• Published 18th Oct 2013
  • 2,864 Views, 13 Comments

Beyond The Gates of Tartarus - Joey JoJo

A short story describing just what led to the creation of the Gates of Tartarus and the dark history that lies within the memories and recollections of one demon.

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Dear Princess Celestia

I still remember that fateful day. The day when the sun looked down on me in absolute shame. The day when not even the moon would acknowledge my existence. I still remember the disgusted expression shared by many of her subjects, and the fear that I had wrought on her kind. My dear, sweet Celestia; how you wounded me that day you casted both I and my kind down here. Oh if only all of Equestria could have seen that monstrous wrath in your eyes when you slammed these accursed doors shut, forever denying us the light of day. I have since lost count of the years, let alone the centuries since I was locked in this prison you call Tartarus, dearest Celestia. “It was for their own good,” you said aloud as you struck me down; as if you were trying to convince yourself the actions you took were justifiable by any means.

I still remember how it all happened. Many demons down here aside from myself have made it their duty to never forget just how we lost our paradise. How prideful you and Luna ruled this land after you usurped the beast known as Discord. The two of you made it a point to rule as equals and to treat your subjects with the highest respect. Oh the tales that were told of your endeavors to bring life to this land. To turn it into a kingdom fit for all. Those stories would always find their way past the badlands, and into the land known as Tartarus, where I and my kind wallowed under Minos’ rule. While that dreaded ruler might have reigned supreme, granting demons the freedom they so desired; we were still prisoners to our own self governing. If there was one code demons held above all else, it was “survival of the fittest”: an unspoken rule that had established Tartarus as a country of the worst caliber. A land that struck fear in the hearts of all who dared utter its name, let alone those who foolishly ventured forth into our territory with delusions of returning from whence they came.

As the years dragged on, Tartarus remained untouched; a place of the utmost taboo for all of Equestria’s inhabitants. Eventually the greedy nature of us demons did grow, having seen just what sort of lush kingdom you princesses brought into fruition. The land was now alive and teeming with immeasurable beauty those in Tartarus could only dream of. The skies were of the purest shade of blue, the oceans seemed to stretch on for eternity, the valleys descended into serene bliss, while the mountains’ snowy white caps practically scraped the sky with such pride and grace. Somehow even the sun and the moon’s brilliant radiance were only enhanced under your rule. Even our Lord Minos had fallen susceptible to envy as all of demon kind looked upon Equestria in want, knowing we could never bring such beauty to our own home. Equestria had to be ours.

The years would press on as you and Luna so valiantly defended your home from our kind and our many attempts to claim the land as our own under the kingdom of Tartarus. Never before had all of demon kind witnessed such graceful creatures like you and your sister, Luna. Your kind looked so frail and innocent, yet you would risk your lives endlessly so long as it meant defending the people you led. It was true what they said. You two truly embodied all of harmony and your kingdom did grow, not because of your power, but because of your undying will to preserve life at all costs.

Over time, even our Lord Minos had grown to respect your power and leadership. So much so that he appointed our three strongest demon generals, The Three Great Archfiends: Ifrit, Lilith and Ziz to act as ambassadors in hopes to resolve the conflict between Equine and Demon kind; having realized that continually combating your kingdom with raw power would result in nothing more than senseless blood loss. And so it was declared. The Three Great Archfiends kneeled before you and Luna out of respect and their own honor and would serve under your reign to try and bring an understanding between Demon and Equine. That would have been the end of it right then and there. That is, until your gaze focused towards my general direction. Your eyes, oh how magnificent was that first glance you casted upon me. You looked to me with such benevolence in your expression. To think that you considered I, Zamiel the Black Hunter, worth your time and attention. I was but a lowly demon who stayed at Minos’ side out of fear and protection as I was one of the unfortunate souls who were never able to grow in strength, more than often leaving us as prey for the much larger and more powerful demons over time. That would have been my fate had the Great Archfiends not taken to my side in my time of weakness; reaching out to me claiming that there was more to a demon than just strength alone. It was thanks to them that I was appointed as the right hand and advisor of Minos. And even then, despite my frail, shadowy frame, you shared the same strong, confident look as the Archfiends. You looked to me and approached with such grace, moving right past our lord and ruler and asked me my name.

“Zamiel,” I stuttered out of intimidation. “Zamiel,” you echoed, letting the name sink in. “That is such a lovely name.” Never before had I felt such warmth in anyone’s words. It wasn’t long before Luna was at your side as you looked up to Minos, a proposition at the ready. You then altered the deal between Tartarus and Equestria with such a bold resolve that not even our most vile demons would dare oppose your decision. In exchange for peaceful relations between you and Minos, you even demanded that I would join you in Equestria alongside the Three Great Archfiends to help your people better understand our kind; wanting nothing more than Demons and Equines to eventually coexist in harmony. Your benevolent intentions were genuine and that radiant smile you graced us all with was enough to convince even the cold hearted Minos to trust your leadership. Oh how foolish we were to let you lead us on.

Years would pass as you taught me more and more about Equestrian culture and its core values; hoping that I may one day share this knowledge in full with Lord Minos. I honestly thought it was all a joke at first. Honesty, Laughter, Loyalty, Generosity, Kindness and Magic. What were these ideals to a demon such as myself? What honestly could become of some poor slob, were he to try and live with such traits among demons? Creatures whose very nature was nothing more than never ending conflict and endless strife in hopes to attain power. “What use would such harmonious elements present to us?” I remember asking.

“It is because of these that one can become as strong as I and Luna,” I remember you saying to me. “It is not just the might and force a leader presents, but rather the compassion they are willing to emulate for not just their people, but for their enemies as well.” Those words would echo in my mind for years as you and Luna continued to show me your ways, yet I could not help but feel that something about this land you ruled seemed so wrong.

As time passed, The Great Archfiends would eventually become highly respected among Canterlot nobles and royal guard ponies alike as they continued to serve you and Luna without the slightest hesitation. When asked why, I remember Ifrit stating aloud. “We serve both Celestia and Luna without question as it is our duty to protect Equestria. Doing so will surely show that demon kind can be trusted as not just allies, but as friends.” This was all too much to handle. The more and more relations between Equestria and Tartarus grew for the better, the more doubt had begun to set in. This idea that demons could find a paradise among these ponies seemed like nothing more than a fanciful dream; a fairytale if you will. And that was just what it was.

Despite the Great Archfiend’s efforts to win the hearts of Equestria, we were still feared. Throughout Canterlot, wherever I went, I was looked at with a mixture of fear, rage and hate. Even alongside Princess Luna, I was still looked on as nothing more than a simple minded creature. A pet; a wild beast, tamed by the rulers of their land as some sort of display of power. The same could be said with Lilith, Ifrit and Ziz. Everypony did all they could to keep as much distance from our kind as possible; frightened we might have harmed or maimed them. Oh how I wish I could have validated those fears right then and there. Yet you came to my side and instead of scolding those who dared to discriminate against us, you did what no one had ever done before. You embraced me, wrapping your forelegs around my slim body, holding tighter and tighter, trying to calm my trembling body as best you could. Never before had I felt so conflicted. How could a demon such as myself expect anyone to accept me? I saw that I was just a monster in the eyes of your people, Celestia. The more you and Luna tried to comfort me, the more my rage did grow. You never saw me as an equal. All you saw was a pitiful creature who could be swayed by kind and empty words and small acts of kindness.

I still remember the night before it all went awry. The night before despair did descend upon this “Paradise” of yours. The night was alive with the twinkling of the diamond like stars that had decorated the night sky in such a graceful pattern; only to be draped over the land like a magnificent and wondrous cloak. I had found Princess Luna standing out on the balcony before my presence alerted her. Rather than banish me from her sight, she kindly invited me to bask in the beauty of the night. She had confided in me her problems many nights before as she always did feel inferior to you, dearest Celestia. But what your younger sister told me had finally clicked and it was then that I was able to connect the dots and understand the cause for my unease. She told me that despite your equal ruling, you were always seen as the greater of the two. Even so much so that the residents of Equestria were beginning to refer to you as a Goddess and hailed you as such. A force of nature that could never been seen in a negative light; A princess of such charisma that her very nature touched all who were graced by her presence. It finally made sense. It all made sense. This “Paradise” you promised me was nothing but a sham. All you planned to do was tame these savage inhabitants of Tartarus to gain the approval of your subjects and even convince your number one apprentice, Starswirl the Bearded, that you could do no wrong; that you were capable of miracles. Ifrit, Ziz, Lilith and I were nothing more than a stepping stones to further your power and eventual rise to God hood.

It was plain as day. Not once did you ever lead your people. Instead you acted as their savior. You kept everyone below you so that they’d have no choice but to seek your help. To see you as a God who would perform the miracle they needed. You ruled your people through coercion. You kept them weak while you went off and played hero, never once trusting them to stand for themselves. You were no better than that wretched King Minos. You sought to bring all of demon kind under your rule not because you believed in peace, but because you believed in peace only for your kind. Once demons were out of the way, you’d be free to rule however you pleased.

The rest was a blur… I, Zamiel, no longer wished to serve a princess like you. One who hid behind the light of the sun so that no one may see you for the charlatan you truly were. Craftily I did convince Ziz and Lilith to join my side in withdrawing from Equestria. Blissfully did I slaughter both equestrians and my own kind alongside Ziz and Lilith to obtain an audience with Minos. While it took much deception, violence and coercion between Tartarus and Equestria, I had finally convinced Minos to lead all of demon kind to storm Equestria and take what should have been ours in the first place. Survival of the fittest is the only truth among our kind. A demon should never entertain the idea that love would ever be the answer to its problem. No longer would I make that mistake as I helped ring in sheer terror among the masses, taking lives and land that rightfully belonged in the hands of the strong.

As our forces advanced further inward, hostilities grew even more so in your own castle, dearest Celestia. Soon enough, all of Equestria had begun to question your motives and your capabilities. It was unanimously decided among your people that demons of all kind were abhorrent creatures to be feared. Even Ifrit, who had dedicated his life to serving you gave in to doubt and fear as he knew sooner or later, you and your kind, would turn your back on him the moment he was of no further use to you. Oh how sweet it was to finally have convinced Ifrit of your ways.

Unfortunately the walls of Canterlot were as far as we got before you and Luna, the Great Goddesses of Equestria finally took a stand. It all happened so fast. Before most of us could even react you had toppled Minos first. Death, while a merciful release, was too good a punishment for our leader. Instead you drove our forces back and encased Minos in stone, leaving him forever trapped within his own kingdom, sitting atop his throne of shame. Eventually you brought about your apprentice, Starswirl the Bearded to assist you in the construction of our prison. In a matter of days Tartarus was no longer a country, nor even a piece of land, but instead a cave that drove deep down into the earth, where not even the smallest speck of light could reach. It was only a matter of days before our forces were entirely decimated. Each and every demon was captured and thrown behind the magical barrier that covered the cave’s entrance… Well all except for the Three Archfiends. No. They suffered a far worse fate. Rather than you imprisoning them amongst their own kind, you and Luna had the audacity to encase those three in stone as well. The strongest of our kind, three demons that were revered by all of Equestria were reduced to nothing but simple statues; forever trapped by the magic of the witches who had promised them a safe haven. Instead of delivering them an honorable end, you made them into nothing more than mere castle decorations, to serve as a warning to all who dare question your power. And what of I, Zamiel The Black Hunter? Zamiel The Dancer of the Night, The Shadow Puppeteer. I was the last to go.

I remember how I was forcibly kneeled before you, my body unable to hold against your magic. I remember just how you looked down on me in shame, as if you had a right to condemn me for my “transgressions”. Yet rather than show disgust or hate, you only looked down on me with sorrowful eyes, filled with the tears of regret and anguish. As if you expected me to believe that you truly cared for our kind. “It’s for your own good,” you choked out. “I just wish there was another way.” Your expression shifted from one of pain to a stern and almost emotionless one as you struck me down with your magic, sending me flying back into the cave, trapped behind that accursed barrier you and Starswirl worked so hard to make. It was then that I saw two enormous, steel doors on either side of the cave. Reality finally set in as despair soon wrapped its clutches around my broken body. Screaming out your name I did all I could to deter you and Starswirl from closing those doors, but my wretched cries of desperation fell on deaf ears as the last thing I saw was that same stoic and shamed look on your face as the doors slammed shut, forever denying me my freedom, my paradise, my heaven.

I sat there on my knees in front of those marble doors for days; motionless, unable to speak as everything around me soon faded, leaving me alone with the demons whom I had let down. I was shunned by all of demon kind in this prison. I was to be blamed for our failure and suffer endlessly for it. I was cursed for your actions. For turning all of Tartarus into nothing more than filthy hole in the earth. A prison you saw fit for us no doubt; having to live, trapped in eternal darkness, below your kind and all who would bask in yours and Luna’s light.

I can’t recall exactly when I broke, but these marble doors are my only witnesses to remind me. For hours on end, I clawed at those doors till my fingers bled, I slammed my fists so many times against that accursed gate until my hands shattered completely; countless times as a matter of fact. I did all I could to give myself hope as I forced myself to believe I could force these doors. Over and over I recalled ramming my head against the door, drowning out the searing and skull shattering pain with shrill cries of agony, shame and limitless despair. I cried ‘till my eyes were dried and bloodshot, the stinging sensation only eliciting more shrill cries. Nothing could quell my rage, no matter how many times I broke my body and mind trying to find a way out. I had grown so desperate that I had begun to take the lives of my fellow demons; mercilessly snuffing out their lives one by one, clawing away at all who dared to challenge me. I had begun to understand just what it meant to truly be a demon. The only way to rule, the only way to survive was to prey upon the weak and grow stronger. And that I did. I can’t remember how long it took for all of Tartarus to fear me, nor can I remember how many I killed to move my way up. All I do remember is the screams of the helpless demons that fell before me, followed by my shrill, yet victorious cries that would echo throughout Tartarus.


Slowly as the decades passed, this hell hole soon became a thriving habitat for demons. Finally we had learned to live up to our potential. Kill or be killed, eat or be eaten, swear your loyalty to the strongest. These rules were all we knew, but in all actuality were all we really needed. However, this did not deter the memories of you that still to this day, invade my mind, reminding me all too well why I was here, why I still suffer to this day and why I wallow in that failure.

It was because of you, my dearest Celestia. It is because of you that demons and equines cannot live in harmony. It is because of you that my brethren are forever trapped in this hell hole we call home. It is because of you, that I learned love begets the greatest pain and the most vile hatred possible. Having learned this, I now simply wait in giddy anticipation for the day those doors will open. The day when all of Tartarus will reclaim not just its former glory, but the land you have no right to rule. The day when my pain and suffering will come to an end… Only for yours to begin, my dearest Celestia.

Comments ( 13 )

Huzzah! A one shot story I had to get off my chest.
Thankfully it's Devil May Cry related.

On a side note, this story is simply signaling the near completion of my upcoming Pony May Cry chapters that I'm still editing at the moment.
Also this song more or less was the inspiration for this particular story.

.... I think some demon needs a hug.

Yes let's go hug the psychotic demon.

Just because it works with Fluttershy and Vergil doesn't mean it always works.

3363698 You never know. I mean it worked for Asura- wait no I ended up being punched in the face for that never mind.

Black Huntsman got me thinking of this guy for a second

But then I remembered it ain't him......brain fart on my part.

if Vergil open the gates of Tartarus
it seems it won't be just some demon going for a killing spree that he will free
but an entire army who want to take revenge on Celestia and Luna.
well , at least Dante and Vergil will both have a little fun.


Or they could be in completely over their heads.
Tartarus Demons aren't entirely like your average cannon fodder demons

Fantastic, Joey. Just pure fantastic.

Just for kicks, imma give it an alternate name... Memoirs of a Shadow.

I'm glad you wrote this dude. And i hope it gets the attention it deserves.

Nice, dude. It was fucking great.

Hmm.... Thoughts stirring here, need this to come as clear and concise as possible... I'll point out the most important flaws and the ones I can identify then state how it could have been done better according to my opinion.

This story has a problem with invoking genuine emotion. It is entirely Zamiel's recollection of how things began for demons in Equestria rather than a chapter by chapter follow through of events from his point of view.

So because it is short, the reader doesn't have the leisure to pick up his feelings in such a condensed summary and is forced to assume them at face value. I.E. they read he's angry so they know he's angry but can't relate why. There is a lot exposition here and it is insufficiently expressed in a few thousand words and the character's monotone POV of hate and revenge in a single continuous narration doesn't help. In short the main flaw of this story is that the emotion stops just short before it's completely understood, so its impact is diminished. The secondary flaw complements it, which is it's short length. So the reader just assumes the emotions and takes it all in with so much exposition in once sitting.

In shorter, it feels forced and is paced quick for a story with a lot to tell.

Your use of adjectives and also the way you describe things are a bit off the mark. Though a bit purple with the prose, the story works good as it's worded now, but isn't so exact as they could have been. Can be overlooked and not detrimental.

It also seems a rough around the edges when telling the story. What I mean by this is that it feels like there's a gap between each sentence, made by the combined force of the flaws stated above. The description doesn't present the scene you're trying to convey quite right and the apparently distant emotions of the character make this seem the case.

Also by putting it at Zamiel's point of view, you're giving the reader a reason to sympathize with him even though he's the villain. Was this intended?

I would've set the story up from Celestia's perspective. Have her go through her daily routine and see stuff that reminds her of the demons that once roamed Equestria. Then switch between routine then flashback and routine over and over as needed. For example, she has an audience with a noble and think about how the demons shouted blasphemies or the like back then have her end day court. As she strolls through the gardens she sees a statue of the demon she put to stone and thinks more about the past. Then finally when she goes to sleep, she dreams about Zamiel. An artistic, meaningful and seamless transition between the exposition of the past and emotion of her present.

But taking into account the theme you have in mind, that would be tough to execute. I just found it easier the way I just said IMO.

Somehow, I had managed to give this story a downvote, even though I didn't know about it before today, nor was the chapter marked as 'read'. Glad I got this rectified.


Thank you kindly.


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