• Published 17th Oct 2013
  • 3,299 Views, 102 Comments

Craptastic Friendship Series: Freshman Year - RainbowJack2000

Twilight moves to Equestria, California, where she attends her first year of high school. Cool right? Not for her. As a matter of fact, it's as crappy as it can get.

  • ...

Second Day, Sunset Shimmer, Shit-fight

The next day, Twilight woke up to the licking of Spike. Groaning, she pulled him off her face and looked at the clock.

8:45 a.m.

Her eyes shot open and she jumped out of bed. She was an entire 45 minutes late for school! How could I have let this happen? Why didn't I set the alarm clock? Where's my outfit? All these thoughts and more ran through Twilight's head while she quickly dressed for school. Rushing to the bathroom, she brushed her teeth and fixed her hair. Running down the stairs, she grabbed her cellphone and book-bag and headed out the door. Her parents were already at work so she had no choice but to run. She wasn't much of the running type, but she moved her legs like her life depended on it.

Reaching the school building ten minutes later, she pried the door open and ran to the main office. She banged on the door so that the person inside would know it was an emergency. To her surprise, it was Rainbow Dash who opened the door. Seeing the state Twilight was in, Rainbow smirked.

"Kristen Stewart! What, you rose from the dead and realized you were late or something?" she teased.

Rolling her eyes, Twilight pushed past Rainbow and walked over to one of the secretaries at the desk.

"Hi, I'm Twilight Sparkle, and I just came to the school. Um...long story short, I woke up late and...can I get a late pass, please?"

Nodding her head, the secretary gave Twilight a late pass for first period and Twilight rushed out the door. Going into English class, she saw Ms. Berry Punch, yet again, was snoozing drunkenly, yet peacefully, on the desk. The students were chatting away as Twilight approached her table. Pinkie Pie pulled her into a tight hug.

"Twilight! I'm super duper happy you're here again! We thought after yesterday you wouldn't come back again!"

"What are you-" Twilight started, until the memories hit her like a brick. Sunset Shimmer, jelly, Flash Sentry...

Flash Sentry...

Sighing dreamily, Twilight put her elbow on the desk and her head in her palm. The girls looked at her, then each other, then at her again. Rarity tapped her shoulder.

"Um, Twilight, dear? Are you alright?"

"Huh," Twilight snapped out of her trance, "Oh. Yes. I'm good. Um...what was Rainbow doing in the office?"

"Oh, that," Applejack rolled her eyes, "Girl gave a teacher some attitude when she rode her skateboard in school again. I swear she's more stubborn than a mule sometimes. Long story short, she actually smacked him and he sent her to the office. Then he turned to some other teacher and said, 'Kids. What a mighty bunch of ingrates.'"

The girls chuckled and sighed. Just then, Rainbow Dash walked in with Principal Celestia right behind her. When Celestia turned her head to talk to the teacher, she gasped and furrowed her eyebrows at the drunk woman. Turning to the class, everyone went silent and stared at her back, while Rainbow walked to her seat at the girls' table. Twilight, dumbfounded at the sudden silence, looked at Rainbow and whispered.

"What's going on? Why is everyone so quiet?"

Rainbow yawned and explained, "Every time Celestia walks into the class, everyone shuts up 'cause we don't want to get in trouble. Pretty pathetic if you ask me."

Celestia nodded to the students and left the classroom, closing the door behind her. A student named Minuet (a.k.a. Colgate) walked up to the door to make sure the coast was clear. When it was, she gave everyone a thumbs up signal and the class was filled with chatting once again. Twilight shook her head and rolled her eyes.

"Sooooo," Pinkie started, causing Twilight to turn her attention to her, "What are you girls doing this weekend?"

"I'm going to help out at the animal shelter. It's for our community service project." Fluttershy said shyly.

"Got work to do the farm. Ya know me, can't go a day without workin'." Applejack said sheepishly.

"I have to babysit Sweetie Belle. What fun!" Rarity sarcastically growled .

"I got soccer practice from 12-2 p.m. but I'm free the rest of the afternoon." Rainbow said.

"What about you Twilight? Are you free tomorrow?" Pinkie asked excitedly.

Twilight cocked an eyebrow. She barely knew the girl, and yet she was asking her if she was free on Saturday? It's like being asked out by a guy who's only been stalking her for a few hours. Twilight actually thought about it, then realizing she had...other plans. That is, if studying, homework and chores counted.

"Sorry. I can't hang out. I have way too much to do tomorrow." she stated firmly.

"Doing what? Reading the 'Twilight Saga' series again?" Rainbow asked.

"You know, I've about had it with your 'Twilight' sh-...nonsense." Twilight quickly corrected herself.

"Oh, what, you can't say 'shit?'" Rainbow asked.

"I can. I choose not to." Twilight replied.

Before things got any uglier, Applejack cleared her throat, "Well now, ain't y'all a cute pair. Might even make a good married couple one day." Clearly, she made things worse.by teasing them. Before any of them could "beg to differ", she grinned and chuckled.

"I was jes' jokin'. Sheesh, yer so gullible."

"AJ, don't play with me like that. Ever." Rainbow glared.

"Don't act like ya didn't like it, RD. It's all in good fun." Applejack stared back, but sweeter.

Just then, the bell rang. Berry Punch woke up, looked around, and went back to sleep again. Twilight sighed, grabbed her stuff, and walked to her next class.

It was lunch time again. Twilight was not looking forward to it. It didn't help that Sunset Shimmer was staring at her from across the cafeteria, and the girls were constantly pegging Twilight to pay attention and listen to them. Pinkie Pie stared at Twilight, quiet, and still. For a girl who Twilight has known for less than 24 hours, it started to freak her out a bit.

"Pinkie, why are you staring at me like that?" Twilight finally asked.

"Hmmm? Oh! Sorry, I was dreaming about frosting," Pinkie licked her lips, "Frosting. *smacks lips* Oh, yeah! You girls want to hang out at the mall tomorrow evening?"

The girls nodded then looked at Twilight, who stared at them back.


"Do you want to come too?" Fluttershy asked.

Twilight sighed, "Look, girls, I'm flattered that you want to invite me and everything, but...I barely know you. I mean, we've only known each other for, like, 10 hours, and I just don't hang out with people I hardly know. Until we've known each other for a long time, I'm going to have to turn down the offer."

The girls looked sad for a moment, especially Pinkie, who had a pout on her face. Suddenly, those frowns turned upside down. Pinkie grabbed a marker, took Twilight's arm, then started jotting down numbers and hyphens.

A phone number.

"P-Pinkie! What in the wide wide world of America are you doing?!" Twilight sputtered.

"I'm writing all of our numbers down so that you can call us and we could tell you more about ourselves! You should give us yours too! What is it?"

"Oh, it's 1-800- NONE-OF-YOUR-BUSINESS!" Twilight snapped.

"That's an awfully long phone number! Are you sure it's not your parents?" Pinkie asked.

"Ugh!" Twilight grabbed her lunch tray and turned to throw her garbage out when-


Taken back for a moment, Twilight realized she had bumped into someone. She looked up and saw Flash Sentry look at his shirt and then at her, his blue eyes burning into her purple for a moment. Twilight's face flushed.

"I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to-"

"It's...alright," Flash said reassuringly, "It was just an accident. Nothing to it."

But Twilight had alright grabbed a bunch of napkins and started trying to clean the stain off his shirt, which was clearly getting worse. Her hand landed right on his abs as she wiped down his shirt, making her blush. She tried to ignore all the stares and the fact that Flash was staring at her as well. Only one girl wouldn't have it. And boy was she mad.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing, newbie?" Sunset Shimmer hissed.

"I-I...well, I was...um...er..." Twilight couldn't talk right in front of either one of them.

"Trying to find an excuse to rub your grubby little hands all over my boyfriend, huh?"

"What?! No, it's nothing like that! I-"

"Oh sure it isn't! You really don't think I didn't know it was everything like that?"


"Sunset, chillax. Everything is fine." Flash said.

"No! I will not 'chillax!' She just rubbed her hands over my own boyfriend!"

"Hey!" someone else yelled.

Everyone ooed as they saw Rainbow and her friends approaching the fight scene. Sunset Shimmer's friends were also coming over. No one wanted this to end.

"Look, Sunset Shimmer, it was an accident. Twilight didn't mean to bump into your boyfriend like that." Rainbow explained.

"Oh, I beg to differ," one of Sunset's friends, Cherry Berry, said, "It seems to us, all of us, actually, that Ms. Newbie here wanted Flash Sentry to herself."

The other girls nodded in agreement. Twilight started to shake her head quickly.

"No, no, you've got it all wrong! I just bumped into him and-"

Before she knew it, Twilight ended up on the ground, thanks to a bitch named Sunset Shimmer. She hit her head hard against the floor, making her hiss in pain. As if on cue, Pinkie and the girls rushed over and tried to help Twilight up. Pinkie looked up at Sunset Shimmer.

"What was that for? It was a total accident. Don't be a meany-pants because of it!"

"Listen up, newbie. That was your first warning. Don't you dare interact with my posse or my boyfriend! Do you hear me?" Sunset snarled.

The entire cafeteria went silent as they looked at Twilight, who was rubbing the back of her head. She nodded, wincing at how much her head hurts.

"Good," Sunset snapped her fingers, "Let's go girls."

Sunset Shimmer and her girls, along with Flash Sentry walked out of the cafeteria. Before he really could leave, Flash looked back at Twilight, who stared at him. He then turned his attention to the ground before leaving the room entirely. The cafeteria was still quiet and gazed upon the messy Twilight. On the verge of tears and a sick feeling in her stomach, Twilight got up and ran out the room.

"Twilight! Wait!"

Of all the schools in the world, this by far was the worse. Twilight was sobbing uncontrollably, and to make things worse, she had to puke earlier. Her entire outfit was covered in food, and to make things worse, Sunset Shimmer gave Twilight a nice bruise on her head. It was only the second day of Twilight's school year, and where was she? In the girls bathroom, crying so hard, she was running out of tears. She really hated this school.

All Twilight could think about was Flash Sentry's face before he walked out the cafeteria. It was full of anger, confusion, and...sympathy? That can't be right. He was the most popular guy in school, not to mention he was already in a relationship. With a bitch. Who could careless if Twilight was sorry.

Why does my life have to be so hard? What have I done to deserve this? I don't belong here. I just...don't.

Twilight's tears-meter was set high and ready to explode until...

"Twilight? Are you in here?"

The voice sounded a lot like Rarity's, along with other girls. Twilight held her breath and wished they walked away from the door. Away from her. Away from...everything. But they didn't. Instead, they walked right in. And with some bags too.

"Oh, Twilight dear, you look simply dreadful! Just look at your vĂȘtements!" Rarity gasped.

Twilight sniffed, "Yeah, well, I really don't care much anymore."

"I'm so sorry that this happened to you Twilight. We all thought Sunset was a real meanie-" Fluttershy said, before being interrupted by a furious Rainbow Dash.

"Meanie? Oh, please that's a first grade word. She was a fucking asshole! A real bitch! Her parents should have named her Sunset Shitter for Pete's sake!" Rainbow exclaimed angrily.

Applejack glared at her for a second, before turning to Twilight, "Twi, we jes' wanna make sure yer okay, is all. We're deeply sorry about everythin' that happened."

"Soooo," Pinkie squealed, her face grinning, "We got you some extra clothes and makeup to fix your entire look for the rest of the day! Wanna put some clothes on, girl?"

Twilight actually considered this for a second, reaching her hand out to grab the bag Rarity had, until she hesitated. Dropping her hands, Twilight spoke up.

"Look, I appreciate the gesture, but...I think it's best if I call my mom and ask her to take me home. I'm feeling...under the weather today, if you catch my drift."

The girls looked at each other then nodded, making room for Twilight to speed-walk out the bathroom. The girls piled out with Rainbow and Pinkie staying behind. Before Rainbow could leave, she said this to Pinkie.

"Told you she's not going to be friends with us."

Pinkie nodded, realizing the conversation her and Rainbow had before might be true after all. She sighed sadly, and closed the door.


"Sunset, seriously, she just bumped into me. I don't see how you could react like this." Flash argued.

Sunset scoffed, "Are you kidding? I saw her reaction when she rubbed her hands all over your chest like that-"

"Stomach." Flash corrected.

"Chest. She was practically saying, 'I wonder if your dick is hard like this.' I will not tolerate having any new girl touching you like that! Can't you see that I'm doing this for us, Flash?" Sunset turned around, "I'm doing it for us."

Flash was taken back a bit, before wrapping his arms around Sunset's waste and kissed her forehead, "I-I'm sorry. Maybe I was a bit overreacting."

"Yeah. A bit." Sunset rolled her eyes, but smiled. She turned around to fully face Flash and kissed him completely on the lips. When they finished, she hugged him.

"I love you Flash."

"I love you too, Sunset."


Twilight ran to her mom's car and slammed the passenger door shut. Twilight Velvet looked at her daughter in a worried fashion.

"Is there a reason you called me before the school day was over?"

"I'm not feeling well." Twilight replied flatly.

"Want to talk about it?"


Velvet nodded her head in total consideration, then drove away from the school. Twilight pressed her head against the window, and watched as the world around her became a total blur.

Author's Note:

"Look, I appreciate the gesture, but...I think it's best if I call my mom and ask her to take me home. I'm feeling...under the weather today, if you catch my drift."

Did...I just use a pun? Holy Celestia I think I used a pun!

Anyway, I'm glad I finally got this story back on track. I haven't written a chapter in ages. I was beginning to worry I might lose a few followers.

So whaddya think? Comment away!