• Published 10th Oct 2013
  • 10,681 Views, 816 Comments

On My Honor - Honored Service

Honored Service, the human that saved Equestria from any evil you can name. A warrior at heart, who's special talent is killing and maiming anything that seeks to cause harm to those he cares for, is sentenced to a normal life in Ponyville.

  • ...

Wild Wild West

On My Honor
Chapter 20
Pre read/ edited by: Spirit of Harmony, Neon Scar, Gear Hawk, BinaryTroll

“Well, I certainly saw this going a hell of a lot differently.” I said, staring at the room full of slightly angry diamond dogs.

“You came here to die creature?” The leader of the diamond dogs said with a snarl. He clasped two flintlock looking pistols in his paws and had several more strapped along a bandolier crisscrossing his large furry chest.

“Nah, I’m not in the dying business.”

The dogs all cocked their heads to the side in confusion.

“I’m in the killing business.” I reached under the brown duster I was wearing and drew both revolvers from their holsters on my hip. The black .357 and the .44 both glinted in the dying light that spilled in from the windows in the old saloon. “And pardner, business is a-booming.”






-Two Days Earlier-

"Well congratulations Honored!" Applejack said while pulling a destroyed cart to the side of the road, allowing ponies passage through the cluttered street. "But if you haven't noticed, we sure could have used some help here."

Honored sighed and dropped his head, pulling a large chunk of rock that a large horse-monkey-demon-centaur-thing had apparently caused to fly into Ponyville when he was slammed into the earth by an overcharged Twilight Sparkle.

"I know, and again I'm beyond sorry that I was gone. How was I supposed to know that was going to happen?"

Applejack gave a chuckle and lightly pushed Honored with a hoof. "I'm just messing with you. Everything turned out fine in the end. " Applejack tried to lighten the mood, but seemed to fail as the human just continued to clean up the town.

"Once again it seems that I failed to protec-"


Honored looked at the farmer pony as a red hoofmark slowly appeared on his cheek.

"Now don't you start that load of garbage Honored! We are big mares and we did well on our own and we did before yall showed up. Youre a great protector but you're also only one pony, human, and even you can't stop everything that crawls out from Tartarus."

Honored stopped and looked at Applejack with a blank stare. Slowly a fire came to his eyes, and he scooped the mare up in a huge hug and squeezed her till the tough and rugged farmer gave a 'squee'. Honored dropped her and sprinted towards the new castle of Princess Twilight Sparkle.

"What'd I say?" AJ wondered to herself as she continued to move the rubble.


"Twilight I'm going to Canterlot to do some studying!" I yelled out through the crystal halls. The eco carried into every room in the tree castle.

"What?!" Was the reply. "You just got back a week ago and we need your help." Twilight said, slowly descending the stairs from her quarters. "The ponies need to see you around. You're the one they look to for protection."

"Princess Sparkle," I said watching her frown at the name, "you just kicked Tirek's ass without me. You'll be okay for another few days."

Honored saw the alicorn preparing another line of argument to keep him in Ponyville. "I’m going to study?" He said, batting his eyes at the alicorn.

"Okay, fine. You know what Honored? You can go. I can't stop you. But under one condition..." Honored stopped mid fist pump and looked the princess in the eyes with a questioning glance.

"What's the condition?" He asked, narrowing his eyes and pursing his lips.

"You have to leave all your weapons here." Honored began to raise his hand, "No knives, swords, clubs or any other thing that you can use to harm anything." Twilight tapped a hoof to her chin, "All you have is your magic. That’s it."

"Fine, deal." Honored said with a shrug of his shoulders. "I'm really going to check the archives and see Luna."

"Please come back soon Honored. We all missed you and I’d hate to have to fight the next bad guy without you." She added the last part with a smirk that caused the human to grind his teeth.

"Oh don't you worry about the next bad guy. He’s all mine."


"HONORED!" Luna jumped up from the table she was sitting at and pounced on the human who strolled into the dining hall. Honored smiled as he welcomed the princess with open arms.

“Hey Luna, I’m glad to see that you're okay after… you know, everything.” Honored said, rubbing the back of his neck. Luna stood in front of him and gave him a sad look.

“Honored, none of us blame you for what happened. You couldn't have known what was going to happen when you left.” Luna drapped a wing around the glum warrior and pulled him into a light feathery hug. “Besides, the girls need to do something sometimes.”

Honored cracked a smile and then pushed himself playfully away from the princess of the night. “Thank you Luna.”

“Anything to help my little human.” Luna pressed a quick kiss against Honored’s cheek before walking out of the dining hall. “Come along Honored, let’s go see if we can't find what you're looking for. Your letter was a little vague.”

Honored bit his lip as he thought about what he was trying to do. It had to be done. But would Luna or any of his friends let him?


I glanced over all the scroll and books laid out across the table. Each one was pulled from the Starswirl the Bearded section, courtesy of Luna, and I also had a few books from her personal library. All of them had one thing in common. Each book mentioned one thing.



The twenty-fifth book slammed closed with a loud ‘crack’ that caused the librarian across the library to look at me and narrow her eyes. I rolled mine and reached for the next book, when a bright flash appeared beside me. I watched as a scroll dropped down onto the table.

I shrugged and picked up the scroll, examining the talon claw mark on the seal. The mark of Black Claw Mercenary Company. I smiled. It was time! Oh boy!

Honored Service,
Enclosed is your first contract with the Vultures. Read it carefully and learn all that you can from it. Once you are ready to accept the contract, follow the instructions on using the resending spell.
Best of luck,
Emerald Flame
Vulture Boss

I flipped over the scroll, and found the other side to be a list of detailed instructions on the contract. Interesting. It was like an easy-to-follow mission overview, similar to anything found in a videogame. Idiot proof! Love it!

The mayor and sheriff of Appleloosa are requesting the immediate help of the Black Claw Mercenary Company in the dealing and removal of one Diamond Dog pack, the Ground Tribe, from the surrounding area.

The dogs have taken shelter in the apple fields and are harassing the locals, both pony and buffalo. They have not yet resorted to violence but they are aggressively deterring any kind of contact with them to resolve a peaceful solution by the residents of the town.

This job is perfect for one Vulture. Honored Service, the newest member, will go to the town and find out what caused the intrusion of the Ground Tribe and remove them. The sum of 300 bits will be made out to the Vulture upon completion of the contract. As with all ongoing contracts, once accepted, the offer may not be cancelled for another job or broken in any way.

I read the rest of the technical mumble jumble that was written on the rest of the scroll. I looked from the contract to the pile of books that held my research. I shrugged and pushed them aside. I took the scroll and laid it out in front of me. I pulled out a small knife and pricked my thumb, smearing the red blood on the bottom of the contract scroll. With a burst of red magic, it exploded into dust, vanishing out the nearest window.

“I’ll finish my research later. Time to go help some ponies in need.”


“So now you want your weapons back to what?” Twilight wasn't too pleased with me.

“Because I have to go to work.” I said with another sigh. “I have a job now mom.” I added with a roll of my eyes.

“Honored, you literally just got back a week ago. And now you want to go running off into some fight.” Twilight paced around the large throne room with some large crystal chairs and a map with the greater Equestrian area on it.

“What if I only take three weapons with me?” I added with a smile.

Twilight stopped to think for a moment. “Hmmm well I can't really keep you from your job. Why you have one with that cave full of money anyway is beyond me. But alright Honored. Three weapons. And please take Tune with you. And Selene, they are both getting restless.” There was suddenly a large crash and a robot zoomed past the front door of the library with a knee-high manticore giving chase.

“I can't help their energy levels.” I said before a scream rang out. I gave a sheepish smile and then ran out the door towards the upset resident of Ponyville. What had those two done now?


“You great big beastly metal… thing!” Rarity yelled at the large machine gun toting, grenade launching, missile packing robot. “You just ruined a perfectly good spool of rare one-of-a-kind Saddle Arabian golden sand spider silk!” Rarity was positively fuming as the thousand pound robot slowly backed up on his wheels.

“Again, I am more than sorry Miss Rarity, but as I have previously stated I was being chased by-”

“Oh no you don't!” Rarity stomped forward while jabbing a hoof at Tune. “Don't you dare try to blame this on poor Selene. You are a… well you are bigger than her and more mature. You shouldn't try to pawn this off on her!” Selene stood off to the side while licking a paw. Her pink mane was coming in longer now and shined brightly in the sunlight. She looked up and gave a soft ‘mem’ before pulling her scorpion's tail around her shoulder and began to lick the barbed end.

“But Miss Rarity-” Tune began.

“Tut.” Rarity clicked her tongue at the robot. “Not another word.”

I figured enough was enough. “Rarity, I’m terribly sorry for Tune’s actions. I promise you he will be punished justly for this atrocious action against your fashion business. And for compensation, please go to my cave and get what the spool was worth.” She opened her mouth to speak, “plus four times extra what it’s worth.”

Rarity promptly shut her mouth and toppled over backwards onto a red fainting couch.

“Of course she would.” I rolled my eyes at her antics and turned to Tune. “Come on you big RC car, we got a job.”

“You too Selene!” I called out and was rewarded with the growing manticore kitten bounding over and walking beside me. I rested my hand on her head and began to scratch her behind her ear. She purred loudly as we walked back towards my home. Time to get ready for a sweet job out in the ole’ west. I'm going to need a new outfit.


I sat in the train car speeding through the dry tan landscape watching the hills of sand and clusters of cacti fly by. Tune was safely secured in the cargo box car monitoring anything that could interrupt the train's journey. I was riding in the passenger car with Selene and three other earth ponies, all who gave my traveling companion and myself wide bereth.


"Yup, not too much longer girl." I gave Selene a quick scratch before going back to watching the scenery fly by the train. I tugged at hat resting on my head. I was wearing my old brown stetson that was well worn and my old equally worn brown duster with armored inserts on the back and arms. I had a light armor plate carrier on my chest that could stop up to a 5.56 round. I decided to not wear my full body armor a it was going to be hot out here. On my waist I wore a belt with two holsters, one for my .357 and one for my .44. I was going out west, so why not fit the part. I had two bandoliers of pistol ammo strung across the plate carrier and leaning against the seat was my Marlin 444 rifle. It was all black and on the top rail was a small six zoom scope for mid range. Resting behind my .357 revolver was my diamond sword given to me by the last group of diamond dogs I interacted with. I had my knife as well, that was a given.

All in all I wasn't really armed to the teeth like I normally was.

"Mew?" Selene looked up at me with her big pink eyes and cocked her head to the side.

"It shouldn't take long girl. Just go in and talk to the dogs. The last time it went well." I thought back to the Red Paw Pack that lived peacefully with their pony and zebra neighbors. “Its going to be easy girl, I promise! You can even ask Tune, it won't be hard!”

“Sir, are you serious?” I turn my head and look out the window to see Tune’s robotic arm looking into the passenger car. “Johnson, when have we ever done something simple?”

“Listen Tune, this is Selene’s first mission with us and I’d like for the really poisonous and dangerous manticore kitten to not be scared-”



I grunted and looked down at my chest to see Selene wrapped around my chest, and her stinger implanted right into my shoulder.

“God damn it Selene.” I said before the passenger car became very blurry and I felt my face impact the wooden bench across from my seat. ‘Guess I’ll just sleep for the rest of the ride’. I thought to myself as blackness entered my vision.


“Ah, welcome back sir!” I blinked my eyes and yawned, stretching my arms above my head as I sat up from the floor of the train. I looked back to see Selene curled up and sleeping in my duster on my seat. Tune’s robotic claw was still poking through the window holding onto my hat. I reached up and removed my Stetson from between his metal claws and dropped it onto my head.

“Thank you Tune.” I reached over and scooped my duster out from under Selene and sent her moving to the other seat with a long stretch and a grumpy look. “Oh you don't get to be grumpy you walking sleep machine.” I said, brushing an insane amount of manticore hair from my duster. “Progress Tune?”

“Well sir, we should be arriving….. now.” With a jolt I slammed forward, banging my knee into the other wooden bench.

“DAMN IT!” I screamed out and began hopping around the car, the few other ponies in the passenger car with me snickering behind their hooves as I rubbed my throbbing knee. “Tune, I'm going to so turn you into a paper weight.”

“But sir,” He said as the claw bobbed up and down, “who will make witty banter with you to entertain the masses?”

“I’ll do that with Selene.” I said angrily towards the claw that slowly pulled back from the window.


Robotic laughter sounded out from the car behind us and I rolled my eyes. Damn that oversized and gunned out minivan.

“Come on Selene, its time to go earn the money and save some ponies’ apple trees.” I patted my leg and the manticore kitten leapt down from the bench and ran to my side as we exited the Friendship Express. I shielded my eyes against the sun and looked around the Appleloosa train station. “There he is.”

“Welcome pardner!” The light gold earth pony with a light brown mane wearing a brown vest and large brown Stetson said, “I was told we’d get some help, but I’ll be darned! Never thought we’d get the ol’ Human savior himself.” The pony walked up to me and stuck out his hoof to me. I took it and gave him a strong shake, getting and equally strong one in response. “The name’s Braeburn Apple.”

“Johnson or Honored Service. Black Claw Vulture agent. Pleasure to meet you Braeburn.” I said with a friendly smile. Tune followed up behind me with Selene standing between the two of us. “And these two are Selene, my pet manticore, and Tune, my robotic support butler thing.” I pointed to the two of them as they were mentioned. Selene gave a slight dip of her head and fanned her wings, showing of their pink membrane in the bright sun. Tune spun his weapon turrets around and brought his claw forward and extended it to Braeburn.

“A pleasure to make your acquaintance Mr. Braeburn.” Tune added, shaking Braeburn’s hoof.

“Well I’ll be, y’all sure are a strange bunch. But I appreciate you coming out here!” Braeburn reared up on his hind legs and pawed the air. “Well come along friends, I’ll show y’all around and lead you to where you're going to be staying while solving this dog-gone problem we got here in Appleloosa!”


After a nice tour of the town, Braeburn lead our entourage to the local Saloon that also doubled as a tavern to outside travelers. I sat down as Selene pounced onto the bed and curled up on the pillows and Tune’s robotic claw reached up through the window.

“Well sir, any ideas yet?”

“Yeah I got a few.” When we had been shown the apple trees and their surrounding farm area, I could easily see the problem that the residents of Appleloosa were facing. There were thousands upon thousands of holes dug everywhere. Some trees were toppled over from the large holes dug right beside them. The diamond dogs certainly had done a number to the farm.

“We head out early tomorrow morning at first light and set up shop overlooking the farm using the hill to the south-east as a vantage point. From there we’ll wait and watch. We need to see why they are doing this to the farm.”

“Ah, you mean we shall not be charging into their den and butchering them all at once?” Tune said. I turned to the robotic claw and glared at the camera while jerking my head towards the sleeping form of Selene.

“We can't Tune. Selene is still just a kitten. Maybe when she’s bigger and able to help. But she’s still just a young thing.” I got up and walked over to the window. “Now power down to minimal power usage and set alarm for oh-five-forty-three.”

“Yes sir, and a good night.”

“Good night Tune.” I said as the robot slowly powered down, closed all of its open ports and stowed the weapons down into its main body housing.

I lay down onto the bed, being careful to not disturb the sleeping manticore beside me.


Human not think helpful?

Human think but youngling?

Human will see.


I awoke to the gentle prodding from a metallic robot claw. “I'm up Tune. Alright, let’s do this.” I strapped myself down with my bandoliers and holsters and once my duster was secured around my body I slung my holster across my back and stuck the lever action Marlin 444 into the sleeve holster. I adjusted the Stetson on my head and gently poked Selene so that she cracked her pink eyes at me and got up, arching her back. She jumped down to the floor and walked to my side.

“Lets go get some dogs. Ready girl?”


We moved out of the saloon and down the dusty road heading towards the apple farm as the sun slowly began to rise to our front.

As we reached the hill, I crawled forward on my stomach as Tune stayed back towards the rear of the hill. Something about a big shiny robot just didn't scream stealth. Selene moved with me until I was just at the crest of the hill. I began quietly assembling a hide sheet, pulling long desert grass and twigs from a nearby shrub and began weaving them into a burlap sheet that was three feet long and wide. I laid the sheet across my back and shoulder before removing my hat and laying it beside me. I felt some movement and looked to see Selene slowly crawling under the hide to my left and popping her head up beside mine and giving me a quiet ‘mew’.

“Good girl.” I whispered while sliding the Marlin off my back and peering down the scope into the farm. And now we wait and watch.


“Okay, that’s it.” I said, standing up and shaking the hide sheet off of my back. I stretched and popped my aching joints from lying against the hill for the last ten hours. It was nearing dusk as the sun had begun its descent over the hills surrounding the farm.


“Yeah, come on Selene, this was a bust. I’m thinking that either the dogs just didn't show, or they got tipped off to us somehow.” I rolled my eyes at the lost possibility. Doubt that any of the ponies would want them to stay since these apple trees were the towns only viable resource.

“Did you have a good time sir?” Tune asked as we reached the bottom of the hill and began the trek back to the town.

“Oh fuck off Tune.” I grumbled at him as Selene jumped up and landed on the robot in between his two gun turrets.

We marched along in silence, well I marched along the ground, while Selene rode on Tune who easily maneuvered along the dusty road. Seriously, how do I never get to ride on my own robot?

“Hold on, stop here Tune.” I held up a fist and dropped to my knee and pulled my rifle up to my eye and looked at the town in the distance through the scope. “Something isn't right here.”

The town was empty. Not a single pony moved through the town. A tumbleweed rolled across the street. I pulled my eye away from the scope and shook my head before smiling and looking back through the sight. No one, not a soul at all. Something was definitely wrong here. “Tune, go down there and head to Sheriff Silver Star’s office and get him, offer help once you got him, neutralize all hostile threats. Order of priority is Alphas then Charlies.” That code was to take out all hostiles attacking ponies first, then anything that tried to attack him.

“Sir, help him?”

“Yes. I think that we missed something while we were waiting for the dogs.” I grimaced and stood up, holstering the rifle across my back. “Get the Sheriff while Selene and I head down through the town and find out what happened.”

“Roger sir.” Tune took off along the outskirts of the town heading for the Sheriff's office.

“Let’s go Selene. We got work still to do.” I walked straight for the first building I could see, the saloon.

As we reached the door, I slid against the wall and peaked through the dust caked window. Sure enough, there had to be at least ten diamond dogs standing around the room drinking from mugs and throwing darts at an old raggedy dart board. I could see a group of ponies tied up and sitting against the bar in the far corner of the large open room.

“Shit.” I cursed and looked down at Selene. “Okay girl, you stay here, I’ve got some business to take care of. I looked through the window again and saw all the dogs looking at another dog as he began rummaging through the cabinets behind the bar. Now was my chance to sneak in and find a good firing spot inside the saloon.

I crept forward and edged my way to the door and pulled it open silently before I slipped in.


I stopped moving and looked up at the small silver bell resting above the door. I then looked at all the diamond dogs eyeballing me.

“Well, I certainly saw this going a hell of alot differently.” I said at the room full of slightly angry diamond dogs.

“You come here to die, creature?” The leader of the diamond dogs said with a snarl. He clasped two flintlock looking pistols in his paws and had several more strapped along a bandolier crisscrossing his large furry chest.

“Nah, I’m not in the dying business.”

The dogs all cocked their heads to the side in confusion.

“I’m in the killing business.” I reached under the brown duster I was wearing and drew both revolvers from their holsters on my hip and held them leveled at my waist. The black .357 and the silver .44 both glinted in the dying light that spilled in from the windows in the old saloon. “And pardner, business is a booming.”





I dropped to the ground after unloading both pistols into the diamond dogs scattered around the saloon. Dogs toppled backwards over tables and chairs while one unlucky mutt flipped into the bar and landed on the other side as the powerful .44 round slammed into him. I crawled over to a flipped over table and flipped both cylinders open and dropped the spent shells from the revolvers in a rain of shiny brass that clinked together as they landed on the floor. Using my magic, I floated twelve rounds off of the bandoliers on my chest into the air and into the correct cylinders of the pistols before flipping them closed and twirling them around my fingers and reading the hammers on them.

I took a deep breath and stood up from my cover, both arms outstretched and the revolvers aimed into the saloon, I found three dogs still alive and aiming primitive flintlock pistols at me. This was a new thing. Pistols. Though they might be old and outdated, they had pistols, black powder bullet firing pistols. Not good at all.

“Drop your weapon creature.” The closest dog said, both of his pistols aimed at me. He was wearing a red poncho over his chest that was deeply stained with dirt and grime. I stared back at him and then my eyes darted to a shadow that was creeping along the rafters above our heads.


“RAWR!” With a roar that startled even me, the kitten manticore leapt from the wooden beams and landed on the diamond dog farthest from and rammed her stinger into the back of his neck. Blood erupted in a fountain as she pulled it loose and flew through the air, attaching herself the next diamond dog’s chest with her razor sharp claws.

“RAWR!” Selene roared again in the cute demonic creature way and leaned back before swiping sideways with her front claws across the dog’s throat and was rewarded with a spray of blood that would impress even Sweeney Todd. Selene flipped backwards off the dying dog and landed between me and the final dog who started trembling at the tan and pink manticore that was soaked in blood of the other two diamond dogs.

“So you’re going to answer some questions for me or else you answer to her.” I dipped my head towards Selene who had her claws extended, wings flared, mane poofing out, hair bristled, and tail wagging back and forth slowly.

“Dog answer! Dog answer! So scary, much violence!” The diamond dog dropped both flintlocks to the ground and fell to his knees.

“Where did you and your pals get those?” I kicked the pistol lightly as I kept my revolvers trained on him.

“Griffon came to pack. Offered them and gems to take over pony town!” The dog was on the verge of tears as he spilled his guts about everything. Three griffons had came to them a week ago and gave them new ‘thunder clubs’ to help defeat the ponies and with the gems they were paid to take over the town.

“Why?” I asked him, slowly holstering both my revolvers. Upon seeing me holster my weapons, Selene retracted her claws, tucked her wings back, pulled her mane in, smoothed her fur, and her tail went to being normal. She sat on her haunches and began to lick her blood covered paw.

“They no tell pack. Just to take ponies hostage and wait.”

“Thank you.” I said and then turned around to face the door. “You have ten seconds to run.”

I heard scampering behind me and heard a window break and a thud. I sighed and slowly walked out the door and then launched myself onto the roof of the saloon. Taking a deep breath I reached over my shoulder and gripped the stock of the Marlin. I pulled the rifle from its sheath and aimed down the scope at the fleeing diamond dog.


The round landed dead center and sent the dog tumbling down onto the ground where it failed to move more than a few feet. I racked the lever and watched the shell fall through the air and glisten in the dying light of the day. I tucked the rifle back into its holster and jumped off the roof to find Tune and Selene waiting on me along with most of the populace of Appleloosa. Tune had a few new dents peppering his chassis and Selene was still 90% covered in blood.

“Everypony okay?” I asked, looking at the group of ponies that stared at me with open jaws.

Suddenly I was lifted into the air with Selene as we were tossed around with joyous shouts of praise and excitement.

“Y’all saved us!”

“Thank you!”

“You’re the greatest!”

Selene flew into the air and flew above the crowd while the ponies that she rescued from the saloon brought out milk and food for her. They also brought out a steel tub filled with water, which to my surprise, Selene bounced into happily and had the blood washed from her while she purred loudly much to the pony’s pleasure.

“Well Honored, I guess we owe y’all a huge helpin’ of thanks!” Braeburn said, walking up to me and taking his hat off. “Ifn’ you hadn't came along when y’all did, we’d be a whole heap o’ trouble.”

I waved the country pony off with a smile, “Think nothing of it Braeburn. That’s what y’all had hired me to do. Stop these diamond dogs. And in fact, I got some important information from one of them, something that is going to startle the princesses.”

After staying for a few more hours eating and celebrating with the ponies and helping them clean the saloon and Sheriff's office (way to go Tune, clearing the dogs out by spraying his machine gun through the walls) we boarded the train back to Ponyville, or first a quick stop to Canterlot and divulge the recent information to the princesses that diamond dogs were armed by the griffons to attack a pony town.


“Want to run that by me one more time?” Johnson stood staring at the two princesses sitting on their thrones. Luna had even joined them during the day for the news. Celestia was not taking the news well.

“I told you that the dog said griffons hired them basically to attack and take over Appleloosa.” Honored stated again silently wishing that he had had Tune at the saloon to have recorded what the dog had said.

Celestia and Luna were both going over the information with anger plastered on their normally peaceful faces. “Sister, we can't let this act of aggression go without retribution!” Luna said, slamming a hoof down.

“And what do you propose, sister? We attack them in all-out war? Equestria hasn't been involved in an offensive war in thousands of years. We may have acted in defense, but attack another nation? We have had peace, what could cause this?” Both sisters stared at one another and then slowly turned to look at the human who coughed and tucked at the collar of his armor.

“Honored sweetie,” Luna said in a peaceful voice, “you haven't done anything recently that might spur the griffons into anger have you?”

“No!” He yelled defensively. “Well, I went there Capital to inquire about my contracting with the Black Claw Mercenary group but that’s it. I swear.” He held up and hand and ran through a series of motions, ending with pantomiming something flying into his eye.

Celestia raised a hoof and was about to speak when a guard entered the room and approached the princesses. He gave the human a wide berth and bowed. “Your majesties, I have a scroll delivered by the griffon king, King Stormrobe the Wicked.”

“Oh that doesn't sound bad at all.” The human rolled his eyes and walked towards the door giving a farewell wave to the two princesses. “I’m going to grab more guns and my sword.”

“Stop right there mister!” Princess Luna called causing Honored to slowly turn around. “This concerns you as well.”

“To the Royal Sisters,

It has come to my attention that this demon, this monster, this no good creature that refers to itself as a human resides within your borders, living freely in your territory.” Celestia looked up to look at Honored and looked back down to the letter. “The fact that you allow this creature life is a disgusting atrocity not only to myself but to my griffons as well. As of now, until you hand over the human to the griffon empire, consider the nation of Equestria an active enemy of the righteous griffon empire.

King Stormrobe the Wicked”

Celestia looked up from the letter and to Honored.

“Can they declare war on one person like that?” Honored asked, scratching his head. “GET DOWN!” Honored roared, leaping forward and throwing a red shield around the two princesses as a barrage of arrows shattered through the windows and impacted against the shield, cracking against the magic barrier. Following the arrows, a squad of griffons leapt into the throne room surrounding the human and the two princesses and lone guard.

“This is your one chance to allow us to take the human now, to pay for his crimes against the griffon king and the griffon Empire.” A griffon wearing a silver helmet with a metal spike on the top said, aiming a gold flintlock pistol at the human.

Honored looked to the griffons and back to the two princesses he still under his shield. He sighed and slowly dropped his arms, letting the shield fall and holstering his revolver clutched in his other hand.

“Very well. I submit.”

“WHAT?!” Both alicorns and the griffons yelled at once.

The griffons all looked at one another and shook their heads. The leader waved two forward, who each kept flintlocks aimed on the surrendering human.

“Disarm and come peacefully and you will be allowed to remain conscious.”

The proud human slowly began unbuckling his bandoliers and holsters, dropping the ammo and weapons to the ground. He placed the rifle across the pile of gear and then lastly laid the large bowie knife on top of everything. “Y’all got lucky it wasn't a normal mission or we’d still be here.” He said with a faint smile. “I’m sorry Luna. Celestia. I’m not dragging Equestria into a war that you had no part in starting. This is between me and them. Please take care of Selene and Tune. And when you see Tune, tell him ‘broken arrow’.”

Honored was quickly grabbed and pushed forward, moving with the group of griffons past a group of guards who all kept their spears leveled at the trespassing griffons. He was lead out of the castle and onto a platform overlooking the valley stretching out beneath Canterlot.

Within minutes an airship appeared, bristling with cannons, over the city and held position as the griffons began taking off into the sky. “No funny business human.” The leader said, as he holstered his pistol and grabbed the human in his front talons before leaping into the air and carrying Honored away towards the belly of the griffon warship.

“Honored.” Luna choked out as she watched the human carried away by the griffons. He was gone. Just like that. Ripped from her life without a moment to say good bye.

Celestia just stood rooted to the balcony, watching the airship turn and retreat into the sky. Her face was blank, but inside of her mind, the ruler of Equestria was thinking. Planning. Plotting.

“Luna, Honored has been there to help us more times than I can count.” Celestia looked down to her younger sister with a look of determination and a fire in her eye that slowly spread to Luna as well, “and I think its about time we return the favor.”

Luna nodded and walked from the balcony and towards the war room. She picked up a scroll and a quill and began scratching a message into it while Celestia leapt from the balcony and rocketed herself towards Ponyville.

It was up to them to save Honored this time.


“Tune?” Celestia called out as she touched down in front of Honored’s home. She remembered when she had landed her in anger months before to fight Honored to the death for his relationship with Luna. She smiled at the memory and at how the two had actually bonded over the fight.

“Ah, Princess Celestia, what an unexpected pleasure.” Tune’s robotic voice called out as he slid out from behind the house and stopped before the princess. There was a row of potted flowers neatly arranged on Tune’s back and a sun hat was perched on his robotic arm as it swiveled forward so that it was on eye level with the princess. “How can I assist you princess? Miss Pie and myself were just planting a flower bed in the back.”

“Honored was taken by the griffons and we have to get him back. He also said broken arrow-” Celestia stopped as Tune began to shake. The flowers dropped from his back and the silly hat fell to the ground as the wheels extended from Tune’s chassis and the main body dropped low to the ground before the wheels pulled in and slammed into the body. The wheels which themselves were made up of thousands of ball bearings covering the outside part for traction linked together stretching across the wheels to create treads that wrapped around the wheels.

The two machine guns mounted on the front right turret suddenly locked back and the turret spun forward till the turret was mounted towards the center of the robot. The 40mm grenade launcher turret moved forward as well locking in place in the center of the robot’s chassis and the two missile pods containing the deadly payloads moved up onto the center of the weapon now aiming over the two other turrets. Tune had now dropped nearly two feet from it original height and now all the weapons could aim at the same spot while fixed and still remaining the ability to spin in a free fire mode if needed. Tune now looked more intimidating as ever, creating a rapid assault tank.

“Broken arrow directive accepted, direct command now placed to the activator. Princess Celestia, this unit is now under your command until contact with Johnson.” Tune’s voice was very even, further adding to the scary exterior he had adopted.

“Come along Tune, we have to gather up some more help before we go for Honor.” Celestia said, smiling darkly at the killing machine overflowing with firepower.


Hours after Luna sent the letter off, she was rewarded with a roar of magical gem engines overhead. She exited the throne room and stood on the balcony as a fleet of black airships filled the sky. A small sky carriage dropped down towards the castle courtyard and landed with a slight thud. Exiting the carriage was an extremely large, angry looking minotaur. He glanced up and spotted Luna and made a beeline straight for her.

“Where have they taken him?” Chief Will demanded as he stood before the princess. “I have ten ships at my command and three mercenary companies along with the Vulture company standing by to do whatever is necessary to take these griffons down. It has been too long that they have gone about doing as they please with no regards to others.”

Luna was taken back by the ferocity that Chief Will showed towards these griffons for someone that placed their headquarters. “Soon Chief Will. My sister is gathering her troops and I still have preparations to make. This is the first time in over a thousand years that Equestria is going on an offensive operation. We usually have Honored-” Luna went silent and hung her head. “I will treat him differently once this is over.” She said to herself quietly, as Chief Will shouted an order to a group of mercs that landed beside him.

“We are ready your highness. And I would also like to speak to you both about moving the location of Black Claw headquarters to the southern part of Equestria. I believe that I have grown tired of these griffons, they now steal one of my operatives.” Will closed his eyes and rubbed a hand across his face.

There was a flash of light and Celestia appeared in the throne room with Tune and walked forward as Chief Will stared at the changed robot that belonged to Honored Service. “I see you've recruited a fierce force as well Luna.” Celestia said looking out at the airships holding position over the city.

“I have indeed sister. The great Chief Will here is ready to assist in the saving Johnson. And he also wants to move the Black Claw group here into Equestria with our permission.” Luna answered,looking to her sister as she positioned herself in the front of her throne. Within minutes there was a loud commotion outside of the throne room doors and they burst open, revealing a long parade of Royal Guards, except these guards had armor of carrying colors and equipment not fit for the Royal Guard.

“Sergeant Stand Bold reporting with the Equestrian Honor Guard.” He popped to a salute as the hundred odd ponies, griffons, diamond dogs, and one dragon followed his actions. All the creatures before them were from the EHG and were known as the best of the best. They had passed the training required to become a member and now stood ready to save their commander.

“Sergeant, have your troops occupy the western training field. We will arrange transportation for them as we finalize the plans to save Honored.” Celestia looked on as the Honor Guard filed out of the room, but five members stayed rooted in the throne room. Each one of them had a glowing weapon with them.

“The Elements of Sanctuary. It is good to see you again.” Luna said with a slight smile as she approached them. They all gave her a respectful bow and looked her in the eyes, a fire of anger burning in their own.

“I would like to save my friend.” Covert stated, the shadow seemingly wavering in the sunlight as he stood standing with a katana on his back and a SAW machine gun in his hands.

“He helped us all at one point.” Battle Plan said adjusting the glowing golden bow resting across his back, “and I would love to return the favor.”

“No griffon takes my friends.” Quick Flurry said, dipping to the left and right, brimming with energy. A large dagger resting on his hip glistened with an aura of magic.

Hammer Strike simply stared ahead with a deep frown plastered on his face. The mammoth warhammer resting beside the equally large earth pony glowed a deep blue as it shifted against its owner.

“We want to be the tip of the spear that punches into the griffon lands.” Stand Bold said stepping forward with his crossbow bolts glowing a light pink as he moved.

“Please. The Vultures will lead.” Chief Will scoffed at the pony.

“Oh really?” Sergeant Stand Bold turned to face the minotaur. “I say that-”

“PLEASE!” Luna shouted at the two arguing commanders. “It matters not who leads. We just need to work together to rescue the one who brought us all as one. Besides, it will be me that leads.” Luna said while racking the charging handle on the heavy machine gun beside her.

As the day moved forward and the sun reached its peak, the Equestrian forces and their allies all prepared themselves for the upcoming battle. Most hoped for a swift entry, limiting the number of casualties that would occur. Ponies moved rapidly through the city of Canterlot, acquiring supplies that had not already been supplied by the royal sisters as they were funding the entire operation from their bank accounts.

"Sister, why do we wait?" Luna asked as the two sisters looked at a map of the griffon kingdom. "The longer we wait, the more time the griffons have to ready up a defense."

"Luna, its the griffon capital." Celestia sighed and closed her eyes, "its already defended." She dropped a hoof onto the center of the griffon capital and pointed out a large structure covering at least three square miles. “So we skip the defenses and go right for the prize. The griffon king castle.”

“This is a bold strategy.” Chief Will said eyeing the castle. “We will have to be fast and punch hard. Get in before they can shore up their defense more than it already is. I personally have seen the inside of that fortress.” He said while grabbing a blank piece of parchment and beginning a rough sketch of the castle interior. “The reserve forces are kept here in the lower parts of the castle, at least a hundred armed griffons. But the biggest trouble will be the High Guards that fill the castle. They are the best in the entire griffon kingdom.”

“Well, they are messing with the best.” Stand Bold said with a smirk. “And I don't know what they have trained in, but we have the Elements of Sanctuary on our side.”

“But you're missing one.” Luna said with a frown and a deep sigh. “How could we hope to avoid a full on war if we invade this castle, sister?” Luna turned to Celestia in deep thought.

“Thats it.”

“What's it?” Luna stared at her sister as a sinister smile began to creep onto the princess of the sun’s face.

“Because we aren't going to attack. Honored is filthy rich right? That cave full of gold and gems, he paid to have the Vultures come to his rescue.”

Chief Will smiled and grabbed another sheet of parchment. He began to write quickly and making the words sloppy. It looked as if a foal was writing, or a human who was slowly learning to write Equestrian. “Oh well look what I have here.” Chief Will said holding up the paper. “It seems that Honored paid one point three million bits for the rescue of himself from the griffons by the Black Claw Mercenary company!” He rolled the scroll up and tucked it into his belt, “and acting as a free nation, non-alliances company, Equestria cannot be held at fault for one pon-person’s request of saving.”

“But what about us?” Stand Bold said, looking to the rest of the Elements of Sanctuary, “and for that matter, what about the rest of the Honor Guard?”

“Hmmm” Luna rubbed her chin deep in thought. She jumped into the the air and launched a spell at the five members and was rewarded as the group slowly began to fade into nothingness. “It is very strange that the griffons can claim that an Equestrian special forces unit helped in the attack if they never saw them.”

“That is just evil.” Celestia said with a smile. “And I absolutely love it!”

“Go Stand Bold and bring the rest of the Equestrian Honor Guard here so they may receive their enchantment.”

The hoofsteps of Stand Bold echoed out through the room as the doors opened and closed. “And for the rest of you, the enchantment works so that you can see everypony affected by the spell. But to others you are invisible, so while here in friendly areas, please attach these to something.” Luna conjured up red and black strips of cloth that resembled the EHG colors. Within seconds four red strips of cloth floated in the air marking the position of an Element bearer. Except for one that was about foot lower than all the others.

“Quick Flurry, why is your cloth not on your equipment?” Celestia asked, pointing at the floating cloth.

“You don't want to know where it is.” Battle Plan’s voice said, sending a shiver down everyone's spines.

“What? Its not like it matter, they can't see it.”

“Yes but we can.” Covert said with disgust.

“Oh. Whoops.” The cloth then untied itself and ended up higher.

“Thank you!” Everyone shouted at once.


The sound of thumping steady engines filled the air of Canterlot as the citizens below watched the massive fleet take off and head towards the ocean to embark on the journey across it towards the griffon kingdom. Many ponies were confused by the sudden action of the fleet, but with the news reports letting everypony know about the waterborne training exercises going on for the next few days, everypony rested easy knowing that their guard forces were hard at work training.

“Don't you feel bad lying to the citizens?” Luna asked Celestia as they mapped out and plotted the fastest course to hit the griffon capital while avoiding large cities and any possible lookouts that could tip off the griffons.

“Oh them?” Celestia smiled as she used a ruler to sketch out a line across the map. “No. I've had to do this before back during the diamond dog revolt. Oh and during the great dragon riot.” To be honest with herself, Celestia was having the time of her life dealing with these griffons. Luna had been good with the whole taxes and public codes and laws, but her genius had always been in the inner workings of politics. The true dirty side that the world never saw if she performed them correctly. A few greased hooves here and there and the world would only know of a large Royal Guard water exercise going on.

“As long as you're sure, sister.” Luna still felt uneasy about this attack and what the repercussions for Equestria could be, but Honored was in danger. He was probably being tortured. Or in prison. Or being tortured while in prison.

“Luna?” The dark colored alicorn looked up see her sister moving around the map and resting a wing across the younger’s back. “Please go get some rest. Everything will be alright. He’s a tough one. He’ll be okay. We have the best troops going to save him.”

Luna simply nodded and slowly exited the bridge of the airship for her quarters. Celestia was right. 300 Black Claw Mercenaries and 100 vultures. 95 Equestrian Honor Guards. 1 futuristic rapid assault tank robot butler. And an angry manticore kitten. Of course, the two alicorn princesses that controlled two celestial bodies.

Luna smiled as she entered her cabin and lay down on the bed. The griffons were totaly bucked.


“Good morning Speckle Beak. News?” Sergeant Straight Feather asked the sleepy troop as he disembarked the ballista mounted atop one of the many turrets around the griffon king’s castle.

“None Sergeant, it was-” The griffon raised his head and brushed the brown feathers along his head back as he listened into the early morning air. “Do you hear that Sarge?”


“What in the clucking?” Sergeant Feather asked aloud as through the clouds high above the castle twenty pitch black ships appeared. A large red talon covered the sides of each ship and grew bigger as the ships dropped from the sky directly towards the castle.

“Did the mercs go somewhere?” The private asked looking up at the impressive fleet.

“I don't think so.” Straight Feather swallowed deeply before looking back towards the castle.


A massive explosion ripped through the ground in the center of the courtyard, sending chunks of dirt and stone in every direction. Griffons ran and flew from the explosion as it shook the entire area.

“By the Gods.” Sergeant Feather whispered as all twenty mercenary ships opened fired at once at the unprepared defenses around the castle.


“What in the bearded Celestia was that!?” Stand Bold hollered out as the crews aboard the mercenary ships watched the explosion rip through part of the castle. “Who fired already?”

“No shots fired from any ship.” A crewpony stated, looking up from his console.

“Well something happened! Element of surprise is over, open fire!” Chief Will yelled getting a flurry of salutes and agreements as Black Claw crew members began shouting orders and sending messages rapidly.

The steady rocking of the ship confirmed the firing of the many cannons at the open and unconcealed defenses of the griffon castle. Ramparts, turrets, catapults, ballistas and defender quarters were targeted and blasted away as the twenty mercenary ships open fired with their own cannons and massive airborne ballistas.

“Remember Guards,” Sergeant Stand Bold stood up and spoke into the intercom, the only thing showing that somepony was standing before the console was the bobbing red and black cloth, “you must not be seen at any circumstance. If the griffons discover that the Equestrian government had any involvement in this operation it would mean war!” Stand Bold took a deep breath and then turned back to the microphone, “all members of the EHG get to the designated drop bays. Prepare to drop in one mike.”

“The buck is a mike?” One invisible pony whispered to a floating cloth. This cloth though was at least a foot higher than any other, marking Benton the dragon.

“Don’t know.” The dragon grumbled before the sound of two long swords leaving their scabbards filled the drop bay. “Listen up Honor Guards!”

Silence filled the floating cloth filled bay as the invisible Honor Guards paid rapt attention to the Honor Guard in charge of their group.

“Gold team’s mission is to hit the castle at the front gates and move through securing the entrance. Upon completing the objective, we will secure the main foyer as a headquarters for the princesses to then enter. After that we will receive new orders. Questions, concerns, gripes, bitches, complaints?”

Not a soul spoke as the room remained in an eerie silence, save for the sound of rushing wind blowing up through the cracks in the bay doors.

“Remember Honor Guards,” Benton said while turning from his soldiers and looking at the bay doors, “you must not be seen. At any cost.”

A green gem lit up on the wall and the bay doors dropped open allowing light to fill the drop room. “GO!” Screamed Benton as he leapt forward and into the sky, followed shortly after by the Honor Guard griffons and pegasi. Soon the unicorns followed, utilizing jumping teleports to control their descent to the castle. Lastly the earth bound Honor Guards jumped forward, the wood and cloth gliders mounted to their back ensured their flight to the ground would be longer than the others, but they also carried two gem bombs on each wing that could cause a significant explosions when dropped from over thirty meters.

The invisible guards dropped towards the castle unseen as Black Claw Mercenaries and Vultures also rained down onto the castle causing mass chaos as they landed. Griffons ran in every direction, trying to coordinate a defense, but the sudden attack from above and whatever had caused the mammoth explosion had completely thrown the defenders in disarray.

Stand Bold landed before the gate silently and watched as four other floating striped cloths touched down around him. Silently the group moved forward and held positions as more and more cloth markers formed up around the group of Elements. Stand Bold looked around at the Honor Guards formed around them and prayed silently to the princesses that the invisibility enchantments would hold up. With a nod the pegasus stepped back and fired one pink bolt into the gate causing a beautiful pink explosion to ripple forth across the wood and metal gate.

The doors flew inwards, allowing the invisible guards entrance into the castle grounds. Ten griffons stood poised and ready to strike at whoever dared enter the castle grounds but they all stopped mid swing when they saw that nothing entered.

“Blood and Rags, go check it out.” The griffon wearing a metal helmet with gold edging on it spoke in a rapid manner while shaking around the thunder club he gripped in his claw. The two griffons rushed forward eagerly for a taste of combat but stopped at the gate. Both of them slowly were lifted into the air and then tossed to the side by some unseen force.

“By the creators.” Commander of Defense Golden Wing said as the griffons around him all dropped at once, blood gushing from deep cuts across their throats and stabs in their chest at the heart area. All perfectly coronated at the same time, leaving the Commander standing shaking as he whipped his pistol around and around trying to see what had killed his defenders.

“AHH!” The griffon screeched as the talon holding the pistol was sliced off easily, before it dropped to the ground. Golden Wing stumbled backwards, falling to the dirt clutching at his bleeding appendage. “What are you!?” He screamed out as he felt something sharp rip into his chest. He looked down slowly as darkness began creeping into his vision to see a golden arrow protruding right below his heart. He died hearing the sound of hoofsteps marching around him and into the front door of the castle, his defense broken and shattered in a matter of minutes.


“My King. We must get you to safety before it’s too late!” Head of the High Guards, Master Blade Rain said while trying to get the griffon king to leave his throne. The king was staring in disbelief at the reports before him. Mass attack from the Black Claw group under the payment of one Honored Service for his rescue. How could that lone freak afford something so effective? How had he even arranged it? The monster human had been in the torture room for the past two days nonstop.

“And the explosion?” The king finally spoke as he crawled from his throne. “What was it?”

Master Rain looked at the king with a sorrow filled look, “Sir, what do you think it was?”

“He’s escaped?!”


“Squad Apple move now.” Stand Bold pointed as the next group rushed forward and secured the west hallway leading into the grand foyer of the castle. “Baker and Charlie Horse, grab residence and cover along North and East hallway. Move!” The invisible Honor Guards moved quickly and silently into their positions.

Griffons wearing long flowing red robes and carrying multiple thunder club pistols moved along the always, unknowingly towards the invisible death creeping along the columns and walls right beside them.


One High Guard looked down in surprise at the pink light glowing from his chest and the sharp burning pain it brought.

“What the-”


The griffon vanished into a pink mist with scattered chunks of flesh, feathers, and fur. Seconds later the hallways of the castle where filled with the sounds of combat as unsuspecting griffon guards were dispatched by the hidden Equestrian Honor Guards. One hit lethal kills were almost always common. Slashed throats. Decapitated heads. Sliced out hearts. Arrows through eyes. All of these quick deaths covered the majestic halls of the griffon king’s castle.

A few High Guards retreated to the throne room to find fifteen other High Guards, the Master High Guard and the King all still alive.

“You five with me, we have to get the King out of here and to safety!” Master Blade Rain said, tossing the silver helmet from his purple feathered head. “The rest of you stay put and try to buy us-”


The group all looked to the wooden doors on the other side of the throne room to see them cracking and splintering at the edges.

“My creator.” Master Rain said while drawing the enchanted long sword from his back.


“Protect the king.”

THUD - Crack-

“I’ll try to hold it back.”


“Get moving!”





Stand Bold and Benton both lifted their weapons, signaling a stop. The Equestrian Honor Guard members that made it to the throne room doors halted and held position.

“We go in and secure the King. He must be alive. He knows where Honored is.” Stand Bold said quietly to the guards around him. “Remember he needs to be alive. No kill wounds.”

“On my mark,” Benton said, raising his sword up, “now.” He kicked the door open and ran into the room, followed by fifty members of the EHG and the Elements of Sanctuary.

The guards moved in and secured the room, only to stop and stare at the back of the throne room, past the massive craters and bodies of griffons lying everywhere.

Resting on the throne, laid out across the armrests, was Honored.

He was covered in blood either from the massive cuts and exposed muscles on his body or the dead griffons surrounding the throne. Around his waist was a simple loincloth that was as soaked in blood as he was. Around his back he had draped the brilliant red and gold cape that had once belonged to the griffon king. And on his head where his iconic helmet or brown Stetson usually rested, was now a slightly bent and charred gold crown studded in green jewels.

“Hail to the King baby.” Honored growled out, as he rose from the throne. He stood up on the throne and massive black smoky wings extended from his back, spreading out behind him sending wisps of black fog into the air. His eyes were the same gold green they always had been, but now the pupils were slit like. His mouth was twisted in an evil smile revealing two long fangs that extended out from where his normal canine teeth should have been.

“Honored!” Luna yelled as she rushed into the throne room and stopped before the altered human. Tune, Princess Celestia, and Selene all came to stop behind Luna as they all looked to the human glaring at them from across the blood soaked room.

“I’m glad you all came.” Honored’s voice was deep and smooth, sending chills through every body in the room. “I would like to leave this place. I have grown bored of these griffons.”

“Honored?” Luna whispered looking to the altered human. What had happened to him in two days?

Author's Note:

Thanks to the new Pre-readers and editors! They have picked up my slack!
Carry on my readers!