just started blowing up to the point that now we even have our own music genre.”

“Must be nice to have created a whole new kind of music.” I followed her out the front door to a cart with a harness on the one end which I’m assuming was where a pony would be hooked up to pull it. Carefully I set the speaker in the cart and watched as her magic effortlessly did the same thing.

“Oh yeah it’s great but I just wish it didn’t have to be so demanding. What with the constant requests and deadlines from my sponsors and all. I can’t remember the last time me and my roommate even had a simple night out together. But hey a mare’s gotta do what a mare’s gotta do am I right.” She sighed and we walked back into the house and began winding up cables

“Heh reminds of the SAT’s at my high school.”

“What’s that?” she asked.

“it is this really important test that students take in order to get into better colleges to be honest that one test pretty much
makes or breaks your chances of getting into a good college.”

“You have got to be bucking me. One test determines something that big?” she said in disbelief.

“yup I remember being so focused on studying for it that I pretty much had to block everyone else out of my life.”

“Wow human school sounds rough.”

“Trust me it’s brutal.” we made a few more trips before vinyl spoke again.

“So how did you do?” she asked as picked up the pile of wound cables and brought it to the cart.

“What do you mean?”

“The SAB’s or whatever. How did you do?” she asked again lifting her shades up to show her eyes which were a similar color to Rainbow Dash’s

“It’s SAT and I actually scored in the top eighty percent which is really good if I do say so myself, so I’m not worried about college” I said and then realized the test’s score meant nothing here “Well at least I wasn’t anyway.” The depression in my voice was obvious as I hoisted the cables into the cart and vinyl set her mixing board and the box of records she had used at the party in it as well. I guess she was trying to cheer me up a bit by bumping her flank against my hip kinda like giving someone a pat on the back.

“Hey don’t feel bad. You’re in Equestria now, you get a chance to start a new life, make new friends. Enjoy yourself, live it up. Besides if you are as smart as you say you are you could easily get into a university here. plus since you are the only human you could expect scholarships to be basicly thrown at you.” she said. She made a lot of good points and when she was done she looked at me with a friendly smile which I returned.

“Thanks. I needed that.”

“Anytime. I hate seeing another pony doubting themselves. Well I should get going, it was nice meeting you Conner. Oh and if you ever need a DJ for another party you better call me ok?”

“likewise and I will.”

She hooked herself up to the cart and began to pull it with her back to her home. I walked back into the house with a sigh as I locked the door behind me. “A new life…..that does actually sound pretty nice.” I said and walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water before grabbing my backpack and heading upstairs into the nearest of the two bedrooms, set myglass on the nightstand and flopped onto the bed which was surprisingly around my size and felt like a cloud. I closed my eyes and let five minutes go by before realizing that I still hadn’t checked to see if my laptop worked. I shot up and fumbled with the zippers of my bag until it opened up to show my electronic bible (figuratively speaking).

I kept everything on my laptop. My favorite videos, movies, scripts I had been writing, games for when I was on the road, I even had adobe premier elements11 on here which I used whenever my PC wasn’t available. Crossing my fingers I hit the power button and to my joy it lit up like it always does. Next came the usual displays as the laptop set itself up and finally the lock screen came into view thouh there were several discolored pixels but I just thanked god the device was working as I unlocked it and smiled as my usual screensaver appeared. Deciding against wasting the battery I put it in sleep mode and placed it under the bed while screams of joy rang in my head. It wasn’t until now that I noticed just how exhausted I was so i striped to my boxers and then crawled into bed and was out in seconds.