• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 5,489 Views, 67 Comments

Loyal to the Crown - Sparx

As the annoyance and tedium of work begins to wear on Celestia, she notices Rainbow Dash, brash and bold, defending the good name of the Princess.

  • ...

Sunshine and Rainbows

"Dearest sister, it is time for thee to awaken." Celestia heard Luna's voice urge her awake. She let out a yawn in response, crawling from her bed into the darkness that filled her room. Over the blindness, Luna’s voice still proceeded through. "We have already lowered the moon and stars, all that remains is for thy sun to rise."

"Of course, Sister." Celestia answered, her eyes were barely open as she made her way to her balcony. She let the cool night air surround her and took a deep breath. She let her horn glow as she spread her wings, taking to the sky as light began to peer behind the mountains. With each flap, she brought herself and the blazing star higher, until it had reached it's respective place in the sky. Celestia descended and let out another yawn and reentered her bedchambers.

"Bright and beautiful as always, dear sister. Much like thyself." Luna complimented. "Now, if thou wouldst get ready, an audience will be gathering in the throne room to discuss various matters and happenings around Equestria. It is thy duty to attend and listen to the concerns of our subjects."

"Yes yes. I'll be there." Celestia said as she brought her crown to her head. "Who will I be presiding over today?"

"It seems that thou art to be meeting with various members of Canterlot's privileged." Luna answered.

"Ugh...Snoots." Celestia let out a sigh as she placed her collar on. "I won't be looking forward to this."

"Our apologies, sister. If it is of any aid, we will be at thy side." Luna offered.

A light chuckle came from Celestia. "You're always a welcome addition, dear sister. I'd be glad to have you at my side." As she placed each hoof into their respective boot, she shook her head, causing her mane to shiver and flow in chaotic patterns before taking it's natural state. With a whip of her tail, she repeated this process. "About what time will this be occurring again?"

"Two hours from now." Luna responded. "Shall we make our way to the dining hall?"

Celestia nodded happily. “That sounds like a good plan dear sister.”

With the time they had, Celestia and Luna made their way towards the dining hall, on their route they gave out orders for guard patrols, selecting a number to join them in the throne room during the meeting. When the guests had arrived, Celestia took her spot on the throne, with Luna at her side as various unicorns made their way into the room. From moment one she was bored out of her mind, still, Celestia kept her kind and smiling mask on to appease the rather pointless drivel and whining that these spoiled pony folk insisted on spewing. Having Luna there, did make it more tolerable, and made Celestia only happier to have her sibling back. Luna seemed much more invested in the topics brought before them, and even called a pony or two out when she felt they were trying to bullshit their way into getting more comforts.

"We said no! Bribery will not change our minds, so do not act so foolish! Either voice a valid complaint or remove thyself from our sights!" A rather embarrassed mare looked rather insulted as she made her way out of the throne room as Luna had requested.

The next ones to step up were a husband and wife, and from the look of them, Celestia already knew that they weren't going to be anything good. The male was grey with a black mane and spectacles resting on his muzzle, while his wife was a yellow color with a two-toned mane of a light purple and white. They seemed to exude self-importance as they carried themselves, with their noses high in the air and chests pointed out.

"Greetings, Princess. My name is Jet Set, and my wife here is Upper Crust." He spoke as if she should be impressed. Celestia merely gave a nod and asked what they wanted to know. "Well..." There was this smug and sinister smile that he gave that made Celestia's stomach start to churn as she braced for the inevitable. "We were wondering. With the recent threats of Nightmare Moon, Discord, the changelings, and more; why is it that we rarely seem able to depend on you? We've seen little activity come from you in time of crisis, what makes you think that you're a worthy leader for Equestria anymore?"
Instantly Celestia dropped her smile, but the boiling anger and contempt she held for this arrogant pile of refuse was still remarkably hidden inside of her. Already Luna was about to point these two towards the door before a voice from the back of the crowd rang out.

"What the hay did that slimy rat bastard say?" A pegasus pony flew up from her spot in the group, blue with rainbow mane. She made her way to the front, landing in front of Jet Set with an angry glare on her face. "You won’t be dissing the Princess while I’m here, bucko! You wanna try saying that again?"

Celestia was suddenly very interested in the current topic. She'd dealt with critics like this one before, but nopony had ever actually interjected and stood up for her like this. She'd always send them away with an explanation that would silence them and her day ruined. But, sure enough, Rainbow Dash was standing there, supporting her.

"Oh look dear. Another ruffian is looking for a fight." Upper Crust said letting out a very dry and dull laugh, Jet Set jumping in along with her.

"Don't think I wouldn't jump at the chance to rumble with you too, Shit Bitch! Nopony talks bad about the Princess when I'm around! She's the one that got us through most of the junk you listed! She saw it coming and sent the elements of harmony to fix it! Even when she didn't see it coming she stood up and tried to straighten it out! I'd like to see you do any better!" Rainbow started dragging a forehoof across the carpet like she was ready to charge.

The guards at Celestia's side began to move to subdue Dash, but Celestia motioned for them to wait.

"Well if she knew what was coming, why didn't she do something about it herself?" Jet Set insisted, thinking that he had one upped Dash.

"'Cause she had to stay here taking care of ignorant fuckwits like you, who can't so much as wipe their own ass without feeling the need to complain!" Dash forced her head against Jet Set's staring him hard in the eye, and actually managing to force him back a few steps. "Here's a better question; if you think taking care of the changelings was so easy, why didn't you do anything about it? Huh? I don't remember seeing you trying to take out the changeling queen, fuckass!"

"Such language!" Upper Crust said with a disgusted look.

"Oh, I'm sorry if I offended you!" Dash continued, with a sarcastic edge in her voice. "I guess I should be polite and inoffensive like you two were being, shouldn't I?" She started backing Upper Crust now. "Are you serious? I'm just a little bit peeved off at you right now so forgive me for trying to make it obvious! Or maybe I'm being a bit subtle? How's this? Fuck you!"

Celestia had to honestly focus to prevent herself from laughing. She watched with utter enjoyment as Jet Set and Upper Crust excused themselves and left. Dash then made her way back to her spot before Celestia called out. "Rainbow Dash. If you would please stay after we are done here, I would like to speak with you." Rainbow gave a look of confusion as her ears drooped and she gave a look like a sad puppy that knew it had done something wrong. Celestia thought it was pretty adorable.

The rest of the meeting went by without much excitement, though there were rather consistent mumbles from the crowd over the scene that Rainbow Dash had brought about. Though soon enough it came to an end and Luna escorted them out, making her way to her chambers to retire. Celestia requested her guards leave the room and soon she found herself in the throne room alone with Rainbow, looking rather ashamed of herself. She rose from her throne and descended towards Rainbow, giving a stern look to try and keep that hurt puppy look upon Dash's face.

"Look, I'm sorry I went off like that, Princess. They shouldn't have been saying all that stupid junk! You're a great leader, and nopony else could do the things that you do!" Dash insisted.

Celestia kept her gaze focused on Dash, milking it for it's worth. Dash began to pout a little before Celestia burst out laughing, confusing poor little Rainbow. "That was amazing!" Celestia laughed. "That had to be one of the most entertaining events I've ever presided over! They were terrified of you."

Rainbow Cocked her head, perplexed. "Uh...what?"

Celestia continued over he laughter. "I honestly hadn't been expecting that. I'm so glad that somepony actually bothered to say something to those...those...what did you call them?"

"Fuckwits?" Dash answered, almost hesitantly.

"Yes! They were too!" Celestia stopped laughing and gave a smile to Dash. "Thank you for that. It was very kind of you, and quite entertaining if I must say."

"Well...you're welcome, Princess." Rainbow answered, a slight grin appearing on her own face. "I meant it too. You're better than that, and they should know it!"

Celestia shook her head. "Oh, there'll always be snobs like them. Usually I'll dismiss them and they'll feel all high and mighty for thinking that they 'showed me' or something like that. Nopony really calls them out like that, except for Luna." Celestia looked at Rainbow Dash as she brought a forehoof to her multicolored mane with a smile on her face. "By the way, what are you doing here in the first place?"

Dash looked back up at Celestia, scratching absently at her neck. "Well my boss screwed my schedule on weather duty pretty terribly and wouldn't own up to it. So I'm busy working with the team over here for a week. I could have fought a lot harder at it, but the Wonderbolts are doing a show here, so silver lining and all that." Rainbow Dash answered shrugging. "Told Twilight and the gang, and got a few suggestions of places to hit up while I'm here too. Never spent that much time in Canterlot so I figured I'd check it out. Got a bit lost around the castle grounds when I saw a bunch of the ritzy unicorns heading in here, so I figured it musta been where the party was at, and boom, now I'm here."

Celestia chuckled. "That's quite a story. How could your boss put you in a different town?"

"Well schedules are all sent from Cloudsdale and spread all around the place. Some ponies actually do travel between Canterlot and Ponyville for weather work. Granted I think they're a bit crazy for it. Long story short though, he got drunk off his ass on scheduling night and booked me up here for a whole week." Dash gave another shrug. "But again, no big deal...this time."

"And you just happened to wander in here with the crowd thinking it was one of the activities you were recommended?" Celestia continued.

"Well it was one of Twilight's suggestions, and she said she spent a lot of time on the grounds. I've only really ever followed her around here, so I figured if I took a bit of a tour I'd be able to find my way around a bit easier when something goes down...and like I said earlier, 'I got lost.'" Dash Answered.

"Slightly ironic that you should get lost looking for a tour so that you wouldn't get lost." Celestia said with a sly grin.
Rainbow Dash gave out a laugh. "Yeah, I guess it is when ya say it like that."

"Well, since you are here, and I have this rare occasion in which I have little else on my schedule today, how would you like if I showed you around?" Celestia offered.

"That'd be great!" Rainbow said with a smile. "But if it's okay, I should probably get my tickets to the Wonderbolts before they sell out!"

"Nonsense, you're a friend of Twilight's. You'll be able to view them with Luna and myself for free." Celestia insisted.

Dash was struck speechless for a moment before she burst out in a girly squeal. "OH! Thank you! Thank you thank you thank you thank you! That's so awesome! Yes! I knew you were the best princess ever!" She squealed again and fell on her back, wiggling her hind legs as she thrust her forelegs into the air with a cheer. "Free Wonderbolts show!"

Celestia smiled wider as she watched Dash's enjoyment play out. "Well then, for now, how would you like to join me around town? I'm more familiar with Canterlot and would be able to identify most of your recommendations."

Dash rolled back up onto her hooves. "Sure! Should be fun. You sure it's okay?" Celestia gave a nod, Rainbow pumped a hoof into the air with joy. "Awesome. You know, I didn't know you were this cool, Princess. No offense."

"No offense taken!" Celestia replied. "There's rarely anypony around to have any fun with. It's pretty dull, I won't lie."

"Well then, let's get going!" Rainbow Dash insisted, floating into the air.

They made their way out of the castle and discussed where they should go. Eventually Rainbow Dash brought up an ice cream shop that Spike had mentioned to her, apparently a favored establishment of his. Celestia recognized the name and agreed that it sounded like a good idea. They'd pick up a few cold treats and chat, maybe grabbing some lunch afterwards. When they arrived, they were seated almost immediately and offered their bowls for free. Celestia insisted though that she had the bits to pay, and offered them a little extra.

"You get this a lot?" Rainbow Dash asked as their host left to fetch their orders.

"When I actually manage to get out, yes." Celestia answered. "So, what was it you ordered again?"

Rainbow's cheeks blushed slightly as she mumbled a little. "Oh...nothing really interesting." Dash insisted. "I...got the rainbow sherbet." She began looking around the shop, avoiding eye contact with Celestia.

"Well, I should have seen that one coming." Celestia giggled. "Sense of familiarity?"

"That's a fraction of it, yes." Rainbow Dash went on. "Always thought it was cool when I was a kid, that there was something like that that matched my mane. After having it for a while, it grew on me, and became a favorite of mine. I know it's mostly a foal flavor, but I really do like it. It reminds me of when I was a filly."

"Sounds reasonable to me." Celestia answered. "Besides, where does it say that it's a foal's flavor?"

"Well...you know. It's just kinda implied. Bright and colorful flavors are often meant for kids."

"I don't think that your friend Applejack would agree with that. Doesn't she help harvest zap apples every year?" Celestia insisted.

Dash thought for a second and raised an eyebrow, nodding in agreement. "Never thought of it like that. You raise a good point."

When their host returned with their treats, it was Dash's turn to comment on Celestia's dessert of choice. "So you really are a bit of a cake fiend eh?" She chuckled out, looking at the small slice of ice cream cake on the plate across from her.

"Yes, it's true." Celestia sighed in a playful manner. She began taking on goofy voices, acting out a bit of parody. "'Did you hear that the princess likes cake?' 'Well of course I did! Isn't that just shocking?' 'Oh absolutely! To think that perhaps she might actually enjoy something delicious and bear to be seen doing so. It just blows my little pony mind!' 'Mine too! I tried eating cake once and got fat! I think the princess might be fat!' 'I believe she's fat too! Oh how I'm so glad that I can feel better about myself now that I know that our leader is fat!'"

Dash laughed at Celestia's act. "Are all the unicorns in Canterlot complete tight asses?"

Celestia shrugged as she swallowed a piece of her cake. "Not all of them. Mostly the ones born into comfort. Unfortunately that's the majority of who I have to deal with from day to day."

"Well then. We should definitely hang when you're available this week. That's gotta be totally dull." Dash answered. "Ya know, for royalty I find you really easy to talk to."

"After a thousand years, I really don't desire to act as royalty when I don't have to." Celestia explained. "In fact, if you could, would you mind refraining from calling me Princess?"

"Sure. Any preference on what I should call ya?" Dash answered.

"My sister will occasionally call me 'Tia', a childhood nickname I rather enjoy." Celestia answered.

"Well then, Tia, how is your 'super fattening' cake tasting?" Dash chuckled.

"Well, I've only been enjoying my sweets for a good thousand years, but poor old me, it all goes to my butt!" Celestia laughed right back, standing and pouting at her flank. "Then again, I've never heard any suitors complain." She said with a cheeky grin.

Rainbow had to struggle to keep from spraying her mouthful of sherbet everywhere in a fit of laughter. She swallowed hard and let loose a guffaw. "Gotta admit, there's a lot of it to love! Best plot Equestria's got!"

Celestia giggled again in return. "Such an eloquent compliment! I ought to use that in one of my speeches!" The two of them were laughing in unison. Throughout the rest of the day the two of them continued to hop from place to place, chatting with one another about the pains they would go through during their job, the ponies that they hated to deal with and cracking jokes about them. "You can't be serious!" Celestia said through her chortle.

"No no no! I totally mean it! I told them all that we needed to stir up a blizzard for the day, and the bitch comes up, completely straight faced, and tells me that she's afraid of reptiles. She was seriously that stupid! A pegasus who doesn't know the difference from a blizzard and a lizard!"

Celestia let out a snicker, trying hard not to bust a gut in public. "Ooooh jeez. What a nimbus-ile eh?"

Dash shook her head as she chortled. "I can't believe you just said that."

After a day full of Canterlot cuisine and stupid work stories, Celestia made Rainbow an offer. "It's about time that I bring the sun down. Would you like to watch? There's an amazing spot where where you can see the entire horizon just glow in some of the most beautiful of colors."

"That sounds like a pretty good deal! Lead the way!" Rainbow Dash replied. The two of them spread their wings, and took off. Originally Dash was thinking that Celestia had been talking about some sort of tower from the castle, however they quickly passed the structure, continuing on towards the mountain near the town. They circled around where the waterfalls crashed, and Rainbow followed Celestia's descent. They landed next to the water.

"I've also found that the waterfall adds a nice touch. Don't you?" Celestia asked.

"Yeah! I really enjoy waterfalls. Even tried seeing if I was faster than one at some point...I crashed." Dash's ears drooped at her admittance.

Celestia giggled again. "A lot of your stories seem to involve injury. You should pay more attention when you're flying."
"If I had a bit every time I heard that." Dash returned. "So, when you gonna start the show?"

"Soon. Would you mind fetching us a more comfortable seat, first?"

"Sure." Dash flew up quickly and grabbed hold of a rather large cloud, bringing it down, just above the ground so that Celestia could step up onto it and take a seat. Dash took a spot right next to her. Celestia closed her eyes as her horn began to glow.

Dash watched as the sun began to descend onto the horizon, the light in the sky slowly dimming as it was swallowed by the distance. Then, in a single moment, with the crashing of the water behind her, she saw what Celestia was talking about. The pinks and oranges in the sky began to blend into the land below, painting it like a canvas of dirt, foliage and stone. It was as if the light was Celestia's brush, and each time the sun would droop lower, it brought together a new piece of artwork, darker, but just as beautiful as the last. She felt something wash over her, a deep appreciation for the world surrounding her, and the mare beside her who brought it to her attention. As darkness overcame the light, and the colors began to fade to black, Rainbow turned her attention back to Celestia. She was smiling warmly with her eyes shut, and horn glowing, as if she saw even more to the scene below than Dash had. She looked beautiful. Powerful enough to turn the earth into her own masterpiece for a few moments, but with a smile so calm and gentle. She truly fit the definition of goddess that Rainbow thought of in this moment. It was as if she was a completely different pony than the goofy and impish one that had been hanging out with her the entire day. Though it was this radiance and tranquility about her that Dash had stood up for earlier in the morning. Celestia was a collected and ancient being, who apparently grew weary of having to be that being every day, for years beyond Rainbow's measure.

Celestia opened her eyes as the sun's light was extinguished, her horn no longer shedding it's own illumination. "Well?"

"That was...incredible." Rainbow answered. "There was just something really...magical about it. I mean without the whole magic behind it, you know. Just the way that...I can see so much from up here, and to see it all change in the light like that. It was amazing!" Dash looked upon the landscape again, imagining the light dancing on it once again, and the feelings that ran through her as she watched. She gave a satisfied, relaxed smile as she returned her gaze back to Celestia, meeting her eyes. She was giving a warm look back.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. I haven't had the opportunity to share this with very many ponies. You're one of three who have seen it all from this spot. The others were Twilight Sparkle and Luna." Celestia's eyes were warm and bright.

"Well then... that's something." It was odd. Dash couldn't find her words as easily as she had earlier. Was it because Celestia was now behaving much more like royalty? No, for some reason Rainbow was still aware that who she was looking at was the same mare that she had been spending the day with and cracking jokes to. It was her stare. Something about the way she looked at her, made Rainbow feel relaxed, and yet nervous at the same time.

"It's not often somepony stands up for me like you did this morning." Celestia said. "I know I've already said so, but it really was kind. Sometimes it's nice to speak with somepony who doesn't think I'm only there to complain to and fix their problems. Somepony who I don't have to be 'Princess' for, and can just be 'Tia.' I'd forgotten what that felt like." She let out a small chuckle as she looked down at Canterlot. "If Luna heard me talking like this, she'd simply say 'It is our duty, Sister! Thou should not whine about duty.' Twilight wouldn't really understand either. I'm her teacher, and she holds me in such high regard."

"Well of course. We all should." Rainbow answered. "You're our leader."

"Yes, but Twilight sees me as more than that." Celestia smiled. "You're something different, Rainbow Dash. You don't mind being brash and crude in front of me, but you're not some uptight unicorn who only wants me to hear them go on about irrelevant things that I can't control either. You've shown me actual friendship today." Dash could only keep watching Celestia speak, enthralled by her words, and at a lack for her own. "If I remember right, you said something similar back when Discord had awoken. Something like, 'I'll always be loyal to the princess.'"

Dash felt herself blush, though why she didn't know. "Yeah. It's my element after all."

Celestia nodded. "Loyal to the crown, loyal to the land. It's an admirable trait. Staying true to your friends and loved ones. Not everypony can manage that dedication when it truly matters."

"Yeah. Dad always said 'Loyalty makes us all stronger. If we don't stay true to our friends, how can we expect them to stay with us in turn?'" Rainbow added with a light laugh.

"He sounds like a wise stallion." Celestia returned.

Dash merely nodded silently. "I should probably get back to my hotel room. Gotta work early tomorrow."

"Where are you staying?"

"Don't remember the name of the place. The innkeeper said his name was Warm Fires though."
Celestia let her horn give off a little glow, and in a few moments a scroll seemed to appear in a spark of light. "Give this to him. He'll give you an upgrade for free."

Dash gave a large grin. "I'm really starting to like this friendship, Tia." She grabbed the scroll and tucked it under her wing. "Thanks." She stood on the cloud and spread her wings, but stopped in a small bit of hesitation. "Hey. I may be working tomorrow, but I'm not the next day. So tomorrow night, you wanna hang a bit longer? I have a friend, she's a DJ, and she told me about a club that she played at. Sounds like something really cool, and maybe a good way for you to unwind."

Celestia took on a face of interest. "I'd be delighted to join you. It should be an interesting experience."

Rainbow gave a cocky smirk. "Then I guess we'll see how royalty dances." She took to the skies, and flew off back down towards Canterlot.

Celestia returned to her chambers, yawning and stretching, ready for Luna to take over in the night, though she was surprised to see her when she opened her eyes. "Hello, Luna. What brings you into my room?"

Luna gave a suspicious look towards her. "We noticed our sister wasn't around the castle when We awoke. Guards report that thou were walking about the city with Rainbow Dash."

"And?" Celestia answered with a small giggle. "I've done my duties for the day. It was slow, and I decided I'd get out and socialize."

Luna nodded. "We understand, sister. But thou must know that surely more ponies will behave like the uncouth stallion and his wife from this morning if they find thee fraternizing. We wish not to interfere, but surely thou would not wish for such...unfavorable attitude."

Celestia walked on towards her bed. "There will always be annoyances like them. My actions won't change that."

"But it might expand their numbers! Does that not worry you, sister?" Luna pressed her point.

Celestia let out a huff. "You know...not really! I think I've found a way to actually relax and unwind for once. I was able to enjoy myself quite a bit today. If I have to deal with a bit more criticism to have a little fun, I think I'll do so. It's only for a week anyway." She yawned once again. "And you don't have to talk like that anymore, dear sister. At the very least don't do so when it's only me."

Luna frowned as Celestia slipped into her bed. "Fine. I would advise that if you keep up your enjoyment, that you mask yourself to minimize any backlash." She then made her way out of the room, letting the door quietly close behind her.

Celestia felt sleep start to take her. "Right...will...do...tha--" but her weariness overtook her, and she drifted into slumber.

The next morning came and went, as Celestia brought the sun into the sky and attended to her duties. Rainbow Dash made her way through work, setting the clouds where their schedule designated, and aiding in whipping up the wind with her wings and the aid of other pegasi. It didn't take them too long to wrap up their schedules, meeting up with one another outside the castle.

Rainbow Dash however was surprised when she saw, not Celestia approaching her, but a pegasus with a white coat and pink mane, sporting a cutie mark very similar to Celestia's with a cloud obscuring the sun. "Hey!" Dash said. "You seen the Princess anywhere around here?"

The pegasus smiled and put a hoof to her chin, looking to the sky in thought. "Hmmm. Princess...Princess...do you mean Princess Luna?" She replied coyly.

"What? No, sorry. Celestia. You seen her?" Dash insisted.

"From time to time. She does often spend time in this location, so I think that you're on the right track, Rainbow." The pegasus seemed to be almost mocking Dash.

"Are you making fun of--wait. I never told you my...Tia?" Dash suddenly started laughing. "Okay, you got me good there. So what's with the new look?"

"Something that Luna suggested. I'll be in disguise for the day to avoid anypony building any more negative actions onto my apparently growing record." Celestia answered. "Should we get going?"

"Sounds like a plan!" Dash replied in gusto. The two of them spread their wings and made their way into the city. They spend their day visiting more of the Canterlot sights and attractions, from food and drink, to even a film that Rainbow had been eager to see since it's release, as it starred Spitfire in a guest role. One thing that Celestia found herself enjoying, was that nopony seemed to treat her different in this form, they only saw a normal pony walking around. Rainbow on the other hoof, would give harsh glares towards anypony who seemed to give 'Tia' less respect than she deserved, often tempted into resorting towards intimidation. Celestia would simply chuckle and tell Rainbow Dash not to worry about it however, and would simply drag her along.

When time came for night to fall, Celestia and Rainbow Dash returned to the spot on the mountain where they had watched the sun set the previous night. As Rainbow fetched the cloud for them to sit on, Celestia returned to her true, alicorn self. Rainbow watched with joy and awe as Celestia brought the sun into it's descent, scattering light across the land once again in a masterful display. However, this time Dash also caught herself watching Celestia a bit more than the previous night, admiring how simple and routine this act was to her.

"Are you aware of how cool that is?" Rainbow asked once the sun had vanished under the land. "I mean, it used to take multiple unicorns to do stuff like that, and you can pull it off without breaking a sweat!"

Celestia let out a giggle. "It's a handy little trick. But yes, I am aware. That's why I brought you here in the first place after all."

"Yeah...hey why is that? I mean I know I stood up for you and all, but that's just something I do. I stick up for all my friends, and of course I'd stick up for you. I don't see how dropping a few b-bombs and yelling gets me on your VIP list." Rainbow returned.

Celestia found herself at a loss for words. She looked down and began searching her mind for the answer. Then she simply shrugged. "You know, I'm not quite sure myself. It is your element. Perhaps though, I saw something in you that I liked. Whatever it was, I'm glad I did it. You've proven to be a dear friend in such a short amount of time."

Dash felt herself blush. "Well, like I said...no big deal...but thanks." She gave off a large, goofy grin.

Celestia then stepped off of their cloud bench. "Should we make our way towards the club then?" She began to change before Rainbow's eyes, reassuming the shape of the pegasus she had met that morning.

"Sure thing, Tia!"

They made their way back down to Canterlot, gliding around the buildings until they found the one they had been looking for. They found it a bit odd that nopony was around before they came to the door.

"What? Closed?" Dash stamped her front hooves down in anger. "Dammit! I was looking forward to that too." She turned her back to the building, rising to her back legs, and let herself drop backwards onto her rear, crossing her forelegs and pouting.

Celestia looked at the neon sign on the door, blinking 'closed' on and off. She began tapping a hoof to her chin once again before she beamed. "Let's sneak in!"

Dash looked up towards her confused. "What? What are you talking about?"

"I'm saying, if we get inside there, then I can turn on the music and lights with a little magic. We can have our own private party." Celestia said excitedly.

This instantly brought Rainbow's smile back onto her face. "I like it! Princess has a devious side, eh?"

"What princess? All I see is you and I around here. Just ol' Tia and Rainbow!" They exchanged laughter before they began making their way around the walls.

As they snuck through the alleyway, Rainbow Dash couldn't help but grin to herself as she felt a bit of adrenaline pumping through her. Celestia was a lot more daring than she originally imagined, she kinda liked it. They came to a back door and Tia sprouted her horn, bringing it to a glow and enveloping it's aura around the door knob. They heard it unlock and made their way in quickly, shutting the door behind them. Celestia once again reverted to her alicorn form, illuminating the room with her horn's light.

"So, I guess we should get something going. Nothing more dull than a silent dance club," Celestia said as she flashed a devious grin towards Rainbow.

"You have a point there," Dash returned the smile with one of her own. "So what d'ya like, Tia? DJ Pon-3? Neon Lights? Draft Punk? Deadhoer5?"

"A little bit of everything," Celestia answered as she looked back to the room. "So, how about we stop discussing, and start the party?" Her horn flared as it's aura consumed the various machinery around the room.

The floor lit up, spreading various lights and colors in brilliant patterns. From above, lights began to strobe and surge in a wide pallet of color. A mirror ball descended, reflecting the lights all around the room. The final touch was put into place, as Rainbow heard the familiar beat of music begin to surge through her, urging her onto the floor. Celestia watched as Dash began bobbing, and swaying left to right as she made her way onto the bright dance floor.

Rainbow was tossing her mane from side to side, as she kicked her hooves in and out, showing off her dexterity and grace as she moved across the floor. She wore a large, toothy grin as she closed her eyes and let the music move her body how it saw fit. Her tail would flick and bounce as she brought her fore legs down on each beat, the clop of her hooves ringing out in alliance with the pounding from the machines. Eventually, Rainbow realized that Celestia was merely watching her and bobbing her head along. Dash motioned a forehoof, while still keeping in step.

Celestia gave a smile and started letting the rest of her body bounce along. As soon a she hit the floor, she made her way towards Rainbow, trying to mimic some of the moves that she watched her do. It soon became obvious that Rainbow was proving to be superior, until she began to shake her flank. "C'mon, Tia! Put your ass in the air!"

Celestia obliged, and took to it incredibly well. She shook it like mad, and Dash couldn't help but laugh and watch, cheering her on. "Best plot Equestria's got, right Dash?" Celestia shouted over the music, laughing along. Soon enough, Rainbow jumped back in, the two of them bumping plots against one another.

After a few minutes of bumping into one another, Rainbow fell to the ground holding her stomach as she rolled from side to side, laughing her guts out. "I can't take it! I'm gonna laugh my ass right off. I gotta say, I haven't laughed this hard in a long time! You're a damned genius for bringing us here, Tia! I'm having a blast!"

Celestia laughed as well. "It was your idea!"

"Yeah, but I never expected somepony like you to break in here and turn it all on! You're Incredibly fun when you wanna be, Tia!" Rainbow rolled back up onto her hooves with a large grin.

Celestia's laugh turned into a half-hearted chuckle. "If that were true, Rainbow Dash, I'd be fun a lot more often. Though it seems I'm more bored and tired than anything anymore."

"That's why we're hanging out this whole week." Dash said with a big smile. She met Celestia's eyes, which seemed to light up at the comment, sinking the music around them to a dull roar to merely back up the scene that played out before Rainbow. "Hey...uh...Is there something going on? ...With...us?"

Celestia gave a light shrug, putting on a slight smirk. "Dunno. What do you mean?"

Rainbow Dash paused, then blushed as she tried to shove the topic to the side with a big stupid grin. "N-nothing. Nevermind. We're just friends after all. You've got suitors banging at the castle doors, I'm lucky we're buds. I'm not interesting enough for the Princess."

Celestia shook her head, giggling. "Now why would you say that?" The music actively dropped, becoming little more than background noise at Celestia's command.

"Well, I'm just a weather pony. I just thought that with the kind stares and all, that maybe something...like I said, nevermind."

"A weather pony who was kind enough to stand up for me without care for her own image. One who was able to look beyond my royal blood and acknowledge me as her friend," Celestia continued as she began stepping towards Dash, the lights under her hooves seeming to follow her. She sat down next to Rainbow and beamed that warm and comforting face towards her once again, forcing another blush from her. "Not to mention somepony that I brought to witness my favorite site in all of Equestria. A truly loyal and dedicated pony, who I'm not going to lie, is rather...dashing?"

Rainbow giggled. "I swear I don't know what it is with your puns, but they get me." She looked back up in those eyes. It was as if they were inviting her, welcoming and calming her. "You can't be serious though...can you? Aren't there a lot of classier ponies who've shown an interest?"

"Must I tell you another story about the stuck up lot around here?" Celestia returned.

"Fair point," Dash said with another giggle. "So...what'll we do then?"

Celestia shrugged once again. "What would you like to do? If you wish, we could continue as we are, see where it goes. We still have five days if you're here for a full week."

Rainbow Dash looked down, and thought. She brought her head back up after about a minute and stared straight. "Well...I guess I don't see any reason not to. You're pretty rad. More than I originally thought, and you could definitely use a break. Plus...It's...not like I don't like it at all." She looked back up to Celestia once again. "I think I could...really get to like you, Tia."

They exchanged smiles as Celestia brought her wing around Rainbow's back. "And I you, Dash."

"Dashie..." Dash corrected. "Uh...it's not important or anything...but if I can call you Tia, I guess you can call me something too...It wasn't my idea by the way. But you can use it...if you want."

Celestia nodded. "Very well...Dashie."

They sat quietly as the music played in the background. Dash began to feel kind of restless. "Soooooo...does that mean we can...like...I dunno...make out...or something?" She could feel her face becoming incredibly hot as it turned a more violet hue.

Celestia threw her head back in laughter for a moment, as Dash continued to blush, rubbing one foreleg against the other and feeling sweat begin to bead on her head. When she finished, Celestia looked back down at Rainbow. "If you wish, I wouldn't oppose."

"C-c-cool..." The music all but faded as the room went black, the only light remaining was the floor beneath the two mares as they brought their heads towards one another, meeting the other's lips in a loving kiss.

The next few days seemed to come and go as Rainbow and Celestia would meet up whenever they could, spending their nights together, exploring the various attractions that Canterlot had to offer. There came days when they would have to work longer than usual, but they always had the sunset, and the night that followed after. They spent the time leading up to then only looking forward to when they could become 'Tia and Dashie' again. Luna often voiced her annoyance at Celestia's absence, but never did much more, only warning that should anypony find out, it could prove to be an irritation for them all.
The seventh day approached them, and the two of them had been voicing their dread to one another about it's end as it approached. However, Rainbow decided she had a bit of news she wished to tell Celestia, but she kept herself quiet until they arrived at their VIP seats in the Wonderbolts show. Rainbow, Celestia and Luna had their own private booth, allowing them to see the entire arena from a personal view.

"I'll take that bet!" Celestia smirked as she placed five bits on the table in front of the three of them. "I've been watching these shows for years."

Rainbow Dash gave a smirk of her own as she slapped her own money on the table. "Not like I have, Tia!"

Luna shook her head. "Honestly, sister, thy complaints ring hollow if thou shouldst act in such a manner. Gambling will not bid favorably in the eyes of the citizens."

"Bid! She's about as bad as you!" Rainbow chortled.

"'Tis not in jest!" Luna insisted.

"Dear sister, it's fine. Like I've said before, I don't mind a bit of their whining, if I can unwind as well. Besides, you truly should be more kind to the mare who has been courting me." Celestia said.

"Fine! Let our opinion simply fly out the window as thou simply throw more fuel onto the fi...courting?" Luna cocked her head in surprise. "Thou did tell us that thou were simply friends. Since when did thy begin courting our sister?"

"Second date." Rainbow answered with a chuckle.

Luna paused. "And...thou art happy, dear sister?"

Celestia nodded. "Indeed. I believe I've found a strong bond with Rainbow Dash, Luna, and would you please stop talking that way when it's just us?"

Luna gave a huff at the order, but continued on. "So what happens after today? Rainbow Dash was only to be here for the week, correct?"

Rainbow popped in. "Well, actually, I have a bit of an idea to that. See, I'm actually having a lot more fun here in Canterlot than I thought I would. So i thought maybe I'd request to start working out here more often, maybe even move a bit closer, like between here and Ponyville. It's not that big of a deal if I can manage that, and we'd be able to keep going." She looked to Celestia. "If you'd like to...that is."

Celestia gave that heartwarming smile that made Dash feel incredible once again, and leaned down to nuzzle her. "I would love to, Dashie."

Luna looked on at them, a bit perplexed. She shook her head to make sure that she wasn't simply dreaming this. "Well...I see no reason to complain if it makes you happy, Tia. If you're alright with the criticism this will bring, then what right have I to stop you."

"Seriously?" Celestia joked. "You ride my ass this whole time, and when I say that we're dating and not just hanging out, you're suddenly fine with it?"

"You act as if I haven't a heart," Luna replied, almost offended. "Besides, perhaps it would be best to get on a possible in-law's good side instead of objecting to her."

Dash and Celestia looked at one another at the mention of in-law with surprise. They hadn't exactly been thinking that far ahead. But before they could voice any sort of objection, the announcement for the show began and drew their attention.
Fireworks were let loose as wind began to rush, pegasi in flight suits made their entrance as they began performing dizzying stunts and astounding tricks. Rainbow cheered the loudest of anypony in the audience, earning a smile from Celestia. The performance went on, earning powerful shrieks and stamps of approval and applause.

"We're stoked that you guys all came out to see us today!" Spitfire called into the microphone. "Now, we're gonna try shaking things up a bit here! For the race, we're gonna be calling down one lucky pegasus in the audience to participate! Who thinks they can match wings with the Wonderbolts?"

Dash immediately felt her heart racing as she heard this. Before she could leap to the sky however, Celestia stood tall. "IF I MIGHT MAKE A SUGGESTION?" Her voice rang out in a booming tone, heard all across the arena.

Spitfire turned her gaze up towards Celestia, Luna and Rainbow. "Absolutely, Princess! We'd be honored to hear your decision!"

Celestia turned quickly towards Rainbow and gave her a wink. "WE WOULD LIKE TO NOMINATE THE PEGASUS, RAINBOW DASH TO PARTICIPATE!" Dash let out a large squeal of joy, her magenta eyes practically sparkling.

"Well then, Rainbow Dash, get on down here!" Spitfire called, and it only took a second for Rainbow to answer, eagerly standing in front of the captain. "Think you can keep up, kid?"

"Just watch me," Rainbow Dash accepted the goggles offered to her and brought them around her eyes with a determined smile, shooting a gaze back to Celestia. She took her spot next to the other racers, limbering up and taking her stance. She couldn't help but get a better look at her idols up close and personal, watching them all ready up next to her. The whistle blew and Dash shot off like a cannon. She let the adrenaline flow through her as she noticed she was leading with only Fleetfoot and Spitfire on either side of her, keeping up. She let her grin overtake her as she felt that extra bit of energy begin pumping through her, before finally, she let loose her true potential. The thunderous crack overtook the entire stadium, blowing manes back as everypony looked on in awe as Rainbow forced herself into first place past the finish line. "YEAH!"

She was congratulated by a rather blown away Spitfire, before she made her way back up to Celestia and Luna. "Nice going, Dashie," Celestia said with a devious smile. "I guess that means I win?"

Dash suddenly dropped the giant grin on her face and exchanged it with a raised eyebrow. "Wait...what?"

"Oh, do you not remember?" Celestia chuckled. "I thought you bet that Spitfire would win the race. From what we all saw, you proved to be the faster pony."

Rainbow's jaw dropped for a moment before she shook her head, giving a slight laugh. "You have a point there, Tia. I guess you did win. Like I give a damn! I just beat the Wonderbolts! There's no way I could be in a bad mood!"

Celestia gave a giggle in return. "Glad you feel that way," She levitated the bits into a bag by the floor as Luna grumbled something about 'gambling where civilian eyes may wander.' "So, I guess that since you'll be nearby more often, we'll be able to entertain ourselves as often?"

"Of course! We'll meet up again tomorrow right? Outside of the castle?" Rainbow asked.

Celestia nodded. "If you wait for me, I'll be there."

The next morning came, and Celestia brought the sun to the sky as she always had, with an eagerness in her heart that told her she would be able to see Rainbow once again. However, when Luna approached her with a nervous look, she knew that duty was calling.

"Tia, there's a bit of an issue," Luna began.

"Of course there is," Celestia said with a sigh. "What's wrong?"

Luna gave a slight frown. "We've been summoned for assembly in Saddle Arabia. They request that we prepare ourselves for about a two week stay as there are some rather heavy political matters happening, bringing the country to a potential war if we do not step in."

Celestia nodded. "Very well. Prepare for the journey, we head out in a few hours." Luna gave a bow to acknowledge her order, and made her way from the room. Celestia frowned as the hopes she had to reunite with her dear friend had been put on hold. She gathered her quill, ink, and parchment and scrawled out a note, explaining that she would be gone and for how long. She called for a guard and gave him the letter. "There will be a pegasus pony in front of the castle around noon today. Please make sure that she gets this letter. Her name is Rainbow Dash."

The guard nodded, and accepted the letter, making his way out of Celestia's room. She let out another sigh, disappointed, however, she still had her position and must make sure that the land stayed safe. She couldn't be selfish when the ponyfolk needed her. Soon the time came and she, Luna, and a few select pegasus guards spread their wings and were on their way.

Noon rolled around and the guard started on his way towards the castle courtyard. On his way there he accidentally bumped into a pair of unicorns. "My apologies."

"I sure hope so! You nearly ran my wife and I over! I'll have you know that I am very close to very important ponies! Have you not heard of Jet Set and Upper Crust?" Jet Set was nearly shouting as he dusted at the sweater tied around his neck. "Where in Equestria could you possibly be going in such a hurry?"

"Well, I was told by the Princess to deliver this letter, to a pegasus known as Rainbow Dash," The guard replied nervously. He was a bit of a rookie and wasn't used to handling the snottier folk.

Jet Set locked eyes with Upper Crust as a devious smile spread across their faces. "Oh really?"

"Well, I should have you know that we are good friends of Miss Rainbow Dash," Upper Crust continued.

"If you wish, we might make your job a lot easier for the day and deliver that letter ourselves," Jet Set took a few steps closer to the guard.

"Really?" The guard looked at the two of them as they nodded their heads rather eagerly. "Well, I see nothing wrong with that. Just make sure it gets to her. She'll be out in the castle courtyard," The guard then relinquished the letter over to the couple and began walking away. "Thanks for the help!"

"Oh, no problem!" Jet Set called out.

"Truly, no problem at all." Upper Crust added. The two of them then continued to snicker as they walked along, no intention of letting the note arrive to it's designation.

Rainbow Dash flew over the city, smiling and eagerly twirling about. She began landing towards the courtyard, taking her place as she always had, waiting for Celestia to emerge. She sat about waiting for a while. "Guess I got here a little early," She took a seat and began looking around, absorbing the sites around her; the various ponies walking around, the architecture, the plant life. Minutes more passed by as Rainbow began to feel boredom settle in. She started kicking at various pebbles at the ground, trying to let the time pass her by. However, as the minutes passed into hours, she felt a little irritated. "Jeez, I guess she's pretty busy today, huh?" She let out a loud sigh as she rolled over onto her back, watching the clouds she had placed in the sky earlier pass by. She looked towards the sun with a hoof above her eyes, taking comfort in it's image and warmth. It reminded her of Tia's wings.

Eventually the sun started to dip behind the mountains and Rainbow could feel her heart start to sink as well. "She didn't show..." She brought herself back up onto her hooves. "Busier than I thought I guess...She'll probably be here tomorrow though." So, Dash spread her wings and made her way home, a small bit of hope in her heart telling her that tomorrow she would have better luck.

Sure enough, Rainbow returned to the courtyard the next day, at the same time. Again though, she found herself waiting for minutes, and hours, before leaving in disappointment. She had begun to get frustrated, but something in her told her to return. So again she returned, same time and same place, to wait for the friend she had come to care for so dearly.
She watched, and waited for Celestia to appear, smiling that beautiful and warm smile that she always did, dropping her regal habits to simply be another mare with her. She waited for that feeling of excitement to see her again. But once again, she saw the sun set, and everypony disperse, with no Celetia. Rainbow Dash simply sat there this time though, looking up at the castle, confused. "Did she forget? I'm right here, like always."

She heard a snooty laughter coming from her left, and turned to look. It was Jet Set and Upper Crust. "Well! If it isn't the Princess' little pet! Have you been abandoned?"

Rainbow gave frown and turned her gaze back to the castle.

"I think you've upset her Darling!" Upper Crust laughed.

"Indeed! Though I can't quite blame the princess! A phoenix is a much more entertaining pet than some common flying mule." Jet Set added.

Rainbow Dash turned and curled her lip as if she were snarling at the two. "You're gonna wanna stop there," Her voice was low and angry. "Turn and walk."

"Is that a threat?" Jet Set asked.

"No. And I won't make any threats. However I will make you a promise," Rainbow Dash spoke through clenched teeth. "If you say anything else about her, I will kick that pretty face of yours until your teeth cave in."

This seemed to be sufficient enough intimidation to get Jet Set and Upper Crust to turn and walk off with uncomfortable looks on their face. When she was sure they were gone, Rainbow flew off once again into the night, retiring.

She didn't know why, but Rainbow Dash found herself returning the next afternoon. Perhaps it was out of spite towards Jet Set and Upper Crust, regardless, she found herself in the same place at the same time once again. She didn't know why she kept coming, only to be disappointed again and again as the hours now turned to days. Rainbow found herself more familiar with the castle courtyard than her own home, even noticed some of the various schedules that played out day to day.

She let out a sigh. "What am I doing here?" She had grown very tired, and noticed the sun beginning to set. She thought of something, and brought herself into the air, flying off to where her instinct pulled her. She found herself on the mountainside by the waterfall where she had come with Celestia. Rainbow took the spot that they usually did, and gazed down upon the land, admiring the scenery below. As she watched the sun's light paint across the earth, she remembered how she would watch Celestia as she would perform this with such a calm demeanor. She allowed the sight and sound of the waterfall to bring her back to those nights. It brought a smile back to her face, letting the dimming light wash over her.

"Loyal to the crown...that's what she said right?" Rainbow shook her head as she let out a little giggle. "Loyal to a fault perhaps too. She did say she'd be there... She's not the type of mare to lie," Dash stood once again as the last bit of sunlight vanished under the horizon. "After all, if I don't stay true to her, how can I expect her to stay with me?"

With renewed confidence and energy, Rainbow returned the next day to the castle. She sat there, in the spot she had been sitting for over a week, finding new ways to try and entertain herself, waiting patiently for her friend to return. She had returned to the habit of watching the sunset in her and Celestia's mountainside, refreshing herself after each disappointment. Screw what any fuckwit unicorn said, there was no way Celestia would simply abandon her.

On the fifteenth day of waiting though, she had begun to grow tired again, the waiting wore heavy on her. It was around two in the afternoon when she wore a scowl, watching as Jet Set and Upper Crust made their way over. "Didn't I say to get lost?"

"Oh, but of course!" Jet Set returned. "Though we just thought that it'd be interesting to see how the pet was holding up. It's been a long while after all. We find it rather impressive that you have yet to get dragged away for loitering. To think that a pet would obey someone who would so callously abandon her," He opened his mouth to laugh, but was surprised when he instead found it full of Rainbow's hooves as she bucked hard in his jaw. "What do you think you're doing?!" He shrieked, trying to gather is now busted glasses from the ground as he bled from his nose and mouth.

"I made a promise, didn't I?" Rainbow shot back. "I said if you kept talking like that I'd kick until your teeth caved in!" Sure enough one of Jet Set's teeth dangled and dropped to the ground as he gasped in horror. "Now get the fuck out of here!"

Upper Crust helped support her husband as they walked away, Jet Set mumbling something that Dash was certain he meant to be offensive, but he could hardly speak very clearly at the moment. As Dash turned around however, she saw two guards approaching her. "Look, the guy had it coming!"

"Please get yourself off the premises ma'am. We can't have violence here." The guards stood in an intimidating way.
Rainbow was hesitant, and backed off. When she looked into the sky, she saw the shapes of two mares approaching the castle tower. Tia! "No, guys, just gimme a minute. She's right there! Just--" The guards grabbed Dash and began dragging her along. "No! Dammit! Let go! TIA! I'M HERE! Get offa me! TIA!" She called out, desperate to be heard as she angrily struggled against the guards. Ultimately, her efforts proved futile as she was thrown outside the castle walls and denied re-entry. "Dammit!" She stamped her hooves into the dirt as tears began to build up. "Two weeks waiting! Two fucking weeks!"

Rainbow shook her head, trying to fight her tears back. She took off to the sky in anger, frustration, and sheer agony. She kept flying, hard against the wind as it swept her tears away. She had waited so long, so painfully long, and when the end was right there, just a few moments away, she was forced apart from it.

Once again she found herself on the mountainside, the only location that could bring her peace. She rubbed her foreleg against her eyes, wiping whatever tears remained, but more only came to replace them. "Dammit...dammit dammit dammit..." It didn't even bring her comfort to see the image of Celestia flying towards her.

"Dashie...are you alright?"

"Where were you?" Rainbow Dash asked. "I sat out there for two weeks and you never came out... I...I just..." She turned her head. "I felt so much...it's exhausting...I don't even know how to feel anymore."

Celestia walked over to Dash, draping a wing over her, returning that familiar warmth and softness to her. "I had made preparations to tell you I was leaving. I don't know what happened, but I'm sorry for all the pain it put you through." She brought her muzzle down to Dash's neck, nuzzling her affectionately.

"I'm just...tired...I stuck it out so long, and I even saw you landing in the tower... and...If I could have been there for a few more minutes..." Rainbow struggled to bring her words out over the lump in her throat. "I wanted to be there for you."
"But we're here...now." Celestia insisted. She knew that Dash's pride was what hurt, that she couldn't keep her own promise. "I screwed up in the first place to make you go through all that...don't tear into yourself for it." Rainbow said nothing, taking comfort only in the warmth of Celestia's wings. "...It's time to set the sun. Will you watch?"

She nodded. "Always." The two of them went through their ritual, taking their seats to observe the land dance in various colors. As Rainbow Dash watched, with Celestia at her side again, she felt herself balancing out once again, refreshing once more, yet completely this time. Her eyes were still red with tears, but as the light disappeared, she turned to Celestia once more. "Tia..."


"I...I was upset. Really upset that you weren't here… The time we spent together was the first time I thought I had somepony who acted like more than a friend, somepony who cared for me as much as I did for them. Tia...you’re amazing in every way. You’re awesome in what you say, what you do…I love that you can joke and smile and yet still make me feel so small. I feel unworthy around you, but you keep me close anyway, giving that warm smile that I love so much…I...I love you, Tia. I love you and want to be with you every day...And I know that it's selfish...but...Tia," Rainbow struggled to finish her thought. "I love you...I stuck it out because I would want you to do the same, and that I couldn't finish what I started just devastates me. Every minute I spent waiting for you--away from you-- I felt my heart aching...I love you, Tia, and you alone."

Celestia felt something welling up inside of her, bringing her radiant aura to a glow as she smiled so genuinely. "You've very well proven that too I would think," She once again embraced Rainbow Dash in her wings, drawing her closer. "I love you too, Dashie." And once again, the two of them leaned toward the other, as the moon rose, silhouetting the two of them as they met the other's lips. They were in it for a long run, and they were ready for it.

Comments ( 67 )

This story needs continuing.... XD

I may do so in the future.

I would like to see more of this if that's ok with you

Interesting. More reason to kick the snot nose pricks teeth in

You definitely need to continue this. Maybe something with Celestia asking the guard she asked to deliver her letter why it never reached Rainbow Dash and then maybe throwing the two trash snobs in the dungeons for lying and stealing royal messages or some such

It's a nice fic and it's good to see this pairing getting more attention. I do feel that, while the grammar, descriptions and scenery is very good, that the dialogue (primarily for Celestia) feels a bit OOC, still quite a sweet story.

I'll agree with you. You have NO idea how hard I found it to keep Celestia regal and proper, while still playing at her impish nature.

Completely agreed, it's a very difficult thing to balance.

The fuckwits need to be punished

Regarding your summary: "As the annoyance and tediousness of work"
Try "tedium". Avoid nominalization to improve your writing.

I knew that there was a word like that. Thanks for reminding me.

this story has a few to many cus words in it...but i enjoy it nontheless

I like foul language...a lot...it's fun. :pinkiecrazy:

3511604 Oh yeah I do too, but you just kinda overdid it a bit, :) but I do love this shipping its like number 4 on my favorites XD

1: TwiDash
2: TwiPie

I can see Dash as a type who would take to swearing like a sailor, but that may just be me. :rainbowderp:

I've grown to really like this ship too after working on 2 fics of it. :trollestia:

3511650 I'm kind a biased on most of my shippings because I love Twilight so much XD but Rainbow Dash is such a good pony to ship others with that its hard to make a bad shipping for her, hell the only two ponies I don't like seeing shipping done with her are Rarity and Applejack and thats just because I don't like Rarity at all, and Applejack just seems like either she wouldn't swing that way or that she'd be with Fluttershy

I can make arguments for both those cases, but we're all entitled to our opinions, and that's what makes the community fun. As for me, Rainbow and Spitfire will always be the one closest to my heart. (But a little AppleDash on the side never hurt either. :ajsmug: )

3511657 Twidash will kinda always be my favorite, I love seeing how other authors make Twilight and Rainbow interact with each other XD

Oh look, a story where ponies can swear for fucking once. Also, I look forward to the possible sequel.

Aye, 'buck' always sounded really forced to me.

3514908 plus the fact they buck trees makes it sound stupid.


Plus I swear like a sailor anyway and despise censorship quite a lot so...yeah.

Great story and excellent shipping. I hope to see more in the future.... so dont make me wait :pinkiecrazy:

Is it just me or Celestia seem a little off? That the only thing wrong with this.

3520678 Yea just a little to much Pinkie Pie.

Nah, If I was going Pinkie, it would have been WAY different.

I found it difficult to find the balance the natures here, and I'll be the first one to accept that she comes off as a bit out of character.

3520695 Still this was a nice story man. The first DashXTia ship I have seen good job.

This was really great. You wrote Celestia in a different way than most people do, and it wasn't unreal. Also, jet set deserved that kick. :rainbowlaugh:

As for the "experimental" pairing, I think it was a success. :twilightsmile:

3511604 I like sharp, pointy objects... They are fun to make staby time with! :pinkiecrazy:\

~ Pinkamina

Cussing has been proven to ease pain! ...but I'll still die... :rainbowderp:

Thank you for using 'fuck' instead of 'buck.' This invention of the fandom's has been bugging me since day one.

And thank you again for writing Rainbow Dash/Celestia. I've been looking for my favorite pony ship for forever. I didn't recognize them in the conversations here though, save for when they were discussing about their feelings for and about each other. The profanity was also quite out of character if you consider it's never used in the show.

If you continue this, I'm curious what punishment Celestia will inflict upon Jet Set and Upper Crust. Benevolent as she is, she doesn't take kindly to such behaviors. Seeing him lose a few teeth was entertaining, at least.

You might want to read the guide on this site about said tags. You've got them confused. You also wrote 'it's' instead of 'its' quite often. And there's no need to both indent and skip a new line between paragraphs; one is enough. Speaking of skipped lines, I noticed some paragraphs lacked them.

Here are the lines I liked;

'With each flap, she brought herself and the blazing star higher,'

'Luna seemed much more invested in the topics brought before them, and even called a pony or two out when she felt they were trying to bullshit their way into getting more comforts,'

'He spoke as if she should be impressed,'

'How's this? Fuck you!"

Celestia had to honestly focus to prevent herself from laughing,'

'Rainbow gave a look of confusion as her ears drooped and she gave a look like a sad puppy that knew it had done something wrong. Celestia thought it was pretty adorable,'

'giving a stern look to try and keep that hurt puppy look upon Dash's face,'

'She squealed again and fell on her back, wiggling her hind legs as she thrust her forelegs into the air with a cheer,'

'"'Did you hear that the princess likes cake?' 'Well of course I did! Isn't that just shocking?' 'Oh absolutely! To think that perhaps she might actually enjoy something delicious and bear to be seen doing so. It just blows my little pony mind!' 'Mine too! I tried eating cake once and got fat! I think the princess might be fat!' 'I believe she's fat too! Oh how I'm so glad that I can feel better about myself now that I know that our leader is fat!'"'

'"Well, I've only been enjoying my sweets for a good thousand years, but poor old me, it all goes to my butt!" Celestia laughed right back, standing and pouting at her flank. "Then again, I've never heard any suitors complain." She said with a cheeky grin,'

'The pinks and oranges in the sky began to blend into the land below, painting it like a canvas of dirt, foliage and stone. It was as if the light was Celestia's brush, and each time the sun would droop lower, it brought together a new piece of artwork, darker, but just as beautiful as the last,'

''It is our duty, Sister! Thou should not whine about duty,'

'I'll be in disguise for the day to avoid anypony building any more negative actions onto my apparently growing record,'

'the lights under her hooves seeming to follow her,'

'"Soooooo...does that mean we can...like...I dunno...make out...or something?"'


'"You act as if I haven't a heart," Luna replied, almost offended.'

I also liked Celestia's rigged bet.

Here are the mistakes I found;

One 'rather' should be replaced with another word in 'A rather embarrassed mare looked rather insulted,'

'looking rather ashamed of herself' would be better served as 'who looked rather ashamed of herself' in 'she found herself in the throne room alone with Rainbow, looking rather ashamed of herself' to avoid confusion,

'he' should be 'her' in 'Celestia continued over he laughter,'

'Answered' shouldn't be capitalized in 'and like I said earlier, 'I got lost.'" Dash Answered,'


Samewise for 'Incredibly' in 'You're Incredibly fun when you wanna be, Tia!'

Well, since my net hasn't dropped yet, I'll respond to these, because I always like to return thoughts with intelligent critiques.

I agree with the 'buck' argument it just comes off as forced unsatisfying. I am also surprised how few Rainbow and Celestia fics are out there and it's what actually brought this on. Staying in character on this one was kinda difficult I'll admit, as for the swearing...Yeah I can see that but from the way I interpret Dash, I can see her as swearing quite a bit, or at least more than most characters.

Which tags? Character or genre? The skipped lines is just how I do things, and any that are forgotten are due to bad transfer from this, to gdocs, and back to this.

Seems we like some of the same lines, and I'll go through at some point and clean up the errors you put here, thanks. :twilightsmile:

By 'said tags', I mean these.

I get what you mean with Rainbow Dash being among the most likely to swear, but here it was a whole sudden bucket of cussing so it's slightly surprising, however deserved it was.

The 'indent/skipped line' is an 'official' thing. Not necessarily a question of life and death. The said tags I mentioned are more important, in my opinion. I won't kill a story, but it can surprise someone used to the traditional way.

I always screw that up. Thanks.

I loved this story. I have a weakness to Dash shipping as I ship her with nearly everypony. The only negative is that this suffers from one-shot syndrome. This is a problem that means basically that it could have been a bit longer and have more of a conflict. Jet Set and Upper Crust as the main antagonists or something. It was good as it was, but I really felt sad that it ended.

Though I prefer TwiDash (Celestia knows why) I like all Dash shipping. Your experment worked unless I am getting my words mixed up. Hopefully in the far flung future you may consider adding to this. CelestiaDash like Luna Dash is very rare and a beloved paring of mine. The rare parings are the best in my opinion. Spike Dash is also really good.

Never mind that there is no evidence on the show of it :flutterrage: I love primarily all of Dash's parings.... except Mac/Dash.... I don't ship him with anypony..... and I have some weird sort of grudge against his ships..... don't ask why..... It won't hurt a story but I don't go out of my way to find them

Good job sir!:heart:

I'm looking forward to it as well!

D'aaaaAaaaawwwwwwwwwwww :heart::trollestia::rainbowkiss:

Tia's in for some heart break in around 40-60 years, a mortal pony only lives so long.....

This was a good fic, especially as far as ships like these are concerned. Really liked how you portrayed their characters. Sure, some things here and there felt a little OOC, but they were nicely counterbalanced by other parts being in-character, and just cute in general. Plus a fairly uncommon ship like this always gets away with more than a more common ship would.

That, uh, yeah that's about all I have to say about it.

This was a pretty nice read but Dash seemed kinda foul mouthed.:twilightblush:

I enjoy language, and Dash strikes me as an experienced cusser who'd make sailors blush. It's just my take.

4031102 Ah, that's understandable. :twilightsmile:
I don't have anything against it but it feels weird to imagine them actually doing it for me and trying to imagine Fluttershy telling Angel to fucking behave in a serious tone gives me a headache. :rainbowlaugh:
All I can hear is beeps trying to preserve her element. :pinkiehappy:

Don't see Flutters cussing. Though AJ I imagine would on occassion...can't see the others of the six doing it often if at all though.


This story was rushed beyond all belief. There were so many important conversations reduced down to a single explanatory sentence, so many character traits I wanted to see fleshed out. That being said, I would be lying if I said the fic wasn't heartwarming, and I can't bring myself to downvote it. It would be one of my favorites if I had the same story, only four times longer. :unsuresweetie:

I feel the exact same way, but the fact that it's a one-shot keeps it that way. It was only an experiment, and if you truly feel that way, I may do some expansion in the future. :twilightsmile:



I thought that might have been what you meant by "experimental". If you did expand upon it, I would definitely keep up with and read it, but it has to be something you'd be inspired to do. I know how much of a drag it can be to work on a fic that has lost its luster to yourself, but then again, I do have a pretty bad case of ADD. Thanks for the offer, and let me know if that's what you decide to do! :pinkiesmile:

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