• Published 20th Oct 2013
  • 650 Views, 245 Comments

The Rise of a Fallen Star - TheWritingGuru

HHello, my name is Octavia, and in only one short year I managed to climb my way up to the top of the world of classical music. Where I was world renowned for my showings of masterpieces created by composers over the eons.

  • ...

Chapter 2

"Ain't ya gonna stay an’ say hi to your uncle?" the stallion asks, taking off his hat to reveal a smiling amber face.

"Sorry, can't stay I'm afraid," I say hastily, looking up into his sap green eyes. "Mum and dad will be expecting me home soon."

"That's not what I heard," my uncle says, scratching his chin with a thoughtful expression. "Last time ah checked, you're livin’ on the streets."

"Well, everything changes in time," I chuckle nervously, lying before I could stop myself.

"Now let’s just stop lying for a second," my uncle says, barring my way through the door. "We both know yer parents disowned ya for trashin their family name."

"Ho-" I begin, but am cut off by my uncle.

"I'd recommend that you just wait a couple of minutes for this fine establishment to close so we can have ourselves a proper truthful conversation," he suggests, even though it's not a suggestion.

"I really must be going," I say frantically, desperate to get away as my stomach rumbles loudly. "Need to find somewhere to sleep for the night."

"At least stay for dinner," my uncle insists, even though once again he's really just telling me too. "By the sound your tummy's makin, I'd reckon you haven't eatin in days now Tavi!"

"Well, I guess it can't hurt anything," I say slowly, not sure how to respond to the offer at hoof.

"Well now, that settles it!" my uncle exclaims happily, throwing a leg around my neck before guiding me back into the crowd. "I hear that Royal Crescent here makes sum good Pumpkin Curry Soup, with pumpkins from mah orchard nonetheless."

"Must be why it's so good," I suggest hesitantly as we make our way through the crowd while Royal Crescent hops up onto the stage.

"Aw shucks, our little orchard’s pumpkins ain't that good hun," my uncle says happily, pushing a white stallion dressed in red, white, and blue out of our way.

"So," I begin nervously, as my uncle calls for a bartender to get him a glass of whiskey. "How has Sterling been?"

A shadow casts over my my uncles face. "She's fine," he sighs as we come up to the bar counter.

"What's wrong?" I ask, a slight hint of fear tainting my normally mellow tone.

"It’s nothin’," my uncle dismisses, taking a sip of his whiskey.

"What is wrong?" I repeat, this time more firmly.

"Ah think she's fallen in love with a mare," he says a bit temperamentally before downing the rest of his whisky.

"So?" I inquire as a bartender asks my uncle if he would like a refill.

"Just bring me the whole bottle," he says, dismissing the stallion with a gesture of his hoof before turning his attention back onto me. "Ah just don't want to see her heart broken."

"Doesn't this mare love her back?" I ask, arching an eyebrow as my uncle thanks the bartender for the whiskey before taking a swig.

"No," he replies coldly, glaring at the counter. "All dat show mare wants is enough bits to get herself back to travelin’ and doin’ her shows."

"Then why're you worried?" I inquire.

"Because ah'm afraid of what'll happen when that mare leaves for good," my uncle says as the bartender comes back with a full bottle of whiskey. "And if dat mare breaks mah little honey crisps heart, she'll be a dead mare."

I flinch from the venom in his voice. "You know you can't protect her forever right?" I ask, as Royal Crescent says goodnight to everyone.

"Ah know," my uncle says bitterly, taking a swig of whiskey.

Neither of us speak as the club empties around us. No one pays us any heed as they rush by, talking to the ponies they came with. I would have thought someone would have at least questioned the site of my uncle with his black leather trench coat barring his orchards trademark symbol, a gala apple with a slice cut out of it. Perhaps black trench coats help you go unnoticed. But I should be happy that he draws nobodies attention as the last of the stragglers empty out through the clubs doors, leaving only Royal Crescent, my uncle, the DJ who's packing up her stuff, and myself in the small club.

"Mind sticking around for something to eat Vinyl?" Royal Crescent calls over to the DJ.

"Can't. Sorry," Vinyl replies, her head buried in her cardboard box of wires and a bunch of other things. "Gotta hurry up and go if I'm gonna try to contact my agent before tonight's over."

"You sure? Oh well, can't say I didn't try," Royal Crescent says, pretending not to care as he trots towards my uncle and I. "Such a shame, you would've been able to talk to Octavia over a bowl of her favorite soup."

"What, umm, I never said I couldn't stay, did I?" Vinyl says frantically, pulling her head out of her box, a wire hanging from her horn.

"Oh, I dunno," Royal Crescent teases as I allow myself a small giggle at the panicking mare. "What does Octavia here think?"

Scoffing at the club’s owner, I turn my attention onto the DJ, her eyes, a startlingly beautiful ruby red, gleaming with a mixture of hope and fear. Her snowy face bore a shy smile as strands of electric blue hair drift down from her short, choppy two-toned mane; an unusual hairstyle, but one that suits her well. It'd probably look odd on anyone else. Then again, we all have something that makes us unique and special other than our special talents and cutie marks.

"She says yes," my uncle answers for me happily, his voice rough yet gentle as he shoves me off my stool. "Now go talk with someone of your own age while the grown-ups talk am ounce our old decomposing selves."

"I'll get you two bowls for yourself Tavi," Royal Crescent says, playfully nudging me with a hoof on his way to talk to my uncle. "Now go talk to the cities rising star in the universe of wubs."

"Want something to drink Tavi-doll?" my uncle asks, before chugging the rest of his whiskey as if afraid of someone stealing it. "Anything you want besides cider."

"I got a bottle of cloud wine," Royal Crescent suggests, getting the glare of death from my uncle.

"Tavi ain't old enough for that," my uncle scorns Royal Crescent, giving me a sideways glance meaning ‘you got some explaining to do”.

"It's an alcohol free wine," Royal Crescent states, rolling his eyes as if everyone should have known that. "Would you like a glass Vinyl?"

"I'll just take a mug of cider," Vinyl replies, her eyes never wavering from mine as she smiles at me with teeth that would shine in the dark.

"Now, can Tavi here have a glass of cloud wine?" Royal Crescent asks my uncle as I give Vinyl my own little charming smile, causing her to blush softly.

"I'm gonna need another bottle," my uncle says, frowning at his empty one while Royal Crescent gives me a look meaning "I'll make sure you get something nice."

"Thank you," I call over to the bickering adults, before heading off with Vinyl to pass the time. "So Vinyl, would you mind telling me a bit about how you make your music?"

Her face lights up as she begins to explain everything from what the invaluable wires do to her so called mixing boards. Not exactly what I'd call music, but this is a new age where electronic music has taken to popularity throughout all the social classes, or at least I think it has. There was quite a bit of upper class ponies here tonight, but why there were stallions in a fillyfoolers club makes no sense to me whatsoever.

"I also play the violin!" Vinyl exclaims happily, lifting a bobelock hill-style violin case from her cardboard box.

I can understand Vinyl having room for all her wires and whatnot, but where she found room to stuff a violin case of that size in there baffles me. Okay, it's not a bad instrument case, but it's big. I'm pretty sure you could drive a cart over that case and there won't be even a dent in it. Which is a great thing, but how she manages to pack away a case of that size, plus all her equipment, is beyond me.

"How long have you been playing for?" I inquire, taking a closer look at Vinyls magic box of plenty.

"About ten years now," she exclaims happily, a prideful smile spread across her face. "Wanna hear me play?"

"Sure," I say, not quite sure what I am agreeing to, as I stick an experimental hoof into Vinyl’s box.

"What you wanna hear?" Vinyl asks excitedly, opening her violin case as I try to find the bottom on the box, not paying her any heed.

"Vinyl," I say calmly, reaching into Vinyl’s box with my entire foreleg now.

"Ye-" Vinyl begins, but cuts herself off as she bursts into a fit of giggles at the sight of me trying to find the bottom of her box.

"What's so funny?" I ask flatly, retrieving my foreleg from the giggling mares box.

No answer.

"It's not that funny," I grumble, turning my attention back to the bottomless box.

I’d sit down inside it, but would I be able to get back out? I can't see a reason why not. Who knows, could be an interesting way to pass the ti-

"Dinner’s done!" Royal Crescent says from right beside me, causing my heart to jump into my throat. "Why are you so enticed with Vinyl’s box, Tavi?"

"None of your concern," I state simply, making a mental note to ask Vinyl what kind of magic was used on it.

"Okay," Royal Crescent says, giving up a bit too early.

Watching the club owner walk off to a table where my uncle is sitting eating a bowl of soup, I take a couple steps towards Vinyl. "Dinner’s done," I say, nudging her with a hoof.

"Be... right... there," Vinyl says in between gasps of air as she holds her sides tightly.

"Okay," I say, before trotting off to eat my dinner, my mouth watering at the thought of the meal and glass of wine awaiting my arrival.

The smell of the spiced pumpkin curry soup becomes increasingly stronger as I approach the table, and true to his word, Royal Crescent had two decent sized bowls of steaming hot soup sitting next to each other by a glass of wine.

I have to force myself to eat slowly because, if I don't, I'll just make myself sick after not eating for so long. I learned this lesson the hard way, but getting sick might be worth it this time around. The wine is a rich, complex, symphony of flavors that complement my creamy soup.

By the time I finish my first bowl, Vinyl joins us and begins eating. I've seen worse table manners before, but hers could use some work all the same. Nothing too drastic, just a bit of refreshment would probably do the trick.

"Have ya guessed why I'm here?" my uncle asks, pushing his empty bowl away from him.

"I'm not going to the orchards," I say, not bothering to look up at as I ladle some more soup into one of my empty bowls.

"You don't get a say in the matter," he states, cleaning his face with a napkin.

"Says who?" I ask.

"Your parents," my uncle counteracts, causing me to look up from my dinner. "They put you up for adoption."

"So," I say, a single tear welling up in the corner of my eye. "We never got along anyways."

"You know that's a lie," my uncle states as Royal Crescent and Vinyl stare at me in horror. "You love your mother, and she loves you, but since she's not your birth mother she had no say in the matter."

"Then why are you here?" I ask, as my tear drops into my soup. "You don't care about me either."

"Yes I do," my uncle sighs. "The only reason I was able to get to you before someone else was, is because your mother told me the second about it, the second my brother decided on putting you up for adoption."

"I don't need your help," I say quietly, pushing my half-empty bowl of soup away from me. "Thank you for dinner, I must be going."

"The only place you're going is to the orchard with me at sunrise," my uncle states firmly, getting up from his chair as I begin to slowly get out of mine. "Crescent, would ya know anywhere nearby Tavi and I could stay the night?"

"I don't need your help," I repeat, walking over to the counter to grab my cello and leave as tears begin to stain my cheeks. "I don't need anyones help, not now, not ever..."

Grabbing my cello, I try to lift it, but I cannot as a sob racks my grey chest.

"Come on Tavi," my uncle says softly, lifting me off my hooves and onto his back as I hold back the tears and sobs in a vain attempt to keep some of my dignity. "Everything will look brighter in the morning, I promise."

Author's Note:

I really do need to tone down the southern ascent this guy has....

Comments ( 233 )

so you still gonna have Tavi have a heart to heart with my OC?

Yup, I won't go back on a promise.:trixieshiftright:

I can just see him sitting on that pumkin strumin his guitar, hoof made mind you, and feel free to pop him in where ever you need someone to give out advice or kinda point in the right direction

:trixieshiftright: will do, right now I'm working on a Halloween story

sweet, I hope its scary I love spooky stories, I am kinda adicted to that spine chilling feeling you know?

Same, but who will find who first? The headless pony or Luna

3381023I have always wondered about that saying what if they run into each other head on? Who found who first?

The world shall never know...:trixieshiftleft:

That NM or Luna? truth be told either will work wonderfully for me

Hmm. Seems a tad farfetched... How old is Octavia?

Just one year under age from declaring herself an adult and being with drinking age in Equestria.

It's Luna. But I would
think the shipping would be interesting, then again, I see Luna as a curious trouble maker after all. So her being attracted to something evil/bad/her not suppos o be near would seem to be only natural.

I have to agree with you there, I see her as a bit of a lonely trouble maker as well, she seeks comfert and the queen is just like her just a little darker in personality

Sweet! And we get to get some feels too :twilightsmile:

I have a hunch it will be Vinyl who take Octavia as an alternative, as she sure do not want to spend her time on a farm and with out ponies enjoy her music as they do now with pure heart ( Yes, as was in first chapter, that does not feed her properly at this time ) The quastion is, when will this happen, next chapter or we will get to see a detour to the farm first, or more hiding on the streets.

Got it. Thank you.

Well then, haven't we thought into this :trixieshiftright:
Lol, right now I'm debating on how the third chapter will go

So what seems farfetched?:trixieshiftright:

Mhmm, but when you think about it, it could be a really cute shipping. Forbidden love is always fun to read unless it involves vampires that sparkle like a certain story that must not be named...:trixieshiftleft:

yup, I love the akward romances

I got to say, my most guilted pleasure has to have been a story I read about a romance between miss cheerilee (for got how to spell her name) and one of her students. One of the best written clops I have ever read.:trixieshiftleft:

was it rumble? I remember one being so detailed and so hot, you could feel the blue balls she was giving that poor colt

Nope, but yours does sound...interesting. The one I'm thinking of was humanized, but amazing in so many different ways.

3386482The one where rumble confesses to cheerlee after he gets beaten up? The one I was talking about is in my fav section if you want to look for it

Ohhhhh, derp....
But yeah, that was a fan-freaking-tastic story! I really loved the part when they were trapped in the school house because of a storm.

why is it the best love scenes are during a storm? a storm with lighting no less?

Because logic! But I can't wait for the next chapter, I NEED MORE! Yet sadly we must wait. I'm rather worried about what that asshole fuck tard who took the pictures is going to do....

what ever happens cheerlee will protect her lil rumble...I hope

She better or I'm gunna write a very stern letter indeed:trixieshiftleft:
They're so cute together, why ruin it?

and cheerlee is sexy, in the best way, you can not label her sexyness, it just is

Lol, this comment section is so freaking random. We've talked about like five different things including a brilliant clop fic

It can be just me, but I don't really see an issue with a 17-year-old mare being disowned/adopted/in the streets/whatever. Maybe, again, it's just me, but there's, you know, the government. And family - which is acting very strange in this story. She has an uncle - who loves her - and has to live off of scraps? Seems very strange to me.

Well allow me to do some explaining. First off it really doesn't matter your age if your family disowns you, that's going to hurt Reguardless as long as you actually love them. As for the family, well mine act this way also. They'll let you go your own course and learn life lessons unless you're about to go over a cliff. You can't baby someone forever so it's best that they learn those harsh life lessons earlier rather than latter, or as my family would say, "it builds character as long as you don't get yourself killed.". But as you're going to learn in the next few chapters, shits going to hit the fan big time for Octavia so he's pulling her out of there before it does. And she's to proud to ask or acpt for help from anyone.

So in short her family let her stear her own ship and now that that ship is pretty much dead in the water they're pulling her ass off it before it sinks.

That's a strange, terrible attitude for a family, actually... :unsuresweetie:

random is the spice of life, take it in, take it in! :pinkiecrazy::heart::pinkiehappy:

Vampires are cool, NOT THE SPARKLING ONES, but the original ones, i watched the first movie, and truthful, it was a far cry from, say Hellsing anime series which i love to shreds :pinkiecrazy:

Now that's a plot charge to explode into a magnificent mushroom cloud, i can smell quadruple twist potentials as well hehe.

One thing is sure, Vinyl will be involved :heart: I already like the first look attraction between the two, and her char being more then mere dub steps, but violin too and they both interestend in one another music wise, there life long passion :twilightsmile:

Now i wonder how our own little Trixie get into the mix here :raritystarry:

Never the less my family are what they are and I still love them even if they piss me off to no living end with the way they do things. But I can say that I have learned lessons about life that most my age haven't learned yet so I guess that's both a good and bad thing. Ah well, it is what it is and it's the only form of family I know.
Cheers to that mate!
Glad you enjoyed the chapter.

I would love to see a fic of Zecora just caring for and loooking after apple bloom, I mean they already seem to be good friends...then again that is me

It would be interesting that's for sure, but whether it feets my personal tast is a different question all together.

alright, I might step on some toes...er hooves with this one...who in the cast of ponies do you think might be a foalcon, or would that be worded 'is into foalcon' feel free to change the subject

You have managed to stump me pretty hard my friend...good job my good sir!

Well...the one who is the clear pick is cheerlee, but that is too easy,
Twilight might be, then again she has so much magic she can pretty much cover her tracks.
Celestia...or Molestia..who am I trying to kid here
Luna...pipsqueak..nuff said
Gilda, now thats a hard one but I would think she might snatch up a foal for a toy, she just seems like that kind of a bitch
Trixie, ehh thats a hard one to say, I can see her snuggled up with a foal with her cape acting like a blanket but thats about it, but there is writing out there, some of it in my fave section
Fluttershy...yes, she would be a foalcon
AJ, no chance
Dashie, eh 50/50

oh boy...yeah the CMC, pipsqueak, Diamond and silver are all foals and foalcon is the love of foals colt cuddlers and filly foolers in the more literal sense

Very interesting doctor jones, very interesting indeed

it can be between adult and foal or foal and foal, most stories I have seen were not that bad

I still have yet to actually read one for myself, but I may in the near future

Most are rather cute and sweet, some not so much, I have some in my favs list, your turn to pick the topic:pinkiehappy:

Okay, this one may come off a bit of a strange and offensive one but, can insest be cute? I myself have seen some animes that managed to pull it off and all I gotta day is, yes it can be, but it also cant be. Depends on the person.

I really think it depends on how it comes about, forced incest is not cute, now two young siblings asking each other innocent questions that get a little more steamy and one of them makes the first move, now that is cute, or the confession of love to the other sibling is cute too

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