• Published 12th Oct 2013
  • 3,779 Views, 37 Comments

Scars - Vic Fontaine

A massive storm has left scars all across Ponyville in its wake. Time will fade the physical damage, but how do you heal a wound that you can't see?

  • ...

Scars - Archived Version

Author's Note:

NOTE: This story was revised and updated in June 2014.

This chapter is an archive of the original version of this story in its entirety, as submitted for the TwiDash 3.5 contest.

Chapter 1

The slight rise of pressure in her ear was the first tell. Already heightened senses hummed through her body, waiting for the next, most important sign, and a half-breath later, it came. The smaller feathers on her soddened left wing stood on edge, the static charge in the air reverberating through her bones. The strike wouldn't be on top of her, but to her left, probably at her ten o'clock. The last time she saw anything clearly, though, there was another pony in that exact spot.

"Cloud Kicker!! Dive left NOW!!"

The warning had barely left her mouth when the same patch of sky ripped itself apart in front of her. In the midst of the blinding white light, she could barely see a lavender and yellow flash curling around the lightning bolt, flipping in the air with a grace that belied the scant inches that separated the other pony from certain death. An acrid mixture of copper and burnt atmosphere clung to her nostrils as she swerved left to intercept the nearly torched pegasus.

"Whew, thanks! That was a close one!" the mare yelled.

"No sweat! You ok?" replied Rainbow.

In truth, Rainbow could barely hear anything over the maelstrom of rain and wind, and the nearly complete cloud cover blocked out most of the night sky. But the fact that she had heard anything at all meant that her weather team partner was at least alive.

"We've got to get out of here! This storm is too big and too fast! Have you seen Thunder?"

For her part, Cloud Kicker could barely hear or see as well, and was mostly assuming that the pony she was yelling to was Rainbow Dash.

"Have I seen who??"


Rainbow jerked wildly as a hoof tapped her shoulder. Spinning around, she caught sight of Thunder Lane, his blue and silver mane matted across his soaked grey coat.

"Miss me, Rainbow?"

Forcing her heart back down from her throat, Rainbow sputtered out a reply. "Yes, we did, Thunder! I thought your team was covering our left side!! We could have been crispier than hay fries just now!"

Thunder ran a hoof over his head, wiping his wet mane away from his yellow eyes, if only for a few seconds. "Sorry, but it's chaos up here! Ditzy's team got caught in a massive cross-draft and crashed into the fields at Sweet Apple Acres, and I had to redirect my team towards the North edge of town to support the Wonderbolts!"

In that moment, Rainbow was glad that the low visibility hid her obvious cringe as she processed the new developments. Accidents had occurred at the weather factory in the past, but never to this magnitude. A complete failure of the containment system separating the stores of low and high pressure energy ignited a completely unbalanced reaction between the two mutually destructive forces. The only thing worse than the initial explosion was the enormous storm that was created in its wake. As Captain of the Ponyville weather team, it was Rainbow's job to lead the efforts to combat the monster storm.

All three pegasi instinctively jumped as another flash of lightning lit up the sky behind them. Swallowing hard to push the bile back down her throat, Rainbow tried to project calm as best she could.

"We'll need to send a medical unit to check on Ditzy's team, make sure there aren't any serious injuries. What about Cloud Chaser's team?"

Even the clouds couldn't hide Thunder's emotions, as his face quickly turned into a dark grimace. "Last thing I heard from her was something about a possible wall cloud... Then, nothing. I can't find her or her team, and the Wonderbolts haven't seen them either."

Rainbow's stomach was doing a barrel roll inside of her body, but her mind refused to accept such a development. "Thunder, I know this storm is bad... Ok, it's really, really bad."

"Umm...Rainbow?" Between Rainbow's still rising voice and the roar of the driving rain, Cloud Kicker's voice went unheeded.

"But there is no way she saw a wall cloud! The only time you ever hear of those is in weather team training books, and it's been over a hundred years since anypony has even seen one!"

"Rainbow? Hey, Rainbow!"

"I'm telling you, there's no wall cloud! It's just not possible!"


"What?! Geez, you don't have to yell, Kicker!"

All she got in response was a look of abject terror, as Cloud Kicker pointed a hoof past Rainbow's shoulder. Spinning in place to see what she was pointing at, Rainbow looked straight into a nightmare.

In the distance, a massive, mile high wall cloud was rolling across the landscape, plunging everything it touched into a rain driven blackout. The three pegasi hovered in place, looking on in pure shock as the seemingly solid wall consumed Ponyville street-by-street, block-by-block, inching ever further into the town's central square.

At that moment, Rainbow would have given nearly anything to be back in the Golden Oak library, where a warm fire and her best friend were awaiting her return. It was less than an hour ago that her weekly visit with Twilight was broken by the piercing scream of Cloudsdale's weather alarms. At first, she thought there had been a mistake, or an unscheduled test, as the alarms had not been used in a real emergency in years. One look out the window, however, quickly revealed the gravity of the situation; something very bad had happened in Cloudsdale, and the local weather was quickly spiraling out of control. With a quick smile and a promise to return, Rainbow had leapt out into the night, but now, the only leap her mind wanted to make was back to the library.

But Rainbow Dash knew that she was no ordinary pegasus. She was the Captain of the weather team, the best flyer in Equestria, a lock for a future spot on the Wonderbolts squad, and most importantly, the Element of Loyalty. With a practiced smoothness that belied the insane level of risk involved, Rainbow turned to her soaked partners, a look of determination etched into her muzzle.

"Kicker, Thunder, Ponyville needs us now more than ever, and I'm not going to hover out here and do nothing. We may not be able to stop this thing, but we have to at least make sure that everypony is safe!" Not waiting for their replies, Rainbow turned and shot off into the ever darker night, aiming straight for the wall cloud. Thunder Lane and Cloud Kicker shared a worried look before speeding off after their Captain, following the faint rainbow trail through the torrential rain, and towards the epicenter of the biggest storm they had ever seen.

Flying at breakneck speed, Rainbow Dash dove lower to the ground as she approached the cloud, Thunder Lane and Cloud Kicker only a few wing beats behind her. As they neared the massive weather formation, the sheer force of the cross-drafts made it very difficult to maintain a decent speed, and bit-sized hail began pelting them from all angles. Even Rainbow's powerful wings struggled to maintain a stable flight, the vicious air currents batting her around like a hoofball. What limited sight she had was quickly obscured by her fogged up goggles, the torrential rain forcing its way past the eyewear as if it were not there at all. With no obvious path into the monolithic cloud, Rainbow knew that a more direct approach was needed.


As if on cue, Rainbow crossed the path of another current, only this time, she steered into it, letting the wave of air carry her towards the wall cloud, gaining speed all the way. With the cloud nearly upon her, Rainbow stretched out her legs even more and lowered her head, presenting the smallest profile possible to the oncoming cloud. With a loud yell into the wind, Rainbow tore into the rampaging storm, piercing the wall cloud like a knife through butter.

As soon as she cleared the cloud barrier, a cross-wind slammed into her like a runaway train, sending Rainbow hurtling towards the ground in an uncontrollable spin. She tried to yell out to her wing mates, but the wind ripped the words from her mouth in an instant. She wasn't sure which end was even up, but the last thing she saw was the fast approach of the cobblestone paths that made up Ponyville's central square.


Rainbow's head was still spinning like a top as she tried to reorient herself. She found herself lying face down in a puddle, the ground around her soaked past the point of simple saturation. With an audible groan, she brushed her mud-splattered mane out of her eyes and began looking around intensely, trying to locate her two teammates.

"Thunder!! Kicker!! Are you ok?! Where are you?!"

"We're here! Rainbow, we're right ove--OWW!"

Rising on a set of very shaky hooves, Rainbow moved as quick as she dared in the direction of the painful shouts. Her eyes squinted to try and sharpen her focus, and to stop her head from spinning - neither of which were made any easier by the torrents of wind and rain that pelted her from all sides. Another flash of lightning cut through the sky, casting the square in a mixture of white light and knife-edged shadow. The light was gone as soon as it appeared, but it was enough to reveal the forms of two pegasi, lying in a heap near the fountain at the center of the square. Doing her best to turn her head away from the driving rain, Rainbow made her way to her downed partners, praying to Celestia that they were not badly hurt.

"Are you two ok?! What happened?" asked Rainbow, as she tried to pull Cloud Kicker off of a clearly blacked out Thunder Lane.

"I... Oof... I don't know. Thunder and I were right behind you, but as soon as we breached the wall cloud, the world started spinning out of control. I tried grabbing on to Thunder, but all that did was drag him down with me."

"Can you stand?" replied a still shaken Rainbow. "We need to check on Thunder, and get you both to shelter!"

Cloud Kicker raised a hoof over her eyes to wipe her soaked mane away, as she prepared to stand. "I...I think so...just let me try and get uoohhhAHH!!!"

Rainbow lunged forward, barely catching Cloud Kicker before she toppled on to her side, clearly favoring her right foreleg. Cloud Kicker's breaths were hurried, and laced with equal parts exhaustion and pain.

"I... OWW! Oh, pony feathers, I must have sprained a fetlock."

"Just hold on, ok?" said Rainbow. "Just lean into me, and we'll sit you back down."

Doing her best to support the injured leg, Rainbow guided Cloud Kicker a few steps to her left and slowly sat her down onto the ledge of the now over-flowing fountain. As soon as the now hobbled flyer was situated, Rainbow turned her attention to Thunder Lane, who was only now beginning to stir.

Rainbow didn't need much light to see that he had sustained a serious wing injury. The leading edge of the left wing was clearly broken, the normally solid, smooth bone line rough and out of alignment. No bones had broken through, but flying was clearly out of the question.

"Thunder? Can you hear me?" asked Rainbow, gently placing a hoof on his back.

"Dash?? Wha... What happe--AHHHHH!!!!!" Thunder Lane's first words were cut off as a vicious shot of pain raced from his damaged wing straight through the rest of his body, dropping him into a prone position. As gingerly as she could, Rainbow let some of her weight fall onto his quivering shoulders, pinning him down to the ground.

"Thunder, your wing is broken, so try to lie still! Moving will only make it worse!"

"That bad, huh?" replied Thunder, his scrunched eyes betraying the pain he was trying to hide with sheer stubbornness. "How's Cloud Kicker? Is she ok?"

"She sprained her fetlock, but she'll be ok! Right now though, I need to tie down your wing before you damage it further!" Rainbow's mind quickly went back to the first aid training she received from the weather team school, and an idea struck her.

Grabbing her goggles off of her own neck, she set them on the ground, working quickly but gingerly to remove Thunder's goggles from his neck without moving him. She set to work disassembling both of them, separating the black elastic bands from the eye pieces. Fighting her soaked hooves and her frayed nerves, Rainbow didn't hear the metallic shriek ring out in front of her.


Still fighting the elastic from the goggles, Rainbow didn't even have time to respond before Cloud Kicker dove into her, knocking them both to the ground seconds before the sign from the Sofa & Quills store tumbled through the air mere inches above the now prone mares. The blast of wind in the sign's wake tore one of the elastic bands from Rainbow's hooves, carrying it too into the endless maelstrom.

"You ok?!" yelled Cloud Kicker, as she struggled to roll off of Rainbow without aggravating her injured leg even more than she already had.

"Yeah, I'm ok! I guess this makes us even now!" she responded. "But, I lost the elastic from my goggles, and I needed them to tie up Thunder's wing!"

Realizing that she had managed to hang onto her own pair in the initial crash, Cloud Kicker removed her goggles as best she could, totally unused to using her left hoof for such motions. She tossed them to Rainbow, who snagged them out of the air. "Here, take these! I'll look out for any more flying signs!"

With an affirmative nod, Rainbow set to the task once again. Working as quickly as her soaked hooves could move, she disassembled the new pair of goggles, tied the two elastic bands together to increase its overall length, and proceeded to tie them around Thunder's broken wing. After a few loops and a series of double-knots, Rainbow had managed to tie down the damaged wing enough to prevent most movement.

"This isn't perfect, but it'll keep the break from getting worse. Try not to move your wings, got it?!"

"Yeah, I've... Owww... I've got it!" replied Thunder. He was still in pain, but the makeshift splint at least took the edge off. Rainbow nodded her head in reply as she concentrated on lifting Thunder to his hooves, taking care not to touch his soaked, battered wings. Though uninjured, his legs were still very unsteady as a result of the crash, so Rainbow leaned into him a bit to keep him steady as they made their way back to Cloud Kicker.

"This is hopeless!" said an exhausted Rainbow. "Both of you are injured, and this storm's only getting worse! We need to find some shelter, and some medical attention!"

Cloud Kicker took a quick look around the square, trying her best to shield her face against the now sideways driven rain. "There's mostly businesses here Dash, and the shop keepers all retreated to their homes! So, unless you want to break into a store, we need to think of another place to go!"

A thought clicked in Rainbow's head. The library was just a few blocks past the edge of the square, and she knew that everything they needed was there - warmth, shelter, Twilight's surprisingly adept medical spells, and most importantly for Dash, Twilight herself.

Just the thought of the bookish unicorn sent her mind racing back to what was supposed to be the biggest event of the night. It had taken weeks of mental preparation, but Rainbow had finally worked up the courage to ask Twilight out on a date. Since her first introduction to the bookish unicorn, Rainbow's weekly stops by the library had become as routine as her weather patrol work. But what began as friendly chats about nothing in particular soon became the highlight of her week, and Rainbow quickly began to learn more and more about the nerdy librarian from Canterlot; and the more she learned about the Princess's personal student, the more enamored she became.

Fluttershy, Rainbow's lifelong confidant, had advised her to take it slow. She and the other Elements of Harmony had grown quite close to each other since coming together to stop Nightmare Moon, but that was no guarantee that Twilight harbored similar feelings for Rainbow - or for any mare, for that matter.

'Fluttershy may be right', Rainbow thought to herself, 'But I'll never know if I don't ask her. Sure, there's a chance that this won't work, but what if it did?' For just a moment, the rain, the wind, the endless claps of thunder faded to the background as Rainbow's mind turned to much happier thoughts. 'But if it does work, and Twilight does go out with me? Oh, Celestia, it's going to be so awesome. Tons of conversation, lots of warm fires. I know - for our first date, I'll take her to get milkshakes! Twilight said she loves them, but never finds time on her calendar to go get one. Ahhh...I wonder what flavor she likes? Perhaps I should just order one shake and two str--'


A horrifically loud thunderclap erupted right behind Rainbow, ripping her mind out of its ill-timed day dream, and spiking her pulse well past what one would call comfortable. Her senses jolted into hyper-speed, the incessant assault of rain, wind, and flying debris felt twice as intense, the combined effects putting her on the edge of a rare state for her - fear.

"This is too much! We can't stay out here!" she yelled to her partners, who were doing their best to stay low to the ground to avoid any additional airborne debris.

"Huh?! You want to do what?!" replied Cloud Kicker, clearly guessing as to what Rainbow had just said. With the wind blowing harder than ever, even yelling was now all but useless. Rainbow was about to try yelling again, when another flash of lightning ripped open the sky around them, the accompanying thunder clap blowing out what few windows remained in Bon Bon's candy store.

They had to go now - before the incessant lightning found its mark. Rainbow nearly fell twice as she tried to stand, her hooves constantly slipping in the muddy soup that now passed for ground. Her head was pounding as hard as her heart, her vision was still clouded by the rain, and hearing was all but impossible. She was running on pure instinct - and this time, unlike so many times before, it told her to get out of trouble, instead of running straight to it.

She was about to begin dragging her injured partners to their hooves, when nearly every feather on her wings stood straight up into the air, the underlying bones tingling like a tuning fork as the static charge raced around and through her. The ringing in her ears built up so fast, she had to fight to keep from blacking out on the spot. The air around her was almost humming as the charge continued to build at a frightening rate, as if the already destructive storm was pausing long enough to taunt the trio of drenched, battered, and injured pegasi.

Rainbow had barely hit the ground again when the gates of Tartarus broke loose around them.

A massive surge of lightning raced its way through the wall cloud, drawing a jagged, crackling circle of light above the square. In the blink of an eye, the searing white light arced in and out of the clouds, splitting and reforming more times than anypony could possibly count. Under any other circumstance, the instantaneous display of light and power would be awe-inspiring, but this unnatural storm, this accidental creation of pure destruction, had saved its worst for last.

As the white-hot light raced above them past the end of the square, a second lightning bolt shot down into its path, splitting the first arc and sending an enormous blast of energy directly to the ground. The ground strike was immediate, lighting up the blackened sky with a flash that would have rivaled the sun itself.

If the sun was pink.

Rainbow didn't have to wonder what the lightning had made contact with when it hit. Even the horrific roar of the accompanying thunderclap couldn't drown out the blood-curdling scream that ripped through the air around her, sounding in her ears like an enraged banshee. As soon as it pierced her ears, Rainbow's heart nearly stopped mid-beat.

She knew that voice. She knew it all too well, and she knew exactly where it had come from.



Chapter 2

Mud, dirty water, and small debris kicked up all around her as Rainbow tore across the square, running as fast as she could towards the library. She didn't so much as glance back to her injured partners, who were struggling to get to their hooves without exacerbating their injuries. At that moment, Rainbow was focused only on getting to the Golden Oak library as fast as she could, abandoning all regard for her surroundings or her physical condition.

Nearing the opposite edge of the square, Rainbow was closing fast on a row of benches, some of which were nestled in between the remains of formerly tall, well-manicured shrubs. Driving more speed into her tired legs, she planted her rear hooves into the muddy ground and launched herself into the air, her barrel clearing the top of the bench with room to spare. Under other circumstances, Rainbow might have stopped to admire her athletic prowess, but now, with her potential marefriend in dire need, she continued her charge as soon as her hooves touched the ground.

Rainbow rocketed out of the square and down the street, her thundering hooves creating a massive spray of water in her wake. Despite its tattered, water-logged condition, the sheer force of the wind still splayed her mane out behind her head. Continued lightning strikes lit up the sky like an ill-timed strobe light, revealing Rainbow as a single streak of color against the oppressive black sky.

Her heart hammered in her chest as she bore down on the final corner before the library. Leaning to her left, Rainbow dug her hooves into the ground, willing her body to take the turn at a near right angle. The muddy, flooded ground betrayed her front hooves though, and the sudden loss of traction sent her sliding into a food stall that had up until this point weathered the storm.

She screamed out as her body fell wildly into the small wooden stall, her momentum all but tearing the structure to shreds in her wake. Pain lanced through her body as splinters and shards of wood attacked her coat from all angles, taking every opportunity to draw blood as payment for its untimely destruction. Rainbow paid none of it a shred of a thought as she struggled to get up, her hooves still slipping on muddy ground and wet, broken planks of wood.

Finally throwing the last plank off of her back, Rainbow jumped out of the broken remains of the stall and turned towards the street, rearing up to continue her mad dash. She was about to take off when her eyes focused ahead to the library, now less than a hoofball field length away.

What was once a nightmare for Rainbow turned into an unimaginable hell.

At the end of the street was a towering inferno that at any other time would have been the Golden Oak library. What should have been a friendly, inviting structure now looked as if a piece of Tartarus itself had teleported to Ponyville. For a fraction of a second, Rainbow stood in pure shock, her mind grinding to a halt as it tried to process what her eyes were seeing. The command to do so never registered in her brain, but still, Rainbow cried out as she bolted down the street, her hooves driving her forward on pure instinct alone.


As she rapidly closed the distance to the burning structure, Rainbow could see a small gaggle of other ponies rushing around the building. Some were merely panicking, while many others were running back and forth with buckets of water, doing their best to try and quench the flames that were quickly spreading throughout the ancient tree. Rainbow barreled headlong into the group of impromptu fire-ponies, grabbing the first one she could by its mane.

"Where is she?! Where's Twilight?!"

"She's trapped in there, and we can't get to her!" he replied, the earth pony's rain drenched eyes narrowing to pinpricks as he realized to whom he was speaking. "We came as soon as the lightning struck, but the fire is too hot! Wh... What they hay are you do--"

His last words were lost to the howling wind as Rainbow nearly ran him over in a mad run towards the library. Searing flames licked at her coat and tail as she skirted the edge of the tree, doing her best to get closer to the burning structure. The other ponies continued to throw buckets of water at the tree, but the water all but evaporated into clouds of steam before even touching the flames. Even the raging storm, with its torrential downpours, was no match for the intensity of the blaze. Fueled by the endless reams of paper inside, the fire continued unabated, coursing down the tree like a molten snake.

Fighting for traction with every step, Rainbow continued her mad rush around the burning tree, taking short jumps into the air in a continued attempt to see into the upper windows for any sign of Twilight. Rounding the right side of the tree, she spotted a small opening in the billowing cloud of smoke that was enveloping the immediate area. Taking a gulp of acrid air, she turned straight into the smoke and lunged through the gap in the haze, finding herself in front of the large window that looked out from the modest kitchen that was situated just off the main room of the library.

"TWILIGHT?! TWILIGHT, CAN YOU HEAR ME?!" Rainbow screamed at the window, her voice carrying as high as her smoke and soot filled lungs would allow her. Ignoring the incessant rain that insisted on shoving her mane into her eyes, she continued yelling, craning her neck in every direction imaginable to see through the thick haze that was quickly obscuring her view of the interior room.

With each passing second, the raging fire crept further and further down the remaining exterior of the tree, raining equal amounts of burnt debris and sheer desperation on top of Rainbow. Ignoring the rain, the soot, and the debris, she reared up on her hind legs and pressed her muzzle up to the window, her forelegs knocking on the glass in tune with her continued cries to her still unaccounted for friend.

"TWILIGHT!! WHERE ARE Y--AH!" her voice was cut off mid-yell as a pair of hooves appeared out of nowhere, planting themselves onto the inside of the smoke filled window. Rainbow's eyes widened in shock as Twilight's upper body emerged from the smoke, as if she were an apparition from on high. The moment of elation she felt upon seeing her friend was quickly crushed as her eyes focused on the unicorn's condition. Her coat and mane were tattered and soot stained, her blood-shot eyes showing the effects of extended exposure to the smoke and heat. Much of her body was still obscured by the smoke, but the uneven heaving of Twilight's chest told Rainbow all that she needed to know about the mare's physical state; she was in bad shape already, and couldn't last much longer trapped as she was.

"Twilight, can you hear me?!" yelled Rainbow, her muzzle pressed up to the window as if she could physically force her voice through the glass. Twilight stopped a coughing fit long enough to nod her head to indicate that she had at least heard the pegasus say something.

"Can you make it to the front?! I can run in there and grab you!" she yelled again, pointing a soaked and matted foreleg towards the front side of the library.

Twilight shook her head back and forth as she tried to force a response past her burnt vocal cords. Rainbow could see her lips moving, but could not pick out the unicorn's weakened voice over the roar of the encroaching fire and the still raging storm. Seeing the confused look on Rainbow's face, Twilight leaned off of the window, and with shaky hooves, spelled out her response in the thick fog that was growing on the inside of the glass:


As if to accentuate her point, the door on the other side of the room suddenly collapsed on itself as the raging fire took its toll on the wooden frame and simple metal hinges. Twilight whipped her head around to see flames quickly moving through the door frame, already pressing the attack to the fixtures and walls in this, the last room left on the ground floor. Panic began to grip Rainbow like a vice, setting off the equivalent of a hundred sonic rainbooms inside her head at once. Time was running out, and the options were expiring even faster than the clock. Grasping for something, anything that could help, she yelled out again.

"What about magic?! Can you teleport outside?!"

Again, Twilight shook her head, though even that motion was cut short as bone wrenching coughs rocked her sweaty, tattered frame, what little air she could hold choked out of her lungs by the now blackening smoke.

Her mind quickly racing towards the edge, Rainbow banged her hooves against the window to regain Twilight's attention. "It's the only thing left Twilight!! You have to try! Please, you have to try!!"

Twilight looked behind her again to find the flames nearing the middle of the room, the island and a few other fixtures now the only things left between her and oblivion. Steeling herself for the task, Twilight closed her blood-shot eyes and focused what little strength she had left into her horn. Slowly, a few sparks began to trickle from her soot-stained horn, bouncing off of the floor like the remnants of a tiny firecracker. She ground her teeth together as she bore down harder on the teleportation spell, but her magical grip was quickly slipping. Faster and deeper breaths only drew more acrid, poisonous air into her lungs, which only clouded her oxygen deprived mind more. Still, her mind tore at itself, squeezing everything it had into the slowly growing magenta orb at the tip of her horn.

"Ahhhh... Ngh... AHHHH!!!" The fire had just reached the opposite side of the island when Twilight's magic finally hit a wall, the now spent unicorn letting out a painful wail as she collapsed into the counter that sat just in front of the window. She could barely hear the continued thud of Rainbow's hooves on the window, and the severely muffled voice that still called out to her. Pulling herself up, she raised a battered foreleg to the window and drug it across the soot and fog covered glass, again revealing herself to her panicked friend on the outside.

Rainbow was still banging her hooves into the double-paned window, the hardened glass proving as resilient against her repeated blows as it normally did against the elements. She was about to strike the window again when Twilight's face again appeared through the fog and smoke, somehow looking even worse than she had a few seconds ago. Another bolt of lightning lit up the sky behind Rainbow, casting the battered, nearly broken unicorn mere inches in front of her into a painful, almost cruel relief. Rainbow's heart was beyond the point of desperation, and well past the point of rational thought. Looking up through the rain, she saw the raging trail of fire drawing closer, the wind having driven the flames nearly around the entire library. Smoldering embers and debris now fell steadily around her, some singing her coat and tail as they bounced off of her soaked frame.

Out of time, and out of options, Rainbow's mind completed its sprint over the edge, abandoning all pretenses of safety and logic to a wild, desperate rage. 'To Tartarus with it! If Twilight can't get out, I'm going in there to get her - consequences be damned!' Steeling herself for what she was about to do, she yelled out again to Twilight.


A sickening, stomach-turning crack shook the tree, the sound audible even over the raging fire. Rainbow snapped her head up again to try and identify the source of the noise; she didn't have to look for too long before the storm gave her an answer.

Another horrific snap rung out from the tree, and Rainbow could only watch in horror as the top half of the tree, scorched and decimated by the fire, imploded.


Whether the unicorn ever heard her, she couldn't tell.

The fiery remains of the top of the tree crashed through the ceiling into the main level of the library, seemingly crushing everything in its path. Twilight was nowhere to be seen, the kitchen now fully engulfed in flames.

"Nonononono... NOOO!" Rainbow screamed as she launched herself into the air, darting back about thirty feet from the window. She spun around in the air, and taking aim for the window, she shot forward as hard as she could. At the last possible second, she flipped in the air to lead with her hind legs, and with a final burst of speed, slammed herself into the kitchen window. The window exploded around Rainbow as she drove through the opening, closing her eyes against the hail of broken wood and shattered glass that hit at her from all sides.

However, her successful breakthrough into the kitchen was as short as it was sudden. The sudden influx of oxygen into the kitchen instantly created a massive back-draft that flew right at the incoming pegasus, flinging her back out of the now broken window as fast as she had come crashing through it.

"AAAHHHHH!!!" Rainbow screamed as she was flung back like a foal's favorite rag doll, the remnants of flame still licking at the tattered edges of her mane and tail as she flew backwards. With a few loud thuds, Rainbow skidded to a stop on the ground about fifty feet away from the tree.

Her mind and vision were reeling from the impact and the sudden vertigo, but Rainbow needed neither of them to comprehend what she was seeing. There, fifty feet in front of her, she witnessed the final destruction of the Golden Oak Library. The now uncontrollable flames raced through the remaining structure, feeding ravenously from the fresh oxygen that Rainbow's failed rescue attempt had introduced into the mix.

The word 'failure' crossed Rainbow's mind, and immediately it clicked together. Her rescue attempt had failed, and somewhere in the inferno was Twilight Sparkle - the Librarian, the personal student of the Princess, the bearer of the Element of Magic, one of the most powerful unicorns in Equestria.

Her friend. Her best friend. The one pony she had truly fallen for. The pony that less than an hour ago, was hopefully going to agree to the first of many dates with her.

And she was gone.

For Rainbow Dash, at that moment, her entire world shattered.

Screaming hysterically, she began flailing her hooves, fighting desperately to find traction in the mud pit that passed for the ground. Completely oblivious to the still pouring rain, she clawed at the ground, dragging herself forward one hoof at a time, trying to draw herself back to the now fully engulfed tree.

Her uneven progress was abruptly stopped as two grey hooves dropped onto her back, bringing what little momentum she had to an immediate halt.

"Rainbow, stay down! You can't go back!" yelled Thunder Lane, as he tried to somehow keep Rainbow still without ruffling his still broken wing. Rainbow whipped her head around to face him, her magenta eyes filled with blind, desperate rage.

"LET ME GO THUNDER! I HAVE TO GET TWILIGHT! I CAN STILL SAVE HER!!" she screamed directly into his face, as she squirmed in every direction in an attempt to escape his grasp.

"It's too late!" he replied, trying to put more of his weight onto the deranged mare. "The fire is out of control! You'll never make it out alive!"


Rainbow punctuated her words with a sharp kick from her hind legs, catching Thunder right under his damaged wing. He collapsed immediately, unable to fight off the sudden, acute pain that shot through his body. As soon as she was free of his extra weight, Rainbow resumed her mad scramble to her hooves, her body willing itself forward before she had even stood halfway up.

She only made it a few more feet before Thunder's hooves descended upon her again, only this time his were joined by a second set of hooves as the newly arrived Cloud Kicker did what she could to hold the manic pegasus down. Rainbow pushed and squirmed all the more, her defiant cries growing louder by the second. It was all that the two other pegasi could do to hold the enraged mare down, their injuries making the task that much tougher on them.

Finally, Rainbow was able to loosen their hold on her enough to let her turn her upper body to mostly face them. She screwed her face up, preparing to launch another violent outburst, but when her mouth opened, no sound came out. Then, as the last bits of her mind crumbled like the remaining pieces of the library, Rainbow finally lost all control.

"WHY WHY WHY?! WHY DID THIS HAPPEN?! WHY COULDN'T I SAVE HER?!" The words came pouring out of Rainbow's mouth as a torrent of rage and sadness burned her from the inside out, racking her tired body with uncontrollable sobs.

"You did everything you could, and then some! There was nothing else you could have done!" replied Thunder, doing his best to inject some soothing tones into his voice. He raised a hoof to Rainbow's face, doing his best to brush a piece of mane out of her eye, but Rainbow slapped it away, screaming all the more.

"NONONONO, YOU DON'T GET IT!... I DON'T GET IT! WHY HER, WHY NOW?! SHE WAS MY BEST FRIEND! WHY HER, WHY... HY... HY..." Rainbow continued shuddering as unimaginable grief fought a war against the raging anger inside of her mind.

Cloud Kicker tightened her grip on the hysterical mare, ignoring the pain that still throbbed through her injured fetlock. "Rainbow, I know this is a lot to process, but you have to CALM DOWN. I know Twilight meant a lot to yo--"

"CELESTIA YES SHE MEANT A LOT TO ME!!" screamed Rainbow, her distraught eyes boring a hole straight through the other mare. She quickly turned her eyes back to Thunder as her voice reached seemingly impossible volume. "YOU HAVE NO BUCKING IDEA HOW MUCH SHE MEANT TO ME!!! I FELL HEAD OVER HOOVES FOR THAT MARE, AND I WAS ABOUT TO ASK HER OUT!!"

Her forelegs shot out, grabbing Thunder and pulling his muzzle even with her own. "BUT NOW SHE'LL NEVER KNOW, BECAUSE SHE'S GONE!!! SHE'S BUCKING GONE AND IT'S ALL MY FAULT!!!" Her voice finally exhausted, Rainbow nearly collapsed into Thunder, an endless stream of bitter tears falling into his already soaked and wind-blown mane.

"Gone? I'm not gone, Rainbow, I'm right here!"

Rainbow's mind froze in an instant.

She knew that voice. She knew it all too well. But this time, she had no idea where it had come from.

Rainbow whipped her head around to the source of the voice before her mind could even begin to surmise the impossibility of the situation. But when her eyes focused on the owner of that voice, time itself stopped.

Twilight Sparkle stood mere feet away from her, looking no different than she had an hour ago. Her coat and mane shone with their usual luster, the lone streak of pink in her hair laying exactly where she remembered it. Her violet eyes were as clear and vibrant as a sunny day, and her horn bore not a speck of soot or dirt on it.

"Twilight?! Wait, this can't be real... YOU can't be real!" Rainbow's entire body shook as she spoke, her mind too broken to even try to rationalize what was surely a mirage, or some ungodly trick of the mind.

"No, it's me Rainbow. I'm really here, and I'm very real," replied Twilight, her face glowing with the same soft, warm smile that had enraptured Rainbow countless times before.

Still, Rainbow's mind refused to accept the validity of what her eyes tried to tell her. "NO, that's not possible! I saw you in the library - in the fire! I tried to save you, but I failed! I WATCHED IT ALL BURN, FOR LUNA'S SAKE!! YOU'RE... NOT... REAL!!"

Twilight took another step forward, closing nearly all of the small distance between the two mares. She stared directly into Rainbow's tear-stained eyes as she spoke. "If I wasn't real, you wouldn't be able to feel this."

"Feel wh... Mmph!" Rainbow's response was cut off as Twilight darted forward, locking her lips to Rainbow's in a fervent, heated kiss. Rainbow's mind struggled to process anything, but as Twilight wrapped a hoof around Rainbow's neck to press the kiss deeper, she closed her eyes, slowly surrendering what was left of her soul to this very authentic figment of her tattered mind.

Suddenly, everything changed. The raging storm receded to a drizzle, while the raging inferno dissipated into something the size of a campfire. Her tattered, soaked coat began not just to dry, but to grow warm and healthy, as if she had never been outside at all that day. Even the night sky, which had been blacked out by the horrific storm, began to reveal itself once more, the many creations of the Moon Goddess lighting the nighttime with their faint glow.

Finally, Twilight, or some apparition thereof, broke the kiss.

"Rainbow, open your eyes."


Her eyes snapped open, and in an instant, reality hit Rainbow like a sack of apples. The soaked, muddy ground was gone, replaced with a soft bed covered in a crumpled mess of star-crossed sheets. The endless roar of the wind and rain were nowhere to be found, replaced by the beat of her still thundering heart. Even the fire, with its blinding light and searing heat, had disappeared, replaced with the soft glow of a lantern, and the controlled warmth of a fireplace.

A full body chill shot through her frame as her mind caught up to the fact that she was curled up on a corner of the bed and covered in a cold layer of sweat, her mane and tail matted and frazzled worse than she had ever seen.

"It was the nightmare again, wasn't it," said Twilight, a look of concern etched onto her face as she slowly walked across the bedroom, taking a seat next to Rainbow on the bed.

A wave of embarrassment washed over the still shivering pegasus, her face too ridden with despair to look up at Twilight. "Yeah, it was... Again."

Twilight gently placed a hoof onto Rainbow's as she continued. "Was it the same one as last time?"

"No... It was worse," she replied, her shaky voice doing its best to stay even. "Much, much worse, in fact."

Twilight drew a deep breath, trying her best to keep her mind focused. This wasn't the first time that Rainbow had been awakened by these nightmares, but this night was by far the worst. If not for the sound deadening spell that she had hastily cast over her bedroom, Spike, and probably half of Ponyville, would have heard Rainbow's anguished screams as the nightmare overwhelmed her sleeping mind. It was never easy hearing Rainbow describe what her mind's eye had seen, but if listening helped Rainbow in any way, she'd do it gladly. It was the least she could do for the pony that saved her life - and in doing so, captured her heart.

"Ok, Rainbow, tell me. What did you see? How bad was it?"

Rainbow looked up at that moment, her gaze rising to match Twilight's. For a few seconds, she looked deep into the unicorn's violet eyes, her lower lip quivering as her mind struggled to begin recounting the horrors it had just acted out. She began to speak, fighting back tears with every word.

"It was the same as before. The accident, the storm, the lightning, everything. But... But this time..." Rainbow stopped to try and collect herself once again, her resolve quickly fading under the weight of the dream. "This time... I... I failed! I failed you, Twilight! I'm so, so sorry!"

"Failed?" asked Twilight. "What do you mean? How could you fail anypony?"

The image of the burning tree flashed in Rainbow's mind once again, shattering what little grip she had on her emotions. She flung herself into Twilight, burying her muzzle into the unicorn's mane.

"I did fail you! I saw the library burn, and I couldn't save you! I tried and I tried, but I FAILED! DAMNIT TWILIGHT, I FAILED, AND I LOST YOU!!" Rainbow continued to sob and cry freely, her body shuddering with each broken breath.

Twilight wrapped her hooves around the still sobbing pegasus, holding onto her as tightly as she could. "Rainbow, that was three months ago, and you know that's not what happened. Yes, there was an accident at the weather factory, and yes, a lightning strike set the library on fire. But you did it; you saved me, remember??"

"But... But the fire! I couldn't stop it!" replied Rainbow, her weak voice further muffled by Twilight's mane.

"You didn't need to, Rainbow! Your partners on the weather team helped put out the fire, but not before you dove through the kitchen window to pull me out of here. We even have coordinating scars to prove it. Here, look."

Loosening their embrace, Twilight used her now free hoof to brush her mane over to the other side of her neck, revealing a small patch of smooth, hairless skin. "A piece of debris got caught under my mane as I ran away from the flames upstairs, and by the time I dislodged it, my skin was a bit burnt. I'll be ok, but the fur won't grow back."

Rainbow's eyes narrowed to pin pricks at the sight of the injury, but owing to her previous runs through episodes like this, Twilight continued before Rainbow could respond. "As for you, your right hind leg was cut fairly badly when you dove through the window to get me."

Rainbow immediately sat up straighter, her head bending down and around to observe her legs. There, on the inside of her hindquarter, was a pink, somewhat jagged scar about an inch long. "Oh Celestia," she muttered. Twilight kissed her free hoof, and gently placed it on Rainbow's leg.

"As I recall," she continued, "you didn't tell anypony about the injury until you came to visit me in the hospital. It took me withholding an answer to your request for a date to convince you to get the doctors to look at it at all, much less get a dozen stitches in your leg."

By now, Rainbow's sobbing had reduced itself greatly; her breaths, though shaky, came much more smoothly than they had before. Twilight looked deep into her red, tear-stained eyes, her heart aching at the sight of her marefriend in such a broken state, this long after the accident.

Born out of that storm, their still budding relationship was being tested by its ghost as it wreaked havoc on Rainbow's mind, twisting her heroism into increasingly ghastly visions. Since the nightmares had started, Twilight had begun researching dream psychology, pouring through every relevant piece in her collection, and even borrowing some more advanced works from the Royal Library in Canterlot. Clearly, there was much more for her to do, but at the moment, she knew exactly what her marefriend needed.

"Dash, you need to get some sleep. C'mon, let's get you settled." As she spoke, she got up off of the bed, giving Rainbow some room to settle back onto her side of the bed. A quick flick of her magic reset the sheets into some semblance of order, and flipped both pillows to their cooler side. Rainbow settled in with her back to Twilight, her breathing still punctuated with small gasps and sniffles.

Another flick of her magic set a bookmark in the thick research book she had been studying when Rainbow first woke up screaming. Closing the book, she stepped toward the bed, slipping under the covers behind Rainbow. A final pinch of magic doused the light from the fireplace as well as the bedside lantern, leaving the soft glow of the moonlight as the only source of light in the room. Twilight scooted closer to Rainbow, wrapping her hooves around the mare as she snuggled against her back.

"Twilight?" asked Rainbow, her voice tired and weak from so much crying. "Am I going to be ok? Will this ever stop?"

In that moment, there was only one thing that Twilight could say, even if she wasn't entirely sure of herself. "Everything's going to be ok, Rainbow. You risked everything to save me... Now it's my turn to save you."

Facing the other way, and gazing out at the moon, Rainbow never saw the faint glow of Twilight's horn as she cast a soothing spell to lull the pegasus into a silent, dreamless sleep.

Nor could she see the tears that rolled down the unicorn's cheek, as she silently cried herself to sleep behind her.

Comments ( 30 )


Thanks for the read! I had hoped that I clarified the ending scene a bit with the revisions, but...alas. :applecry:

Here's the skinny: After helping RD calm down, Twi nudges her back to bed, this time deciding to join her instead of reading the research journal. After their short dialogue, Twi quietly casts a sleep spell on RD to help her go to sleep w/out dreaming again furing the night. As she does this, Twi is crying because seeing RD like this is hitting her hard, yet she doesn't want RD to see her emotions slip too.

There is an actual [spoiler ] tag c:


loved it! i could definitely see the improvements that were made.

Ah, I never knew that. Thanks!

I don't get it, master Moff... if I want to read the new, supposedly better version, which one should I read, the normal chapters or Archived Version? It's just so confussing because there's like 1000 more words in the Archived Version... :pinkiesad2:


Read the revised chapters. They're shorter than the original, but are much more streamlined in their construction and flow. Much of what I cut from the original was (in hindsight) extra fluff the bogged down the pacing a lot. :)

4598482 Ah, okay. Thanks master Moff. Always loved this one. It's one of the few stories I regularly go back to. I have to say that even tho I didn't mind the extra fluff from the original (and I had to read both versions to even notice it) the revised version do flow better and do make the rhythm of the story a little better. :pinkiehappy:

But to me it was like adding a little extra salt to a already perfect meal. The food was already perfect, but with a little extra salt you got more taste to it. Nicely done, sensei. :pinkiecrazy:


Well, shucks. Sorry to hear that. :( Thanks for giving it a read though. :twilightsmile:

You, reading the opening paragraphs aloud in our ORC, gave us absolutely no warning that this was a Twi/Dash fic. You snuck shipping right past my nose! And of course I had to finish the story, I couldn't leave with such a fierce hook. You are an embezzler, that's what you are. Sneaky sneaky. :trixieshiftleft:

And you know what? I really liked it. I really, really liked it. Your title (and description) set up the twist quite well, and the ending was really bittersweet. The whole thing was screaming and action and feels. Awesome.

Maybe shipping isn't so far off my mark after all, because this is great. I love it! :pinkiehappy: Thanks for writing.


I swear, I wasn't trying to be sneaky intentionally. I was about to offer a full context on the nature of the contest that I wrote this for, but the timer was already running, so I just went for it. :twilightblush:

Glad you liked it though! :pinkiesmile:

PS - the thing with shipping is, it can be done in infinite degrees. I've read some awesome ships here that have virtually no physical romantic components to them at all. So, if you decide to try it out in the future, you can absolutely take it as light or as heavy as you want/are comfortable with.


Thanks for your comment. I'll PM you an explanation once I get home. Phones don't work too well for long comments, lol. :)


Not necessarily. It all depends on how she copes with her PTSD, which is essentially what she's experiencing here.

I'll admit up front that I am not terribly well-versed in the topic outside of the reading I did before crafting this fic, but with treatment and support, I know that very many military veterans overcome this issue and go on to be as happy and healthy as they were before they went into battle. OTOH, even with treatment, some people never do fully recover. That's the truly diabolical nature of this issue, imo.

As for RD, the local doctors have done what they can; Now Twi's calling in help from the Princess.

Finally got around to reading this, as it definitely hooked me with the opening you read during the ORC. Because of that, and realizing you're serious about improving, this will probably be a bit more critical than my usual comments, but it's meant to be constructive, so please don't take it too hard/personally. Also note, all these comments apply to the revised version, which is all I read.


My initial and overall impression is that you effectively have three separate scenes (perhaps even stories), with only a tenuous connection between them. The first chapter (while full of some interesting action) has effectively nothing to do with the ending. You set up a disaster, give special mention to this mythical "wall cloud" and even do the "but no one's seen one of those in ____ years!" trope with it. By the time the action is peaking, I'm on board for an action story, and want to see how the characters are going to outwit and stop the disaster. I want to see them come up with some clever solution. But then the chapter ends with a scream, and we're now in an entirely new story.

Now all that matters is the fire at the library. The larger storm doesn't even matter, and in fact just "goes away." That said, there's some intense emotional involvement here, but the basic premise hinges on seemingly unbreakable glass, and Twilight's inability to teleport. Now, I recognize that, in hindsight, these are the frustrations of dream logic, but at the time, it just felt completely illogical and annoyingly unexplained. But that brings us to the third part.

It's all a dream! Now, this is again a very common trope, and one that naturally tends to frustrate a reader/viewer. It's easy to feel the author "lied" or "tricked you" when this is done wrong, and I must say I felt a little of that myself here. I understand that the idea of recurring nightmares is key here, and you can't do that without the dream itself. The problem is that you the majority of the text is dream, with no context to actual reality until this point. Put simply, this dream sequence is far too long, as the only purpose it has to the true story is to show how horrified Rainbow is at the thought of losing Twilight.

Okay, all that said, let me say that I do think you've got a great premise here. (Actually, you've got two great premises, but we'll get to the second one in a minute.) I really think you should ditch chapter one almost entirely. How many weather teams Dash is coordinating, the fact that Ditzy's team got downed in a field, that wall-clouds are rare, and even that there was an accident at the weather factory have no direct bearing on the relationship issues and how Twilight is helping her through the recurring nightmares. Open in media res with Rainbow headed toward the fire, and just sprinkle in some background details about the storm/disaster, and then the dream reveal won't feel so "cheap cliche" and it'll leave you more space to focus on the emotions there. It's also leave it with a lot more "punch" I think.

Then, with that first chapter, go make an action story! You've got a lot of details in there, which right now, are basically all violating the Chekov's Gun rule right now (I mean, you spent an entire page giving precise details about how she splinted Thunder's wing with goggles), but could make for a very interesting story if followed through on.

Now, structure aside, some more detailed comments on nit picky things.

You've got quite a few places where you lapse into patterns, reusing similar words or repeating information. This is mostly in chapter one, e.g. there's several mentions of tying thunder's wing up/down/etc. Ditto "sprained fetlock." You also like to pair "chaos" with "midst" or "amidst" and screaming tends to show up in sentences with ripping.

Some of the action is a little hard to follow. This is always a tricky one, especially in scenes with a lot of action (like a storm) but it wasn't always clear who was where, especially in the early part of chapter one in the air, and later, looking in the window. If this was intentional (dream fuzziness?) then... well, I don't think it worked as intended.

Now, the compliments! I really liked the premise, and there's a lot of emotional mileage to be had with the recurring nightmares, PTSD thing, especially when it's centered around a relationship. I think you can pull a lot more out of that if you want, and I'd certainly like to see it. Likewise, most of your action was pretty interesting, and what hooked me into the story in the first place. You've got a lot of interesting set up for how/why this disaster happened, and as I mentioned, that could (should) be a story in its own right.

Okay, I'm going to stop here, before this comment gets even longer than the story itself. Bottom line: keep it up!

Thanks for the read and the fave! I'm glad you enjoyed the story. :twilightsmile:

To answer your points:

1. That is mostly correct. Luna certainly has more tools at her disposal, but there is no guarantee that she will be able to fully heal RD's mind.
2. I wouldn't say Luna has the same/similar nightmares as RD here. BUT, she is the overseer of ponies' dreams, so she is in the best position to look deeper into the issue than any doctor could. So, if help from the diarchs is what TS thinks is needed, Luna would be the clear choice over Celestia.

Again, thanks for the read!

I tear my heart open
I sow myself shut
My weakness is that
I care too much


And my scars remind me, that the past is real.
I tear my heart open, just to feel.


That song makes me feel old now, lol. I take it you both liked the story? :twilightsheepish:


Honestly, I haven't read it yet, I just wanted to reply to that comment first.


Lol! Well, I suppose I can let that slide. :raritywink:

If you do give it a read though, I hope you find it to your liking. :)

Huh. Never thought a story would be able to get me back into TwiDash.

Good show.

I'm at work right now, so I will respond at length when I get home this evening.

But, I will quickly say that this was originally written for a TwiDash group contest, so shipping was a required piece of the puzzle. :)

Okay, home from work, so time for a proper response.

1. This was originally written as an entry into a TwiDash write-off (see link in story description). The write-off prompt was "After the Storm", with an added stipulation that Twilight and RD had to transition from friends to dating somewhere along the way. So, in that sense, the entire story was aimed at accomplishing that goal, though I tried to make it interesting along the way.

2. RD's afflicted with PTSD, which is far, far more damaging to the mind than regular-grade nightmares. she's re-living the same scenarios over and over again in her head, and each time she does, her mind puts in new twists and curves that only worsen her recollection of the real events when she is awake. In other words, her mind is distorting her memories, with disastrous results.

As for the TwiDash, I tried to write Twilight as a frustrated but dedicated partner to RD. She's frustrated that neither first-line medicines or her research have been able to turn up a path to a "cure" for RD (if PTSD even has a cure, mind you). BUT, she's 1000% dedicated to her partner, and is willing to do whatever it takes to help her - even if she has to listen to RD recount a death that never occurred a hundred times over.

Overall, while RD's and Twi's physical scars have healed, they have a long way to go to heal the mental ones - RD's PTSD, and the deepening emotional trauma that RD's suffering places on Twilight.

Hopefully that answers your questions/thoughts. :twilightsmile:

Hey Moff i have a problem
I cant stop crying :fluttercry: :raritycry: :raritydespair:
well writen to the core. very nice story. found it just a day ago in my read later and i can just say thanx for the tip :pinkiesmile:


5164243 Thanks! I'm glad you liked the story.

Now, to solve your tears issue, I'd prescribe a quick dose of warm fuzzies - in the form of my one-shots, 'Lessons of the Heart' or 'Second Chances'. :)


I'm ashamed that I put this story off for so long. I was, perhaps paradoxically considering my recent stories, scared away by the sad tag. It was your self promotion in You Might Like This (with the 'reasonable amount of sad feels' note) that encouraged me to finally sit down and read it.

I was not disappointed. Rainbow's worsening nightmares and the events of her dream were rather visceral and well done.

I was happy for the ending, too, and I really hope that Twilight and Rainbow can find a way to help her past the PTSD.


Thanks so much! *squee* I'm so glad you liked it. :pinkiehappy:

I think this deserves a ribbon:

It'd been a while since I read this, but in going back and taking another look at it, I still find myself liking it whole lot. The action scenes are very well written and, as someone who's been there and done that, Dash's struggle with the lingering impact of her traumatic experience resonates sympathetically with me in a way that feels very true-to-life.

Well done, Grand Moff.

Bro, I cried when you made it sound like Twilight was dead.

Hi! Thanks for the comment, and for giving this a try so far. :)

Gosh, been a long while since anyone commented on this story, so I'll just say a few quick things.

1. Yep, looking back on it I realized that I wasn't quite accurate with the use of "wall cloud" there. I didn't fix it at the time because this was a contest entry, then I never got back to it anyway. (sorry)

2. I think this was my 2nd or 3rd story ever, so compared to my most recent works this is pretty rough around the edges, lol. So I'll just say that you may find my newer stuff has more polish on it,. ;)

Anyway, if you decide to read the rest I hope you enjoy. And please do consider some of my new stuff as well. Cheers!

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