• Published 3rd Mar 2012
  • 7,703 Views, 138 Comments

An Eccentric Trespasser - MyLittlePonyTales

A mysterious brown Earth pony brings excitement and adventure to two certain Alicorns.

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Chapter 4

"I am intrigued, and also worried by what you have to say. Pray, continue." Celestia said, keeping the conversation going. As long as this pony was talking, he wasn't trying to escape... and he was also giving her valuable information.

"I don't know any more. That's why I came in through a... conveniently open back door. So I could find out what they are. And besides, there were some crying foals who were worried about their sires."

ā€¯Conveniently open back door"? This was all starting to sound like some rather questionable activity, Luna thought... Even Celestia herself seemed a bit confused by his presence. That would explain why the guards looked so unhappy, if this pony was a trespasser. Apparently not a dangerous trespasser, though, as Celestia was keeping her calm and seemed to have called off the guards.

Wait, crying foals? What was he on about now? Seemed like he'd completely changed the subject. His story seemed rather muddled, and becoming more so...

The Doctor grinned. "So, anyone who's coming for an adventure... we need to find the dankest, darkest, spookiest corner of the under-castle." He glanced at Celestia. "The sort of place you haven't seen used since you were a foal."

As he mentioned the deep parts of the castle, Luna suppressed a shudder... Remembering something from long long ago that took place in a deep dark part place the castle... or under it. Adventure indeed. It was dangerous down there... dangerous things happened down there. It wasn't the sort of place one went to for a simple "adventure."

Celestia continued to listen on she briefly offered a smile to her little sister with a soft nod, hair wafting slightly on the soft breeze as she commented absently, "Well, it appears we have an old friend if he knows my wanderings as a foal..."

Luna noticed that Celestia smiled at her, almost as if she were reading her thoughts, and remembering too, and reassuring her that things were now alright. Luna also noted Doctor Whooves' last comment, but thought that it was just something offhoof. That was, until Celestia acknowledged it.

She'd been down there? And as a FOAL? Luna had, on a couple of occasions... but she was a master of the night and darkness. She wasn't afraid of dark dungeons and old dusty rooms. There was nothing down there, nothing at all. But she had always gone alone. It wasn't a place that Luna was supposed to be. One, because she had been told it was dangerous, and two, there was always more to be studied and learned, she had been taught. But, when she could manage to skip out on her duties, the far reaches of the castle were her refuges. Whether below the castle or simply in some of the spare rooms... Anywhere lonely and maybe a bit dark would do.

But... he was an old friend? Certainly not... She and Celestia were well over a thousand years old. Nopony lived that long. Celestia must have simply misinterpreted his light comment. There was no way he had been around for so long. He was just a regular Earth pony. Right?

"This is all a bit muddling to me. I really can't follow exactly what you're talking about. First you say you're interested in History, then you seem to admit that you sneaked into the castle, then something about some distressed foals...and now you speak of adventure?"

She turned to Celestia. "How can you have known this pony since you were young? I surely do not remember him, and, at any rate, you know, sister, how old we are. It is not possible for a mere pony to live as long as us. Correct?"

That was...awkward. Blinking her large and slightly surprised eyes at the 'doctor' once more, she looked to her sister whilst her mind went on thinking. Could he have been....no.

He'd have passed on by now, surely. There was simply no way in....mind you...

Turning back to the Doctor, Luna said, "What, pray tell, exactly is your business in Canterlot Castle?"

The Doctor let out a wide-eyed grin, his mouth looking almost too big for his face. "Oh, no. I'm not nearly that old. That'd be ridiculous! No, no. I'm just saying... we're talking about stuff that's been locked away for centuries... they didn't just pop out of nowhere. So we need to find someplace that might have been lying deserted for over a thousand years..."

He laughed again, and patted Luna on the shoulder. "Me, over a thousand years old ... next you're going to tell me I came in through your window to babysit you while you were a foal, watching over you as you were in your jammies and had put your hair up while danced to your Mulezart Albums, or helping you with your homework while you were doodling hearts around little Autumnus' name on your school books ... "

Luna fought the urge to flinch away as the brown pony's hoof came in contact with her shoulder. She didn't feel very comfortable at all with this strange pony in such a close proximity. Perhaps it was a simple act of being...friendly, but it just didn't sit well. And now he was talking of sneaking into her bedroom as a child? What a creeper, a pervert perhaps, even. What was his problem?

"As for what I'm doing here, it's quite simple. I'm doing what I always do. I'm being clever! I think the more important question is, what are we still doing up here, instead of heading down below? Come on, now, lead the way!"

Oh, so he thought he was being clever, did he? Luna scoffed inwardly. He was actually being rather cheeky, dodging around questions like some little 'lie dance'.

As he went on about how they still remained up top, Princess Celestia felt compelled with her gut feeling to trust the pony. She glanced to the two guards still looking rather fierce with both their beloved princesses in their stead, and a strange pony here. A simple nod, however, eased them both, and Celestia delicately nudged her sister's cheek in a soft, affectionate gesture as she moved to a door leading further into the castle. If the stallion was correct, something would be going terribly wrong...and besides...there was an odd feeling of familiarity to the young pony.

Perhaps it was how in detail he went on about her younger sister, or acknowledging she indeed wandered into the bowels of the castle long ago, Celestia mused... She hadn't ventured there in a long, long time.

And to this day, something made her wary of going down still.

But why?

Looking to their guest, she offered a small smile and a nod for him and Luna to follow. She wanted to keep an eye on her sister in case anything was found... in case anything dangerous was found. A protective instinct was running very fiercely through her.

Still slightly confused and a bit skeptical, Luna was about to protest when Celestia turned and led the way. She stopped herself, knowing that it was futile to try and talk any sense with this 'Doctor'. But if Celestia trusted him...well, perhaps there was something she knew that she was not telling Luna. That bothered her. If something was wrong, why shouldn't she know too? And why did she have to come as well?

The deepest parts of the castle no longer brought Luna any lonely comfort as they once had. Something long ago had happened...the beginning and ending of it all...and Luna had not soon forgotten.

But she followed, anyway, wary and nervous, and keeping especially close to Celestia's side. She could feel her legs becoming wobbly and her throat tightening at the thought of venturing downward. Down old winding steps of old stone, into dusty realms that had never seen the light of day. At one time it had all been fascinating, but now it just filled Luna with dread.