• Published 14th Oct 2013
  • 21,687 Views, 187 Comments

A Miscalculation Gone Cute. - Night--Mist

Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust spend as day with Spitfire and something happens they didn't plan for, but aren't too mad about.

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An Adorable Morning

The light from Celestia's morning sun shot through the windows of the cloud resident. Inside, Spitfire awoke to view her children asleep, still comfortably nestled within her fur and wing. Soarin had already left the room, and was busy preparing breakfast downstairs.

Spitfire smiled motherly, leaning down to Rainbow and Lightning to softly whisper, “It’s time to get up, my little ones." Both foals began to stir, though the noise also caused Scootaloo to move a bit. The foals rubbed their eyes to alleviate heavy sleepiness. Scootaloo turned her face into her mother's chest, which would prove troublesome to Spitfire's aim of exiting the bed with the foals. Spitfire took Rainbow and Lightning in her hooves as they fully departed from slumber. The caring mother made sure not to disturb her little Scootaloo. Dash looked up at her mother with gleaming eyes, “Good mowning, mama!"

Then, she happily nuzzled into Spitfire’s neck, as did Lightning. Spitfire grinned, nuzzling both of them back. The foals squealed a tad too loudly at the affection.

Spitfire had to whisper, "Shhhh, let your big sister sleep. She had a rough night last night."

"Sowwy mama," the foals whispered in unison as they cutely covered their mouths with their hooves. Spitfire lightly giggled as Scootaloo slept while she stroked the filly's mane a bit.

"Mama...um, why Scootsy scweam wast night? It scawed me." Lightning said quietly.

"Me too, mama," Rainbow admitted.

"She had a really bad dream. Believe me, you would be screaming too if you had that same dream. I know her screaming scared you, and that's why the three of you slept with us last night. She needed some family comfort, and I think two little foals needed their big sister," Spitfire explained.

The two foals blushed at the fact they were happy to be sleeping next to Scootaloo. Rainbow Dash then noticed what was on Scootaloo's flank. She was a little shocked at what she saw. "Mama, why is Scootsy weawing diapew?" Rainbow Dash asked.

This made Lightning jump in surprise that her new big sister was wearing a diaper.

Spitfire sighed, "Can you promise not to make fun of her, my little ones?" Rainbow and Lightning nod simultaneously.

Spitfire answered to their curiosity, "Scootaloo wets the bed when she sleeps. She can't control it in those times. Since I didn't have night protection for her age, I had to use a diaper. Her flank's small enough to fit, so that is why she is even capable of wearing one. She wasn't comfortable with it, but did it none-the-less. I think that was very brave of her, so I would appreciate it if you two don't make fun of her for it. Do you think that's reasonable, my little rascals?"

They immediately agreed. Spitfire soon caught scent of something stinky, already knowing from where it emanated, "I think two little fillies need a change."

Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust blushed as their mother pointed out their stench. Sptfire, placing the foals onto her back, was about to leave for the changing table when Scootaloo let out a loud snore. Spitfire shrugged at the odd sound, and was about to set off until...

"More spaghetti please, mommy," Scootaloo said in her sleep.

Spitfire and the foals were doing their best to hold in their laughter at Scootaloo's sleepy comment. Spitfire walked back over to pull the covers over Scootaloo, letting her sleep more comfortably.

She finally got to carry the girls over to the changing table. Once there, she gently laid them down, and used the skills utilized when helping to babysit Soarin's cousin in the past.

"Whoa, you girls sure ate a lot yesterday to do this," Spitfire commented in astonishment while working on changing Lightning.

"Hehe! Dats what da-da said," Lightning giggled while clapping her hooves.

"Did he now? Well, at least mommy knows it's not her milk," Spitfire said while finishing up with Dust.

Then, started on Rainbow. Spitfire undid the tapes, then lifted Rainbow's legs to begin cleaning. When the wipes stopped chilling her rear, Rainbow had something on her mind that had to be said. "We get miwk fow bweakfast, too?!" Rainbow Dash asked with a touch of dismay.

"Mm-hm, that's all you can hold down right now, sweetie. Baby food and solid food are too much for your little tummies to handle. I could give you formula, but Zecora says that's bad for my little baby girls," Spitfire stated as she pulled the tapes for the fresh fluffly diaper onto the front of Rainbow's diaper.

Now done, Spitfire nuzzled the foals' tummies, causing them to giggle uncontrollably. "Now, let's give you two your meals while Scootsy sleeps," Spitfire said.

Spitfire took them to the bed once more, laying on her side with her head facing towards Scootaloo. She had deposited the foals near her teats, and soon felt them suckle their breakfast. Like before, she placed a wing over them to keep their bodies warm, and to give privacy, in case, Scootaloo woke up while they fed.

With some spare time on her hooves, Spitfire decided to check if Scootaloo had an accident in her diaper while the foals fed. She pulled back the covers, and streched the top of the diaper out like she would for regular foals. Sure enough, it was wet. Spitfire would give the filly a bath later, but after she woke up and had breakfast.

Dash and Lightning had had their fill of the sweet liquid though it took some time to cease sucking on their mother's nipple, just because of instinct. Spitfire patted their backs, and each made cute little burps. "How about you two go wake up your big sister," Spitfire motivated.

Dash and Lightning smile, crawling over towards their sister. When they reach her, they gently nudge her with their tiny hooves. "Scootsy, wake up," Dust urged.

"Huh...wha? No, mommy. I don't wanna wear the pink bow," Scootaloo said in her sleep once more.

Dash decided to cause a little mischief, joking around, "Big sistew, you gonna be wate fow schoow." Scootaloo's eyes shot open.

"Wah! I'm up, I'm up. I'm--oof," Scootaloo said, running into her mother on the bed.

"Relax Scootsy! It's only Saturday. Now Dashie, that was not very nice to do that to your big sister," Spitfire told her little foal.

"Sowwy, Scootsy. At weast I gots you up though!" Dash said, apologetic throughout.

"That's okay, little sis," Scootaloo patted Rainbow's head.

"That's better. Now Scootaloo, I checked, and...you wet your diaper last night. But, don't worry. Your sisters already know, and promised they won't tease you for it," Spitfire said, stern glance at the foals, just so they wouldn't forget. Spitfire continued, "So, let's get you cleaned up for breakfast! Later on, I'll give you a bath. Sound okay, sweetie?"

"Okay, mom," Scootaloo agreed.

Spitfire was amazed Scootalo didn't struggle this time to say mom or mommy.

Maybe it had something to do with her calling Spitfire 'Mom' in her sleep. Or...it may have been an one time thing.

"So, you sleep good last night, honey?" Spitfire asked once brought back out of her mind.

"Yeah! Best sleep ever!" Scootalo exclaimed.

Spitfire had to ask, "What were you dreaming of, exactly? While in bed with the rest of the family, I mean."

"Oh...well, you were giving me a lot of food, and then you wanted me to wear a pink bow," Scootaloo said before she shuddered.

Dash and Lightning try to contain their laughter from the irony that Scootaloo talked in her sleep. "Hey, did I happen to say it while I was sleeping, mommy?" Scootaloo asked with a raised eyebrow.

Scootaloo also realized she was saying 'mom' and 'mommy', instead of Spitfire. Now, she didn't need to force it out in order to correct herself.

"Actually, you did. But...I thought it was cute. And, just to mention, that's a ridiculous dream. Why would I want you to wear a pink bow? I think that's a little too girly for my taste," Spitfire gave her true opinion. Scootaloo blushed, and didn't have an answer.

Done with the conversation, Scootaloo asked as the damp feeling on her private region began to get irritated, "Can I get a...change, mommy?"

Soon, the filly was on the changing table, but told the truth as the supplies were taken out by her mother, "I really hate this."Spitfire
opened the diaper, and cleared the region clean in about five wipes. Then Spitfire was about to add a touch of powder.

Scootaloo said, hoof in air as if asking a question in school, "Uummm...I don't need the full baby treatment. It's not like I'm going back into diapers during the day."

Spitfire nervously laughed, realizing she was changing her like a foal and said, "Uh...my bad, sweetie. You can hop down now."

When Scootaloo climbed down the table, she then rushed to get on the bed, desiring to be with her foal sisters. Spitfire joined them on the mattress with blankets strewn all about. Around four minutes later, there was a knock on the bedroom door. Next...a busting of the door open.

Freaking everypony in the room out with the loud entrance, Soarin wheeled a cart inside, full with many different kinds of foods. The foals' jaws dropped as they glimpsed the beautiful buffet. Everypony, besides Soarin, wondered who was gonna eat all of it.

Well, that is a...little more than I'm used to having," Spitfire said, taken aback by the massive amount.

Seriously, where did all this food come from?! Did her husband rob a bakery or something?!

"What? Scoots has a big appetite. You should've seen how many helpings of spaghetti she asked for last night before you walked in," Soarin admitted. Spitfire looked at her daughter in gigantic astonishment while Scootaloo blushed uncontrollably, using her own hoof to hide her face.

Spitfire then heard Scootaloo's tummy rumble. "Well, let's not keep that adult-sized hunger of yours waiting," Spitfire said, giving Scootalo a small push to begin feasting.

Soarin had piled the the dishes on the bed, so the family could have, pun intended, breakfast in bed. "Dig in," Spitfire offered happily.

"Wait...you're not gonna have me eat proper like a noble or something?" Scootaloo asked.

"What gave you that idea, Scoots?" Soarin giggled at the odd assumption.

"Well, you're Wonderbolts," Scootaloo told them as if that was a detailed-enough answer. Lightning Dust and Rainbow Dash nodded, confused as much as Scootaloo was.

"We are?" Spitfire joked as she and Soarin examined themselves like a spider landed on them.

"Huh? What do ya know," Soarin added before the joke got old, making them all laugh.

"We're not at a public gathering or something, Scootsy. And, I can't even count how many times Soarin forgot his manners at said meetings and gatherings," Spitfire facehooved, only half-annoyed with his eating skills.

"Heyyy, you've gotta admit the Apple family's apple pies are su-per yummy," Soarin said, salivating at the thought.

"Still, that was no way to behave at the Gala," Spitfire said, giving him a quick glare.

"Yeah, you got a point," Soarin shrugged, which caused Dash to giggle, remembering that time at the Gala.

"Anyways, go ahead and dig in before your daddy and I beat ya to it," Spitfire warned. As if a mental competition was agreed to, Scootaloo exclaimed,

"You're on!" Scootaloo soon dug into her meals with Soarin and Spitfire following close behind. Dash and Dust were amazed their big sister could eat so much.

"I thwought I eat wots when I was bwig," Rainbow Dash commented. "Me, too," Dust added.

They laughed as they watched their family make a mess of themselves.

Author's Note:

End of chapter five. Hope you enjoy. Looks like Scootaloo can eat a lot for a pegasus her age. High metabolism possibly? Good thing Spitfire explained Scootaloo's situation so they wouldn't make fun of her. What will happen next. Well read on find out. Next chapter will be focused on finishing the adoption and the other Mane Six's reaction, not including Dash herself. I would like to thank ShadowBlades for proofreading and editing my chapters and I thank everyone who has helped me to form ideas for this story, such as Super-Stallion, SuperPinkBrony12, Sky Hooves, of course ShadowBlades and many others. I hope to get possitive feedback and constructive criticism. I'll update when I can, stay tuned.