• Published 13th Oct 2013
  • 11,482 Views, 78 Comments

Raised on an Apple Farm - jkreader

It's summer in Equestria, and this summer, Apple Bloom and her cousin Babs find a lost and abandoned human child in the barn at Sweet Apple Acres

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Chapter 1 - Dinnertime and Mike's Story

Chapter 1 - Dinnertime and Mike’s Story

When Applejack entered inside, she called out, “Granny! You’d better set out another plate! We’ve got company.”

“Okay then Applejack,” came Granny’s voice from the kitchen. Applejack then turned to the fillies and the colt on Apple Bloom’s back.

“Why don’t you two take Mike up to get him washed up for dinner?” she asked them.

“Sure thing sis,” Apple Bloom said. Babs nodded in response and the three of them went towards the bathroom. When they got inside, Apple Bloom took Mike off her back.

“You need some help cleanin’ up Mike?” Apple Bloom asked, “We just need to wash our hooves and faces.”

“Is it okay if I just do it by myself?” Mike asked.

“Sure you can,” Apple Bloom said. Babs slid over a stepping stool for Mike to use so he could reach the sink. Mike stepped up onto it and began splashing water on his face. While he was cleaning up, Apple Bloom and Babs had a private conversation.

“What do ya think happened to him cuz?” Babs asked whispering.

“Ah don’t know,” she answered whispering, “It almost seems somepony hurt the poor little guy.”

“Who’d do somethin’ like dat?”

“Not sure. Ah’m as curious ‘bout it as you are, but we’d best not ask him ‘bout it. We should let him tell us when he’s ready.”

Babs nodded in response. The two fillies looked over to see Mike was drying himself off. The two fillies then took their turns washing themselves. After that, they left the bathroom and went into the kitchen where Applejack was waiting with her brother, Big Macintosh, and her grandma, Granny Smith.

“There y’all are,” Applejack said trotting up to the three. “Mike, Ah’d like you to meet mine and Apple Bloom’s big brother, Big Macintosh, and our grandmother, Granny Smith.”

Mike looked up at the two new ponies and gave a shy wave. “Hello,” he said quietly, “It’s nice to meet you both.”

“Hey there little whipper snapper,” Granny Smith said with a smile, “It’s nice to meet ya as well.”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac said.

“Alright kids,” Applejack said, “C’mon and sit down before the grub gets cold.”

Everypony sat down at the table with Mike sitting in between Apple Bloom and Babs. While eating, Applejack decided to ask Mike a few questions, but made sure not to ask why her sister and cousin found him the way he was.

“So Mike,” she began, “How old are ya?”

Mike began counting his fingers trying to remember. Afterwards, he spoke up.

“I turned six and a half today,” he said.

He’s just a young’un, Applejack thought as she continued, “What exactly are ya Mike?”

“I’m a human,” he replied.

Human? Applejack’s mind continued, One of those things that Twilight turned into when she went to get her crown back? That’s what a human looks like?

Recently, before Twilight Sparkle’s first princess summit, Princess Celestia’s former student, Sunset Shimmer, came from an alternate world where these creatures known as humans resided to steal Twilight’s crown and Element of Harmony. While there trying to get her crown back, Twilight told her friends that there were human versions of her friends there, which certainly surprised the others.

“Well, we’re ponies, and this is the land of Equestria,” Applejack explained, “We live near the town of Ponyville, and our farm is called Sweet Apple Acres, home of the best apples in Equestria.”

“All this food is really good Miss Applejack,” Mike said.

“That’s nice of ya to say sugarcube,” Applejack said smiling, “But just Applejack is fine.”

The Apple Family and the young human continued eating dinner together, while telling Mike who they all were. Mike started to feel a little less timid around them. After dinner, while Big Mac and Granny cleaned the dishes, Applejack took Apple Bloom, Babs, and Mike into the living room. Granny and Mac joined them shortly after.

“Did ya enjoy dinner sugarcube?” Applejack asked.

Mike nodded, “Yes I did. Thank you,” he said.

“No need to thank us little feller,” Granny said, “We’re always happy to have guests.”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac agreed. Just then, Mike looked down for a minute.

“Somethin’ on yer mind Mike?” Applejack asked.

“Is it okay if I tell you something?” Mike asked.

“’Course it is,” Applejack said, “You can tell us anythin’.” The rest of the family nodded in agreement.

“Well,” Mike said with tears starting to fall, “I don’t have a mommy or a daddy.”

Sweet Applesauce, Applejack thought, The poor feller's an orphan.

“I lived at an orphanage my whole life,” Mike continued, “The caretakers said that my old mommy and daddy couldn’t take care of me because they...they...” Mike hesitated for a moment and started to sob lightly, but Applejack wrapped a foreleg over his back and started rubbing it.

“It’s okay sugarcube,” she said consolingly, “If it’s too painful to say, you don’t have to.”

“No,” Mike said, “I want to.” He took a deep breath and finally said, “My old mommy and daddy died.”

The five earth ponies gasped at hearing that.

“I was teased at school because of it,” Mike continued, “I told the teachers about it, but when the big kids who teased me got in trouble, they beat me up. That’s why my clothes are torn and I have these bruises. After they finished, they threw me into an alley far away from the orphanage.” Mike couldn’t hold it in and started crying heavily. Applejack quickly brought her other foreleg around him, picked him up, and brought him in for a hug.

“Shh...just let it out sugarcube,” Applejack said, “Just let it out. It ain’t good for ya to keep those emotions held inside.”

That’s what Mike did for the next few minutes. The Apple Family meanwhile were burning with anger and sadness on the inside.

How can kids beat up other kids like that? Applejack asked herself, Especially when the ones they're beatin’ up are so much younger than them?

Poor kid, Babs thought, He got picked on just like I used to.

Low-down, no good varmints, Big Mac angrily thought, and to such a good colt too.

No parents, Apple Bloom thought sadly, just like me and my brother and sister.

Poor little feller, Granny Smith said to herself, If I were still as spry as I used to be, I would’ve given those varmints what fer!

Mike had cried himself to sleep in Applejack’s forelegs after a few minutes. He looked very peaceful asleep like that.

“What are we gonna do ‘bout Mike?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Well, first thing after breakfast tomorrow,” Applejack began, “Ah’m gonna take him over to Rarity and see about getting him some new clothes. Then over to Twilight’s so she can write a letter to Princess Celestia about him.”

“Could we come along tomorrow Applejack?” Babs asked.

“Ah don’t see why not,” Applejack replied standing up. She placed the sleeping child on her back and began walking up the stairs with Apple Bloom and Babs close behind. The two fillies entered Apple Bloom’s room after saying good night to Applejack and the orange mare trotted into her room. She pulled the covers down her bed, placed Mike with his head on the pillow, laid down next to him, and pulled the covers over the two of them. She then took off her stetson hat and placed on the nightstand next to her bed. Before she fell asleep, she looked down at Mike, who had snuggled up next to her and smiled.

Don’t you worry sugarcube, she thought to herself, Nothin’ll harm you here.

Author's Note:

Here's the next chapter of the new story. Poor Mike, beaten up by bullies. :fluttercry: How he got to Equestria will be revealed soon enough though, but next chapter he meets the rest of the Main 6 and the other two CMC.