• Published 4th Mar 2012
  • 2,226 Views, 18 Comments

Captain's Log - SpiralWriter

Follow the legend of Pipsqueak, from foalhood to adventerous adult...

  • ...

To Fight For the Lunar Guard

Dear Diary-

Pipsqueak stopped writing for a moment to think of the words that began to appear on the empty page before him. With a flick of the pencil, he scratched out the previous line in favor of a more masculine choice.

Dear Journal,

Been a while since I've written my thoughts down like this. I had one of you as a kid, but sadly lost the notebook. Let's hope this one can stay undamaged and free of doodles of male genitalia. Mum wants me to start keeping records of all of my 'royal duties', or whatever these Canterlot ponies do with a notebook and tons of free time on their hooves. All I do around the castle is be bored, attend some boring meetings, talk about boring political stuff and all that exciting jazz. I'm not even allowed outside the castle without some stiffer of a guard breathing down my neck, so talking to some of those lovely mares at one of those boutiques in the shopping district is out of the question. The castle's really lost it's charm over the years. I'm only allowed in certain areas, like the throne room or the castle library, but Mum forever restricts me from areas like the dungeons or those hidden chambers I hear some of the more gossip-y servants whisper about. I'd go explore the garden, but I kinda got lost in the maze as a foal for a couple hours...I don't want a guard finding me whimpering again just a few yards into the blasted thing.

Pip looked up from his writing to see a servant peeking his head into the room."Sir, you're late for breakfast."

"Tell 'em I'll be there in a jiff, Quincy."

The servant nodded and withdrew his head, the sound of his hoofsteps echoing down the hallway.

Well, dear journal, looks like we're going to have to cut this first meeting short. Breakkers is a calling!

Setting the closed notebook and pencil down on a nearby bedside table, Pip tossed his covers off and jumped out of bed, stretching his taunt and lean body to work out the kinks sleep had brought to his muscles. In a mirror on the far side of the room, he caught a glimpse of himself briefly. Long gone was his diminutive form from ten years ago, now a young colt just a few inches shy of the average earth pony adult, albeit still sporting a blank flank. His mane had grown to a long length suitable for a teenager of his age, brown strands neatly falling over his neck and face. With a yawn followed by a loud smack of his lips, Pip left his room, trotting down the hallway towards the Great Dining Hall of Canterlot Castle. It was still early morn, fresh sunshine naturally lighting up the castle through crystal clear windows. On his way to breakfast, Pip nodded and greeted several guards and staff."Morning there Bighoof!"He quipped happily at one of the many ponies that bore Celestia's white fur and golden armor that patrolled the castle.

"Good morning Prince Pipsqueak."The guard replied, stationary and stoic, just as a guard should be.

Pip halted his hooves and turned around to give the guard a quizzical stare."Bighoof, we've been over this before!"He said with a smarmy grin."Just call me Pipsqueak, or Pip, maybe Pippers, never Pippy, or just Big Daddy P."

"I cannot do that sir, regulations between the guard and royalty and all that."

The pinto-colored colt rolled his eyes but retained the smile as he trotted off."Whatever. Tell the family I said hi!"

"Will do, your highness."

In a few minutes time, Pipsqueak arrived in the dining hall, a massive room with an overhanging chandelier, a wide open balcony that let fresh air flow in, and a table that arrayed many delicacies meeting his eyes."Morning Mum!"He grinned as he approached a midnight blue alicorn with a flowing mane of living stars, planting a quick kiss on her cheek as a greeting before sitting down beside her."Good Morning Pip."Luna replied with a smile and a nod at her son. Apparently she had been finished eating for some time and had just been waiting on Pipsqueak, her plate showing signs of crumbs from an eaten meal."Did you sleep well?"She playfully raised an eye at his frizzy bedhead jutting this way and that. He shook his head, the hairs falling back into their natural place and grinned back at her."Sure did."

"Morning Aunty Tia."He added as he waved a good-natured hoof at the alicorn that sat at the head of the table, her sleek, elegant form outlined by a chromatic flowing mane of her own."Good morning Pip, I take it that you're hungry?"Celestia asked as she dabbed a napkin at her mouth, the cloth wrapped with magical aura. Her breakfast was finished as well."Next time, I recommend that you wake up earlier for breakfast, but seeing as how today is special, we'll let this fifth slip-up go unnoticed."She chuckled.

"Yes ma'm,"He nodded eagerly as his hungry eyes fell on the spread before him. A mountain of scones, bushels of salad and fruits, a plethora of other pastries greeted his wide stare and salivating mouth, all awaiting to be devoured by the teen. Right before he was going to dig into the loaded up plate, a cough interrupted him just as the first bite entered the air space towards his open mouth. Pipsqueak looked up from his untouched food to see a very annoyed stallion gazing at him, the grown unicorn sporting golden locks and a prominent face of self righteous vanity. One of Pip's eyebrows shot up while the other lowered itself."Oh. Morning to you too, Bluebloke."He said with very little enthusiasm."Didn't know you'd be entertaining us while we ate."

"Blueblood."The Prince spat out the word through gritted teeth.

"Close enough."Pip shrugged as he resumed eating.

"I'm here to wish you a....happy birthday, dear....cousin."Blueblood forced the words out of lips, as if it physically ailed him to speak a pleasantry to another being other than himself.

"Aww...didn't know you cared so much."Pip swallowed a mouthful of strawberry-creamed scones before chuckling at his adoptive relative."I'll be sure to send you a birthday card when yours rolls around. You're what....forty something?"


"Eh, still pretty close there!"

"Aunt Celestia..."Blueblood turned with barely-restrained anger towards the princess."May I be excused now? I've delivered my bidding to Pipsqueak, and I wish to head back to my estate."

"You may leave, Blueblood."Celestia said calmly to him in all of her regality and grace."Have a nice day."

With a "Hmph!" and a nose in the air, Prince Blueblood left the room, creating an air free of his suffocatingly disdainful ego. For the next ten minutes or so, the only sound in the dining hall was the scrape of fork against plate and Pipsqueak inhaling his food, almost forgetting his table etiquette. With a bite of muffin halfway to his mouth, he looked up to see the two princesses staring at him with curious grins and raised eyebrows."Oh, sorry."He mumbled, slowing down, sitting up straight and carefully chewing the food. Once he was satisfied with the horde he had swallowed, he pushed the plate away and belched softly, wiping his mouth free of jelly and remaining bits of lettuce."So Mum..."Pip began in an almost innocent tone, smiling widely at her."I was wonderin'...."

"The answer is still no."Luna quickly cut him off as over a dozen servants entered the room and cleaned up the table in a flash, scurrying off with clinking platters and dirty silverware.

"You don't even know what I'm gonna ask..."Pip crossed his forelegs.

"It'll be the same thing you've asked me since the month began."

"No it won't."

"Yes, it will."

"You can't read minds!"

"I could if I wanted to."

Pip sighed, knowing full-well his adoptive parent was capable of such a power. He turned his head away from his mother for a moment before doubling back around, his face as downcast as possible, eyes wide and shimmering with imminent tears, lip protruding and quivering."Please...?"

Luna's eyes deadlocked on his, stern blue orbs meeting pleading brown ones in the battle of wills. A silent moment pass, outlined only by Celestia's delicate laughter at the matter."No."Was all escaped the night alicorn's lips.

"C'mon Mum!"Pip jumped from his seat, down on the floor in a mock stance of begging."I'm eighteen today, I'm officially a man now! You just gotta!"

The Princess of the Night left the room unresponsive to him, even as he held onto her hind legs and was dragged across the ground, every step Luna took was punctuated with a "Please?" from Pipsqueak, even as a blue aura appeared around his body and lifted him off of her to be set back down at the table. With an exasperated sigh, Luna returned to her personal chambers for a quick nap, the calls of her son's continuous pleas still echoing in the halls.

Pip groaned as he turned to see Celestia still sitting at the table, a cup of tea levitating to her mouth."It's not fair Aunty."He moaned, leaning against the table, one hoof supporting his face."It's my birthday today, and the one thing I want, Mummy won't give me."

"You're starting to sound like Blueblood a bit there, Pip."Celestia said after taking a quick sip.

"Sorry, didn't mean to come off as a pompous and self-centered unicorn."

"Sarcasm isn't helping your case either."

He sighed in defeat."I know, Aunty Tia. I'm sorry."

"It's quite alright Pip. But what you're asking for is a very...difficult matter, not something we can just gift wrap and hand right over to you. You're asking for something that could change your life."

"I know Aunty, I know..."

Luna just couldn't sleep. She snorted as comfortableness in her bed eluded her, cried in annoyance in trying to find the right position to sleep in amongst throw pillows and sheets of stars. A small celebration was to be held for Pip in the castle gardens that afternoon, and it constantly ran through her mind. No media was to be present, and only the closest family and friends were allowed to attend. It would have a nautical decor, a theme that had run through Pip's life, and even at such a maturing age, he still adored all things cutthroat and seaworthy. She was giving him everything he could ever want, just as she always had since his adoption. Why, why would he ask for the one thing he knows I cannot give?! She asked the maddening question to herself.

It had happened little over a month ago. Luna was overseeing the status of her personal guard, bequeathing ranks, accepting nervous newcomers, and honorably discharging those who had grown too old to wear the infamous black armor. Pipsqueak sat beside her during all of the military necessities, looking rather bored as he always did when attending business of the royal family."Having fun?"Luna whispered over to him after she had just granted the rank of Lieutenant to one pony that appeared the same as every one of her dozen other guards.

"A blast."He whispered back, barely able to keep the sarcasm from dripping into his words."No, seriously, we should do this more often Mum. What's next, watch paint dry?"

"You'd be surprised at what happens at these meetings, Pipsqueak..."The Princess half-smiled at him as two earth pony guards stepped side by side together and bowed before her."They're much more entertaining than you think."She finished as the guards stood back up and walked opposite of one another, only twenty paces apart as they solemnly gazed at one another through their helmets."With your permission, Princess,"One began."We would like to demonstrate how prepared we are for any combat scenario, just as you have instructed."The other finished.

"Permission granted."Luna said, looking at Pip, his eyes showing confusion at the sudden change of tone in the throne room. The air of stillness was still present, but absent of the awkward boredom. Now, more of the stillness of a storm right before striking. The guards slowly nodded at one another before standing up on their hind legs, approaching one another cautiously, their forelegs tensed and held up in somewhat of a fighting position. Quick as a flash, one guard struck out with his hoof, the other casually turning the punch aside and rolling into the body of his opposite guard, releasing a flurry of strikes on the midsection. Not even fazed by the blows, Guard Number One raised both hooves over his head before cracking down on the skull of Guard Number Two, a loud din of hoof hitting the metal helmet echoing through the court. Number Two quickly recovered from the attack as he had his helmet on, otherwise it would have left quite a nasty bruise. In a matter of seconds, they were striking at one another at a rapid pace, neither one making many scores of hits but blocking each other, as if they were in a rehearsed performance of fluid violence.

"Enough, you have proven how well trained my guard is. I congratulate you two for your impeccable skill in hoof-to-hoof combat."Luna's words, as if by machination, halted the process of the guards, both lowering themselves in a bow to her before returning to join the others of the Lunar Guard.

"So..."Luna giggled as she turned to face her son."How boring was that?"

Pip's eyes were wide with wonder, his mouth open into what seemed as a permanent jawdrop."That was bloody brilliant!"He exclaimed.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it-"

"Mum, could I learn to do that?!"

"No son, it was just for entertai-"

"Please Mum, you gotta let me join your Lunar Guard!"

Luna sighed with the half smile from before."Maybe Pip, maybe."

At first, she had just thought it was simple teenage hero worship, but when he began to ask her at least thrice daily, she began to worry. The Lunar Guard was a sanctity that had been upheld ever since the royal family had been established eons ago, and now her son wished to join it. It wasn't that she denied it to him out of parental indifference, it was because she was worried for him. For centuries before her banishment and since her return, she had been the personal overseer of the Lunar Guard, training them in battle techniques she had developed herself over countless years, ranging from earth pony combat to pegasi flight tactics to unicorn war magic specifically designed to emulate the terror and fear that came with the night. She had seen too many a young buck try to join her harsh regiment of training, only to falter and reconsider joining the Solar Guard of her sister instead. This is where Luna considered herself and her sister's military prowess came to a line, While Celestia's army of a thousand common foot soldiers was intimidating, Luna's personal guard of only a hundred trained specialists was awe-inspiring. And now, Pipsqueak unknowingly wanted to subject himself to the most strenuous and exhausting course in Equestrian history.

Dear Journal,

I don't know what's up with Mum and me trying to join her Lunar Guard. It's not like I'm going to get hurt or anything, right? I mean, I'm pretty fit, so all of that military grunt work I'll have to endure won't be too bad. Plus, I could probably just tune out any captain or somepony chewing me out for little mistakes, I've learned how to mute words I don't wanna hear ever since I began attending royal court with both Mum and Aunty Tia. Maybe I'll be able to convince her at the party this afternoon?

His mouth curled into a smile as he looked down at the words.

The party man, eighteen! Officially a stallion! It's just gonna be me, Mum, Aunty, and a hooveful of my closest friends way back from Ponyville. Fortunately, I've managed to keep from the hoity-toityness of this place and kept track with my pals. What can I say about 'em? First off journal, Snails. He's no longer thicker than that tasty zap apple jam, in fact, he graduated top of his class! Apparently he's some kinda 'recessive genius' or something or other. Heard he could be the next great scholar of Equestria...I'd pay every bit I have to see that happen.

Snips, given his name and cutie mark, is a wonder with scissors, so he took to the fashion business...I hope I can face him without a goofy grin when he mentions it. Looks like somepony's going to give Rarity a run for her bits once Snips gets his ideas out to those fashion designers....or producers...or whatever the term is. Speaking of unicorns, let's move onto Sweetie Belle and Dinky.

Sweetie's gotten a contract with one of Equestria's biggest record companies, so wherever you tune in a radio, eventually you'll be hearing her sweet, sweet voice gracing your ears. Maybe I could get her to hum us a tune at the party?

Dinky Doo, that silly little filly I had a crush on as a kid, has really grown up. She's taken over her own mum's business as a mailmare, using teleportation magic and all that fancy levitating to deliver twice as fast. I heard her mum, Derpy, hasn't been doing very well though. Seems like she's been sick for a while now...I'll have to send over one of these royal doc types just hanging around the castle to her, maybe they could help.

Next up, Scootaloo. Looks like she's going to be following the path of her idol, Rainbow Dash. The mare's gotten herself an audition with the Wonderbolts, and rumor is that she wowed them all. At the next show, I'll be sure to look out for a blue streak with just a hint of orange in the costume.

Lickety Split is the one I haven't heard from much. I think he's running his dad's Ice Cream Parlor now, best frozen treats in Equestria. I can still remember my first sundae from there...Sweet Celestia, so good...tops the small portions here any day.

Lastly, Applebloom. Heard she's a real wonder with a hammer, could build anything as long as it's held together by nails. So, she's a construction pony, building up and tearing town barns for all of them farmer ponies out there. I heard she still tries her hoof at apple harvesting, just not as talented as her siblings at it though.

Pipsqueak paused in his writing, just for a moment to slowly write down the end of the entry.

Man...I really miss them. It's true what they say, you never forget where you came from, that goes for both Trottingham and Ponyville.

"Can I take it off now?"

"Not yet sir."

"How 'bout now?"

"We're not there yet, your highness."

".....What about-"

"NO....I mean, no, Prince Pipsqueak. Just remain patient, please."

Pipsqueak groaned in agitation as the guard's voice served as his only guide through the blindfold's cover over his eyes."Fine..."He mumbled, his ears piquing up to follow the guard's heavy hoofsteps and gruff words. After a few more minutes of walking, light began to filter in through the thin fabric of the blindfold and the smell of fresh grass permeated into his nostrils, alerting Pip that he was outside now, more specifically, the garden."You may take it off now, sir."

As Pip lifted the blindfold over his eyes, a grin as wide as his face appeared as a loud "Surprise!" erupted from a group of ponies sporting party hats and surrounded by party decor. A blast of confetti fell from seemingly nowhere and doused Pip in it's sparkly and miniature magnitude. In a flash, Pip found himself on the ground, crushed by the weight of his friends all trying to hug him at once."Hey guys..."He winced, straining to free himself from their death grip for friendship."Long time, no see..."

Eventually they all let up, allowing the prince to return to his hooves. He looked at the main ones who had tackled him, all six of his friends from his foalhood that he had mentioned in his journal earlier that day. Others were present, such as gaurds he had grown close to during his years at the castle, and even Twilight Sparkle, adviser to Princess Celestia herself along with her own friends."Now that the birthday boy's here,"A pink pony from the group of Twilight's said, looking fit to burst with all of the energy exuding from her. Pip could faintly remember hanging out with her on his first Nightmare Night, her name escaping him at the moment, something related to cake...or pie, or another sweet treat."We can start the party!!"From seemingly nowhere and out of a cartoon itself, a cannon, brightly decorated, appeared behind her, shooting flashing streamers and tons of confetti everywhere.

Pip grinned as he raised his hoof in agreement with the pink pony."C'mon everypony, I'm only eighteen once!"He howled as he rushed into the center of the garden, music with a heavy bass beat beginning to play over a several large amps that had been set up around the perimeter of the party area. With cackles of glee, the others joined suit, dancing, some better than others, but all moving to the sound of joy and celebration that was that afternoon.

Two hours into the party, things had begun to die down. Pipsqueak, sided by his male companions, reclined against a table that had a buffet of junk food stretched out over it."So..."He began, strangely eying the group of mares giggling together just a few yards away. He titled his head, making sure he was seeing right what was in front of him. It had been only a year since he had last seen them all, and had mostly kept contact through letters. His kept kept darting back and forth between their feminine frames."So..."

"So what?"Snips asked, his voice had matured evenly with age, but still retained a bit of it's hoarseness in the undertone. The light blue unicorn leaned over, trying to follow Pip's gaze, and he snickered to himself once he realized what his friend was implying.

"When did they all get....you know..."Pip held up his hoof and absentmindedly pointed it at the group, vaguely switching between the four of them.

"Stupendous?"Snips said his piece.

"Elegant?"Snails interjected, his own voice no longer slow, but now something short of an upper-class pony's tone.

"Hot?"Lickety said bluntly, munching on an ice cream cone.

Pip nodded."Yeah...that one."

Lickety Split shrugged in reply, tossing his treat up into the air, only to catch it neatly in his mouth, followed by gulping it down."Always been that way, I suppose. We just never noticed it 'till now."

"I'm pretty sure I'd notice how..."Pip paused to search for a word that didn't make it sound like he was treating his friends like eye candy."...Pretty Dinky's gotten."

Snails raised an eyebrow mockingly, his orange mouth curling into a grin that looked silly on his elongated features."Why did you just say Dinky? What about Applebloom? All that construction work's really toned her..."

"Shut it."

"We're just saying, Pip."Snips chuckled."Scootaloo, flyer's grace..."

"I mean it guys."

"Sweetie Belle? Liked to ring her bell."Lickety had pulled another ice cream cone from a mysterious origin, chowing down on the frozen dairy treat as he spoke.

"C'mon guys, don't say that, we've known them since we were kids, gotta give them some respect."

"Castle life made you all chivalrous, Pip."

A moment of silence passed before the group exploded into laughter. When the group of females in question looked over at them curiously, Pip waved them off with tears nearly streaming down his face."Nothing to worry about ladies! Snails just said a really funny....smart pony joke...with smart puns and the like."

After giving them a second or two's gaze, the mares returned to their own conversation."So Dinky,"Scootaloo began, giggling with each word."Pip's sure grown up..."

The pale purple mare's eyes widened in surprise, her cheeks blushing slightly."Scoot, let's not get on this topic..."

Pipsqueak smiled with weary eyes as he entered his private quarters, collapsing into the rowboat bed that had cradled him to sleep many a nights."Best...night...ever..."His voice muffled through the pillow that obscured his face. As he crawled underneath the blanket, he turned out the lamp at his bedside and blearily waved at the guard standing watch at his doorway."Night Bighoof, see you in the morning..."

"Goodnight, Prince Pipsqueak."The familiar guard replied before closing Pip's door, ready for his watch into the hours of the night.

Right before sweet sleep embraced him, A knocking at the door jolted him back to the world of the awake. A disgruntled Pip shook himself out of bed and opened the door, revealing Princess Luna to gaze down at him solemnly."Oh...hey Mum."He said slowly, working his mind back to working order to stay awake."What brings you here....at midnight....when you should be in Night Court...?"

"It regards your birthday, Prince Pipsqueak."She spoke with regality and strict tone, a voice she had not used when speaking directly towards him in a long time.

"What's up...?"He asked, fully free from sleep's grip and curious.

"I have taken into consideration...what my present towards you is going to be."

The brown and white stallion laughed lightly as he remembered the party earlier, she hadn't been there to join in the festivities."If it's about you not coming, it's okay Mum. I knew you and Aunty Tia were probably busy."He closed his eyes as he held out his forelegs."Ready for my present now, whenever you're give."He said, expecting another pirate paraphernalia to add to his already prominent collection of eyepatches, doubloons, and other nautical collectives.

"Open your eyes, Pip. Your present isn't physical."

"Then...what is it?"He questioned."...You're not going to do anything magical to me, right?"

"Luna couldn't help but let a small smile slide onto her face."No, nothing of the arcane sort."She shook her eye, her mane billowing behind her, and for a quick moment, the stars matched the night sky outside a nearby window, giving the princess the visage of one with the night."It involves...the request you've been asking for..."

His heart nearly leapt right out of his chest and through his mouth."You don't mean...?"He said expectantly.

"I...do. After much consideration...you may try your hoof at the Lunar Guard."

"YES!"Pipsqueak yelled, rushing his adoptive mother with a hug that matched fabled earth pony strength. Through his suffocating squeeze, Luna smiled down at him."Just please...be careful."

He released her and nodded rapidly."I will! Thanks so much Mum!"

"I'm glad you're excited. Your training begins sharply at five in the morning, so I recommend going to sleep now."

"Alright, can't wai-....what?"

Pipsqueak stood in the commons square of the soldier barracks on the far end of the castle, a spot he had rarely visited. His mane was a matted mess, and his eyes half closed and glazed. The moon overhead was slowly lowering to allow it's brighter twin to arise, the sky in an equinox of dark of light. He raised a hoof to stifle a yawn as he waited, only for a giant blurry shape to appear in front of him and promptly begin screaming it's lungs out at him.

"Did I say you could yawn, grunt? Well, DID I?!"

The prince found himself staring wide-eyed up at a giant of a pegasus pony, making him feel like he was a child again as he was dwarfed to the pegasus that towered a head over him, only several inches shorter from an alicorn such as Celestia or Luna. The pony was a dark grey, as were all of Luna's guards, his eyes a strange, piercing green that would bore into any soul, his body clad in the usual armor of the night guard, but with several medals and symbols emblazoned up his breastpiece. Pip took this to be one of the higher ranking officers, so he gave a clumsy salute as he looked up to meet the larger pony's stare."No, sir, you didn't-"

"That's right! I didn't!"He interrupted, his louder voice booming into Pip's ears."Just because you're Princess Luna's boy, you think you're gonna get special treatment?"

"No sir, I-"

"That's right! You bet your sorry flank you won't! You're going to be subjugated to to most gruesome,"He began to circle Pipsqueak."Cruel,"He whacked Pipsqueak in the back with his hoof, forcing him to straighten his posture."Torturous,"Another crack on his shoulders."Physically and mentally exhausting months of training nopony should ever experience!"The officer was standing in front of Pip once more, his cold eyes boring down on him as Pip tried to maintain the stance he was forced into."But, if you should survive..."His eyes showed a hint of doubt within their pupils."You will join Equestria's elite amongst the Lunar Guard."

"Yes sir..."Pip nodded, still trying to recover from the fact how huge the pegasus was. Weren't they supposed to be smaller and lithe to fly better?

"...Captain Blackblitz."The larger pony said immediately after Pip finished his words.

"Excuse me?"

The pegasus shoved his face right into Pip's, snorting furiously."I am Captain Blackblitz, Princess Luna's right-hoof man, survivor of three wars on foreign soil with dragons, and most decorated leader the Lunar Guard has ever seen."

"Oh..."Pip gulped as Blackblitz removed his face from being so close, the smaller stallion still continuing his salute, the Captain eying him in annoyance."How long are you going to hold up that pitiful salute, grunt?"

Pipsqueak nodded and lowered it.

"Now, we're going to begin."Blackblitz resumed his pacing around the newly-instated rookie."Drop and give me fifty."

"....Fifty what?"

Blackblitz halted, his voice equal to that of a loud rock shattering."What kind of question is that, grunt?! Forget fifty, give me a hundred now!"

"A hundred what, sir?!"

"Two-hundred now! Two-hundred pushups, GRRRRR-UUUNT!"

Dear Journal,

The big night's finally here.

For three months, Pip had been put through hell on Equestria. He had been transferred from his comfy abode in the castle to a dingy bunkbed in the barracks with moldy thin sheets, no pillow, and a springy mattress that kept him awake many a nights with it's metallic hardness piercing into his back. He had endured sore muscles, bloody scrapes, an exhaustive mind, and most of all, Captain Blackblitz's constant shouting, berating, and insults in his ears through every course, one night particularly hitting him hard.

A powerful storm had been brewed specifically by Captain Blackblitz to torture the soldiers under his command. As angry clouds raged overhead with thunder, lightning, and rain pouring by by the buckets, Pipsqueak performed alone in the common square, trying to move through an obstacle course that pushed him through three walls ten feet high, crawling through mud and barbed wire, swinging over pits that if he fell into them, he would spend the night in, all the while Blackblitz's roaring voice overcame the noise of the storm and boomed into Pip's head."C'mon now grunt, you can do better than that! I've seen molasses move faster than you!!"He shouted, hovering overhead.

Pipsqueak ducked underneath a patch of barbed wire, crawling through it as fast as he could without rushing and arching his back upwards, which would send small lacerations over his back. He managed to escape with only a dozen scratches or so. He overcame the first wall easily, scrambling up the rope and over in a flash."Pick up those hooves, grunt! Good soldiers have fast hooves!"Blackblitz continued ranting.

Onto the pit, Pip paused as he quickly gauged how to approach the rope dangling over the deep hole. He moved back slightly, sprang forward, leaping into the air, his hooves wrapping around the rope just barely, his body sliding down several inches before friction slowed him. He swung back and forth twice before bounding off, landing with a harsh thud, gritting his teeth at the rope burn coming onto his hooves. Ignoring the heated pain in his forelegs, he dashed onto, moving over the second wall only a tad slower than the first one. He continued on, running a dozen more yards, rain pelting him heavily all over, stinging his body with every drop, his lungs feeling like they were ablaze, his legs numb, and he was pretty sure they weren't attached to his body anymore, he was just a floating phantasm hovering along. Before him stood the third and final wall, and as Pip hopped up and grabbed onto the rope, he climbed only five feet off the ground before he let out a gasp of surprise as springs of pain shot through his forelegs, and in another second, he was flat on his back on the ground. Blackblitz flew over him, shaking his head."You gonna fail grunt! I wouldn't recommend climbing that wall again!"

With heavy breathing, Pip got back up and tried his hoof at climbing once more, this time reaching the edge. As he steadied himself to leap over the wall to the other side, he found himself in the same position as before. His body gave out on him in the balance department and sent him tumbling backwards, slamming into the mud with a heavy splash and a shout of pain as his back wrenched with the feeling. For several long seconds, time seemed to slow as Blackblitz descended upon him, flapping his jet-black wings to hover only a few inches above the fallen stallion."You gonna cry, grunt?"He said, not shouting, only speaking in a dissapointed monotone.

He tried to heave out a reply, but only labored breathing was said to the captain."You gonna cry, grunt?"He repeated the question."Gonna cry and give up, knowing that you couldn't do it?"

Pipsqueak strained himself to stand up, but his body only replied with more shooting pain, forcing him to release a cry from his lips.

"Gonna give up grunt, knowing you're nopony special?"

His eyes jerked wide open."What..."He managed to croak out."Did you just say, Captain?"

Blackblitz grinned almost maliciously."Nopony special."He drew out the bitter words as if they tasted sweet on his tongue.

With another cry, Pipsqueak jolted back up to his hooves, trying to hold back tears through gritted teeth. He slowly crawled towards the wall, wrapping his hooves around the rope and ascending it at a snail's pace."You're trying again, grunt?! You know you're just going to fall again! Go on back to the castle!"Blackblitz flew up behind Pip as he tried to climb the wall again, screaming once again in his ears."Go back to the comfort, the luxury!"He screeched as Pip reached halfway up."You know you can't do it!! You know the pain's too great, and the task too hard!"

"Shut up..."

"What was that, grunt?"

"Shut up..."Pipsqueak whispered as he reached the eight foot mark."...Shut up you bloody bucker, and let me climb..."

"WHAT DI YOU SAY, GRU-"The captain came to a halt mid sentence as Pipsqueak whirled around on the rope, eyes wide and blazing furiously in reply."Let me climb, Captain Blackblitz."He rasped out, shaking violently as he reached the top of the wall, tumbling over it and landing with a crash on the other side. Slowly, ever so slowly, he climbed out of the mud, scraping himself towards the finish line ahead. He only fell once, but stood right back up, crossing the haphazardly-patched up goal and collapsing a few inches past it.

As he lay there, utterly exhausted in the pouring rain and bone-chilling cold, Blackblitz land in front of him. Pipsqueak expected another chewing out, or possibly discharge for cursing at a commanding officer, but received the opposite. A strong hoof helped him up, and Pip found himself autonomously walking towards the barracks."C'mon grunt,"Blackblitz's voice rang through his ears, sounding almost...fatherly."Let's get you to your bed. You've earned it."

Now he stood before his mother in her Night Court, the entirety of the Lunar Guard aligning the walls and saluting. Luna sat on her throne and gazed down at Pipsqueak, allowing a slow smile to spread across her face."Trainee Pipsqueak,"The smile vanished to be replaced by her powerful canterlot voice."Does your Captain acknowledge your hardship in joining the Lunar Guard?"

Blackblitz broke the line on the left side of the court, walking up to beside Pipsqueak, bowing and nodding."Princess Luna, Pipsqueak has undergone the full training for the guard, and deserves to stand amongst your loyal servants."

With another bow to Luna and a quick nod to Pipsqueak, he returned to line.

"Pipsqueak, do you promise to serve your princesses, both night and day, with your whole self?"

"I do."He nodded.

"And do you promise to uphold the services you are to provide towards Equestria and it's ponies, in both times of war and of peace?"

Another nod, and another "I do."

"Very well then,"With her horn glowing, three pieces of armor sparked and popped out of thin air, hovering in front of the blue alicorn."May the night make you swift of hoof and quick of wit,"She levitated greaves over to his legs, the armor clinking magically over them."May the stars forever sing their song of protection over you,"The largest of the set, full body armor adorned with spikes chinked over his torso."And,"She brought the helmet over and hovered it inches over his head."May the moon always show you it's favor."The helmet lowered over his head, fitting quite comfortably, as if it were made for him. Pipsqueak looked up and saluted as brave and stoic as he could appear, and he guessed he did, considering himself looking quite badass at the moment.

"By the power invested in me, I Princess Luna, do hereby declare you a warrior for the Order Nocturne,"

Pipsqueak turned around and saluted the ponies before him."I declare you a soldier for the Lunar Guard."

Comments ( 10 )

by the next ep, I bet lu's gonna be Gramma!

i see the "dinksqueak" ship is starting to set sail more and more often.

Nothing bad about this chapter at all... except, really, I was hoping for more of Pipsqueak when he was, well, a pipsqueak. It's heartbreaking that he did all his growing up in between two chapters.


Don't worry, you'll see more of younger Pip down the road.

why the third chapter was destroyed?:fluttercry:

hope you can continue soon:twilightsmile:

I wasn't really satisfied with it, too short, not enough story. So, updating it :twilightsmile:

Amaaaaaaazing. I need more. :twilightsmile:


It's on hiatus right now, but I'll be getting around to it soon.

Absolutely love this story, hoping that you will get back to it soon!

Comment posted by Derpinat0r deleted Jun 24th, 2014
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