• Published 21st Oct 2013
  • 7,196 Views, 338 Comments

The Party Adoption - Matt11

Scootaloo Gets Found Out Of Being Homeless

  • ...

A Hard Job

A week had passed since Scootaloo and her Cutie Mark Crusader friends got into danger. Their parents/guardians wouldn't even allow them to go crusading since they got into danger with the Diamond Dogs, but now it was saturday and right now Scootaloo was on her way home with her mare friend Silver Spoon.

“Today is going to be so lame; I have to foalsit those evil twins. Seriously, I heard they almost caused Pinkie to go coo coo,” she sighed. “I sure hope they will go easy on me.”

Silver Spoon giggled “Aw come on now, it can’t be that bad,” she said as she put her right hoove over Scootaloo’s neck in a way a loving couple would. Scootaloo blushed; she still hadn’t told her friends about her relationship, but luckily they were both at home today.

Scootaloo sighed in annoyance. “But they’re foals and I need to change them and its nasty when they do a number two, trust me; I saw Pinkie changing one once and it smelt terrible,” Scootaloo said as she made a puking face but didn’t puke. The two turned the corner where the cakes house was.

Once there, Scootaloo kissed Silver Spoon on the lips and waved goodbye to her. Once she got inside she closed the door, put her bags on the hanger rack, and when she got into the kitchen she was tackled to the ground by the two little demons known as Pound Cake and Pumpkin.

Pound and Pumpkin were bouncing up and down on scootaloo’s stomach making Scootaloo yelp in pain, though it wasn’t enough pain since they where small foals it only hurt a tiny bit.

Scootaloo grabbed the two of them and brought her brother and sister into a loving hug. “I missed you two too even though we go through this everyday.” She gave them both a small kiss on on the forehead, after doing that she went to get a snack and noticed some chocolate cookies on the table. “Mmmmm, mom must've made these for me. Sweet!” She walked over to them and picked one up and opened her mouth, ready to eat, but the twins gave her puppy dog eyes which meant they wanted the cookies. Scootaloo frowned.

Pound and Pumpkin walked closer, their diapers crinkling as they got close. They had small fake tears coming out of their eyes, they said in unison “Pwese wet us have it bwig sister” they where trying to play as a helpless foal to get what they wanted.

Scootaloo groaned; she was hungry, and what happenes her brother and sister decide to play this game, she sighed and handed the cookie over to her brother and sister but first she cut it in half and gave separate pieces to them.

The twins glanced at one another and lifted the cupcakes in the air of pure victory; they managed to get the cupcake from their big sister also known as the orange menace to the twins, but it was a type of game they played to act cute and adorable around Scootaloo and get what they want. It works everytime.

Scootaloo smiled at them as they ate and made a mess of themselves, getting the creamy part of it all over their faces. Scootaloo shrugged and went upstairs to go see if her mom had left. She knew the Cakes left all ready; they left in the morning when she was still asleep.

Upon getting up there she was surprised but got into a big Pinkie style hug by none other than her mother. “Love you too mom..” Scootaloo looked at her mom seeing she was dressed up and ready to go.

Pinkie Pie couldn’t stop hugging, she hugged her daughter tighter squeezing her, but she soon let go; she really had to leave for her girls’ night out with her friends.

Pinkie and Scootaloo walked downstairs, as they did Scootaloo glanced at the twins. They were stacking blocks together having a good time that gave Scootaloo a smile. “Maybe tonight will be easier than what I thought,” she said out loud.

Pinkie Pie giggled at her daughter, she knows one thing by the end of tonight Scootaloo will be pulling her mane out, “I don’t thank so sweety pie, it might get hard later; they can be hard to take care of at times,” Pinkie Pie said.

Scootaloo blushed at that nick name. About a week ago her mother started calling her that and it just made her blush a little. Though, now that she was a part of the Pie family, it would be expected she get some type of name revolving around pie.

Pinkie Pie gave scootaloo a kiss on her cheek and waved her goodbye at least not before saying “Oh, and watch out, Pound can fly very dangerous sometimes. If you have to put him on the foal leash, do it, it can help sometimes." She then walked out the door.

Scootaloo smirked and leaned on the door. "Aw don't worry mom, I can handle this. It'll be a piece of cake," she said as she fell on the ground. She was acting cool until she fell on her face.

She blushed as she got up and walked into the shop, closing the door. “No problem, I can handle two small foals; they’re small and I’m big! This will be so eas-” Scootaloo was shocked when she got to the living room and found it was a total mess; the chairs where scattered everywhere there was food everywhere and the twins where hoof painting all over the wall.

Scootaloo fell on her rump “OH COME ON, I was only gone for a minute and you two managed to make a total mess out of this place!” Scootaloo’s temper already began rising, but she tried cooling herself down. “They’re just foals, they don’t understand…” as she said that the twins knocked over her scooter, making it break though the window. Her eye twitched and she said only one little thing: “Buck.”

Scootaloo sighed. At least the scooter was outside away from any harm. She rushed over to the foals and picked up Pound and Pumpkin and waved a hoof in their face saying “NO, bad; you don’t do that to my things, and now look at the mess I got to clean up.” Scootaloo felt like the world she knows was falling apart.

Pound and Pumpkin started to tear up and soon started sobbing. They were sad because their big sister was being mean to them.

Scootaloo realized she may have gone too far with that and sighed. She put Pumpkin down into a playpen and rocked Pound back and forth while saying softly “It’s ok, it’s ok; your big sis is sorry.” She finished with him and did the same with Pumpkin. Scootaloo was very sweaty.

“Ugh, this is so hard. I can’t believe she left me alone here; I’m only a filly, I can’t handle this,” she said as she walked into the kitchen to get supper ready. Luckily there was allready food ready.

Scootaloo went and picked up the twins, brought them to the kitchen and place them in their high chair.

She picked up some milk and put it in both their mouths “At least I only have to give them milk today” she glanced at the cloak and saw it said 7:00pm. Pinkie told her she’d be home by 8 or 9 at night.

After finishing with the twins, Scootaloo smelt the air. It stank badly. She took them upstairs and tried to figure out how to do this. She opened both their diapers at same time “Oh dear Celestia.” She felt like puking but continued.

After changing them she put them in the playpen downstairs and cleaned the house since they made a huge mess.

Once finished it was 8.00. She picked them up and put them in the bubble bath she had gotten ready for them, but unfortunately they started crying Scootaloo tried everything from making funny faces to putting toys in the bath.

“Nothing's working,” she panicked. Their crying was really annoying, she then remembered something Pinkie told her. To make them happy you must dump sugar or something on your head, she went to the cabinet and ripped open the bag over her head causing it to go all over her body. the twins were lagging their heads off at this and Scootaloo just smiled.

When she finished she diapered them and put them into bed it was about 8:50 and Scootaloo was tired out. She rested on the couch she was so tired.

Pumpkin walked into the living room teary eyes and holding a stuffed rabbit in her hooves. “Big sis?” she said in a shaky voice.

Scootaloo woke up after hearing her voice - she only fell asleep for like a minute - she saw Pumpkin standing there on the floor holding her toy close. Scootaloo was confused why she wasn’t in bed asleep. “What’s the matter, squirt?” she asked worriedly

“I had a bad dweam” Pumpkin said shaky as she galloped over to Scootaloo, jumped up onto the couch and buried her face into Scootaloo’s fur while she cried loudly “Pwese never leave me, promise me you will always be here for me.” She looked at Scootaloo with her teary eyes, the sweet innocent face could be enough to show that Pumpkin really loved Scootaloo.

Scootaloo was shocked to hear this but she picked her up and carried her into her room, as she did that she peeked in to see if Pound was sleeping and he was. She then walked into her room with Pumpkin in hoof and then laid down in bed with her little sister, holding on to her.

Scootaloo leaned down and kissed Pumpkin on her head. “Don’t worry, I’ll never leave you, you can count on that. Would you like to sleep with me tonight?” she asked. Pumpkin only noded in response. Scootaloo smiled and rested her head on the pillow. Pumpkin just rested on Scootaloo’s fur as If it was her pillow.

Pound felt alone; he wondered were his sister was. He glanced around the room and didn't find her anywhere.

"Sis?" He got worried and flew out of there he was looking in each room until he saw her with Scootaloo. He felt left out and joined them in bed.

Pound snuggled into Scootaloos fur and hugged her. One thing he didn't understand though was why she couldn't fly. Maybe he could ask her tomorrow. The twins and Scootaloo slept peacefully together.

About an hour later, Pinkie and the Cakes arrived back home, but when they got back they went to check on the foals they were shocked that they were not in their crib they began to panic, that is until Pinkie found Pumpkin snuggling with Scootaloo suckling on her tail. Pinkie had quietly called the Cakes over.

The group let out a “D’AWWW” at the sight, not wanting to disturb them Mr. and Mrs. cake went off to bed while Pinkie Pie just stared at her daughter, a single tear slid off her eyelids.“Huh, she's sure growing up fast and I’m so happy that those two love their sister. Especially Pumpkin.” Yawning, Pinkie Pie left the room to get some well deserved shut eye.

Author's Note:

there I did one chapter of the twins being foalsat, hope you enjoyed I'll be working on the last chapter later..