• Published 17th Dec 2013
  • 1,017 Views, 14 Comments

Sweetie Belle of the Ball - StageQuill

Sweetie Belle is asked to sing at the Grand Galloping Gala by Twilight Sparkle. Can a filly her age, without any real training, live up to the princess' expectations and wow the high-class ponies?

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Sweetie Belle hummed to herself as she trotted along to Sweet Apple Acres. Babs was visiting and Apple Bloom had another idea for getting their Cutie Marks, and Sweetie Belle had to admit she looked forwards to trying out an idea that wasn't one of Scootaloo's crazy ones that usually involved jumping and landing covered in tree sap.

"Sweetie Belle! Hi! Where you going? Isn't it a nice day?" Pinkie Pie hopped up behind the small white filly.

"I'm going to Sweet Apple Acres." Sweetie Belle ignored the rest of Pinkie's questions. Everypony in Ponyville knew that trying to keep up with Pinkie Pie was a hopeless endeavor.

"Ooh! Me too! We can walk together!" Pinkie Pie kept hopping. "Or I'm not really walking, I'm hopping. Or hop-walking. Hop-king? Wopping? Hoppa-walka-acking?" Pinkie attempted to walk and hop at the same time and ended up turning several somersaults.

"Ok. We can- 'hoppa-walka-ack' together." Sweetie Belle smiled. "Why are you going to Sweet Apple Acres?"

"To talk to Applejack, silly!" Pinkie giggled. "And I bet you're going to talk to Apple Bloom?"

"Mmm-hmm. Cutie Mark Crusaders' business." Sweetie Belle said seriously.

"Ooh! Cool!" Pinkie said. "Look! Heeeeeeeere we are!" Pinkie hopped over the fence into the farmyard.

"Sweetie Belle!" Apple Bloom put down the shovel she was working with and ran to her friend. Babs trotted after her, grinning.

"Hey, Apple Bloom! Hi, Babs! Is Scoots here yet?" Sweetie Belle looked around the farm. "I don't-"
Scootaloo jumped off of the roof of the barn.

"Ack!" Sweetie Belle squeaked, startled. Scootaloo began to giggle at her startled expression. She fell down laughing, making Apple Bloom trip. Soon all four Cutie Mark Crusaders were in a giggly pile on the ground. Apple Bloom recovered first.

"Now." Apple Bloom said, taking deep breaths to calm down. "Don'cha want to hear my idea?"

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo nodded enthusiastically. Babs shrugged, like she'd already heard it.

"Cutie Mark Crusaders singing advertisers!" Apple Bloom announced. "Babs says in Manehattan, sometimes ponies sing to advertise places, so why not advertise Sweet Apple Acres?" She grinned, waiting for a big response. "Sweetie Belle, you sing the best. You could sing the main part, and maybe write it, too!"

"Umm... Ok." Sweetie Belle said. Scootaloo smiled. "Like... Singing in front of ponies?"

"Eeyup." Apple Bloom said, imitating her brother. "In front of Ponyville! Well, really, in front of Applejack's apple cart." Her ears drooped. "You don't like mah idea? Ah wanted you to sing the main part."

"I do like it..." Sweetie didn't want to hurt her friend, but- "I'm just so nervous when I sing around other ponies that I don't know very well. What if Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon tease us?" Sweetie pawed the ground nervously with one hoof. (Nervous, adjective : having or showing feelings of being worried and afraid about what might happen.)

"It'll be fine!" Scootaloo said. "Anyway, I'll be right there. I'm not nervous at all. I'll help you."

"Cutie Mark Crusaders Singing Advertisers, yay!" The four fillies said together, but Sweetie Belle's heart wasn't in it.

"I have the song." Sweetie said.

"Great!" Apple Bloom took it and looked it over. "You came up with this in half an hour!?" Apple Bloom exclaimed.

"Mmm-hmm." Sweetie Belle nodded.

"Can I see?" Babs asked, taking the paper. "Wow, Sweetie Belle! This is good!"

"Let me see it!" Scootaloo snatched the lyrics out of Babs' hoof. "Sonic Rainboom, this is totally cool!" Scootaloo said.

"Nopony will make fun of this!"

Sweetie Belle stood in the corner of the playhouse. "Thanks." She smiled. "You like it?"

"Ah love it!" Apple Bloom exclaimed. "C'mon, crusaders, let's practice this song!"

"Applejack! Applejack!" Apple Bloom ran toward her big sister. "Ah got an idea for the Cutie Marks Crusaders! So if you agree-"

"Agree to what, now?" Applejack asked the extremely excited filly. "It's not gonna do any damage, is it?"

"Nonononono! We wrote a song- Well, Sweetie Belle wrote it- Advertising our apples!" Apple Bloom got down on the ground.

"So can we please sing it while you sell apples today?" The little yellow and red filly begged, holding her hooves together.

"Lemme see this song first." Applejack said. "It's not like your talent show song, is it?"

"Nope!" Apple Bloom answered. "It's better!" She got off of the ground and trotted off to the Cutie Mark Crusaders' Clubhouse. Applejack sighed and followed. Apple Bloom whipped inside and grabbed the song.

"Here, Applejack!" She said as she came out of the clubhouse, handing the paper to her sister and grinning. Applejack read it over.

"Pretty good song. Ah guess it won't do any harm, and who knows? It might attract ponies."

"Yay!" Apple Bloom grinned and ran into the clubhouse. Applejack chuckled to herself. "See ya later, Crusaders." Applejack called before going to finish her farm work.

"I don't know..." Sweetie Belle whispered, taking a deep breath. She didn't want to show her friends what a cowardly, nervous filly she could be. "Okay, Cutie Mark Crusaders!"

"One, two, three!" Babs said, and began to sing. It sounded stupid, all of a sudden. She became acutely aware of all the ponies in ponyville. Calm down, Sweetie. Calm. Deep breaths.

"What's crunchy and red
And juicy and sweet?" Babs sang.

"What's shiny and good
And so yummy to eat?" Scootaloo sang.

"Just one a day
Keeps the doctor away" Apple Bloom sang.

"Sweet Apple Acres' Apples!" All three fillies shouted happily.

Sweetie Belle's turn. She blushed red and began to hum.
"Sweet Apples, good apples
Buy them- Yes you should, apples-" She gulped. Diamond Tiara smirked at her. The words dripped out of her mind and she stopped, the music Babs had chosen still playing. "Mmmmmm-" Sweetie Belle hummed. The music stopped. Nopony had noticed the filly's mistake but her friends and Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

"That song sounded like it was written by a newborn foal." Diamond said loudly. Silver Spoon snickered.

"Or one of Fluttershy's pet slugs." Sweetie Belle felt tears prick at her eyes. A flood of misery and embarrassment swept up into her throat like an ocean aiming to choke her.
(Slug, noun: chiefly terrestrial pulmonate gastropod that are found all over Equestria where they can find moisture.)

Diamond Tiara and Sliver Spoon gave a final howl of laughter and flounced away. Apple Bloom looked concernedly at Sweetie Belle.

"Aw, Sweetie Belle." Apple Bloom said. "Those fillies don't know anything. It was just a little mistake, is all. You're the best singer in ponyville!"

"Equestria!" Scootaloo added.

"Everywhere anyplace!" Babs gave her part.

"See, Sweetie Belle?" Apple Bloom said.

"Thanks." Sweetie Belle frowned, gasping around the lump in her throat. "I'm not that good. I- I need to go." Sweetie hung her head so her friends wouldn't see the tears and ran. She didn't know where she was going until she burst into Carousel Boutique, numb with misery and her face messy with tears.

"Sweetie Belle!" Rarity exclaimed as the distraught filly slammed into her. "Really, I am quite bus-" She stopped scolding as she caught a glimpse of Sweetie Belle's face. "Why darling, whatever is the matter?"

Sweetie Belle sniffed. She was glad she'd gone to Rarity's and not her parents, who had a no-drama-tolerance policy after their elder daughter had tantrummed and celebrated her way to independence. Rarity settled Sweetie onto a couch in the back room while Sweetie Belle poured out the whole story while her sister wiped her tears with a lace handkerchief.

"Those awful, spoiled brats!" Rarity exclaimed. "Oh, Sweetie Belle." Rarity gazed dramatically at the ceiling. "Their parents will definitely hear from Rarity!" She shook her head. "Sweetie, don't listen to them. You have a lovely voice." A tear dripped down Sweetie Belle's cheek. Sweetie Belle turned and buried her face in a pillow.

"If anyone would know, it would be me. I have actually been out of Ponyville."

"So has Diamond Tiara." Sweetie Belle's voice was muffled.

"Darling, I have gone to Canterlot on the invitation of Princess Celestia herself. I made gowns for a royal wedding, helped to save the Crystal Empire, and am close, close friends with a princess. Has Diamond Tiara done that?" Sweetie Belle didn't say anything. She turned over to look at Rarity. Rarity rolled her eyes.

"No, she has most definitely not! Believe me, Sweetie Belle, your singing voice is absolutely superb." Rarity stood up and flicked her tail. "Now, darling, I need to finish a suit I was recently commissioned to make. And with what just happened, I may forget to remove a pin from Mr Rich's coat." Rarity levitated her red glasses to her face and pranced out of the room, leaving Sweetie Belle thinking very hard on the couch.

What Rarity had said- The points she'd hit- They made sense. Diamond Tiara hadn't done anything nearly as amazing as what Rarity had. Neither had Silver Spoon. Rarity was so much more beautiful- and talented- and famous- than anypony in Ponyville other than Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Princess Twilight Sparkle.

And Sweetie Belle- Well, Sweetie Belle was Rarity's little sister. That felt a lot better than being some rich spoiled little filly would. Sweetie Belle tossed her mane back. She smiled.

But she'd been embarrassed in front of everypony in Ponyville! The smile slipped off of her face. She really couldn't sing. She'd messed up, and the song had been awful. Rarity had done cool things, but Sweetie Belle hadn't.

Sweetie Belle buried her face in a pillow again. She didn't deserve to have a sister who did amazing things, even if said sister was the most annoying pony ever. Her couldn't do anything. She didn't even have a cutie mark! She was the most pathetic creature ever. Pathetic (Pathetic, adjective: pitifully inferior or inadequate ).

The boutique's door opened and the dainty bell tinkled to announce a customer's arrival. Sweetie sat up.

"Rarity?" Princess Twilight Sparkle called from the front room.

"Darling!" Rarity called back from upstairs. "Be right down! I'm pinning this suit, and it's terribly important I pin- just-right... You can come to the back room, if you'd like."

Princess Twilight Sparkle came into the room where Sweetie Belle hid. Sweetie Belle rolled off the couch to kneel, making Princess Twilight Sparkle laugh.

"Sweetie belle, you're my friend. You don't have to do that." Sweetie changed to a sitting position on the ground. "I'm glad to find you here, actually. This concerns-"

They were interrupted by a sigh from upstairs before the sounds of trotting hoofsteps of Rarity coming downstairs.

"Twilight!" Rarity exclaimed, obviously delighted, throwing herself on and hugging her friend. "I haven't seen you since the coronation. Oh, how have you been? Do you need a dress for the upcoming gala?"

Twilight laughed again. "The gala is what I'm here to talk to you about." Twilight said. "And Sweetie Belle."

"Sweetie Belle?" Rarity repeated, bewildered.

At the exact same time, Sweetie Belle wondered aloud, "Me?

"Yes!" Twilight smiled, flapping her wings with excitement. "I thought you might want to sing at the gala this year!"

"What?" Sweetie Belle and Rarity shouted together. Sweetie Belle was vaguely aware of Rarity covering her unladylike slip-up, but Sweetie Belle didn't care. Her eyes went wider. she felt herself go white, then blush, then go white. Not that anypony could tell when she went pale, under her coat. she shook her head to clear it.

"Yes!" Twilight said again. "Celestia and I had the idea to showcase young talent, and you have a beautiful voice, Sweetie Belle." Twilight smiled expectantly. "Will you?"

Sweetie gasped. she hadn't realized she'd been holding her breath.

"But I can't sing!" She said. "I'm worse than a newborn foal!" A tear trickled down her cheek. Rarity facehoofed.

"That awful Diamond Tiara insulted Sweetie Belle on her singing earlier today." Rarity told Twilight.

"Oh, Sweetie Belle." Twilight flapped one wing nervously, then the other. "You have a lovely singing voice!" Twilight smiled.
"Remember your comedy act in the talent show? The best parts of that song were when you were singing!" Rarity nodded in agreement. "Sweetie, why don't you sing for me and Celestia first, and we can tell you, honestly, what we think."

"The PRINCESS?" Sweetie Belle exclaimed. "I'd mess up I'm not good I I" Twilight thought she was good? She was a princess and Diamond Tiara was just- "I... Okay."

"Oh, Sweetie Belle!" Rarity exclaimed, scooping her sister up. "Forget Filthy's suit, I have got to make you an outfit to sing in! One for the princess, one for the gala... Oh Sweetie Belle, I am so, so, so proud of you!"
Sweetie Belle didn't know what to think.

"Wait!" Twilight said. "Rarity, can you- Will you have time to make our dresses as well? Luna, Celestia and Cadance want gowns as well..." Twilight stopped as Rarity blushed bright red and dropped Sweetie Belle.

"WHAT!?" Rarity clapped her hooves to her face. "Oh, OF COURSE!" She began to run around the boutique. "Oh, my, gold will bring out Princess Celestia's eyes nicely, and Cadance would look lovely in it as well..." She picked up bolt after bolt.
Sweetie Belle rubbed her back where Rarity had dropped her. "Um. Twilight, What song should I sing? When?"

Twilight looked at Sweetie Belle. "Any song, Sweetie Belle. As for time... Would three days from now work for you?"

Sweetie Belle nodded, suddenly nervous. Twilight smiled back. The princess disappeared and reappeared in rarity's path. Rarity screamed and dropped all of her fabric.

"Calm down." Twilight said, sticking her hoof over Rarity's mouth to silence her. "There's a studio for you at the castle. Can you catch the train in three days?"

Rarity nodded, grinning her face in half, loose strands escaping from her perfect mane and tail.

"Apple Bloom! Babs! Scootaloo!" Sweetie Belle gasped as she ran into the Cutie Mark Crusaders' Clubhouse. "TwilightcametoRarity'sandinvitedmetosingatthe Galaaaaaaaaaaa!" Sweetie Belle collapsed on the ground, panting.

"What did she just say?" Apple Bloom asked Scootaloo.

"No idea." Scootaloo answered. "Sweetie Belle, are you all right?"

Sweetie Belle stood up. She took a deep breath. "Twilight came to Rarity's and invited me to sing at the GALA!" She said again, screaming the last word, her cheeks red and eyes huge.

"Ohmigosh!" Scootaloo shouted. "THE Gala?"


"Congratulations!" Babs said, inching away.

"Diamond Tiara'll be jealous." Scootaloo said smugly.

"What if I mess up?" Sweetie Belle asked, in an abrupt change of mood. "I'm terrible in front of ponies!"

"You have an amazing voice!"

"BUT WHAT if I mess up?" Sweetie Belle cried with a Rarity-worthy hoof wave.

Scootaloo groaned.

Sweetie Belle poked her head out of the window. The train bounced over a bumpy bit of track, and she looked up at Canterlot, which looked closer than ever. She didn't travel much.

"Sweetie, please stop humming. You're frazzling my nerves." Rarity grumped, redoing the last few stitches on Celestia's headdress. She'd messed up when the train had gone over a bump. Sweetie Belle stopped humming.

"Rarity, look! The castle!" Sweetie Belle stared. She'd been there in the Winter, and hadn't seen its full splendor (Splendor, noun: great brightness or luster : brilliancy; Magnificence, pomp).

"Sweetie Belle, I've seen it before!" Rarity struggled with gold trim that kept coming loose from the hat. Sweetie Belle pressed her face against the glass. She could feel her eyes going wide.

The castle sat high on the mountaintop. No, that wasn't it- It looked like part of the mountain. Flags waved from the highest turrets and towers. Square flags, pointed flags, long flags, short flags, blue, red, white, gold, green.... And the ponies, flying in the air around it and walking in the light coming through huge windows facing the train. Sweetie Belle could even see- Was that Celestia, on the highest turret, watching the day?

Sweetie Belle's stomach twisted when she realized she would have to sing in front of everypony there and more. A tight feeling crept into her throat. She slunk back to Rarity and curled up on the seat. Rarity ignored her. Princess Celestia's headdress was giving her trouble and she hoped she didn't have to start over. Her little sister's nerves were unimportant at that time.