• Published 20th Oct 2013
  • 3,556 Views, 35 Comments

Night Fall Equestria - FLUTTERxxDASH

The Dark king returned for what he started with Crysalis in Tow, Celestia has fallen entrapped in a Magical crystal resin, The users of the elements fall to the same fate but Twilight was thrown to the crystal caverns, what will happen?

  • ...

The fall of Equestria starts here!

A Dark morning

The night had been hard on Sweetiebelle, she would turn and scream, an unending stream of tears riddled her sleeping face as her dreams tortured her mind. Astral had awoken very early and moved to the balcony of the hotel, the screams echoing until a knock came to the door, six fifteen in the morning, must have awoken one of the other hotel room occupiers. Astral moved to it and answered, it was just one of the staff asking what was wrong, she placated him with a lie and said they would be gone soon.

Finally Sweetie began to calm down as she stirred in the bed, moving to the left of the bed she sat up from the wet pillow, jumping slightly when she saw Astral, "A-Astral-" was all she could say, to scared to say anything else, she shook with fear. Astral noticed this, Sweetie just yesterday lost all her friends in the fight and then watched her obliterate the ones who did it, anypony would be scared of a pony what could do that.

Astral moved closer to the bed and used her magic to pick Sweetie up, "you smell and your fur is messy, you're showering and then you are taking a train home. I told you this was too much for you and you didn't listen, now you have seen what I truly am and are afraid of that fact-"

Sweetie shook her head furiously, "NO, I am not scared of you," a clear lie, Astral knew she was, "I mean it, I was just shocked and with my frie....... my friends," Astral dumped her on the white plastic and with her magic turned the taps, the water ran over Sweetie as she began to cry.

Astral then made her way out calling back, "no arguments, you're going back-"

It didn't take long before they were both finished, with no bags and only cloaks that they had they made their way to the trains station, Sweetie was reluctant but she did as she was told and boarded the train going to Ponyville. Astral stood there as two black guards passed her, one was a pegasi and the other was a unicorn. The unicorn stopped and looked at her, when he did he turned to walk toward her but as more passengers left the train that stopped he lost sight of her.

Twilight boarded a four car brown train, headed to Canterlot where she thought Sombra might be, I have to find him, once I do I get my friends back. I can go back to a normal life.

Snickering in her head stopped her thoughts, Normal, far from it Astral, you will come to see no need in friends or your petty mentor. For now hold onto your mind as I will take over soon, Eclipse said.

I won't believe that I would forsake my friends, that is why I accepted the evil, I will defeat Sombra and release them. Twilight held her breathe and cloaked her magic as another black guard passed, once he did she relaxed. the low thunk of the train wheels drilling into her, I won't let you have my body Eclipse, I will die before that.

Try to die if you can, Do it, sever our and and cut your limbs off. Nothing can kill us now Astral and you know it, I will forever keep you alive in endless torture even after your friends die. The words echoed in Astrals head, she didn't want to believe what she said but with what happened the day before anything could be possible.

Astral was too caught up in her thoughts as a black guard began to pass, a unicorn no less and he had picked up her magic and turned to her, "YOU! you're the one from the train station," Astral jumped slightly, seeing him she leaped upwards on top of the second car, the guard followed. "Stop right there, don't move," He motioned to his ear as he mumbled something, noticing this Astral then heard the door from the third car open as another guard jumped behind her.

I don't need this shit, I am so close to Canterlot, not now! Why, is it bothering you that two measly guards stand in your way, kill them. I can't do that, I won't. But you will, you need to do this, you heard nightmare, to beat Sombra you must accept me. Accept the darkness within you, you can't stop this.

The guard slowly moved forward, "put your hood down and lower yourself to the ground to stay away from being imprisoned, do this and no harm will come to you"

Do it!

The second advanced from behind her, the first called out again, "I said pull the hood down and this transaction of disrespect will be much less severe, if not we will be forced to take you down"

Do it now, Embrace your anger and hate, feed that emotion, DO IT!!

"PULL THE HOOD DOWN! do it or I will attack," the guard said as a blue hue of magic wrapped his horn, the other guard unfurled his wings and bent down slightly ready to take off.

Last Chance Astral, Do it now, DOOO ITT!!!!

The two guards pounced forward as Astral rolled to her left nearly falling off the cart, the Pegasus kicked off the ground before colliding with the unicorn, lifting himself into the air and flapping with the train to keep up. The Unicorn stood back up and unsheathed his hidden blade, "I warned you, you insufferable criminal, I thought you seemed shifty back at the station," he swung his blade forward as it tore through Astrals cloak revealing her, her eye's glowing and teeth sharpened.

"Leave now and I won't have to do something I would regret"

"No, I will take you in to custody"

In Eclipses voice Astral boomed, "LEAVE"

The guard stumbled slightly but advanced on Astral swinging his blade, it slid through her skin slightly with every swing, small trails of red made way for the blade as it did. Now stood in the middle of the car the Pegasus charged forward trying to grapple her, he grabbed one of her back legs but received a buck to the face, shaking off the sudden dizziness he sprang forward again but this time he stopped. Tendrils of black magic span in front of him as he dove off the side and began flying again.

Red mist started to seep from Astral as she snarled at the unicorn, a tendril flew forward as he dodged it, it didn't stop there though as it turned and wrapped his front leg. Where the tendril touched his skin bubble and his hairs began to get singed as his screams were muffled by the wind passing them, noticing this the Pegasus flew to hit twilight but passed right by her. When the unicorn saw him pass her the pegasi's wings tore off as he plummeted to the ground at hurtling speeds.

"I did warn you foals, I would do something I would regret but now I feel a little bit giddy," The tendril of sludgy darkness lifted the unicorn up into the air as Astral made her way to the front car, when she met the edge she grinned as the guard dangled and went wide eyed at the passing tracks and hard stone directly beneath him, "Do you want to know what would make me not drop you right now"

The guard nodded with vigor, he shouted, "YES, PLEASE DON'T DROP ME, PLEASE"

"Then laugh for me with a smile, a big fat grin and laugh," Astral grinned devilishly, she licked her lips at the display before her. The guard was dangled upside down with a big smile slightly faultering, laughing as loudly as he could with tears coming from his eyes, "yes just like that, now I won't feel as bad," Astral made a fake pouting face as her tendril released him, he screamed as Astral teleported forward and turned.

The train ground to a stop as it ran over the body sending his innards and other body parts flying on the track, Astral began to cackle as her grin widened, suddenly she stopped as her face turned from insane happiness to one of horror, "what did I just do? how can I enjoy doing that," she watched on as a few more guards exited to see what happened. They saw the body parts and armor and Astral heard them shouting as they searched, seeing this she pictured her old manor, Sparkle manor and teleported away to get away from what she just did.

A changed life

When she opened her eyes where she lay she could see a fire, she was laid in the front room, two chairs and a couch of brown sat in the room with pictures of her family hung around. Twilight stared at the picture hung above the fire, four ponies stood together, herself and her brother were on the front and then her dad and mom were behind them, a small tear fell as she heard hoofsteps behind her.

When she turned she noticed her father with a frying pan held in his magic, his once dark blue mane now gray and riddled with dead ends, he shouted at the intruder in his house, "WHO ARE YOU, THIEF, GET OUT!!" never one for a shouter showed that he obviously couldn't tell the change that had happened.

Astral stumbled to her hooves and looked at her dad with loving eyes, she missed him so much at the end, all her friends and family flashed in her mind. Now though sixteen years had passed and she was unsure whether the house would even still be there, "Its me," she said as her voice broke, Nightlight shifted slightly at the voice.

He moved closer slightly and looked at her features for a minute as he processed her looks, with questions running through his head and tears about to fall from his eyes he asked, "Twilight?" Astral nodded as her own tears fell slightly, feeling completely lost she fell to the floor. Nightlight ran over and wrapped her in a hug as they cried, the light orange glow of the fire warming them, "How? y-y-you died, we even saw your horn," nightlight said as he saw her new one, "your horn!"

Astral looked up, "its different I know, I will tell you everything soon daddy but where is mommy?" the only reply she had was a saddened look, "no, nooo, NOO!!" she screamed as she pushed her face into her fathers chest. Minutes passed as her cry became sniffles, light drops of tears every now and then fell but her eyes showed she was numb, numb of feeling.

"I am sorry Twilight, I couldn't stop them," Nightlight said as he moved back, "but now you're here I wont let them get you," he said will a stern look on his face, "that bastard took your mother and I won't let him take you-"

"Who did," Astral asked as her voice became slightly ghastly, "who took her and what happened," she looked up as nightlight slightly jumped at seeing her eyes glow.

"Sombra, he took your mother from me and........... and...-" his teeth were gritted as tears fell from his scrunched up muzzle, "he piked her in front of a crowd along with many others as an example to us," he slammed a hoof into the ground braking the black tiles, he then let out a scream of anger as his breathing became rapid. Astral laid forward and wrapped her dad again as tears fell from her eyes.

Venom leaked from every word as she spoke, "I will do much worse to that bastard, I will make his death slow and show the world when I do. I will enjoy every scream and wail with pleasure as he struggles in my grasp," her teeth grew with every word as her mane started to extend, "I will slowly impale him as he begs for mercy," her eyes split and glowed even more, "and when he is about to lose consciousness I will force him back awake to torture him more," her voice now more like the scratching of nails on a chalk board that equin, "I will enjoy every cut I make, he will die by my hoof and I will take pleasure in it-"

Astral felt the hooves tighten, "I will not stop you Twilight................ It's-its not alright to kill but that............ BASTARD deserves it," his eyes full of ferocity himself, "kill him Twilight, do it for your mother and your brother, cadence and your friends and then some more for what he did to the Princess', every scream he makes don't give him an easy death," Astral was surprised to hear her father agree instead of not stopping her.

Everything has changed, Of course it has, look at our home, it use to be so lively until that fucker showed up. We will kill him, destroy him, rip his guts from his body, Make him pay dearly for everything he has done, He will Die, painfully and we will enjoy every second of it, Astral was merging slowly with Eclipse, shocked too much from hearing of her mother and brother. Astral stood and looked at her father who also rose to his hooves, he nodded and walked through to the back room.

"As I said I won't stop you, I am coming with you, we will avenge everypony tonight," Astral was about to argue but her father glared stopping her, she was still surprised that he said nothing of her image change, "give me a few minutes as I pull my old armor out," Nightlight disapeared up stairs.

Astral waited downstairs as she was looking out of the window at the ponies who slumped past the window in cloaks, each muzzle down in a frown, she snarled at the guards who didn't look her way. She then heard the clink of armor and turned, glowing yellow eyes, dark blue armor and............... and dragon wings, "Dad, you have wings? how did you?"

Nightlight strode forward, apparently his daughter could tell his magic signature easily obviously and asked the question most do when they find the family secret, "I never got to hand you this armor, at the end f tonight I will pass it down to you. Our family have been waiting for our ruler, we were the night guard, this armor was enchanted for battle. When one wears it they gain either wings or a horn, if they were an earth pony they would gain both sometimes, this was our family secret. The sister of Celestia was our ruler but she was banished over a thousand years ago and we don't know where, she went crazy and attempted to kill many but our clan belive she will be back one day and she will come back reformed. One day you could be the right hoof of her, I hope you will be any way" he said looking down at the armor, apart from the slight changes to his teeth and wings he looked the same.

Nightlight moved over to Astral, "Twilight, if you see me fall tonight, do not falter. We do this for a bigger cause, we do this for everypony, If I die tonight avenge me by killing Sombra, end him."

"But dad you can't just sa-"

"No but's Twilina Bella Sparkle, don't drop your guard, don't ever be distracted from what we are doing. No matter what happens know I am here," he placed a hoof above Astrals chest, "your mother and the rest are also there, they will never leave you, I will never leave you, I love you darling. Lets go, its time Sombra fell, this day we reclaim equestria," he bellowed as he began to move, he moved to the kitchen and then shifted the table off the carpet it lay on. He then moved the carpet with magic to reveal a hidden door, "the hidden door that Celestia had us put here for you, hopefully he never discovered it." the door swung open as a wall of cold dusty air flew out of the pitch black walk way. Nightlight went first and lit his magic to lead the way.

They walked in silence for around an hour, slowly making their way through the muddy soil and rats that ran past every now and then. A small draft passed at regular intervals, now though it was getting stronger meaning they were near the exit of the walkway, "Twilight, we are nearly there, get ready for the guards," as he said that the end of the walk way grew wider as a jagged opening looked over the courtyard of Canterlot gardens, guards riddled everywhere, an uncountable number. "Remember, no matter what Twilight, I am so glad you are back, be safe," He leaned back and gave her a kiss on the forehead before jumping, meters away from the ground he unfurled his wings and hit into the back of a guard plunging his knife through him. More guards tried to rush him but Astrals tendrils tore through there bodies shredding them.

They began to run at the entrance of the gardens that lead to the castle as the guards chased them, Nightlight took guards down with magic and his sword severing limbs and heads as he moved. Twilight did the same as she tore through them, two unlucky enough to end up sharing a brain as she thumped them together smashing their helmets and skulls in the process. More guards came and the two cut a path until they hit the gates, the guards were trying to stop them from getting to the switch to open them up.

"GO! OPEN THE GATES TWILIGHT!!" Nightlight screamed, battering against the swords of the guards, slaying one and taking his sword in magical grasp for more attacking power.

Astral nodded and then made her way forward, many tried to stop her as they screamed and dropped to the floor in pain, "MY LEG!!", slash, "MY FACE!!" A tendril shot forward impaling two guards and lifting them into the air before flinging them over onto the spikes of the gates, the guards were dwindling in numbers the further she pressed. All the guards could do was wait for immanent death until one got a lucky shot and impaled her chest from the left, blood spewed from the gap, puncturing many organs.

The last of the guards cheered in joy as Astral coughed blood only to have their hope crushed along with the attackers face, she lifted up as a massive grin was splattered across her, she began to giggle, though the sound was more of a gurgle from the blood of her throat and chest. Seeing how the mare reacted the guards backed up slightly, slowly one guard turned to run as electricity ran through his armor killing him, "Attack her, we will die other wise," The guard who shouted it died instantly, the other guards watched the tongue flap after the top of his head was cleaved clean off, a second later and the rest dropped to the floor. Tendril after tendril the guards suffered much worse deaths than those before them.

Everypony in front of Astral died, save but one holding a sword in magical shakily, he breathed rapidly as her hoofstes made him jump at every step. Astral was so close now she was muzzle to muzzle with the shaking guard, "Aw, how cute, you are shaking. Whats wrong, do I scare you, are you going to run away. Tell me, are you going to use your sword to pierce me, slowly before you tear my skin, then faster as your breathe becomes raged, faster and faster," she moaned as the guard quaked in his boots, she licked her lips at the sight of it, "I would be fast if I was you, or else I might just," she leaned past his muzzle up to his ear, "bite!" she said and then bit down on his ear that protruded his helmet, quickly ripping it away as blood spurted onto her face, she cackled with laughter as the guard dropped his sword and clenched his head. Astral moaned with pleasure, "that's it, that's the face I wanted to see, squirm with pain you maggot. Now to die," a tendril of sludge tore into his chest and dragged the guard up the wall until he was looking down at Astral, blood slowly dripped onto her face as she laughed.

"Twilight stop!" A hoof placed on her shoulder made her spin around, another tendril flying at its target only to stop millimeters away from Nightlights face, "Thats enough, hes dead, open the gate," Nightlight said as Astral gripped back on her sanity.

But that was just getting good, oh daddy why did you stop us, I can't keep killing I am losing my sanity, no I am not, I enjoy it when I tear flesh with my own teeth, her thoughts becoming more one with Eclipse, her minds voice now a joint of the two. Astral raised a hoof and pulled the leaver and moved through the gate, they moved quick up to the entrance of the palace, it was now a walk of thirty minutes to the palace halls where Sombra should be. They made haste as guards started to come out of the shadows of the halls, again dying as soon as they got near the two, Nightlight was covered in as much blood as Astral by now.

They got around ten minutes in when the guards could be seen pushing something down the hallway, two stood behind the contraption as one held a torch, he dipped it down as a large bang sounded off. A metal ball hurtled through the air and collided with one of the attackers head, it splattered up the windows as grey matter sprayed on the rest who stood there. The guards next to the canon placed another ball in it getting ready to fire again, Astral nodded to Nightlight as she leaps over the guards and rushed the canon. The guards on the canon began rushing to get the gun powder filled into the canon but it was too late, they lit the end as Astral cut the barrel off, the powder ignited and exploded next to them, one guard died instantly, another had flown back yards away and the last had two legs and half the skin on his face blown away. Astral grunted and spat at the downed guard who was now throttling at the mouth, "Deserved it, wanker, you don't fire balls at me when I am enjoying myself!!"

Astral noticed the change in personality but ignored it, moving back to her dad who was struggling now with around nine guards on him, she came slightly late as one guard slashed at a back leg as he dropped to his knees. Astrals rage sky rocketed as she used the tendrils to move faster, suddenly she appeared on the other side of the group. Each of the guards stared at each other as their necks steamed smoke, they then tried to turn their necks to look at Twilight but they all seemed to fall over, some tried to scream when they noticed what happened but they couldn't their bodies with their lungs were still stood. Then the bodies joined their heads on the floor, Nightlight looked a little surprised by what happened but got up with a limp, looking at Astral, "Twilight come on were nearly there," she looked at his leg for a second and looked back up, "Ignore it, I want to see that fucker die, even at the cost of my own," Astral giggled slightly and then pressed on, her father hobbled behind her trying to keep up.

Her mood had changed, she had changed ever so slightly, the guards that came at her never even made it to Nightlight as they instantly fell to the floor, the white marble floor was sprayed red as blood drained from the accumulative of all the guards until they reached two familiar white oak doors, "SOMBRA!" She shouted before moaning in pleasure, "Knock knock, any one home~" she said before pushing the door open.

Astral pushed forward into the room, she saw Sombra sat atop the throne, now crystal and see through. A few normal black guards were spread around the room and two smokey grey looking ponies made of mist held double ended spears stood under him. Nightlight hobbled in after her and snarled at the usurper king, "SOMBRA, we are hear to claim Equestria back"

The king sat up and looked down at them, "And who hath the nads to claim right of throne, my throne no less, you jest. Who prey tell are you, old man"

Astral started laughing and couldn't hold it in, "Sombra!! Oh fuck....... I really want to see you decapitated and piked, even more I want to study the sizes of how long your small intestine would reach compared to your big intestine. Cutting you will be heaven," She breathed in sharply as her cheeks became flushed and red at the thought of killing him.

The king scowled, "Who is this mare, she thinks of me easy kill, I will not stand for this, WHO ARE YOU"

Astral giggled again and looked up, "Twilight Sparkle at your service my liege," The king looked shocked and stared at the mare who resembled Twilight.

"You died in my caves, I saw you dead carcass weeks after you began rotting, KILL THEM, KILL THEM BOTH," Sombra screamed as the guards ran at them with weapons bared, Astral bolted forward at them as blood and limbs flew around the room.

The two mist guards never moved and watched on as their king sat upon his throne with a snarl, a few black guards decided to run and ended up dying from their enchanted armor, dropping to the ground as a burnt crisp after being electrocuted. Astral fought the guards as her fur became matter with fresh blood, she cackled with every swing of her blade, enjoying every kill she made. Sombra began to shiver slightly at the mare in front of him, not the feeble minded little filly but the insane demented mare that wanted his death. Her grin rivaled that of a Cheshire cat as her serrated teeth chattered from laughing, finding their way into a guards neck or torso every few kills.

Nightlight was holding his ground but his leg was slowing him down, most of the guards were focusing on Astral so it wasn't anything worth noticing, he kept his eyes on the guards before him. Dodging to the left he was missed by a few center meters as a sword swung at his neck, then thrusting his own sword forward he killed the guard but in doing so his left side was open and was cut by one of the guards making him falter. He dropped one of his swords so that he could stop the bleeding with magic as he slain the guard who wounded him.

Astral was getting closer to the step, the last guard in front of her was torn in half as skin and bone snapped across his barrel, the blood fell down onto her mane as she stepped forward, "Oh, over already, boo boo, I was having fun. Sombra, is that really the best you have for me, Its disappointing, tell me that these guys will be better," Astral asked as she pointed a hoof at the mist guards.

Sombra stood and waved his hoof from left to his right, "Honor guard, attack!" The two mist beings moved as they span the spears, one was held in a blue hue as the other was held in a green hue, they came at Astral with lightning speed. The spears came close to her muzzle as she dodged back, with over a two meter fighting advantage it would be hard to fight hand to hand, so Astral tried to use her tendrils differently.

She span her tendril forward letting the sludge be released at the mist guards, the two span the spears clearing all gunk that went their way, the blue hued guard created a barrier around the green hued one as he advanced. His spear snapped into two as he advanced, swinging them violently Astral then decided to make some blades for her self, she jumped away from them and concentrated as the tendrils began to pool at her hooves, it started to spread up her legs and then her barrel, her head was last and then it solidified. The sludge now looked like obsidian shards of armor, draped over her and was able to move like rubber, Two sword hilts protruded from the sludge at her forehooves and she gripped them with magic, each came out of the ground at a length of a meter each.

Her mane seeped out of the line on the back of the helmet, her eyes split across the middle and began glowing as she grinned, "Playtime, Lets play," she shadow shifted forward leaving black smoke where she just was, the mist guard jumped and span to where she appeared, barely dodging the glimmering obsidian aimed at his throat. It did not stop as she shifted again to behind him, the blade scraping the blue bubble as it cracked, the blue hue mist guard whimpered slightly trying to keep the shield up. The green hue span his two points at Astral for them to meet obsidian blade, sparks of bright orange flew from the blades as they dueled, slowly the blue shield began to spider web with every colliding strike of Astrals blades.

Finally her blade broke through and pierced the mist of the creature, surprisingly blood came from its head and splattered on the last parts of the blue shield as it stumbled backwards. Astral giggled as she swung the blood off the blade, when the shield fully dropped she stepped forward and swung with both her blades and the tendrils as she swung straight down from skull to the bottom of his barrel. After she moved her blades away the mist slowly drifted to the floor and back to Sombra, leaving a very malnourished looking brown stallion who was dead as he stood, his eyes glazed over milky.

Astral turned on the second one as he tried to swing his spear, Astral caught it in her magical grasp and impaled the guards stomach and through him at a wall, he dangled there as the blood trickled down the spear, Astral slowly made her way over cackling, "Your dogs weren't very hard to put down, come now I will end your suffering," Sombra began to laugh loudly as he watched Astral turn to him, "whats so funny, I just killed nearly all your guards and you laugh," Astral said as she stopped.

Sombra laughed again before speaking, "Truly you are malevolent, you have taken in darkness, now I must put a nail in thy coffin," His horn glowed as Astral took on a stance but Sombra did nothing as she saw the mist return from the guard, when he did that she turned and her heart nearly stopped.

"SHINING!! NOO~!" She had impaled Shining Armor onto the wall, he dangled there with slow breathes, Nightlight saw him as he was slashed across the chest and dropped to the ground. Nightlight watched on with tear filled eyes as his daughter fell screaming, Shining's once marvelous white coat was not gritty and dirty, blood stains from cuts and clear bruising was shown across his body. His ribs protruded from his body, his stomach just larger than one of his arms, "No shining no, I am so sorry I didn't know, I am sorry"

Shining looked up but his eyes saw nothing, he mumbled something but they couldn't tell anything apart from, "Caa.....de....nce"

Astral moved to get him down but then the bottom half of Shining fell to the floor as his head fell, Sombra had sent a blade of black mist through him, Astral stood there looking up at her brothers face, his tongue dangling out his mouth. Then she screamed, her mane began blazing like it was alight in red flames, her eyes became pitch black as she advance on Sombra. Each swing of her blade was either dodged or stopped by Sombra, in her fit of rage she was an easy target as her front two hooves were cleaved away in black mist. She fell to her muzzle and looked up, only to have a hoof smash onto her face, "Twilight, do you know, you were the mare who used to torment my very existence. Now I see you are much like myself, maybe this is good for you, the world is not as easy as you think it is. Throughout all of these years I have been draining the elements and have been sapping Celestias powers for myself, you are no match," He said as her released his hoof from her head so she could look up, all it caused was for her to scream again as she saw wings on his back, he grew taller as well, "Playtime is over," He said. He began by teleporting over to where her father lay, her eye that could see them became a pinprick as Sombra raised his hoof, slamming it down on her fathers head with a crunch.

"Now my dear, this time I will thoroughly make sure you stay dead," Spears of pure black pierced through her and lifted her into the air as she looked down, terror and fear emanated across her very existence, "I will show the world what their savior has become and how futile it is to rebel against me, I shall crucifies you in front of the nation," He said as they moved through the halls, passing all the dead without so much as batting an eyelash, he even stepped through the blood and guts as he trotted.

They reached the balcony of the castle where the Princess would usually hold ceremonies and speeches, he raised his head as his horn glowed, "My dirty little subjects, hear me now, your savior and liberator has fallen," some of the city had stopped and looked up at what was happening, Sombra flew off the balcony and rose higher up to the middle tower, a large spear of dark energy solidified in the wall. He slowly slid Astral onto it as it impaled her chest, blood dripped from her two legs as she stopped breathing, "This is what happens when you try to stop me, TWILIGHT SPARKLE raised from the dead to be killed again, you will have the same fate if you cross my path," screams of horror errupted from the city as they saw the mare dangling from the spear on the tower as Sombra glided down to the balcony, "That is all," He gathered magic as the clouds began to accumulate in the sky, suddenly lightning and thunder rained down on Astral hitting her directly, she screamed before becoming still, she died again.

Sombra let out a huge laugh as he disappeared back into the castle, pulling the dead back to life in his mist, making them puppets, little did he know he should have destroyed Astral completely. Astral lost consciousness as she became cold, losing her senses she let everything go, it was the end.