• Published 8th Oct 2013
  • 3,016 Views, 88 Comments

Where's the Beef? - Mare Macabre

After an odd gift from a friend, Fluttershy's one-time binge turns into a morbid addiction. Can her friends help her? Or does she even want their help?

  • ...

A Lesson in Consent

A cool breeze tugged at reddened and browned foliage, picking leaves here and there and sending them fluttering to the ground. Some, a random few that floated on just the right currents of air, were swept up in a warm draft of air that rose from the small cottage’s chimney. Inside, dried wood crackled and sparked under the pensive gaze of a cream colored pegasus, her baby blue eyes focused intently on the embers that glowed beneath the fire proper. She lifted a mug to her face, gently blowing across its surface to cool the opaque brown liquid inside, then quietly took a sip of her drink.

Fluttershy set the cocoa on a coaster beside her and extended her wings, letting the fire slowly work its warmth into her extremities. It was cold for such an early day in fall, more so than Fluttershy had remembered it being in years, but it certainly didn’t break any records. It was, however, still cold enough to push her to unpack her winter clothes and dawn an old favorite sweater of hers. It was a gift from a friend, one that had recently become more than a friend, and she had worn it fondly and often while it was new. Now, with her added mass, it had become snug around the middle, but she refused to let herself wear anything else.

This thought idly passed through her mind, making her nuzzle her chin into the plush collar of her turtleneck, but a pop from the fire drew her back into her previous occupation.

She had thought about the previous evening’s conversation non-stop since it had ended. Everything she did, she related to the question that she had been left with. Every minute action she questioned, debating if she would have done it similarly were she purely a pony or whatever her other option would make her become. She had greeted Angel distractedly this morning, and wondered. She had showered a little longer this morning than last, and wondered. Even as she ate her breakfast, a hearty salad with wild berries – a meal she still considered to be her favorite – she wondered if she would enjoy more or less depending on what potion she drank.

It had occurred to her that she didn’t, in fact, need to choose either potion. Truly, Zecora had simply informed her that the option existed, not that one or the other were necessary. She had implied that drinking one would help her, but in the end she still emphasized that it was a choice. Fluttershy considered exploiting this, contemplated simply not returning to the alchemist's hut, but she knew, and feared, that the result would simply be a continuation of the cycle of predation and sickness.

She took another idle sip of her cocoa.

As the day gradually aged to noon, Fluttershy looked to her door. She had asked Angel to invite any nearby animals inside to escape the cold, but thus far none had come. She had been hurt at first when he returned with a shrug and annoyed sigh, but she also knew she couldn’t blame any of them for declining. She imagined she wouldn’t be any fonder of the idea of being invited to a dragon’s den than they were of being invited to hers.

This was something she didn’t have to wonder about regarding her choice. Their trust in her had been shaken, and becoming a fully capable hunter would only finish ruining her relationship with them. She would be a monster to them, and, if anypony found out about her, she’d likely become a monster in their eyes as well. She lowered her head slightly at this thought, flinching as she heard Rainbow Dash’s scorn in her mind.

Fluttershy closed her eyes and folded her wings, letting her heated plumage warm her sides, and went to take another sip of her cocoa only to realize that the mug had been emptied. She frowned, annoyed by how this seemed to keep happening as of late, and stood to retrieve more chocolate before a knock at the door made her freeze.

The pegasus turned a cautious eye to her front door, quietly lowering her raised hoof to the floor. The sound was very distinctly not that of a hoof knocking against wood, but that raised the question of who or what could actually be on the other side. She narrowed her eyes and set the mug on a chair, then silently stalked over to a window beside the door and peered out. She blinked, and straightened as she recognized the visitor, and quickly unlatched and opened the door.

“Drew!” Fluttershy beamed as the fox hopped inside. “How are you? Oh it’s been months, hasn’t it?”

The ruddy red fox nodded excitedly, then trotted over to the fire and rolled around in front of it for a moment before sitting up and facing the approaching pony.

“Where have you been? I was worried something had happened to you,” Fluttershy sighed, sitting down beside her guest.

Drew pointed at a wall, motioning beyond it, and chattered about an oasis he’d discovered in the distant Everfree. Fluttershy nodded as she listened, her ears perking up as he mentioned exotic birds that had frequented the watering hole.

“Oh that sounds lovely!” the pegasus grinned. “You’ll have to take me there when the weather warms up.”

Drew nodded emphatically, then became still. He cocked his head to one side, then shifted a paw to touch Fluttershy’s foreleg. Fluttershy’s smile vanished, the expression on her friend’s face telling her that he knew something was amiss, and looked elsewhere as he asked her if she’d heard some of the rumors that had been spread about her.

“I...” Fluttershy blushed in fear and embarrassment, worried how the fox would react to the truth, “They...aren’t rumors,” she admitted, withdrawing her hoof.

What happened, Pup?

Fluttershy pursed her lips. “I...Harry gave me a fish, and...I ate it...and then...” she let out a sigh. “Things just kind of spiraled.”

It was nowhere near as difficult to tell the story a second time, especially to one of her animal friends, but she still feared his reaction. To her surprise, however, a look at Drew showed concern rather than any fear.

Is that it?

“Well...not exactly,” Fluttershy conceded. “I...Oh, I don’t know what to do! I can’t stand hurting any of my friends, but I just...I want to! So badly! I don’t understand it!” She rested her head in her hooves. “And what’s worse, Zecora can make it so I can do it without getting sick! That’s the only thing keeping me from doing it all the time! How can she expect me to make a decision like that?”

You mean...that zebra out in the forest? Fluttershy nodded. What is it she said?

Fluttershy uncovered her face and turned to face the fire. “Apparently I’m part gryphon. Enough to like the taste of meat but not enough to actually be able to digest it. Zecora can make it so I don’t get sick when I eat it anymore, but...” She shut her eyes. “I don’t want to be able to just eat meat whenever I want. I get cravings and urges all the time now, I don’t think I could control them if I knew there wouldn’t be any consequences.”

Drew frowned as he thought about this. You feel bad about it? Fluttershy nodded. Then there are consequences. Being able to do something doesn’t make you obligated to do it. You wouldn’t be a carnivore, you know.

“I know, but...” Fluttershy lifted her head. “...You are a carnivore,” she thought aloud. She looked at Drew, the fox nodding confusedly in confirmation of her thought, then turned to face him. “Why doesn’t everyone...hate you?” she asked cautiously. “Or, I mean...everyone’s afraid of me now. I understand why they would be, but you...you’re friends with almost everyone. And so was Willow. And Teddy and George and Susanne...why isn’t everyone afraid of you all?”

Drew seemed confused by the question. I...I’m a fox? he offered. I’m not sure what you mean.

Fluttershy frowned and tried to rephrase her question. “Why is it that...I mean, I’ve seen you hunt before. It’s so different from when I do it. They try so much harder to get away when I...” the thought made her choke on her words. “I mean...it seems so much easier for you. Why is that?”

Drew’s frown persisted, but his eyes widened slightly. I...ask permission, he said with a worried tone. You don’t just charge after anyone you see, do you?

Fluttershy went rigid. “P...P-permission?”

Drew nodded slowly. I don’t hunt unwilling prey. No one does. Or, no one but...timberwolves and hydras and such. That’s why everyone hates and fears them so much. They just rush in and ambush... The look on Fluttershy’s face made him stop. He leaned in closer, his face nervous. Fluttershy, please tell me you’re not hunting indiscriminately.

Fluttershy shook her head, slowly turning her gaze to the floor. “I-I didn’t...I didn’t know...” She frowned. “How could I have known that? Why didn’t anyone tell me?”

It’s not really something you have to tell someone, Drew sighed. Usually. It’s something you learn as a cub.

I was never a cub!” Fluttershy shouted, then covered her mouth. “I-I’m sorry.”

Drew waved her apology. No, you’re right. You weren’t a cub. Someone should’ve told you about this by now. He narrowed his eyes and broke eye contact with her. I’m sorry I haven’t been around.

Fluttershy shook her head and gathered his slim form in a hug. “You couldn’t have known. I don’t blame you. Or Harry. Please don’t be mad at him whenever you see him.” Drew tensed slightly, seeming like he might resist, but nodded in acquiescence. “Now, tell me about this,” she straightened up, her face serious. “How can you ask someone permission to...kill them?”

The question gave Drew pause. It had been such an innate function, so ingrained in him, it was awkward and clumsy to think the process through analytically.

Well...the way to start is by making your intention clear, he started. You don’t want to just pounce on someone and rip their throat out.

Fluttershy winced, remembering have done just that at least twice. “But...then, how do you...?”

It’s a lot like...uh... Drew creased his forehead, searching for words, It’s a lot like...pshh...sex, he finally said. Fluttershy blushed and frowned, glancing around the room, but Drew continued. Just hear me out. You know...like, there’s a dominant party, right? Fluttershy winced and nodded, quickly becoming uncomfortable with her friend’s continuation of the analogy. Well, that’s you. You’re in charge. You have to go to them and ask to start the hunt, and then the prey will either say yes or no. Or ignore you if they’re an asshole, he added under his breath.

“I-I don’t know if...this is really the best explanation to use,” Fluttershy stammered, shifting away from the fire to relieve the now uncomfortable heat of embarrassment.

Yeah, maybe not, Drew conceded. But...you get my meaning, right? As a predator, prey puts a great deal of trust in you to follow basic etiquette and standards, and if you don’t...well you’ve seen how everyone gets.

Fluttershy frowned and nodded. “So...if I had just followed the rules, no one would be afraid of me like they are?”

N-well...it’s a little weird to hear of a pony hunting like a predator, the fox admitted with a shrug. I think we could adjust to it though. It’s certainly not the strangest thing in the Everfree.

Fluttershy’s shoulders lifted slightly, a weight in her stomach lessening. “Really?”

Drew shrugged again. I guess. I can’t speak for everyone, you understand. There will probably still be a few that find the idea disturbing or have trouble trusting you, especially after breaking the code so many times, but I think...Yeah, I think they’d get over it if you made it clear that you’d learned your lesson.

Fluttershy smiled and let out a slow sigh. “That’s...such a relief to hear,” she nodded, a hoof on her chest. “I can’t tell you how much it means to know that.” She glanced at the fire, her earlier thoughts returning, and the smile faded. “But...doesn’t it hurt them?” She looked back at Drew, her expression tired. “Why would anyone agree to that? To die for someone else’s meal?”

Drew raised an eyebrow. I understand you don’t have to experience this, as a pony, but those of us that live in the wild learn from an early age that one day we may end up as someone’s lunch. It’s an eventuality that we prepare ourselves for for most of our lives. We understand that there are some who simply can’t survive on grass and hay, and that they need our bodies to sustain themselves. It’s...kind of an act of charity, he shrugged. You do it to be nice, mostly. It not really something anyone ever wants to do, but if it will protect someone we care about or if we feel like we’ve done everything we care to accomplish, we agree. That doesn’t mean we’ll make it easy, not by a long shot, but if we’re caught, we stand by our decision, and keep our promises.

Fluttershy breathed slowly as she absorbed this. “Even you?”

Drew smirked. I’ve been hunted before, he nodded. But the phrase ‘clever like a fox’ doesn’t exist for no reason.

The pink-maned pegasus reclined on her haunches as she considered this. “I never would have thought...” she murmured.

She considered her friend with a new light, studying his body with a critical eye. He was slim, small, and fit – a perfect shape and size to slip through tight spaces and leap long distances. He probably developed and maintained his physique with a lifetime of hunting and being hunted, toning and strengthening himself by learning through experience how best to chase down prey and outrun pursuers.

Her eyes shifted to her own body, to the tightly fitting sweater and soft, pudgy flanks that extended from its bottom. She was neither fit nor strong like her friend, ill-suited for the lifestyle of a predator. Were she to hunt normally, without the element of surprise, she suspected that she would never be able to catch her prey.

She turned her focus back to her friend, who had been watching with an amused grin as she compared her physiology to his. She fidgeted slightly as she realized she’d done it so openly and absentmindedly, but a laugh from her houseguest alleviated her worries. Fluttershy finally stood and retrieved the mug from her couch, looking back at her friend as she moved for the kitchen.

“Can I get you anything? I think I have a fish in the freezer.”

Cold fish? Drew mused with a smirk. That sounds like the perfect thing for a chilly afternoon.

Fluttershy pouted and flicked her head away, but both knew she was far from upset. As she trotted into the kitchen, she just managed to catch a glimpse of Angel as he slipped around the other way and up the stairs.

You’re sure you’re not hungry?

“Ugh...not even a little.”


Dead leaves cracked and crunched beneath nimble paws and awkward hooves. An odd duo wandered casually through the outer edge of the Everfree, one scanning their surroundings as they went while other shuffled along behind. The baby yellow pegasus looked around with a scowl, trotting every so often to keep up with her companion. Drew, however, had a smile on his snout as he glanced left and right. Suddenly he froze, his head turning to the direction his ears had swiveled, and his smile grew.

Here, this way, he called back as he hopped off the path.

Fluttershy groaned and followed after him, annoyed that he would not tell her what it was they were doing. He’d insisted she eat a big lunch, waiting patiently until she had stuffed herself, then dragged her out the door with a wide grin, but mums had been the word as to his reasons. She had made guesses as they walked, mostly about him taking her to Zecora, but he had only shook his head and hushed her on occasion. As she trailed him through the brush, she began to wonder more seriously about what it was he was doing. They were nowhere near Zecora’s hut, Sweetapple Acres, or really anywhere else.

Stepping around a tree, however, brought a plump squirrel into her line of sight, and Fluttershy felt herself tense as she realized that the rodent was their destination. She glanced at Drew, noticing him nod reassuringly to her, and quietly swallowed a lump in her throat as the squirrel took notice of them. She frowned, looking from one to the other as they approached, and carefully set the acorn in her paws down to address them as they stepped up to her.

Not hungry, Drew said casually, waving a paw.

The squirrel shot a glance at Fluttershy, making the pony shrink slightly, then focused on Drew again.


I assume you know of what’s been happening to our poor caretaker, the fox went on, motioning with a paw to his companion.

Poor caretaker?? the squirrel spat. She ate my nephew last week!

Fluttershy gasped, about to apologize, but Drew cut her off.

I’m sorry to hear that, he said solemnly. I’m sure, knowing that, that you understand the danger of an uneducated predator.

The squirrel straightened up, eyeing the fox suspiciously. You don’t need to lose someone to know that, she said harshly. You’re not going to try and tell me that she did that to teach me some kind of lesson, are you?

Absolutely not. Quite the opposite, Drew explained, placing a paw on Fluttershy’s shoulder. In fact, I’m teaching her the lesson. I’d like to ask you help in that.

The squirrel glared at him, then at Fluttershy. What are you trying to say?

Drew rolled his eyes, muttering something about squirrels, then cleared his throat. What’s happened is unfortunate and terrible and we don’t want it to continue. Fluttershy doesn’t know about proper hunting etiquette and I want to teach her.

The squirrel blinked, the simple explanation clicking in her head, and nodded. I see. She looked at Fluttershy, sizing her up, then glowered and stepped closer to her. I hope you feel terrible for what you’ve done.

Fluttershy shuddered and lowered her nose to the ground in an apologetic bow. “I do,” she whispered. “I didn’t know the rules. I’m so sorry for acting like...like a monster.”

The squirrel’s righteous indignation drained from her as she saw tears forming in the pony’s eyes, but she refused to let herself forgive the pitiful pegasus. Good. I suppose I’ll help you then.

Thank you, Drew bowed. Fluttershy, pay attention.

He stood and stretched, then began circling the squirrel. He dipped his head as he circled, and the squirrel’s face suddenly dropped. She gulped, watching the fox intently as he slowly orbited her, gradually drawing closer with every rotation. Her ears flicked to her right and the fox froze, both of them standing perfectly still. Fluttershy looked back and forth between them, sensing the growing tension, unsure of what might happen.

In a second, the squirrel had spun on her toes and bolted in the direction her ears had pointed. Drew, equally quickly, had pounced, diving ahead of her in the path she had chosen and tackling her as she passed underneath. They collided with a combined yelp, tumbling over each other, but stopped just as quickly as they’d begun with Drew pinning the plump squirrel beneath a paw. He snarled at the squirrel, baring his teeth and raking the ground by her head with his free claws, and leaned in close to her.

Do you yield?? he growled.

No! the squirrel screamed as she struggled against his paw.

Do you yield!? Drew barked, stomping the ground by her head.


Drew snapped his jaws shut, growling one last time, then lifted his paw. The squirrel coughed and rubbed her neck as she sat up, glaring at the fox as he seamlessly composed himself and turned to the stunned observer.

See? he shrugged. It’s easy.

Fluttershy stared dumbly at him, shocked by what he’d shown her. While it was true she’d accompanied him on hunts, she had never actually followed him to a kill. She simply walked and talked with him until he caught a scent he liked, and then they went their separate ways. Having seen the whole act unfold, rushed and superficial though it had been, gave her an uneasy feeling.

Easy for you, maybe, the squirrel groaned as she stood. You could’ve given me some kind of warning.

Surprise begets authenticity, the fox shrugged, grinning coyly. He ignored the squirrel’s glare and wandered over to Fluttershy, wrapping a paw around her back. You think you can do that?

Fluttershy’s eyes widened. “D-do...n-now?”

Of course. You’re not hungry, so there’s no worry of you eating her, and I’m here in case you lose control. It’ll be fine, he assured her, pushing her toward the squirrel.

Fluttershy eeped as she stumbled forward, catching herself just before bumping into the squirrel. She looked up at her exercise partner, sheepishly smiling, then gulped as the rodent met her with an unamused stare.

“Um...I-I promise I won’t eat you,” she offered quietly as she stood.

I don’t really trust your word, you’ll understand, the squirrel mused, crossing her arms. You have a reputation. Fluttershy’s forced smile faded from her face, and she flinched as the squirrel pointed past her. But he just proved I can trust him. So...I guess that’s good enough. ...You better not eat me though, she finished with a glare.

Fluttershy nodded quietly, then began to mimic the stretches she’d watched Drew perform before his short hunt. The squirrel rolled her eyes as the chubby pegasus awkwardly rolled her shoulders and stretched her limbs. She glanced to her coach for approval, but he urged her with a look to focus on the hunting rather than the preparing. She complied quickly, taking instead to circling the squirrel like her predecessor had. The squirrel uncrossed her arms, starting to consider the pony seriously as she began to stalk in circles around her.

Fluttershy studied the squirrel as she crept, her head tilting and eyes narrowing. The effect was clearly an imposing one, as the squirrel focused more intently on her as she walked, turning her head further and swiveling her ears fervently as the pony passed through her blind spot. The predatory pegasus slowed her movements, gradually coming to a stop at the singular point the squirrel’s eyes couldn’t see her, and licked her lips. She watched closely as the squirrel’s ears continued to swivel for a moment before one fixed on her position. She angled her head a little more, trying to decide how best to approach.

Before she could decide, the squirrel tensed, making her flinch, then spun around and darted through the stunned pony’s legs. Fluttershy yelped and jumped out of her way, then stumbled and fell onto her rear with a thud. She winced, tasting the sting of the impact, and picked herself up with a shake. She looked around, trying to find the squirrel again, but quickly realized she had completely lost track of her. The pegasus looked to Drew, who had tightly clenched his mouth shut to keep himself from laughing, then blushed and angrily looked away.

That was...a-about what I expected, the fox choked, fighting back a laugh.

Fluttershy frowned and brushed the dirt from the hem of her sweater as her friend cleared his throat, then flinched as an acorn bounced off her head. She looked up, glaring at the squirrel as she found her sitting on a branch above her.

There’s no way you could’ve caught my nephew fairly, she growled, making Fluttershy swap her anger with embarrassment and guilt. You’d better count yourself lucky if I decide not to go around talking about this.

Fluttershy’s eyes widened and she took to the air, quickly darting up to the branch and snatching the squirrel from her perch. “Oh please, please, you can’t tell anyone! Please!”

Both pony and squirrel blinked, slowly processing what had happened, then looked down. Fluttershy’s surprise turned to pride, and she fixed the squirrel with a grin as the rodent realized she’d been caught. Fluttershy dropped to the ground, throwing the squirrel down and pinning her under a hoof, and the squirrel let out an angry cry at having found herself captured again.

“S-submit!” Fluttershy ordered, then shook her head. “I mean...do you?”

Are you serious? the squirrel groaned, palming her forehead.

DO YOU SUBMIT!?” Fluttershy roared, making both fox and squirrel flinch in surprise.

N-no, the squirrel stammered. L-let me go.

Fluttershy stamped her hoof next to the squirrel, then leaned in and roared again, this time wordlessly.

DO YOU SUBMIT TO ME?” Fluttershy screamed again.

A paw on her shoulder made her whip her head around, nearly throwing Drew to the ground with surprise as she fixed him with a hard stare. He raised his other paw between them in a disarming pose, lowering himself and then approached again.

Y-you did it, Pup, he said quietly, reaching for her hoof. The exercise is over.

Fluttershy blinked, then looked down at the terrified squirrel in her grip. She quickly lifted her hoof and backed away, murmuring a frantic apology as she sat down and looked elsewhere. The squirrel slowly pushed herself to her feet, watching Fluttershy with caution and fear, then carefully turned her focus to Drew. The fox glanced at her, waving her away, and the squirrel grabbed an acorn or two before rushing out of the small clearing.

Drew returned his attention to Fluttershy, approaching her cautiously, and put a gentle paw on her back. Fluttershy looked at him, her eyes full of fear, apology, and tears.

“I-I was just doing what you did,” she explained frantically. “You yelled at her, so I...I was—“

I get it, Drew sighed. He ran a paw down his face and looked sideways. I didn’t really set the best example did I? I’m sorry about that.

Fluttershy sniffled and looked at the ground. “I...did it again, didn’t I? I broke the rules?”

Drew frowned. Uh...I don’t think so. In fact, I think not. Most predators can’t fly, so that was surprising, but since you can, I mean...I guess there’s nothing against it. He looked back at her, his face gentle. But what matters is that you asked. That’s the important thing. If nothing else, always ask.

Fluttershy sniffed again, but smiled. It was true she’d lost control of herself for a moment, but she had remembered even in that power-drunk state that she needed permission. In fact, it was the only thing on her mind – getting the okay to sink her teeth into the squirrel’s neck. She closed her eyes, unhappy with the end goal, but proud that she had remembered the process.

A prod from Drew drew her attention, and she cocked an eyebrow at his odd expression.

I’ll be honest, I was skeptical, he admitted, then smirked, but...I believe you about the gryphon thing now.

Author's Note:

Is the way animal speech is typed confusing or hard to read at all? I'm iffy on it, but I can't tell for sure.