• Published 17th Oct 2013
  • 5,186 Views, 76 Comments

Titillating Trifecta - FinnPony

Here you have three CMC shippings. Our favorite fillies are all teenagers now! Will it be any different from the fillies they used to be? Yes, in some ways and No in some others.

  • ...

Sweetie Belle

"Oooh.. I'm going to be late," Sweetie Belle said to herself, while galloping trough the Ponyville. She noticed that the town was pretty empty. Most of the Ponyville's residents were spending the sunny day in the park, leaving the streets almost deserted. There were only couple of ponies sitting in library's big shadow, playing with cards.
They looked strangely at the running filly.

Sweetie Belle ignored them, and continued to gallop towards the outskirts of the town. She was headed to a small pond, where two of her friends probably were already waiting for her. Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo had agreed that they would go swimming that day, and she was already late.

Sweetie Belle's saddle bag was full of things, and felt heavy. She started to get winded, and slowed her pace to light trotting.
After catching her breath, Sweetie Belle started to look around herself. She was almost at the Sugarcube corner, where she saw more ponies sitting around small tables, under umbrellas that were attached to the tables. Sweetie Belle saw happy couples sharing their drinks with each other, while hyperactive Pinkie Pie served their pastries to them.
Sweetie Belle looked at two ponies, who rubbed their muzzles together while smiling happily at each other.

"They look so happy together," she thought. Then she frowned and sighed. Sweetie Belle kicked a small rock while walking past it. It landed couple of feet in front of her.

Sweetie Belle had always been the romanticist of her friends, but she never had have any real relationships. Only couple of 'coltfriends' while she was younger, and their 'dates' were pretty much just playing around like foals do.
It didn't bother her too much, but sometimes she felt really irritated by it.

Suddenly a shadow flashed right next to her, and Sweetie Belle looked up. She lifted her hoof to block off the bright light from the sun, and saw two pegasies soaring on the sky. She squinted her eyes to see better, and saw that the other was a brown pegasus mare with purple mane, and the other one was a cyan pegasus stallion with rainbow colored mane.
She recognized Scootaloo and Blue Sky.

"Why isn't Scootaloo at the pond with Apple Bloom already?" Sweetie Belle thought and waved at them, but they were too busy flying together to notice her. Sweetie Belle saw them kiss in the mid air. She folded her ears back and grunted.

"Why can't I have a coltfriend like that?" she thought, and kicked the rock again.

She stopped looking at her friend and her coltfriend. She walked towards Sugarcube corner, and was in her thoughts.

"How hard can it be to find a nice colt?" she thought, but frowned when she realized that it was actually really hard.
Sweetie Belle was about to go around the corner of the Sugarcube corner. She closed her eyes and thought: "Scootaloo just got lucky, good coltfriends don't come around every corner.."

Her thinking came to a end when she went around the corner, and something hit her with a loud smack.
Sweetie Belle fell to her back, and heard another thud from in front of her. Sweetie Belle had her eyes closed, but she knew that she had walked right into a pony.

She opened her eyes, and saw a light grey pegasus stallion sitting in front of her, rubbing his forehead. He had a dark grey mane that was swept back. His wings were strong looking and well kept. His cutie mark was a black cloud with two small lighting bolts coming from it. His eyes were purple, and they looked angrily at Sweetie Belle. She recognized him as Rumble, one of her classmates she barely knew.

"Hey watch i.." he said angrily, but stopped suddenly. Rumble looked at Sweetie Belle with wide eyes.
She may not know him, but Rumble sure knew her.
Rumble had spent many days in school gazing at Sweetie Belle. Her light purple mane with light pink stripes in it and her clean white coat. Her cutie mark, that was a bell with notes coming from it.
Rumble started to feel heat rising to his cheeks when he thought of her cutie mark, or where it was actually. He shook his head, and focused to her other parts. Her long legs and that elegant way she moved. Rumble was sure she had learned that from her older sister. And then there was Sweetie Belle's green eyes, which were now looking back at dumbfounded Rumble with surprised expression.

To Rumble's terror, something red started to flow down from sweetie Belle's muzzle. She too had noticed it .Sweetie Belle let out a small squeak, and lifted her hooves to her muzzle
Rumble started to panic, when he saw tears coming to her eyes. It was awful to see her crying because of him.

"I-I'm sorry, It was my fault!" Rumble mumbled, while rising to all fours, and quickly walking to Sweetie Belle. He helped the silently whimpering filly up, and pleaded: "Let me see."

Sweetie Belle looked at him a bit confusedly.

"See what?" she thought, while holding her hoof on his aching muzzle. It took a moment, before she realized what the worried colt was trying say. Sweetie Belle slowly took off her hoof from her muzzle, and saw that there was a small red area around her muzzle.
Rumble examined her muzzle with his eyes, and Sweetie Belle saw relief on his face.

"At least it's not broken," he said, trying to cheer her up. Sweetie Belle too was relieved by the news, but it didn't take the pain away from her nose, and she again lifted her hoof to her muzzle. She felt how tears started to form in her eyes again.

Rumble was still a bit scared, and Sweetie Belle folded her ears back, sniffling again. Rumble scratched back of his head, and decided that he should do something. He looked around himself quickly.

"We need some ice, it'll help," he said, and thought where they could get some ice quickly. He then remembered that there was big freezers in Sugarcube corner.

"Come on. I know where we can find some," he said to Sweetie Belle, and threw her saddle bag onto his bag. He took a hold of her hoof. Sweetie Belle quickly took her hoof away from his, making Rumble blush and feel like a moron. He quickly forgot that, when Sweetie Belle let out another small sniffle. They quickly walked into the Sugarcube corner, earning strange looks from other ponies.

They entered the bakery, and they saw Pinkie Pie with Mrs. Cake behind the counter. Rumble looked at Sweetie Belle, and jerked his head towards them. Sweetie Belle nodded slowly, and they walked to the counter. When Pinkie Pie and Mrs. Cake saw Sweetie Belle, they both let out a small gasp.

"Oh dear! what happened to you?" Mrs. Cake asked, sounding worried. Sweetie Belle was about to say something, but Rumble managed to say before she did: "I bumped to her accidentally."
Rumble glanced at the two mares, who looked at him. He felt like shrinking under their gaze, and quickly said: "I thought maybe you have some ice or something?"

"Not ice, but we have some frosting that's been in a freezer," Pinkie Pie said, and pulled one bag of it from under the counter. She then gave it to sniffling Sweetie Belle, who nodded as 'thank you'.

Everypony was silent for a moment, and Sweetie Belle placed the bag full of frozen frosting onto her muzzle. It really felt a little better. She felt how the swelling started to fade away, and how her muzzle soon didn't hurt at all. It didn't bleed anymore either. Pinkie Pie gave her a napkin, and Sweetie Belle gave the bag of frosting bag to her. She then swept the blood from her muzzle.

"Umm.. well thanks," Sweetie Belle finally managed to say, and Pinkie Pie smiled at her heartily. Mrs. Cake took the frosting back to freezer, and Sweetie Belle turned to Rumble.

"I.. think I'll be going now, bye." she said, not looking towards him. Rumble blushed a bit, and said: "Bye."
She reached the door, before she heard Rumble clear his throat behind her. Sweetie Belle turned around, and saw Rumble holding her saddle bag in his teeth.

"Oh. How did I forget that?" Sweetie Belle wondered out loud. She sometimes was a bit slow.

She walked closer to Rumble, and levitated her bag from his back onto her own with magic. They then looked at each other, before Rumble pointed at the showcase full of pastries, and asked: "What's you're favorite?"
It took a while, before Sweetie Belle fully understood what he meant.

"You don't.." she started, but Rumble silenced with his hoof, and said: "Yes I do."
Sweetie Belle didn't want to start to argue in middle of the shop, so she turned towards the showcase, and looked at the pastries for a while, before she saw one she liked. She shyly pointed at it.

"That one it is then," Rumble said, and exactly at that moment Pinkie Pie appeared from behind the counter.

"Six bits please," she said, reaching her hoof towards Rumble..
Six bits was pretty much everything Rumble had with him that day. Rumble hesitated for a second. Sweetie Belle saw that, and was about to tell him that he didn't need to buy it.

"Here you go," Rumble said before Sweetie Belle managed to protest. He placed all his six bits to the counter, and Pinkie accepted them, smiling happily.

"Really sweet of you Rumble! I'll tell Thunderlane how gentlecolt you have become next time I see him," Pinkie Pie said, while taking the bits and placing them into the cash register on the counter. She then took the cupcake Sweetie Belle wanted, and placed it into a small brown paper bag. She gave it to Sweetie Belle, and smiled happily.

"Thanks Pinkie," both teens said in unison, and exited the store.

After they got out into the streets, they stopped and looked at each other.

"Sorry again," Rumble said, sounding sorry. Sweetie Belle had the paper bag in her mouth, so she placed it onto ground, before answering: "I'm the one who should be sorry. I bumped into you."
Rumble frowned a bit, but then smiled and said: "Maybe both of us should be sorry?"

"Deal," Sweetie Belle said, and they both snickered. After that they both felt more relaxed around each other. Sweetie Belle took the bag into his teeth again, and looked at Rumble, who noticed her looking at him.

"Umm.. Where were you going by the way?" Rumble asked from Sweetie Belle, who immediately remembered Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. She looked at the clock, that was in the Ponyville's town hall's tower. She was almost an hour late.

"Iff neef to go fnow, thanfks for the cupcake!" Sweetie Belle mumbled to confused Rumble, who blinked couple of times. He then shook his head, and said slowly: "No problem.."
Sweetie Belle nodded to him, and turned around. She started to gallop towards the pond, but she managed to take only couple of steps before she heard Rumble say: "Hey,"

Sweetie Belle turned back to him, and saw Rumble scratching back of his head nervously, while looking into the ground. He glanced at Sweetie Belle, who waited for him to say something.
Finally Rumble gathered enough courage to ask: "C-Could we.. like see someday?"
Sweetie Belle didn't get what he meant first. She just smiled and muttered with the paper bag in her mouth: "Shure, whe can shee shomeday."

"Really?" Rumble said, and immediately looked up at the filly in front of him with wide eyes. His look made Sweetie Belle realize what he had meant.
She froze, and a deep red blush came to her cheeks. She opened her mouth, and the paper bag dropped on the ground. She closed her mouth, only to open it again. She looked into the purple eyes of the pegasus in front of her.

"D-do you mean.. Did you ask.. Did you ask me on a date?" Sweetie Belle mumbled, with her cheeks still red. Rumble too had a great blush on his cheeks, and he seemed to hesitate before saying: "Yeah.. I guess I did."

They spent a moment in silence, and Sweetie Belle thought what to answer.

"This is exactly what you wanted, and he's not that bad looking either," she thought, while examining Rumble. He actually was pretty handsome. Well, not as handsome as Blue Sky, but still very good looking in Sweetie Belle's opinion. Still it felt somehow weird to her, that somepony she barely knew wanted to go to a date with her.

"Ooh.. What do I say?" Sweetie Belle thought, and looked at Rumble. He looked at her with a sad smile and a pleading look in his eyes. He looked so miserable that it made Sweetie Belle smile.

"Okay," she answered, and Rumble looked even more confused than before. Did she just agree to go on a date with him? Could it be?

"So you want to go out with me?" Rumble asked, to make sure he hadn't misunderstood anything. Sweetie Belle nodded, while smiling at him sweetly. Rumble felt a stupid grin appearing on his face. He flapped his wings excitedly couple of times, before saying: "Cool! Umm.. when do you have free time?"

Sweetie Belle thought for a moment, and then said: "I think Rarity won't need me day after tomorrow."
Rumble smiled happily, and nodded. He then said: "Okay. So I'll find you at Carousel Boutique?"

"Mhhmm," Sweetie Belle replied, while she peeked over her shoulder, to see the town hall's clock. She remembered Apple Bloom and Scootaloo at the pond.

"I really have to go now, I supposed to be at the pond an hour ago," Sweetie Belle said to Rumble, who looked at the clock. He chuckled and said: "Yeah, you should go already."

"Okay. Bye, I'll see you day after tomorrow," Sweetie Belle said, and started to walk towards the pond. After couple of steps, she heard Rumble clearing his throat. Sweetie Belle looked back at him, and saw that he was holding the brown paper bag in his teeth. He had a amused smile on his lips.

"Oh Celestia damn it," Sweetie Belle cursed silently, and took the bag into her teeth from the snickering Rumble. Their muzzles brushed against each other lightly when she took the bag, and both of the teens blushed scarlet red. They stared at each other, chuckling nervously.

Either one couldn't come up with anything to say, so they nodded to each other as good byes, and Sweetie Belle started to trot towards the pond. Soon he heard Rumble taking off from the ground behind her. She looked up, and saw Rumble flying over her. He was waving at her so She waved back to him, and soon Rumble disappeared over the roof of one nearby house.

"Ooh, can't wait to tell girls about this," Sweetie Belle thought happily, and let out a girly squeal of delight.

* * *

Sweetie Belle walked towards the Carouselle Boutique about half an hour later. She had gone to the the pond, but she saw nopony there. She hoped that Apple Bloom and Scootaloo weren't too mad at her for not showing up.
She didn't stress about it too much thought. They were friends, and friends always forgave each other. Besides she had a story to tell to her friends.

Sweetie Belle levitated the cupcake Rumble had bought in front of her with her magic. She took smile bites from it while walking towards Carousel Boutique. She had found new spring in her step, and she happily hummed simple melody while making her way trough Ponyville. She already saw the decorative roof of Carousel Boutique over the smaller houses.

"Should I tell Rarity about this, or will she freak our?" Sweetie Belle thought when she got closer to the shop. Sweetie Belle decided that she could tell Rarity, but she wouldn't tell anything about Rumble to her their parents. If Rarity seemed protective, their dad was was ten times worse.

"I just have to make her promise not to tell mom and dad, Sweetie Belle thought, and opened the front door.

She stepped inside, and lifted her saddle bag from her back with her magic. She placed it to the coat rack and walked towards the living room. There she sat down to a big sofa Rarity had bought a while back. She leaned back and relaxed. She still had half of the cupcake left, so she took couple of big bites, and the cup cake was gone.
Sweetie Belle let out a satisfied sigh. She heard some rustling from upstairs, and soon she saw Rarity coming down the stairs. She had been working, and she still had her red glasses on her muzzle.

"Sweetie Belle? Is that you?" Rarity asked with her elegant voice, even she knew it couldn't be anypony else. Rarity looked in to the living room, and saw Sweetie Belle.

"You're home pretty early," Rarity said from the doorway. Sweetie Belle turned her head towards Rarity, and said: "I didn't find Scootaloo or Apple Bloom."

"Well you should have been there on time you know," Rarity said to her sister. She then noticed Sweetie Belle's exited expression, and narrowed her eyes. She walked closer to Sweetie Belle, and asked: "What's going on Sweetie Belle?"
Sweetie Belle just kept smiling strangely, and said: "Nothing."

"Ooh.. She met a colt," Rarity thought, and a wide smile crept on her face. She could see it from her little sister's body language. Sweetie Belle swung her hind legs while sitting, and hummed lightly. She also had a small smile on her lips and her green eyes seemed to glimmer from excitement.

"Who is he?" Rarity asked with sly voice, making her little sister turn her head towards Rarity. Sweetie Belle had a surprised look on her face. She opened and closed her mouth couple of times, before she managed to ask with shaky voice: "W-Who?"

"Aha! I knew it!" Rarity thought, feeling victorious.
She sat down on the couch next to Sweetie Belle, and placed her glasses on the table. She leaned closer to her sister, and said: "The colt you met today of course!"
Sweetie Belle's eyes widened, and a small blush appeared on her cheeks. She quickly turned to look at the floor, trying to escape Rarity's all knowing stare.

"Please don't tell mom and dad," Sweetie Belle muttered, still looking at the floor. Rarity first looked confused, but then just smiled at her gently, saying: "It's perfectly fine honey, I won't tell them."
Sweetie Belle returned the smile, and said: "Thanks."

They smiled at each other for a second, before Rarity asked again: "Seriously though. who is he?"

"Rumble, he's from my class," Sweetie Belle answered, smiling when she said his name. Rarity noogied Sweetie Belle's head gently, and asked: "And you two have been eyeing each other for quite some time? Hmm?"

"No, I just got to know him better today," Sweetie Belle said, pushing Rarity's hoof from her mane. Rarity looked a bit surprised, and asked: "Really? How did that happen?"

"We ran into each other, and he helped me when my nose started to bleed," Sweetie Belle told, making Rarity look worried. She leaned closer to Sweetie Belle, examining her muzzle.

"Oh my. Is your muzzle alright?" she asked, while turning Sweetie Belle's head with her hoof. She again pushed Rarity's hoof from her and said, sounding a bit irritated: "It's fine! -" she remembered what they were originally talking about "- Anyway, he took me to Sugarcube corner, and even bought me a cupcake!"
Rarity smiled at her, and said: "He seems a real gentlecolt to me."

Sweetie Belle giggled a little. Even she didn't know much about Rumble, she knew that he wasn't much of an 'gentlecolt'. He cursed in class all the time, and was really stubborn sometimes. She kept it to herself though.

"So how does he look?" Rarity asked with a hinting voice. Sweetie Belle didn't get what she meant, and answered: "Well he has a light grey coat, and grey mane.. Ooh! And he's a pegasus.."

"I meant how does he look?" Rarity interrupted her, raising her eyebrow suggestively. Sweetie Belle let out a quiet 'oh' sound, and then giggled a little.

"Well he's not as good looking as Rainbow Dash's brother, but he's not far from that," Sweetie Belle said, snickering a little. Both mares then started to giggle like crazy, and then Rarity said: "I knew that you wouldn't bag just anypony. -" she paused for a minute "- When am I going to meet him?"

"We're going out day adter tomorrow, and he's picking me up from here," Sweetie Belle said, making Rarity nod.

They sat there for a while, before Rarity suddenly sprung up from the sofa, and looked at Sweetie Belle with serious look on her face. It made Sweetie Belle nervous, and she asked: "What's wrong Rarity?"

"I just realized that we have to start planning your date right away honey!" Rarity said, and grabbed Sweetie Belle from her hoof. She then pulled her up from the sofa, and started to drag her surprised sister towards the kitchen.

* * *

Rumble landed in front of his house with a small thud, lifting small cloud of dust into the air. He lived with his older brother Thunderlane. Their home was a regular two storied house, with a small balcony. They had moved there from the Cloudscale, when Rumble had been just a foal.
He opened the front door made from oak, and stepped into the lounge. A smell of something burning greeted him inside, and he immediately knew that his brother was cooking their dinner.

"What's burning this time?" he asked from the doorway, and heard he's brother answering from the kitchen: "It was supposed to be omelet, but now we're having scrambled eggs!"
Rumble noticed a small hint of annoyance in Thunerlane's voice, and he snickered. He walked into the kitchen where he saw Thunderlane, who had his black coat messed with egg white.
He was trying to break another egg onto the pan. It fell from his hooves and fell to the floor, getting shattered.

"Luna damn it!" Thunderlane cursed, and took another egg from the box.

"How many this time?" Rumble asked, while sitting onto a chair next to the dinner table. He saw a small pile of broke egg shells on the floor.

"Five. Just two more, and I'll break my personal record," Thunderlane said. Rumble chuckled a little, and watched as Thunderlane lifted new egg over the pan. He managed to open the egg, without dropping it to the floor. He then took a spatula, and started to stir the eggs on the pan.

After ten minutes of struggling, Thunderlane managed to make two decent looking dishes of scrambled eggs. Rumble had set the table for them, and they were ready to eat.
They sat around the dinner table, and started to eat their scrambled eggs. Rumble was surprised, because it was actually quite edible. They ate in silence.

After a while Rumble announced casually: "I met a filly today."

"Cool," Thunderlane replied, and continued to eat. Rumble then continued: "She's from my class."
Thunderlane nodded, and after couple more mouthfuls he asked: "Is she hot?"

"Yeah," Rumble said, grinning happily. Thunderlane smiled at him mischievously. He then asked: "What's the plan?"
Rumble took another bite from his dinner, and thought for a minute.

"I'm taking her to a date day after tomorrow," Rumble said with food still in his mouth, making crumbles fly from his mouth. Thunderlane smiled, and said: "Remember not to speak with your mouth full when you're with her."
Rumble gulped down his food, and smiled at his big brother sheepishly while saying: "Yeah, maybe."

Thunderlane's smile turned into a frown, and he seemed to think about something. Rumble raised his eyebrow, and asked: "What's wrong?"

"Did you say that you two were going out the day after?" he asked from his little brother, who nodded. Thunderlane then got up from the table, and walked towards the lounge. Rumble saw him looking at the weather calender, and then nodding to himself.

"What was that?" Rumble asked when Thunderlane came back to the table. He sat down and looked at Rumble. He then said: "It's D-day at the weather factory."
Rumble realized what he meant, and let out a small hiss sound from between his teeth.

All the pegasies knew what a D-day at the weather factory meant. It was the day when letter's from Ponyville were delivered to Cloudscale, and to the weather factory that was there. There is only couple of mailmares in Ponyville, and they all took the letters and packets to Cloudscale in turns. Every third week it was Ditzy Doo's turn, who had earned nick name Derby due to her bad case of strabismus. So D-day pretty much meant Derpy-day.
When it was her turn to take the mail to the waether factory, accidents usually happened. It meant that there was high risk of unpredictable weather in all the surrounding areas, including Ponyville.

"So the weather could be pretty bad?" Rumble asked, making Thunderlane chuckle. He took a bite from his scrambled eggs, and said: "Everything's possible during D-day."

"Motherbucker," Rumble said, leaning against the back of the chair. His date could be ruined with a fifty percent change. Thunderlane looked at him with a irritated expression. He then said: "Stop that cursing, mares don't like that either."

"You curse more than me!" Rumble said, trying to defense himself. Thunderlane grinned at him, and said: "Sure as hell I am, but have you seen me curse with lady in presence?"

"Many times!" Rumble said, making Thunderlane grin sheepishly.

After they finished eating, Rumble went to his own room, and hoped that the day after tomorrow wouldn't be too bad. He wanted to make a good impression to Sweetie Belle, and it would suck if bad weather would mess everything up.

* * *

Sweetie Belle was at the Sweet Apple Acres with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. They were inside Apple Bloom's room. Two of her friends sat on the other end of the bed, listening carefully while Sweetie Belle told them about the incident with Rumble day earlier.

"..And then he asked if we could see each other someday," Sweetie Belle told her friends, who smiled and glanced at each other. They then asked in unison: "What happened then?"
Sweetie Belle seemed a little embarrassed, and she said: "Well I didn't get it first, but then I realized that he asked me on a date with him."

"And?" her friends asked in unison again, leaning closer towards her.

"Well.. I said yes," Sweetie Belle said, smiling happily.
Scootaloo and Apple Bloom both let out a happy, girlish giggle, and Sweetie Belle blushed. They then hauled themselves closer to Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom asked: "Are you exited?"

"Yeah," Sweetie Belle sighed. She didn't know what to expect from her date with Rumble.

"Don't worry, It'll go fine," Scootaloo said, and flopped onto the bed. She hummed some melody happily.

Sweetie Belle thought that talking about her date didn't make her feel any more relaxed, so she decided to change the subject.

"So how is it going with you two?" she asked, and noticed how Apple Bloom tensed up a bit. Scootaloo just laid on the bed and said casually: "Fine."
Sweetie Belle frowned at her short reply, and turned towards Apple Bloom, who looked nervous. Sweetie Belle poked Scootaloo, and pointed at Apple Bloom. Scootaloo too noticed her nervousness.

"Still haven't found a coltfriend?" Scootaloo asked from Apple Bloom, who glanced between them two.

"I'ts okay Apple Bloom, we won't judge," Sweetie Belle said, earning an annoyed look from Apple Bloom. She scratched back of her head for a second, and looked at her friends a bit weirdly.

"Well actually.." she started, and both of her friends eyes grew wide.

The next day.

Sweetie Belle looked out of her room's window. All she could see was rain, and grey colors. She had spent the whole day in her room, looking out the window.

"Of all the terrible things.. This is the worst possible thing.." she thought, while leaning her head against the window. She had waited her date so much, and now there was a storm raging outside, ruining everything. She banged her head against the window lightly.

Apple Bloom had been visiting her, and she had left just before the storm. She had told about Spike and herself. The way Apple Bloom had spoken about her first date was something really adorable. She had gotten even more exited about her own date.
And now it was raining.

She heard how door behind her opened, and Sweetie Belle turned her head towards the door. She saw Rarity standing there, in all her beauty.

"Hi Rarity," Sweetie Belle said sadly, and returned to stare outside the window.
Rarity looked at her little sister, feeling sorry for her. She walked towards Sweetie Belle, and sat next to her. A sudden crack of lighting made them both jump a little. Sweetie Belle pressed herself closer to Rarity, who held her in a sympathetic hug.

"Sweetie Belle honey, I'm sure that he'll come some other day," Rarity tried to cheer up her sister. Sweetie Belle looked at her, and said: "I know that. It's just so annoying that there had to be a storm just today!"

"I know honey. And it wasn't even marked in the weather calender," Rarity said, and jumped a little again, when another bolt of lighting came down from the heavens.

They sat there for a minute, watching rain drops slowly running down the window, before Rarity whispered into Sweetie Belle's ear: "Would you like some tea? It's nice to drink something warm on a day like this."
Sweetie Belle stared outside for a second more, before she smiled and nodded to her sister. They then rose up from the floor, and walked downstairs. Sweetie Belle sat on the sofa, while Rarity put a kettle on the stove. She poured some water into it, and walked to the living room.

"At least he has a good reason not to show up," Rarity said, while she sat down next to Sweetie Belle. She didn't wait for response before continuing: "One time my date didn't show up, because he forgot that we were suppose to go out that night."
Sweetie Belle looked at her sister, and asked: "What happened after that?"

"Well we didn't see each other anymore. Stallion should never forget anything so important," Rarity said, frowning while remembering the incident. Sweetie Belle leaned against the back of the sofa, and sighed. Rarity rubbed her shoulder gently, and said: "Don't worry dear. He'll come some other d.."

A sudden knock on the door interrupted Rarity, and both siblings looked towards the lounge. They must have been hearing things. Nopony would be outside in this storm. They were almost sure that it was just a branch knocking against a window or something, but then they heard the knocking again. This time they were sure that there was somepony behind the door.

"Who could it be? Nopony would go out today!" Rarity wondered and rose up from the sofa. She walked to the door, while Sweetie Belle looked after her from the living room. Rarity trotted to the door, and the knocking was getting faster and faster.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Rarity said a bit annoyed, when she grabbed from the handle. She opened the door, and saw a light grey pegasus. His dark grey mane had gotten flattened by the rain, and his feathers were dripping wet. He shook a little while standing there on the doorsteps.

"G-good afternoon. I-s Sweetie B-Belle home?" Rumble asked with a shaky voice. Rarity stared at the wet pegasus for a minute, and then realized who he was.

"You must be Rumble?" she asked, while examining him with her eyes. His appearance wasn't the best possible, but Rarity was sure that it was because of the rain.

"Y-yes mam," Rumble answered. He shook a little more, before saying: "I just wanted to tell her that maybe we should cancel the date tomorrow."

"Yes that would be a good idea," Rarity agreed, and then looked into the living room. She saw Sweetie Belle still sitting on the sofa. Rarity turned towards Rumble and said: "You can tell that to herself."

Rumble nodded. Then Rarity trotted to living room, leaving Rumble to the doorway. Sweetie Belle looked at her with a questioning look on her face, and asked: "Who was it?"

"Maybe you should go see it yourself," Rarity said with a hinting voice. Sweetie Belle looked at her with a confused look for a while, before a wide smile appeared on her face. She sprung up from the sofa, and galloped to the lounge. She saw Rumble in the doorway, shaking from cold.

"Rumble!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed and stopped in front of the colt. Rumble smiled at her, and said: "Hi."
Sweetie Belle and Rumble stared at each other for a while, before Rumble remembered why he was there.

"Umm.. I thought that I'd stop her to ask you if we could go out some other day?" he explained, and Sweetie Belle listened. She nodded and said: "I thought so too."

They again stared at each other, and this time they both blushed a bit. Rumble over Sweetie Belle's shoulder, while she looked at the floor. Rumble then asked: "So.. When are you free?"

"I have to ask Rarity," Sweetie Belle said, but right after that they heard Rarity saying: "Anytime you want!"
They turned towards the sound, and saw Rarity peeking from the doorway that lead to the living room. When she noticed that they both were looking at her, she flashed them a sheepish smile. She then disappeared into the living room.

"How about tomorrow?" Sweetie Belle asked from Rumble, who immediately answered: "I'm in!"
Sweetie Belle giggled a little, and Rumble blushed. He then shook again, and Sweetie Belle saw that. She took a hold of Rumble's hoof, and pulled him inside. She then closed the door and said: "You'll get a cold if you go out there."

"Nah, there's good weather above the clouds," Rumble tried to resist, but Sweetie Belle just shook her head and said: "Na'ah. You're not going anywhere."

"Well I guess I'm not," Rumble said, as Sweetie Belle started to drag him towards a bathroom. There she gave him a towel, and he started to scrub himself dry. He also arranged his mane back into shape.
Sweetie Belle watched him the whole time, smiling a little. She watched as Rumble dried his strong wings feather by feather. After he was done, he gave them a couple of quick flaps.

"All done," he announced, as he stepped from the bathroom. Sweetie Belle smiled to him and said: "We have some tea, you want some?"

"Sure. Why not," Rumble said, and they walked side by side towards the kitchen, where they heard Rarity going trough the cabinets. When they entered the kitchen, they saw Rarity facing away from them, trying to find some tea cups from the lower cabinets.

"So you settled another date with him, hmm?" Rarity asked from Sweetie Belle. She seemed to think that Rumble had left after their conversation.

"Yep. Tomorrow," Sweetie Belle said, looking at Rumble. Rarity still didn't seem to notice Rumble's presence, and she said with a sly voice: "He seemed like a nice colt, If you know what I mean."
Rumble's cheeks went crimson red, and Sweetie Belle started to giggle loudly. Rarity turned around and saw Rumble standing there. A hard blush appeared on her cheeks too, and she quickly muttered: "Aa.. Umm.. W-Would you like some tea?"

"Yes please," Rumble said timidly, with his cheeks still red. Sweetie Belle managed to get her laughing under control, and she swept couple of tears from her eyes. She then said, chuckling a little: "I thought that he could stay until the storm goes by."

"Um.. Ah yes.. Of course by all means!" Rarity said, still stumbling in her own words. She then quickly turned around to look for the cups again. This time she found them, and levitated them to the table with her magic. Sweetie Belle and Rumble sat next to each other, and Rarity poured some hot water into their cups from the kettle.

"So.." Rarity started, trying to get the conversation started. She tried to come up with something, and then she asked: "Is't it a bit dangerous to fly in a weather like this?"

"Not at all. It's perfectly clear above the clouds. -" Rumble paused for a second "- And besides, my brother taught me how to see where the lighting is going to strike," Rumble explained to the mares, who both looked at him confusedly.

"Really? You can see where is it going to strike?" Sweetie Belle asked, and Rumble nodded. Sweetie Belle grinned and said: "Cool."

"Who's your big brother? He must be a pretty good flyer," Rarity asked, now truly interested. Rumble placed a tea bag into his mug, and said: "Thunderlane."

Sweetie Belle saw that that name was familiar to Rarity. Her eyes seemed to grew larger, and they looked surprised for a second. Sweetie Belle even saw a small smile on her sister's lips. Rarity then shook her head, and was back to normal.

Rumble didn't seem to notice it, and he continued: "He's probably out there right now. He loves thunderstorms."

"How can somepony love thunderstorms?" Sweetie Belle asked. She had never seen anypony who liked thunderstorms. She herself liked rainy weather, but thunder was a bit scary in her opinion.

Rumble thought for a while, and then said: "I'll show you. Look out of the window."
All the three ponies looked out, and Rumble seemed to look for something on the sky. After a while, he pointed his hoof towards one of the storm cloud and said: "There!"
Sweetie Belle thought he saw a shadow near the cloud, and all of a sudden a lighting struck from that cloud. She was sure that she saw something fly inside the lighting, but it was really fast, and she wasn't sure what it was.

Rarity watched in total awe, and Rumble had a proud grin on his face.

"W-was that your brother?" Rarity asked, looking at Rumble with confused expression on her face. Sweetie Belle turned to them, and asked: "What just happened?"

"Thunderlane rode a lighting," Rumble said proudly.
Both mares looked at him, mouth agape. They then turned towards the window again, and could see a black figure flying around the clouds in distance.

"How can he do that?" Sweetie Belle asked, leaning closer to Rumble. He blushed when her hoof touched his, but managed to answer: "I don't know. He's only one who can do it in Ponyville. Maybe in whole Equestria."

"Well that is something you don't see everyday," Rarity wondered out loud.

After they drank their tea, Rumble started to feel warmer. Rarity went back to her work. She had a big order from Sapphire Shore again. Sweetie Belle took Rumble to a quick tour around Carousel Boutique.
Rumble was dumbfounded by the amazing decor and all the dresses that Rarity had made.

"They are amazing, aren't they?" Sweetie Belle asked from Rumble, who was examining couple of dresses on mannequins. He nodded and then asked: "Do you never help her?"

"Nah. She always says that she's better by her own," Sweetie Belle said, with a bit of annoyance in her voice. Rumble turned to her. Sweetie Belle drew invisible circles to the floor with her hoof, and continued with a bit timid voice: "I usually mess things up."
Rumble looked at her a bit amusingly and said: "Everypony makes mistakes sometimes."

Sweetie Belle smiled at him, and they started to walk towards the stairs. They rose up the stairs, and came to a small lounge in the second floor of the building. There was three doors, and one of them had 'Sweetie Belle' written on it with stylish letters.

"This is my room," Sweetie Belle said, when she opened the door. Rumble chuckled, and tapped on to the door. He then said to Sweetie Belle: "Oh yeah. That explains why it says 'Sweetie Belle' on the door."

"Isn't that pretty obvious?" Sweetie Belle asked, and she noticed Rumble grinning to her playfully. She realized that Rumble was trying to tease her, and she let out a small 'hmph'.

"Sorry, couldn't resist," Rumble said, when he entered the room.

The room had moccasin colored walls, and the wallpapers had some some ribbon like shapes and deep red hearts. There were couple of paintings on the wall, and a mirror on the wall that was on the opposite wall to the bed. There were Sweetie Belle's old drawings on the wall next to the mirror.
There was a small blue nightstand next to the bed and window, that had yellow curtains. There was a small framed picture on the nightstand, that had four ponies in it. Rumble recognized Sweetie Belle and Rarity in the picture. They both were younger in that picture. There were also two grown ups, probably her parents. One was stallion, who had the same white coat as Sweetie Belle and Rarity. He also had a big stray hat and flower shirt. Rumble thought that he saw a horn under the hat, but wasn't sure. The other one was a light pink unicorn mare, with a bit chubby figure. Her mane was almost same purple as Rarity's. Rumble noticed that they were the same ponies that were in many of Sweetie Belle's old drawings.

"My parents," Sweetie Belle said to Rumble, who was still looking at the picture. Rumble looked towards her, and saw her sitting on the side of her bed. She patted the spot next to her, and Rumble sat next to her. He looked at Sweetie Belle, right into those green eyes. Sweetie Belle's curly mane fell down to her shoulders. There was one separate curl that didn't want to go with the others, and it stubbornly flowed over her face.

"You seem pretty close with you're family," Rumble said to her, and Sweetie Belle nodded exited. She took the picture from the nightstand, and looked at it.

"My family is everything to me," she said, and brushed the picture with her hoof. She then looked at Rumble, and noticed that he seemed to be a bit upset. He kept looking at the picture in her hoof.

"Is something wrong?" Sweetie Belle thought when she saw Rumble's glassy gaze. She laid the picture back to the nightstand, and turned back to Rumble. He was looking onto the floor, rubbing his hooves together.

"Rumble, Is something wrong?" Sweetie Belle asked, sounding worried. Rumble jumped a little, when he broke away from his trance. He looked at Sweetie Belle, who looked confused. Rumble then drooped his ears, and said: "It's just.. my parents.."

"What about them?" Sweetie Belle asked from Rumble, who then said: "They're.. gone."
Sweetie Belle was confused. She looked at sad Rumble, and asked: "Where did they go?"
Rumble chuckled sadly, and corrected her: "I meant that they're.."
Sweetie Belle let out a small gasp when she realized what Rumble was trying to say. She felt terrible, asking him such a stupid question.

"Ooh. I'm sorry," Sweetie Belle said, and placed her hoof on his. That made Rumble smile a bit. He looked at Sweetie Belle and assured: "It's okay."

They sat there in silence for a while. Then Sweetie Belle asked: "What happened?"
Rumble squirmed a little, and he seemed really uncomfortable. Sweetie Belle noticed that, so she placed her another hoof to his hoof. She then said: "You don't need to tell if you don't want to."

"Okay. Maybe I'll tell you later?" Rumble said, looking at Sweetie Belle in to her eyes. They stared at each other for a moment, and then Sweetie Belle wrapped her hooves around surprised Rumble. It took a second for him to return the hug.
Rumble could smell the clean aroma from Sweetie Belle's mane when they hugged. It made his cheeks go red.

They broke the hug, and looked at each other again. They both smiled at each other, and then Rumble noticed that it had stopped raining outside.

"It's not raining anymore," he said, and Sweetie Belle too looked outside the window. The weather was getting clearer, and the sun was starting to shine trough the clouds. They both looked at the clock, and saw that it was just fifteen to four in afternoon.
They turned back to each other, and they both seemed to think about something.

"It's not too late to go you know," Rumble said to Sweetie Belle, who smiled happily and asked with a sly tone: "What do you have in mind?"
Rumble chuckled, and asked: "Do you like coffee?"

* * *

Weather was already getting better, but the ground was still wet and muddy. The air was fresh and smelled clean, just like always after a storm.

Sweetie Belle and Rumble were walking down the Ponyville's main street. They had left from Carousel Boutique despite Rarity's protesting. She was absolutely terrified by the idea of Sweetie Belle getting all muddy and cold on her date, but Sweetie Belle couldn't care less.

They were trying to find someplace where they could eat together. Sweetie Belle was ready to go anywhere Rumble wanted, but Rumble wanted Sweetie Belle to decide where they should go. He saw that Sweetie Belle was a bit cold.

"She should have taken that scarf Rarity offered to her," Rumble thought, when he saw Sweetie Belle shaking a little. He wanted to get her inside a warm place quickly.

"You see anything you like?" Rumble asked while jumping over a small pool of water. He then offered his hoof to Sweetie Belle, who gladly accepted it. She giggled cutely when she jumped over the puddle. Sweetie Belle then looked around herself, and something caught her eye.

"What about that one?" she asked, pointing her hoof towards a small café on the other side of the street. It was really cozy looking, and it had a small wooden 'open' sign hanging from the door. Rumble had nothing against the place, so he nodded to Sweetie Belle who flashed a happy smile to him.

They trotted to the café, and Rumble opened the door for Sweetie Belle.

"Thank you," Sweetie Belle chirped, and walked into the store. Rumble followed her.
The café was was painted with warm colors, and the decor was mostly coffee related. They were welcomed by a light brown coated, about middle aged earth pony mare. Her cutie mark was three coffee beans. She had a long darker brown mane, that was on a braid. She wore a warm smile on her face.

"Welcome to Café Dream! You're actually the first customers today!" the mare behind counter happly greeted them. Rumble looked around the shop and said: "Well nopony wants to go out in a weather like that."

"True. I just opened the shop actually. I was too scared to go outside in that storm," the owner said. She then remembered why the two teens were there.

"How can I help you two?" the owner asked with a broad smile. Sweetie Belle stepped closer to the counter, and watched at the menu.

"Hmm.. Latte, Cafe Medici, Cafe Cubano.. -" Sweetie Belle browsed the menu "- Oh! Cafe mocha! I'll have that," she said when she saw the word chocolate. The owner of the shop nodded, and turned towards Rumble. He browsed the menu for a second, and said: "I'll take the Cafe Amarecano."

"I'll have them made in couple of minutes. -" The mare put some numbers to the cash register "- It'll be four bits for the Cafe Amarecano, and six for the Cafe mocha."

"I'll pay them both," Rumble said. The owner looked at him with a sly look, and asked: "Are you two on a date?"

"Yeah," Sweetie Belle said and clung to Rumble's side, making him blush. The mare looked at them, smiling gently. She then pushed some buttons in the cash register, and the total price changed from ten bits to five. Rumble and Sweetie Belle looked at the owner wide eyed.

"Thank you so much," Sweetie Belle said, but the owner just waved her hoof at them and said: "I'ts nothing. You two just have a nice day."

Rumble placed the bits to the counter, and the owner took them to the cash register. She winked at the pair, making both of them blush. Teens then walked to a booth next to the windows. They sat side by side, and saw that the weather was getting clearer by the minute. Sweetie Belle was still feeling cold though, and she shook a little.

"Are you cold?" Rumble asked, even he know she was. Sweetie Belle smiled to him sweetly, and said: "I'm fine."
Rumble looked at her with a questioning look, and she smiled to him sheepishly.

"A little," she confessed. That was all Rumble needed. He heaved himself closer to Sweetie Belle, and reached his wing over her shoulders. Sweetie Belle blushed and giggled when Rumble pulled her closer to himself. She felt the warmth of Rumble's body against her.

Just then the owner came to them with their orders. She smiled when she saw two teens cuddling together.

"I see you two are having a good time," she said while laying their warm drinks in front of them. They snickered together, and thanked the shopkeeper. She then left the two in privacy.

Rumble quickly gave Sweetie Belle her own cup, and she took a sip from it. She enjoyed it, and felt the warmness spread in her body. She let out a small sigh, and took another sip. Rumble too took couple of sips from his coffee, and then laid the cup on the table. They were silent for a minute, just leaning against each other.

"You have been behaving pretty well," Sweetie Belle said, earning a confused frown from Rumble.

"What do you mean?" he asked. Sweetie Belle snickered, and said: "Well, you always curse in the class and stuff."
Rumble chuckled, and said: "That's a bit different situation you know."

Sweetie Belle snickered, and took another sip from her coffee.

"This is really good," she said to Rumble, who looked at her. She looked at Rumble, and asked: "Wanna taste?"
Rumble thought for a second, and shrugged.

"Sure," he said, and Sweetie Belle lifted the cup to his lips. She lifted the cup a bit more, so Rumble could take a small sip.

The coffee was good in Rumble's opinion. He smacked his mouth when Sweetie Belle lowered her cup from his lips. Sweetie Belle started to giggle, earning a confused look from Rumble. Sweetie Belle pointed at his mouth, and said: "You have a milk moustache."
Rumble tried to look at his muzzle, crossing his eyes. It made her giggle even more. Rumble looked irritated, and was about to brush away the mess. Sweetie Belle stopped him, and quickly kissed him onto the upper lip, cleaning it.

They both stared at the table for a good while. They both were blushing hard, and Rumble scratched his mane nervously. They both glanced each other, smiling timidly. Sweetie Belle was still under Rumble's wing, and she snuggled closer to him. Rumble winced a little, and looked at her.

"I liked that," she said with her girly voice. Rumble pulled her closer to himself, and thought: "Damn she's cute."

"Me too," Rumble said, lifting his hoof over Sweetie Belle's shoulder.

* * *

The weather was getting better.
Celestia's sun was now clearly shining on the sky, but the temperature was still pretty low. There was a thick fog raising from the ground, and sunlight made it glow in light golden colors.

Sweetie Belle thought that it was really beautiful sight, and leaning against Rumble's side under his wings made the atmosphere ten times better. She didn't feel cold at all. Rumble was escorting her back to Carousel Boutique, and they were already talking about their second dates.

"What do you want to do next time?" Rumble asked from Sweetie Belle, who thought for a minute. She then looked up at Rumble, and said: "We could go to park."

"What if the weather's like this again?" Rumble asked, looking at the sky. Sweetie Belle nuzzled his cheeks a little, and said: "Then you'll come over to Carousel Boutique, of course."
Rumble chuckled, and said: "Why is it always me. Why won't you come to my place when it rains?"

"Because I'm a lady," Sweetie Belle said, lifting her nose snobbishly. Rumble pulled her a bit closer to himself with his wing, and said: "Of course."

They both laughed a little, and Sweetie Belle swung her curly tail around Rumble's, making him wince a little. He looked at Sweetie Belle, who grinned to him happily. He smiled back to her, and nuzzled her cheek with his muzzle. She giggled, and rested her head against Rumble's neck, letting out a small sigh.

They started to see the figure of Carousel Boutique trough the thick fog. As they got closer, Sweetie Belle seemed to cling on Rumble even tighter. She snuggled her head into Rumble's neck. Rumble would have liked that, but her horn swung a bit too close to his eye in his opinion.

"Watch the horn," he said. Sweetie Belle smiled to him sheepishly, and said: "Sorry."
They both laughed, and they soon found themselves standing on the doorsteps of Carousel Boutique. Sweetie Belle slipped away from under Rumble's wing. She stood in front of him, and rubbed her hooves together.

"I had fun," she said. Rumble nodded, and said: "Me too."
They were silent for a minute, just looking at each other. Sweetie Belle then looked at Rumble shyly, and asked: "Well.. should we.."

"What?" Rumble asked, and Sweetie Belle shrugged. She looked Rumble into eyes, and said: "You know.."
Rumble's eyes went wide, and he blushed a bit.

"Umm.. I.. Sure! If you want to," he mumbled, and Sweetie Belle smiled happily at him. She then walked closer to Rumble, and stopped just a step away from him. Her green eyes stared into his purple eyes, that looked nervous. She flashed him a quick encouraging smile, and moved her head closer to Rumble's.
Rumble leaned towards her too, and then their lips met. Sweetie Belle noticed that Rumble was very inexperienced kisser, and that surprised her. She thought that he would have known these things. After all he had been one of the best looking colts in her class before Blue Sky started in their school.
What he lacked in experience, Rumble replaced with enthusiasm. The kiss lasted longer than they had expected, and it was getting more deeper.

They had to break the kiss, because they started to get out of breath.
They panted a little, and stared into each other's eyes. They both smiled a broad smile, and they pressed their foreheads together.

"When are you free again?" Rumble asked, while staring into Sweetie Belle's eyes. She giggled, and said: "Tomorrow."

"Okay. I'll come pick you up tomorrow," Rumble said, and nuzzled her cheek. She did the same to him. Adter that Sweetie Belle and Rumble then hugged, and said their goodbyes.
Rumble watched Sweetie Belle going inside Carousel Boutique, and then he took off. He whooped and did a flip in the air. He started to fly towards his home, and he felt like he couldn't wait until tomorrow.

* * *

Rarity was walking towards the living room, when she heard some voices from behind the front door. She stopped, and quietly walked closer to the door, pressing her ear against the door, and heard Sweetie Belle's voice.
She gasped silently, and rushed to the window. She carefully peeked from behind the curtains, and saw her sister standing in front of that colt, Rumble.

Sweetie Belle rubbed her front legs against each other. She said something, but Rarity couldn't hear what trough the thick glass. The colt seemed confused, and Rarity saw Sweetie Belle shrug and say something. It made the colt tense up, and he said something back to Sweetie Bell.
Sweetie Belle walked closer to the colt, and Rarity started to smile.

"They're going to kiss!" Rarity thought, and watched the pair more carefully. She let out a girly squeal, when They kissed. She clopped her hooves together, giggling happily.

"Aww... That's so adorable!" Rarity thought, when she saw Sweetie Belle and Rumble nuzzling each other.

They then hugged, and Sweetie Belle walked inside. Rarity heard the door opening and closing. She saw Rumble taking off, and then she quickly trotted to the lounge. There she met widely smiling Sweetie Belle.

"Well how did your date go?" Rarity asked exited, even she knew how it went.

"Fantastic!" Sweetie Belle sung, and both sibling started to giggle and jump a little. After that Rarity pushed Sweetie Belle to the living room, and made him sit onto the sofa. Rarity sat in front of her onto the floor, and watched her sister with her eyes glimmering from excitement. She lifted her hooves to Sweetie Belle's and said: "Tell me everything!"

Sweetie Belle giggled, and started to tell the story to her sister: "First we went to this really nice café. He paid the drinks, Of course..."

* * *

Rumble opened the front door, and walked inside his home. He trotted to the living room, where Thunderlane was sitting in his own easy chair. He was reading daily paper, but lifted his gaze from the paper to see Rumble.
Rumble threw himself to the couch, and Thunderlane went back to reading the paper.

After a while, he asked: "How did the date go?"

"It was good," Rumble answered. Their conversation then died. After a minute, Thunderlane lowered the paper to see Rumble. He grinned and asked: "Got laid?"
Rumble blushed and folded his ears. He looked angrily at his brother, and said: "No! She's not like that!"

"Just messing with you," Thunderlane chuckled, and continued to read the newspaper. Rumble still stared at him angrily, and stood up. He walked to the kitchen and took a sandwich from the fridge. He then walked to his own room, and closed the door behind him.

"Luna damn him. He never thinks anything else," Rumble thought, and flopped onto his bed. He munched the sandwich quickly, and it made him feel rather sleepy.
It didn't take long before he fell asleep.

* * *

Next day.

Sweetie Belle was pacing around the living room, humming nervously. She was waiting for Rumble to show up.

"Where is he? I hope he didn't forgot," she thought. She had been waiting Rumble to show up for time that felt like centuries. Rarity came to the living room, and watched Sweetie Belle pace for a minute before saying: "Calm down Sweetie Belle, he'll come."

Sweetie Belle stopped pacing. Her ears were folded back and she pouted.

"But I've been waiting for hours! It'll be dark soon!" she whined. Rarity frowned, and looked at her with annoyed look on her face. She walked closer to Sweetie Belle and said: "It's midday! And you woke up thirty minutes ago!"
Sweetie Belle sheepishly smiled at her sister, and sat down to the floor. Rarity patted her on the shoulder, and comforted her sister: "You think he would bail on such a beautiful filly like you?"
Sweetie Belle blushed, and smiled at her sister happily. She then rose up and hugged surprised Rarity. Rarity soon returned the sisterly hug, and smiled widely.

"Thanks," Sweetie Belle said, and confused Rarity asked: "For what deary?"

"For being such a good sister," Sweetie Belle said, making small tears form in Rarity's eyes. She was so touched by that sudden indication of affection that she didn't know what to say.

Luckily she didn't need to say anything, because there was knock on the door.

"That must be Rumble!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed and galloped to the door, leaving almost sobbing Rarity all by herself. She heard how Sweetie Belle took her saddle bag, and how the door opened and closed.
Rarity stood in the middle of the living room, dumbfounded. She sat down and waved her hoof's towards her eyes to dry them, but her mascara still started to run down her cheeks. She chuckled a little.

"Celestia damn it Sweetie Belle. Now I have to make up again," Rarity thought, smiling like a happy big sisters do.

Meanwhile outside the Carousel Boutique, Sweetie Belle was walking side by side with Rumble. They were making their way towards the park, like they had agreed yesterday.

The weather was warm, hot actually. The sun beamed down on Ponyville from almost cloudless sky. It was perfect day to spend in park, in shade of a big tree and pressed against the side of somepony special.

"So what's the plan?" Rumble asked.

"First we'll find a nice shadow. Then we'll snuggle for a while. I have cards with me, so maybe we can play?" Sweetie Belle told him, while swaying her head happily. She looked at Rumble, waiting for a approval.

"I was sold when you said snuggle," Rumble said, earning a cute giggle from Sweetie Belle.

They walked trough the market, where they saw Apple Bloom and Spike sitting against the Apple family's stand. They didn't seem to notice them, so they decided to leave them in their own privacy.

"They look so cute together," Sweetie Belle said, and looked at Rumble, waiting for a response. He looked towards the purple dragon, and light yellow filly with a red bow for a second.

"Spike got a nice catch," he said, and Sweetie Belle let out a annoyed grunt. She hit now laughing Rumble on the shoulder playfully, and she too started to giggle a little.

Soon after that they arrived to the park, and saw that there was more ponies than usually. They thought that other couples had the same idea as they had. There were many other couples laying on a blankets all around the park. Other's had food baskets with them, and some of them just laid there, holding each other.

"Do you have a blanket?" Rumble asked from Sweetie Belle, who nodded happily. Rumble nuzzled her cheek and said: "I knew you would be prepared."
They then looked around for a good spot. After a while they found a big oak, that luckily had nopony under it. They could have some privacy under it. Rumble examined the big tree, while Sweetie Belle took the blanket from her saddle bag and placed it on the ground.

"How old do you think this tree is?" Rumble asked, without taking his eyes off the oak. He head Sweetie Belle answer to him: "Pretty old. My mom and dad shared their first kiss under this tree,"
Rumble turned towards her, and saw her laying on the blanket, in a suggestive pose.

"Remember what we supposed to do after we find the spot?" she asked, and patted the blanket next to her. Rumble chuckled, and said: "I don't know. Did it have something to do with cards?"

"What? No. It was after this.." Sweetie Belle said. She then realized that Rumble was again trying to annoy her. She gave Rumble a annoyed look, and commanded: "Just get over here!"

Rumble snickered and did as she commanded. He laid next to Sweetie Belle, and she immediately rested her head on Rumble's chest. She giggled as Rumble wrapped his hooves around her body. They moved around for a while, to find a good position. When they found it they just laid there, listening to the sounds of the park.
Sweetie Belle noticed that she could hear Rumble's heartbeat.

"So calm," she thought, and smiled to herself.

They rested there for a while, before Rumble asked: "What did you say about your parents?"
Sweetie Belle lifted her head, and looked at Rumble. She then looked at the tree and said: "This is the place where they kissed for a first time."
Rumble smiled to her coyly.

"I know it wouldn't be our first kiss, but.." he paused for a moment, and saw how Sweetie Belle's green eyes started to glimmer. He was just about to say something, but when Rumble opened his mouth, Sweetie Belle leaned herself closer to him. No words managed to escape from Rumble's mouth, before it was sealed with Sweetie Belle's.
Rumble's eyes were wide, and they met Sweetie Belle's warm gaze.
He relaxed, and pushed into the kiss.
Sweetie Belle opened her mouth, but Rumble was slow to react. He finally managed to open his too, and he felt how Sweetie Belle's tongue slipped into his mouth. He tried to fight her tongue back to her mouth with his own, but he was still very new to these things.
Again the kiss was really rough and inexperienced, but it was full of passion and care.

After the sloppy kiss they leaned away from each other, leaving small string of saliva connecting their lips.
Sweetie Belle giggled cutely, while Rumble was still dumbfounded by the amazing kiss they just had. Sweetie Belle kissed him again on the mouth, making him smile. Sweetie Belle laid her head on Rumble's chest again, and stared into his eyes.

"You need some training," she said to Rumble, winking to him playfully.

"I'm glad I have such a good teacher," he replied, making Sweetie Belle giggle even more.

They snuggled closer to each other, so that they were now in tight embrace of each other. There they laid for a minute, looking up to the thick tree above them. Other world seemed to melt away, there was just the tree, sun, and them two, holding each other tightly.

"I really like you," Sweetie Belle broke the silence. Rumbled nuzzled top of her head, and asked: "Like?"

"Should I already say it? I've only dated him for couple of days, is it too early?" Sweetie Belle thought, but then her eyes met with Rumble's. He looked so warmly at her, that her heart almost melted away.

"Yes. Yes I should," she thought.

"Love," Sweetie corrected herself. Rumble then lifted his hooves to Sweetie Belle's cheeks, and lifted her head towards his. They gazed into each other's eyes, and felt the warmness in their stare.

"I love you too," Rumble said slowly, earning a small, happy whimper from Sweetie Belle.

Rumble pulled her into another kiss, but this time he was more dominant with his tongue. Sweetie Belle let him take control of the kiss this time, just enjoying every moment of it. She felt how Rumble's hooves rubbed her cheeks a little, making her blush somehow.
The kiss was long, and it looked like it would last forever. Sweetie Belle had to break it eventually though. She had almost passed out.

They both panted lightly, and she buried her head to Rumble's neck. She pecked his neck slightly, sending shivers down his back. After Sweetie Belle stopped, Rumble decided that it was his turn. He lowered his head, and kissed Sweetie Belle's neck. Rumble liked the way how she reacted. It was half a squeal, and half a giggle.
They continued that for a while. They felt really warm and happy together.
Nothing could ruin this moment.

"Sweetie Belle!?" somepony suddenly shouted with a shocked voice.
They both lifted their heads, and turned towards the voice. They saw two adult ponies standing in front of them. Other one was stallion, who had white coat and stray hat on his head. The other one was a pink unicorn mare, with purple mane.
They stared at the teens with surprised look on their faces.
Rumble recognize them as Sweetie Belle's parents.

"This is not going to end well.." he thought.

"Mom? Dad? What are you doing here?" Sweetie Belle asked with nervous voice,
It took a second, before her mother managed to answer. She spoke with mid-Equestrian accent: "Uhm.. W-We were going to visit you and R.."

"A better question is that what are you doing here? And with whom?!" her father asked loudly, interrupting his fiance. He sounded angry, and his eyes were fixated to Rumble.

Teens realized that they were still snuggled close to each other on the blanket. They quickly rose up and stood side by side with each other, facing Sweetie Belle's parents.
Nopony said a word for a while. Sweetie Belle's father still stared at Rumble angrily, while Sweetie Belle and her mother shared a worried glances.

Rumble gulped, and stepped forward. He lifted his front hoof towards Sweetie Belle's father, and said with a bit shaky voice: "Rumble Lane, nice to meet you."
The white stallion in front of him didn't shake his hoof or say anything. Instead he leaned closer to nervous Rumble, so that there were only couple of inches between their faces. His stare seemed to go right trough Rumble, and it made Rumble fold his ears back.

"What are your intentions with my daughter?" he asked slowly.

"Dad!" Sweetie Belle said, but she was silenced by a stare from her father.

He turned back to look at Rumble right into his eyes, and waited for an answer.

"W-We've been seeing each other for a while," Rumble answered with a shaking voice. Sweetie Belle's father let out a small 'hmph' sound, and lifted his hat with his hoof. Rumble now saw his horn. He was unicorn after all.

"What if I told you that you're not allowed to see her again?" the white stallion with stray hat asked, giving Rumble a death stare.

Sweetie Belle looked like she was about to protest, but she was again silenced by her father's stare. She then drooped her ears and seemed like she was going to cry. Her lower lip quivered a little.
Rumble saw that.
He looked at her, and then at her father. He felt how the nervousness and timidness disappeared from him, and he stood up straight and unfolded his ears. He looked calmly back at Sweetie Belle's father's eyes.

"Then I would have to disagree with you," he said calmly, and watched the white stallion in front of him.
Rumble saw him stepping backwards, and he also noticed how big he was. The stallion in front of him was atleast a head higher than him, and had much more bulky body than Rumble did.

"I'm going t get killed if this turns into a fight," Rumble thought, and prepared himself for the worst.

Instead of attacking him or doing anything else threatening, the stallion in front of him started to smile at Rumble. Rumble and Sweetie Belle were both confused at that reaction. Sweetie Belle's father then lifted his hoof towards Rumble, like Rumble had done earlier.
Rumble looked at the hoof carefully for a second, like it was going to smash right into his face suddenly. He peeked towards stallion's face, and saw that he was still smiling. It made him feel a bit more relaxed, and he grabbed the hoof into his own.

"Magnum Belle. Sorry I scared you like that," the white stallion said while shaking hooves with Rumble, who still looked confused due his sudden change of mood.

"Dad! Why did you do that?" Sweetie Belle asked, sounding irritated but relieved at the same time. Her mother too looked at her husband angrily.

"I thought you too were going to fight! What's wrong with you!?" she asked loudly.
Magnum smiled to them a bit sheepishly, still shaking Rumble's hoof. Rumble thought that his shoulder was about to get dislocated. Gladly Magnum let go of his hoof, and looked at him.

"I just had to make sure he was a good fella. I wouldn't let anypony date with my daughter, if he let a old stallion like me to tell him what to do," Magnum said, making Rumble chuckle nervously.

"Do you think I would pick such a pony to be my coltfriend?" Sweetie Belle asked from her father, and snuggled closer against Rumble's side. That made Magnum and Sweetie Belle's mother chuckle happily.

"Of course you wouldn't honey," her mother said, and ruffled her mane. She then turned to Rumble, and said, smiling warmly: "I'm Pearl Belle by the way."

"Nice to meet you," Rumble said with a small nod.

Sweetie Belle remembered that her parents lived in canterlot, and now they were there in Ponyville.

"Didn't you two have work for the next three weeks?" Sweetie Belle asked, making her parents chuckle again.

"We managed to get couple of days off," Pearl said, smiling coyly at her husband. Sweetie Belle noticed that, and asked: "How?"

"This is pretty important day for us, so we decided to visit this ol' tree," Magnum said to her daughter, who looked at them, feeling confused. What could be so important that they could get couple of days off, in the middle of the week?
Her parent's smiled strangely, and her mother looked at her horn. Sweetie Belle saw that she was wearing her wedding ring around her horn, and she quickly looked at her fathers left hoof. He too had his wedding ring on.

"It's.. It's your anniversary!" Sweetie Belle said, sounding exited.
Her parents smiled happily, and Magnum lifted his hoof over Pearls shoulder.

"And it's not just any anniversary, It's our thirtieth anniversary!" he announced proudly, and Pearl nuzzled his chin happily. Sweetie Belle let out a small gasp, and immediately hugged her parents.

"Ooh! Congratulations mom and dad!"
Rumble realized that it would be good for him to react someway too, so he said: "Congratulations!"

"Thanks chap," Magnum said, and playfully hit Rumble on the side. Even it might have been a playful hit in Magnums opinion, Rumble thought that his ribs had cracked for sure. It also knocked air from his lungs.

"You're.. welcome.." Rumble said, silently gasping for air.

After they broke the hug, and Rumble had caught his breath again, Pearl spoke: "Rumble was it?"
Rumble nodded and said: "Yes mam."
Sweetie Belle giggled at his formality, but Pearl seemed to be pleased with him. She looked at his husband, and said: "We are going to have a big dinner tomorrow at Carousel Boutique. Why don't you join us?"
Rumble seemed to hesitate for a second, but Sweetie Belle flicked her tail around Rumble's, and flashed a wide smile at him. Rumble smiled back at her, and turned towards her parents.

"Sure. I'd be happy to come."

* * *

Rarity stood at the bottom of the stairs. She looked up with a worried expression on her face.

"Does this have something to do with mom and dad?" she thought. Her parents were out now, and that was good. She didn't want them to be there too, to mess things up.

Sweetie Belle had been locked into her room for almost whole day. Rarity had seen her go outside, but she had returned quickly after. She had slammed the doors behind him, and Rarity had seen couple of tears in her eyes.
Rarity was truly worried about her little sister.

"Sweetie Belle? Honey?" she shouted with gentle voice, but didn't get any response. Rarity frowned and tried again: "Sweetie? Are you alright?"
No answer.

"That's it, I'm going up there," Rarity thought, and started to walk up the stairs. She came to the small lounge, and slowly walked to Sweetie Belle's door. She flipped her purple mane and pressed her ear against the door. She listened carefully, and could hear silent sobbing from Sweetie Belle's room.

Rarity let out a small gasp, and leaned away from the door.

"Oh Sweetie Belle! She's crying!" Rarity thought. She quickly knocked on the door, and opened it. She stepped inside the room, and saw Sweetie Belle looking at her from her bed.
Her eyes were red from sobbing, and when she saw that the intruder was Rarity, Sweetie Belle just pressed her head into her pillow again.

"Sweetie Belle honey! What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Rarity asked, and trotted next to her bed. She knelt next to her little sister, and lifted her hoof on top of Sweetie Belle's head. She brushed her mane slowly, and asked: "What's wrong honey? You can tell me."

Sweetie Belle lifted her head from the pillow, and wrapped her hooves around Rarity's neck. Rarity returned the hug, and wrapped sobbing Sweetie Belle into a warm embrace.

"I-I.. Saw.. R-Rumble with.. another.. f-filly!" Sweetie Belle sobbed, and Rarity felt how her tears flowed onto her shoulder. She patted Sweetie Belle on the back, and asked, sounding a bit suspicious: "Are you sure? I thought he was a nice colt."

"S-So did I! B-But I saw them hug! And t-then they walked together and..." Sweetie Belle started, but tears stopped her. She just cried into Rarity's mane. Rarity thought that those were pretty good proofs against him.

"How could he do such a thing to Sweetie Belle!? Oh.. When I get my hooves on him.." she thought, but didn't say anything out loud. She just brushed Sweetie Belle's mane.

"And she was much older than me!" Sweetie Belle cried after a while.
That sentence made bells ring in Rarity's head, and she looked at Sweetie Belle.

"Umm.. Sweetie Belle.. Was she a pegasus?" Rarity asked carefully, and Sweetie Belle nodded, looking at Rarity with her sad stare. Rarity thought for a moment, and then looked at Sweetie Belle again.

"Did she have a grayish blue coat, and a light blue mane?" Rarity asked, and Sweetie Belle nodded again, and said: "S-She also had a bow on her head."

A wave of relief passed trough Rarity, and she smiled a little, while hugging her sister tight.

"Sweetie Belle honey, I know.." she started but was interrupted by the doorbell. She looked at her sister, who still looked sad and red eyed from all the crying.

"It must be my customer," Rarity said, and turned back to Sweetie Belle. She let go of her and said: "I'll go let her in, and then I'll come back okay?"

"Okay," Sweetie Belle said, and rested her head on her pillow.

Rarity gave her a small smile, and rose up. She smiled a little when she skipped down the stairs.

"Poor little Sweetie Belle. Just a big misunderstanding," she thought and grabbed the door handle. She swung the door open and started her famous line: "Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where every garment is ch.."

Rarity stopped when her eyes met with Rumble's purple eyes, that were wide from surprise.

"Oh.. Rumble!" Rarity said, and opened the door for him to enter.

"That's me," Rumble said and stepped in. He looked around for a second, and then asked: "Is Sweetie Belle home? We were supposed to go out today, before the dinner."
Rarity looked at Rumble a bit worried for a second. Rumble noticed that, and asked "What's wrong?"

"Sweetie Belle's pretty upset," She said. Rumble looked at her confusedly.

"She thinks that you are seeing another mare," Rarity said, hoping that her own assumptions were right.
Rumble's eyes went wide, and he asked with shocked voice: "What!? I would never do that!"

"That's what I thought too, but she saw you with a pegasus today," Rarity said, and saw how amusement spread on Rumble's face.

"She was Flitter! She's my cousin!" he said, chuckling a bit.
Rarity let out a relieved sigh, and patted Rumble on the head. She smiled at him and said: "I knew you were a real gentlecolt! now be a dear and go comfort Sweetie Belle. She's in her room."

"Yes mam," Rumble said, and almost galloped up the stairs.

Rarity stayed downstairs, and smiled to herself happily.

"Such a nice little colt, just like his brother," Rarity thought, but then she shook her head and felt a bit warm on her cheeks. she started to trot towards the living room, and thought: "Where in heavens did that come from?"

Rumble was at Sweetie Belle's door.
He knocked onto the door, but Sweetie Belle didn't respond. He waited for a moment, and opened the door. He immediately saw Sweetie Belle, who stared at him angrily. Rumble saw that she had cried.

"Sweetie Belle.." he started, but then he had to dodge a pillow that flew towards him.
Sweetie Belle was standing on her bed, and she levitated another pillow from her bed with her magic. She looked at surprised Rumble with anger burning in her eyes, and shouted: "Why are you here!? I hate you!"

She threw the pillow towards Rumble again, who dodged it too. He then stepped closer to Sweetie Belle, and started again: "Sweetie Belle, Listen to me!"

"No!" she said, and rose to her hind legs. She tried to kick Rumble with her front hooves when he stepped closer to her bed. Rumble dodged the kick too, and said: "She was my.."

"Don't try to explain!" she hissed, and continued her furious kicking. Rumble groaned irrirated.

"Why won't they never listen!?" he thought, and decided to make end to that stupid fight.

Rumble suddenly jumped towards Sweetie Belle, tackling her gently to her bed. Rumble pinned her down, but she still tried to fight back. Sweetie Belle squirmed under him, and tears were still running down her cheeks.

"Calm down and I'll explain!" Rumble said, but Sweetie Belle still fought back.
Rumble then leaned closer to her, and planted a small kiss onto her forehead, calming her down a bit.

Sweetie Belle sobbed, but now she was looking into Rumble's eyes. Her sad and hurt stare made Rumble feel really bad, like he had done something wrong.

"I thought you liked me.." Sweetie Belle quietly, and looked away from Rumble.

"I do! I really like you! I love you!" Rumble said, with pleading look in his eyes.
Sweetie Belle looked at him again, and asked timidly: "Why were you out with another filly then?"
Rumble sighed, and said: "She was Flitter."
Sweetie Belle looked at him, not understanding what he meant. Rumble then clarified, with a small smile on his face: "She's my cousin. She came to see me and Thunderlane from Cloudscale."

Sweetie Belle's eyes went wide.

"How did I not realize it? He must be so mad at me.." Sweetie Belle thought, and tears started to flow down her cheeks again.

"Don't cry," Rumble said, and tried to kiss the tears away. Sweetie Belle sobbed again, and said: "I'm so sorry Rumble!"

"I'ts okay," Rumble said gently, and let Sweetie Belle from under him. She quickly grabbed Rumble into a tight hug, and cried: "I thought you didn't like me anymore! I feel terrible!"

"How could I not like you?" Rumble said and turned her head towards him. He placed his lips on her's. It was a soft and caring kiss that made Sweetie Belle calm down quickly.
After the kiss Sweetie Belle buried her head into Rumble's chest, and said quietly: "I love you Rumble."

"And I love you," Rumble said, resting his head on top of Sweetie Belle's head.

"Let's never fight again," Sweetie Belle said, and nuzzled her muzzle against Rumble's chest. He chuckled, and said: "At least not before checking."
Sweetie Belle lifted her face from Rumble's chest, and looked at him with her wet eyes. Rumble swept tears away from her cheeks, and she said: "Yeah."
Then they both laughed a bit, and fell down to the bed, side by side.

* * *

After their little 'fight', Sweetie Belle and Rumble had snuggled in her bed for a while. Then Sweetie Belle had made herself look a bit more presentable, while Rumble had massaged her back.
When they came downstairs, they met broadly smiling Rarity, who asked: "Everything's fine now?"

"Everything's fantastic," Sweetie Belle said, and panted a small kiss on Rumble's cheek. Rarity giggled a little, and so did Sweetie Belle.

"Mom and dad will be here anytime soon, and I have the dinner almost ready," Rarity said. Sweetie Belle hopped up and down exited and asked: "Ooh! Can I help?"
Rarity pouted and seemed to be in doubt. She knew that Sweetie Belle wasn't in her element in the kitchen, but the pleading look in her sisters eyes made her reconsider.

"Okay.. But do everything like I say. Okay honey?" Rarity said, and Sweetie Belle nodded happily. She then turned towards Rumble and said: "You too Rumble, this is going to be fun!"

"I'm not too good at making food," Rumble said, but Sweetie Belle just chuckled and said: "Neither am I!"

Thirty minutes later.

Rarity looked around the kitchen. It was one big mess. She then looked at the kitchen table, and sighed happily. At least the food was good looking, and not even once did the fire alarm go off, which was a achievement in her opinion.

Sweetie Belle and Rumble were laughing in the kitchen.
They both had their hooves and faces covered in flour and other things. They were laughing at something, but Rarity didn't know what, and maybe she didn't want to know.

"You two, bathroom, now," Rarity commanded, and the teens obeyed. They walked to the bathroom, leaving two lines of flour hoofprints on the floor, which Rarity cleaned while muttering to herself.

Teens washed their hooves, and Sweetie Belle looked at Rumble a bit slyly.

"You're not as bad cook as I thought," she said, and Rumble snickered a little.

"You're just as bad cook as I thought," he said, grinning playfully at Sweetie Belle. She grunted annoyed, and plashed water over Rumble's face. He looked at Sweetie Belle with playful smirk, making her back away a little.

"Don't you dare," she said, looking at Rumble, who had his hoof in the sink, ready to plash water towards her.

"Okay, on one condition," Rumble said, and Sweetie Belle looked at him strangely.

"And whats that?" she asked.
Rumble leaned closer to her, and whispered: "Kiss me."
Sweetie Belle chuckled, and said: "That's not a bad deal."

They then kissed quickly. That wasn't enough for them, so they locked their lips again, for a much more longer kiss. After they ran out of breath, they broke the kiss and Rumble dried his face. They looked at the mirror, and agreed that they were clean enough for dinner table.

The lovers walked out from the bathroom, leaning against each other and chattering.
They came to the kitchen where they met Rarity, and Sweetie Belle saw their parents too. They had arrived while they were in the bathroom.

"Hi there my little lover birds," Pearl said, and ruffled Sweetie Belle's curly mane. Meanwhile Magnum spoke with Rumble: "I heard that you're Thunderlane's brother. I knew him years aback."

"Really," Rumble asked, and Magnum nodded.

"He had some good potential, He could have become a real good hoofball player, but then he started flying," Magnum said, remembering the past.

"I didn't know that he has played hoofball," Rumble thought.

"Hrhm.." Rarity cleared her throat, and pointed at the table.

"Dinner is served!" she announced with a sing-a-song voice. Everypony walked to the table, that was full of food.
There was different kind of salads, fresh bread, apple sauce, hot tomato soup, scrambled eggs and juice. All hoof made. Rarity and the teens felt proud of themselves, and Sweetie Belle's and Rarity's parent's seemed to be pleased with their work.

"You did it again Rarity," her mother said, but Rarity smiled gently and said: "Sweetie Belle and Rumble helped too.
Her parents smiled happily, and her mother said: "So nice of you to let them help."
They then began to eat, chattering a little about weather and such. Sweetie Belle and Rumble rubbed their legs together under the table. Rarity probably noticed that, because he flashed coyly smiles at the two. The evening seemed to go very well.

After a while though, Magnum dropped the bomb: "I think I still remember your father, Storm Lane. He used to bring your brother to the practices."
Rumble froze still with food still in his mouth folding his ears back. Everypony saw that, and Sweetie Belle knew what it was.

"Oh my Celestia, are you choking on your food?" Pearl asked, and Magnum lifted his hoof up, asking: "Do you need a pat on the back?"
Rumble quickly swallowed the food and looked at him.

"Nonono.. I'm okay," he said, saving himself from probably a spine crushing pat on the back. Magnum and Pearl seemed relieved, and Magnum then asked: "So how's your father doing?"

Rumble stared at his plate, and Sweetie Belle quickly lifted her hoof to his shoulder. She then wrapped her hooves around Rumble. Three other ponies started to have bad feeling about that.

"Umm.. He.. he passed away couple of years back," Rumble managed to mumble, making the adults gasp a little. Even Rarity didn't know that.

"So sorry to hear that," Pearl said, and poked Magnum with her hind leg under the table. He got the hint, and said: "Sorry kid. I wouldn't have brought that up if I had known."
Rumble gave them a sad smile, and said: "I'ts okay, you didn't know."

"Well if there's anything we can do, please tell us," Rarity said, looking at Rumble with worried expression.

"Thanks," Rumble said, and lifted his hoof over Sweetie Belle's shoulder.

It took a while for everypony to shook the awkward feeling from the table, but soon they managed to get the chattering back to life. They ate their main course in about half an hour, and then Rarity excused herself from the table. She soon returned with a good sized cake in his magical grip. Everypony looked at it in awe.

"Did you make that too?" Sweetie Belle asked, but Rarity shook her head ad said: "No honey, I bought it from the Sugarcube corner."

The cake had 'Happy anniversary Magnum Belle & Pearl Belle!' written on it with red frosting.

"I supposed that we would have had this dinner yesterday," Rarity explained. Her parent's just smiled at her, and Pearl said: "It's fantastic dear. It's the thought that counts."

After the tasty cake was almost devoured, Rumble realized that it was already getting dark outside. He looked a the clock and saw that it was almost seven. He had promised Thunderlane to get to bed early so he wouldn't be late from school like he used to be.

"Thanks for the dinner, but I really need to go home now, I promised Thunderlane to go in the bed early today," Rumble said, and hugged Sweetie Belle. Everypony looked at him, with a look that asked him to stay longer.

"You can sleep with me this night. That way you can spent more time with us," Sweetie Belle said, and the rest of the Belle family nodded.
Rumble was a bit reluctant, he knew that Thunderlane would get angry at him.

"I don't know. I'm sure that Thunderlane will come looking for me," Rumble said, but Rarity quickly said: "I'll take care of him. I know how he'll listen to me."
Sweetie Belle noticed that her sister seemed to be a bit more eager than she used to be.

"Is she planning something?" Sweetie Belle thought.
She didn't pay more attention to her, and she turned to look at Rumble, with a pleading expression on her face.
Rumble couldn't resist her puppy dog eyes and that cute pout.

"Alright then, I'll bunk here for a night," Rumble said, sounding defeated. Sweetie Belle let out a squeal, and placed a small kiss on his cheek, making her parents and Rarity let out a small 'aww'.

* * *

Couple of hours later, everypony was going to bed. The Carousel Boutique's lights were out, and there were five ponies making their way to their rooms. Rarity slept in her own room of course, Rumble and Sweetie Belle in her room, and Magnum and Pearl slept in the quest room.
Loud good night wishes echoed trough the building.

"Good night mom and dad! Good night Rarity!"

"Good night honey! Good night Rarity! Good night Rumble!"

"Good night mistress and mister Belle! Good Night Rarity!"

"Good night Sweetie Belle and Rumble! Good night mom and dad!"

After all that shouting, Rumble wasn't sure who said good night to who, and decided to close the door to Sweetie Belle's room. He turned around, but didn't see anything due the darkness of the room. He walked blindly towards the direction where he thought Sweetie Belle's bed was.

"Umm... Little help?" he asked, and heard how Sweetie Belle giggled. He turned to the direction where her giggling came from, and took couple of steps. His eyes didn't seem to adjust to the darkness at all, and he was still practically blind.

"Over here," Sweetie Belle cooed, and Rumble turned again.
He was getting annoyed, and asked: "Can't you just put on the damn lights?"

"Such a language," he heard Sweetie Belle say, and the sound seemed to come from different direction this time.

"Is she messing with me?" Rumble thought.
He stood still for a second, and listened. He could hear quiet hoofsteps from behind him, but they soon vanished. They appeared again on his left.

"She knows this room. I can't do nothing," Rumble thought, and decided to go with the game Sweetie Belle was playing. Not long after he heard her say with her sweet voice: "Over here Rumble."
Rumble took couple of steps forward, and something pressed against him. He felt the soft fur against his chest, and how Sweetie Belle's hooves wrapped around his neck. Their lips met, and now Rumble lifted his front hooves to Sweetie Belle's waist. They shared a deep kiss, and their tongues danced around their mouths.
Sweetie Belle started to fall backwards with her mouth still locked to Rumble's. Rumble had to reach his hooves forward to stop himself from crushing Sweetie Belle under him. They landed onto the soft bed, and Sweetie Belle quickly slipped away from his embrace.

Rumble turned to see where she was but the darkness was still too much for him. He could feel her snuggling herself under the warm blanket though. Rumble clumsily crouched next to her, and lifted the blanket over himself.
Sweetie Belle clung to his side, and pressed his snout to Rumble's. They shared another long kiss, and then Sweetie Belle nuzzled her face into Rumble's neck. Rumble took advantage of it, and pressed his muzzle into Sweetie Belle's mane. It smelled pure white with a small hint of perfume.
He liked that smell. Rumble's hooves rubbed Sweetie Belle's shoulders, but started to go lower. Sweetie Belle giggled when they touched her sides, and then her flank. Rumble didn't go any lower.

"Rumble?" Sweetie Belle asked timidly.

"Yes?" Rumble asked. Sweetie Belle moved in his embrace, and then said: "You don't need to tell me about your parent's, but if you want to talk about it.."
Sweetie Belle felt how Rumble tightened his hug around her. She waited for Rumble's answer a while. She thought that he didn't want to talk about it, but suddenly he started: "They were going to Canterlot.."
Sweetie Belle tensed up, but didn't say anything. She thought that it would be better to just let him go on with his own pace.

"I remembered how they rose to the train.." Rumble said, and Sweetie Belle could hear his voice shaking a bit. She tightened her grip around the poor colt.

"Then.. Next day Thunderlane came to me.. crying.." Rumble said, now sobbing a little. Sweetie Belle too felt small tears starting to form in her own eyes. She felt so bad for him.

"I've never seen him cry.. It scared me.." Rumble said. Now Sweetie Belle lifted herself so that Rumble could lean his head against her's. He did so, and continued his dark story more quietly this time: "He told me that the train had derailed.. and.."

Sweetie Belle wrapped her hooves around Rumble's neck, holding him in her sweet embrace. They both sniffled a little.
Sweetie Belle cried from the pain of seeing Rumble so sad. She started to slowly hum a small melody she just came up with.
She continued it, until Rumble lifted his face towards her, and they pressed their lips together.
Sweetie Belle ran her hooves in Rumble's mane, while his hooves ran up her back.
They could taste the tears from each other's lips.

After the kiss, they stared into each other's eyes. Moon had emerged from the clouds enough for them to see each other. Sweetie Belle stared at her coltfriends purple eyes. She saw a small smile on his lips.

"Did that make you feel better?" she asked.

"Maybe a little," Rumble answered, his smile fading away. He then hugged Sweetie Belle closer to him, and whispered: "Your humming felt good."
Sweetie Belle blushed a little, and felt how Rumble nuzzled her cheek.

"Isn't singing your special talent?" Rumble asked, with more happier voice. Sweetie Belle snuggled closer to him, and answered: "Mhhmm.."
She felt how Rumble wrapped his hind legs around her's and how their tail's tangled together. She then felt Rumble's steady breathing near her ear.

"Could you sing for me?" Rumble pleaded with a timid voice.

Sweetie Belle thought for a good song for a minute, and then started to sing with quiet voice.

Hush now, quiet it now, it's time to lay your sleepy head.
Hush now, quiet now, it's time to go to bed.
Hush now, quiet now, close your sleepy eyes.
Hush now, quiet now, my how time sure flies.

Her voice was so soft and sweet that it made Rumble want to kiss her right away, but it would stop her from singing. He decided to wait until the song was over, and then give her what she deserved.

Drifting, drifting off to sleep the days excitement behind you.
Drifting drifting off to sleep let the joy of dreamland find you.

Hush now, quiet now, lay your sleepy head.
Hush now, quiet now, it's time to go to bed..

Right after she stopped singing, Sweetie Belle felt Rumble's lips pressing against her's and how she opened her mouth almost automatically. She felt Rumble's hooves caressing her cheeks, while his tongue played with her's in her mouth. Sweetie Belle let out small moans into Rumble's mouth, making him know that he was doing a good job.

After the kiss, Sweetie Belle panted and asked: "Have I never told you how much I love you?"

"Not enough," Rumble answered slyly.

"I love you Rumble Lane."

"I love you Sweetie Belle."

After that, they just cuddled until the sweet sleep finally caught them. They unconsciously mumbled each other's name while they slept, tightening their hug everytime that happened.

* * *

Rarity was laying in her bed, still awake and listening carefully. She was ready to spring out of her bed immediately after any kind of an voice from the front door. If Rumble was right, his big brother would come looking for him.

"What are you doing Rarity? You like Big Macintosh!" she thought, but then she remembered that he was already with somepony else. She then started to wonder why Thunderlane made her feel this tensed up.

"Am I getting desperate? No.. He's just a pretty looking colt. Of course I can have a try with him," Rarity ensured herself.

She had been thinking about Thunderlane from the day when she saw him ride that lighting. That had given her some thrills anypony else had never given her.
Well.. Maybe Big Macintosh, but he was out of the picture now. Rarity would never steal a stallion from another mare, that would be a terrible thing to do. Only thinking about it made Sweetie Belle's crying face appear in front of her head.

"I haven't really spoken to him after the incident at the thunderbolt academy," Rarity pondered. She then rolled around her bed carefully. She tried not to mess her elegant mane.

Of course I have to be at my best when I meet him," Rarity thought. She was now facing the big window in her room. The night sky was getting clearer. And she could see the stars on the sky.
Rarity sighed. She was starting to fear that Thunderlane wasn't coming at all.

Suddenly she saw a shadow pass her window, and she quickly jumped from under her blanket. She looked quickly in the mirror, and fixed couple of loose curls on her mane. She then quickly, but as quiet as possible trotted down the stairs, and in front of the front door. She peeked trough the peephole in the door, and let out a small eep.

There he stood, the almost black pegasus with blue mane shaped as a mohawk. He was just about to knock on the door, but Rarity swung the door open, smiling to him happily.
Thunderlane jumped a bit back when the door opened, and froze still when he saw who opened it.

"H-hi.." he muttered, and Rarity giggled a little. He had that effect on stallions.

"Hi to yourself," Rarity said with a sultry tone, examining Thunderlane up and down.
They were silent for a second, just looking at each other.

Finally Thunderlane remembered why he was there, and he asked: "Umm.. Is Rumble here?"

"Why yes he is," Rarity said, and saw how a frown appeared on Thunderlane's forehead.

"That little brat.. He was supposed to be sleeping half an hour ago," he hissed angrily. Rarity gave him a displeased stare, and said: "What's the tongue."

"Sorry," Thunderlane said, but then he said: "Where is he? We should go home."

"He's been sleeping for a good hour and a half now," Rarity answered, and liked the way Thunderlane's expression changed.

"Really?" he asked, and looked at Rarity with surprised look on his face.

"Yes, He even has his school things backed for tomorrow," Rarity said with a smile. Thunderlane's surprised expression turned into a small smile, and he said: "Well let him sleep then. No need to school him.. for now."

They then stood in silence for a minute, and just stared at each other. Rarity started to feel awkward, and she knew that she had to make the initiative.

"I saw you couple of days back, riding that lighting," she said. Thunderlane stood up more straight, and said proudly: "Only one who knows how to."

"So I've heard," she said seductively, making Thunderlane feel hot on his cheeks.

"I have to say that you have been quite a good father figure for Rumble," Rarity continued, stepping forward. Thunderlane scratched his mane nervously, and said: "Thanks?"
Rarity continued to push herself closer to Thunderlane, and cooed: "I like stallions who know how to handle kids,"
They were silent, and there were only couple of inches between their muzzles. Rarity saw him looking at her lips.

"Anyway, we should get to bed, it's getting late," Rarity said and turned around, swaying her tail to his face gently. She walked towards the door, but then she heard Thunderlane say: "Wait."

"Yes!" Rarity thought, and turned around. She saw that Thunderlane was really nervous, and he tried to say something.

"Yes?" she asked with anticipation in her voice.
Thunderlane looked her right into eyes, and she waited. Finally Thunderlane managed to speak: "I... Maybe.. I thought if.."

"If I wanted to go out with you?" Rarity said, not hiding her excitement.
Thunderlane blushed, but managed to say: "Yeah."

"I thought you'd never ask honey," Rarity cooed.

* * *

Sweetie Belle started to wake up when Celestia's sun was already getting over the horizon, and rising on the sky. She closed her eyes, and pushed her face into the dark grey mane in front of her face. She took a deep breath, and smelled the manly aroma from Rumble's mane. She liked it.
She noticed that they were still hugging each other tightly, with her hind legs wrapped around his, and their tails tangled. She squeezed Rumble closer to herself, and Rumble let out a little grunt. Sweetie Belle giggled, and planted a small kiss on his forehead.

Rumble too started to open his eyes, only to see two big green eyes in front of him, welcoming him to a new day. He closed his eyes again, and pushed his forehead to Sweetie Belle's. He felt the base of her horn against his head.

"Good morning sunshine!" Sweetie Belle singed. Rumble just grunted, and tried to shut her mouth with his own. His sights were off, and the kiss landed on her muzzle.
Sweetie Belle sighed happily, and she kissed Rumble on the muzzle too. She thought that she could wake up like this every day.

Rumble seemed to fall back to sleep, so Sweetie Belle looked at the clock.

"We still have time before school starts," she thought, and looked back at Rumble, who was still sleeping. She then placed her muzzle right next to his ear, and asked quietly: "Rumble, are you hungry?"
Rumble's eyes opened, and he stared at Sweetie Belle. He had a broad smile on his face, and he said: "Always."
Sweetie Belle smiled at him, and ruffled his mane with her hoof.

"That means we need to get up," she said gently, earning a grunt from Rumble.

After a while they managed to get up.
They made the bed, and Sweetie Belle walked to her mirror. She quickly did her make up, and turned towards Rumble.

"What do you like?" she asked, and blinked her eyes, making her eyelashes flutter.

"You're beautiful," Rumble said, rubbing sleep from his eyes. Sweetie Belle smiled and jumped down from the small stool in front of the mirror. She then grabbed sleepy Rumble from the hoof, and started to drag him towards the door.

They made their way to the kitchen, and started to make breakfast. It took a while, because they were so busy making out. Luckily for Sweetie Belle, Rumble knew a bit more of cooking than she did, and the breakfast looked actually eatable. There were eggs, toast ad juice on the kitchen table. There was five plates on the table.
Sweetie Belle even got some flowers into a vase on the table.

Like they had predicted, other residents started to wake up soon. First one was Rarity, who seemed happier than usually. She smiled happily at the teens, and sat on the table.

"I bet you helped her," she said, looking at Rumble and then at the table.

"He did," Sweetie Belle said.
Rarity looked at the flowers in the vase. She then seemed to think about something. She turned towards Sweetie Belle and asked: "Did you take those flowers from my garden?"
Sweetie Belle realized that she had, and gave her sister a apologetic smile.

"Sorry Rarity," she said, but to her surprise Rarity just smiled and said: "I'ts quite alright honey."

"Who are you and what did you do to my sister?" Sweetie Belle asked, narrowing her eyes. Rarity just smiled at her and said: "I'm just happy. That's all."

"Usually you're not that happy," Sweetie Belle said, sounding suspicious. Rarity sighed happily, and leaned to her front hooves. She then said: "Well.. I met somepony yesterday."

Before they could start asking more from her, their parents came to the kitchen.

"Oh look honey, they made breakfast to us too," Pearl said to her husband, who looked at the table. He then looked at Sweetie Belle and asked: "Umm.. Do you happen to have.."

"These?" Sweetie Belle asked, and levitated a plate full of burnt goods and a glass of burned juice.

"Brilliant!" her father said, and took the plate in front of him on the table. Rarity and Rumble looked at Magnum munching the burnt food strangely, but Sweetie Belle and Pearl didn't seem to think it was odd at all.

They began to eat their breakfast, chattering about weather and such.
After they were almost finished, Magnum turned towards Rumble and asked: "So how's your brother?"
Rumble quickly glanced at Rarity, and smirked to her.

"I think you should ask from Rarity," he said playfully, and Sweetie Belle saw how her sister blushed a bit, still trying to look as casual as she could.
Teens started to laugh together, and hopped of from their seats and left the table.

"We need to go to school see you later!" Sweetie Belle announced. Rumble turned towards her parents, and said: "It was nice meeting you."

"Like wise sonny," Magnum said while flipping one of the burnt orange slices into his mouth.

"You keep a good care of my daughter. Right?" Pearl asked with a motherly smile.
Rumble chuckled, and said: "You can count on me."
The adults chuckled, and waved at the pair when they stepped outside Carousel Boutique. They had their saddlebags with them, and they started to make their way towards School.

After a while of walking, Sweetie Belle leaned against Rumble, who lifted his wing over his fillyfriend. They snickered together, and shared a quick kiss. Sweetie Belle pushed herself towards Rumble when he dried to break the kiss, dragging it as long as she could.
Their lips separated finally, and Rumble gave her a playful nudge with his flank. Sweetie Belle returned it, giggling a little. They stared at each other while they walked. Both of them started to sink into each other's eyes, and the rest of the world faded away. They there were only them two, nothing else.

"I'm so happy to have you," Rumble said to Sweetie Belle, who answered with her sweet voice: "You should be."
Both of them laughed little, but then Rumble said: "I really mean it. I haven't felt this happy for a long time."

"Me either," Sweetie Belle agreed, and pressed her head against Rumble's neck. They both sighed at the same time.

The school building started to get closer to them as they walked. Sweetie Belle saw other young ponies walking towards the school too, looking strangely at her and Rumble.

"Let them stare, they're just jealous," she thought to herself happily. She had Rumble now, and it was all that mattered to her. Rumble seemed to think the same, because he pulled Sweetie Belle closer to himself with his wing.

"You know what's best about this?" Sweetie Belle asked from Rumble, who turned to look at her with a questioning look.
Sweetie Belle didn't wait for an answer, and she said: "We can be together everyday,"

"Yeah. We're on the same class," Rumble said when he realized what Sweetie Belle meant.

When they reached the schoolyard, Sweetie Belle got a urge to do something. She pulled Rumble's face to her's, and kissed him on the lips. It was quick kiss, but meant a lot to them.
After the kiss Sweetie Belle said: "I love you,"

"And I love you," Rumble said, meaning every word he spoke.

Author's Note:

There you have it! I'm going to do a quick epilogue to these stories, about 1k words or something like that.