• Published 18th Oct 2013
  • 4,386 Views, 143 Comments

Fighting Games - Pics2Fics

Somepony's gotta look out for Button Mash. Babs, the new transfer student may be the one to do it.

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The New Girl

It had only been three days since Babs Seed transferred to her new high school. One thing she had to say for sure was that the students around here were quick learners. In just those few days, everypony there had learned not to mess with her.

Walking down the halls, she blows a bit of her pink mane out of her face while she casts casual glances to her fellow students. A few colts, once talking smugly amongst themselves, quickly hide behind or in lockers as she approaches, lest another one of them have a black eye to tend. Others have learned that she’s fine as long as you don’t give her any grief, giving her friendly waves that she returns with a nod.

And to think, she was nervous about coming here.

She passes another hall when she hears a loud crash. Turning over, she sees four colts. One of them is on the ground against the lockers, the others standing over him. She could only faintly hear what they were saying. Before she could really make out anything, she sees one of them kick the poor kid on the ground.

The others laugh. Babs grits her teeth.

“HEY!” she barks out, stomping towards them.

They look over and see the new girl. For just a moment, they stand their ground, not about to be chased away by some girl. However, as Babs rolls up the sleeves of her jacket, doubt begins to flood their mind. They see the toned muscles in her arms and recall the stories of just what this mare is capable of.

The first colt to leave does so in a quick jog to put as much distance between himself and the dangerous new girl. Another soon follows suit. The third tries to stand tough, but inches away just to keep out of swinging distance. However, as Babs got closer, his higher brain function telling him to flee finally reaches his legs, turning him right around and not stopping until he was past the corner.

With those three gone, Babs looks down at the poor colt they were picking on. He’s still curled up in a cowering ball, khaki pants pressed against his sweater vest and a backwards cap hiding his face.

“You okay?” she asks.

Slowly, the colt looks up at Babs. Looking around to find the others gone, he looks at the item he was holding near his stomach. A portable gaming device called a ‘Joy-Boy.’ Seeing as it’s not been damaged, he smiles.

“Y-Yeah… I’m okay…” he says shakily. “Thank you.”

“Forget about it,” she says with a wave of her hoof. “Where’s ya’ next class?”

“Oh, it’s in, um…” He looks both ways down the halls. “…room 213.”

She chuckles. “I’m headed there myself,” Babs says, rolling her sleeves back down. “I’ll take ya’ there, make sure those guys don’t cause anymore problems for ya’.” She offers a hoof to help him up.

“Really? T-Thanks!” he says, taking her hoof. In just a brief moment, Babs pulls him up with such force that he almost falls right back over.

“Whoa there,” Babs says. “Sure you’re okay?”

He nods as he catches his balance. ‘Wow, she’s strong…’ he thinks.

“Come on then,” she says, giving him a little tug of the hoof she’s holding for him to follow. “By the way, I’m Babs Seed. Who’re you?”

The colt has to almost jog to keep up with her pace. “I-I’m Button Mash,” he replies.