• Published 17th Oct 2013
  • 7,559 Views, 126 Comments

Pinkie Pie Cake - Night--Mist

What happens when foals find things not meant to be found.

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Mr. And Mrs. Cake's Third On The Way

As Celestia's sun rose into the morning sky, Pound Cake began to wake up. Pumpkin Cake was still in dreamland, after spending so much time last night trying to figure out how to tell their parents that Pinkie Pie was in their mom's tummy. Mrs. Cake had begun to wake up, and soon felt the extra weight in her belly, but she thought nothing of it, for some of her mornings were like that and she figured it would go away soon. What itched at her, was that she felt a little sensation she only had felt while she pregnant, but there were a few times she felt it after having the twins. She trotted over to their crib and asked, "Good morning my little Pound Cake, did you sleep good?"

"Mama, why you got big tummy?" Pound asked, seeing his mom's tummy was now more round.

All Mrs. Cake heard was, "Mama, goo goo ga."

Mrs. Cake smiled and reached down to pick up her son. "Let's let you sister sleep a bit longer sweetie, she looks really tired," Mrs. Cake said as she headed back to her bed.

Once there, she laid Pound Cake next to her breast and he crawled towards them to nurse and while he did, he noticed Pinkie Pie was no longer in the bed she had been sleeping on, and thought she must have left while they were asleep, but he was scared she might get hurt from the storm that was still blowing strong outside. During this time, Mrs. Cake had taken to notice her rounder belly. She then thought to herself, 'Have I been letting myself go lately, how did I not notice my belly get rounder.'

After she thought about this, she also noticed that Pinkie Pie was no longer in her bed and figured she must be downstairs trying to make the new sweets they were talking about. What caught her attention was that is was quiet, and Pinkie Pie tended to be noisy when it came to work, even if she wasn't talking, so the silence struck her as odd. She figured she would go down and investigate after Pound Cake was done feeding. She would have called down if it hadn't been for Pumpkin Cake sleeping.

She knew her husband, Carrot Cake was a heavy sleeper and could easily sleep through her calling to Pinkie Pie, but Pumpkin had not developed that trait from her father. As Pound Cake finished, he could have sworn he heard a heart beat coming from his mom's tummy, since he could hear a lot more then most ponies but figured it was just his mom's own heart beating. "Alright honey, let's head downstairs and see if your aunt Pinkie is up to anything, we'll let your dad and sister sleep for now," Mrs. Cake whispered.

Pound Cake was picked up by the back of his neck and placed on his mom's back and they soon head downstairs. Mrs. Cake noticed the extra weight she felt was not leaving and figured she might get used to it once she started moving around, unaware she was carrying another passenger besides her son. Once they make it down stairs, Mrs. Cake opens the doors to the Kitchen. "Pinkie Pie, are you in here dear?" She asked.

There was no response. She waited a bit to see if Pinkie might pop up and surprise her like she sometimes did when she let her filly side show. After waiting for a while she concluded Pinkie Pie was not there. She went to the storage area to see if Pinkie was there getting some ingredients for what she might be making and still showed no sign of her. After searching every part of the store, Mrs. Cake was a tad shocked.

She knew there was no break in the storm for the weather ponies had warned the the citizens of Ponieville that a storm front that couldn't be controlled by pegasi, which sometimes happened, had been coming towards them two days prior, with no breaks before it passed after three days in Ponyville, and Ponies had stocked up. It had arrived just a little while after the Cakes had closed up, and now the storm was still raging outside. Mrs. Cake knew Pinkie was her own person, and sometimes let her filly side take over, but she knew even Pinkie Pie was smart enough not to risk going out in the storm, even to get home, which wasn't too far from where they worked.

Mrs. Cake scratched her head trying to figure out why Pinkie Pie was no where to be found. "If your aunt Pinkie is playing a game of hide and seek Pound, she certainly is doing a good job hiding herself, Mrs. Cake admitted.

'Of course she is, or the game would be boring for me and Pumpkin.' Pound Cake thought to himself.

"Well, let's head upstairs and see you sister. She's probably up by now and is hungry," Mrs. Cake said, trotting up the stairs with Pound cake on her back.

As they entered the room, they saw Pumpkin Cake reach through the crib's bars to her mother. Mrs. Cake cooed at how cute her daughter was when she wanted her to hold her. She soon picked up Pumpkin Cake and carried her and Pound Cake over to her bed. She laid them by her belly, but instead of going to her mom's breasts, Pumpkin looked at Pound and said, "Bwada, guess what appen wast night?"

"What appen?" he asked.

"The bwacet I wowe wet me make big magwic wight, but den it make it go to aunt Pinkie and Mama," Pumpkin said.

"Den what appen?" Pound asked.

All Mrs. Cake was able to make out was Mama and Pinkie in their little baby talk as Pumpkin replied, "Weww, den magwic wight stawt and make aunt Pinkie Smaww and den she disappeaw. Den she weappeaw smawwer in Mama tummy, making Mama tummy biggew. Pinkie isth in Mama tummy."

Pound was a little shocked. Pinkie Pie was now inside their mom's tummy and somehow smaller too. "Wow, did you teww Mama dat Pinkie in her tummy?" Pound asked.

"I not know how yet. Mama not undewstand usth when we tawk," Pumpkin said.

They were soon interrupted as their mom said, "What are you two talking about? Hmhmhm, I thought you would be hungry Pumpkin dear."

Pumpkin Cake had to admit she was hungry and her tummy growling confirmed that. She soon crawled over to her mom's breast between her legs and began to nurse. "There we go dear. My, my, you two little rascals just like to talk whenever don'tcha?" She retorts.

Just as Pumpkin finished nursing, something happened that surprised Mrs. Cake. She felt a kick from inside her tummy. "Oh, my goodness," she said, thinking it might of been some sport gas on her insides, as had happened before and had felt like kicks.

Then a second kick came. Mrs. Cake now froze. She could only think of one thing. She was pregnant. 'This can't be. Carrot and I never tried to make a another foal after having the twins. And I know no stallion within a 100 miles of Ponyville would try and mate with a married mare, and I'm a light sleeper, I would know. But, how, how am I pregnant then. I feel them kicking and I can't say it's anything else. Oh, how will I figure this out.' She thought.

Her train of thought was stopped as she felt Pumpkin push on her chest to get her attention. The look in her filly's eyes said that Pumpkin was trying to tell her something. "W-What is it sweetie?"

Pumpkin then pointed at a picture of Pinkie Pie and the Cakes. "Yes that's all of us at a picnic dear," Mrs. Cake said.

She then saw that her daughter seemed a little frustrated and looked more closely at where her daughter was pointing. "Pinkie Pie, what is it about Pinkie Pie honey?" Mrs. Cake asked.

Pumpkin then pressed on her belly. "Oh, did she have upset stomach?" Mrs. Cake tried to guess.

Pumpkin Cake shook her head, and pointed at the picture and then pressed on her mom's belly again. "Pinkie was hungry?" Mrs. Cake asked, still not getting what Pumpkin was saying.

After a third try, Mrs. Cake went wide eyed again as her daughter seemed to be saying what seemed impossible, but with Pinkie, probably was possible. "Pinkie Pie is inside mommy's tummy?" Mrs. Cake asked.

Pumpkin Cake nodded her head. At this Point, Mrs. Cake was at a loss for words and wanted to do one of three things:

1. Scream.

2. Faint.

3. Run off to jump in an ice cold lake.

But knowing this was real and that all three would make her foals and her husband worry, plus the third would possibly get her and her soon to be foal Pinkie hurt, she took a deep breath and looked at her daughter. "Are you telling me the truth honey, Mama will know if your lying, so are you telling the truth?" Mrs. Cake asked Pumpkin.

True Pumpkin was only a foal, and a few months old, but Mrs. Cake knew if her daughter was being serious or making something up when it came to big things like this. Pumpkin was honest and nodded her head. Many thoughts began to go through Mrs. Cake's head as she contemplated how a little foal like her daughter understood something so complex and how it even happened. She then realized that Pumpkin was not wearing the bracelet anymore and knew her daughter had it on last night. Looking in the area from the crib to her bed, she looked for it in case it had fallen off. When she could not see any sign of it, this further lead to her thinking that Pumpkin had inadvertently caused this with her magic without meaning to, and the bracelet had something to do with it. Maybe she was thinking too much like Pinkie, or it might be a side effect due to the fact that Pinkie was now inside her tummy connected to her for she felt the heartbeat, which was the feeling she couldn't place earlier.

Mrs. Cake knew what she was now thinking was highly unlikely to ever happen, but seeing that there was a deadly storm outside and Pinkie was nowhere in sight and knew better then to brave the storm and go outside, Pinkie Pie being inside her special room was the only ideal explanation right now. Her daughter knowing must have been due to her magic accidentally being involved, but Mrs. Cake didn't blame her for that, for unicorn foals were known to have magical outburst they couldn't control. What she blamed was the bracelet, for she knew it had something to do with this. The more she thought about Pinkie being inside of her tummy, the more calm she became, and in a way happy.

She had not expected this, but this could be a nice change for Pinkie, and for them. They always thought of Pinkie as part of their family, and now she was starting to become part of it, and not only that, she was beginning her life over again. Pumpkin and Pound Cake were going to have a little sister, and they would gain another daughter. She had always wanted to see Pinkie when she was a foal and was now getting that chance. She also realized, if Pinkie was starting a new life with them, then her original family would no longer be her family, and even though it seemed wrong, Mrs. Cake felt it was right to let her become part of the Cake family. Soon she made up her mind and told herself she would raise Pinkie and she would let Carrot Cake know as well as Pinkie's six friends when the storm passed.

Carrot Cake soon woke up and asked what he had missed. Cup Cake told him the whole story of what happened. At first he thought she was talking nonsense, then as she pointed out many factors that proved what she was saying was true, Carrot all of the sudden fainted for a second. After a few minutes he came to his senses and took a breather. "I know this all seems so out of the norm dear, but I can't think of anything more logical at this point, you know she would not risk her neck in that weather to get home and she is nowhere to be found?" Cup Cake said.

"It's just, this would have been the last thing I expected, but from what your saying it seems to be the only reason to explain how your tummy went from cutely flat to cutely round overnight," Carrot Cake said.

"You think I look cute with a round belly honey?" Cup Cake asked.

"Yes, I thought you looked very cute when you were carrying the twins," Carrot Cake said.

Pound and Pumpkin Cake were confused. They always thought their mom looked pretty, whether she had a round tummy or not. After blushing for a bit, Cup Cake said, "Well, after the storm is over, we better start getting stuff ready for out newest foal. I don't want to have Pinkie Pie being in places she shouldn't once she's born."

"You now, her last name can't be Pie after this, she's gonna be a Cake. Pinkie Cake doesn't quite feel right for her," Carrot Cake informed her.

"Your right, but what can we name her? Hmm, Banana Cake? No, that's not right," Cup Cake said.

"Strawberry Short Cake?" Carrot Cake suggests.

"No, even though it would match perfect with her coat, it sounds like the name of a TV show that would be for young fillies," Cup Cake said.

"Yeah, you've got a point, Um, how about Cherry Cheese Cake?" Carrot asked.

"That might be a good one, what do you two think?" Cup Cake asked as she looked at her foals.

They made raspberries at the suggestion. "Guess that's a no for them," Cup cake said.

"Hmm, I don't know why, but the only other one I can come up with is Pinkie Pie Cake," Carrot said.

Pumpkin Cake and Pound Cake Clapped their hooves and babbled in a approval. "Well Pinkie Pie Cake it is then," Cup Cake said.

Soon they all got into a family hug as they accepted that Pinkie was going to be a new real member of their family. Pinkie kicked where her two new siblings and new dad were as they hugged and Mrs Cake said, "Feels like Pinkie's glad to become part of the family too. Now how about we head downstairs and watch some movies in the family room?" Cup Cake suggested.

All of them agreed and they went down stairs to watch some of their favorite family movies as the storm continues and Cup Cake gently rubs her belly as she feels her little Pinkie move around in her tummy. A few times the Twins feel their new little sister kick as they touch their mom's belly while the watch movies, happy that Pinkie never had to leave them now.

Author's Note:

End of chapter two. Hope you all enjoyed. I'm working on my other two foal stories so be patient. I will post when I can. So now the the Cakes all know that Pinkie is part of the family and are welcoming it with open hooves. What will happen once the Storm ends? How will Pinkie's friends react to this? And what will the Cakes do to help stop a major uproar and gossip in Ponyville? Only future chapter's will tell. Note this story will not be involved with any major foe battles, like Nightmare Moon, the Changelings, Discord, or King Sombra. consider this the time after the events of Seasons 1 through 3. Hope to hear positive comments and constructive criticism soon. I'll update as soon as I can.