• Published 10th Oct 2013
  • 4,016 Views, 62 Comments

Sun and Snow - LucidTech

An icy trip for the princess of the sun, while she escorts a human with a heart shrouded in ice. But who knows what lays beneath that tundra?

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Whether the Weather

A sack was slung across Celestia’s side, decorated with thick fur produced from the donations of the buffalo tribes that would often share good will offerings, which would be met in return with gifts from the ponies themselves. It was more of a trade exchange in all fairness but that would bring up all sorts of issues with zoning rules and so the solar princess was content with calling them ‘mutual gifts’ and being done with it.

Speaking of mutual gifts, the sack carried with it healing salves from Zecora. A zebra that had taken up house in the Everfree and proved to be adept with plants, and she didn’t mind sharing this talent with the ponies who lived not far away from her. Aside from that there were several apples and various other fruits, donated by the apple family of Sweet Apple Acres. Aside from this the scarf the fluttered around the princess’s neck was the last gift and was, quite simply, breathtaking. Not to mention that it had masterfully woven in the ice gem among the stylish swirl of colors. It was a masterwork, to say the least, and proved once again Rarity’s impeccable taste.

All in all it was quite a step further than Celestia had expected her student to go to when asked for a travel pack, but in hindsight she probably should’ve been happy that Twilight didn’t send along an entire sack of books for reading during the trip. She smiled to herself at that, not meaning to laugh at Twilight behind her back. She was quite the powerful unicorn, certainly, she just sometimes let her own work get out of hand sometimes.

Celestia looked at the icy world around her, the gem near her neck making this journey much easier than the first had been. She reached her destination in about half the time, and began to look for the black silhouette that should’ve been somewhere in the clearing. She walked around in search for it for a while before she came across a nearby cave, a warm fire light licking the walls inside it.

Ducking her head for easier entry Celestia slid into the maw of stone and ice silently, unsure if the person she seeked would be present in here. Her attempts at stealth were ruined however when a gasp stole it’s way out from between her lips. Before her, against the walls, were large slabs of meat, each one held in preservation by the cold.

She had, of course, been among carnivores before. And her gasp was more one of amazement than of horror. Ice magic was held by very few ponies, and even fewer races outside of ponies used magic at all. Thus, any form of preservation of meat was rare and hard to come across. This, however, was leaps and bounds beyond what had been developed anywhere else. It could no doubt keep the meat for extended periods of time, perhaps for upwards of several months.

A shuffle turned her attention around to see the source, and she spotted the familiar black outline of her new acquaintance. “My apologies. I’d been hoping to be done in here before you arrived.”

“It is no problem, I’m not new to the idea that some species require meat in their diet.”

“I don’t require it.” He stated simply, opening his mouth wide and throwing back his hood to give her a better view. Celestia looked at his teeth and realized immediately the signs of an omnivorous creature. “But it’s the only thing that I can keep on hand.” he continued, his mouth going back it’s normal motions. “Fruits and vegtables get torn apart by the ice crystals and lose all good taste and a lot of their nutrition. So I’m limited almost strictly to meat.” He pulled a dark strip of said material from his pocket and showed it to her. “And even then it’s mostly only jerky, because keeping the meat warm is extremely difficult.”

“Jerky?” Celestia asked, unfamiliar with the term.

“Dried meat with spices.” He answered. He cut the conversation as Celestia’s face was covered in understanding. “I was thinking about what to do with this supply.” He said as he started his new subject, “but you know this area better than I do, would it be better to leave the meat here for scavengers or is there something else that you can think of?”

“The latter would be our best bet I think, as it would prove too cumbersome to move. I’ll make sure to keep an eye on this area for the next few months to insure that it doesn’t become too heavy with predators.”

He nodded in return and made his way out of the cave, Celestia following close behind. He seemed to be adept at self dependence, able to supply his own set of food using what very little he had on hand, but Celestia worried that it had been due to no other choices being available, as he didn’t seem particularly fond of his own skill. Celestia found herself about to run into him at the exit of the cave and quickly moved around to his side, following his gaze to the sky to see what held it there.

“So, what direction am I heading off in?” He said at last, removing his eyes from the swirling clouds up above. “Unless of course you brought a map.”

“Actually,” Celestia said, her tone kind. “I intended to escort you there myself, as to ensure you don’t get lost.” He didn’t answer the statement, and turned his head away in response instead, so Celestia decided to add an addendum. “Unless you’d prefer if I didn’t of course, then I will pass you the map and let you on your way.”

He seemed to contemplate his choices for a while, the icy chill blustering through his clothes in steady waves. “No, it’s fine. Go ahead and lead the way.” He said at last, turning to face her again. “But I won’t be able to provide anything should you need it, so you’d best make sure you’re completely packed.”

“I have, I assure you.”

“Good, I’d hate to have to watch you die.” He said with a plain tone, shocking Celestia. He shoved slightly past her with half lidded eyes, his face in a mild frown. “I assume this is our first bearing then?” His eyes gazed emptily towards the horizon. Celestia drew the map from her sack and glanced at it, comparing the layout with the sun’s location.


“Then let’s move on shall we? The sooner we get out of here the sooner you can forget about me.” His voice was strange while he spoke these words, an unidentifiable inflection dancing over them, taunting the solar princess with some kind of deeper meaning, one that seemed just out of reach.

“If that’s what you want.”

His only response was a nod and after a jolt of hesitation passed through them both, they set off on their way.