• Published 12th Oct 2013
  • 582 Views, 4 Comments

A Friendly Chat - Glimglam

Rarity and Twilight have a cordial conversation over tea.

  • ...

"She should have been here by now..."

“Hm? Oh, it's you.”

“Sorry that I'm late.”

“Well, I'm glad that you made it. Have a seat, darling.”

“Thanks. I was somewhat sidetracked, earlier.”

“Oh, do tell.”

“Let's just say that Spike wasn't aware that I was fixing the stairs when he decided to use them. From the top going down.”

“My word! He isn't hurt, is he?”

“He's fine. A little bandage fixed him right up. He tried to act all tough about it, but I know I saw him whimpering a little.”

“Poor Spikey-wikey... I do hope he'll be alright.”

“Like I said, he's fine.”

“I'll take your word for it, Twilight. Tea?”

“Yes, please.”

“Of course. It's a special blend I brought back from Canterlot, if you recall.”

“Mmmm... Oh, I think I recognize the smell. Spiced orange? Coltley brand?”

“Orange pekoe, actually. But close.”

“Ah, alright. So, uh... how has business been?”

“Not what I would call “booming”, but I've been kept fairly busy. At least it's easily manageable.”

“Sweetie Belle has been...?”

“She's at our parent's house right now, but she's been doing very good lately. Getting better in her grades, from what I heard.”

“That's good to hear. I suppose my tutoring lessons have been working out for her.”

“Thank you for doing that, by the way.”

“It's no trouble, really. Teaching a group of fillies can be a handful sometimes, but it's rather rewarding.”

“Only a “handful”, you say... I would use a stronger word, honestly, but I digress.”

“...Wow, this is actually really good!”

“Isn't it? I'm rather fond of it as well.”

“Yeah, and I don't often drink tea, too. Usually just water, or juice, or whatever happens to be available.”

“Oh Twilight, you must learn to treat yourself to some proper refreshment more often.”

“I would, if I wasn't so busy all the time.”

“That seems to be a problem with us nowadays, doesn't it? Too busy for this, too busy for that... Before we know it, we might have to cut spending time with our friends out of the equation.”

“What? No, I always make time in my schedule for that! You girls are really important to me, you know!”

“I'm aware, and I'm sure that the others are aware as well... But, we are still young. As time wears on, well, who knows. Just look at you, Twilight; a princess, and everything. More responsibilities, less—”

“I know, I know... More work, and less time to spare. But trust me, I know what my priorities are. My friends are one of them.”


“Why do you think I'm still living in Ponyville? I would give up living in that palace for the rest of my life in a heartbeat if it meant that I could still be with my friends.”

“Why Twilight, I'm... Well, that's very nice of you to say.”

“And besides, the Princess said that I was supposed to stay here, so it doesn't really change anything anyway.”





“...I noticed that you're not wearing your crown, Twilight.”

“No, I'm not. It's at the library.”

“You usually do.”

“I'd rather not, since I'm not on any real royal duties right now. No sense in drawing needless attention to myself, right?”

“The wings alone would be enough to tip a pony off, you know.”

“Yeah, but the crown is way flashier. Besides, it's safer under lock and key at home. I don't want anypony snatching it, right?”

“Like anypony would even try! The sheer nerve of even thinking about it...”


“In any case, Rainbow Dash appears to be doing well in her training.”

“Right, she's still at the Academy. How long will she be there?”

“I'm not sure, honestly. I would guess at least a year or two, perhaps, before she finally joins their ranks officially.”

“Heh, I can't wait to see her face when she does. I bet she'll be beyond joyful!”

“Why, she might even create a Sonic Rainboom just by standing still!”

“Haha, probably!”

“Oh, Rainbow Dash... She has so much on her plate, too. I haven't had the chance to properly speak to her in days.”

“I saw her yesterday. She offered to give me some pointers on flying; which, in all honesty, I might need.”

“Still not used to them?”

“Hardly. They don't feel unnatural or anything, just... weird. Awkward to use—like, I can't figure out how to use them right.”

“Rainbow Dash will have her work cut out for her then, won't she?”

“As impatient as she is? I don't see us making much progress. But, I'll give it a try.”

“Mm. More tea?”

“I've had enough, but thanks.”

“Quite alright, darling.”


“So... I suppose we've reached the penultimate of our little chat.”

“Uh... how so?”

“I was wondering, Twilight... do you know of any rumors, lately?”


“'Word on the street', as it were. Gossip. Speak-me-nots. You know the kind.”

“Oh, um, not really. Nothing that's supposed to be a secret, anyway.”

“I see... Well, any news in general that you'd like to share?”

“Now that I think about it, I remembered something. The Princess sent a letter this morning, advising us that we were going to be heading back to the Crystal Empire next week.”

“The Crystal Empire? Oh, that sounds splendid! ...But, why?”

“Mostly royal business, and the like. Nothing exciting, but, at least I'll be able to see my brother and Cadance again!”

“Ah... your sister-in-law, technically.”

“Er... right.”

“I find it rather funny; she used to foalsit you, and now... Well, it's needless to say.”

“Heh. I guess it is kind of weird how things work out.”

“That's life, I suppose... Speaking of special someponies, have you put any thought into who yours might be?”



“No, I haven't.”

“Why is that? It won't be long until the next Hearts and Hooves Day, Twilight.”

“I just—I'm not sure if I should right now. I never felt anything like that for anypony, so, it's something I can't say much about.”

“There are plenty of fish in the sea, you know. Who knows? You could meet them tomorrow. Or the next week. Or after that.”

“It doesn't seem likely, honestly. I'm fine with having friends, but, a special somepony seems like...”

“Like what?”

“Like... I don't even know. I just know that I'm not ready for one yet.”

“Well, if that's the way you feel, I won't pressure you. It's your life, darling.”



“...Well, thanks for the tea, Rarity. It was nice getting to talk you.”

“You're very welcome, Twilight. Anytime at all.”

“So, should we meet again some other time?”

“Oh, of course. Fluttershy and I are heading to the spa tomorrow; would you like to accompany us as well?”

“That sounds great, actually! My wings have been feeling rather sore lately...”

“Not using them very much will do that to you, dear. Fluttershy has a similar problem on occasion, but a trip to the spa always works wonders on that.”

“Alright then; I'll see you then. What time?”

“Precisely noon. I trust that we will all enjoy ourselves.”

“Okay. Thanks again, Rarity.”

“Anything for a friend, Twilight. Anything.”

Comments ( 4 )

Sounded like the characters, so good job.

Thankfully Rarity speaks distinctly enough to help make her speech stand apart.

Aye, interesting format. Luckily both Twilight and Rarity were very in character, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to tell who was speaking. The fact that you pulled it off properly is definitely saying something.

Very interesting. he characters felt true to themselves, without even needing to check the character tags. The conversation was well done too feeling a bit stilted and awkward like they're still working out the new dynamic. Bravo.

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