• Member Since 7th Mar, 2013
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Comments ( 84 )

i want a a baby in this story


Thank you for letting me looksies! :twilightsmile:

I'm going to die of laughter before I finish this story


3375649 It hasn't been approved yet.

Comment posted by Sinful Pickle deleted Oct 21st, 2013

it won't let me add this to my favorites :fluttercry:

Best title ever :rainbowlaugh:
Great story too.

It's a story like this that makes me realize, had I had the balls to do it, I could have taken my own series and gone a completely different directions.

Damn me and my inability to right porn.
One day though, I will do it, I will write DiscordXCelestiaXNightmareXLunaXChrysalis and the world will know true booties.

3379886 Add Spike, Twilight, Cadance, and Shining and you got yourself a awesome clopfic.

Who's Galaxia?

BTW - *Dies from laughter*

3380069 She's Nightmare Moon's mother. Everyone will get characterization as the story progresses.

3380255 Not because I like being told how awesome I am or anything....
But what exactly caused you to become addicted?:duck:

You know, in the interest of SCIENCE!

...sorry, that happens.
I'm also not starting a cult or anything.

3380299 I heard "You're sexy." and "Army of brains."
Where do we start?

:pinkiehappy: Time to read the first!

one of us... one of us:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

3380828 Not that I'm adverse to joining a cult/day spa, but what do you mean exactly?

that is an oddly specific question, but the answer is you go to another dimension and bang the alterego of your sister there.

OH god an IMMORTAL orgy.

So didi I read this wrong or did you make Celestia Discord's daughter?

Is it weird that the cover image gives me a boner? :trollestia:

3382847 Why yes, yes I did.

3384789 No, not at all.

Dadcord we meet again!

OK, much MUCH better! While I still think the first could do with a rewrite, you've clearly taken the feedback on your last story and learned from it for this, while it will still never win any awards, this is worthy of my favs list for sure. :trollestia:

3389730 Lol listen to feedfback. In truth I just wrote like I always do. :twilightsheepish:
And thank you. It's always nice to make someone's favorite list.:twilightsmile:




Ah there we go.

are you not entertained?

because I know I am

3390814 Was this in response to something?
Also, glad I could entertain you.:twilightsmile:

3437870 Glad I could make you :rainbowlaugh:.
Tell me though, because I haven't asked this in a while, what made you :rainbowlaugh: the most?:duck:

“When I want your opinion, Galaxia, I’ll just remind myself that I don’t care what you think.” This is how i feel when my brother talks :rainbowlaugh:

3385197 Don't you mean, "Daddy Discord"?

So... this is certainly happening...

Not exactly sure what else I can say at this point...

3558431 I'm busy, give me a break.
Also, I hope you like the story!:pinkiehappy:

I gotta say, recently I have really been getting into NMM and Celestia, but I didn't really thing of putting them together. This'll be interesting. :moustache:

“There they go again.” Lauren Faust, better know as Lady Fausticorn, said, glancing in the direction of her eldest daughter’s room. She sighed. “They certainly are… rambunctious.”

“Rambunctious? Is that seriously the word you’re going to use?” asked a certain draconequus.

Seriously Faust? "Rambunctious?" For the first time in my life Discord and I agree......! *Two sentences later* Nope, you didn't just say that Discord!

Oh, so we're getting a fully fleshed out story *grabs a bag of popcorn* I just hope this hasn't gone stale by the time the hataius is over.

Why does this shit entertain me so much? :rainbowlaugh:
I want art of Lauren threatening Discord and Galaxia with a pen

3701275 I'll see what I can do.:raritywink:

DAT LAUREN!!!! :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

3701275 The pen is mightier than the sword :pinkiehappy:

This story had a great deal of promise, especially after reading the prequel.

This story failed to deliver. You had plenty of opportunity for comedy just with the basic premise: focusing on Luna, and her efforts to deal with this. Adding all the extra players simply turned this into an unfocused mess. It's only a thousand words long; you don't have time for all the characterization and dynamics of all these other characters.

You spend way too much time on the argument between Discord and Galaxia. It isn't funny, and it has nothing to do with the actual joke/story.

3794053 This thing? I put it on Hiatus for a reason. I have a lot of other stuff to work on before I can touch this again. The only reason I don't take it down until I'm ready is because I would upset those that really want this story to continue and would think I'm killing it. I care about my followers.

I download things and read them later. I had completed a batch of stories and was updating which I'd read, which I wanted to comment on, and so on.

I didn't notice this one was on hiatus; I normally only read complete stories. Now I feel sheepish.

3794195 It's 'kay.:twilightsmile:
Hope you'll grow to like it in the future when I finally update it.

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