• Published 13th Oct 2013
  • 822 Views, 11 Comments

Nightmare Night Pinkie Prank Bonanza! - RGLloyd

Pinkies got herself a new Discord costume, and she's ready to spread the chaos! Happy Nightmare Night ya'll!

  • ...

Here, have some Shinanigans!

Pinkie giddily dawned her new Discord costume. It’s random animal parts fit her perfectly. The goat mouth fit loosely around her face like a puffy deranged hoody.

“Oh, this is going to be amazing! I wonder how many times I can get ponies to scream my name tonight.” She danced in place, her hooves pattering against the floor in a blur of excitement. “Amazing? It just doesn’t...it’s not...oh, I have no words...except maybe, oh YEAH!! SUPERCALI-” She tossed her head back, her excited squeal reverberated out of Sugarcube Corner to send the myriad of Nightmare Night ponies scrambling, covering their ears in agony, or slamming their heads into the ground in vain attempts to escape her ear splitting pitch. “-FRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS!!”

She grabbed her candy bag, and bolted in a pink blur down the stairs. “G’night Mr n’ Mrs Cake I’mabebacklate!”

Pinkie was long gone before either of the Cakes could reply. They smiled at each other nervously as they removed their ‘Pinkie’s over excited’ ear plugs, and shook their heads.

Twilight rustled her wings about, and sighed.

Spike raised a scaley brow. “It’s Nightmare Night! How could you possibly be sighing? Look at all the candy!” He rustled the plump bag of nummies in his claw. “This is the best Nightmare Night ever! Luna is even coming to the party.”

“Oh, right...sorry Spike. It’s just this old Starswirl the Bearded costume. Rarity made it for me before I had wings so it’s chafing, and distracting me from my preparation plans for Luna’s arrival.” She frowned. “I don’t think I’ll be able to wear it anymore.”

Spike blinked at her. He waited a moment longer for the obvious to dawn on Twilight as he stopped and tapped his foot.

Twilight turned, caught his deadpan glare, and a lightbulb went off. “Oh right! Rarity can fix it, why didn’t I think of that?”

“Wrong!” Pinkie popped up behind Twilight, sending her leaping through the air into Spikes arms.

“PINKIE!” Twilight screamed at Pinkie as Spike caved in under her weight, and collapsed.

Pinkie squealed. “First one of the night!”

Twilight swiftly rolled off her flattened assistant, meeting Pinkie’s manic ear to ear grin head on. “What do you mean wrong? That was a great idea!”

“Yeah, I’m fine…” A purple claw waved in the air behind her. “Thanks for asking…”

Pinkie hopped up and down. “Leave it to me Twilight! I got this…” She zoomed up, invading Twilights space as she dramatically winked.

Before Twilight could backpedal, Pinkie was on her back, reaching through the Starswirl outfit and pulling her wings through. “There ya go!”

Twilight turned and looked at her wings. They were definitely now cozily on the outside of the costume, reveling in the freedom of the crisp night air. “Wuh...wow Pinkie thanks.”

“Welcome!” Pinkie bolted off, snickering under her breath.

Twilight blinked in confusion. “Well that was weird…”

Spike shook himself off, salvaging his wayward candy from the offending dirt. “It’s Pinkie...when is she not weird?”

“Wait!” Twilight did a double take. “Is she dressed up as Discord?!”

“Can you ever keep a straight thought and not ignore me!?” Spike seethed under his breath, and sighed as Twilight hoofed at her chin, mumbling about odd Pinkie behavior even for Pinkie.

Rarity and Fluttershy were putting the last touches for the party into place at Carousel Boutique. Rarity jittered on merrily as she cooed and awed every time inspiration struck. Ribbons flew every which way coaxed into loops, swirls, and bows by her crystal blue magic. She shifted about within the enticing purple and pink lace dancer costume, looking to the side every now and then to get a glance at its fabulosity in the mirror.

Fluttershy shivered from somewhere within her fluffy bunny eared mission costume which Rarity had insisted upon her wearing. Her eyes shifted about, glancing nervously from window to window as sounds from outside threatened to assault her from every angle. She curled up next to Rarity, hiding behind the flowing pink hair that cascaded out of the hoodie.

“Oh do calm down Fluttershy. You have nothing to fear while you take refuge within my boutique.” Rarity glanced down, batting her eyes over a pouty comforting lip. “Soon all of our friends will be here, so be a dear, and try to relax a little?”

“O-o-h k-k-kay. Ra-r-ra-rarity.” The doorbell rang sending Fluttershy to rear back on her haunches, freezing solid with terror. “I’ll try…” She squeaked through her nervous grin of horror as she fell over with a stony clunk.

Rarity rolled her eyes. “Coming little darlings! I have extra candy for you tonight…” Rarity’s magic sputtered on the knob as the door was flung open.

Pinkie in all her glorious Discord regalia burst into the room with wild abandon, a song melodically blasting in with her. “I-- want candy!” She started walking to the beat straight towards Rarity.

“I know a girl who's tough but sweet!” Rarity backpedaled slightly, taken by surprise.

“She's so fine, she can't be be-eat!” Rarity blushed as Pinkie grabbed her hoof and pulled her close.

“She's got everything that I desire.” Rarity giggled as Pinkie wrapped a hoof around her back and dipped her. “Sets the summer sun on fi-re!”

Rarity twittered uncontrollably through a goofy grin as Pinkie snagged the candy, leaving her friend to feint to the floor.

“I-- want candy!” Fluttershy’s bunny ears fell flat as her eyes widened in shock. Pinkie was coming for her...slowly, methodically to the beat.

“I-- want can-dy!” Fluttershy begged her hooves to move, but the most she could do was muster a few centimeters of scooching.

“I-- want candy!” Pinkies voice rose with the melody. “I-- want can-dy!” She let the song drop as she came muzzle to muzzle with her shivering friend. “Fluttershy you really should relax and stop hiding behind your mane like that! Come on! It’s a party!”

“I uhm…” Fluttershy smiled meekly.

Pinkie pouted, her eyes glistening. “I wanna have fun with my friends. All of them…”

Fluttershy’s mouth worked through a million simultaneous excuses, but her eyes flicked over to her hair. “Night’s like this when scary things are out...I guess, it’s just so easy to hide behind my hair all the time.”

“Hmm...the hair huh?” Pinkie eyed her friends flowing pink mane. “Okie dokie lokie!” She grabbed Fluttershy’s hoof, picked up Rarity and spun around with them. “Friendship tornado!” She screamed. Fluttershy eeped in quiet terror, and Rarity screamed all manner of chidings at Pinkie.

Ignoring their pleas she pulled her friends closer increasing the speed. “And...STOP!” She blurted out as her two woosey friends jerked to a halt, and clung to her to keep from falling. “Well that should fix it! All-righty then!” She spun away from her friends and out the door. “I’ll be back, I’ma go find me some Appledash!”

Rarity sat panting on the floor. “Sometimes that Pinkie Pie! I just…” She cut off her impending rant as she caught the look of panicked horror in Fluttershy’s wavering eyes and trembling lip. Rarity’s eyes widened, her lips curled down into a confused frown as the situation slowly dawned on her. “Oh, Fluttershy that style, while fabulous…doesn’t suit you...”

Fluttershy was desperately trying to hide behind the purple curls that jutted out of her hoodie, but all her efforts fell vanely flat. “Rarity...I can’t hide behind this hair.”

Rarity blinked in confusion as she slowly turned towards the mirror. Beautiful flowing pink mane and tail greeted her. Her eye twitched. Seconds later, Rarity had bolted from the room, slamming the powder room door behind her.

“Rarity…” Fluttershy scrambled to her hooves. “Wait, don’t leave me!” Tears began beading at the corner of her eyes. “Rarity!” She screamed quietly, and beat on the powder room door softly. “It’s scary out here…” She whimpered. The door swung open instantly, a white hoof grabbed Fluttershy, a bright flash blinded her as the hoof drug her beyond, and the door slammed shut with finality leaving the front of carousel boutique ghostly barren. The muffled haunting screams that curdled through the walls sent foals scampering for blocks in terror.

Applejack trotted along in her poofy red delicious costume. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo bounced around her at random, jittering out of their minds on massive sugar rushes. She sighed eyeing the position of the moon to gauge when Luna would arrive and the party at Rarity’s would start.

She stifled a persistent yawn, her hoof covering her mouth as her eyes shut momentarily.


“YEEAAAHH!!!” Applejack shot into the air. Her legs waved like stubby orange worms sticking out of the apple costume. “PINKIE! What in tarnation?”

“That’s two!” Pinkie giggled behind a hoof. “Oh lighten up Applejack! It’s Nightmare Night, you're supposed to give pony’s a good scare.” She held applejacks braided tail next to her face and waggled it up and down.

“Pinkie!? Oh...nevermind.” Applejack eyed the face that Pinkie had drawn on the end of her tail. “Haha…I get it. Ya turned my tail into a worm.” She stuck out her tongue playfully as Pinkie nodded and giggled. Then, she took a deep breath and let out a long calming sigh. “Right...You’re right sugarcube. I’m just plum tuckered out. Apple Bloom and her friends are suckin’ the energy right outa me.”

“I’m on it!” Pinkie dashed over to the rambunctious kids who were jittering up to another house to pander yet more sugar.

“What!? Oh, for lands sake, this can’t end well…” Applejack shook her head tiredly.


“Ahhh!” The three Cutie Mark Crusaders jolted around to face their assailant. “PINKIE!”

“Yep that’s me! Everypony seems to be screaming my name tonight. “OH, and that’s five! Cause there’s three of you.” Pinkie grinned at their dumbfounded looks. “I guess it’s just a party night for everypony, and you know what that means!?” Pinkie smiled manically down at the fillies who rolled their eyes. “Wrong! No candy for you girls…”

“What!” Scootaloo piped. “No! Hay, uhm...it means its uh…” The girls turned towards each other in a huddle, then nodded as they secretly agreed on the answer. “It’s epic Pinkie time!”

Pinkie’s ears fell flat, her look of complete dumbfounded shock ringed by the gaping maw of her Discord costume. “That…” She paused… “IS WAY MORE AWESOME-” Her legs exploded out as she vibrated into the air. “-THAN WHAT I WAS GONNA SAY! That deserves something waay better than just candy!”

The CMC’s crowded together, their eyes growing impossibly large as they sparkled in the moonlight. Each was transfixed on Pinkie’s every move as she spun around and produced three glowing green vampire teeth. “Oooohhh…” They harmonized together.

“These are magical vampony candy teeth! They will turn you into vamponys until they dissolve at sunrise.” Pinkie waved her hooves in the air mystically. “Or at least until you can’t hold back any longer and chew up all the sweet candy goodness!”

Pinkie giggled as the CMC’s popped the fangs into their mouths. They giggled back hysterically, and danced around Pinkie. “Cutie Mark Crusaders Vamponies!!” They chanted.

Pinkie spun around. “Haayy girls! What’s that over there I see?” The CMC’s turned in unison as Pinkie hoofed at Applejack. “It’s a sweet juicy, delicious...BLOOD APPLE!”

The filly’s gasped and bolted forward. “GET IT!”

Sweetie Belle hissed, “Go for the throat!”

Applejack had seated herself on a bench off the main road. She caught the filly’s charge out of the corner of her eye, and was stricken by a bolt of panic as she saw the blood red fangs protruding from their snarled grins. “Uhm...girls?” The filly’s sped up.

“I’ll suck that apple dry!” Apple Bloom bounded along, picking up speed.

“Hay now, cut it out...that’s creepy!” Applejack reared up on instinct, and spun around. Awkwardly she pumped her legs into a full on gallop as the apple costume bounced back and forth around her.

“Yeah!” Scootaloo’s wings buzzed excitedly, propelling her forward ahead of the others. “Juicy blond worm! I’ma gonna getcha’!”

With venomous hisses the ravenous filly’s set upon their unsuspecting victim. Applejacks blood curdling screams could be heard throughout Ponyville that dark and twisted night.

Rainbow Dash was floating around on her dark cloud, dressed in her usual Wonderbolt regalia. She snickered and chuckled as she started sneaking up on an unsuspecting Twilight.


“EEEYYAAHH!!!” Dash leapt up from her cloud, her legs splayed in terror. “PINKIE!!!”

“And that’s six times my names been screamed out.” Pinkie clopped her hooves together mirthfully, as she sat down on Dash’s cloud. “Best night ever!”

“Shhh!! Sit down Pinkie, or Twilights going to hear you.” Dash shook herself, regaining her composure quickly as she brushed off the question of how Pinkie had gotten up to her or was standing on a cloud in the first place.

“Oh don’t mind me Dashie. I just thought I’d follow you around to see what pranks you were pulling tonight.” Dash missed Pinkies mischievous grin.

“Hehe, nothing beats the old stormcloud gag…” She muttered under her breath as she lined up behind Twilight who was obliviously trotting below.

Pinkies hooves brushed through Dash’s hair.

After a second Dash’s excited little giggles gave way to confusion. “Uhm...Pinkie? Wh-what are you doing?”

Pinkie leaned forward. “Oh...I don’t know…maybe I just want to touch you?” She whispered into Dash’s ear.

Dash’s eyes popped open in shock. “I-I-I uhm...uh P-Pinkie?”

Pinkie giggled enticingly as she ran her hooves down Dash’s neck, back, and traced the underside of Dash’s wings. “Soo soft…” She moaned.

Dash’s cheeks flushed furiously, her body trembled, sweat beading up on her forehead as she tried desperately to grasp the situation.

“Wow, Dashie, your wings are soo tense...or are you trying to tell me something?” Pinkie whispered enticingly.

Dash snapped her wings back to her sides and went to spin around, but was halted by Pinkies muzzle as they came face to face. “Uhm...Pinkie? I’m really flattered, and all...and maybe we could, consider...but...I uh...c-can...you let go of my tail?” Dash grinned nervously as she tried her best to back away from Pinkies nose, and fluttering eyes.

“Awww...do I have to?” Pinkie pouted, her eyes tearing up, her lip quivering as she let Dash’s tail slowly slide through her hoof.

“Please?” Dash pulled away harder.

Pinkie grinned. “Oky dokie lokie! You asked for it!”


Pinkie winked at Dash as she let go of her tail, letting Dash’s weight send her careening over the edge of the cloud. “Don’t forget to flap!”

Dash flailed wildly grasping for the edge of the cloud. “PINKIE!!!” Flop…

“Seven,” Pinkie giggled under her breath.

“AAAGHH!” Twilight was forcefully squished out of her costume and sent tumbling forward as Dash landed on top of her. She ended the tumble with an awkward belly flop, and an ‘erf.’

Dash rolled shakilly to her hooves. “Ow…that was messed up Pin…” The color drained from Dash’s face. “What? Oh no you didn’t!!” Rage ignited in her eyes. “PINKIE!! You glued my wings down!”

Pinkie giggled hysterically as she bounced up and down on the cloud. Bolts of lightning struck the ground closer and closer to Dash. “My ‘Pinkie’ tallies up to eight!”

Dash turned and bolted away, running as fast as she could. Pinkie laughed hysterically and flopped off the cloud, landing next to Twilight who had stood to dust herself off.

“PINKIE!” Twilight barked.

“Nine!” Pinkie smiled and turned to Twilight. “I’m on a roll!”

“That was mean! There are limits to pranks you know.” Twilight eyed Pinkie concernedly.

“Oh don’t worry silly, the glue washes off in water.”

Twilight shook her head. “Still, both Rainbow Dash, and I could have gotten hurt…”


“...and you really should consider these things before…”


“...galavanting about causing chaos and havoc, the princess is coming tonight!”

“TWILIGHT!” Pinkie screamed at her friend.

“Ehem...yes Pinkie.” Twilight fixed her frazzled mane calmly as she placed her Starswirl cap back on her head.

“Shouldn’t you be catching your costume?” Pinkie’s eyes flashed mischievously as she hoofed back behind Twilight.

“What?” Twilight turned, her jaw dropped, her head lolled to the side in a vain attempt to pool all the understanding in her brain into one coherent thought. “My costume…” Her head jolted around to look at her barren back. “MY WINGS!!” She snapped back around and stared at Pinkie.

“Oh don’t look at me silly billy, you should catch it before it fly’s off!” Pinkie grinned manically, her eyes sparkling with mirth.

Twilight hesitated, caught between a chidding lecture and the need to chase her costume down as her own wings carried it off down the street. Finally, with a huff she turned and bolted away. “PINKIE!!! We’re going to have a talk about this!”

“Ten!” Pinkie smiled triumphantly. “And the night’s still young.”

Pinkie trotted back to Carousel Boutique with extra boing in her step. She bounced through the threshold, a grin plastered all over her face. Rarity was pounding on the powder room door.

“Fluttershy, please come out of there.” Rarity pleaded to her friend.

“Not until I get my hair back…” Fluttershy muffled through the door.

“I’m sorry dear, I completely lost control with the camera, and the hairspray…”

“...and the pokey pins! Don’t forget the pins…”

“I’m so sorry Fluttershy, I don’t know what came over me. It’s just your hair is soo smooth, and soft-” She trailed off into a fit of squeaky giggles. “-and wonderful.”

“Rarity?” The door cracked open. “Rarity? What are you doing?”

“This hair dear, I can’t...it’s so…” Rarity’s eyes dilated as she finally gave in to the inner struggle. “I've always wanted to try your hair! It’s...amazing, wonderful...every voluptuous fluttery lock!” Rarity swooned as she snuggled into the pink flowing silk.

“I would like, if you don’t mind...to maybe have it back? You said you would find Twilight. Please?” Fluttershy squeaked. “You were supposed to go find her remember?”

“No! Just a while longer, please! Just a little bit longer!” Rarity jabbered as she hugged her new hair away from Fluttershy.

“Rarity!” Fluttershy bolted out of the powder room as Rarity turned on her heels and ran full speed across the boutique and out the door. “Rarity, you come back here right now!”

Pinkie watched them go with a grin. She flopped down onto the couch in the corner, and patiently sipped at some punch while she waited for the rest of her friends to show up.

Luna landed in Ponyville square, after her rounds of scaring the wits out of the happy townsfolk in the name of Nightmare Night shenaniganry fun were complete.

“Princess Luna!” Spike ran up to her with a smile. “Welcome to Ponyville!”

“Oh, thank you Spike.” Luna looked around. “Where perchance could our friend Princess Twilight Sparkle be? I was sure we would be well met this night.”

Spike threw his hands up. “I thought she would be here by now…”

“Shwaight! Woona!! I ish here!” Luna turned and gasped as Twilight was dragged towards her by a wildly flapping costume. Her teeth were clenched desperately around the collar as she struggled to pin the wings down with her magic.

“By what manner of trickery? Twilight, have your wings dissociated from your new title and absconded with your poor taste in dress!?”

Twilight paused momentarily as Luna’s words sunk in. The snicker rolled up her throat and blasted out in a guffaw as the full meaning impacted her. She laughed whole heartedly. “Ahh, my wings!”

Luna reached out with her magic and snagged the offending costume from the air. “Pray tell, how did such shenanigans come to pass?”

Twilight began her story, but was abruptly cut off as Applejack bounded over a hill, Cutie Mark Crusaders gnawing at her costume as they hung from the sides and her tail. “Halp!”

Rarity barreled out from behind a house, laughing hysterically, her luscious pink mane and tail flowing behind her. She slammed into an unwary Applejack, the two tumbled hoof over mane to land in a five pony pile up at Luna’s hooves.

Fluttershy dropped out of the sky, thoroughly irritated until she caught site of Twilight. “Twilight! You have to help…this mane is horrible.”

“Hay! I heard that.” Rarity glared over, hurt and shock in her eyes. “How could you?”

Fluttershy shook her head. “Nonono...it's beautiful. It’s just not me and it doesn’t cover my eyes.” She shivered glancing around nervously. “Everypony can see me…” She eeped.

“Well, then I guess I can’t blame you for it dear, just remember words can cut deeply.” Rarity pouted as she rubbed a hoof over her heart.

Suddenly, noticing Twilight’s costume, Fluttershy backpedaled and gasped. “Pinkie got you too! Oh, dear, your poor wings.” She hugged Twilight, who was staring in shock at Fluttershy’s purple mane brushing between their cheeks. “It doesn’t hurt does it?”

Twilight backed up, holding Fluttershy’s shoulders. “No, I’m fine Fluttershy...really. So Pinkie did this to you?” Fluttershy nodded in response.

Rarity smiled sheepishly from behind her as she stood up and magickally picked the dust out of her lace. “She did, though I may have gotten a teensy bit carried away myself.”

Applejack stood. “Well I reckon we got ourselves a pony to talk to, cause I don’t think these filly’s went crazy on their own!” Applejack looked back at Applebloom. “O’right ya had yer fun, now knock it off!”

Applebloom’s eyes widened in shock. “Sorry sis!” She fell off, licking at her teeth. The fangs had popped out and were stuck in the costume. “Aww, my fangs!”

“Sweetie Belle! Show some poise and let go of Applejack this instant.” Rarity scolded with a hoof stomp.

Sweetie Belle jolted out of her trance. “Aww, come on! Apple blood is delicious!”

Applejack looked back at Sweetie Belle in horror. “Nah, that’s gonna give me nightmares…” She looked farther back and lifted her tail. Scootaloo was nomming at it voraciously, hanging in the air like a fish trying to choke down an enormous worm. “Git off!” She flicked her tail, but Scootaloo held fast. “Gah, she’s stuck worse than a blood tick on a hound!”

Rainbow Dash clopped up to the group. “Any of you seen...PINKIE!!”

Off in the distance they could all hear. “ELEVEN! Whoo!”

Dash’s head darted around, a look of rage in her twitchy eyes. “Where is she!”

Twilight stepped forward. “Now calm down Rainbow Dash, I know she glued your wings down but she said it comes off with water.”

Dash backpedaled indignantly. “I know that! It’s the principle of the matter! You don’t glue a pegasus’ wings down, ever!”

“At least ‘yours’ is manageable, darling. How are Fluttershy and I going to switch back our tails?” Rarity whined from the side.

“...and manes, don’t forget our manes…” Fluttershy whispered.

“Uhm yes, of course, and our manes.” Rarity smiled awkwardly.

“Hay, first, before we go magicking up the place with more crazy, can you git this vermit of mah tail RD?” Applejack whipped the growling crazed filly towards Dash.

Dash glanced over at Scootaloo, walked up, and whispered in her ear. “Wonderbolt Flight Training.” Scootaloo twitched, shivered, and fell off with a blood curdling scream as she balled in on herself and began rocking back and forth.

Her friends all gasped. Dash looked around at them, taking in their disgusted stares. “What? It was just some bad dream she had. Relax, she’ll snap out of it.”

Luna stepped forward, slipping into a more common tongue. “Apparently, this has been a nightmare night for all of you.” She giggled as she perused the miserable ponies before her. “I have a good idea what’s going on, but first lets start simple.” Her horn glowed with a dark purple hugh. Fluttershy and Rarity’s manes and tails glowed, hummed, and then popped out and back into existence as they switched back to their original owners.

Fluttershy smiled with a squee. “Yay!” She celebrated quietly, and then hid behind her mane with a sigh of relief. “So much safer...”

Rarity bounced her curls with a hoof. “It’s fun to try new things periodically, but nothing beats having the comforting familiarity of my own accents and stylings.”

Luna then turned to Rainbow Dash…

Luna led the enraged pack of ponies through to the Carousel Boutique doors. Twilight ruffled her wings, happy to have them reattached. Applejack fumed, her exhaustion forgotten, though she was thankful Fluttershy had taken the filly’s off her hooves and escorted them home. Rainbow Dash slogged along, her hooves squishing across the floor, her wings hung limply in humiliation as she dripped from head to toe. Rarity stared in horror at the mess Dash was trailing behind, but was too angry with Pinkie to disrupt the little pony mob.

The group came up short. Pinkie stood in the middle of the room, the discord hood pulled low over her face. Only her manic grin shown clear upon her muzzle. “PINKIE!” Her four friends all shouted together while Luna looked on, her lips curled at the tips mirthfully.

“Fifteen…” She moaned as her head lifted slowly. Chunks of pink goo fell out of the hood. The group gasped in terror. “Tooo much su-gar…” Pinkies face was horribly deformed, ripples of pink were melting down her drooping jowls. Her mouth opened as she slowly plodded towards her jittery friends. “Lii-ck me…”

“Gaahh!!” Her friends bolted back out the door, clamoring over each other wildly to escape.

Luna looked back with a raised eyebrow, and snickered behind a hoof. Pinkie stopped, the princesses mirth catching her off guard as she fell backwards and started to guffaw. “Oh! Oh it’s soo good!”

“SShho… Yah fink ay ill catch ong?” Pinkies costume mumbled around her head.

“Not a chance!” Pinkie giggled perkily.

Luna snorted, trying to control her laughter. “Oh Discord, it’s terribly rude to talk with your mouth full.” There was a pause, then all of them redoubled in their laughter. Including Pinkies Discord outfit.

“Ya ngow...Inky ish dewishush!” Discord snapped his mouth shut and swished spit around his cheeks as he sucked the strawberry icing off of Pinkie’s face.

With a satisfied gulp he reopened his mouth. Pinkie deadpanned at Luna as slobber dripped from the matted hair around her eyes. “Eeew…”

Comments ( 11 )


and an great story

That was hilarious! I especially liked the ending, even if I figured it out early on!

3341972 Hehehe, smart. I had a friend I was certain would figure it out and he was really surprised by it. His unexpected surprised reaction made me laugh so hard.:rainbowlaugh:

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH! I started suspecting some foul play when Pinkie swapped the manes and tails.....

3350997 Hehehe, this was too much fun to write. I'm really glad you enjoyed it! :pinkiehappy:

Ha! Didn't see that one coming! Good stuff :rainbowlaugh:

3803743 Squee! I love that it was a surprise for you. I tried to hint at it, but not give it away.:pinkiehappy:

3803801 yeah i thought of it as pinkie being extra pinkie :rainbowwild: but not that! :rainbowlaugh:

Nightmare Night
What a Fright
Pinkie's playing Pranks tonight
No surprise discord's there
Messing with your wings and hair.

4029271 I love that!:pinkiegasp:

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