• Published 21st Oct 2013
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The Many Adventures of Doctor Whooves and Fleur Dis Lee - Super Trampoline

The Doctor's wife dies. Fleur's fiancé Fancypants calls off the wedding. They seek the services of Madamoiselle Pinkamina and Matching Feelings, two of the greatest matchmakers in Equestria. Shenanigans ensue.

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Matching Feelings: This Old Dog Knows Her Tricks

Fleur was mad. No no no. That wouldn't do. Ladies didn't mad. They got flustered, incensed, sore, or cross, but never mad. And Fleur Dis Lee was a lady through and through, even if she didn't obsess over her status like most of the Canterlot elite (not to mention a certain Ponyvillian unicorn) did. At any rate, she was quite irate (but NOT mad) as she hurriedly trotted through the waiting room and into Lady Feelings' office.

"MaaaaatttcccHHHIINNNGGG! What the BUCK?!?!" she exclaimed as she shoved the door open. Inside, a very shocked Matching Feelings was consulting with a very surprised Prince Blueblood Solaris. "You set me up with a... --Oh, hi Blueblood. I see you've taken a break from bossing around peasants to try to find a mate. Might I recommend a certain Ponyvillian unicorn? Oh wait, I forgot, you were a huge ass to her. Nevermind.

Matching and Blueblood just sat there on their respective couches, mouths somewhat agape.

Finally, Matching spoke, her wrinkled features composed save for a slight eye tick. "Miss Lee, as you can clearly see, I am in the middle of a consultation here. What you just did is extremely rude. You should know better." She then turned to Blueblood. "That being said, Miss Lee reminded me, you and I are going to be having a long chat about your behavior at the Gala last year. Simply unacceptable." She again faced Fleur. "But seriously, unless there's a bomb threat on my office, whatever you have to say can wait. Please remove yourself from my vicinity. Now."

Fleur, now quite embarrassed by her outburst, slunk away back into the reception area. "Oops."

forty minutes later...

"Miss Fleur, what was that about?" Matching Feelings asked the thoroughly embarrassed mare sitting opposite her.

"Okay, I'm very, very sorry I burst in like that. That was extremely rude of me, and I appologize. But seriously. I'm pretty damned pissed --pardon my Prench. That lunch date you set me up on? GAHHH!! It was horrible! Horrible. I thought I told you to stop sending me pretty boys. All they ever do is make vapid empty conversation and then expect to fuck afterwards. This one was the worst. My whole meal was one huge innuendo after another. I have never heard so many horrible 'That's what she said' jokes in my life. Half of them didn't even make sense! What the buck Matching? What the buck? Do you screen these ponies? Do you?!?!"

Her rant over, Fleur snorted in frustration. Matching had listened politely, and then it was her turn to speak.

"I'm very sorry Fleur, I really am. But you know how hard this is. These stallions will say what ever they think I want to hear to get to meet you. Trust me, A lot of these fellows seem really nice in their background checks and interviews. But like most of the Canterlot elite, they're just putting on a show. And the fact that you only want extremely rich dates limits my options. Perhaps you should consider being a little less shallow?"

Fleur blushed. "I know, I know, I'm spoiled. My profession and my ex have treated me well. I'm used to the finer things in life. But still! Wouldn't lowering the bar to the middle class just make it worse? I don't want a bunch of pathetic gold diggers trying to schmooze me while they reach into my saddlebags. I'm sick of that. That's why I came to you Lady Feelings. Help me."

"Fleur, you've been exacting in your criteria. But let me ask you: what is it you really want in a stallion?"

Fleur paused to consider this. Then she answered firmly. "I want somepony who is real. I'm sick of the world of modeling and high society. It's so fake, so plastic. I want reality. I want authenticity. I want somepony who actually wants to live... sigh ... am I just dreaming Matching? Am I asking too much?"

"No, not at all." She smiled. "In fact, I think I know of somepony who may interest you. My apprentice in Ponyville sent me a letter regarding a very interesting stallion looking for a companion."

Fleur's interest was piqued. "Ponyville eh? It would be nice to visit there again. I need to catch up with a certain Ponyvillian unicorn. Go on, I'm listening."

"Tell me Fleur, do you feel adventurous?"

"I feel exhausted. Dating these blokes exhausts me. He better be good Matching. I'm paying you a beautiful bit for this."

"I make no promises regarding his goodness, but I guarantee this: he'll be real, and he'll be memorable. Trust me: this old mare still knows her tricks."