• Published 10th Oct 2013
  • 800 Views, 9 Comments

Not All Drunkards Are Mean - Moustache Queen

Twilight has become a Alicorn, the princess of Magic itself, her friends slowly die around her, Twilight tried to make the best of it...She visits the graves of each of her friends...but one..still remains...But who? The drunk Berry Punch that's

  • ...

Not All Drunakards Are Mean


The strongest will, harder than any thought or will in any world, yet it can easily break. Hope is a bright and shinning emotion, giving us the will and Courage to fight back at the uneven odds that face against us. Hope is a strong emotion, yet it can easily break, fair is it not? Hope, both strong and weak...

And yet, sometimes when we lose Hope, we might wanna die, Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Magic, had felt this. She lost Hope, all because of her friends death, she wanted to die. But she couldn't, she was a immortal, she couldn't die...

She had to watch all her friends die around her...

Lyra Heartstrings, Vinyl Scratch, Octavia Melody, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity Bell, Derpy Hooves, Cloudkicker, Rumble, Trixie and many more..

And yet one kept fighting, it's weird to see this mare survive when she herself tried to kill herself...

Who would this be? The drunkard mare we all know and love..

Yes I'm talking about Berry Punch, the lighter of the flames called Hope..

May she light our ways, even in death..

The winds where heavy and strong, the cold blasts of wind travelled all across the grassy and muddy plains, the thunder roared and flashed above in the cold grey sky, the rain poured down the cold grey coloured sky, the little droplets of blue and white fell down onto the muddy brown and grass coloured ground below, the mud oozed and travelled down the high grassy hills of the muddy grassed plains, the brown oozing mud stained the emerald gleaming grass. The rain slowly fell down faster, smashing itself against all life, the trees rattled and swished by the rough blasts of the strong wind. Leaves rattled, mud trickled down, rain splashed against all life, grass swished and flicked by the wind, the thunder roared and flashed.

The entire land was screaming, screaming of the mourning of its protectors, the news flew across Equestria like wildfire..

The Elements of Harmony were dead..nearly all, the world screamed everywhere, it screamed wishing the news wasn't true. And yet it was..

And in all the raging seas of the world, was one figure..

A lone figure stood on the horizon, she was a tall figure, a tall Alicorn princess. Her purple and pink streaked mane swished and flicked by the wind, tears fell down her soft lavender coloured face. She sobbed as she gazed at both the angry world and the cold stone graves.

The princess was called Twilight Sparkle, and she was crying. The soft warm tears fell down her face and into the mud coloured grass below her, the soft feathers of her great wings flicked and brushed against the hard wind, trying to sooth it's angry wails. But the World around the princess wouldn't listen..

The world could feel the truthful voice of Honesty slipping away from the trees, it could feel the Laughter's echoes leave the wind, it could feel the great-hearted Loyalty fade away from the skies, it could feel the kind voice of Kindness fading away from the forests, it could feel the Generosity fade away from the diamonds that hid in the earth. And yet, the world could at least feel one Element still live, Magic still lived, Magic was lucky. The world wanted to ask the Sun why Magic lived..

But they Sun would never reply, the World asked the Moon, but she too didn't reply, but not in a threat of leaving the powerful immortal like Sun did, no, she would cry, her moon glittering tears fell down her dark blue fur. Love couldn't bare it, only it's husband seemed to keep Love moving from the horrible loss without killing herself, though, it was impossible..

The World slowly began to scream harder, but all of its knowing eyes gazed at Magic, both with hate, and pity.

Twiligth cried, her tears kept falling, the World cried with her, the rains poured down, Twilight sniffed and lifted her gaze, her mane was soaked and dripping down into the muddy earth, but Twilight didn't care.

Slowly she stepped forward, dragging her tail behind her, the powerful lavender wings slowly crept and folded by her sides. The tears had stopped falling down, yet the rain kept falling, still mourning for the Elements.

Twilight gazed at the five graves, the five large golden coloured graves, she smiled and slowly say down in front of the curved circle of golden graves. Twilight smiled as she gazed at the first headstone, the bright colours of golden and red flashed in front of her eyes...

The grave was the grave of the bearer of Honesty...Applejack, the honest and humblest earth pony Twilight had ever met. The earth pony was always stubborn and proud, yet reliable and loyal at most.

Twilight blinked and leaned her head and pressed it onto Applejack's cold grave, Twilight shuddered as the cold waves blasted against her.

After a few minutest Twilight lifted her head and slowly turned her purple eyed gaze to face a pink and golden coloured grave next to Applejack's. Twilight smiled and pricked her ears, eager to hear the soft giggles of her friend..

Nothing came..

Twilight sobbed and pressed her head forwards to the grave, she ignored the rain and the cold, waves that smashed onto both her body and mind..

The grave was Pinkie Pie's, bearer of the Element of Laughter, and she did always have a good laugh that brought both annoyed and happiness in Twilight's heart. The memories of her giggles and laughter still echoed through Twilight's mournful mind

Still sobbing, Twilight slowly lifted her gaze and head to the next grave. The multicoloured grave, but the main colour was blue, not golden.

Twilght could almost heard the loud boom of the sonic Rainboom..Rainbow's Dash's signature move.

Twilght felt the tears form in her eyes once more, she barley survived from Applejack and Pinkie Pie, but she couldn't survive the bearable pain of her rainbow coloured friend, sure she called Twilight a 'Egghead' at time to time, but at most times she always would call her Twilight..

Twiligth sobbed, she collapsed right in front of the rainbow coloured grave..

"Just kill me now.." Twilight sobbed to herself.

Now, at this moment, as soon as the words escaped her lips, a pinkish purpleish coloured mare was walking on the horizon, she was hiccuping, her white grey hair was wet and soggy by the hard rain above her.

This mare was called Berry Punch, champion off the ninety sixth champion drinking compition. And of course, the old mare won. But what was so extraordinary was, she didn't die, I mean not by oddness or stuff but she's been drinking for sixty years! She didn't even collapses after her thirty seventh bottle!


Berry Punch staggered and narrowed her eyes, a fuzzy image of a purple Alicorn appeared in her vision, still hiccuping, she staggered over to the figure. It was Twilght Sparkler, Berry Punch's young friend, and I mean very young! Without thinking Berry Punch threw her bottle of whisky and placed a old hoof on the princess shoulder.

Twilight sniffed, her tears stopped, she blinked, could it be? Could of Rainbow Dash returned from Death and came to comfort her?

Lifting her gaze Twilight gasped, her purple eyes stopped there rivers of tears, the World around her stopped screaming, the wind slowly turned from screaming, to whispers, the leaves stopped whisking, the mud began to harden.

The World was curious, who was this Mare? Why is she smelling like the vile river of liquid called 'Whisky?' The World could only stop its screams and wails mourning and gaze at the mysterious Mare..

Berry Punch hiccuped and narrowed her eyes, her vision slowly stopped blurring, revealing a clear image of Princess Twilight, Princess of Magic herself.

Berry Punch blinked, Twilight sniffed and looked at Berry Punch, clearly confused.

"Berry Punch?" Twilight sniffed.

Now the thing is, Berry Punch was only seen when the bars were open, with loads of bits to receive loads of whisky and beer. Nopony knew where she went after she had loads of the liquids, all but, Colgate, Berry Punch's old friend, who died of a Changeling attack.

Twilight blinked, she felt her eyes soak once more after she remembered the broken body of the blue and white coloured unicorn dentist.

"T-*Hic!*-wilight?" Berry Punch asked.

Twilght sniffed and brought her hoof up to wipe her river of tears, she slowly nodded as she did so. Berry Punch blinked, now she wished she still had her whisky, Twilight looked like she could use some.

Damn..what does this princesses get into these days? Berry thought, gazing at the tearful, and broken Princess.

"A-Are you-*Hic!*-ok?" Berry asked.

Twilight slowly pushed Berry's hoof off her shoulder, Berry slowly placed her purpleish pinkish hoof onto the muddy ground. The World around her seemed to blur, first it was screaming, then curious, now just scared, scared on what the Mare will do. Would it shout at Magic? Would it hurt Magic? Would it kill Magic? No wait, it couldn't..Magic can't die..

Berry watched as Twilight staggered mournfully to the fourth grave, a white golden and blue coloured grave, the grave of Rarity, Element of Generosity. Berry blinked, slowly she staggered after Twilight quietly, staying away from her horn especially, she heard Twilight could sometimes obliterate ponies before other ponies eyes, all because they insulted her dead friends.

Well if anyone *Hic!* would insult her friends-*Hic!* You're fucked as soon as you say any insulting words...Twilight has long fucking radar ears.. Berry Punched thought to herself.

How she could hiccup in her mind would be a mystery though..


Twilight gazed at Rarity's grave, aware of the still presented Berry Punch. Ignoring the drunk earth pony she pressed her head onto the cold grave. Berry tilted her head, was this some kind of ritual or something? Bringing dark ponies from Tartarus or something more evil-

Wow..my brain is so fucked up sometimes..Berry Punch blinked, while thinking.

Twilght slowly sobbed, the World around her started to scream again, the rain fell down faster and harder than ever, Berry shook in panic as she gazed at the screaming winds twirling around her, she wasn't aware of the real reason the World was dong that..

It wanted Berry Punch to help Twilight, she has the Magic to destroy the world, she could do it, it was even in her mind. The World could feel it in her mind, it could feel the emotions of hate and sorrow in Magic's heart.

The World screamed and pushed its winds against Berry's fur, the Mare staggered and fell straight into Twilight, knocking her to the ground. Twilight screamed and lifted Berry Punch into the sky with her powerful purple aura. The World screamed at itself, having no choice it watched Berry Punch suffer against Twilight's power, unable to help the Mare.

Berry chocked, the purple aura seemed to tighten around both her chest and neck, her eyes almost felt ready to fall out of its sockets.

"Twi-*Hic!* I'm sorry! The wind*Hic!* pushed me!" Berry croaked.

"I'll believe that when Hedgehogs fly!" Twilight hissed, tightening her aura.

Berry croaked and waved her hooves in panic. The World sighed and turned its many eyes away from the horrible sight, soon Magic will have another taste of blood after the 'Whisky Mare' she might even kill Sun if she was that hungry. Berry was panicking, her options where drying out-

Wait..since when did I have options? I'm not a damn Egghead or a fucking general in the army! Berry thought to herself.

Her oxygen was leaving her lips, chocking she lifted her hoof and gazed at Twilight, with pity and comfort in her eyes, the feelings that left her so long ago..

"Twilight-*Hic!* I know your sad! *Hic!* but think of what your friends will think of you if you do this! *Hic!*" Berry croaked.

Twolgiht screamed and shook Berry, her aura lightened it's grip on Berry's neck, giving her a few precious moments of breathing until it tightened again.

"Shut up you drunk Mare!" Twilight screamed "you don't know what I feel!" Twilight added, focusing her energy to obliterate Berry Punch, to finally have peace with her friends.

Berry Punch saw black dots cloud her vision, she chocked again and closed her eyes, she had no hope left, maybe of Twilight could kill her she could have some peace instead being with the crazy mournful bitch-

...we were a crazy bitch once Berry.. A voice whispered in the corners of Berry's mind.

The mare opened her eyes and widened them in shock, Twilight was hovering just a inch away from Berry, her purple eyes blazing, black clouds flying out of the end of the pair of eyes.

"Twilight-" Berry began.

"Shut up!" Twilight hissed, charging up her horn, which, was glowing pitch black.

"Twilight I do know how you feel.." Berry choked, shaking in fear, but inside amazed how she had not hiccuped yet.

"NO YOU DON'T!" Twilight screamed, green flecks sparked out of her horn and hit on Berry's fur, burning the fur away.

Berry screamed in pain on the inside, she couldn't scream out her pain, not when her voice is nearly gone by the endless chocking from Twilight.

"I do Twilight..I had lost Colgate..Lyra, Derpy, Octavia, Vinyl, many ponies Twi-" Berry whispered.

Twilight blinked, the green flecks sparkled and faded and turned from a green to a brilliant colour of violet. The black colour of hatred and evil seemed to fade to purple, but was still black, only just.

"My friends weren't the first Twilight, I had a brother, Applejack Daniels..he died by Timberwolves, once the news filled my ears.. I drank, drank and drank until I collapsed, at first I thoughts I should stop, so I did, I met a nice colt called Sparrowhawk, a Pegasus.." Berry croaked.

Twilight blinked, she never heard why Berry drank every day, slowly releasing her aura, Berry gasped and filled her lungs with the sweet taste of air, Twilight landed and folded her wings and sat on the dry muddy grass coloured ground. Her eyes sparkling with wonder and sorrow still. Berry was still held in the powerful aura, but could speak properly, and not die of chocking to death.

The World around turned its many eyes and widened them in amazement, the 'Whisky Mare' was still alive, and Magic looked like a little filly listening to her first story or lesson of the day. The World smiled and blew its soft winds, it's rain slowly stopped crying, the World ordered everything to stop, and listen to Berry's tale.

"Sparrowhawk and I would go out and sometimes go to stripper clubs, because, I was a stripper by then, and heck I had a good body. But then one day, Sparrowhawk came in the stripper club with loads and loads of weed..and was shot right in the forehead, because he stole the weed, he wanted to give me it so I could get killed myself..." Berry continued.

Twilight blinked, Berry was a stripper? And she was going to be killed if Sparrowhawk her so called lover gave her the stolen weed that he stole himself?! Twilight snarled, her tail flicking in anger, nopony should do that..not even to a drunkard like Berry.

"I was heartbroken of betrayal and sadness, so I went drinking again, many ponies became my friends, but many died around me, I should of died, I mean who can drink so much like me?!" Berry shouted to herself.

Twilight lowered her aura, Berry Punch lifted her eyebrow as she felt the hard muddy coloured grass tickle her hooves, a voice in Berry's mind told her to run. But a louder voice told her to stay and comfort Twilight, Berry lifted her gaze, Twilight almost looked like a filly...a big powerful, mournful filly.

A filly who needed Hope in her life again.

Sighing Berry sat down and continued her story, The World watched and heard the Mare, it too was surprised at the harsh treatment Fate had given the Mare. But Fate isn't always nice, even to Sun and Moon.

"My friends died around me, I kept drinking and drinking, soon I became the world champion..but I still couldn't get my mournful loss off my shoulders, I never stopped drinking.." Berry continued.

"I wanted to die Twilight, I did many horrible thighs to die, but I couldn't die..I don't want you to feel the same thing I did Twilight, you have your thousand of years in front of you" Berry finished.

"I can't stop this mourning voice in my heart Berry, I can't...I cant it hurts, I laughs and shouts my name!" Twilight sobbed, tears falling down her face.

Berry opened her mouth, but closed it shut again, gaining her courage she lifted herself up and trotted towards the mare, lifting a hoof and patting it on the Alicorn's shoulder.

The World was speechless, 'Whisky Mare' had saved the World and Magic itself from the hate and anger, blinking its many eyes the wisdom of the World slowly began to decide,'Whisky Mare' needed a reward, she had saved Magic, she had saved the World itself, smiling the World closed it eyes and generated its power to the reward that 'Whisky Mare', will receive, 'Whisky Mare' was worthy, she had shown Kindness to Magic, she deserved the reward.

A soft glow filled the corner of Berry's eyes, turning her head she gasped, Twilight sniffed and looked up, frowning at Berry's gasping face she turned her head around and she to, gasped.

The golden and pink grave of the last Element of Harmony, Kindness, was glowing, Twilight lifted herself up for mother ground and walked towards it, Berry shook in fear, gulping and gaining her courage she followed Twilight, the grave slowly glowed brighter.

"This isn't possible.." Twlight gasped.

"What's not possible?" Berry asked.

The Alicorn turned her soft lavender head, she was smiling, tears were falling down her face, not of sadness, but of Hope. Hope was sparking in her purple eyes, Hope was rising form the darkness of both her heart and mind.

"You're the new Element of Kindness.." Twilight smiled.

"Say WHAAAAAAAAT??" Berry asked.

As if in a reply, the grave sparkled and a long whisp of yellow and pink whisked out of the grave and hoovered right in front of Berry, the mare gasped as the whisp began to form a starry form of a yellow coloured Pegasus, Fluttershy, the old Element of Kindness, her dark green eyes sparked in pride and Hope.

Holy crap, here comes the creepy fucking choo-choo train! Berry thought.

"Berry Punch, you have shown Kindness in front of my grave and to Twilight Element of Magic, the elements are still needed Berry, you must be that Kindness..if you don't mind.." Fluttershy added softly.

"F-Fluttershy?" Twilight gasped, falling onto her knees, tears filling her eyes.

"Holy crap apples!" Berry shouted in glee, completely forgetting the crying Twilight.

"You're saying I'm gunna be a hero and grab all the drugs and whisky I wan't if I save the world multiple times?" Berry asked, clapping her hooves gleefully.

"Um...yes?" Fluttershy blinked.

"COUNT ME IN BABY!" Berry screamed, hugging the misty ghost of Fluttershy.

"Is she always like this?" Fluttershy asked.

Twilight shrugged and nodded.

Fluttershy smiled, heaving out a sigh she faded and sparkled, her long whisp of energy slowly shot back into her grave, Berry frowned, looking at the object in front of her..

It was a large golden necklase, with a pair of bright purple grapes and a strawberry. Berry frowned and lifted the necklase up, Twilight smiled and rushed over and hugged Berry tight, almost crushing her bones.

"Geeze! Is this gunna be a taster of what is to happen?" Berry asked Twilight, breathing in and trying not to collapse in shock.

"Eyup!" Twilight smiled.

Berry sighed and grabbed a large bottle of whiskey out of her mane, bringing her hoof up she sliced the bottle off the glass top and judged the warm whisky down her throat.

Bring it on all you ugly non friendship mother fuckers!Berry thought, as she jugged down the warm whisky and gazing at the happy Twilight, the Hopeful Twilight, the Immortal Twilight...The Magical..Twilight.

And the drunk queen Berry Punch!

Author's Note:

I need to do this...I wanted to do this...Gwad I hate my life sometimes :facehoof:

Hope you enjoyed it