• Published 11th Oct 2013
  • 17,762 Views, 492 Comments

Friendship is Optimal: All the Myriad Worlds - Eakin

A series of brief character studies by proxy

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Shard #329,814 (The Unusual Diet)

SHARD #329,814

It was a perfect world.

The mare’s stomach growled as she trotted through the forest back towards town, and more importantly towards food. What had begun as a simple walk in the woods however many days ago had taken an exciting turn when she’d stumbled, quite by accident, into a cave with some of the most beautiful crystal formations she’d ever seen. Caught up in the thrill of discovery, she’d completely lost track of time for what may well have been several days before she realized she needed to get home before somepony got worried and sent out a search party.

Not that they especially needed to. Celestia could easily have told them exactly where she was and probably exactly when she’d be getting back, plus it wasn’t like she was likely to starve to death or be crushed by a rockslide. Not in Equestria.

She wasn’t going to starve to death, but she sure felt like it right about now.

Telling herself that the hunger would just make her upcoming meal that much sweeter, the mare picked up her pace. As the forest began to thin out, the mare deviated from the beaten path to take a shortcut. She pushed her way through a bush of vibrant purple berries. Naturally flavored just like the licorice her grandmother used to leave under the tree on...

Huh. It was definitely a special morning. Humans gave one another gifts, probably? But it was so, so very long ago. Special memories drowned in a sea of other, far more recent and far more intense ones. There was only one food she remembered from Old Earth, and that wasn’t it. Ultimately it didn’t matter. The berries tasted like something good, but not good enough for her to stop to scoop a few of them up and sate the hunger that was building. Ever since she’d grown aware of it, the hunger had grown just a bit more infuriating with every step. It wasn’t just about the food. It was about... how did Celestia describe it? It was about the balance between frustration and satisfaction. Couldn’t have shadows without light, and all that. The berries fell further and further behind her, ignored until somepony else craving just that taste at just that moment came across them.

The edge of town grew closer, and the apple orchards surrounding it were the quickest path home. The mare could, of course, pull an apple down from any one of the trees if she felt so inclined. She knew the owner wouldn’t mind, and there were a few trees that she knew bore pork-flavored fruit. Even so, it just wasn’t the same. The taste and texture were there, but biting into an apple and tasting that just didn’t do it for her. Not that pork had been her favorite food anyway, or what she was craving right now. Her salivation only intensified. Only the real thing would do. And it was so close.

She entered her town. The town she’d come to love more than anything in the... centuries? Millenia? What came after millenia? The mare’s stomach rumbled and those concerns fell away, far from significant compared to the looming prospect of satisfying her more primal needs. She trotted along, perfunctory waves exchanged with acquaintances and neighbors and blah blah blah oh Celestia make the hunger stop. But when she turned the corner onto the street she lived on her senses sharpened. Soon. Just needed to hold out a bit longer, and she’d have what she wanted. What she needed.

The stallion appeared to be coming back from a normal grocery run. The frilled tops of the carrots sticking out from the paper bag he was carrying into his home suggested as much. They only made the prospect more enticing. She was close. So close.

She caught his eye, and barely managed not to collapse to her knees in the process Even looking at him made her salivate. Still, she remained resolute. She thought back, her eyelids drooping as she lost herself in the memories.


That was the holiday she’d forgotten earlier. It had been the highlight of her old life. A time to lose oneself in merriment. To feast. And the main dish was always...

She grinned, the stallion not paying her any mind at this distance. She remembered the meal she loved so much. The luxury that was denied to her except for the happiest of occasions. The ones that lit up her mind. She’d lived for those moments, and after she’d emigrated...

She closed the distance between them. Celestia had tried to placate her with a wide variety of dishes, and the tastes she’d experienced in the process... she shivered as the memories washed over her. But they never deposed her favorite food from her mind. The taste... the texture... there was nothing that could ever replace it.

The stallion noticed her. He smiled. So did she, at the prospect of what was to come.

She’d emigrated from the old country. Most of her relatives had forsaken their traditions within a year of two after they'd uploaded, but not this mare. She remembered the meal that had been served at the ceremony promoting her into adulthood. As well as the one at her wedding. Her grin revealed row upon row of sharp and serrated teeth.

There was nothing that could replace the taste and feel of horse meat.

She leapt, and bit down into the stallion's flank even as his groceries spilled across the yard. The taste was even better than she remembered, every time she indulged was a fresh revelation. She ripped the muscles from his bones, tearing through the organs as if they were mere tissue paper. A light brown film coated her muzzle, but hardly deterred her. Why would it? The blood soaking into her face had the taste and texture of the most delicious mushroom gravy she’d ever had the privilege to try.

When she came up for breath, all that was left of the stallion was a pile of entrails. The pleasure of filling herself bordered on the orgasmic, and she nearly toppled over and gave herself over to the pleasure and fullness.

While she did, the remainder of organs and flesh twitched and stirred. Intestines rewound themselves. Skin, bone and muscle knitted itself back into the proper shape. As the mare watched, the stallion’s form reconstructed itself. She blushed, and gathered up the carrots that had fallen all about the yard. She’d been incredibly rude, jumping him like that. After all, a good neighbor asked permission before they devoured their prey.

The stallion’s face reformed, smiling. She planned to apologize, but she knew that she was already forgiven. She leaned in and gave the stallion a peck on the cheek, her tongue lingering against his skin just a bit longer than was strictly necessary. It tasted far too sweet not to.

Once he was as whole as ever, he kissed her back a good deal harder. The mare sorted her thoughts as she helped him carry his groceries into his home. She had so much to tell him about the caves she’d had the privilege of exploring over the last few... huh. It was getting awfully hard to remember units of time these days. He whispered something just for them into her ear, and she blushed that much harder. Later that evening, they trotted off together towards the local tavern. She had so much to tell him, and per their usual arrangement drinks were on her tonight. Hopefully in every conceivable sense. After all, how many times had he tasted her and found that she was absolutely delicious?

It was a perfect world.