• Published 5th Mar 2012
  • 1,865 Views, 17 Comments

Cantervania - Lynked

I wonder who will see this... Hello person. You are now thinking of potatoes.

  • ...


Canterlot sat atop the mountain, normal and fancy as it ever was. The sun was down for the night to reign, the moon shining high, and not a single star relented to shine. Down in the town of Canterlot, which everypony knows lays in the castle's shadow, things were a bit less than peaceful. The mist rolled in, not wavered by any eruption of chaos ponies knew how to bring.

They did not care about this, however. The ponies below ran in chaos from the horrors unraveling throughout their town. From fancy to farmhand, the ponies darted down the street, wreaking havoc left and right. Store windows and homes were carelessly broken as ponies made their own attempts to escape with their fillies, family, and any personal belongings they had time to grab. The mist was chasing them, pushing them from the town as fast as it could, never relenting, always breathing. It crept closer and closer to envelop the whole town and it's fleeing inhabitants.

Not a single pony looked back after they had parted from the town gates. The guards - the ones left, that is - rushed ponies out, not even attempting to keep order anymore. There were too few, and the damage had already been done. Now, they just wanted to get out themselves. The brave few who did not flee, and the lucky few who survived, stood at the gates to usher as many ponies out as they could. The mist was upon them now, but with strong faces they stayed, performing their royal duties to the last breath.

But then, the gate slammed shut by a powerful force that not even the gathering of fleeing ponies pressing against it could open it. The remaining guards were severed, none of them being pegasi, though the few civilians who were could not escape anyways. The mist had formed some sort of barrier over the town. All who were in were trapped, and all who were out fled, to their horror.

The screaming and shouting stopped. In the mist, a pair of pink, diluted eyes carved their holes, while a demented smile did the same. It's fangs glinted in the blurry moonlight; a powerful display to even the bravest pony. Slowly, and very reluctantly, the mass of final refugees turned around to face their fear.


Twilight was awoken by the scream of her number one assistant. She shot from her soft bed, collapsing to the floor. "Spike!" she yelled out to him, "I'm coming!" She did not know where he was, but she would do her best under the circumstances.

"I-I'm in the entrance!" he called to her. She took no time to burst through the door and charge down the stairs to face Spike's problem. Though dark, she could see with the help of the moon, which flooded its light through her open door.

"Spike? What's wrong? Did someone break in?" Twilight demanded, tossing her head left and right for answers. But it was too dark, and she grunted in annoyance as she resorted to magic this late at night. Her horn charged a deep burning violet, illuminating the room with a soft glow. Despite her attempt at subtlety, she still had to blink rapidly to regain her sight.

"L-Luna!" she choked at the sight of her beloved princess sprawled on the floor. "Oh my gosh! What happened?" Her coat was torn and beat, and her breathing shallow.

Still, the exhausted alicorn looked up to Twilight with the help of Spike, and began to mumble something. Twilight got closer, and closer still to understand. She practically had her ear to Luna's lips when she could make out the words.

"Can...Canterlot," the Princess mumbled. Her head drooped, but Spike quickly picked her back up. "Go...Canterlot...Friends..." With a sigh, Luna fell from consciousness.

"Oh my, Spike, this is bad! Write a letter to the Princess-"

"No!" the weak Luna coughed, finding her consciousness for a brief moment. "No... Go..." A heavy breath out, and Luna was gone again. Twilight looked around, confused.

"I, uh, well," she stammered.

Spike intervened. "Twilight you need to get going! I'll take care of the Princess, but you need to go! Go get Princess Celestia, she'll know what to do."

Hopping from leg to leg, she began to sweat from the stress. "Well, um, I guess, uh."

"Go!" Spike pushed her with words. He was actually dragging the princess to the stairs, with a look that showed how much he knew this would suck.

"B-But Canterlot is so far away," Twilight panicked. "I need to find Nurse Redheart."

Spike shot her an annoyed look, with plenty of words behind it. "No, Twilight, she said get to Canterlot. A Princess just told you to go to Canterlot! Go!" he urged her, nervousness apparent.

Twilight shook her head in confusion, but when she felt the spark of encouragement, she took it. The mare darted out the library, into the moonlight, when she slammed into something. The light on her horn died out as she rubbed her head.

"I apologize Miss Sparkle," a gruff voice said. She looked up, and found that it was one of Luna's personal guards. Only one.

"What..." she trailed as her head throbbed. Her plot was cold on the ground, but she did not stand.

"There's no time for an explanation. Please, we need to hurry. Get on," he said, almost ordering her onto Luna's personal chariot. He hitched himself into one of the two empty slots, giving Twilight an urgent look.

"Um, okay," she mumbled. Annoyed, the tired unicorn climbed aboard. "You taking me to Canterlot?"

The guard shook his head. "No ma'am, I was ordered to take you to gather your friends. Only one has been alerted so far, Miss Rainbow Dash." The pegasus promptly took off as he explained. "She has gone to Miss Fluttershy, and will be heading for a Miss Rarity soon. I told her to meet at the town fountain, in the park."

The chariot swerved left, and descended to the very nearby Sugarcube Corner. "What's going on? I want an explanation," Twilight ordered. The nighttime disturbance was making her cranky.

”I do not know all, but please, it is very important," the guard insisted as the wheels hit the ground. "Please, I shall explain in the park. Go get your friend, Pinkie Pie, I believe." Twilight sighed. "And be quick about it," the guard added.

Twilight snorted, taking the comment as rude, and jumped off the chariot. She trotted into Sugarcube Corner - she could just walk in, being on official business - and flipped the lights on. Pinkie would be upstairs, sleeping no doubt. Twilight liked it when she was sleeping.

She sighed, and turned to head up the stairs. But two ponies beat her to it. "Oh, um, hello Mr. and Mrs. Cake," she yawned.

"Twilight? What're you doin here?" Mr. Cake asked, his tired head popping out from the top of the stairs.

"I...Are you sweating? What...Ugh, just get Pinkie for me please?" she asked as kindly as she could

"Pinkie?" Mrs. Cake appeared, sweat drenched as well. "Whatever for?"

The unicorn shook her head at the thoughts. "I don't know. But Princess Luna-"

"P-Princess? She wants Pinkie?" Mrs. Cake asked, a shocked look on her face.

"Well, no, but-"

"Is she in trouble? I always knew she was a nut, but..." Mr. Cake trailed off, worried.

Twilight growled loudly. "JUST GET ME PINKIE!"

Both the Cake's stopped. "Well, um, I suppose," Mrs. Cake mumbled, turning and leaving the stairs.

Mr. Cake remained to annoy Twilight. "Did she do something wrong?" he asked.

Twilight facehoofed, but understood his basis. "No, she didn't. But something's wrong, and-"

"REALLY?" a jumpy voice cut her off.

"I can't even get in one sentan-"

Pinkie unleashed her usual barrage as she barreled down the stairs. "Twilight!" she flipped. "Are you here to have a sleepover? YAY! Ohmygosh, we gotta-"

"Pinkie shut up!" she snapped. Almost instantly she regretted saying those words. Her pink mane friend stopped at the bottom of the stairs, and fell to her seat. "I'm sorry Pinkie, it's late, and there's a lot going on-"

"It's okay!" she said, back to her usual psychotic self in seconds.

Twilight huffed, trying to breathe her annoyance and displeasure out. "I don't want to have a sleepover. We need to get out to Luna's chariot."

"Her chariot?" the pony asked, tilting her head. "Why is she here? I mean, I like her and all, but," she interrupted her own thoughts, "She can sleep over too!"

"Pinkie, we are not having a sleepover," Twilight darted Pinkie a harsh look.

"Oh, right, well still!" she bounced.

"And," Twilight continued, "Princess Luna is not with us. We need you and Applejack to get to the park with us."

Pinkie once again tilted her head, confused. "What's at the park. Twilight, it's like, midnight."

"I know Pinkie, I know," she said through clenched teeth. "Look, we really need to be going."

"Okie Dokie Lokie!" The party on legs bounced. She hopped past Twilight, straight out the door.

"I'll, uh, take care of her," Twilight assured the Cakes. They nodded, and she flashed herself out of the bakery, and onto the chariot.


The chariot landed gracefully at Sweet Apple Acres, and the annoyed Twilight eagerly jumped out. Pinkie could talk anypony to death, even after waking up at midnight. "I'll be right back," she nodded to the guard, who looked uneasily back at the sputtering pony. "And I promise to be quick," empathy rang from her voice.

She trotted up to the door to the farmhouse door. The guard that was flying them around had told them nothing; in fact, he barely said anything other than asking for directions. Twilight sighed a long, weary sigh, and knocked on the door. There was no answer. After what felt like at least a minute of waiting - five if Pinkie was talking, but the guard was shooting her angry looks - Twilight decided to try again. Harder now, she banged on the door. If this didn't wake anypony up, she was sure nothing less than an explosion would

Thankfully, and explosion was not needed. From between the cracks of the door, Twilight was hit in the eye with a light. Already angry with everything, she slammed her hoof on the door in annoyance and slight pain.

"I'ma comin," an old voice crocked. "No need ta go bangin."

It was Granny Smith; Twilight knew this could take a while. So, she sat on the itchy welcome mat that sat in front of the door, and waited.

The guard's voice pierced the cold air. "What's the problem?" He asked thickly.

"Give her a minute," Twilight assured. The next part she mumbled to herself. "Or ten..."

Yet surprisingly, Granny Smith was at the door in no time. The rattling lock came unbolted, and the old wooden thing swung ajar quickly. "Well hello there, deary," She smiled.

"Hi Granny, is Applejack home?" she asked.

Granny Smith's smile fell, and her face was soon that of worry. "Here Twilight hon, it's a note from Applejack." She reached to a small table, and picked up the small piece of paper with her mouth. Twilight took it in the same manner when it was offered. "She told me ta give that to ya should ya stop by. I didn't want to believe'r, but, um, you need ta get movin is all." With that, the green old mare slammed the door in Twilight's face.

The rudeness in the air tonight was spreading like a wildfire. Fuming with agitation, she dropped the paper, catching it with magic and quickly unfolding it. She had to squint to read in the night, but the message was clear.

Stay away from Canterlot. This ain't somethin for y'all.
Be home soon, see ya then.


AM? Her name was Applejack, not... Apple-whatever. Twilight dropped the note and sighed. "That note was from Applejack," she told the guard as she climbed into the chariot. "She said not to go to Canterlot."

"So she's not here?" Pinkie asked. "I'm confused."

Twilight nodded.

"You have a smart friend, Twilight Sparkle," the guard hissed, picking the chariot up and heading off into the night.

The flight to the park was short, sweet, and bitter cold. Pinkie was, thankfully, being silent, letting Twilight organize her thoughts. As much as she could, anyways, as she really had no clue what to make of this. Beat up Luna, midnight, Apple-M gone, a warning... She was beginning to form an idea, but the extent of her knowledge kept her from creating an organized hypothesis. Frustration morphed with her thoughts, exhaustion fueling it, with a hint of everypony behind the whole thing. All Twilight could do was lean over the edge and watch the trees go by as they approached the park.

By now the chariot was swaying. "I apologize," the guard said, preparing to land. "The flight here with Mistress Luna was exhausting."

"It's perfectly alright," The unicorn said calmly. She had cooled down enough for some limited social interaction now, but some coffee would help. Still she kept cool as the chariot landed with an ungracious thud on the grass by the fountain. Just as it stabled, the guard collapsed from the hitching, giving his burning muscles a much needed break.

Twilight was first out, followed by Pinkie, who's excitement had returned. She bounced and sputtered while Twilight did her best to ignore her. "Thank you kindly for the work you've done. Why not take a break?" she suggested to the sweating pegasus.

"I'm afraid I cannot. Direct orders from Princess Luna," he panted. "I have to get you and your five, er, four friends to Canterlot immediately. There are to be no interruptions, I was told."

"Only if you're sure," she said with sympathy. This was the only pony that hadn't annoyed her all night, so she was ever so grateful. "Rainbow Dash could help you, I think," she suggested, nodding to the empty hitch.

The guard perked his ears up. "Are you sure? Is she a strong flyer? This thing is heavy," he breathed.

"Oh absolutely. She's one tough pegasus," Twilight confirmed. The guard just smiled. "Actually, I think I hear them coming now. Good, we can finally figure out what's going on." A small smile of relief flashed on her face.

Her suspicion was true, and from the town came three ponies, all speed walking. "I already told you, I don't know," Rainbow Dash snapped.

"Don't you get all rude to me," A voice that was obviously Rarity's retorted.

Fluttershy chimed in. "Um, girls, sorry but I don't think this is a good time to get into an argument."

"I suppose you're right, dear," Rarity groaned. "That carriage you were talking about is right there."

Twilight watched them approach. "Girls, please hurry," she called to them.

"We're coming, chill," the grumpy Rainbow Dash moaned.

"Yeah, pick up the pace!" Pinkie barked in a mockingly ordered tone. Twilight shot her a look, and she backed down.

In the air, Twilight could tell that tension was growing from her continuous stare. Even when her friends were next to the chariot, they did not speak. Pinkie was backed against the fountain now, wanting to get away from the scowl on Twilights face. When she was sure - absolutely sure - that Pinkie would quit, she slowly looked away.

"Twilight, um, what's going on?" Fluttershy asked as the tension dissipated.

"I'm not sure. But this nice guard here does." She pointed to the guard, who was getting re-shackled. "I can tell you what I do know though," she said, giving the guard time to get fitted, "Applejack's gone to Canterlot, and doesn't want us to follow. We are anyways, but... yeah... Also, Princess Luna is safe." She nodded to Rainbow Dash, who's knotted look gave way at the comment. "Spike is taking care of her."

"What happened to the Princess?" Rarity asked, worried now. "Rainbow just told us that she was panicked."

"She, um," Twilight began.

But now that the guard was finished, he helped her out. "She engaged in battle with something powerful, but that's all I know," he spoke. With a hoof, he waved the five ponies around him, all of which were more than eager to hear him. "I'll tell you more on the way there." Each of them let out a slightly disappointed sigh. "I apologize, but we really need to be going. Now. Miss Rainbow Dash, Miss Twilight claims you are a powerful flyer. I cannot make the trip on my own. Would you help me?"

Rainbow was always eager to show off, and Twilight knew it. It was no surprise when the cyan pegasus agreed, and quickly latched up. For the rest of them, they all simply climbed into the chariot and waited. The buckling did not take long, and soon Rainbow jittered anxiously, excited to drive a royal chariot. "Are you ready?" the guard asked. A look was all it took; the guard had apparently seen it before. He spread his tired wings, and diligently flapped alongside Rainbow, and the chariot soon lifted from the ground and was on its way.

"I don't know much, to be honest," the guard panted. Ponyville was quickly being left in their wake, and Canterlot, though a long way off, grew larger in small portions. "I was in the barracks, with the rest of the guards." The cold night air was rushing onto everypony's face, chilling it greatly. The stinging effect was just a bonus.

"But," he continued, "I remember a sweat soaked private. Er, pony... Ah, nevermind."


"Yeah, my plot!" Commander Nightwatch slammed his tankard down on the wooden table, the noise echoing through the chow hall. The night was like any other; he had gotten into an argument with the commander of Celestia's forces, Daylight, and was about to end up at the wrong end of yet another bet.

"Right, and let me guess, you can swallow it whole, right?" his rival sarcastically suggested.

Nightwatch slid his ale away. "As if you could swallow it in half! You're lyin!" he claimed. His forces were around him, and Daylight's around him. The stare-off had begun.

"Well the barracks are almost empty tonight, thanks to you," the commander snorted. "So let's prove it, once and for all. I'll put thirty bits to say that you can't swallow it."

Nightwatch looked around, and noted that he was right. It was for a good reason, though. "I already told ya, I have a bad feeling about tonight. So I increased the security. Problem?" he sneered. The white commander just shrugged and grinned. "And I'll put thirty five to it!" He pulled out his coin bag from his saddle back, and slammed it on the table. The two forces stared in excitement.

Any thrill was a blessing now; there wasn't much exciting going on in Canterlot. A thief here, bandit there, but nothing major. The blue commander was beginning to fear that his forces were becoming limp. All the more reason to send more out tonight.

In the hearty warmth of the torch lit room, Daylight chuckled. "Alright, you're on! Hope you enjoy losing, friend."

"I never lose," Nightwatch bluffed. "Beanstalk!" he shouted to the chef, who too was watching intently for this new bet to go wrong. "Two of your extra large blood runner burritos, please!" The tan pony burst into laughter at the request as she backed off the food stand and went into the kitchen to prepare.

"Swallow this whole and I may just pay for your hospital bill," Daylight laughed heartedly.

Nightwatch smirked. "I have a stomach of steel. At least my bathroom will manage to stay clean. I remember the first time you ate half of one of these things," he chuckled. Daylight blushed, thinking of his next move.

Before another card was played, however, a blue, sweat drenched pegasus burst through the doors and slid across a few tables. "C-Commanders!" she exclaimed.

"What is it private?" he asked the trembling pony.

"S-Sir! We don't know what it is, but something is tearing us up out there!" From behind him, a vase shattered in the hall.

"Alright, calm down," Daylight said as he approached. "All forces move out and suppress this thing." Each of the ponies behind him nodded respectfully and charged out.

"You're safe private," Nightwatch promised, holding her trembling hoof. "Deep breaths, in, out, good. Now, tell us what's going on."

"I-I don't know sir! This mist. I-It just appeared! We got lost, separated in it! A-At first is seemed like a spell gone wrong, but then p-p-private Scrollward screamed, and-"

"We haven't got time for this!" Daylight exclaimed. He fled from her, and grabbed his helmet from the table. "I'll see you out there," he told Nightwatch. The blue commander nodded, and let Daylight go on his way.

"It's alright, continue," he said. The difference, he thought to himself, from Celestia's forces and us is that we take the time to figure something out before recklessly charging in.

The sporadic breaths of the private fell under control again, and she continued, "There was blood from where he was. B-But he wasn't there. T-There was a figure! But I don't know what it was... It was tearing us up! I-I got so afraid that I just ran! I-I figured that i-if the two commanders knew what was going on..."

"It's alright private, you did a good job. How bad is this thing?"

"I-It's bad. We c-clustered to fight it off in one of the h-halls. T-There had to b-be at least twenty of us in that block. It t-tore us apart in seconds." The private shivered.

"Alright," he told her, "Stay here. Do you know where either Princess is?" The private shook her head. "Okay. I need to find Mistress Luna and get her out of here. You stay here and get anypony you can in here with you. If that thing comes back, you'll need help. I'll send any help I can, I promise."

That said, he dropped the pony, and gushed from the door. To his right was where both the private and the commander had come and gone to. So, he turned left and rushed down the hall. If Luna would be anywhere, it would be her tower. Left right, up down, he flew through the castle, telling each and every frenzied guard he saw to do one of two things. Every other one, he told to get to the chow hall as fast as they could. The others, he told to escort anypony they could from the castle, and then from the city. This was an emergency, and was to be treated as such.

He swooped around a bend that would get him straight to Luna's tower - the stairs, anyways - but was stopped by the mist that was flowing through. Her tower's stairs were at the corner of a T-Junction, in the most regal part of the castle, and he knew this place as well as the Princesses surely. But this mist was what the private was talking about, meaning that that creature had surely been here. His fears for the princess worsened.

"Anything for the princess," he whispered to himself. Rearing his head, he charged into the mist boldly, turning as quick as he could to get up the stairs. This stairway was cold and dark; a wrong feeling, as normally the torches kept it warm and well lit. Without a moment of hesitation, he charged up the mist, doing his best to ignore the wrongness he felt about the area. The door to Luna's room would be just a few stairs away, and he needed all his nerves for what he might see.

The blue doors opened like paper when he bashed into them, and he fumbled in, looking for any signs of whatever the private had seen. What he found, was a blue alicorn spread limp amongst a huge mess of papers and belongings. He jumped over a topple bookcase to his princess. When he was able to truly see her through the mist, horror panned his eyes.


"I got her chariot as quickly as I could, and shoved her on it. The mist was spreading out of the front castle gates when I finally was able to depart," he said over his shoulder. The ponies all had looks of horror. "Well," he shouted over the wind, "What I could see down in the town was a mass choas of confusion and panic. I was lucky to be flying with the chariot; ponies gave me space. I cannot even begin to tell you how many pegasi were toppling each other to the ground in fear. Anyways, we got out thankfully, and made it to Ponyville. The princess had once told me of her new friends there."

Twilight blushed, but shot harsh words in her mind. This was no time for that. "Oh!" the guard picked up, "She kept mumbling something. I think it was 'Draculestia', but I'm not sure."

"Draculestia?" Rainbow asked through the wind. "Like Dracula?" Twilight smiled proudly; she had lent that book to Rainbow a few weeks ago. A lightning bolt from the forming storm scared her from her thoughts though.

"Like I said, I don't know. But I hope not," the guard, apparently Nightwatch, responded. Canterlot was growing faster as the quickly approached, and Twilight could see the mist drifting through the town and castle. It seemed almost... alive.

"Where are we setting down?" Twilight called up to Nightwatch.

"Probably at the town gates. I don't think flying over that mist is a good idea," he responded. She was inclined to believe him; after his last premonition, anything in that pony's gut was right to her.

"What about Princess Celestia?" she called to the front. "Did she make it out?"

Nightwatch turned over his shoulder. "I hope so. Daylight went towards her tower, so I can only assume so. He's a strong one, despite his mouth."

"I hope you're right-" A thunder clap from the merging clouds not only cut her off, but scared her greatly. That story already had her nerves on end. "Rainbow, was there a storm scheduled for tonight?"

"Not that I remember," Rainbow Dash called back. "I don't see any pegasi up there either." She searched for the source of the storm. "Yep, I don't know what to tell ya Twi-" Boom! Another lightning bolt flew furiously down from the clouds, striking Nightwatch with a flash of brilliantly terrifying light. His harness cracked on its supports, despite being metal, and before anypony had a chance to do anything, his harness unattached itself from the chariot and fell to the ground. The one source of information, and their only protector was lost in the dark trees.

Everypony watched in horror as he disappeared. "Oh my!" Rarity exclaimed. "Why, we can't leave him! Rainbow, turn around this instant and go back for him!"

"I...I would..." the strained pegasus said. Twilight turned back to see her as her wings began to fail. "I didn't... realize... how strong that...pony was."

All of them screamed as the chariot jerked left, almost throwing out Pinkie. Luckily, Fluttershy grabbed Pinkies hoof and used her wings to pull the pony back up.

"Rainbow!" Twilight called. "Set us down!"

"Almost... to...town..." Rainbow heaved. Her face was redder than an apple.

"It's alright! We can walk! Just set us down!" Twilight yelled.

The hard headed pegasus surprisingly relented. "Alright... hang.. on.." Twilight wondered if she was even breathing now. Despite the thought, the chariot began to fall to Equestria, rain soon after it. The cold liquid bit their coats as the chariot's descent sped.

"I...can't..." Rainbow pushed.

"Fluttershy, help her!" Twilight stomped.

"I... I," the timid pony panicked.

But it was too late. The chariot was falling faster and faster, and Rainbow Dash was beginning to sway. Too much strain burst a blood vessel, and she was having a hard time controlling any of her actions. The gothic ride swayed in the wind, the gates of Canterlot so close it mocked them. Twilight watched in dismay as the chariot fell to the tree line instead of the misty gates.

Five screams echoed as the chariot smashed to the hard ground below. Each of them were scattered from the harsh crash, Twilight of them all being the luckiest. She had been snagged by a tree branch. Dazed, she looked down at her friends. Her world was spinning, but the damage was clear. The moonlight helped, but Twilight could still see the shattered chariot, her mangled friends, and the...blood.

They were all still moving, of course, with the exception of Rainbow Dash. While she seemed the least damaged of the four, the strain had obviously gotten to her. She laid limply on the shattered iron chariot, with the rest of the ponies around her, crawling away. Some looked broken - Pinkie had a crushed arm - while Rarity and Fluttershy seemed better off.

Twilight was simply stuck in a tree.

"Girls," she called down to them, "I'm coming! Stay there!"

"Darling," Rarity coughed, "There aren't many places we could go."

Twilight sighed. "Well still! I'll be right there!" She put a hoof down on a lower branch, then one lower than that, and climbed down as far and as fast as she could. She wasn't high up; only three or four branches and she would have some solid footing. But on the last branch, her hoof slipped, and she painfully jostled down to the ground like a ragdoll.

"I... I'm okay," she said, rubbing her screaming head. The rain was beginning to get harder, beating down on her tauntingly. "Don't worry," she wobbled to her hooves, "I'm coming."

One hoof, another, then another again. She stumbled out into the crash, looking to each of her friend. Obviously Pinkie need the most help. Twilight went to her friends side, and bent down. "Pinkie..."

"Twi...Twilight," the pink mare smiled. "Hey Twilight. What's that?" Twilight knew she had to be in some sort of hysteria; her arm bones were jutting out of her. Still, she looked to see what the pony was pointing to.

"I-I think that's the mist," she stuttered.

"The one that..." Pinkie coughed, "That that guy was talkin about?"

Twilight nodded and watched the mist. It was breathing like a pony... "That's... That's not possible," the unicorn fumbled with her thoughts. "What is this..."

A voice from behind her beckoned. A very, very familiar voice.

"Twilight, Ah told y'all not to come round here!" she heard. Applejack!

"Applejack, do you know what is- whoa!" she remarked as the orange pony swept her up and tossed her back like a saddle bag. "Applejack put me down! We need to get to our friends!"

"Twi, b'cause you didn't listen to me, our friends our out of the question!" the pony snapped as she fled the scene. Twilight watched the mist roll over her friends through the gaps in the trees.

As they drifted away, Twilight could hear her friends calling for her. Too disoriented to even raise her own hoof, she could do nothing but listen to their pleas as the mist devoured them.

"Y'all was right Big Mac," Twilight heard Applejack say. "It was them."

Looking around, Twilight found herself at the gates of the city of Canterlot, doused in rain. There was debris on the road, most of it looking to be very personal items. As she rode sprawled on Applejack's back, she saw pictures of whole families holding each other. There were golden lockets, journals, notes, and even - and this hit her the most - a little teddybear holding a hear that said 'mommy'. Twilight looked away when she saw a tiny blood spot on its right leg.

She looked up at where she was being taken, wondering what had happened to cause this chaotic mess. Finding herself staring at the gates of a mist-logged Canterlot, she could only assume that this was what Luna was talking about. Next to the barred gates, was a rather large tent with a light inside. And there, poking his head out, was Big Macintosh. "Eyup," he nodded.

"Why do ya always have ta be right?" she sneered as she neared the tent.

Big Mac chuckled. "Not sure," he smiled.

Now at the lips of the folding tent, Applejack stopped, and with the help of her brother, slid Twilight off. "This ain't funny Big Mac, she's in danger, and so are th' rest of ma friends."

"Ah know," he sighed.

Applejack shook her head and turned to Twilight. "C'mon in, y'all don't wanna be out here long." The apple farmer was right, too. The night air seemed to watch them, the mist seeming to be it's pet. Gladly Twilight entered the tent.

Inside was cozy enough; there was a table with a lantern next to the support beam, its contents being some old books and a knife-edged Celestia figurine. The sides drooped, and connected with the ground with tacks. Though it was not the figure of the tent that made Twilight stop in awe. No, it was the contents of the little tent. Sprawled across the floor were countless whips, chains, crosses, and Celestia figures. It was an arsenal of the oddest weapons Twilight had ever seen.

"Don't mind them there," Applejack said, kicking a whip or two from her little straw cot in the corner. "C'mere and lemme have a look at ya."

Twilight, who didn't mind the attention, gladly walked to her friend, and sat on a spot that was patted for her. As soon as she sat, Applejack began inspecting her, tilting her chin up and down, and looking at her arms and legs. She even went as far as to check the inner thighs, causing Twilight to blush hard. But her friend did not so much as smile.

"Ah don't know if ya want answers, and Ah wouldn't normally care," she said, lifting Twilight's tail to peer down there. Twilight blushed again, but told herself it was for a good reason. "But, y'all is here, so now we don't have a choice."

"Actually, I do want answers," she explained in a stern tone. Applejack ignored her, and looked at her rib cage. "Why did you sigh you're letter 'AM' first of all."

Applejack immediately stopped, her look holding a curse behind it. "I... Dangit! How could Ah have been so careless. I thought Ah did everythin perfect."

"It's alright sis," Big Mac sighed, sitting next to her. "She may as well know. She's comin with us, after all."

"Now Ah never said that Big Mac!" Applejack rejected.

Her brother sighed, and kicked the dirt with his hoof. "Well she can't stay here alone, and she can't go back." There was a small silence, only the patting of rain on the tent making noise.

"Ah...Ah'll think of somethin," she sighed. "But... Ah suppose y'alls right." She turned back to Twilight, and inspected her other rib. "Look Twi, I signed it AB on accident. Listen here when I tell you... Mah name's not really Applejack."

Twilight backed up, taken by surprise. "W-What?" she stammered.

"I said, Mah name's not Applejack. It's AppleMont. And this here's Big Macinmont. We hide our names for a good reason, b'fore ya go cursin me," she sighed. "Twilight, y'all are a bookworm. You know what a vampony is?"

Twilight shot her a look that screamed of the situations insanity. "Yes, I do. Ponies that have fangs and suck blood of other ponies to survive. They're fictional creatures, nothing more."

"They're real Twi," Applejack said, seriously. "Look, ya like history, so maybe Ah should start with a bit of that. It was a long time ago, way before Granny Smith and her folks came here."

"Appleja, er, Applemont, this sounds like-"

Big Macinmont stepped in. "Ah know it sounds like a bunch a' horseapples, sorry for mah language, but it ain't. Listen. This is important to your life."

Twilight gulped and turned back to Applemont. "He's tellin tha truth. So, sorry to be rude, but just shut yer trap." She blushed, flustered. Her previous rudeness was coming back to her.

"Anyways, it was way back when, in a time when Celestia was havin trouble rulin Equestria," Applejack said. "Discord was finally defeated, and 'harmony' was restored an' all. But there was a problem, ya see. That problem was vamponies."

Twilight looked to Big Macinmont for clarification, but he just nodded.

"These were a huge problem fer Celestia, and whatever anypony tells ya, that castle in tha forest is where it all started. The vamponies like their castles," Applemont sighed. "With Celestia an' Luna startin to bicker, there wasn't no time for these pale freaks. But they kept comin, and takin anypony they wanted. Guards did what they could, but these vamponies were too strong. Eventually, Celestia was afraid of a full war."

The unicorn took a moment to soak all this up, but Applemont hardly gave it. "Now y'all should know of her faithful knight of the post discord age, right?"

Twilight thought hard. "Um...yes," she said. She had studied that age after all.

"Well that's who she called upon ta help with the problem. What she found was that this pony had a certain... talent fer this. Well, that pony was our ancestor, the first -mont." The 'mont' in front of Twilight was spewing more horseapples. "This -mont was a skilled bell maker in Canterlot, and was more than crafty. Fer her bells, people would do anythin. It helped that people thought her bells were blessed by Celestia. Turns out, one of em was. When Celestia told her about the vamponies, she made it clear that she wasn't gonna be able ta do it alone."

"So, Celestia told 'er to bring her the finest bell she'd ever crafted. I reckon she was jus' about as confused as you right now," Applemont tipped her hat to Twilight. "But, she did anyways. And finely crafted this thing was. It was quite the sight. Well, Celestia took it, and enchanted it with some powerful magic stuff, and gave it back to 'er. She used it to bring down th' vamponies at that castle. Wasn't pretty, I can tell ya that. But it was done, and when she returned to Canterlot in her flimsy armor, she was a hero only to Celestia and Luna. Bein kind an' all, they made her some special armor that looked like th' bell. From then on out, she was Celestia's vampony hunter. And there ya have it, the story of our ancestor, Bellmont."

"Bellmont," the words slipped from Twilights tongue easily.

"Eyup," Big Macinmont said, coming back to the cot with something in his mouth. He spat it out into Applemont's lap.

"Thanks Big Mac," she said, wiping the spit off. "This is that bell." She tossed the small globe to Twilight, who reluctantly caught it.

Though, it was true. The bell was marvelously made, with small inscriptions running down it's sides. It was a globe, with a tiny rattler inside it, and when Twilight shook it, a wonderful noise rang out that was darkly peaceful. It shined silver, even without direct light, and radiated of what she could sense to be extremely powerful magic.

"Problem is, it's only got one function now. It only rings when there's a vampony threat out there. Well, when it does, we head on down here as fast as we can to speak with the Princess. That's when we found... er, well this. Canterlot bein all messed up. Mist like that only happens in the presence of a very powerful vampony, usually a unicorn much like yourself. But there's somethin different about this mist. I don't know what it is, but it's pretty strange. That's why we got that there book." She nodded to the open book on the table that Big Mac was staring into. "That's Bellmont's journal. Says there's some powerful magic in that bell. Thing is, it says that Celestia used a 'strange magic' to activate it. I reckon that we need it in order ta stop this one."

"I could try to activate it," Twilight offered. She didn't like this at all... but it was serious, and the more Applemont spoke, the more believable it got.

But Applemont shook her head. "Nope. Journal also says that when the armor was made, it was fused with th' bell. Means we need her armor first. And every mont knows where that is." She looked away and scowled. "Castle Canterlot's hall of relics."

"So we just have to get into Canterlot and get the armor. Simple," Twilight sighed in relief.

Applemont ruined it though. "Two things wrong with that. One, there's gonna be some problems in our way. Always are, but this time, Ah think things are gonna be... a bit worse. Two, it's in the castle. That's the worst place for anythin to be right now, especially ponies. This is gonna be harder than y'all can imagine, Twi."

"Hey sis," Big Mac called out. "I ain't seen this before. It's smudged, but I'll read it out. It, uh, looks like Draculestia."

Twilight's stomach knotted. "Y'all okay Twi, you gonna be sick?" Applemont asked.

"No..." the pony shook her head. "Luna... Her guard said she was muttering Draculestia before she passed out."

"Huh," Applemont huffed. "Y'all don't reckon that has anything ta do with... Oh dear. If this is what I'm thinkin it is, then we got a bigger problem on our hooves than any mont in history."

"Eyup," Big Mac gulped.

Twilight looked at them both, beginning to panic. "A-Are you saying that.... The princess..."

Applemont shrugged this time. "Twi, listen, I don't want to think about it too hard, but we're gonna need ya. You've never done this b'fore, Ah know... My first time was hard too, but ya gotta stay strong and come with us. We need ya."

"Y-You want me to go into the city and attack the Princess?" she stammered.

"N-Now hold on there, we never said nothin about it bein the princess. Nopony knows. She might just be trapped, and you could be on a rescue mission." Applemont smiled nervously. "I-It could be all Prince Blulucard. He never liked Celestia much, A-Ah know, so m-maybe he's doin all of this."

Twilight sighed, and thought. It could be true... but to even think of her mentor as one of those... things. Those brutal mythic beasts that called themselves vamponies... then she just didn't know. But there was no way to be sure than to go in. "I... alright. But when do we leave?"

"Soon Ah reckon. If we wait, we risk lettin that vampony grow stronger than it already is," Applemont said. "But just so ya know, you're gonna be seein things in there that will scare ya fer life if ya aren't ready. I'd be lyin if I said I wasn't afraid myself."

Twilight sighed, and shook her head. "I...I'm just confused. But this is for Celestia, and the greater good of Equestria. So... I won't back down now. But one thing I need to ask. Where are our friends?"

Applemont looked down at the dirt. "Twi, I don't wanna answer that right now. If it makes ya feel better, Ah'm not sure. But..." her voice trailed off. "Don't get yer hopes up."

There was silence for a moment. "T-Then it's for them too," she stammered, trying to make herself feel better.

Her orange friend nodded with a small smile. "Alright good. Now we only brought enough equipment for the two of us, so we'll have ta make due. You can have mah whip, and I'm sure Big Mac'll share somethin with ya."

"Hang on," Big Mac said. "There's somethin wrong with this journal. Y'all go on in, I need ta stay here and figure this out. It seems important. Just don't... bite off more than y'all can chew."

"Big Mac, we're gonna need ya here," Applemont protested, standing from her cot.

"Enope. I need ta stay here and get this all figured out. Don't worry, I'll be fine. And Ah'll come for ya when I'm done. Till then I'll just keep shop."

The pony turned to Twilight uneasily. "Well, I, uh, Ah reckon that it's just us then."

"I, um, okay," she gulped down the new, unfortunate news.

Applemont cleared her throat. "Well, let's not waste any time..." She walked over to a small chest on the other side of the tent, and propped it open. There was an assortment of silver metal hoof wraps, helmets, metal saddlebacks, and small chestguards. Applemont took out four of the leg wraps, and shoved one onto each hoof, each resembling the royal footwraps. Then, she slid the chest guard on; Twilight noticed that it resembled the Princess's regal chest attire. Applemont did not seem to be impressed, but rather, continued gearing up with the metal saddleback. She tossed it on, latching it under her belly with ease. It was obvious that she had done this many times before. Then, she bent back into the chest, and pulled out a small metal cylinder. The pony threw her tail into the air, and soon after it she tossed the cylinder up. It flew down, and slid onto her tail as if it were lubed. Skill shone as she picked up the helmet, and shooed her hat away. With a flick of her head, it glided off easily, and she tossed the new head adornment on. It was much unlike anything Twilight had seen; it was silver, with inscriptions running down either side, both of which curved out onto her cheeks. The top of it had two curved horns that pointed inwards, and were both inscribed with the same symbols. Down the back, the metal curved to form a V-shape, stopping on her neck. Her ponytail fell, her hair lying flat on her head. This was definitely a new look for the pony, but it was obviously logical for the comfort of the helmet.

The metal-clad pony turned from the chest, and began picking various things up from the ground. Knives slid easily into small loops on the leg wraps, and two sharp edged Celestia figurines, skillfully crafted of her pose at the summer-sun celebration slid into loops on the saddle. She picked up her whip from beside the bed, and put in on a hook on the right of the saddle. After she had it secure, she walked to the bed and tossed the bell in a saddlebag. "Big Mac, can ya handle the potions while we're out?"

"Eyup," the tall stallion said, his nose still in the book.

"Good. Twi, we don't have any armor in yer size, sorry. But, um, here. It's Big Macinmont's whip. You know how ta use a whip, right?" she asked.

A vivid memory of when Trixie had returned to town flashed through her mind. She blushed, and said, "Yes, I'm, um, quite skilled."

Applemont gave her an odd look, but handed her the whip nonetheless. "Well anyhow, sorry for the lack of armor. But with that magic a' yers, I'm sure y'all are gonna be just fine."

"Um, T-Thanks," she smiled at the compliment.

The armored mare smiled back. "Well take a few seconds to prepare. I'll meet ya outside, by th' gate." She didn't even look back for a response before she slid out the tent.

Twilight turned away from her, and down to the whip. It was a normal whip, except the handle. Here it was a black metal that fumed of magic. Twilight snorted in repulsion. As long as it kept her alive, though, she'd be alright. It wasn't anything like that bell... Twilight shivered.

"Um, Big Mac?" she asked, turning her thoughts around.

"Eyup?" he asked, not looking up.

"Is there something I need to know before I go? Just... some advice, maybe?" There was a sincerity to her tone that was embellished with nervousness.

Now, the strong stallion looked up. "Just remember," he told her, looking her straight in the eyes. "All nightmares have to end sometime."