• Published 26th Oct 2013
  • 850 Views, 10 Comments

A Loving Dog's Owner - FlutterPal

We all never knew how AppleJack ended up with Winona, now did we? How did she end up with this loving pet we all know as Winona today? Why did AJ love her so much?

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Chapter the First

A Dog's Loving Owner

A collab by FlutterPal, Candence’s Paladin, and I love you Dashie

Edited by FlutterPal and Cadence's Paladin

Chapter One

15 years. That's how long Applejack has known, and had Winona, for 15 years. Winona, a wonderful brown and white spotted female dog, had always been able to help Applejack any way she could. But, love can't always keep somepony living, and Winona, in her fifthteen dog years of life, and Applejack had been thrown into a great depression for a while.

It's been 5 months since her dog died, and Applejack's sister, Applebloom, now a teenager, decided to ask Applejack how Winona became her dog, after Winona dies from old age.

Applejack sheds a tear but smiles at her sister. "You wanna hear that story old?"

Applebloom looks at her sister eagerly, "Well yeah! You've never told me about how you found Winona."

Applejack suddenly had a far distance look. "Well, it all started when I was asking for a puppy..."

The Apple Farm, 15 years ago...

Applejack looked pleadingly at her big brother. "But Macintosh! A puppy would be great! Everypony at school has a pet!"

Macintosh harrumphs and says firmly, "When I say nope, I mean nope."

Applejack sits down on the floor and pouts. "But ah want one! GRANNY SMITH!!" Applejack called out to her grandmother, looking sad, and on the verge of tears.

Granny Smith came into the room with a look of annoyance, "What're you two bickerin' about now?" she asked, as she came from the kitchen, holding a ladle in on of her hooves.

"Applejack is wantin' a pet again." Big Mac said, sounding mad like he always did when the subject was brought up.

"Well, maybe it's time we think about bringin' another Apple into the Apple family," Granny Smith smiled at Applejack. Granny Smith had walked over to her grandfoals, awaiting a response from both.

Big Mac frowned a little, but Applejack was excited as she's ever been. "We can!?"

Her big brother shook his head slowly. "Maybe, if we get enough money." Big Mac said, though he didn't want to admit it, and he seemed rather annoyed with his sister's persistence.

"Why does everything have to be about whether or not we have enough money to you? I just want a friend, that's all!" Applejack cried and then galloped out of the farmhouse.

"Big Macintosh! Ya see what ya went and did? Go apologize t' yer sister this instant young stallion!" Granny Smith scolded, showing anger in her eyes.

Big Mac sighs and looks over at the crying filly. "Ah don't know if we should spend money on her new friend, or on the farm." he said, and walked out to apologize. But he was too late, as Applejack had already begun to run off.


Applejack had begun to gallop towards the lake on the outskirts of White Tail Woods. She ran past tree branches, bushes, stumps, fallen logs, and rocks on her way there. The wildlife is thriving and the sun's shining, but she still seems upset over her argument with Big Mac. She goes over to the water and looks at her saddest of reflections in the water. Picking up one of the flattest stones she could find, Applejack skips the rock across the gleaming lake.

She sheds a tear, and sits back on her haunches. "Why not just a friend?" she whispers to herself, as she began to cry into the lake.

Author's Note:

Cadance's Paladin's part of the collab!