• Published 3rd Mar 2012
  • 1,681 Views, 32 Comments

Dark Skies on Cutie'd Thighs - reflexrex

Creatures with a strange, horrific appetite attack Ponyville: is there any way to stop them?

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Hard Choices

It's raining in Ponyville. The sadistic beads of water relentlessly slice through the unending night, as seven friends mournfully carry two sad and unmoving shapes through the darkness. They don't seem to notice the rain, even as it soaks them to the very marrow. Tears are running down the muzzles of three of them, mingling with the stinging droplets and being scoured away. As they slowly trudge through the endless dirt and mud, lights are flicking on in the surrounding houses, and pastel-coloured ponies stare at the ragtag group. Until they realise what has happened, and then they break down in disbelief, horror, and grief.

As the seven friends walk through the town, they accrue followers and mourners until it seems like the entire population of Ponyville walks alongside them. Eventually, they reach the Library. They slowly walk inside, and with the utmost care place their burdens on the bed, and with that it seems each of them gains a measure of resolve. They stand up a little taller, a little bit straighter, take a deep breath and turn to face each other.

''Well, I guess there ain't much more to be done, 'cept get on with the task in hoof. Spike, we're gonna need you to stay here and look after the Princess and Twilight. I know there ain't much left of them to look after, but we sure as shoot ain't gonna give up on them till this mess is ironed out.'' Applejack's voice is cracked with sadness, but firm.

''Of course I'll look after them, but I don't even understand what's happened! They just lie there, they can't even talk!''

''Spike, we know it's hard. Even we don't understand quite what has happened, but that is why we need you to stay strong until we come back, with some answers.''

''I will, Rarity. Are you going to get help from Zecora? Maybe she knows what's wrong?''

''We are going into the forest, Spike. We shall certainly see if Zecora can lend some assistance, but our goal lies a little deeper in than that.''

''Deeper in? I hope you guys are going to be careful. Just, promise me you'll be back as quick as you can?''

''Of course, Spike. We will be fine. Don't forget, we have the esteemed princess with us. Speaking of whom, Your Majesty, I do think we should inform the residents of what has transpired, if you would be kind enough to entertain the suggestion.''

''With respect, Rarity, the citizens of Ponyville are already indisposed to my presence, and will not trust my word without Celestia. They will want answers unknown to me, and speculation will abound. We do not have time to waste if we are to stop the dream-lice from attacking another resident.''

''Now, beggin' your pardon, Your Highness, but that don't seem right to me at all. Celestia is the princess of everypony here, and they deserve to know what's going on. I can't see how I'm gonna be any use to you on this one, 'cause we can't touch these critters. No buckin' them, no corrallin', no reasoning with them neither. And all that magic stuff ain't my area at all. Now, I'm no coward, but I reckon the best thing I can do right now is to stay behind and tell everypony what's what, and try to restore some order to the place. Once that's done, I know where to catch up with y'all.''

There's silence for a moment while everypony takes this in. Most everypony looks hopelessly torn between staying together and keeping the town safe from itself. Except Luna, who is slowly nodding to herself, but eventually it's Rainbow Dash who speaks up.

''Applejack, that's a load of horseapples. I'm in the same boat as you, and so is Pinkie Pie, AND Fluttershy, but we're going along all the same! We need you with us! It's not just the lice, what about all the other dangerous stuff in there? This isn't the brave pony I know!''

''Now hold your damn hooves there, Rainbow! This ain't me chickenin' out! I just think it'd be nice if Ponyville didn't get destroyed by panic while we're gone! I already said I'll catch up with you once I know things are squared away in Ponyville! So stop thinking of yourself for once, and look at the big picture here!''

''Big picture?! The big picture is that-''


Even Fluttershy herself looks shocked when she pauses for breath.

''Um, sorry I shouted, everypony. But arguing like this isn't getting us anywhere. Rainbow, Applejack is only looking out for the rest of the town. I know it will be scary in the forest, especially with these horrible parasites trying to eat us, but we don't have a choice. I'm sure she will catch up with us soon. But how on earth will you be safe in the forest without Luna, Applejack?''

Applejack just looks dumbfounded. ''Shoot, t'be honest I hadn't considered that...''

Luna's powerful voice takes hold of the conversation effortlessly, and nopony is left in doubt as to who is in charge. ''The Princess of the Night can offer a solution, Applejack. And I thank you for volunteering to help the rest of the town. Now, I shall cast on you the same spell I used to keep the vile louse imprisoned. They can only feed if they can reach the head, so it need not enclose you entirely. And once thou reaches us, I shall remove it.''

''Well, I'm not exactly happy with that idea, but ah guess it's the only way. Now, if you all packed everything you need, we best get this show on the road. Time's a-wastin.''

''Indeed, Applejack. I shall cast the spell, and we should then begin our journey.''

Blue, incandescent serpents of light emanate from Luna's horn, and gently slide into place around Applejacks mane and head. They feel a little warm against her, and the tingling of magical power sets her teeth on edge.

''Well, this feels kinda weird, but it'll do. You guys ready to go?''

''Actually, everypony, I'd kinda like to say goodbye to Twilight and Celestia. With all those meanie parasites out there, and we don't even know if we're coming back, ever ever ever. I know we have to hope for the best, but I'd hate it if I never got to even say goodbye to the two bestest ponies I know.''

This brings everypony back down to earth, and they realise once more the gravity of what they have to do, and who they have lost already. They all gather round their stricken friends, and say what has to be said.


Dr. Brainymane is walking through the jungle, trying to keep the the pathway from his home to the main route clear. As he's viciously hacking away at the creepers and tendrils with a small axe from his woodshed, his mighty brain dwells on just what has been unleashed unto Equestria. It's not my fault, he thinks. Of course it's not my damn fault if damn creatures from the bucking netherworld invade just as I'm in the middle of an experiment. If anything, it was that damn FOOL Derpy, crash landing just as I was at a critical stage. If I didn’t have to take care of her, none of this would have happened.

But he knows that's not fair before he thinks it. He takes another swing at a particularly irksome root...


''Derpy? Can you hear me? Please, just nod, or say something.''

''Mmm...muh, muh. Mmmm. Muh...''

Derpy tries to speak, but all that comes out is a tortuously slow stammer. Mane quiets her down, stroking her mane and nuzzling her ear and surrounding her with kindness and warmth and love that comes so unnaturally to him. Her eyes fill up with tears and spill over onto him, but he can't care. Isn't allowed to care. No matter how awkward he finds this, Mane has to look after her as best he can.

''It's okay Derpy, don't try to speak. Lets just get you up to bed. Come on now, try and move with me.''

Derpy is trying to move, her legs twitching like a dreaming dog's, but she can't summon up the control to walk. Eventually Dr. Mane has to lift her gently up the stairs with his magic, and he puts her into his bed and wraps the covers around her. He hugs her once more, and what's left of her settles down into bed. She's asleep within a minute.


There's a barely perceptible rustle emanating from the trees which snaps Mane out of his reverie. Instantly on edge and gripping his axe a little tighter, he tries to pinpoint where it came from. Mane starts to feel a bead of sweat gently run down his forehead into his eye, and he frantically blinks it away as quickly as he can.

The sound of a twig snapping directly behind him makes him spin round, axe at the ready. What the hell is this thing? It can’t be a dream louse, they shouldn't come anywhere near me... The tension in the air is so thick he can almost taste it, can feel the lurker in the trees breathing deeply, inhaling his scent, waiting for the perfect moment. He glances this way and that, trying to see everywhere at once like a shrew sensing a viper coiling to strike...

WHAM! Something huge and blurred swipes with unnatural speed from the darkness, slamming into his side with ferocious claws, catapulting him into the shadows. As Mane picks himself off the floor, a surge of gut-twisting panic envelops him. A pair of dusky-coloured paws thud into the ground in front of him, gleaming claws carving furrows in the earth. Mane struggles to his feet, and the manticore bellows with a force almost physical, and makes moves to attack again.

Mane backs up the path, weaving this way and that around those glittering, deadly claws. A chitinous tail, dripping with smoking venom slams into the ground in front of him, dissolving the very earth beneath it. It rears up like a whip ready to strike again. Mane's horn glows, as he tries with all his mental majesty to get a single message through the layers of primal, white-hot instinctive rage and aggression.

''NOT ENEMY! NO KILL!'' He can feel the shape of the creature's mind with his spell, feel the sharp-purple-keen-wary-acid-edge of the predatory instinct driving this hungry behemoth to attacking. The spell gets through, in part, as the creature seems to do a double take, unused to doubt, unused to hesitating. It's confused, and it doesn't like it. ''I know, hungry. I know, tired. But pony not prey. Prey in forest. Leave path.''

Hoping the beast will hear the primitive, uncluttered words, Mane withdraws the spell, stopping the intrusion. The manticore falls back down to all fours, growling and rumbling deep within it's chest, conflicting instincts tearing it's mind down the middle. At once it attacks, the hunger within it too great for words to stop, and it pounces in a rushing tirade of claws and four-inch fangs, intent on it's meal.

I tried. No other choices. Mane ducks the clumsy charge, brings his mouth and axe up at precisely the right moment, and hews the blade deeply into the monsters thigh, cutting its vein and slicing through its connection to life. The manticore flies past him, roaring loudly enough to shake the tree's surrounding him, and collapses in a heap a handful of metres down the pathway. The roar weakens and trails off into a mewling of pain and anguish as thick, viscous blood pools around it, matting and tangling its fur and soaking into the ground beneath. Mane trots up with a strange look on his face, stony-but-sad, and almost regretfully pulls his tool free. He makes sure he is once again alone in the clearing, and starts to bury the poor, crazed thing, scooping up great clumps of earth with his magic as the cloying, coppery reek of blood fills his nose and makes him gag.


''Derpy, are you awake?'' The misty-grey mare opens her mismatched eyes, blinking away the sleepy fog in her brain. She tries again, and again, but the fog won't go away. She's getting more and more worked up, starting to thrash against the bedsheets coiled around her legs from night-terror. What's her name? Where is she? Who this? She can't even speak to ask these questions, doesn't even know what these questions are, cannot properly move or focus or even think. Her mind is filled with nothing but grey mist and fear, and a vague longing she can't place.

''Derpy, it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you. Calm down, you're safe.'' Mane is sitting next to her with a glass of water, which he holds to her lips as she tries to drink. Half of it spills down her coat, making her shiver as she nearly chokes on the liquid. The glass is taken away before she can inhale any, and is replaced with a soothing cool dampness on her forehead as Mane helps her lie back, and softly wipes her forehead with a flannel. Some of the fear recedes, but it's still there, bubbling and writhing beneath the surface. Nothing floods in to replace it, no realisations or clarity, just more of the numbing fog. But maybe that's enough, for now. She lies back, and lets Mane take care of her. This place is warm, and nice, and that is all she needs to be content. No more dreams, no more thoughts, just a skeleton of vague emotions that are like a flower in the sunlight, opening to kindness and care.

''I don't know if you can understand me, and I don't know if I would want you to. But that thing, whatever it was, sucked out your soul like shucking a clam. But not all of it. I've been thinking, about how you didn't deserve this and how I could have stopped it earlier if I had the wits. I know this makes no difference now, but I'm sorry, Derpy, for whatever I could have done but didn't. I've also been thinking about where these things come from, and how the buck we can fight them. They can't be touched, and only the strongest magic affects them. Only one thing I know acts like that, and that's magic itself. So maybe, somehow, these things are from some different dimension, where magic has a will of it's own, or maybe they are a manifestation of some ethereal presence, given form. But that's irrelevant right now. I'm going to see the only person I know who might know anything. If Celestia has no answers, then I don't know what to do.''

As he is saying all this, more to himself than to Derpy, he's ferrying tiny bites of muffin from a plate on the side to Derpy's mouth. She can barely chew, and each mouthful is tortuous and laborious to swallow. But each bite is also a little easier than the last, as Derpy re-learns how to eat. There's a chance, with love and patience, that she might learn how to feed and drink for herself. Mane is counting on this, as it's the only way he can leave her alone, and travel to Ponyville.

''So, I've been trying to figure out how the horseapples I'm going to get to Ponyville safely. There's no way I can fight more than one of these things, and no matter what else life does it reproduces. So the only way to get past, is to make them think I'm one of them. These things aren't clever, nothing which does that to ponies has a mind to speak of. They are insects, acting on dumb and brutal instinct. So, I need to smell like one of them. Recreate the smell and feel of raw magic, not as we use it but untamed and wild. I think I have what I need to make enough for the trip, except for one thing. One more ingredient, to bring it all together.

Mane, gingerly, almost tenderly, reaches out and brushes Derpy's mane aside. And right there, where the louse was torn off, is a small shard of smoking chitin, broken off when Mane ripped the insect bodily from her. Even the one solid part of the louse it uses to shatter the bone between the brain and the skin has an ethereal, intangible air about it. Mane doesn't dare to remove it, for he has no idea what damage it will do to a mind with so little left to lose. He brushes it, very lightly, seeing if it is solid. Derpy goes berserk at feeling that bone-deep pain once more, bucking and kicking and screaming with that animal, lowing sound which is all that is left of her power for speech. Mane quickly whips his hoof away from it, immediately stroking and hugging Derpy, trying to calm her down. It takes long, far too long, before the memory of that cataclysmic moment fades into the fog again. But Mane knows what he needs to know. That one half-second of contact was all he needed to know that the alien, horrifying object left in Derpy is solid.

It's several days later. Mane has spent them with Derpy, teaching her how to eat, how to drink, how to use the toilet. It is like bringing a foal into the world, teaching them how to keep themselves alive. He has kept water and muffins in the same place in the room, hoping Derpy will be able to remember where they are.

He has tried to help her learn to control her movements, exercising her legs every day, trying to teach her how to walk once more. On the second day, they try to move a few steps, Derpy stumbling and tripping. Mane supports her, is patient and caring with her. But when he has delayed leaving for as long as he can, all she can do is crawl. He sighs to himself, and hopes this will be enough. His guilt has already kept him from his mission for longer than he knows is wise, but he cannot abandon her with no way to feed herself.

On the fourth day, he knows he can't put it off any longer. The rest of Equestria needs his help, for no-one will be able to defend themselves against the lice as he did. He knows, without arrogance or doubt, that he is the most magically gifted unicorn in Equestria. It's part of why he chooses to live alone, his mind going mad at having to deal with the mindless banal day to day dullardry of everypony he met.

He goes up to Derpy's room, where she is trying again to walk, dragging herself across the room with a determined expression. Mane helps her up, supporting her as she climbs back into bed. He hops onto the soft sheets with her, the material whispering accusations against his legs as he steels himself. He looks Derpy deeply in the eyes, and tells her that it's going to be okay. He takes her deep in his arms, letting her know she is safe and warm and surrounded by love.

The spell doesn't work the first time. The needle sharp shard of chitin stands strong and doesn't break, but Derpy's head is yanked forwards by the force and she spasms and heaves and screams as loudly as she can.

''MMMMUUHMMMMMOAAAAAAHHHHH! '' She still can't make a single word, even as the torrid torrent of broken memories of pain and anguish flood back to her in a moment, as the miasma of pain and terror sweeps over her and she gags, spilling her stomach over Mane's back. But he doesn't let go, keeps the spell on her head, knows that the quicker he can do this the better it will be for her. Tears burst out of Derpy's eyes as the wrenching pains digs deeper, and suddenly her stomach is empty and she cannot do anything but dry-heave and cry and moan and shiver with revulsion. Finally, the very end of the nightmare proboscis snaps off with a wet and organic noise, like gristle being pulled apart. Still Mane holds her in the embrace, comforting her and pouring empathy into her. But she is too shaken to be still, is still bucking and kicking, hitting Mane from all angles and nearly breaking his bones with the force of her anguish.

It takes Mane half an hour to calm her down, and even then she is twitching and sobbing into the sheets. He holds her until she falls into an exhausted sleep, never letting her feel alone for a moment.

With his hateful prize held in his magic, he quietly walks down to his lab, and finishes what he has to.


With the torrent of painful memories ripping through him as he buries the manticore, Mane thinks to himself not for nothing. All the pain these creatures have caused, disturbing my peace, all the bucked-up things I've had to do will not be for nothing. I will find a way to beat these creatures, send them back to whatever cesspit they came from. Not for nothing.